Dean Winchester x F!SLAYER!Reader
Title: “A Hunter & A Slayer.”
Character(s): Dean Winchester x f!Slayer!Reader, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer mentioned.
Warnings: Mentions of smut, not enough to be considered smutty. Pregnancy is talked about.
*I do not own pictures, nor the characters. Slayer is based off of Buffy, but it’s not Buffy if that makes sense.*
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When Dean was dragged to hell by a hellhound, it felt like my lungs had collapsed. My heart was ripped in two, and it felt like my soul had been torn from me.
I watched Sam hold Dean’s lifeless body. All I could think about was Dean’s last words to me:
“Listen to me. You are going to be fine. Live your life, baby. I’m going to be okay.” He said with tears in his eyes. I turned my gaze away from him.
Deans hands cupped my cheeks as his thumbs caught my tears. “Look at me, Y/N. Please.” He pleaded with me, until my eyes looked into his. “You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Who would’ve thought a slayer and a hunter could be together.” He said which a sad chuckle. “The day you laid me out on the cement, that was when I knew I’d end up falling in with love you. Even though you had a wooden stake near my heart, it turned me on in more ways than one.”
I smiled and he brought my forehead to his lips. Dean pressed his head against mine, “I love you.” He said as he ran his fingers through my long hair. “I know I didn’t say it as often as I should have, but I love you. I love you now and I’ll love you even when I’m dead and gone. I will always remember your eyes, your smile, and your hair.”
Before he let me speak, he pressed a firm, loving kiss to my lips. “Take care of Sammy.” He whispered, and those were the last words I heard, before my world stopped.
Sam cried over his body, “No…No…No, Dean.” Anger had taken over my sadness, and I marched out the front door, and climbed up into my jeep. I slammed the door shut and started the ignition. But before I could put the Jeep in drive, Sam pulled open my driver side door. “Where are you going? Wait for me to get Dean and we-we can go.” He said and I shook my head as I clipped my seatbelt.
“Sam, go get Dean. Take him to Bobby. I will be there as soon as I can.” I said wiping the hot tears from my cheeks. Sam wasn’t stupid. He knew me just as well as Dean did.
“No. Where are you going? Are you seriously going to sell your… this is what got us here in the first place, Y/N.” He couldn’t bring himself to say the word. Soul. I stared at the road in front of me. “They will take it in a matter of seconds, Sammy. I’m the slayer. I have pissed off a lot of demons, and they would love nothing more than to drag me to hell.” I whisper and Sam picked up my hand.
“Dean wouldn’t want you to do it, Y/N. He- he loved you. He would be angry that you would book yourself a one way trip to hell.” He said and I couldn’t hold my tears back anymore.
“I can’t live without him, Sam! He is and will always be my first love. I can never love anyone like I loved Dean! My teenage years got ripped out right from under me- I’m the slayer! I’m supposed to do this for the rest of my life, and he understood me. He understood me better than anyone.” I say as I hit the steering wheel with my fists, and Sam unbuckled my seat belt and pulled me out of the Jeep. I started kicking the side of it, “If anyone could have stopped that demon bitch, it was me! I was strong enough!” I said as my hand went through the glass of the rear view mirror.
Sam grabbed me from behind and held my shaking body. “I didn’t even get to tell him he was going to be a father.” I said out of breath, and Sam fell to the ground, cradling my body, as I cradled my bloodied hand.
His silent tears had turned into sobs, and he buried his face in my hair. We mourned his death on that ground, for more than an hour. Sam was the one who had to load Dean’s body- I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing his body torn and mangled.
Instead, I got into my Jeep, and I bundled myself up in Dean’s leather jacket. It still smelled like him, and that entire ride to Bobby’s— all I could do was cry. My baby was going to be fatherless, and I was going to be alone. How was I going to do this? Be a slayer and be a mother?
The two worlds didn’t mesh, and it would never work out. I have to go through this alone. Sammy and Bobby would be there, but I needed Dean. If Sam wasn’t following right behind me, I would have found a cross road by now.
When we got to Bobby’s, it was like the wound was ripped opened all over again. The next day, Bobby had cleaned up Dean’s body and put clean clothes on his body. Sam took off Dean’s amulet, and he gave me his ring. I put Dean’s ring on a necklace and wore it every day after that. But then, the two men started arguing on what to do with Dean’s body.
“We need to give him a hunters burial. You know that Sam.” Bobby said.
“No, we need his body. We’re just going to bury him, and believe me, I will get Dean back.” Sam argued, and finally I had stood up from the couch.
“Let’s just bury him for now. If we want to salt and burn him later, we can. But let’s not argue. This is not the time or the place.” I say as I looked between Bobby and Sam.
Bobby scoffed, “You’re the calmest pregnant woman I have ever met.” He said as he turned around and held on to the back of the chair. “Fine. We will just bury him. Come on. Let’s go find a good spot.”
After that, everyone had spread far apart. Sam was somewhere in Illinois, and I went back to Texas. I found a good rental house, and started a new life in a small town where every one knew every one. My slayer duties went on the back burner.
Sam came down every time I had a doctor’s appointment, and held my hand throughout this new journey. At this point, I didn’t correct the nurses when they asked if he was the baby’s father. A new glimpse of hope had opened for Sam, and I had never seen him smile so big as he smiled at the tiny fetus on the screen.
It had been four months since Dean had died, and I was now five months pregnant. My belly was still small, but if I wore a tight fitting shirt, it looked more rounded and bigger.
Sam had left the day before and I had the day off from new job at a law firm. I hated having days off because my mind would go straight to Dean, and I would find myself in a depressive episode. The only comfort I could find was by wearing one of his old t-shirts. I had one left that still smelled like his cologne, and his scent.
I sat on the couch wiping a tear from my cheek, when a knock on the door startled me. I rubbed my face, trying to hide the fact that I was crying. When I opened the door, I took a step back.
“Y/N, it’s- it’s me.” Dean said as he took in my surroundings, and I continued to step back. I don’t know what hellish nightmare I was living it, but I didn’t stay shocked for long.
I ripped the “decorative” scythe off of the wall, and began swinging it. “Get back!” I shouted with tears running down my face. “Dean” held out his hands towards me,
“Baby, it’s me. I know this is probably freaky as hell, but imagine how I feel.”
I swung the scythe once more, and when he didn’t back up, I ran towards him. Quickly, I swiped the demon of his feet, and stood above him with the wooden end of the scythe pressed firmly where his heart was.
Staring down at the face that had been stolen, I couldn’t help but to choke back a sob. “You have to be a shifter.” I say through gritted teeth, and “Dean” held the end of the scythe.
“Baby. It’s me. It’s Dean. Just listen to me, before you kill me! Your full name is Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N.” When I started to not buy it, “Dean” started talking faster.
