katebishopfan · 13 days
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it just be like that I guess
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katebishopfan · 1 month
Amazing, as always
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As I got swiped away by inspiration and already wrote 8 chapters for my new book, I wanted to surprise you. So I finished proofreading this a new chapter for you!
Let me know what you guys think.
Sending you so much love ❤️
Summary: Y/N got assigned as Hailee's new bodyguard but Hailee is not so happy about it.
Warnings: just a little bit of description for harassment, but it will be gone quickly.
Word count: 21840 words.
The sound of feet covered in combat boots echoing around in the small, empty hallway was the only sound filling the silence around, creating a calming melody to the girl’s ears as she sauntered to a closed door, stopping in front of it and knocking gently, patiently waiting for permission to enter in the office.
"Come in."
The girl opened the door right after and smiled warmly at the person sat behind the big, glass desk in the middle of the room, "good morning."
"What’s it with this formal shit, Y/N!"
"Oh my bad. Hello bitch, how are you doing?" Y/N smiled cheekily at her boss but also her longtime best friend, sitting on one of the two armchair placed right in front of the desk and crossed her left leg over her right, bent over one and looked at her friend expectantly, waiting for a witty remark.
"I would say ‘that’s better’ but I’m not so sure now." Y/N chuckled at her best friend rolling her eyes and winked at her teasingly, "anyway, I don’t want to take too much of your time up. Let’s get to the point and discuss why I called you here today."
"Alright, what is it?" Y/N looked expectantly at Clara, who was now leaning with her elbows on the desk and with her hands linked together, slipping ‘business face’ on.
"I know you got back from your last job about two weeks ago, but I have a new client and requested the best bodyguard I have. I would be a fool not giving you this job."
"Hm, the best bodyguard here. Flattery. A lot of it." Y/N teased with a proud smile, puffing out her chest, before deflating after a snort left her lips when Clara rolled her eyes good-naturedly at her best friend’s antics, "anyway, of course I will take the job, you know I get bored easily at home after a few days off. So who is this new client? A snotty young prince? A dumb heiress? Uh-oh! I know! A stuck-up model with a big God Complex? Ah they are my favorite. Their head is full of themselves, it makes me laugh every single time. Especially when they are male models."
"None of them actually. Luckily I would say." Y/N sighed out in relief at that before both shuddered loudly as they thought over enduring months and months of working with those kind of clients. A fucking tough job. "It’s an actress. She is also a singer and she is starting a tour soon. You will have to follow her around on tour and a few events she is invited to. If you do a good job, which I’m sure you will, more than perfectly, they will have you around her a lot. She is gaining fans quickly and her parents want her safe."
"Sounds good. Easy. Do I know her?" Y/N nodded gently at the job offer and got instantly excited hearing she have to follow the actress around tour. She is always happy with traveling around the world to discover new, amazing places.
"I don’t know. I’ve seen a couple of her movies, maybe you did too. She is Hailee Steinfeld."
"Oh yeah, I remember her. I listened to one of her songs yesterday on the radio. She has a beautiful voice and that song was such a bop."
"Oh great!"
"When am I starting?" Y/N asked in excitement, always wanting to work since she loved her job dearly. She doesn’t know exactly who her new client is, she just knew her name and her voice when she sang, but she will have time to do a small research about her. She always liked to be fully prepared for a body guarding job.
"Well, if you are ready, they would like for you to start now."
"What, now as in now?" Y/N asked in disbelief, her eyes widening in shock as she realized what her best friend just said.
"Yeah, it was kinda fast." Y/N snorted at that as she shook her head in amusement.
"That’s an understatement Clar. But I will accept. How much time do I have to get ready for her tour?"
"2 weeks I think. She is finishing a movie and then she is off for tour. You can meet her today. Her mom called me this morning asking me if it was okay to join them today."
"Sure, no problem. Are we still up for drinks tonight right?"
"Are you kidding me? I’ve been holed up here for the entire week. I need a break."
"Hm, when you say break you actually mean a good fuck right?" Y/N teased her best friend, who looked at her in fake outrage as she placed her hand on her chest feigning taking offense from Y/N’s words.
"Excuse me?!"
"Don’t act so innocent all of a sudden. I’m the one that has to be your wingwoman."
"Go before I decide to fire you as my wingwoman and as a bodyguard."
Y/N chuckled as she sat up and walked around the desk to give her best friend a big, warm hug before promising to pick her up at 7 for their usual Friday night full of drinks. As Y/N exited the building and climbed into her car, her phone dinged with a text message her best friend sent her with all the information she needed about her new job and the location Hailee was actually in right now to go there and meet her. She put the address in her GPS and drove away into the busy streets of LA.
