#Buying a house
bitchesgetriches · 3 months
How common is it to receive money from family members to put towards buying a home? Cause I’ve been talking to various lenders and real estate agents lately and a bunch of them have mentioned I could borrow from family members. I’m not sure if it’s cause I’m maybe a bit younger to be buying my own place so they assume I’m from generational wealth or if it’s cause they think I can’t afford anything and rather than tell me that just say I could borrow from family or maybe it’s just a super common thing to do and I’m out of the loop or a fourth option maybe they all have generational wealth. Idk it’s just an annoying thing to be asked because I would feel out of pocket even suggesting it and they all bring it up like it’s no biggie.
When we were in the process of house shopping 9 years ago, my beloved grandfather lost his battle with lung cancer. I emailed our real estate agent to ask her to cancel the next couple days of showings while my husband and I flew back East for the memorial service. Her response basically boiled down to "Sorry. But let me know if this changes your budget because you'll be inheriting a bunch of money!" If she'd said it to my face I would've punched her.
We did not, in fact, inherit any money from my grandfather. But her callous comment made me think that either
a) inheriting does happen from time to time during house-hunting
b) the only people able to afford their first homes these days are those who get help from older family because the market is currently insane
c) real estate agents want to do anything possible to increase buying costs because they personally benefit from a larger commission.
All of which is to say... I think these agents are being dickheads and you should either ignore them, tell them to stop being assholes, or fire them.
The Rent Is Too Damn High: The Affordable Housing Crisis, Explained 
Season 2, Episode 2: “I'm Not Ready to Buy a House---But How Do I *Get Ready* to Get Ready?”
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markliebrecht · 3 months
Today we found the house we want to buy.
Now we just have to brace ourselves for the heartbreak that comes with being outbid. 🏠 💔
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caffeinesam · 1 month
I have seen the perfect little dumb house close to a cool lil village that would get me closer to where I'm going to actually work. It's affordable and it has the just about perfect
550 acres of woodlands and fields and a huge solid barn
but it's like 95 kms North of where my ex, the mother of my kids, live. And this breaks my heart.
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wildhannimal · 10 months
Hey uhh investors have been buying like one out of every five houses for sale lately. Two out of five of the homes that investors buy are starter homes that would otherwise likely be affordable for new or mid-income families to buy themselves without a middleman. Is that whack or what
Residential real estate should never be treated like an investment asset or profit-generating business. Make this illegal.
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teacup-tyrant · 3 months
Any Adults™️ here have experience with buying a house/condo? Do I have to go to my closing in person? I can’t do shit in person bc mental health makes it impossible (usually). I have a panic attack every goddamn time I need to make a decision related to this process.
I didn’t buy my car in person. They drove it to my house, I handed them a check for the entire thing, then sent them away. I just want to do this with my condo too. 😥😥😥
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homerentusa · 8 months
Get The Best Rent Home
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karihighman · 1 year
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He’s so happy for her too omggggg 🫠😊 and then they’re arguing like a married couple I can’t even 😂😂 Brendon really messed up with his comments LOL. But they’re fun!!
course see I’m also wondering if Laura buying a house means her and Mark can be more settled?? Idk…
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pope-posts · 7 months
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I have tomorrow off because I'm buying a house, and since no one else will, I'm treating myself to a date night. Food, wine, and sex but all by myself 😪
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iblamethenubbins · 2 years
If I could go back and talk to my younger self I would tell her this: please start saving money for your future house! You won't be able to afford the house of your dreams with your normal salary, house prices are crazy!
So if you're on this hellsite and you're in your 20s and you've just started working,I don't care what your salary is, START SAVING NOW. Unless you have rich parents who would buy a house for you, the best thing you can do for your future is put money aside, because you won't be able to get a 300k mortgage unless you have some of it saved. Just. Start. Saving.
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oasisr · 1 year
Are real estate agents parasites?
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Do you ever struggle with being a homeowner? I honestly hate owning my house and I feel like such a loser to admit it, but the constant upkeep is just so wearing on me. I know it’s one of the best investments I can make though, especially with how out of control rent is. How do you guys deal with making the best financial choices for yourselves, even if it makes you a little unhappy?
YOU ARE NOT A LOSER. Don't you ever talk about our baby like that.
But also--yeah! Home maintenance is not for everyone! There's definitely something to be said for coming home from work and not needing to lift a finger around the house. I get it!
While both us Bitches made the choice to buy homes (in a very good buyers' market), we'll readily admit these days that home ownership is not for everyone. And while it's a good way to protect against rising rent prices, it's not necessarily an "investment" anymore. At the end of the day, there's a lot of security in owning the roof over your head. But times have changed, and home ownership might not be the best choice for you.
I guess my advice is to be realistic and honest about your feelings. There's no law against going from home owner to renter again! Or even renting your house out to someone else (and hiring a property manager) while you go rent elsewhere to take the pressure off. Think creatively about your needs, not what everyone else says is a good investment.
We wrote this in simpler times:
Bullshit Reasons Not to Buy a House: Refuted 
Bullshit Reasons To Live In a Tiny House, Refuted
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alpacaparkaseok · 2 years
I shared our very first open house experience - it was definitely something to remember 😂
Hope you’re all doing well 💕 hoping to update soon!
