itslikelyvegan · 2 years
Smokey 4 Bean Chilli | Vegan
Smokey 4 Bean Chilli | Vegan
Yes, I know its a vegan cliché ‘a bean chilli’ but a good bean chilli is bloody amazing! everyone restaurant has a mediocre chilli as their vegan option, while I appreciate an option its usually just a bit blah!….. Once you have a good recipe its a game changer! A few weeks ago it was the hubs birthday, we had a small chilled garden party for him. I wanted to make sure everyone was fed but…
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itslikelyvegan · 2 years
Sweet and Soy Tofu Recipe | Slimming World Friendly.
Sometimes ya just need some sticky tofu for lunch
I love Tofu, its one of my favourite foods. I also LOVE tofu cooked like this, with the sweet and soy marinade. Which is perfect for either lunch or dinner. This sweet and soy tofu recipe is not only slimming world friendly but super easy and delicious. Anyone who does not like tofu, has not had it cooked right, in my humble opinion. One of the ways to cook tofu so its juicy and flavourful is…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
Vegetable Bean Soup | Super Speed Soup | Vegan Recipe.
ITS SOUP SEASON!!! With the the cold days setting in what feels super fast this year, I love to have a nice bowl of warming soup on a cold day… I like to make a big batch of soup at the beginning of the week once it gets chillier, so I have a delicious warm lunch without much effort though out the week. Or have some soup batch cooked in the freezer, for those times where I have no time. When I…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
Glen Cocoa | LUSH Fresh Facemask Review.
You go Glen Coco....okay Ill let myself out. Lush Glen coco fresh facemask review.
Recently I decided to pick up a fresh face mask from Lush. I wanted to try something new, so after talking to the very lovely lush lady I settled on glen cocoa.. With promises I would love it and it’s so hydrating and smells like chocolate….who doesn’t love chocolate right?  Now I am starting to get over the dreaded lurgy… I decided to give the mask a whirl.  What Lush says –  “How to use:…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
The UK's plans to open up again | How I feel about it?
I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling 100% comfortable with the plans to #liftrestrictions on Monday. I worry that its too soon and the cases will continue to rise further. I will be continuing to #wearamask. How do you feel about this?
I don’t know about you, but I’m not feeling 100% comfortable with the plans to lift restrictions next week (Monday 19th of July 2021). I want the restrictions to end, I want life to go back to ‘normal’. Actually do I even remember what normal life was? No probably not, But I would like to feel safe to live my life again and travel, etc. However I am unsure that is now. I like many people have…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
I am taking part in Brave The Shave!
I am taking part in Brave The Shave!
Hi guys, The hair is going soon! On the 11th of July to be exact! Anyone who knows me, knows that I have had short hair, long hair and everything in between…. there is one thing that has always remained the same though, I ALWAYS have some hair, usually covering some part of my face. This time its all going. So I am shaving my head to raise money for Macmillan. I feel like it is such a small…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
7 Tips for a happy marriage.
7 Tips for a happy marriage.
Last weekend, the hubs and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary! We defied the odds, my husbands family didn’t believe we could last 6 months let alone 7 years, but that’s another story. Other people tell us that we are perfect for each other, but I just think we have got marriage down – well for us anyway. Because we have endured 7 years of each other, I’m sharing 7 of my tips for a happy…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
We're buying a house!
We’re buying a house!
So Cal and I are going to become home owners!I don’t make resolutions any-more. I just never bloody stick to them, but earlier this year I made a few goals that I would like to at least have in motion by the end of 2021. The second goal on that list was to by a house.Did I think it would happen… maybe, did I think it would happen this quickly FUCK NO!We had no deposit saved. We had no idea where…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
Sicilian Caponata | Vegan Recipe.
I love Italian food! Before 2020 and the shit storm that came with it, I loved going out for good food.One of my favourite places is a  local Italian restaurant/s. They do an amazing Sicilian caponata! All I’ve wanted recently is to have that caponata, so I thought why not try and make my own? I played with the flavours until I was happy with it, It’s not as good as the restaurant but boy it…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
Things I am no longer taking for granted.
