jchb32273 · 19 days
After SIX years (plus one week)...
I am very happy and proud to announce that Kylara's Origins is now complete!
I hope you will enjoy it!
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jchb32273 · 8 months
Hi Julia, I was wondering if you ever figured out how to get the .utc files from DAO expansions. I'm trying to make a armor replacement mod for Leliana's Song and I'm coming up dry for a lot of the .utc files looking around on Nexus. I'd appreciate any help! Especially looking for the Tug utc
Believe me, I looked. The only one I was able to get was DAA. A friend of mine did make some head morphs for Witch Hunt (https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5468) but that was all. I don’t think she was able to find Leli’s Song .utc or .mor files either...  I am sure the files are hidden in there somewhere, but I haven’t had any luck... I wish I could at the very least find the head morph files as I dislike the look for Leli and Marjolaine in that DLC. Perhaps I can try digging again. I’ll let you know if by chance I do find anything.
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jchb32273 · 1 year
A beautiful gif of Kylara and Alistair made for me, by 🦇VaMpY🦇
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jchb32273 · 1 year
I know I haven't been too active lately... 😅
I am still writing, just slowly. I do hope to have Kylara'a Origins finished by my birthday this March, so 🤞 that I manage it! (I keep distracting myself with other... things. Oops...)
Kylara's Awakening (for lack of a better title at this moment... and the sequel to her Origins story) has about 9 chapters written so far and it will start being posted on my AO3 shortly after the conclusion of the first story.
As for my YouTube Channel... I still plan on fully modding and playing through DA2 (AND writing Hawke's Tale as well!!), it is just taking a lot longer to get that project underway than I had initially planned... 😞 I am determined, however, that it will get done! That's me being my stubborn ♈️ Aries self.
Thank you!
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jchb32273 · 2 years
Chapter 45 - Landsmeet Lies
WOW! Less than a month has passed since I uploaded Chapter 44 and now I have ANOTHER chapter live! Go me! Getting close to the finale now!!
Chapter link.
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jchb32273 · 2 years
Chapter 44 of Kylara's Origins is now live!
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AO3 Link
Kylara is rescued from the horrors of Fort Drakon. After days spent healing, she and Alistair confront Queen Anora about her actions. Later, Kylara and her companions go to investigate the unrest at the Denerim Alienage.
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jchb32273 · 2 years
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Julia's Place turned 4 today! I should have a new chapter update for Kylara's Origins coming real soon! Please stay tuned! 😘
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jchb32273 · 2 years
OMG, an update at long last!! (Again 😅)
Kylara's Origins - Chapter 43 now live! 😁
After being confronted by Loghain, Eamon sends Kylara and her friends out to see how many nobles are possibly on their side for the upcoming Landsmeet. Then later, the group finds out that Queen Anora has been taken captive by Rendon Howe. Kylara attempts a daring rescue.
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jchb32273 · 3 years
A new Chapter update!
After many delays on their journey, Alistair and Beth finally catch up with Stroud. Once they arrive in Montsimmard, Alistair finds a bit of a shock when he recognizes someone he thought was long gone.
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jchb32273 · 3 years
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So here is a question I'd like to pose to Dragon Age fans! Doing a little digging, this is where I figure each Archdemon rose from (I could be off, but this was my best guess based on the lands and cities that were attacked). Whether they are going to be in DA4 or not, we have 5 of the 7 Old Gods here... So does anyone have any thoughts as to where OG #6 and OG #7 could be buried?
Orlais covers a huge area, so my guess is that at least one could be there... Maybe the other could be in Southern Nevarra? Free Marches? Rivain? or even Seheron or Par Vollen?
Any thoughts?
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jchb32273 · 3 years
THREE CHAPTERS Posted today! Two in Fictober 2019 (yes, it is now FINISHED! 😁 three years later... 😅) and one in my Bethistair Story!!
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jchb32273 · 3 years
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In honor of unlocking the werewolf boyfriends poly route, please enjoy this celebratory art! 🐺💙🐺
We're officially halfway through the campaign and only $3,600 away from unlocking the Epilogue DLC!! So close to achieving a tropical romantic getaway for the MC and their RO(s)!🌴
Back the Kickstarter here to take the ROs on vacation!
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jchb32273 · 3 years
Been cranking out a lot of chapters lately...
This one has almost been writing itself! Started this on Sept 23... and a week later, I have SIX chapters out!
This is part 2 of a multi-part story. It started out as a Bethany/Alistair Smut-gift fic, that I attempted to keep a plot in (and I think I managed fairly well!) That story can be found HERE.