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calestialmusings · 2 years
The shit show that is changing your first & last name
Back when I was in my PhD program, before I quit (unrelated: I do love being a 4.0 drop out tho), I had a friend we’ll call G. G was real cool and honestly the level of progressive that I was hoping to get to but couldn’t quite reach then.
 Anyways, while we were in class one day it came out that G had changed their name years ago. I knew very little about the world, nor what “clocking” met and how that was what I had been doing. He didn’t look Trans or whatever [obviously what I thought Trans looked like in my early 20s] so I just thought he changed his name because he wanted to. Because he was cool and wanted to be his own person. I tried to pry a bit but could quickly tell that he was becoming uncomfortable and that i was doing that to him, so I dropped it. I figured he was just being mysterious and interesting and I was envious that him and his partner decided to do something so “progressive.” Not to mention, people change their last names all the time so first names must have been just as easy. 
Fun fact #1: First name changes are not as easy as last name changes and changing your first name is confuses a looooooot of people and breaks so many fucking systems. 
In a system that is heavily designed to have women be property of men and join their husband’s identities (The number of times I was called Mrs. Partner first & last name oof), society is really well adjusted to handling those changes in a quick and simple way. When I got married and changed my last name it wasn’t even a thing. I put it on my marriage license, went to the SS office to get a new card, new license without much questions or required paperwork. If something had the wrong last name, it was pretty chill. 
This gave me a super unrealistic idea of what a “full name change” would be like. The first thing that happens is that people don’t actually hear what you have to say. If you give them your name, or say that your name changed most people will automatically just think “last name.” Meaning they will just kind of do a hybrid of your birth first name and your last name. Even if they heard what your name was when you first talked. They just kinda throw that name out the window. It’s fucking stupid but becomes a huge issue when its things like medical records or medicine. Especially if your shit is controlled. 
Buying a house was also a huge thing. My partner and I bought a house about 8 months after we changed our names and that was a whole ass thing. The mortgage companies loved our wonderful credit attached to our previous names but our new names had no credit 🙃 Though everyone knew we were the same people, their systems were ONLY designed to handle a new last name. So we were denied a loan until we could get the name change worked out with the credit bureaus. 
Fun fact #2: the credit bureaus honestly don’t seem to do shit lmao. One of which denied our requests for changing our name three times because there wasn’t any documentation provided, that note was attached to the documentation that we provided. 
Getting our mortgage became the carrousel of hell and it only ended when I forced them to submit the request to the ACTUAL people who approve/deny loans (can’t remember their title rn). They happily accepted our request and just required everything be done in our previous names which sucked but was a win-win for both parties. 
It’s a frustrating situation though and only worked out for us because we were financially privileged. Would they have agreed to approve this mortgage if we didn’t have such good credit, or if my partner wasn’t a tech worker, or if we didn’t live in a place where houses were so expensive? No, they probably wouldn’t have. If I hadn’t worked at credit union for 6 years, didn’t know how mortgages worked, and didn’t have a parent who had been a CEO of a credit union things would have not worked out well in my favor just because I had the audacity to change the birth name I had been given. 
Fun Fact #3: Organizations that you are associated with will get real nosy about why you changed your name. They will require legal paperwork showing the name change happened but also want you to walk them through why. 
I’m very open about my gender and sexuality but it rubs me the wrong way when questions seem invasive and irrelevant. You are legally required to provide paperwork showing your name is changed. To get that legal paperwork you must talk to the courts about why you want to get your name changed and the courts decide whether or not to grant you with the name change. So for an organization to require that paperwork AND still have a client/customer discuss their name change is really invasive. Knowing why I changed my name will not impact the fact that my name was changed and that you have the document showing that. Having that information on record is just unnecessary information that can open up your client/customer to discrimination- and that is why one of those fucking places has my “reason for name change” as “because.” The customer representative then laughed and said “just because?” and I was like “yep.”  
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tiktoksihadsaved · 2 years
Housing affordability and communes
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The sea has always exerted an irresistible allure on the human soul, with its vastness and ever-changing beauty inspiring profound reflections. Gazing at the endless horizon, where the sky meets the sea, evokes thoughts of freedom, infinite possibilities, and inner peace. It's as if the gaze gets lost in the distance, opening the mind to new perspectives and aspirations.
In this context of contemplation and a desire for serenity, the thought of buying a house in Italy, perhaps near the sea, becomes a captivating dream. The Italian coasts offer a variety of breathtaking landscapes, from golden sandy beaches to rugged cliffs, from tranquil bays to lively coastal towns. Each place has its own unique charm and special atmosphere, ready to welcome those who desire a life close to the sea.
Imagining owning a home in one of these locations means not only having a refuge from the daily hustle and bustle but also immersing oneself fully in Italian culture and lifestyle. It means savoring the authenticity of local cuisine, strolling through picturesque seaside villages, and enjoying the natural beauty that surrounds every corner.
Ultimately, reflection on the sea and the horizon can lead to a deep desire to find a home that reflects that same sense of freedom and serenity. And if this home is in Italy, surrounded by the beauty of the Adriatic, then the dream becomes even more fascinating and irresistible.
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How the new Arc faults protect you and your home. Understanding the Importance of Arc Faults in Protecting You and Your Home In the world of electrical safety, arc faults have long been a concern for homeowners. These hazardous electrical discharges can occur when wires are damaged or overheated, posing a serious threat of fire. Recognizing the need for advanced safety measures. The introduction…
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