herelysiansoul · 3 years
Hi did you know that figs digest wasps? It’s important to me that you know this
Holy shit. 
“The fig actually produces an enzyme called ficain (also known as ficin) which digests the dead wasps and the fig absorbs the nutrients to create the ripe fruits and seeds.” (src)
Figs literally eat wasps. They eat wasps and absorb the nutrients. What is nature
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
Every writing advice ever: If you’re having trouble with a scene, skip it and write a different part of the story.
Me: If I don’t write in chronological order, I will die
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
everyday i open your blog and i see your posts & you remind me that reverse racism is real. because of you, i'm scared to walk outside. i'm scared to wear my hair naturally blonde. i put in brown contact lenses because i know people get offended by my blue eyes. i try to tan because i dont want to be made fun of for being white. i spent 200 dollars on spices just so when people come to my house they see something so i dont get made fun of. you and your mutuals make white peoples lives miserable.
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
i hope we have a good day today. i hope you're feeling really great, but if you feel bit anxious like i am right now...
it's okay! today can be a good day
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
The problem with being ADHD and having trouble reading long, rambling sentences and paragraphs that go on and on is that having ADHD makes you more likely to write in long, rambling sentences and paragraphs that go on and on do you see the problem I am encountering
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
Man I know there’s like a billion posts talking about how comments on fics mean the world to authors but literally comments on my fics clear my skin, file my taxes, and could easily bring me back from the brink of death. 
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
Here are some questions to ask yourself about your character(s) and their morning routine:
What time do they wake up in the morning? Is it the same time every day? And how many times do they press snooze?
How long does it take them to shower? Or do they shower the night before?
Do they wear makeup? If so, what is their go-to everyday look?
How do they style their hair? Do they go for the same style every day? Or do they even style it at all?
What scent is their perfume/cologne/deodorant?
What is their fashion sense like?
What is their go-to breakfast? Or do they often skip breakfast?
Do they need to drink coffee to function? If so, how do they like their coffee? And do they brew it at home or get it at a coffee shop?
Do they take any medication or vitamins in the morning?
How long does it take them to get ready?
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
“survival of the fittest” simply means survival of those most fitted to their environment. it has nothing to do with brute strength
humans have survived so well in so many environment bc of our adaptability. our ability to fit ourselves to our environment is extraordinary, and by far our most valuable survival strategy
our adaptability relies on community. we were able to survive in ways that other species were not–in particular able to survive injury & individual hardship that would be fatal to less social species–through interdependence. 
in humanity’s case, it was never “survival of the strong.” it was “survival of the social, and of the community.” 
when you perpetuate the attitude that only the “strong” survive, you are ignoring a million years of evolutionary history that screams otherwise. 
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
Stop vilifying adults that live with their parents.
We’re still deep in one of the worst economic recessions of modern times. For many of us its not a choice but a requirement in order to survive. For many of us we have disabilities that make finding accommodation that suit our needs a lot harder and a lot more expensive.
Many of us pay into the household. Many of us are trapped in abusive households because we don’t have the means to leave. We aren’t moochers or afraid to leave the nest. The world simply isn’t built to support us anymore.
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
Masterpost: How to write a story?
Compilation of writing advice for some aspects of the writing process.
How to motivate myself to write more
How to get rid of writer’s block
Basic Overview: How to write a story
How to create a character
How to make a character unique
How to write conversation
Introducing a group of characters
Large cast of characters interacting in one scene
Redemption arc
Plot twists
How to write a summary
How to write romance
How to write emotional scenes
How to write yelling
Fatal Character Flaws
How to use songs in a fanfiction
Good traits gone bad
More specific scenarios
Slow burn
How to create quick chemistry
How to write a bilingual character
How to write a polyamorous realtionship
How to create and write a cult
Criminal past comes to light
Reasons for breaking up while still loving each other
Forbidden love
Date gone wrong
Causes for the apocalypse
How to create a coffee shop atmosphere
How to write enemies to lovers
How to write lovers to enemies to lovers
Arranged matrimony for royalty
Paramilitary Forces/ Militia
Academic Rivals to Lovers
How to write amnesia
AU ideas
Favourite tropes
Inconvenient things a ghost could do
Milestones in a relationship
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! 
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
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I will miss organic chemistry labs. Unfortunately most of them was online..but at least we had some in the regular way.
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
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01.15.21 | 12/100 days of productivity
today went much better than yesterday! i got quite a bit done in terms of my to do list but i for sure could have gotten more done. i’ve also been trying to read for fun a bit more. my goal for the end of the year is to read at least 12 books (i’ve already finished two and started another one so it’s looking doable so far!) also i’m not super satisfied with these posts featuring the goals part so i think that starting today i’m going to replace it with a question of the day!
qotd: what book(s) have you been reading?
the two books i’ve finished this year were “I Hope You Get This Message” by Farah Naz Rishi and “Love, Creekwood” by Becky Albertalli. the book i’m currently reading is “Turtles All The Way Down” by John Green.
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
calling all authors!!
i have just stumbled upon the most beautiful public document i have ever laid eyes on. this also goes for anyone whose pastimes include any sort of character creation. may i present, the HOLY GRAIL:
this wonderful 88-page piece has step by step breakdowns of how names work in different cultures! i needed to know how to name a Muslim character it has already helped me SO MUCH and i’ve known about it for all of 15 minutes!! i am thoroughly amazed and i just needed to share with you guys 
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herelysiansoul · 3 years
The way y’all talk about smokers is proof that y’all think addicts should be punished and degraded instead of offered aid.
I don’t care if you think smoking is gross, I don’t care if you’ve personally had bad experiences with cigarettes, you do NOT get to demonize people like that.
Y’all wanna know what overwhelmingly causes people to smoke? Untreated mental illness, poverty, and desperation.
Stop fucking demonizing smokers until you’re ready to systematically demolish the things that cause it. And quite frankly, even then, if you still think it’s okay to demonize addiction? Fuck you.
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