ineedmorepronouns · 20 days
Fictionkin culture is!
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ineedmorepronouns · 1 month
hear me out,
antique stores and pawn shops...
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ineedmorepronouns · 1 month
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[This post has no DNI other than not to involve it in discourse, mockery, or other harassment]
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ineedmorepronouns · 2 months
:33 < iHATE having to fight EVERYTHING for the SMALLEST amount of representation in this community. therians get SO MUCH representation in this community, nobody talks of objectkins, or fictionkins, or plantkins, or conceptkins, or elemental kins, or space/voidkins, or songkins, or LITERALLY. ANY. "UNCOMMON". ALTERHUMAN IDENTITY. it is SO UNFAIR ON THE REST OF THE COMMUNITY THAT WE LITERALLY HAVE TO FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL JUST TO GET THE SMALLEST REPRESENTATION IN THIS COMMUNITY. WE NEVER GET TALKED ABOUT. EVER. (also, ihave NOTHING against therians. iam one. but iwont post about it because iwant to fight for representation of "uncommon" kins.)
:33 < shout out to alterhumans/non humans with NO kin identity, just saying they arent human. youdont "need" to have an identity and fit into a box. youre perfect just the way you are.
:33 < shout out to plantkins. every single plant/fungi. from the DEADLIEST venus fly traps to the BRIGHTEST boquet of roses. have a fresh ray of sunlight to beam upon you, youre shining so much its insane.
:33 < shout out to all the objects. whether it be a small eraser, or your favourite plushie, youre still valid, and awesome, and soooo cool /gen
:33 < shout out to elemental kins. burning fire, cold breezes of wind, all elements. the most HURTFUL, DEADLIEST elements to the ones that arent so dangerous. your kintype is never too dangerous for me. keep living life the way youwould
:33 < shout out to fictionkins. the weirdest characters, the "prettiest" characters, your favourite characters, your hated characters, your least favourite characters, characters from an uncommon source or from a common source, all of you.
:33 < shout out to songkins. from the strangest, most unusual melodies, to the songs everyone knows. you are the most beautiful, melodic songs ever. you keep being you bro.
:33 < shout out to placekins. youre a little cottage in the woods ? thats awesome. youre that corner shop down the street ? so cool. youre massive theme park, with flashing lights and fireworks and everything ? genuinely so amazing.
:33 < shout out to daykins/monthkins/seasonkins/yearkins. all the several days, seasons, months passing by us is so beautiful to watch
:33 < shout out to number/letter kins. all the numbers formed to make mathematics, all the letters we have in languages today, all so beautiful
:33 < shout out to spacekins. all the stars, cosmos, voids, even those who identify with being space as a whole. so beautiful.
:33 < shout out to conceptkins. strangest concept to comprehend, the easiest concepts, idont care. yall are amazing.
:33 < and shout out to any "unusual" or "uncommon" kintype ihavent mentioned.
:33 < yall are SO BEAUTIFUL !!
:33 < if you identify with an "uncommon kintype" PLEASE interact with this blog iwant more cool people to follow /nf
:33 < and if you are a therian blog iwould hope you to repost this so youcan show awareness for other kintypes in this community.
:33 < /nf
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ineedmorepronouns · 3 months
hullo! i'm spiritually jewelrykin! specifically scp 963 from the scp foundation. animism is very tied into my experiences. i at least like to acknowledge all the man-made objects and plants and other non-living things. it just feels nice to connect with them, remembering i was just like them once. for things more pertaining to my kintype i like looking at pinterest images of things that look like me. gives me object euphoria >w< a thing i can't do because of my human body is being part of an outfit. god i wish i could transform into 963 or any kind of jewelry and be part of a pretty outfit. just to be worn and accompany people with their life, exploring it with them. i got a hat that i wear almost everyday. i just want them to experience what i wish i could have. a memory i have from my past life is talking with other jewelry and clothes. we'd just sit around and talk with each other because, well, we couldn't move. ehehe, yeah. these are all just some of my experiences. i hope this helps!
asked this elsewhere but hey! objectkin! conceptkin! plantkin! if you see this can you maybe explain some of yr experiences to me?