Hope you might give it a read... and maybe some Kudos? 😉
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jchb32273 · 3 years
And we FINALLY have another chapter update for Kylara's Origins!
Chapter 42 "... and a Despotic Loghain" is now live on AO3!
Featuring art by @sammakesart and rainhowlspl from DeviantArt!
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A little snippet:
The rain continued on until we finally reached the gates of Denerim – then as if someone cast a spell (not me), it abruptly stopped. The days and days of traveling in the rain, however, had done their damage. Several people were sick. Even though I had been wearing my waterproof cloak, I was trying to suppress a cough and stuffed-up nose.
We rode into the city to see colorful flags from each arling and bannorn flying. Clearly they were there to signify the Landsmeet. When we got to Eamon’s estate – which was about a third of the size of Redcliffe castle – there were even more banners waving.
These banners aren’t for the Landsmeet. They are clearly decorations… so what are they flying for? I wondered.
As we arrived into the courtyard, all of us that had been on horseback dismounted. Stable-hands came out and led the horses to the stables in the rear of the estate. I saw Eamon, Teagan, and Alistair get out of the carriage they had been riding in, followed by Isolde, her personal maid, and Connor getting out of theirs. Servants, even those that were clearly sick, did their jobs and immediately got the luggage and chests off of the carriages and took them into the home.
Eamon took a deep breath and smiled. “By calling the Landsmeet, I’ve struck the first blow.” He spoke loud enough that all who were close could hear him. “The advantage – for the moment – is ours. Loghain will have little choice but to show himself to oppose us directly. He will strike back at me. The only question that remains… is how soon it will happen. I don’t expect him here tonight, at the very least… but he will likely surprise us when we least expect it.”
Alistair then asked the question I had been wondering earlier. “What are all of these banners for, Ser?”
“Why, I am hosting a ball this evening,” he replied as if we should have already known. He then put a hand on Alistair’s shoulder. “I plan on introducing you to all of the eligible noble women of Ferelden. Surely you will find someone here tonight that will make a suitable Queen.”
Upon hearing this, my stomach felt full of stones and my breath wheezed out of my lungs.
Cullen murmured quietly, “Are you all right?”
I could only shake my head.
At the same time, Alistair had a shocked expression on his own face. “Wh-what do you mean? How in the void do you expect me to find someone in one night?! Besides, we haven’t even had the Landsmeet yet! What if we lose?!”
“We won’t lose, son. I am sure of it. As for finding someone ‘in one night’… it isn’t like I’m asking you to marry them tonight! Just… find someone suitable and in time I am sure you will learn to love them.”
Alistair stared at the ground. “I… can’t.”
Now Eamon looked cross. He glared at me before saying, “You can’t? Or you won’t?” He inhaled sharply through his nose, then let it out slowly. “Alistair, you must be reasonable here. You must carry on the Theirin lineage… and to do so, you need a Queen. You know as well as I that Ky- ”
Alistair glared at Eamon. “Don’t. Don’t you even say one negative thing about Kylara. It is because of her that you are alive right now! It is because of her that you still have your son! She has done SO much for you and you are treating her like trash! I will NOT have that!”
Eamon deflated slightly. “Alistair, I am only looking out for your best interests…”
“You mean your best interests. I am only a pawn in your game… and you are pushing me a little close to the edge of the board. You need to be careful that I don’t fall off.”
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jchb32273 · 3 years
OMG, A Chapter Update at long last!!
Title: Kylara's Origins
Rating: Mature
Chapter: 41/?
Pairing: Alistair Theirin and Kylara Amell
Chapter Summary: Kylara and Alistair continue to keep apart from each other, trying to convince Eamon that they are no longer a couple. But how much more can they stand when they know each other's thoughts and feelings from afar?
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14631294/chapters/77305223
Commissioned art in this chapter by the lovely Kalynne and the amazing Kei Ivory
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jchb32273 · 3 years
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Sharing my latest commission from @EmphaticDream on Twitter!  Alibear is at it again! Stealing a rose from Raymond's garden to give to Kylaracat!! Sneaky little bugger! 
🐻 +  🌹 =  😻  (-  😾)
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jchb32273 · 3 years
Here is the conclusion of my modded Dragon Age Awakening!
Before facing off against "The Mother", Kylara must take on the armies of Darkspawn that are marching towards Amaranthine and Vigil's Keep! But how does one make such a choice? (I wanted to show both options, so technically, Kylara - Super Mage, saves both!  )
Also, please stay tuned at the end for a message from me... and some music from Audiomachine (which I used for the credits)! 
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Video Link  👉  HERE  👈  
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