Remus Lupin headcannons
- Extremely tall
- Probably over 6ft
- Lanky
- Definitely not as collected as people think
- Incredibly kind
- Wouldn’t judge another person
- Maybe because  of his own problem
- Maybe it’s in his nature
- Obviously has multiple mental illnesses
- Pretty sure he actually doesn’t finish his homework all of the time
- He has great ways to get away with it
- One of them is just the great bond he has with the teachers
- Covers a lot for his friends
- Actually, miss, James was with me this whole afternoon.”
- He wasn’t 
- Keeps his emotions bottled up
- Breaks down when he thinks he’s alone
- The boys walked in on him having a breakdown several times
- Even if they don’t succeed the fact that they tried to help him means a lot to Remus
- Does not want to get close to people
- He’s scared he will hurt them
- Or that they will leave when they find out about his furry problem
- Would make a great friend though
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For: @carlssonhanna (I posted it again on this account, it’s the new one x)
I left the description private, because it was done on messages.
I’m going to have to go with Peter. It might seem biased because I know you love Tom lol. But your description and the way you come over in the gc would fit him. He would be drawn to your kindness and humor. Especially when he sees you walking trough the halls, quoting a meme to someone. His inner self would just want to join in and help finishing the meme when people don’t get it. The poor boy would be lovestruck. As soon as you two start talking it becomes worse. Sometimes he’s be too nervous to even talk. As you two get closer it would come out eventually. Probably accidentally during a conversation. When you admit you like/love him too he’d be so relieved. He was honestly too scared to lose you and wouldn’t know what to do if he did. He would try his best to get along with your family, and probably even gets a bond with your little sister because he seems awesome with kids. Also he love to see the boat.
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Let me help // Bucky Barnes
Summary: Bucky is feeling lonely at the given moment and y/n decides to do something about that. This was requested :)
Warnings: gender neutral reader (not a warning but still ig)
It wasn’t uncommon for a certain mister Barnes to feel lonely, in fact he felt loneliness on a daily basis. But who could blame him? It isn’t weird for someone who has been through he has been trough to feel the way he does. And besides, the way that the other avengers, except for Steve and Natasha, seemed to act towards him didn’t make it any better.
And y/n wasn’t oblivious to all that had been going on with him. It was pretty obvious, with how Bucky seemed to shut down if Steve wasn’t around, not trusting the other enough not to do so.
But somehow y/n was able to break to this facade he help up. They got more out of the man than they would’ve ever hoped for. They got to know his interests, past and even his fears (and even Steve didn’t know a lot of those). Bucky trusted them a lot, and they swore to never break that trust. Even though one of those fears on his had a pretty big impact on him.
Being alone.
So when y/n found him sitting on the couch, alone at night, looking lost in thought, it wasn’t exactly surprising for them. But it hurt them none the less, seeing their best friend looking that sad and lonely.
So it wasn’t hard for them to decide to sit next to him, even though they knew it would probably get protest from Bucky.
With a gentle smile and a comforting hand on his shoulder they spoke up. “Hey, Buck. What are doing up at this time?”
He looked up at them, sorta startled. He didn’t notice them until now, not even when they touched him. But the soft smile on their face calmed him slightly. A sad and tired smile made it’s way onto his lips as he let out a small sigh.
“I just can’t sleep, don’t worry. I’m used to it.”
Y/N shook their head and scoffed, “That’s supposed to not make me worry? You shouldn’t be used to that. And besides, you look like shit. No offense of course.” they said with a slightly mocking tone.
The way they spoke lightened the mood slightly causing Bucky to chuckle slightly.
Behind all the small smiles y/n knew what was really going on in his head. They knew about the lonely moments, the insomnia, the fear of being alone. But they didn’t push it, knowing it wasn’t the time as they both were extremely tired. 
So instead they just laid down on the couch behind Bucky, secretly hoping this would help.
“I know you can’t sleep, but you have to try.”
Bucky nodded his head in acknowledgement but stayed where he was, not moving an inch.
“Can’t save the world like this.”
They joked slightly, stretching their arm, hinting for him to come lay down. It caused a small smile on the male’s face, obviously amused by what y/n  was doing. 
“Please? My arm is getting tired.”
As he let out a sigh, shaking his head, he moved to lay down in y/n’s arms. Meanwhile y/n was doing a victory dance inside of their head.
He wouldn’t admit it, but laying in their arms right there, at that moment, comforted him lots. He felt protected, loved, and for once not alone.
“Look, we have to talk about this tomorrow, but right now you have to relax. Let me help when you feel like shit, Bucky. I care about you.”
“Thanks y/n.”
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