historicalcouples · 3 months
“Yesterday I received your dear letter with great joy; it made me completely happy. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for every living kind word! My thoughts are always next to you, my beloved Sasha , what I wouldn’t do to have you next to me now. I miss you so much, I’m never calm when I’m away from you... I suffer and I’m sad, I’m looking forward to our meeting with such impatience!”
Empress Maria Feodorovna to Emperor Alexander III, June 5, 1891
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historicalcouples · 9 months
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Notes of tsarevna Maria Feodorovna to her husband, heir of the Russian throne,  tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich:
Since I don’t think you want to go anywhere but to billiards, I’m going for a walk with my mom and aunt. So you can have as much fun before lunch as you want. I kiss you from the bottom of my heart, my dear friend.
Greetings! I’m going to the ballet with Sasha Zhukovskaya and I hope that you will also come there after your lunch. Goodbye, don’t eat too many pancakes. Your wife and friend. Minnie
Since you are not coming back, and I have to leave, I`m saying goodbye to you in writing and kissing my darling angel Sasha from the bottom of my heart. Goodbye, my kitten
ГА РФ.- Ф. 677.- Оп. 1.- Д. 889.- Л. 163, 165, 167
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historicalcouples · 9 months
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Alexander III with family in Spała, Poland.
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historicalcouples · 9 months
"In the morning at 11 o’clock, we went with Papa and Mama to Petersburg and were at a memorial service in the fortress... I approached the grave of our angel, little Alexander, which was completely ready and graciously decorated with flowers. I prayed and thought a lot about you, my dear Minnie, and I was so sad to be alone at that moment, only Mom noticed this and came up to me to hug me, and it touched me very much, because she alone understands and does not forget our terrible grief. Others forget and constantly ask why I don't go to the theatre, why I don't want to go to the balls that will be in Peterhof, and it is very difficult and unpleasant for me to answer everyone. It made me so sad when I prayed at the sweet grave of the little angel; Why is he not with us and why did the Lord take him from us? Forgive me that I again remind you of our bitter loss, but I think so often about our angel Alexander, about you and the elder Baby (Nicholas II), about all of you, close to my heart and the joy of my life, and especially now when I am alone and miss you. This definitely consoles me, and my thoughts are often with you, my darlings."
Letter from Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich to Tsarevna Maria Feodorovna (June 4, 1870)
In memory of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich of Russia (1869 - 1870)
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historicalcouples · 9 months
"My dear darling Sasha! I can’t even describe to you how impatiently I was waiting for your first letter and how glad I was when I received it in the evening… I think about you all the time, day and night, not a minute passes that I don’t send my thoughts to you so that they followed you everywhere. Well, when will the day come and we will see each other again?"
Letter from Princess Dagmar to her then-fiancée, Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich (July 1866)
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historicalcouples · 9 months
Minnie & Sasha<3
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historicalcouples · 9 months
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Ugh poor Minnie, She went through so many losses of her close loved ones :(
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historicalcouples · 9 months
"... today, finally, the courier arrived and brought your sweetest interesting and long letter No. 78. You cannot imagine what happiness it is for me to receive such letters, how I enjoyed it and how sad I feel, how I long to go home. I even cried a little, because I don’t allow myself this pleasure, it often becomes hard, as you start to remember about the house, about the children, and especially about you, my darling! I'm sorry that I write all this and upset you even more; I know that you are not happy either, this separation is not easy, but what to do, the Lord so pleases, and we must bow before His holy will, and this always leads to the best, to our own benefit, for sure, it cannot be otherwise, and this is a huge and only consolation"
Letter from Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich to Tsarevna Maria Feodorovna during the Russo-Turkish War (January 13, 1878)
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historicalcouples · 11 months
"My dear Minnie!
What a joy to receive your dear little letters. How grateful I am for your every word, every line. I press you to my heart, which will always be devoted to you... I always remember our stay in Bernstorf. How happy I was next to my little darling, knowing that she loves me. It's something very special, to feel loved.