“You had long hair before I died, and before I died I told you that I wish I would have told you how much I loved you.” He whispered. “You have this small heart shaped birth mark on your collar bone. And uh, you make this sweet little sound when you get ready to..”
I dropped the scythe to the floor and I fell right on top of Dean. He sat up to where his back was leaning up against the side of my couch, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I couldn’t stop the tears or my sobs that left my lips.
“Dee…. How..How could this have happened? How are you here right now?” My body was shaking, and his arms tightened around me.
“I’m trying to figure that out. All I remember is that it was lights out for me. And then strangely enough, these memories of me and you were floating around in my head, and bam, I was back.” He said, and I heard a sniffle come from him. We sat there in silence until his finger tips started combing through my hair. “Your hair…. Why did you cut it?” He asked, and I finally had the courage to look him in the face.
His green eyes were brighter than ever. He was beautiful- glowy, almost. “Because. Well, I don’t know. After we buried you, all of these emotions- I just couldn’t stand myself.” I said, and I looked up at him.
I had to be honest with him. Because what if one of those demons snatched my soul and I didn’t even know?
“I tried to make a deal. With a crossroad demon. Sam told me not to, but one night, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I needed you.”
The red eyed demon circled around me, with a proud smile on his face. “A slayer. Making a deal with the likes of me. So uncommon, and rare, might I add.” He said as his fingers ran through my hair. “A beautiful little thing. No wonder, why Dean was so fond of you.”
I pulled away from his grasp. “You know why I am here. Are we going to make a deal or not?” I asked, and the demon tsked. “Of course. But that pretty little soul of yours will only have seven years with Winchester. So is it worth it? I swear with you people, it is a never ending cycle.” He said with a smirk. “Can you imagine the glory and applause I will get when I drag a pretty little slayer to hell?”
Before I could agree to the terms and conditions, another demon showed up, but this time in a woman’s body. “Oh Claudius. What are we doing here with her?” She asked looking me up and down.
“Making a trade. Her slayer soul for Winchester.” He said, and she shook her head. “Are you stupid?” She asked and the Claudius shook his head. “I’ve been in the game longer than you, Tabitha. I know what I’m doing.” He said through gritted teeth.
Her sharp cheek bones sucked in, and she gave him a devilish smile. “Oh, really? You do realize that after she’s dead and gone, another slayer will take her place, right?” She questioned and Claudius took a step back from me. “I didn’t think so. Now come on. Pack it up and let’s go. We have other people dying to sell their soul.” Tabitha said.
Before I could even protest, they disappeared and I was left alone. In the dark. Alone. With a feeling of loss. And guilt.
After I finished telling Dean what happened, he sat there staring at me. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He asked, and I was taken back by his question. “Dean, you would’ve done the same thing for me.” I said, and he stood up and sat me down on the couch.
“This is the whole reason we were in that mess in the first place. I don’t want you to ever experience what I went through.” He said, and his eyes were filled with terror. “I couldn’t live with myself, knowing you sold your soul, only to get me for seven years.”
I stood up and pulled a small picture out of a book on the coffee table. I handed it to Dean, “Maybe not. But this baby would’ve given you something to live for Dean.” I said and Dean’s fingers held up the picture.
He fell back onto the couch, and his hand rubbed against his cheek. “You’re…You’re pregnant?” He asked and I nodded with tear filled eyes.
“I found out the day before… before we lost you.” I say and Dean got up and pressed his lips to mine. This kiss was different from his “I’m back” kiss. This kiss was hungry, full of adoration, and want and need.
He held my neck firmly, and I started to get weak in the knees. The four months he was gone, felt like an eternity, and the smell of his cologne clouded my senses.
Dean lifted me up off the ground, and I knew the drill. I wrapped my legs around his waste; slowly he pulled his lips away from mine. “Where’s the bedroom?” He asked.
“Down the hall, last door on the right.” I say and he grinned.
“Why Texas?” He asked and I shrugged. “This is where you kissed me for the first time.” I say and his lips slammed against mine again. Dean was good at multitasking; he kicked the bedroom door opened, then closed it behind us.
He pressed my back up against the bedroom door, and my legs were still wrapped around him. I removed his band t-shirt, exposing my breasts, and Dean let out a groan. “Seeing you like this never gets old.” He whispered against my lips.
Dean switched between opened mouthed kisses, and nipping at my neck. His hands massaged my breasts as he took each nipple between his fingers.
Slowly he pulled me away from the door and laid me down on the bed. “You’re wearing too much.” I said as I stood on my knees and helped remove his t-shirt.
When the t-shirt was discarded to the floor, I was shocked to see his bare chest. The scars that littered his chest, were no longer there. He was new. There was one scar in particular that I would kiss, because he always stated how ugly it looked.
I still pressed a kiss to where it used to be and he smiled. “I’m good as new, baby.” He said and I ran my fingers through his hair, and pressed another kiss to his lips.
I couldn’t get enough of him. If I could sit here and kiss him forever, I would. This was my version of heaven. Him. All I need was him, and my life was perfect. His hands snaked around my bare back, and he laid me down, climbing on top of me, with one knee between my legs, and the other on the outside of my body.
He kissed from my cheek, to my lips, all the way down to my belly button. Then he quickly pulled away. “What’s the matter?” I ask, and I look down and he’s staring at the very small bump.
I smiled and grabbed his hand and placed it on the bump. Deans eyes were bright, and he was in shock. The shock had finally sat in. “Dean are you-”
His look of disbelief had turned into a smile. “My God, you are beautiful. This really is happenin’, huh?” He questioned and I smiled up at him.
“Yeah—yeah, I guess it is.” I replied and he hovered over me, holding himself up on his left arm, while his right hand remained on my belly.
This kiss he pressed to my lips, was even more gentle than the ones before that. “Who would’ve thought. A hunter and a slayer. Having a baby. You and I, we’re having a baby.” He whispered with the biggest smile on his face.
His forehead was pressed to mine- and I was taken back to the tears that rolled down my cheeks when he told me to take care of Sammy. How was this my reality? I wondered, and my hand traced up to his left bicep.
Dean hissed at the feeling of my palm, and I removed my hand and looked at his bicep. A red hand print was burned into the skin, and my hand went to my mouth. “What happened?” I asked, and Dean looked back down at me.
“I don’t know. When I crawled out of that pine box, it was there.” He said with a look of disgust. I sat up and I pressed kiss to the red mark.
Dean looked at me and smiled. “I love you, Y/N.” He said and I pressed a kiss to his lips. “I love you more.” I said back and his cheeks turned red.
“I’m fixing to show you how much I love you.” He said with a chuckle, and as he pulled down my sweatpants he asked, “This isn’t going to hurt the baby, right?”
I laughed. “No. It won’t. Now come here, we have four months of catching up to do.” I say and Dean mumbled, “More like forty-years..”
I didn’t question what he meant by that. I was just happy to have Dean back in my arms. Who would’ve thought; a hunter and a slayer. Having a baby.
