flyba3 · 6 years
THROUGH A RAPIST’S EYES” (PLS TAKE TIME TO READ THIS. It may save a life, It may save your life.)
An Article from Neena Susan Thomas
“Through a rapist’s eyes. A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interview…ed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts:
1] The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun! , braid, or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair. Women with short hair are not common targets.
2] The second thing men look for is clothing. They will look for women who’s clothing is easy to remove quickly. Many of them carry scissors around to cut clothing.
3] They also look for women using their cell phone, searching through their purse or doing other activities while walking because they are off guard and can be easily overpowered.
4] The number one place women are abducted from / attacked at is grocery store parking lots.
5] Number two is office parking lots/garages.
6] Number three is public restrooms.
7] The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman and quickly move her to a second location where they don’t have to worry about getting caught.
8] If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going after you isn’t worth it because it will be time-consuming.
9] These men said they would not pick on women who have umbrellas,or other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands.
10] Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you’re not worth it.
1] If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face and ask them a question, like what time is it, or make general small talk: can’t believe it is so cold out here, we’re in for a bad winter. Now that you’ve seen their faces and could identify them in a line- up, you lose appeal as a target.
2] If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of you and yell Stop or Stay back! Most of the rapists this man talked to said they’d leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY target.
3] If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a huge advocate of it and carries it with him wherever he goes,) yelling I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY and holding it out will be a deterrent.
4] If someone grabs you, you can’t beat them with strength but you can do it by outsmarting them. If you are grabbed around the waist from behind, pinch the attacker either under the arm between the elbow and armpit or in the upper inner thigh – HARD. One woman in a class this guy taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore out muscle strands the guy needed stitches. Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it; it really hurts.
5] After the initial hit, always go for the groin. I know from a particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy’s parts it is extremely painful. You might think that you’ll anger the guy and make him want to hurt you more, but the thing these rapists told our instructor is that they want a woman who will not cause him a lot of trouble. Start causing trouble, and he’s out of there.
6] When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing down on them as possible. The instructor did it to me without using much pressure, and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked audibly.
7] Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of your surroundings, take someone with you if you can and if you see any odd behavior, don’t dismiss it, go with your instincts. You may feel little silly at the time, but you’d feel much worse if the guy really was trouble.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do it.
2. Learned this from a tourist guide to New Orleans : if a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you…. chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car: Kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won’t see you but everybody else will. This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping,eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc. DON’T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side,put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU CLOSE the DOORS , LEAVE.
5. A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
a. Be aware: look around your car as someone may be hiding at the passenger side , peek into your car, inside the passenger side floor, and in the back seat. ( DO THIS TOO BEFORE RIDING A TAXI CAB) .
b. If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
c. Look at the car parked on the driver’s side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot).
7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!
8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT! It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked “for help” into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.
Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it and it’s better safe than sorry.
If u have compassion reblog this post. ‘Helping hands are better than Praying Lips’ – give us your helping hand.
REBLOG THIS AND LET EVERY GIRL KNOW AT LEAST PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD. So please reblog this….Your one reblog can Help to spread this information.
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flyba3 · 6 years
Move in Day Part 3?!?! ❤️❤️❤️
ITS BREAK TIME, SOOO I'm gonna send it out asap
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flyba3 · 7 years
Endurance Game
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A/N: Idk if this theme fits well together, but I'm gonna go for it anyway ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Genre: Smut, slight angst
Pairing: Reader x Jungkook
Summary: Y/N has been holding out on Jungkook, but because it's him it won't last long. Issa AMBW story!
Word Count: 2308
“Babe, are you ready?” Jungkook shouts as he walks to your bedroom door.
You dreaded today; normally you felt hyped for your couples workout sessions with kook, but today you have boxing class. You've always shown interest in being active, and meeting Jungkook was just the icing on the cake. Ever since you two have been official, his workout schedule became your schedule too. But it was just something about boxing that you couldn't stand… at first. Then, eventually, you grew to understand the sport, and you became some what decent.
“Kook, I'm nervous for today's match.” You told him as you prepped yourself while looking in the mirror. You were wearing black weight lifting shorts that fit perfectly around your chocolate thighs, a black -N- gray Nike sports bra with an all black hoodie showing off your round mounds, and gray socks with blue Nike slides.
“Well, babe… you look great.” He says in a slightly seductive tone following a low chuckle. You could see him walking towards you in the mirror, and eventually felt his arms wrap around your waist. As he starts to trace the tattoo on your hip, Jungkook places butterfly kisses on the right side of your neck.
“What happened to the Jungkook who was bugging me about getting ready an hour ago?” You questioned him trying your best to suppress your moans.
“That was before I imagined your thick chocolate thighs wrapped around my neck with my face buried deep in your cunt.” He mumbles into your neck as his hand gives your breast a final squeeze, before backing off of you. “ I guess you're right tho. We can't be late since we have our matches.”
You and Jungkook made your way to his car, and the ride just consisted of small talk about upcoming projects you both have coming up. Luckily traffic was light today, so the commute only took 15 minutes. Once you arrived to the gym, you felt your heart gradually increase its speed to start pounding against your chest as you got closer to the entrance. As soon as you walked in, you were slightly relieved that you two were one of the first to arrive. This gave you some time to run over a few moves with kook and  your other instructor.
Just as you started stretching, your opponent walked through the door. Amanda Hua. Amanda  wasn't only your opponent in the ring, but she also tries to compete against you for your own man. She’s from the states just like you, so sometimes she'll try to make smart ass remarks under breath in English just to get under your skin. But the real problem is that Jungkook is too stupid to realize that she wants him, or even to realize that she wants to beat your ass. Originally, you didn't have a problem getting in the ring with her, but that was before you actually saw her fight. You must admit that she has good technique, but it just meant you had to work harder.
“Hey, Jungkook. Good luck with your match! And don't forget...I'll be rooting for you.” She tells Jungkook throwing him a wink, and it was obvious her voice was dripping with lust. Obvious to everyone except for Jungkook.
    “Thanks, I'll be rooting for you too, Amanda.” He says forgetting that you'll be in the ring with her.
As she walks past you she whispers something slick to you in English, “ You heard that, Y/N? Kookie says he’s gonna root for me, but not for you? I wonder what else he’ll do for me, but not for you.”
