itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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Hello, everyone! The current members: @casblackfeathers @herowilson @mishacollinss and @starlightcastiel thought it was about time we have some fresh blood in the team.
If you’re interested in being part of the team, all you have to do are the following:
✩ Rules:
Please make sure to read our faq just so you understand the purpose of our blog before you decide if you’re interested in joining us.
Reblog this post to help us so we know you’re interested in joining.
If you’re just reblogging to spread the word (which is much appreciated) just write so in the tags so we know you don’t actually want to join.
And that’s it on your part.
Deadline: June 20th.
✩ What happens next:
After the deadline we’ll gather all the names of everyone who reblogged this post and pick 2 new people to join our team.
The 2 selected ones will be contacted and  announced shortly after.
✩ What we’re looking for - someone who’s:
Commited and available during your assigned week to reblog content from and promote the featured creator of the week.
Help signal boost our announcement and promo posts and sometimes reblog from the creator of the week
Open to various ships and character interpretations because we’re a hate-free, positive blog open to everyone.
Able to work and collaborate with the rest of the team.
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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WELCOME TO ONE MORE OF OUR MASTERLIST OF THE MONTH Let me just start by saying THANK YOU! Last month Masterlist was a success. Thank you so much for all the support and love ❤️
Hope you guys had a lovely month, and to finish this month with a cherry on Top i have a LOT of talented writters for you. You just keep surprising me every time wiith your talent, and as you already know, Please never, ever stop Writting. All of you are just amazing. PS: If you want to be on my tag list, just DM me or send me an ask and i'll happily add you.
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1. NOT JEALOUS by: @angelkurenai
2. WAKE UP FOR ME by: @tvdspngirl314
3. PICKING UP THE PIECES by: @winchesterfanatic1967
4. JARED’S LITTLE SISTER by: @supernatural-jackles
5. TURN BACK TIME by: @revengingbarnes
6. FREAK by: @revengingbarnes
7. ONE AND ONE MAKE TRHEE by: @supernatural-jackles
8. UNEXPECTED by: @luci-in-trenchcoats
9. A DRUNK MANS’S WORDS by: @jawritter
10. BAD GIRL by: @deanxmon
11. DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY by: @watermelonlipstick
12. RIDE by: @cockslut-padalecki
13. SUPERNATURAL SERIES REWRITE by: @queen-of-deans-booty
14. FAMILY DON’T END IN BLOOD PART 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 by: @xwaywardhuntress
15. WRONG TIME by: @okayhowmuchforthearm
17. HOT BLOOD by: @watermelonlipstick
18. TOO CLOSE TO GONE / PART2 by: @jawritter
19. BEFORE LEAVING by: @tvdspngirl314
20. SEPTIC by: @watermelonlipstick
21. PARKING LOT by: @watermelonlipstick
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71 notes · View notes
itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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ᕙ(  •̀ ᗜ •́  )ᕗ
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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Hand gestures and silent conversations they have while on the phone.  
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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SPN 8.15
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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WELCOME TO ONE MORE OF OUR MASTERLIST OF THE MONTH Let me just start by saying THANK YOU! Last month Masterlist was a success. Thank you so much for all the support and love ❤️
Hope you guys had a lovely month, and to finish this month with a cherry on Top i have a LOT of talented writters for you. You just keep surprising me every time wiith your talent, and as you already know, Please never, ever stop Writting. All of you are just amazing. PS: If you want to be on my tag list, just DM me or send me an ask and i'll happily add you.
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1. NOT JEALOUS by: @angelkurenai
2. WAKE UP FOR ME by: @tvdspngirl314
3. PICKING UP THE PIECES by: @winchesterfanatic1967
4. JARED’S LITTLE SISTER by: @supernatural-jackles
5. TURN BACK TIME by: @revengingbarnes
6. FREAK by: @revengingbarnes
7. ONE AND ONE MAKE TRHEE by: @supernatural-jackles
8. UNEXPECTED by: @luci-in-trenchcoats
9. A DRUNK MANS’S WORDS by: @jawritter
10. BAD GIRL by: @deanxmon
11. DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY by: @watermelonlipstick
12. RIDE by: @cockslut-padalecki
13. SUPERNATURAL SERIES REWRITE by: @queen-of-deans-booty
14. FAMILY DON’T END IN BLOOD PART 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 by: @xwaywardhuntress
15. WRONG TIME by: @okayhowmuchforthearm
17. HOT BLOOD by: @watermelonlipstick
18. TOO CLOSE TO GONE / PART2 by: @jawritter
19. BEFORE LEAVING by: @tvdspngirl314
20. SEPTIC by: @watermelonlipstick
21. PARKING LOT by: @watermelonlipstick
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71 notes · View notes
itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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how to get my attention: 
1. be Jensen Ackles.