I hope you guys enjoyed this random Supernatural x reader! Maybe a part 2 on how they met? 👀let me know in the comments!
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Hi everyone! Sorry I have been MIA lately. School and work has been kicking my rear, but I hope to be back here full-time soon. I am currently working on a book. I may post it on Wattpad, idk yet. I have a few Dick Grayson x reader’s (for this page) that I would like to finish here soon.
Just wanted to come on and post my whereabouts, anyways I hope to get some stuff out for you guys soon!
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Sorry for the polls, but I want to see if anyone would be interested in Supernatural x readers
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Jason Todd x Reader
Title: Bad Kisser
Character(s): Jason Todd and female reader
Warnings: None. Mentions of semi smut. Not even close enough to be smut.
Prompt used is in bold and credit goes to: @asassydork
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Jason was sprawled out on the couch at Wayne Manor, when you walked in and tossed your purse on the couch. “Dick’s not here you’ll have to come back later.” He said as he flipped through the TV channels.
It didn’t stop you from sitting on the couch opposite of him. Jason looked over at you, and you were wearing a black (thigh length) dress with spaghetti straps. Red heels were on your feet, and boy did your thighs look soft. If he just angled himself just right, he could see right up your dress.
After you caught onto what he was doing, you quickly crossed your legs. Jason laughed, "Don't flatter yourself, Princess. It's not like I haven't seen it before."
You glared at him, "Shut up Jason. Wait- when have you seen me-"
"Never mind that. Why are you dressed like that? Are you and Dick a thing now?" he asked, and you shook your head.
"No. And for your information, I had a date." You said as you sunk further back into the couch.
“Didn’t go well?” He asked and you shrugged your shoulders. “Is it shallow of me to say he was a bad kisser, Jay?” You genuinely asked, and he looked over at you.
The remote control was up against his lips and he chose his words carefully. “Yes.”
His words infuriated you and you grabbed a throw pillow and threw it at him. “You’re such an ass!” You shouted and Jason got up off the couch with the pillow in hand.
He began hitting you with the pillow (not hard enough to hurt you), and you tried to fight back. “Stop…. It!” You shouted between laughs. Now you were lying on your back, trying to block his hits.
You snatched the pillow out of his hands and he toppled on top of you. Instantly, you started tickling his sides, and he began laughing. “Stop! Haha- I can’t breathe!”
After you had stopped, he tried to catch his breath. His dark brown eyes were now focused on you and his smile faded away. Until now, you didn’t realize how soft Jason’s lips looked— nor did you realize how good he smelled. He smelled faintly of musk and vanilla, with a hint of cigarettes.
Your Chanel No. 5 perfume began to mix with the cigarette smell to the point it became sexily intoxicating. Jason’s eyes were now on your lips, and he couldn’t help but to slowly kiss them. His lips moved slowly against yours, sucking, and biting your lower lip.
A moan escaped past your red lips, and he smiled during the kiss. But he couldn’t find it in him to stop, so he kept going until you pulled away to catch your breath.
“Jason— we shouldn’t be doing this.” You whispered and he brought your hands above your head. He pressed kisses from your neck up to your jaw line.
“We both want this. We’ve both wanted this for a long time. Really, it was inevitable.” He whispered into your neck. His breath tickled your ear, turning you on even more.
His finger tips traced along your collar bone, and slowly started to pull down the thin strap of your dress. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered into your ear, causing you to shiver.
But the sound of the front door opening made you sit up, making your head collide with Jason.
“Shit!” The two of you exclaimed as Dick stopped dead in his tracks.
He looked at your disheveled appearance and your smeared lipstick. Dick motioned between the two of you. “I.. I don’t even want to know.”
Dick left the room quickly, and Jason’s attention was back on you. “Want to go out on a date tonight?” He asked and you smiled.
“Well it definitely can’t be as a bad as the last one.” You said, and Jason’s lips were back on yours.
“Is it shallow of me to ask if I’m a bad kisser?” He asked and you laughed. “You’re far from a bad kisser, Todd. How long have you wanted this?” You asked and his hand rested on your thigh.
“A really….” He pressed a kiss to your chin. “Really.” He kiss your jawline. “Really.” And then his lips moved slowly against yours. “Long time.”
You had always had a crush on Jason. Who wouldn’t? He was handsome. He was sexy. And he would protect anything or anyone that was his, and that gave him extra points. After that, it was like you were marked. You were his and only his, and anyone who tried to hurt you, might as well have signed their own death sentence.
Another short one, and I hope you enjoyed it! I’m kind of on a Jason kick. 👀
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Title: Nicotine & Chanel
Characters: Jason Todd and Female!xReader.
Warnings: None, mentions of smut?
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When you had met Jason, the two of you were polar opposites. You were sophisticated, dressed up, and looked well put together every single day. Jason was reckless, and had a go with the flow attitude. He was the epitome of “walk to the beat of your own drum.”
He was dangerous in the eyes of your family and friends. Jason didn’t belong in your social group, and you didn’t belong in his. However, that didn’t stop the two of you from being together.
When you brought him to different events with your socialite group, everyone would stare as the two of you walked in together. But you held your head high, and smiled at the thought of Jason’s arm wrapped around your waist.
Your parents questioned your choice of continuing this relationship, but you didn’t pay any mind to them. Jason was different around you, he was kind, caring, and a complete gentleman. But he also had his fiery side, which you adored. He didn’t treat you like a fragile of porcelain like past lovers had.
Mornings that were once filled with brunches, were now filled with sleeping in late, and feeding your need to be with Jason.
He was addicted to you; much like his addiction to nicotine. He had no intention of giving you up, and he would always find a chance to get you alone.
In a past relationship, you would have complained about the cigarette smell, but now you loved it. When he would light up that Marlboro cigarette, sometimes you would take a hit off of it. Your lips would stain the cigarette, but he didn’t mind. He actually thought it was sexy.
Jason loved everything about you. From your legs, to your face, and to your hair. He loved every inch of you and praised you almost every night. You were his new addiction, and he was by far, more addicted to you than his pack of cigarettes.
Whenever the two of you went somewhere together, the two of you left an aroma of Chanel No. 5 and nicotine behind. It wasn’t a bad cigarette smell; it was combination of new leather and a hint of nicotine. And Jason loved the scent you would leave behind in his bed. The smell was sexily intoxicating.
One day, he stood in your bathroom as he lit a cigarette. You were getting ready for another gala event, and you were combing through your hair.
“Marva doesn’t like it when you smoke in the apartment.” You say and Jason smiled. “Yeah, your maid seems to hate me for some reason.”
You picked up your bottle of your Chanel perfume, and sprayed a generous amount to your skin. Jason put out his cigarette onto the marble counter, “That’s one reason she doesn’t like you.” You say with a smile, and it only took him a few strides to get to you.