Have you received my photos that I sent by mail, and do not forget to send me yours and be sure to wear an Amazon costume <riding habit>. This is a beautiful memory of our horse rides in Fredensborg, and especially the last time when I hugged you on the paths where none could see!"
Letter from Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich to his then-fiancée Princess Dagmar of Denmark (July 15, 1866)
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historicalcouples · 11 months
"In the end I had to go to the bedroom where I was laid on a terrible couch. And then it all started with pain and my moaning. The emperor held one of my hands, Sasha did not let go of the other, and the empress came up from time to time and kissed me. Finally it was all over, and the cry of the baby announced the birth of our angelic son. I will never forget this happy moment in my life. I thanked the Lord for the fact that everything was over and that He gave us a son. Dear Sasha, who had been restraining himself all this time, was now sobbing like a child. And we all congratulated each other: parents, grandparents, those - us, and I thought about my beloved parents.
At 4:30 everything was over. Bazhanov came and read prayers, and my Sasha held the little one in his arms. Then Madame Mikhailova helped carry me to bed, where I immediately fell asleep. In the evening, my father-in-law came again, and, thank God, I felt completely healthy. My Sasha and I were in complete bliss!!! At 8:30 I fell asleep and woke up only at 9:30 the next day."
Maria Feodorovna on the birth of her first child, Nicholas II (May 6/18, 1868)
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historicalcouples · 11 months
"My dear and beloved darling Sasha. It's terrible that we broke up with you again. I'm so upset and I don't understand why you didn't want to come with me! This is a real sin, because for me to leave you is simply unbearable. This overshadows all my happiness of being next to George. I'm very sad and worried this time because you didn't feel well. I received your dear telegram last night when I was already going to bed. I was very touched and mentally embrace you from the bottom of my heart. Separation from you is painful for me, my beloved Sasha. I looked at you, standing by the carriage, at the moment when the train was moving. It was still necessary to greet a lot of people, to stand and smile. And my heart was so heavy, so heavy! I couldn't sleep that night..."
Letter from Maria Feodorovna to Alexander III
(May 10, 1894)
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historicalcouples · 1 year
“As you can imagine,” Maria Feodorovna wrote to her mother, “the departure from Livadia was also very sad. We followed him on foot from the top of the church down to the steamer, where another prayer service was held for the population. We walked terribly slowly for 2½ hours, so everyone had a lot of pain in their legs after that ...
On board the ship, his coffin was placed in the middle of the upper deck, and the adjutant generals and adjutants kept watch, while the priests recited a prayer aloud. We arrived in Sevastopol just before sunset, so it was quite cold, there was also a memorial service...
Yesterday was our wedding day, which we will never celebrate together again, but just think, he thought about it three days before he died and chose a wonderful bracelet for me, which he gave to the valet with the words that this is a gift for me on the wedding day! Now Alix gave it to me, and—you can imagine how it touched me and at the same time plunged me into despair—it was no longer he who gave it to me! How quickly these years have flown by, and now that my happiness is gone, I must live on, without him, who was everything to me!!! I don't know how I can bear this pain and this terrible grief!
Only our Lord God can help me bear this heavy cross that He has placed on me! Just imagine my return home and arrival at the Anichkov Palace without him. I really dread everything I have yet to endure! I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart, my angel Mama, for your blessed letter, which I received back in Livadia ...
But I, my angel Mama, am finishing this mournful, woeful letter. May the Lord hold His protecting hand over you and help us all! I kiss you with all my heart, I remain your infinitely loving and grateful, but desperate Minnie."
Maria Feodorovna on her husband's death (1894)
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historicalcouples · 1 year
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“I hug you with all my heart, my beloved Sasha, and ask God to bless you and dear children. Yours for life. Your faithful and devoted Minnie”
Maria Feodorovna to Alexander III
(From the book 'Imperatritsa Maria Fedorovna' [by Yu. V. Kudrina] )
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