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37 notes · View notes
itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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➥supernatural random moments [10/∞]
13x05 | Advanced Thanatology
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
Happy Birthday Sammy❤️
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7K notes · View notes
itsjensenanddean · 3 years
Picking Up The Pieces Part 15
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Read Part 14 here!
Warnings- Emotional  
Previously on Picking Up The Pieces
Dean’s cell phone rang at 3 o’clock in the morning, and the both of you jumped at the loud tone. “Sammy, it’s three o’clock in the morning, this better be good.” He growled. 
“De, dad had a stroke. It’s not good.” He sniffled on the other line, and Dean’s heart dropped into his stomach. 
“What?” He whispered with tears filling his eyes, while you were watching with concern, wondering what was going on. 
“Y-Yeah. Mom just called me, Jess and I are on our way to the hospital. She had a rough time even telling me herself, so she asked me to call you.” He sniffled. 
“Is he gonna be okay Sammy?” he asked as a tear slid down his cheek. 
“I don’t know man, mom is worried. I don’t know much yet, but he was unconscious in the ambulance. I guess the paramedics were really concerned at his signs.” 
“O-Okay, I’m on my way Sammy.”
“See you soon man.” He says as his voice is choked up. 
He hung up and buried his face into his hands, trying not to have a full blown meltdown. You moved closer to him and began to rub his shoulders, and he turned to you, and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face into your neck. 
“De, what happened?”
He took a deep breath, “My dad had a stroke.” 
You gasp in shock, “Baby oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Is he going to be okay?” 
“I-I,-” He choked on a sob, “Shhh shh,-” You cooed gently. “It’s going to be okay baby, c’mere.” 
You pulled Dean towards you, and he buried his face into your chest. His body racked with sobs as you ran your fingers through his hair and up and down his back. He’s been there for you through so much with all of your problems, it was your turn to do the same for him. 
“I-I…I can’t lose him…” He says in between sobs and you felt your eyes well up with tears of your own.
“No matter what happens, I’m always here for you. I love you more than life itself.” 
“I love you too.” 
“I’m driving De, you’re in no shape to drive. Do you want to take baby?”
You felt him nod against your shoulder, “Okay, c’mon.” You say before you both stood up and quickly threw some clothes on. You grabbed the keys and before both of you knew it you were on your way to the hospital. 
You grabbed his hand in the middle, and he looked so vulnerable. Your heart broke at the sight. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked so scared. “I’m scared.” He admits to you. 
“I know, I am too. We just have to keep thinking positive.”
He nodded softly before looking out the window. The car was filled with silence and you pulled into the parking garage. The two of you walked to the emergency room and you grabbed his hand, bringing it up to your lips giving it a kiss. 
Mary, Jess and Sam were sitting in the chairs, and stood up when they saw you. Mary was an absolute wreck. Tears filled your eyes as she threw herself into Dean’s arms, and sobbed into his chest.
He hugged her back just as tightly and buried his face into her hair. “I love you mom, we’re going to get through this.” He mutters as the tears slide down his cheeks. You looked over to Sam to see that he was no better, and Jess’s eyes were bloodshot. 
“Hey Sam. I’m really sorry, how are you doing?” You ask him, reaching out for a hug. He hugs you back tightly, and you rub your hand up and down his back. “I’m alright, just scared.”
“Me too. If you need anything, I’m always here. Remember that ok?”
“I will. Thank you Y/n, you’ve become my sister and I love you. I hope you know that.”
“I love you too Sam.”
You and Jess shared a hug, and made some small talk leaving the brothers alone with their mother for a minute. You love the Winchesters so much. They’ve become your family over the course of the last six months. They didn’t believe the rumors about you, and they’ve been there for you, and it was your turn to be there for them. 
Mary looked at you and gave you a smile. You smiled back and pulled her into yours arms. “Thank you for coming Y/n, I really appreciate it.” 
“Of course Mary, you’re my family. We just have to think positive, that’s all we can do.” You felt her nod and she played with your hair a little making you smile. 
“Mom, what happened?” Dean dared to ask. 
“He was complaining about a really bad migraine, so we went to bed early. He woke up to use the bathroom, and it woke me up too. He was kind of staring into space, like he was really confused about where he was.” She took a deep breath, trying not to break down. 
“I asked what was wrong, and he complained that his head hurt, and he collapsed.” She says as a tear slid down her cheek. “I called 911, and he was still unconscious. I rode in the ambulance with him, I don’t have anything with me.” She says as she began to panic, and frantically looked into her purse. “They’re probably going to need our insurance card, I don’t know if I have it.” She says quickly in between sobs. 
“Hey hey hey.” Dean cooed gently as he and Sam surrounded her, and held onto her. They were sandwiched into a trio hug and she lost it. Other people in the waiting room including nurses and the receptionist looked over in sympathy. 
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“I-I’m so scared, I don’t know what I’m going to do without him.” She sobs. 