His hand went to your hip, and his other hand went to your chin. Jason inhaled your scent, and gently caressed your bottom lip with his thumb. “I think this should be our signature scent.” He said and you looked up into his eyes.
“And what would that be?” You asked and Jason pressed a slow, but bruising kiss to your lips. It was slow, and he gently bit onto your bottom lip.
“Nicotine and Chanel.” He whispered against your lips. You pulled away, “So I’m not the only one that it turns on?” You asked with a coy smile.
Jason picked you up and sat you down on the counter top. “No. It’s intoxicating. And in a good kind of way.” He said as his lips explored your neck.
His hand trailed up the slit of your dress, “How important is this gala to you?” He asked while teasing you with his finger tips.
You moaned at the feeling of his finger tips running along your laced panties. “Not very.” Jason pressed kisses from your knee cap up to your thigh, and his tongue began to trace its way up to where you need him most.
After on final kiss, he stood up. “Well, we better go so your parents don’t think I’m a bad influence.” He said as he fixed his tie, and pulled back down your dress.
Throwing your head back, you sighed. “C’mon Jay. Let’s just stay here and we can-”
“Not right now, Princess. We have a gala to attend.” He said as he helped you down from the counter top.
He pulled you close to his body, “Maybe we can find a broom closet to get lost in.” He said before leaving you to stand in the bathroom alone.
I hope you guys enjoyed that short x reader. Thanks for reading!
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Hey everyone!
My classes started back up yesterday, so I am currently getting into the swing of things. I write in between essays and lectures, therefore, my posting may be scarce until I figure out a good rhythm.
I hope you all have a wonderful week! 🩵
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To your most recent post about requests:
I feel the same way! But I promise whatever you write will be great. I don’t have much experience but I understand the feeling. Don’t stress to much because it’s like a service ( that sounds so weird but it’s true) that you’re giving the person asking. I think you should try your best and get to a point where you’re happy with your writing. It’s like when you received a gift from someone and it wasn’t 100% what you asked for, you most likely would still be super grateful to the person who gifted it to you. So don’t stress, do your best, and know we will always love what you write for us. ❤️
Hey Anonymous!
Thank you for your reply! 🩵 I have never thought of it that way, but it makes so much sense. I hate not feeling confident about what I write, but I am working on that. Anonymous, if you ever write anything, put me on the taglist! I feel like we’re a little community, doing what we love, and I’d love to read your stuff! And again, thank you so much and I’m so glad you like what I write! 🩵🥹🥹
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I want to start taking requests, but I’m afraid that I can’t do it 🥹 in other words, I’m afraid the reader won’t like it, or that it wasn’t how they wanted it. Or I thought it was good and the reader didn’t?
I hope that made sense.. does any other writers go through this? If so, how did you guys get over that?
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Sorry for all of the questions and polls…
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Bruce Wayne x BATMOM!Reader
Title: "Blood thirsty Gremlin"
Character(s): Bruce Wayne, Female!Batmom!Reader, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, and Tim Drake.
Warnings: None
Prompts Used: In bold print and credit goes to @skriveting
"A Snowman, A Nosebleed, and the Wayne's"-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL
"A Trophy and Chloroform"
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Every summer, Bruce would have the field behind Wayne Manor cleaned, trimmed, and tended to. The grass would be cut, the trees would be cleaned up, and overall, the field was maintained. Bruce even added a man-made stream to divide the field in half. 
There was reasoning as to why this said field was properly maintained, and so much effort was put into it. This reasoning was the Wayne’s Summer Fun! (At least, that is what you called it)
Every Summer, your family would choose one day out of the week to camp, cook out, and stay in the field to play games all week long. 
Bruce and the boys gave up their vigilante antics for the week so you could spend quality time together. Plus, you just wanted the boys to feel like they had a good childhood, and it wasn’t just full of training and fighting criminals once the sun went down.
It was the end of the week and tomorrow the boys would go back to their normal schedule, and you and Bruce would go back to work. Every year, you would end “The Wayne’s Summer Fun” with a game of capture the flag. The boys loved it, and every year, you would switch up team members so the games would stay interesting. 
And every year, one of the teams would receive a trophy, that was normally given to the winner of monopoly, and every year, someone would end up in a fight. (But that story has already been told: click here to read).
This year, your team consisted of Bruce and Damian. Jason, Dick, and Tim were the blue team, and your team was the red team. Alfred was merely just the mediator, and he would sit in a deer stand that Bruce had built just for the purpose of this game. 
Alfred always explained the game, even though everyone knew how to play. “Each team has a flag and will hide it at eye level, but not in direct site. Each team needs to have an offense and a defense, and a spot they call jail.” he said, and he cleared his throat. “Switch offense and defense often. Those who are in offense will go and try to capture the other team’s flag and take it back to their side of the field. Those in defense, will capture those who try to take the flag and put them in jail.”
Jason sighed, “Alfred, we know-”
Alfred spoke over Jason, “HOWEVER, players of the team that has captured members, can retrieve their partners from the jail and take them back to their base. As always, protect your flags! The first team to retrieve a flag and get it to their home base, will receive this, trophy.” Alfred smiled as he held the gold trophy in his hand.
Each side had an equivalent number of trees, and you, Bruce, and Damian took off running towards your home base. Damian held the flag, “Okay, between these trees will be perfect. The bushes cover it, and its eye level, so technically we are not breaking any rules.”
You and Bruce looked over at each other, “Sounds good to me. Now, Damian and I will obviously be offense and you be defense.” Bruce said, and your hands went to your hips.
“Why am I always defense?” you asked, and Bruce and Damian stared at each other. 
Last Year
You were placed in defense, and your team consisted of Tim and Dick. Jason, Bruce, and Damian were a team, and Damian happened to sneak past you. The sound of a twig snapping caught your attention, and you jumped into action.
Damian was standing next to your blue flag, and about to take off with it. But when his eyes met yours, he bolted, making you chase after him. You threw a few pinecones at Damian, but he dodged them all. He was quick on his feet for being so little, but you jumped, and tackled Damian to the ground.
“Come on Dami, give mom the flag!” you shouted as you tried to grab it out of his hands. Damian flailed like a fish, and shouted, “NEVER!” You started tickling him, until he dropped the flag. 
Damian laid on the ground out of breath from laughing. You stood up, picked up your flag, and picked Damian off of the ground and took him back to your bases jail. “Don’t mess with momma.” you said before leaving Damian in the "jail".
End of Flashback
“I wasn’t that bad!” you exclaimed, and Bruce smiled.
“Mom, you were throwing pinecones at me! And you tackled me to the ground!” Damian said, and you gave them both a nervous smile. “Okay, that wasn’t my best motherly moment. But in my defense, I am competitive. I can’t help it.” you say as you ruffled Damian’s hair. 
Bruce pressed a kiss to your lips. “That’s why I married you, honey. I like your competitiveness.”