that sounds weird idk but i never see anyone talking about this chunk of the community and i know yall exist and i wanna know more about my alterhuman brethren, yk? i try looking for people talking abt they stuff or resources but alas i find nothing D:! but yea /nf
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ineedmorepronouns · 3 months
had my first intesnse shift the other day. it wasn't 963 or bright though, it was a fictionflicker. NiLU from Len'en Project. god having a shift was so weird it lasted almost the full day. i just felt very apathetic, almost physically numb, and confused on how human mind's worked. since i was at school it was a very prominent though. humans everywhere. humans made 95% of everything i saw. i ended up having to go to the library. after i've gotten my book i ended up in the long empty hall. since no one was there, i decided to close my eyes. NiLU doesn't really have eyes(?) like, there's bandages around both of their eyes. but they do have a fabric thing with an eye on it that moves around but idk its weird. anyways, i just closed my eyes walking down the hall. in that moment it was the most blissful experience. having to slow down to make sure you don't trip, more in tune with the sounds around you. i made my way across the auditorium. band was playing music in there. i didn't know until i heard the trumpets and other instruments playing while passing by the door. it was beautiful. then during third period i swear i saw my hat and hair as that of NiLU's. i felt that i was wearing their cloak. i didn't understand that this was a shift or flicker until like 2 days later. but then i never felt like that again (for now, who knows). i mean for mr bright i guess i have mental shifts, but those really arent as intense as this was. nature seemed so... beautiful. ive also been questioning myself if im robothearted at all. also, len'en fandom, hi 🧍 i will make tom gijinka (on the uwom discord)
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ineedmorepronouns · 3 months
therian? oh you mean this fucker
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ineedmorepronouns · 3 months
is there a term for a mix of psychological and spiritual kin? i cant find anything about something like that 😭
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ineedmorepronouns · 4 months
I’ve been thinking about my alterhuman identity recently. I realized I still refer to myself as a human most of the time, but that only feels partial to me. There’s the disconnect from humanity, but I’m not nonhuman. Never felt that way. But I don’t feel completely otherkin either. I’m starting to get the feeling that whenever the reincarnation thingy happened, 963 choose to be a human. I believe that past life impacted me in this life through the way I think and view humanity. To be the creator instead of the created. Then I realized my soul feels as though being a “grey area” of being human and not. After a bit of term searching, I came across Demihuman. As much as it sounds like a good fit, I don’t really feel that the “grey area” is totally 100% what I feel. The human-side sometimes feels more stronger, and that it fluctuates in intensity. So, after a bit more looking around, I found Parahuman. For now, it fits the most with my experience, so I’ll go with it. I even made a “diagram” of my soul but on jspaint for some reason even though it’s supposed to be a gradient. 
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Colors don't really have any meaning. It's supposed to be a little more on the human-side than object-side. Deep inside my soul is an object, that's definitely how it feels to me.
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ineedmorepronouns · 4 months
me scrolling through my pinterest board filled with images that looks like my kintype
"hey its me, oh hey look its me, wow it's-"
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ineedmorepronouns · 4 months
A Year of One Identity
Sorry if the formatting is weird, this wasn't originally written for Tumblr.
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If you told me in June of 2021 back when I was just discovering my alterhumanity, that my longest lasting and most prevalent identity was a car from a TV series I knew nothing about, I'd think you were crazy.
Throughout my time in the alterhuman community, I've rarely had a fictional identity stick with me for more than weeks or months at a time, usually fluctuating in intensity as I explore other, more impactful parts of myself. This isn't to say I haven't had identities stick with me for these long amounts of time, but no other part of myself has shown itself to be as emotionally stirring for as long as the Impala.
Think of this post almost as a birthday of sorts, exploring almost every aspect of this identity and delving deeper into the emotional and potentially spiritual crossroads that comes with being this object. I've tried to keep this post free from spoilers, so if you're interested in watching Supernatural, I encourage it. I've personally only seen the first five seasons, so I recommend starting from there.