You just give her the bird before she walks away because you're saving for energy for the match. After a few more minutes of stretching, you notice Jungkook looking at Amanda with her ass in the air. And to your surprise, he walks over to her and asks if she needs any help stretching. Then, of course, she accepts his offer, and they start going through stretches together.
You tried not let it get under your skin, since Jungkook was one of the instructors. And to him it was no big deal cause he would act this way with any of his other students, but you just didn't find it necessary for him to stare at her ass. Thankfully, class would start in a few minutes, so this wouldn't last much longer.
After 3 matches, it was your turn to step into the ring.  At first you didn't know if you could pull through, but then you remembered the reason you were fighting. Who you were fighting for… Jungkook. The moment you stepped in the ring, was the moment you faced the biggest threat to your future. As you stood in your corner, you saw Amanda enter the ring. She looked pissed, but still managed to keep that nasty ass smirk on her face she always gave you. It was almost like she was plotting some shit. The reff for your match was Christian, the other instructor.
Once you two touched gloves, it was time to protect your future. She threw a few sloppy combos at you, but she missed all of them. This wasn't like her. But you ignored it, and threw a few jabs at her mainly aiming for her face. After a few rounds you could tell she was getting tired, so you decided to take it down a notch.  But to your dismay, she started going buck wild. She was pushing, kicking, and she was about to spit on you until Christian came in breaking you up.
“What the fuck was that?” Christian asked Amanda as he walked her out of the ring, after announcing that you won the fight by technically.
It was finally Jungkook’s match, and he was nowhere to be found. After a few minutes of wait, you took the initiative upon yourself to look for him. While you walked down the hallway leading to the locker rooms in the back, you hear a thumping noise. Naturally, you went towards that noise, thinking you would find kook. And just as you opened the door, it seemed like everything you were fighting for in the ring all went down the drain.
“Doesn't that feel good, Kookie?” Amanda says as she rubs her hands on Jungkook's crotch with him pressed against the wall.
The scene that you just walked into consisted of Jungkook in nothing but his shorts, and Amanda laced all round his body. Just as you were about to walk in the room, you heard Jungkook about to speak.
“I bet it didn't feel good when my baby girl was destroying your ass. Shit...back the fuck off of me, cause I already got a pussy to destroy when I get back home.” He responds, untangling himself from her dusty ass.
Before either of the notice you, you back away from the door about to pretend you just started walking down the hallway. Just as you approached the locker room door, again, Jungkook walked out.
“Hey babe, give me a good luck kiss before my match.” He says while pointing to his cheek, but instead you tell him it was called off. Then you coldly walk away, making sure to switch your hips.
The ride home was painfully silent, no music...And no conversation because every time he would try to start one, you would shut him down replying with one word answers. The rest of the day you spent in your home office prepping for the upcoming week. Occasionally, Jungkook would come in the check up on you, but he figured you were in one of your moods since your energy hasn't change since the car ride. At 6:30 your started making dinner. By now you had changed into a wine red Floral Lace Bralette Bustier Crop Top and matching panties, Jungkook's favorite. Despite being angry with him, you still enjoyed teasing him.
While you were chopping the tomatoes, you felt a strong muscular chest against you back. When you turned around Jungkook’s lips landed right on yours, but it didn't last long.
“Babe, what's wrong? You've been acting like this all day.” He asks showing a concerned look on his face.
“Nothing, Jungkook. I'm just not in the mood right now. Dinner will be ready in an hour.” You told him slipping away from him, making your way to the refrigerator.
“Y/N, I don't know what's your problem is, but it won't be solved if you keep pushing me away.” He says walking to the balcony.
The rest of the night panned out to be stale, with you eating dinner alone in your office, and sleeping alone in the guest bedroom. If you were being honest with yourself, you would know that you're not still mad at Jungkook. But you kinda find it arousing denying kook. You wanted to see how long this would last, and to your surprise it went on for a week. A week full of cold responses, teasing Jungkook, and built up sexual frustration.
It was 3:00 am on Tuesday morning, and you heard the door creak open. You went to bed wearing a Bordeaux Kimono Pearl Gown which as see through over your silk rose gold lingerie set and you hair in a high ponytail with curls everywhere. But after your little session with you and your toys, you were left in just your lingerie. Before you could open your eyes, you felt your bed dip down by your legs. And eventually your legs were spread open and hooked around bare shoulders.
Jungkook started to lick and press soft kisses against your already wet core. While he pulled down your pantie you heard him let out a deep groan. He took both of his thumbs to open up your lips, and started licking on your clit and penetrating your hole with his thick tongue. After a few seconds of tongue fucking, he went back up to your clit and sucked on it for about a minute. By now you were wide awake and fully aroused. Just as he was about to reach for your purple dildo, you pressed his head further into your cunt.
“How does my chocolate pussy taste daddy?” You moaned as he pushed the dildo into your soaked pussy.
“So.Fucking.Good…” he says pounding the toy into you with every syllable, “But I bet you want this to be daddy's thick cock pounding you instead, right?”
After you didn't respond he pulls out the toy to ask you again. But since you felt defiant you didn't respond the sentence time.
“You wanna be daddy's little bitch tonight, huh? Well let's see how long you can last like this.” He says dragging the dildo to your tightly puckered asshole, and he starts to prod at it eventually easing its way in using his spit and your pussy juice as lube. After hearing your pleas and screams, he gets on his back.
“Baby girl, I know you want to squirt your sweet nectar all over me, but I think I deserve an apology for how you've treated me this past week.” Jungkook says while stroking his veiny cock and pinching the tip to force out some pre-cum. Then he signals you to come to his mouth, and he places the cum from his fingers on your tongue. As you lean in to start a heated makeout session, you replace his hand with his and your small delicate hands start tapping up his dick starting from the base.
“I’m sorry daddy for being such a tease all week, I was just jealous that bitch tried to take you from me.” You tell him easing on his cock about to ride him.
“Fuck! Why would I want her loose, stretched out pussy when I got you.” He says thrusting up into you while bouncing your round chocolate ass on his dick. The view in front of you turned you on to the max. His hair wet with sweat draped over his lust filled eyes, him biting his plump shiny lips, and when you leaned back you noticed that he was fucking you still wearing his sweatpants pushed halfway down his thighs, which was one of your biggest turn-ons.
As you started feeling fucked out, Jungkook picked you up still on his dick and took you the window. From this angle you felt him pound into you G-spot.