“Okay, guys, we need to get going. Alfred just blew the whistle.” Damian took off running, leaving you and Bruce behind. 
“Jason, that’s cheating!” Tim exclaimed as Jason placed the flag on the ground behind a big rock. “It’s not cheating.” Jason said, as he turned to look at Tim.
“Alfred said, the flag must be eye level. So, having it lying on the ground is cheating.” Tim explained and Jason rolled his eyes.
“Tim, look down.” Jason said, and Tim looked down. “Can you see the flag?”
Tim nodded, and Jason clapped his hand to Tim’s back. “Okay then. It’s eye level.” Dick looked between Jason and the flag and smiled. “He’s got a point.”
Jason stood up on the rock, “I have decided I will be the defense, while you two be the offense. Damian will always try to be the first one to get the flag, and I want to be the one to put the spawn in jail.” he said as he hopped off the rock.
The boys heard the whistle blow, “Let’s go win us a trophy, now break!” Jason yelled, and Tim and Dick took off down the field.
You and Bruce had waited for Damian to return, but he never did. The sound of twigs and sticks snapping caught both yours and the Batman’s attention. Bruce held a finger to his lips and crept off through the trees. You waited patiently, and Bruce came back with Tim and Dick by the collars of their shirts.
“They thought they could sneak past the bat.” Bruce said, and he led them away to the place you guys picked as jail. "You did not just say that..." Dick said as Bruce tossed them both into jail.
When he came back, he smiled, “They made the mistake of sending out two scouts. I am going to check on Damian and I will be right back.”
You checked on Tim and Dick and they were lying on the ground. “Why would you send out two of your scouts?” you questioned, and they shrugged their shoulders. “It’s the last time we let Jason call the shots.” Dick mumbled, and Tim threw a rock. 
Ruffling both of the boys’ hair, Tim spoke, “Well, at least it was dad who got to us. Mom would’ve tackled us both.”
“Or worse, she would’ve thrown pinecones at us, or landed us in the ER..” Dick shuddered, and you rolled your eyes. “Have fun in jail, boys.”
You ran back to your hiding spot. and Bruce came back with no sign of Damian. “He must be up in a tree strategizing. He’s not in jail, and he’s nowhere to be found.”
Both you and Bruce heard a sneeze, and you looked around frantically. Bruce pulled you behind a tree, and the two of you peeked out towards the left of the field. Jason, Dick, and Tim were all creeping around, and you turned to Bruce. 
“It was a trap! This was Jason’s plan all along!” you whisper shouted, “That little shit....” you whispered, and Bruce chuckled. “It’s not funny, Bruce! If we lose this--” 
 Bruce placed a hand on your shoulder, "It's just a game of Capture the Flag honey, it's not that serious-"
You looked Bruce straight in the eyes, "If we lose this, I'm divorcing you." 
Bruce sprang into action, and the two of you went after one of the boys one at a time. Jason was the hardest to catch; somehow, you were able to climb a tree, and once Jason walked underneath, you leaped down at him. 
Jason let out a scream and hit the ground, “OUCH!” Jason cradled his arm, and pain raced up through your left leg. Bringing your leg to your chest, you held onto it, and Bruce, Tim, and Dick came running.
“What happened?” Bruce asked as he raced to your side.
“Mom jumped from the tree like a blood thirsty gremlin and tackled me to the ground. I think my arm is broken...” Jason said, and Bruce looked at you with an eyebrow raised.
“I think my leg is broken....” you said, and Bruce shook his head. He lifted you up off the ground, and Tim and Dick helped Jason off of the ground. “Another trip the ER. They might as well give us a room with our name on it.” Bruce mumbled.
Your leg had a cast, and you were on crutches. Jason had a broken arm, and you had a fractured leg. “Your competitiveness has gotten the better of you. Again.” Bruce said as he helped you into bed.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, “I thought you loved my competitiveness?” you questioned, and Bruce laughed. “I do, trust me I do. Sometimes I think you should have been a Navy Seal Operative.” 
 Alfred walked into the room and Dick trailed behind him with Damian in his arms. Damian had a red flag wrapped around his mouth, and duct tape around his wrists and ankles. 
“Oh my gosh, who did this?” you say and you motioned for Dick to place your youngest son on the bed. You tried your best to untie him. One you took the flag out of his mouth Damian coughed.
“I was outside for three hours! Where were you guys?” he asked, and you looked down at your leg. Damian stared, “Woah.  How’d that happen?” he asked, and your cheeks turned red.
Bruce sighed. “Your mom and Jason were the ones to get in a tussle this time around. But- what happened to you exactly?" Bruce asked and everyone turned their attention to youngest Wayne.
"It was Jason! I almost had their flag, and he jumped me from behind and tied me up!" then Damian started looking around the room. "Speaking of which... where is he?" Damian looked past Dick and seen Jason trying to creep out of the bedroom.
Before you and Bruce could grab Damian, he leaped off of the bed and hurled toward Jason. And a loud smack could be heard around the world and Jason's pained scream could also be heard in a thirty-mile radius.
"Don't mess with me!" Damian shouted as he bowed up at Jason. Alfred walked into the bedroom with the trophy in hand, "I assume that I get to keep this trophy?"
Bruce and you shared a glance at one another, "Because I have captured both flags." Alfred said as he smiled and waved both flags. That year, Alfred was the Wayne Summer Fun Victor.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this x reader! This was meant to be posted in the summer, but oh well. I hope you all have a great weekend! Let me know your thoughts on this x reader in the comments!
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Bruce Wayne x Reader
Title: “Secrets will be told” SERIES PART 6 FINAL PART
Need a Refresher? Here are the previous parts!
Part 1      
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Pairing(s): Bruce Wayne (from the show Gotham) and Female reader. BOTH BRUCE AND READER WILL BE 26-28 in this part.
Warnings: None; I did not proofread; I quickly skimmed through
Summary of series: Bruce Wayne was captivated when he met Y/N, and the feeling was mutual. Dating turned into being engaged and engaged to married. They knew each other’s secrets and told each other everything; they confided in one another. But once Y/N follows Bruce back to Gotham, he begins to change... He becomes secretive, is he having an affair? Y/N needs to find out the truth.
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The sound of beeping made me open my eyes. I frantically looked around, and tubes were in my nose, and the heart rate monitor was beeping quickly. “Y/N, sweetie, please calm down..” My mom’s hands held mine, and I turned to look at her. 
I could feel a burning sensation in my hand, and I held my hand in front of my face. The palm of my hand was wrapped in a bandage, and the doctor walked in. “It’s about time you woke up, Mrs. Wayne. You’ve been asleep for three days now; we were starting to get worried.” he said, as he looked down at his clipboard.
“Do you remember anything that happened?” he asked and I leaned back into the pillows behind me. “I-I was kidnapped... By Jeremiah Valeska, and I was saved by..by...” I started to remember last night.