I first started questioning this identity shortly after starting the series, going into the first few episodes I immediately felt that distinct pull that many fictionfolk may be familiar with. I ran through my mind, trying on different characters to see who may fit, but eventually decided to let this play out and let an identity come to me more naturally. I actually had multiple dream shifts of Sam Winchester during this time, but despite these shifts, I never saw myself in him past surface level.
The only thing I knew about this potential identity was that I had an extremely strong emotional attachment to Sam and Dean, but took note that it was mostly Dean that really sent my head through an emotional rollercoaster. Keep in mind that I still hadn't finished the first season, these emotional attachments to characters don't come easy to me so quickly. This is what confused me the most, if I wasn't one or the other and no other character present, then what was my draw towards this source?
A few months prior to starting this series, I had a brief realization that I may be objectkin, specifically carkin. There was something about questioning an inanimate object almost impossible to me, there was no inherent personality attached or a piece of story that I could wrap myself in. Besides me having a very loose sense of perception of object sentience, no specific cars stood out as being me. I had a general feel for what I may be; painted black and manufactured somewhere between the 60s and 70s.
I also want to briefly mention my pull towards the Impala when I first started watching the series. I'm objectum and POSIC, meaning I personally see objects as having some sort of awareness as well as having some sort of attraction to them in some way. The car definitely did not go unnoticed in my eyes as I watched through the first season, in fact I think at the time she was my favorite character in the show up to that point. So in early January 2023, I tried the Impala on as a label when none other stuck.
It's taken me a grand majority of the year to figure out this identity and how I feel about it. Understanding how I fit into canon, relationships in the source, and even my own personal canon. I'm still not 100% certain on everything about this identity, but I don't think I ever will be. I am the Impala in every way besides physically. She's the first identity that I can confidently see my entire self in.
One thing I've noticed with this identity is that I rarely ever experience shifts. And when I have, they've been almost unexplainable in words. I want you to take a moment and really think about what it would be like to physically be a car. Could you feel anything? See anything? It really is a confusing experience. Phantom shifts feel as if they're on the verge of both mental and phantom, being able to feel objects or people inside me while being shrouded in confusion and emotional dissonance. In other words, I feel phantom shifts not on my body, but mentally. I know it's confusing, but that's the best way I can put it.
A specific and actually the first one of these shifts came in the form of a certain green beer cooler, full of drinks clattering around somewhere inside me. This was pretty early on in confirming this identity, so feeling this for the first time was jarring. It wasn't like a normal phantom shift where I could feel it "physically", more so mentally.
Only if I relax or focus enough, I can imagine the feeling of someone sitting inside me.
Another shift I've had was a dream shift. This was also very early on when I first confirmed this identity. I almost never have dream shifts, and I haven't had one in the form of my own kintypes since this one. I don't remember specifics, but all I could hear was Sam and Dean talking. Everything was black, I couldn't see anything. Despite not being able to see anything, the dream was extremely clear and vivid. I had never had a dream like that before nor have I had one since where I could only hear what was happening around me.
Moving away from shifts, I want to talk about the awareness I have of being an object. Everything about my own identity is basically made up mush up in my head, and this is the basis of my entire identity; who am I in the source besides "the Impala"?
This has been a rough question to answer, mostly because there isn't an instance (at least not one I've come across) in canon where the Impala is sentient or aware. There's "point of views" from the car showing specific moments, but that doesn't necessarily point towards the Impala being sentient in any way. I personally don't think it is in canon, but hell this is my canon and I can make what I want of it.
The best way I can describe my own awareness is logic with little emotion. I'm able to see and comprehend everything around me, but I'm not necessarily emotionally attached to it as if I'm actually there. Imagine being at a big family gathering and dissociating, staring off into space while having a general understanding what's going on around you. Someone might say something to someone else to make you chuckle, but you are entirely focused on what's in front of you. This isn't to say I can't feel emotion at all, it's just difficult for me to. It's hard to break away from having a purpose and actually be emotionally invested in what's happening around me.