“JUNGKOOK, I’M ABOUT TO CUM!” You screamed as you felt his cock massage your inner walls.
“Fuck, baby go ahead. I wanna fill this pussy with my hot cum.” He tells you increasing his pace while sucking on your nipple poking out about the cup of you bra.
As you cum on his dick, one of his hard thrusts makes you squirt soaking his dick and lower abs. After you squirt on him he lifts you completely off his cock and he drops you back on again causing you to cum a second time, and on the final time he releases his cum hard into your pretty pussy while shuddering a bit. After you both deescalate, you drop into a squat and you take his member into you mouth. As you suck on the head you feel a mixture of both of your cum drip from your core. Once you clean Jungkook dick completely from cum, he removes your head with a pop and pulls you up to him; pecking your lips.
“Babe, you don't have to worry about any woman taking you from me, cause you're the only one I want my kids to call mommy.” He cooed caressing you belly before picking you up leaving the guest room and taking you to your shared bedroom.
A/N: ;-; finally finished, now I'm off to finish some hw! -_-
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flyba3 · 7 years
Woo’s Your Boss
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A/N: I’m on a writing high!!! Not to mention, I go back to school tomorrow… kms
Genre: Smut/AMBW
Pairing: Monster Woo x Reader
Summary: Y/N is a black girl that works as an executive director for Monster Woo’s ( Mr.Kim) motorcycle company, and eventually they’re both put in a situation where their sexual tension gets the best of them.  
Word Count: 810
“Fuck baby girl, your pussy is soaking.” Young Woo rasp as he takes your fingers out of you mouth and starts rubbing your folds through your lace panties.
“Mmm, Mr.Kim, not now...” You moan as he bends you against his desk. “We have a meeting in 5 minutes.”
“Fine,” he says as he slaps your ass and stands back to watch it jiggle, “ but nothing's gonna stop this chocolate ass from bouncing on my dick when we get back.”
As you stand up, you adjust your skirt and in the corner of your eye you notice Monster Woo adjust his pants while biting his lip attempting to hide his boner. Once you both get yourselves together, you walk out of his office making your way to the meeting room on the 6th floor. After you’ve reached the room, you stay in the hall to greet your prospect business partners While Woo goes inside to find his place at the head of the table.
It’s been about 30 minutes into the meeting, and you notice the secretary from your future business partner giving the man who calls you baby girl, sex eyes. Of course Young Woo doesn’t pay much attention to her, but you still feel some type of way about this situation. Even though Young Woo likes to play around with you, he never seems to break his concentration during important meetings and things. The thing you admired most about him was that he’s all about his business when it comes down to it; but thanks to this bitch, today, your gonna have to break his concentration. You decided that you had a point to prove.
  Firstly, you made sure only she was looking, and you reached down to Mr. Kim’s bulge and started to rub him. Young Woo was confused when he felt your hand on his crotch, but he caught the hint when he saw you tilt your head towards the secretary. While you both kept her captivated, Young Woo quickly bit his lip and you placed your small hand over his large heavily tatted hand. Then you threw a wink over to her, and she quickly looked away with a scoff. After the last few minutes of the meeting, both CEOs signed the contract making the deal official. Finally, the meeting ended and you two bid farewell to your new partners. Then you two rushed to the elevator to get to Mr.Kim’s office on the 13th floor. When you two finally reached his office, he locked the door and picked you up taking you to his desk. While Monster Woo started grinding into you, you started unbuttoning his shirt.
“Y/N, You ready to take this cock?” He asked bending you over his desk, “ And baby I won't stop until your chocolate pussy lips are creaming all on this fat dick.”
Young Woo would ease into you, then pull out. While he grips his cock, he beats your brown ass with his dick making it jiggle. After a bit more of his teasing, he plunges into you; and every time he pounds your ass, he slaps it to make that juicy ass bounce back on his dick. A few poundings eventually turns into him easily picking you up and slamming you down on his dick.
“Fuckkk, Mr.Kim I was to taste your cum.” You moan into his ear.
“Fuck, baby get on your knees!” He tells you as he sets you down. When you get on your knees, you start licking his balls as he strokes his cock while holding the back of your neck. Eventually, after a few grunts and moans Young Woo empties his load into your mouth. When he finishes cumming you swallow his kids and suck on the head of his cock, slowly easing your lips to the base of his shaft on last time.
“Damn, baby girl, I wish you could ride my face, but I’ll just eat you out for now.” Monster Woo tells you as you sit in his wheely chair. Once his face reaches your pussy, he licks a few stripes up toward your clit. Then he starts sucking on each lip individually causing you to moan uncontrollably. When he reaches his hand to touch your clit, he slowly moves down to ease 2 fingers into your hole.
“Shit baby, did you get tighter?” He asked you while slowly increasing his speed to pound into you while he intensely sucks on his clit. After a few more seconds of the build up, you squirt all over his large hand and sexy ass face.
“Baby, I wish I could make you cum all day,” Young Woo says as he pecks you on the lips,” Babe, make sure to bring your sweet chocolate pussy over tonight at 8pm on the dot. Daddy doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
Y/N: I wanted to make this more hardcore, but I’m happy with how it came out.
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flyba3 · 7 years
I love you 😭❤️
Luv you more
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flyba3 · 7 years
lol thanks bb (⌒▽⌒)☆
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flyba3 · 7 years
Wedding Night
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A/N: WHOOP I finissshed. I hope this was smutty enough but i lowkey feel like it wasn’t….. Ehhh… I hope you liked it <3
A/N: MY FIRST SMUT!!! I’m stoked to get started ....φ(︶▽︶)φ.... Thanks to my bb, one of my besties, that requested it!
Genre: Fluff/ Smut
Pairing: Youngjae (Got7) x Reader
Summary: Y/N and Youngjae have been waiting to share each other’s bodies from the beginning of your relationship, but since it’s their wedding night they can finally have sex.
Word Count: 1100
“You may now kiss the bride.” The Pastor said officially pronouncing you husband and wife.
The kiss you two experienced was sooo sweet. It was nothing like your other kisses. As you felt his lips mold with yours, you also felt his arms snake around your waste. Before Youngjae got too excited, you pulled away giving him a seductive look. Then you gave him a hug hooking chin on his shoulder, and whispering in his ear…
“Don’t worry, Daddy. You’ll get more later.” You told him kissing right under his ear, intentionally teasing the shit out of him.