“Stay standing. Don’t pass out. Just focus on me.” he said, and I shook my head. “Please, just tell Bruce I love him. Tell him, I’m not mad. Don’t let him blame himself for.. for.. th-this.”
My lungs were burning, and it felt like they could no longer hold any air.  My legs began to shake, and before my eyes closed, I heard the batman say: “I love you too...” 
“It’s okay, we don’t need to go over everything right now. But I am advising you go to therapy when we get you home. What you went through was traumatic, and I think it would be a great help..” he said, and then he cleared his throat. “But let’s discuss what is currently wrong. Your oxygen levels were extremely low from breathing in all of the chemicals. Your hand-” he lifted up my hand and unwrapped it.
My hand was red and blistered, “You will have a permanent scar on you right hand.” I lifted my hand up and the chemical burn was in the shape of a “J”.  Of course, that bastard had to leave his mark.
The doctor grabbed my hand and wrapped it with a clean bandage. “But there are some corrective surgeries that can fix it. I can get something scheduled if you would like.” he said, and I shook my head.
“Where’s my husband? Where’s Bruce?” I asked, and my mom stood up. “He went home to take a shower. He will be back soon.” Her thumb massaged the top of my hand, and I sighed.
 “Why did you go to Metropolis?” my mother asked.
“I can’t remember. I’m sorry.” I said, as she pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I’m just so happy that you are going to be okay.” she whispered. 
The doctor picked up his clipboard, “Alright Mrs. Wayne. Your hand is all good to go. Now, I must advise you to get some rest. And if everything is good by tonight, I will consider letting you go home early.” he said before walking out of the door.
My mother and I sat there talking about her and my father’s recent trip, until she had to go home to clean up broken glass. I sat there staring at the bandage wrapped around my right hand. I began to unwrap the bandage and hissed at the stinging pain that shot through my entire arm. 
I stared at the raw, blistered skin. Of course, he left his mark on me. I started to cry at the site of it; I felt disgusting. I could still feel his lingering touch on my bottom lip, and the way he stared at me. I was supposed to be dead. Never has anyone wanted me dead, and I hoped that they put Jeremiah away. Because now, this felt like a game that was not going to end in my favor. 
A knock on my hospital room door tore my gaze away from my hand. Bruce stood there with a bouquet of roses. I wiped the tears from my face, and he quickly made his way over to me. “Y/N, I am so sorry about what happened. I wanted to be here when you woke up, but your mom made me go home and clean up.” he said.
He watched where my gaze went, and he looked down at my hand. “Let me wrap that up so it doesn’t get infected.” he said as he grabbed the bandages that were on the bedside table. I stared at him as he bandaged my hand, and he finally looked up at me. “We need to talk when we get home.” he said quietly, and I nodded. 
“About the divorce?” I asked, and he looked down at his hands. “If that is what you want, then yes. But I would really like for you to reconsider those divorce papers.” He spoke.
“Why would I do that?” I asked, and he pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
“We will talk about this when we get you home.” he said, and he stood up from his chair. “Right now, I’m going to let you rest.” 
An hour after Bruce had left, I had fallen asleep. 
“I want to be able to control your pain and how fast you die.” Jeremiah hissed as he dragged a knife that had the residue from the chemical down my arm. 
“Stop! Please, stop!” I cried out, and all he could do was laugh in my face. 
Slowly, he dragged the knife down my cheek, “I hate having to scar your pretty little face. Maybe if Bruce doesn’t want you after this, I will give you a chance. After all, you will look just...like....me.”
I felt a hand shake my shoulder and all I could do was scream “No! Please, get off of me!” Bruce’s hand pulled back from me. 
“Y/N, it’s just me. It’s just me.” he said, and I jumped into his arms. “Please don’t let him get me, Bruce.” I cried out, and his hand cupped the back of my head. He pulled me closer to him, “He’s not coming back, Y/N. It’s over. Jeremiah is dead.” 
I pulled away from Bruce’s chest, “He-He’s dead? Are you sure?” I asked and Bruce nodded. “You don’t have to worry anymore.”
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When we had gotten back to Wayne Manor, Alfred was smiling. “It is so good to have you back, Mrs. Wayne. Want me to fix you something to eat or drink?” he asked, and I shook my head.  
Bruce gave Alfred a small smile, “I think we need some time to talk, if you don’t mind Alfred.” 
Alfred handed Bruce something, but I didn’t see what it was. Bruce picked up my uninjured hand and led me to his study. “I know I said I can explain everything, but I think it would be easier if I just show you.” 
I watched him walk over to his desk and grab a remote, and he clicked a button, and a loud sound made the room tremble. I took a step back as the fireplace retracted into the wall, revealing a dark hallway with stairs. Bruce picked up my left hand and led me down the dark staircase. “Um.. This isn’t the part where you are actually going to murder me, right?” I asked and Bruce smiled.
“You watch way too much crime shows, Y/N.” he continued to lead me down the never-ending staircase, but a bright LED light was shining at the end of the hallway. He turned to face me, “Before we go any further, please let me explain and answer your questions. And if you still want a divorce after seeing all of this, I understand.”
I followed him into the blinding light, and after my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I gasped. A group of computers almost took up one entire wall, and a big black military looking car was on the opposite side. But Bruce led me to a glass case, and once we got close enough, I stopped dead in my tracks. 
It was the Batman suit. Bruce opened the case, and I pressed my left hand up against the chest of the suit. Memories of being carried out of Ace Chemicals replayed in my mind. 
When he spoke that night, his last words to me were “I love you too.” Those words were not spoken in the Batman’s voice, but in Bruce’s voice. The scars on Bruce’s back, the late nights of him not being home, and this is the reason why he bulked up. Bruce Wayne, my husband, is the Batman. 
I turned to Bruce with tears in my eyes, “It was you. You are the Batman?” 
Bruce nodded his head as tears ran down his cheeks. “I had to retaliate, Y/N. When I heard Jeremiah escaped Gotham, I couldn’t be a sitting duck anymore. It wasn’t just me anymore, I had to protect you.” he said.
“And that woman in your office? Who is she?” I questioned and Bruce sighed. “That woman was Selina Kyle. She was warning me about Jeremiah. She heard that he was coming for me, but she didn’t know when. But instead, he went for you.” he explained. 
“We have been friends for a very long time, Y/N. Nothing is or ever will go on between her and myself. She is the reason Jeremiah will never come for us again.” he whispered, and I lunged into Bruce’s arms.
“I was so scared that I was going to die, Bruce.” I cried into his chest. “But the last thing I thought of before I passed out, was you. And when I looked into the Batman’s eyes, I should have known they were yours.” 
Bruce’s arms tightened around me, “I can’t lie to you, Y/N, but things are not going to be easy. Now that you know I am Batman, this is going to make you a target.” he said as he pulled away from me and held my face in his hands. “I can’t give up being Batman now. Gotham needs me more than ever, and if you want to leave me, I won’t hold it against you.” 