This last year has given me a chance to stop and step back and really appreciate the little things that I usually would have taken for granted. #thingsitookforgranted #takingthingsforgranted
We all take things for granted, its human nature. But for all the lesions this past year has given me, its to stop and take a step back and really appreciate the little things. Some of the things I am no longer taking for granted after lockdown are; Going for coffee. – and cake… Okay so I still drink coffee now, In lockdown I even bought myself a cute little espresso machine so I could make my…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
My 5 Fave red lipsticks.
I love a good red lipstick, personally I don't think you can go wrong with a good red lippy!! Click the link for my 5 fave #crueltyfree and #vegan #redlipsticks
Personally I don’t think you can go wrong with a red lippy! It elevates almost any look. Although as a pale girl red lipstick can sometimes look a bit much, it takes playing with and adjusting sometimes. I didn’t want this to be a brand heavy post, so I tried to only pick one red lippy from each brand. However I do have 2 favourites from bareMinerals and I couldn’t chose. Nyx Liquid Suede in…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
WORKING FROM HOME: 5 Things that have kept me sane | tips.
WORKING FROM HOME: 5 Things that have kept me sane | tips.
Last year the world kind of flipped on its head, with everything going on in the world. In march 2020 the first UK lock down hit. Working in an essential job in an office, I had to figure out how to work from home pretty quickly. There is no denying working from home isn’t all its cracked up to be. God sometimes it can be bloody hard! We all have to find our own way of working, below are 5…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
Slow cooked vegan bean 'stew'
Slow cooked vegan bean ‘stew’
I call this a slow cooked mixed bean stew. I don’t know if it actually counts as a stew, but whenever my hubs sees me making this he calls it stew so its kind of just stuck. I like to make this at the beginning of a week, in the slow cooker, and keep it for quicker healthy meals throughout the week. It should make 4-5 meals. However this recipe can be adjusted to fit whatever you need. This is…
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itslikelyvegan · 3 years
20 things I learned in 2020.
20 things I learned in 2020.
Oh it’s been a shitty year! But there are things to be learned nonetheless, So here are 20 things I have learned in 2020! My husband has a bigger head than I do. In photos it looks smaller and I look like I have a fat head… but his head is bigger! 2. The UK Govt. is pretty incompetent. I’m sure this is already known, but 2020 has kind of proven this again, With Covid-19, the brexit situation…
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itslikelyvegan · 4 years
LET'S Talk About Cleansing.
LET’S Talk About Cleansing.
And then cleansing again…
You have had long day at work and absolutely knackered. Your hair goes up in a bun, bra comes off, the wine is poured and the make-up wipes come out.
Nope, no, absolutely not. We have all been guilty of this but babe step away from the wipes. Put that shit down and cleanse your face properly. You will thank me for it later… Night time cleansing should be a two step…
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itslikelyvegan · 4 years
Don't Look at me | Lush fresh FACE MASK Review.
Don’t Look at me | Lush fresh FACE MASK Review.
‘Don’t look at me’ is kind of an old favourite for some Lushies, while I have tried it before it’s never been something I loved. However recently it’s fast becoming one of my faves.
This absolute beauty is a face mask that’s oh so moisturising, because of the silken tofu. The Tuscian neroli brightens your skin and the ground rice has the right amount of gentle exfoliation.
Smoother a…
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itslikelyvegan · 4 years
Ginger and chai cake | wicked kitchen review.
Ginger and chai cake | wicked kitchen review.
Its hard to find vegan cakes in supermarkets. So when I see a vegan cake I just gotta try it. The problem is, not all of them are very good…
I’ve never had anything I didn’t like from wicked kitchen. So when I heard they now had a ginger and chai cake I was all up in that. How could I not be! Ginger? good… chai? My favorite. This cake was set up to be a winner for me anyways.
Sorry wicked…
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