After your little scene, you and Youngjae walked down the aisle together. It felt so good to see both of your families come together to celebrate the start of your new lives together, but it made you feel even better to call him your husband. After walking down the aisle, you quickly rush to your dressing room to changing out of your dress and into your sexy white lace top sleeveless jumpsuit with a long flowing cape. The rest of the wedding was a blur to you. All you remembered was greeting friends and family, enjoying the foot, dancing, and taking pictures. The whole day you couldn’t stop thinking of the kiss with your husband. While you were eating dinner, Youngjae couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Whenever he got the chance, he would squeeze your thigh.
“Baby girl, since you think it’s ok to tease Daddy, it’s ok for me to do the same hmmm.” He whispers in your ear while creeping his hand up to your pussy.
Luckily, no one was paying too much attention to you two, so Youngjae got away with it. As the night progressed, the wedding started to die down and people went home. Finally, it was time for you and Youngjae to head back to your suite at the Hyatt. During your ride to the resort you straddled Youngjae in the limo. You hated to mess up your expensive ass jumpsuit, but you just couldn’t wait until you got into the suite. While you sat on Youngjae's lap, you started to grind on him slowly. When you felt his large hands rest on your waist, you noticed them slide down to squeeze your ass.
“I can’t wait to feel your fat ass bouncing on this dick.” He said while leaving butterfly kisses on your neck.
“Mmmmm We’ll be there soon...” You told him while reaching for his cock, massaging it through his dress pants. As you were about to unzip his pants, your driver informed you two that you have arrived at the resort. You two quickly rush out of the limo, and into the Hyatt going straight to the elevators. It felt like forever until the elevator reached the 20th floor, but once it, finally, did; Youngjae picked you up and carried you to your room. As he opened the door you were greeted with a beautiful view of Seoul through the windows and the room smelled so delightful.
“Shit, I just want to fuck you against the window.” Youngjae told you as he lightly tossed you on the king sized bed. Youngjae leaned over you attempting to undress you, but you quickly flipped him over show him your sexy dominance.
“Not today, Daddy, I want to treat you tonight.” You told him as you stood up from the bed, and started to strip for him. As you slipped out of you jumpsuite you revealed to him sexy white lingerie that complemented your skin tone. You wanted to put on a little show for your Daddy, so you seductively ran your hand up to your breast and started to massage it. While you ran your other hand to your panties and started to rub your clit.   
“Fuuuck, baby girl, come here.” Daddy said while leaning back on the bed unzipping his pants whipping out his big cock. While he held his cock in his hand, he seductively looked in you eyes biting on his lip as he started to rub the head of his cock.
“Daddy, let me suck your dick.” You told him as you started intensely fingering yourself, and walking towards him. When you got to him you knelt in front of him, and started to rub his thighs making your ways to his abs. Once you reached his waist, you untucked his dress shirt from his pants, and unbuckled his belt. Looking up at him, all you saw was sex in his eyes. You reached to take his cock in your hands and you leaned down to slowly drag your tongue up his shaft. When you reached his head, you placed a few light kisses on it and moaned.
“Daddy, you taste so good.” You told him before you started to suck on his head. Then he started to moan, while he took you head off of his cock with a loud pop.
“Mmmm, baby, fuck your gonna make me cum.” He said as you climbed on top of his lap. Before you eased down on him, you teased his tip by running it through your folds. After a bit of teasing, you sank down on his shaft and went balls deep. As you rode him, you reached back to fondle with his balls a bit.
“Fuck Daddy! I want you to cum inside of me soo badly,” You told said as Youngjae picked you up, and took you to the big ass window.
“Baby girl, you like it when daddy pounds into against this fucking window, huh. You like being Daddy’s dirty little girl, and teasing me, yea!” He says pounding aggressively into you against the window. As your you got closer to your high, your pussy started getting tighter around Youngjae. He noticed you were reaching our edge so he reached down to rub your clit as he fucked into you.
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’M CUMMING!” you say as you reach your high squirting on his cock.
“FUCK YOU WANT THIS CUM! YOU WANT A CREAMPIE!” He shouts as he cums into your warm pussy.
As you two were coming down from your high, you felt his cock twitch inside of you; and then you eventually felt him get softer. Youngjae sat on the bed with you still in his lap, and he started to stroke your back.
“Damn, baby you were definitely worth the wait. Let’s go for round 2 while we take a nice warm bath.” He says as you felt his dick start to get hard under your ass.
“Ooh babe we’re just getting started.”
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flyba3 · 7 years
Move-In Day pt. 2
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A/N: Idk if this should be cute or spicy… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i kinda, maybe, probably wrote this while listening to creepypastas…..
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Reader x Junoflo
Summary: Y/N and Juno go on a lunch date, and get to know each other.
Word Count: 2292
“We are we are we artist baby
We are we are we artist ZICO” 
 was the first thing you heard as you woke up. While you searched for your phone, you realized that it was your alarm playing ‘ Artist ‘ by Zico, one of your favorite musicians. Once you finally felt your phone, you turned off the alarm while looking at the time. It was 8:30am on the dot. Luckily you didn’t start classes until next week, but it still puzzled you why you woke up this early in the morning. As you looked across the room at Monica, you prayed you didn’t wake her up. But to you surprise, she was already up looking at her phone and headphones on, so she probably didn’t hear your alarm. Today’s plan was to meet up with you friends, then meet up with Juno at around noon.
You were pretty excited to go out with him, but at the same time it was very nerve wracking because this was the first date you’ve EVER been on. Part of this was due to your lack of interest in dating, but majority of it was due to your lovely family. And the word lovely is meant to be used lightly. Ever since your high school days, someone in your family always took the opportunity to embarrass you in front of your male friends. Whether it be your mom, dad, or even your brother; it never failed. The brother part really hurt you since he was supposed to be your wingman.