I've found that this concept breaks easily when it comes to specific characters, at least when shown any kind of affection, and trust me, the Impala is shown a lot of affection in this series. The best way I can describe this is that the Impala can't exactly feel negative emotions. The scale of emotions it can feel ranges from neutral to positive, and it's entirely dependent on outside forces. Let's say for example the Impala is sitting outside in a parking lot, just waiting. This is probably the most neutral point she can be. Probably not feeling any kind of emotion of any kind, genuinely just being a car. The opposite of this scenario would be going for a drive, maybe having some sort of word of approval, anything positive that may boost emotion. Generally the Impala is just a car, but is so very happy to be doing car things and praised for such.
This all brings me to some very specific parallels between me and this identity.
I'd say music is very prevalent in the show, a lot of the soundtrack comes from playing it over the speakers in the Impala, a very good mix of classic rock. Generally I'd say I'm pretty indifferent to music being played. Obviously I love music and seek out specific songs and artists, but I'm also very chill with almost any kind of music playing out of my control. I'd rather someone else be happy with what's playing on the radio than me change the station to something they may not like. This is something I equate to this identity and just never having a choice in music that is usually playing.
Another parallel is just general social things. I don't usually seek conversations with others, but that doesn't mean I don't like having people talk to me. I'd say the only reason I don't like talking to most people is because I'm expected to know what to say and have a good response for everything. I'd either rather be the only one talking, or someone else talking to me.
An aspect I've found confusing with this identity is the relationship I have with other characters within the source, as well as how I feel about them in terms of attraction labels. Going to spare you the wait and say that there is no way to label the way a car feels about a person in just one word, at least not for me. It's hard to put into words the emotional attachments of characters within this source, especially within me and how I view them in my own canon.
The Impala really is what Sam and Dean wants her to be, and not necessarily an agreed upon role in their life either. Maybe she's loved as more of a mother figure or something that's been there from the start. It's a constant with the inconstant in their lives. She's seen as a stand in partner, someone to love. A place to live, a place to be. My point is that she's not just one of these things, but all at once and at different times. At least that's how I view it for my own identity.
I'm not really sure if this identity is spiritual or psychological. It's definitely made me question my own beliefs on things like reincarnation and parallel lives. I've had specific visions that feel as real as actual memories, but I don't think I'll ever make a genuine conclusion on the origins of this identity. The emotions I feel to the source and the heavy desire to physically be this kintype feel very real, but they're real to me because this identity is real to me.
These feelings have definitely affected me in a negative way mentally. I truly think I would be happier if I was this kintype, whether that be in canon or even just physically now in this reality. It's something hard to live with, but I cope with it the best I can.
There's so much more I could talk about regarding this identity. From being a human at some point in my own canon, to just talking about specific parts in my source and what they mean to me. This identity has impacted me in ways I don't think I'll ever truly recover from, both positively and negatively. It's the first identity that when I say I want to physically become it, I truly deeply mean it. Even if this identity fades as an involuntary kintype, I think I would choose to be the Impala any chance I got.
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ineedmorepronouns · 5 months
could i request a scp-963 moodboard?
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I am very uneducated on the SCP Foundation (I fell down the Backrooms rabbit hole instead) so I hope my interpretation of 963 is acceptable!
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ineedmorepronouns · 5 months
I'm jewelry kin and ruby kin but I'm also crystal kin. It feels stronger with crystals with red hue, but all crystals are my family. No matter what grade, form, size, or hue, all crystals are family to me. 
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ineedmorepronouns · 5 months
hihi. scp-963-1 objectkin here~
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I’m curious, what are some of y’all’s unusual nonhuman identities/theriotypes/kintypes/etc? Feel free to reblog or comment!
(It can be from someone else you’ve seen or your own identity! Add pictures if you’d like! ((Please keep it positive))
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ineedmorepronouns · 5 months
hii! may i ask for monas hieroglyphica date ideas? i just realized i was conceptum and i have no idea how to start dating concepts lul
You’re welcome to! Here are some ideas! From what I googled, your partner seems very cool!