“Because I will never forgive myself if something were to happen to you. A part of me knows I should have left you in the dark, and I should have signed those divorce papers.” he said as a tear slipped from his eye. “But another part of me, the selfish part of me, doesn’t want to lose you. I love you, Y/N. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. However, I will respect the decision that you make.” Bruce said as he pressed his forehead against mine. 
I took in a deep breath, “I don’t want a divorce, Bruce. I really don’t. But please, don’t keep any secrets from me.” I said quietly, and Bruce picked me up off of the ground. “No more secrets.” he said before pressing a kiss to my lips. 
“Mrs. Wayne, you are going to need these.” he said as he pulled my engagement ring and wedding band out of his pocket. Bruce slipped them onto my ring finger. 
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A few weeks later, I was able to remove the bandage from my hand. This was the first time in weeks I had seen my bare hand. As I removed the bandage, I saw the dark red ‘J’ scar that would be a permanent mark. 
Bruce came into the bathroom and leaned against the door frame, “Are you alright?” he asked, and I closed my hand. “Yeah. I’m just trying to get used to this ugly scar.” I say and he wrapped his arms around me. 
“It won’t always be red. It should somewhat fade.” he said as opened my hand. He looked at the scar and sighed. “If I could have been there sooner.” he whispered, and I cupped his cheek. “Don’t go down that route, Bruce. I am just thankful you showed up when you did. Otherwise, things could have gotten worse.” 
He wrapped his arms around me, and I took in his scent. “Can I ask you something?” I asked, and Bruce nodded. “Will you train me, Bruce?” I asked and he pulled away from me. 
“Train you? For what?” 
“I don’t want to be that girl that was locked in a glass room, about to be murdered, Bruce. I don’t want to be the girl that is left with a scar as a reminder that I cannot protect myself.” I said and he tore his gaze away from me. “Please, Bruce?”
He stood there staring at the wall, and finally he answered. “Okay. You’re right. You need to be able to protect yourself. I will train you, but it’s not going to be easy.” 
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That night, when we left “the batcave” after he told me was Batman, our lives had changed forever. I had to share the love of my life with everyone else in Gotham; they got the Dark Knight, and I got Bruce Wayne. The person I fell in love with at Princeton. 
He trained me just like he promised he would. Hell, I was so good at fighting that I was now known as the “Black Widow”. I fought right alongside my husband, helping keep the streets of Gotham safe.  
Then we adopted our first son, then our second, and then our third. Then Bruce found out he had a love child from before we met in college. And then we had a set of twins of our own. As a family, we had a pact, and that was never keep a secret. Because Secrets will always be told. 
I know, cheesy ending. But I hope you guys enjoyed this little mini-series. I had fun writing it, and at times it was challenging, but definitely worth it. Thank you to the readers who stuck it out until the very end of this series! 
(Also, I couldn’t figure out a superhero name. So I went with Black Widow, I mean, I always can picture Bruce with a Black Widow!Reader. I do not own the rights to Batman/Bruce Wayne, or the characters mentioned. I only own the story line. Nor do I own the rights to the hero name Black Widow).
TAGLIST: @rl800 @auspicious-lilana @theclassicvinyldragon 
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I just found....
I was going through my drafts and found a Jim Gordon (Gotham tv series) x reader, and I don't remember where I was going with it. But it was actually pretty good (in my opinion).
After reading it, I was like
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I'm thinking I am going to finish writing that x reader and post it. What do you guys think?
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(I already have one series [that is about to end] of Gotham series Bruce Wayne called “Secrets will be told”)
6 notes · View notes
Bruce Wayne x Reader
Title: “Secrets will be told” SERIES PART 5
Need a Refresher? Here are the previous parts!
Part 1      
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Pairing(s): Bruce Wayne (from the show Gotham) and Female reader. BOTH BRUCE AND READER WILL BE 26-28 in this part.
Warnings: None
Summary of series: Bruce Wayne was captivated when he met Y/N, and the feeling was mutual. Dating turned into being engaged and engaged to married. They knew each other’s secrets and told each other everything; they confided in one another. But once Y/N follows Bruce back to Gotham, he begins to change... He becomes secretive, is he having an affair? Y/N needs to find out the truth.
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When I got to my family’s home in Metropolis, it was empty. I had forgotten they went on vacation for their anniversary; at least I had the whole house to myself. I was glad they had left, because now I did not have to explain to them why I wasn’t with Bruce. I didn’t want to have to explain to them Bruce was having an affair, and I would be filing for a divorce after two months of marriage. 
I made myself comfortable on the couch, and I lit up a cigarette, taking a long drag from it. My cellphone began to ring, and Bruce’s name popped up across the screen. I tossed my phone on the opposite couch and placed the cigarette back between my lips. 
A voice from behind me startled me. “I didn’t think a woman of your prestige would be smoking a cigarette.” the voice was grim. If snakes had a voice, it would sound like his. I was frozen to the couch, fear paralyzed all of my limbs, and the man’s footsteps approached me from behind. 
I looked over at my phone that continued to ring, damn it. If only I could reach it... “What? Cats got your tongue?” his voice hissed, and I felt a cool hand on my shoulder. His footsteps came around the couch, and when I looked up at the person’s face, the cigarette fell from between my lips. 
The man laughed and his laugh was psychotic sounding. He bent down and picked up the cigarette from the floor and put it between his lips. Scars littered his face, and his face was painted white. His red lips pulled into a big smile, “Mrs. Wayne, it is fantastic to finally meet you. My name is--”
“You’re Jeremiah Valeska...” the words slipped from my lips, and he let out a laugh and clapped his hands together. “Great! Well, since we got our introductions out of the way, let us get to why I am here...” he said as he paced back and forth in front of me.
My body was paralyzed from fear. “Your husband and I go way back. You see, me and him, we are the same. He just doesn’t know it yet. He’s not ready to become who he is truly meant to be.” I could hear my heartbeat ringing in my ears, and I knew I had to make a move before it was too late. 
I looked over at my phone and it was still ringing, and when Jeremiah had turned around, I jumped for my phone. I clicked the answer button, but Jeremiah snatched the phone from my hand, and he shoved me down on the couch. 
His hands pinned down my shoulders, and when I tried to kick him, he climbed on top of me. “You gave me no choice...” he placed a green rag over my mouth and nose. “Bruce!” I tried to scream, but it came out muffled and the more I squirmed, the harder his hand pressed down on my mouth.
My body began to go limp, and my eyesight started to blur and everything was going dark. “Shhhh... We will be home in no time, Mrs. Wayne...”
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My body was freezing. My arms were tired and so were my legs. I can’t lift them.. Why? Jeremiah Valeska! He used chloroform. He was in my parent’s house, what did he say before I passed out? Then it hit me: “Shhhh... We will be home in no time, Mrs. Wayne...” He brought me back to Gotham, but where? I couldn’t let him know I was awake. 