The story you can remember most vividly was during your junior year winter break. One of your guy friends, Christian, invited you to the movies with a few of his friends from a different school. Christian said he would pick you up from the park near school, and you guys would meet up with the rest of his friends at the park. You told your parents and brother about your plans for the day, and they were all ok with it. Your parents made your brother drive you to the park and wait until Christian got there. While you guys drove to the park, your brother asked you a series of questions about whether or not you were dating Christian. Of Course you told him no, but he was convinced that Christian want to be with you even if you said the feelings weren’t mutual. Once you arrived, you saw Christian sitting on a bench. As you got out of the car about to greet your brother farewell, you saw he was getting out with you. When you both got to Christian, your brother pretended to be your boyfriend and started accusing Christian of trying to take his girl. Every time you would try to say something, your brother would cut you off. Eventually you told him to cut the crap and apologise to Christian for your brothers behavior. Your brother also apologised and offered to drive you to the theater. Thanks to your brother, you never went on a group date, which is still a date in his standards, with Christian again. But none of that matters now since you’re an adult.   
Before you got out of your bed, you chucked your small mermaid pillow at Monica to catch her attention. The pillow hit her arm, causing her to look up at you with a startled look on her face.
“Ohhhh,  child you got me shookth,” She said as she took off her headphones “ But what’s yup.”
“I just wanted to return a favor, and invite you out with me and my friends.” You told her as you made your way to the bathroom.
“Well lucky for you, I don’t have any plans today. So sure, I’ll hang out with you today.” Monica told you as she but her headphones back on.
When you were in the bathroom you washed your face, brushed your teeth, and took a shower. Once you finished bathing, you went to pick out an outfit for the day with juno in mind. You wanted to look good for him since he seems to be a fashionable guy. As you looked through your closet, you found the perfect outfit. You settled on a black crop top, black ripped jeans, red vans, topped off with an army print hoodie. You decided to put on minimal makeup, and you styled your hair in a neat high bun. As you looked at your phone, you saw that it was 10:15am. You saw that Monica was ready to go, when you saw her sitting at her desk.
“How are you... already ready?” you asked monica as you slightly tilted your head.
“Oh yea, I guess I should tell you that I prefer taking showers at night.” She said getting up from her chair about to get her purse.
“Alright, good shit. Since we’re both ready, I guess we can head out.” You told her heading to the door.
“So what’s the plan for the day?”   
“We’re gonna go my favorite place on campus… the music studio~” You answered in a sing song voice. As you guys were walking to the studio, Monica started asking about your convos with juno last night.
“I saw you talking to Sam last night. He must like you cause he tried to make himself known as Juno. Lol! That guy. So… are you guys gonna go on a date or something.” She asked in a teasing tone slightly nudging you.
“Actually… Sam asked me out on a lunch date later today.” You told her starting off shy progressing into an excited tone as you smiled brightly at her. Monica started to do a little dance as she entered the Campus Art building. Once you guys entered one of the studios, you saw your friends sitting in a circle, and as you you two go closer you realised it was a rap cypher. Most of you you friends were music majors, so it was no surprise for you to find them this way.
“Aye Y/N, aye aye. I missed you aye aye. And I wanna kiss your ne-ew friend.” Your friend Brian said as he ‘rapped’ his freestyle during the cypher, which apparently was dedicated to Monica. You and monica made your way to the circle and introduced everyone to monica.
“Hey Monica, do you like musicians?” Brian asked anticipating her answer.
“Only if they have a college degree.” She responded in a slightly sassy tone, causing everyone to ‘oooooh’ and shout a few ‘rejected’ sounds Brian’s way.
“Well, Y/N it’s great to see you. It’s been awhile.” One of your friends, Allison, says trying to detract from Brian’s rejection, you think.
“Dude, we live in the same neighborhood.” You told her while laughing.
“Hahaha, ever heard of sarcasm?” She says light heartedly mocking your laugh. After a few minutes of catching up, one of your friends suggested having a jam session. Of  course everyone agreed, and everyone went to an instrument, while you and Monica went straight to a mic. After a forty-five minute jam session, everyone exchanged info on where their dorm was. While everyone left, you saw Monic still talking to Brian, and it was obvious that he was flirting, trying to get her number. After a few more minutes, Monica head towards you ready to leave.
“Hey it’s 11:23, you ready to go?” She asked you
“Nahhh, not yet. I have some where I want to take you. Follow me!” You told her as you led Monica upstairs to a studio your brother took you to all the time.
“Wow, it’s beautiful here.. How do you know about this place.” Monica asked in amazement.
“My brother use to bring me here all the time when he had practice for Jazz band.” You explained to her, but suddenly you heard the door open. So you and Monica both turned you head to see who came through the door on the other side of the studio.
“Sam, what the hell.” Monica asked asked surprised to see Sam.
“Hey, I guess I’m not the only one who knows about this spot.”
“Yea, I guess not.” You state responding to Sam, “So, Juno, what are you doing here?”
 “I was just about to work on my mixtape, but I guess I’ll hold off on that. Since you two ladies got here first.” Sam said slightly surprised that you called him ‘Juno’, but none the less still pleased.
“You know what. I’ll just leave cause I not about to be a third wheel.” Monica said as she dabbed her way through the door.
“That girl..” You say under your breath.
“You look good…” Juno says while biting his lip and leaning back against the recording studio desk.
“Boy it’s no time to be flattering, I have a date at 12.” You tell him while walking past him and lightly brush his hand as you make your way to the door.
“I guess I better get going to cause my date looks fine as fuck, and I don’t want to keep baby girl waiting.” He says following you out of the studio. His little comment made you clench in between your thighs a bit, but you played it off. As you and Juno leave the studio, he tells you to follow him to his car. Once you get there you see he has an all black Audi a8.
“You never said anything about being a rich boy.” You told him trying to hide the fact that you’re impressed as you get into the car.
“I guess I should mention, ya boy doesn’t live on campus either.” He says throwing a small wink at you as he starts the car.  
While you and Juno were driving, you asked where you planned on having lunch.
He told you it’d be a surprise, and to sit back and enjoy the ride. While Juno was speeding on the highway, you got a text from Monica.
Monica: ‘ Did u fuck yet??? (≖ ͜ʖ≖)”
Y/N: ‘ Nahh, B… u didnt tell me ya boi has paper “
Monica: ‘ Yea, but we all do TBH lolol, but it’s wat ever ‘
Y/N: ‘ Okiee (¬_¬)... I’ll talk to you later, this man is taking me to hell knows where ‘
Monica: ‘ K, boo. Have fun!!!! ‘
When you looked up from your phone, you saw the car was parked in front of a restaurant that seemed to be on a pier. Once we entered the restaurant we were greeted with a host saying ‘Welcoming to vessel. Please follow me.’. The first thing that caught your eye was the bar in the center of the room with a glass pole that had 4 TVs on each side going through a large hole in the ceiling, and tables that surrounded it. The restaurant gave off a relaxing tropical vibe. The walls were silver with oval shaped indents with in them, but the walls were mostly of windows, showing off yachts and other boats. The host led you to your table on a patio overlooking the ocean.