“Mom, hey..we don’t know anything yet. We have to be positive.” Sam says gently and she gasps, trying to calm down. 
“I know! I’m trying to be calm and positive but he’s my husband! He’s the love of my life.” 
Tears filled you and Jess’s eyes as you kindly waited to the side. The both of you knew exactly what the other was thinking. Dean was everything to you, you couldn’t imagine losing him. It was the same thing with her and Sam. you couldn’t imagine the pain Mary was going through right now. 
“Family for John Winchester?”
You all spun around, and the boys had Mary sandwiched in between them, keeping her from collapsing to the ground. “He’s my husband, and these are his children. How is he? Is he going to be okay?”
“He suffered what is called an Ischemic Stroke. He had a blood clot which caused him to have a blockage and the blood flow wasn’t able to flow to his brain. We inserted a metal clip into his brain and we stopped the bleeding. He’s still unconscious, but we think he’s going to pull through.” He says with a soft smile grazing his features. 
Mary and the brothers let out a sigh of relief, Mary cried tears of joy, and brought the two boys into her. “When he wakes up, he might have some trouble with his speech. It will sound very slurred, and he might have some numbness on the left side of his body. But we will know more when he wakes up.”
“Thank you for saving his life.” Sam says. 
“Of course, would you like to see him?”
“Yes. Absolutely.”
“Two at a time though.”
“No problem, of course.” You all nod at him. 
He leads you to John’s room. “Mom, you can go first. Spend some time alone with him.” Dean says. 
“Dean are you sure?”
“Of course mom. Dean’s right.” Sam adds in. 
“Thank you.” She whispers and makes her way into the room. 
“Let’s go get some coffee.” Jess says and wraps her arm around Sam’s waist. You all nod and walk to the elevator. It was quiet in the elevator, and you had your arm wrapped around Dean’s waist. He gave you a soft kiss on the head, “Thank you.” He whispered.
“I love you baby. I’m always going to be here for you.”
“I know. I love you too. I’ll always be here for you too.”
After getting some coffee, the two brothers visited John, and then you and Jess visited him together. “I can’t wait to be sisters in law.” Jess says and you giggled softly. “Dean has to propose first.���
“Oh he will.”
“S-s-s-soon….enough…” You hear softly and your head snaps up along with Jess. John’s eyes were fluttering open with a grin and you both gasp. 
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“John! You’re awake. Hang on, I’m going to grab a nurse.” Jess says as she runs out of the room.”
“John, oh my gosh we were all so scared. I’m so glad you’re okay.” You say and tears fill your eyes. He gives you a soft smile. 
“Not…going…anywhere…” He was really struggling to speak and you shushed him softly. “Don’t try to talk. A nurse will be here soon.”
Just then a nurse entered the room with Jess behind her, along with Mary, Sam, and Dean. Dean’s face brightened up as he saw his father awake and it made your heart swell in your chest. You loved the relationship Dean had with his dad. 
“Hello John! How are you feeling?” The nurse asks as she was checking over a few things. 
“Good.” He gasps out. He looked extremely frustrated as the words were barely coming out, and you felt horrible for him.
 “That’s excellent.”
She went on to explain the type of stroke he had, why what happened happened, and what his recovery process was going to be like. Thankfully, he had movement in his left side. He was a little bit weak, but he was doing better than expected. It all depended on how long his brain was going to take to heal. All patients are different. 
Mary was going to stay with him, and Dean called Bobby, and Donna to let them know you both wouldn’t be at work. They all gave their condolences, and promised to check in and visit. Jess and Sam also called their bosses, and they were more than willing to give them the time off.
It was early hours of the morning, and Mary gave you all sympathetic looks. “Hey guys, I can tell you’re all tired. Go home and get some sleep. No offense, but you all look exhausted. We’ll be okay here.” She says as she holds John’s hand. He fell asleep again. “Your dad needs to sleep anyway. I’m going to try to get some sleep.”
“Yeah alright.” Dean says as you all stood up, and shared hugs and kisses. “Call us if anything changes. I love you mom.” Sam says and you all agree. 
“I will, I love you all.”
“We love you too.” You all say at the same time, and make your way to your cars. When you got home, you and Dean showered together and he was so exhausted you washed his hair for him. He was practically falling asleep in the shower. You held him in your arms and took a well deserved nap. You were so thankful that John was ok. 
Taglist- @agirlwithdemonblood​ @akshi8278​ @stoneyggirl​ @vicmc624​ @mimaria420​ @siospins​ @aspiringsloth20​ @440mxs-wife​ @supernatural79impala​ @brokenheartscrybrokentears​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @deannwinchester67​ 
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester in Supernatural. (2005 - 2020)
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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Dean’s jackets - Part 3
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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size difference in 2.11, playthings
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
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SUPERNATURAL | Season 15 Belphegor
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itsjensenanddean · 3 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Thank you so much sweetheart🥰❤️
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