Wear the Monas Hieroglyphica glyph as a charm or pendant and go somewhere special
Meditate on the ideals presented in the Monas Hieroglyphica to bond with your partner
Read books on the history of alchemy
Make art involving the Monas Hieroglyphica glyph
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ineedmorepronouns · 7 months
i'm scp-963-1 kin!! i'm a "bit" of a rare kin i think (in terms of scpkin)? nonetheless i'm objectkin and objectkin needs more representation so im gonna ramble on, raughh!! i remember a lot of thoughts and feelings i had in my life (not exactly cannon). i was uh pretty narcissistic for an inanimate object. thats most likely because i was made to heal people, and i was a fancy, expensive necklace. i was all ready to heal people and have people look stunning with me as the showpiece. but then some idiot (dr bright, no harsh feelings btw) and died while holding me, so that like screwed up my programming or something. i think it was, to heal him from death, was to safehouse his soul in me? and then it made him immortal.
and then that meant to wear me every moment of day and night (including the shower, big fancy amulets aren't supposed to be washed in the shower with you arghh >:v). that also makes me polykin?? like his soul is literately being shared with me, and i could feel his feelings?? (like i felt his regret of life in his soul once he first realized being immortal is not such a good thing). honestly the scp foundation is too complicated. istg
and then they made a copy of me? (963-2) yeah i dunno. ------
i didnt actually look at my source for years, and until just a few days ago i finally re-looked at 963's scp file. i was surprised it wasn't just like my kinmemories. i was looking for the Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. auction that i was bought from, but that wasn't in there at all. instead there was some guy who did a ritual? yeah i dont know him. i felt really weird after that. i felt "wrong" about my memories, until i came to the conclusion that the file is written about a 963 from a different dimension from me. i even looked a bit different too! (my pfp, im a little more golden, that's all ------ also, im not so sure if i had sentience (as in feeling pain or surroundings). i definitely had a conscious, yes. but i guess im still a little confused about the exact definition of sentience? oh, and "feelings" felt way more stronger than words for me. most of my kinmems felt more like general feelings that i could translate into words later. for example, i felt comfy imagining i was in a pale, closed off room-kinda like an scp. then i was able to translate that feeling as "mmh, containment chamber peaceful, good." im also having your problem of separating how i'd want to portray as vs my experience for dr bright specifically. its hard first of all since he's such a low kin, then i had another kin that had their own thoughts about him, and then the fandom exists. i thought of if i was immortal in real life, and came up with "oh, i'd travel the world!", then i went back and realized that bright doesn't really have the kinda job were'd he'd have much vacation time, even for an immortal. and idk. all i have is that i think he watched soul eater and other anime. 💀idfk its just when i watch that soul eater i get this weird feeling about dr bright. anyways im gonna stop yapping bc i feel i wrote a shit ton and that i got everything off my chest. (first time talking of my kin experiences at all to others)
So I've been thinking over my objectkin identity a lot recently and have come back to square one with how I feel about it. This might be confusing because I'm honestly not sure how to explain it, but I feel like it should be sentient in some way and have some sort of life to it. Whether that be spiritual or even artificial I'm not sure but a key factor in how I connect to my fictional identities is figuring out how they feel within canon and then move on from there. But I genuinely cannot make out the emotions I feel about being an inanimate object, specifically one from fiction.
I think the main issue I'm dealing with right now is separating how I *want* to portray and think about this identity, and how I *actually* experience it. I've written multiple creative writings at this point from the point of view of the Impala and none of them are accurate to how I think it would actually be a character, rather how I think I'd want to experience it if I was physically this car. In reality, it feels quite empty and lifeless, very different than how I portray it in writing and how I'd actually want to experience it.
Surrounding all of this, I think it really affects how I actually see objects as sentient. I'm POSIC and have an object partner so feeling this way about my own identity starts putting me on rocky ground for other aspects of my life. I'm scared to consider this a spiritual identity, but from what I've experienced thus far I'm not really sure if I could call it psychological. So having the possibility in my mind that this was a lived experience for me makes it tougher to come to terms with, especially if it means relationships I've built up now aren't like how I think.
Ok, little rant over. If anybody else has an object identity from fiction, I'd love to hear about your experience!! I think at this point I just need to accept parts of my identity that are kind of hard to wrap my head around. It's confusing, but once I start accepting the stuff I do know for sure, I can move on from this confusion.
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ineedmorepronouns · 7 months
i hear this year reimus goign to the superbowl
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