“Sam… did you plan all of this?” You asked him in awe with a smirk on your face.
“Yea, do you like it?” He asked pulling out your chair.
“Of course, I didn’t expect you to go all out. I don't think I dressed up appropriately for this.” You said as you felt your cheeks heat up.
“Babe, you always look great. Plus, these old fass men should be happy to get an eye full of you.” He says once again complimenting you. Once you both look over the menu, your waiter comes back with water and 2 glasses of wine. You ordered Flat Iron “Steak Frites” and Juno ordered Atlantic Salmon. You and Juno got to know each other more while you waited for your food to come out.
“Did you live in California before college?” You asked Sam.
“Yea, I was born here, but my parents met in South Korea. After they got married, they moved to LA for business.” He explained a small bit of his background to you. “ What about yourself?”
“Yea, I was born here, but my parents are from the East Coast and they wanted to settle down here. Lol I could have been a New Yorker.” You say trying to imitate a Brooklyn accent.
When your food came out, you and Sam went ham, and not a fry was left on your plate.
“Thanks, Sam. I’m blaming my freshman 15 on you.”
“Shit, baby you’ll still look good.” He said leaning back in his chair while running his hands through his hair.
The waiter came back over asking if you wanted dessert, but you guys declined and Sam asked for the bill. After Sam paid, you guys left and head towards the car. After 30 minutes of driving and vibing to music in the car, you guys reached campus. And Sam parked in front of your dorm building.
“I had fun with you today.” You told Juno as you lean across the seat and molded your lips with his. When you first kissed him, you heard him make a sound that was mixed with a grunt and moan. This sound was so sexy, and you couldn't wait to hear more, but you figured it was too soon. You’re sure it’ll be worth the wait because the way your lips melted together made you anticipate that moment. After the kiss you sat back in your seat and looked at him with a seductive smirk.
“Damn baby, your such a tease. But I guess that make you my girl now right.” He asked a slightly disappointed.
“I guess so.” You said getting closing the car door and throwing him a wink.
A/N: Shittttt, the end got a little spicy…. I really want to write a smut, but BUILD UP IS EVERY THINGGGGG    
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flyba3 · 7 years
What's your name?
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A/N: OHHHHH IM SO HAPPY…this is my first request, and S/O to Melaninstoryteller cause she’s sooo dope and she pitched me this request :3) luv u <3
Request / Summary: Can you write a fic about Christian Yu walking Lori, and he lets go of her leash. Then Y/N finds her, and she starts talking to Christian.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Christian Yu x Y/N
Word Count: 1037
Of all days you can’t find your keys, it’s today. This week you promised yourself that you would get back on track with your ‘healthy lifestyle’ goals, and you wanted to kickstart your week with a jog. Today you’re especially pumped to go on a jog because the weather’s nice. Usually, the weather in Gangnam starts to hit the warmer temps of fall around this time which is perfect for you, but more importantly; you just got this dope ass workout apparel from Victoria’s Secret! Today, you decided to sport a pair of marble print hot shorts, a fleece v-back sweatshirt, and a white pair of Nike Roshe Ones. Every once in awhile, you would get distracted from looking for keys because you were to busy looking in the mirror. You were distracted because that outfit made you look extra thick, but since you were single; you were the only one who could appreciate the thickness.
“Shit, they were right here the whole time,” you say aloud when you find your keys lying on the counter behind your purse.
After a good 10 minute walk to the park, you decide to get your workout playlist ready for when you start to pick up the pace. This playlist consisted of a nice mixture of Korean and American artist, but DPR Live, one of your favorite artists, played a heavy presence in this mix. The park was relatively empty today, but there were still a few sightings of couples picnicking, ajusshi’s feeding fish at the pond, and cute small families playing together. Other than that, there were rarely any distractions. Once you hit the mile mark, you noticed that you’ve been jogging for about 15 minutes. Now, was about time for a water break and a quick stretching session. But before you could find a clear and open grassy area to do stretches, your favorite song came on, “Please” by DPR Live, so you had to take a moment to have a mini dance session. While you were in the middle of rapping the 2nd verse, you felt a soft and furry creature rub against your leg. As you looked down, you prayed it wasn’t a squirrel that rubbed against you, but you were pleased to be greeted by a Mini Pinscher laying on the grass looking up a you.
As you smiled back at the Mini Pin, you bent down to read her name tag, “Lori… you’re too cute to be left alone, and your owner must be crazy to leave you alone“.
You looked around to see if you noticed anyone nearby, but no one seemed to be looking for anything. Instead of looking for her owner, you decided to stay there for awhile and play together because you figured her owner would eventually show up calling her name. While you were in the middle of scratching Lori’s belly, you noticed her ears start to twitch as if something caught her attention.
“Loriiiiiii,” you heard a deep voice with an aussie accent yell.
When you turned around you saw a tall heavily tatted man wearing a black graphic t-shirt and a pair of gray Nike shorts with a man bun on his head. Your first impression of the man made your cheeks heat up because you suddenly felt overwhelmingly aware of how your ass looked. As you stood up, Lori started yapping aggressively in a cute manner which caught the man’s attention. Once he spotted the two of you, he rushed over and picked up Lori; then he greeted you.
“Lori, why did you run away from me?” You saw the man hug her tightly as he stood next to you. His arms appeared to be well built, and his tattoos seemed to intensify the effect they had on you. Suddenly, you felt slightly envious of Lori because of the care he seemed to show her as he embraced her.
“But it looks like you’ve found a pretty lady. A lady so pretty that I must take on a date.”
“And what might be the name of this mystery man who wants to take me on a date?”
You ask in a slightly flirtatious tone.
“Christian… but you can call me Ian. And maybe later you’ll call me your boyfriend.” He responds in an equally flirtatious tone, reaching in his pocket for his phone.
“Well, Ian you can call me Y/N, but what if I told you I already had someone to call mine?” Of course you wouldn’t reject his offer, but you just couldn’t pass up the offer of messing with him a bit. To you, this guy seemed to good to be true with his looks and all, so by now you’ve dubbed him a fuck boy.