I had to get a sense of where I was; I needed to try to figure out my surroundings before I opened my eyes. What can I feel? Cold. Hard. I was lying down on concrete. Okay, now what? What can I hear? Clanking. Lots of clanking. What can I smell? Taking in slow breaths, the smell irked me. It was strong like bleach, but stronger. 
There was no used in trying to figure out where I was. A factory? Gotham had at least 30 of them, if I could find one weapon, there was a chance I could make it out of this. Slowly, I opened my eyes, and blinked away the blurriness. “Finally awake?” Jeremiah’s voice echoed throughout the room, and then my eyes landed on the chemical vats. 
He brought me to Ace Chemicals. Why? Frantically, I looked around for a way out, and I sprang into action. I grabbed a metal pipe off of the ground, and I could hear Jeremiah’s fit of laughter. “Oooo... I like you. Brucie picked a good one.” 
Jeremiah came out of the shadows and started clapping. “Bravo, sweet cheeks. Bravo.”
When the lights hit his face, I was able to see his full face. He barely had any hair on his head. He slowly walked up to me, and I swung the pipe, hitting him in the lower jaw. The pipe reverberated back into my shoulders, and all he could do was laugh. “You’re insane.” I said through gritted teeth, and a pair of strong arms grabbed me from behind.
The pipe fell to my feet, and Jeremiah prowled in front of me. His gloved hand grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them, “We’re all a little insane, Mrs. Wayne.” He paused as he caressed my cheek, “Have I told you how beautiful you are?” he questioned, and as I pulled my face back, he laughed. “Now, before I had to put you to sleep, I was going to tell you about mine and Bruce’s past...”
He motioned for the big, burly crony to drop me. When he did, Jeremiah began to stalk around me like I was his prey. “Bruce and I we’re the same. His darkness runs deep inside of him. He just hasn’t let it come out to play like I have.” he said as he knelt down to my eye level. 
“Why do you care if he lets this so called ‘darkness’ out?” I asked, and he smiled. “Because... I want to be the one that helps Bruce Wayne be free. Truly free. All he needs is to let go of his past, and let the darkness take over.”
His thumb and his index finger pulled my chin closer to him. His thumb ran over my bottom lip, “But I’m afraid you cannot be in the picture, Mrs. Wayne.” Jeremiah’s lips hovered over mine, before he chuckled darkly, “I will be the one to kill you, and after you are out of the picture, I believe he will finally be free.”
“Why did you bring me here? Why didn’t you kill me a few hours ago?” I questioned, and he pointed over to the chemical vats. 
“Because. That is where Bruce let me fall. That is why I look like this.” he said with a laugh as he pointed at his face. “Originally, I was going to throw you into the vats. But I would much rather be in control of your pain, and how quickly you die.” he said as he grabbed me off of the ground. “It will make things feel more personal.” 
There was a clear box that stood as high as the chemical vat, and Jeremiah shoved me into the boxed room. He pushed me down to the chair and tied my arms behind my back and pulled my cellphone out of his pocket. I looked down towards my feet and a pipe was fed through a hole at the bottom of this boxed room. 
When I followed the tube upward, I gasped. It was connected to the chemical vat. I tried to move, but Jeremiah grabbed my face. “No, need to panic. I just need to get Bruce and everything will be set.”
Jeremiah began telling me what to say to Bruce, and he held the phone in front of me. “Y/N? Y/N, where are you? Are you alright?”
“Bruce... I’m.. I’m at Ace Chemicals.” I said into the phone, and Jeremiah motioned for me to continue. “I’m here with Jeremiah Valeska, and he’s going to kill me...” I whisper the last part, and Jeremiah laughed.
“Did you hear that, Brucie?” Jeremiah taunted. 
“You sick son of a-”
“Listen here, you better be here in the next twenty minutes, or your little wife is going to be scarred like me. And I’d hate to scar this beautiful, flawless, skin.” he hissed, and Bruce paused.
“Jeremiah, it’s me you want. Let her go.” Bruce said, and by the tone of his voice, I could tell he was gritting his teeth. 
Jeremiah tsked, “That’s not how this little game is going to work. You will be here or-”
Before he could finish his sentence, the sound of glass shattering made us look at each other. “Looks like it’s show time baby doll.” 
Jeremiah closed the door to the glass box and hit the red button on the chemical vat. Green liquid began to come out of the tube at a slow pace. The smell was horrendous, and I tried to untie my hands, when a black figure jumped on top of Jeremiah. 
“It’s you! You know, I have seen you make the news, and I didn’t think I’d get the chance to meet you!” Jeremiah cackled, and I stared at the black figure standing over Jeremiah. “Here I am. Now let her go.” the voice was deep, and his eyes looked over at me and then back at Jeremiah.
The chemical smell was starting to make me dizzy, but I continued trying to get my hands untied. “I can’t open the door.. It wasn’t made to be opened!” Jeremiah laughed as he looked at me through the glass. “Whether Bruce Wayne comes or not, she is going to die!”
The Batman lifted Jeremiah off of the ground and slammed him against the chemical vat. The green liquid began to pool towards my high heels, and when I jerked my hands free, I was able to stand up on the chair. I took off my blouse that went over my tank top, and I covered my mouth and nose. 
I looked over at Jeremiah and the Batman fighting and I started to tear up. This was how I was going to die. In Gotham at the hands of a crazy maniac. The chemical came out of the tube at a faster rate, and I could feel the chair starting to melt into the chemical. 
A bang on the glass made me jump. “Don’t worry, I’m going to get you of there.” the Batman said to me, and now I was crying. I placed my hand on the glass and looked into the vigilante’s eyes. “I’m starting to get dizzy. I can’t stand anymore.” I said, and he began to beat on the glass harder.
“Stay standing. Don’t pass out. Just focus on me.” he said. 
His dark brown eyes reminded me of Bruce’s. Tears were running down my cheeks and I shook my head. “Please, just tell Bruce I love him. Tell him, I’m not mad. Don’t let him blame himself for.. for.. th-this.” 
My lungs were burning and it felt like they could no longer hold any air.  My legs began to shake, and before my eyes closed, I heard the batman say: “I love you too...” The sound of glass shattering was the last thing I heard before everything went dark. 
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First off, I want to apologize to keep you guys for hanging so long. Last year was not the best year, and it was so busy and I was going through a lot. But here is Part 5, and I am working on Part 6. I hope you enjoyed this part, and please let me know if you want to be added/unadded from the tagslist. 
Thank you for reading!
TAGLIST: @rl800 @auspicious-lilana @theclassicvinyldragon 
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Part 5 of “Secrets will be told” will be posted later tonight!
I will also post a master list and pin it to my profile. That way if you need a refresher over the last four parts, it will be easy to find!
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