“I guess I’d ask Lori why she would steal this pretty lady from me. My guess is that it’s because you two get along well, and my guess for that would be that you have a dog of your own at home.” Christian says as he runs his hand through his hair.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have a dog of my own. But lucky for you, I wouldn’t mind bringing Lori home. You, on the other hand, are another issue, and I guess it could be solved if I go on a date or two with you.” The amount of confidence you showed made you so proud of yourself, and you could tell it had an affect on Ian by the way he was biting his lip.
After a few more minutes of talking and exchanging contact info, you and Ian decided on a date at the zoo. Ian offered to walk you home, and on you way back you two did a bit of small talk. While you were chatting Christian tried to sweet talk you.
“You know I could buy you any animal you want.” He said as you two approached the front door to your condo. He looked at you in a relax manner, yet he still seem to anticipate what you would say next.
“Why would I want them if I got you?” You told Ian as you pecked him on his lips after unlocking your door and gently shutting it in his face.    
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flyba3 · 7 years
Wat da hell -3-
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flyba3 · 7 years
Move-in Day
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A/N: SMTM feels are starting to get to me, so I decided to release them with this fic ;-;
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Reader x Junoflo
Summary: It’s move-in day of your freshman year at the University of California in San Diego (UCSD), and you meet this guy in his junior year, junoflo, along the way.
Word Count: 1371
“Y/N, let’s go. You know traffic starts getting heavy around this time.” Your mom exclaims to you as she rushes to the moving truck with the last box of decorations.
“Ma, relax. UCSD is only an hour away… plus, none of my friends are getting there until tomorrow.” You say to your mom as you roll your suitcase to your car.
“Well… last time I checked your friends didn’t rent this moving truck for tomorrow.”
“Nor did they offer to help you move in. So I guess you’re stuck with us ‘dusty old people’” Your dad chimes in from the moving truck, trying to lighten the mood.
 Ever since you found out you got into UCSD, it was like heaven on earth. Especially since you got in with all your fave peoples. You’ve been looking at colleges ever since freshman year in highschool, and now it’s your time to be a freshie in college. One of your favorite parts about UCSD is their impressive music program. Not to mention their breathtaking campus.
 Once you stepped on campus during your sophomore year spring break, you knew this was the school for you. During this time you were there to visit your older brother, along with checking out the campus. Your brother was in his senior year, so he didn’t have much time left until graduation. Despite his limited time left in college, he would always give you the ‘super swaggie deluxe tour’ whenever you guys visited. He would never fail to reveal new parts of campus to you each time you two would hangout. Your favorite part was visiting the state of the art music studio they provided to their music majors. Even though your brother won’t be with you during your college years, you’ll always remember all the dope places he showed you on campus.
“This is so exciting, I wonder who your roomie is~” Your mom squeals as she locks the door.
“Yea, what if you get one of those crazy ass roommates those YouTube kids always make storytimes about?” Your dad says as he starts the truck, and as your mom hops in the car with you.
“Please, sir…Get out” You say to your dad rolling up the window.
“Like the movie, cau-” Your dad says, but you barely hear him cause your mom’s voice distracts you as she asks about ‘vlogging your adventurous college years’.
“Why?” You ask your mom with the driest tone ever, looking her a dead ass in her eyes.
  Your mom gets a little pissed and scolds you about how ‘you better not let that damn camera sit in your suitcase’ when she spent a nice amount of dollars on it. It’s been about 30 minutes into the ride, but you still feel like you’re forever away from your new home for the next 4 years.
“I guess you’re right. We should have left earlier.” You say to your mom in a lighthearted defeated tone.
“I’m always right….” Your mom looks at you trying to hold a stern face, before you both start to crack up.
 After about 45 minutes of loud ass music and a karaoke session, car edition with your mom, you make it to UCSD. It’s around noon, and it is packed. The exciting part is soon to come, but now the hard part is trying to find a parking spot.
 It’s been another 20 minutes, and you’ve finally found a parking spot. You and your parents go to check in and get your key, then head up to your room with a few boxes. Once you get to your room, it is empty. But you’re happy because you have a great view!
“Now, I’m just gonna set up my Bluetooth, and we can start this little move in party!” You exclaim to your parents. With a few more hours of unloading and unpacking, you and your parents start to get tired. But just as you plop on your bed, you hear a little knock on your door along with a female’s voice saying ‘hello’ accompanied by a little giggle.
“Hey, are you Monica?” You ask the girl at the door half panting with a smile on your face.
“Yea, I’m assuming you’re Y/N. And I’m also assuming that you just finished packing.” She says with a quick chuckle.
 You nod as a sign of confirmation, then you open up the door wider to be greeted by her parents. Once they bring in her boxes and set them down, everyone starts to introduce themselves. After an hour and a half of unpacking, both of your parents leave; allowing you and Monica some time to get to know each other.
“You’re from Chicago… fr!?! I couldn’t tell cause you seem like a Bay Area baby.” You say following a series of laughter from both of you. As you look at your phone, you realize it’s only 5:43pm. It’s still early.
“Are you cool with hanging out tonight, or do you already have plans?”
“Actually, I’m meeting up with some friends at 7, but didn’t you say your friends aren’t coming until tomorrow?”
“Come hang with us. My people are pretty chill, and I think we’re pretty low key.” She says inviting you out with her.
 After about an hour of getting ready, you both head out to a pub near campus. You both arrive to the pub after a 15 minute uber ride. The little pub is well known for their dark and warm decor, along with a set tone of a jazz and r&b mix. Monica sees her friends sitting at circular coach with their drinks. Once you two reach the table, a certain guy catches your eye.
 Despite the dark lighting, you can see him perfectly. He’s wearing a plain white shirt, gold chain, and a pair of studs in his ears. His black hair is faded on the sides, styled to show off the volume and slight curls he has in his head. As he looks up, you both make slight eye contact before he smirks at you, making you quickly glance away. To your defense. You’ve never been one to flirt with guys… neither have you had your first boyfriend.
“Y/N, these are my friends…”, and she starts to name all of the people sitting at the table. Once she gets to this guy, you find out his name is Sam.
“You can call me Juno.” He suggests in his smooth deep voice.
“None of us call him that, it’s just his rapper name” Chimes in one of Monica’s friends whose name is Tyler.
 As you start to get a little more comfortable with Monica’s crew, you start to see that they are pretty chill people. Most of the conversations are just about them catching up or getting to know you, but occasionally they would break off into little convos. Since you are sitting by Juno, he seemes to initiate a lot of conversations with you.
“Ahh so you’re a business major. You must like being miss boss lady, right? Aye, but there’s nothing wrong with wanting to have a little control.” Juno says in a teasing tone.
“Says the man who changed his major twice. Aye, but there’s nothing wrong with following your dreams.” You respond to him in an equally teasing tone.
The more you talk to this man, the more you seem to become attracted to him. After you exchange numbers, Sam says to you…
“You know… I noticed you looking at me when you first came in, but that would make me a hypocrite if I didn’t admit that I was watching you ever since you walked in this pub.” He confesses to you accompanied by a quick smirk and laugh. “But… I would like to get to know you more. How about a lunch date tomorrow?”
“I think I’ll like that…” You slightly smirk at him while dying on the inside.
“Think?!” He says to you feigning an offended look.
“I don’t know Mr.Junoflo, I guess we’ll have to find out tomorrow.” You say to him, as you say your farewell. Then go follow Monica and the others out of the pub to go home.
A/N: Hehhehehe… I’m dying now ;-;, but I had fun writing this. Let me know if this should be a series ( don’t worry I’ll add smut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~.  And shoutout to all the new children that follow me. Thx people :3)
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flyba3 · 7 years
A Little Ambition
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A/N: Hello, ya boi is signing in with her first fanfic! So please have the mercy on me~ (>人<;)
Genre: Fluff
Pairing:Christian Yu x Reader
Summary: Christian wants to renter the music scene with his own songs, but you give him that small boost of inspiration that he needs.
Word Count: 923
As you approach the door to Christian’s condo, you wonder why he never thought to invite you over sooner. You guess since he’s never at home there wasn’t really a reason for you to spend your time here together. Once you reached his door, you knock a random tune you just freestyled. Before you hear Christian yell a “Hold on!” in your direction; you hear the small tapping and sliding of paws, and Lori’s faint barking at the door.
“I know, Lori. We haven’t see y/n in a long time, I’m excited to see her too.”
Christian opens the door greeting you with bed hair, Harry Potter glasses, a white muscle shirt, and a pair of black basketball shorts. A look he hasn’t shown you in a while, but it’s a blessing whenever he does.
“Ian… long time, no see.” You say to him, pretending to give him the side eye while crossing your arms.
“y/n, cut the bs. It’s been two months since we’ve seen each other, and this is how you treat your favorite director?” He says to you on the verge of laughter.
Christian pulls you in for a bear hug, kissing the top of your forehead. As you hug him, you can’t help but notice his toned back muscles through his shirt. You wonder if he has been working out lately, but you try not to make it evident to him that you are enjoying the hug too much. You hit his chest signaling him to let you go. You see Lori on the ground looking up at you, waiting to receive your attention.
“I’m sorry, baby girl. Your daddy was trying to squeeze the life out of me.” You say to Lori as you bend down to caress her back.
“That’s what happens when you try to avoid me for Two Months” He says to you with hint of saltiness in his voice while walking back to the couch.
“Whatever…”, you say to him as a weak rebuttal, following him to his couch. “Have you been working out lately?” You ask him, moving around a little trying to find your comfort spot on the couch.
“Oooh, Tryn’ to get fit for all the ladies out there.” You tease him, poking his abs and wiggling your eyebrows.
“Babe, your the only one I’m trying to impress.” He says cuddling you with his tight embrace.
It was times like these leading you to wonder why you two aren’t together. But those thinking sessions always ended with you knowing both of your schedules were to hectic to have a successful relationship. To divert Christian’s attention from thinking about ways attempting to woo you, you prompt a conversation with him asking about DPR and any new projects they have coming up. He talks about wanting to work with more American artists because it will boost his reputation and bring more publicity to DPR. You tell him to let you know if he ever needs a little push, cause you can pull some strings to get him some new clients. But he kindly rejects your offer because this hard headed boy doesn’t want, in his words, for “you to provide for me, when I should be the one providing for you”. Even though he won’t use your connections, he will always accept your moral support and advice. Something that he needed right now because he’s thinking of expanding his brand.
“Well, Ian, you always know I will support you. I personally think you’re long past the due date of releasing some Original Beats by Christian.”
“Yea, I know. But DPR is priority right now, and I can’t help but get a little nervous thinking about how they’ll respond.”
“Haven’t you seen the netizens comments? Their waiting for that come back, and all you do is tease them by what… telling them ‘I’ll be making my own music soon’ but you fail to provide more details. If I were them, I would have been spammed your ass with inspirational quotes.” You say to him on the brink of laughter because he started tickling you mid rant mode.
“Thanks, babe. You always make me gain a bit of confidence.” He coos while attacking you with kisses and tickles.
After your tickle fight, Christian holds you in his arms and whispers in your ear, “Babe, you’re really important to me, and I don’t think I can go another day with just being your best friend. I want to be your man. I don’t care about our conflicting schedules, let’s at least give it a try. Give us a try.”
“I don’t know, Christian, what if it just doesn’t workout. I don’t want to lose my best friend.” You tell him while sweetly looking in his eyes trying to convince him, but you can barely convince yourself.
“y/n, I know what I want. I want you. Trust me… I’m not going anywhere. I’ll make time for you…and that’s a promise.” He tells you kissing your forehead, “So what do you say?”
“I guess… we can give this a try, but the moment you break your prom-” He cuts you off my kissing you sweetly.
You’ve both been waiting for this kiss a long time; and by the way his soft lips mold with yours, you can tell he wants nothing more than to be by your side. Nothing more than to take things slow.
“Lori, y/n finally agree to being your mommy~” Christian tells Lori as she jumps into your lap.
a/n: I hope you liked it…… please send me prompts cause those aren’t my forte :]
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flyba3 · 7 years
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756K notes · View notes
flyba3 · 8 years
Plzzz post it! (>人<;)
. . . . . .If you want to full SNL skit I’ll post it on here👍👍👍
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flyba3 · 8 years
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ELO is so lit🔥🔥😭
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flyba3 · 8 years
you have been visited by the seven magic dragon balls your biggest wish will be granted but only if you reblog
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1M notes · View notes
flyba3 · 8 years
I got to hype when I saw that Haechan is my twin (we have the same birthday)! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
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