"Name please?" Y/N lifted her sunglasses up her head and looked at the security guard outside the set Hailee was filming in, smiling at him politely.
"Hi, Y/N Y/L/N. I am Miss Steinfeld’s new bodyguard. My agency should’ve already sent all the information needed."
"Ah yes. Here you are. You can park right beside Miss Steinfeld’s trailer. You have to turn left, then right, then right again and you should find it right away. Her name is on the door." Y/N listened carefully to the guard’s directions after he lifted the automatic barrier and let her enter the set’s parking lot. "Have a nice day!"
"Thank you so much. Have a nice day!" Y/N followed the guard’s directions and drove through the set’s parking lot, stopping a few minutes later when she saw a trailer parked in the middle of a deserted part of the parking lot with just 2 cars parked near it. Y/N parked her car right beside a a black Porsche and exited the vehicle, locking it before making her way towards the entrance of the trailer to read once again the name on its door and to make sure it was actually Hailee’s trailer.
"Mom, I already told you that I didn’t need a bodyguard. I don’t want one!"
"Haiz please, listen to me. You are going on tour soon and for the first part of it we can’t be there with you. You are gaining fans fast and we are worried about your safety."
"Yeah, you could’ve tied me to my tour bus or you could’ve locked me into my room. It’s the same, right mom?" Y/N listens to two voices argue, loud enough for her to hear it but just quiet enough to not let everyone around them hear them. She didn’t peer around the trailer to watch who was arguing to avoid being caught eavesdropping, but from what she could hear, she assumed she pretty much was the subject of the argument between Hailee and her mother.
"Haiz, I know you are saying this because you are angry at me and your dad for making this decision without asking you for your opinion, but trust me it was a decision made for your own good."
"Yeah, yeah. Sure. Thanks." Y/N was debating in her mind if she should make her presence known or not, fearing she would get caught by someone, especially from Hailee or her mother.
"Excuse me Miss Steinfeld, but we are ready to shoot again." Y/N sighed out loud when she heard someone approach the two women and quickly ran to her car when she heard footsteps approach where she was leaning on the other trailer’s side.
"Thank you Simon. I will be there in 5 minutes."
Y/N had just the time to close her door quietly before two figures rounded the corner from the back of the trailer, taking just a second to look at them before opening her car door and feigning arriving just in that moment as she adjusted her leather jacket before closing her car door and locking the vehicle again, feeling a pair of eyes watching her movements. "Hm, hello?" Y/N spoke up tentatively, feeling a little bit uneasy at the two pair of eyes staring at them.
"Hi dear, can we help you?" The shorter of the two women asked in a gentle and soft voice, smiling politely at her as she approached them, while the taller one stayed in silence, standing beside the shorter woman with a rigid stance, her arms crossed and her face stoic with her eyebrows furrowed angrily.
"Yes, hi. I am looking for Miss Hailee Steinfeld."
"She is right here." The shorter woman pointed to the taller one with a smile just as Y/N stopped in front of them. "I’m Cheri, her mom."
"Oh, nice to meet you Mrs. Steinfeld, Miss Steinfeld, I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I was assigned to you to be your new bodyguard." Y/N stretched her arm over to shake Cheri’s hand first before doing the same with a reluctant Hailee.
"Oh dear, there’s no need for these formalities, just call me Cheri!" Y/N returned Cheri’s warm smile and nodded softly at her request, "anyway, welcome! I’m afraid we don’t have much time to discuss things since Hailee needs to go back on set, but you can stay with me until she finishes for the day."
"That would be great!"
And they were off, walking towards the set with Cheri talking excitedly to Y/N, telling her how excited she is Y/N was assigned to Hailee as her new bodyguard, how much she admired her for doing such a difficult and sometimes dangerous job, and Y/N listened with rapt attention and with slight amusement at the woman’s enthusiasm but she couldn’t help but notice Hailee stayed quiet the entire walk towards the set with her jaw set and her nostrils flared a bit as she stared with furrowed eyebrows ahead of her. "We’ll wait here sweety, then we will discuss everything after you’re done for the day."
"Okay, see you later."
After about three hours Hailee joined them back where she left, her face conveying her tiredness but Y/N could still see in her eyes she was still slightly mad at her mom for hiring a bodyguard she apparently didn’t want from what Y/N gathered when she eavesdropped Hailee’s and Cheri’s argument earlier that day.
"I already ordered burgers baby. They should be here soon." Cheri told her daughter as she approached them and when Cheri’s hand caressed Hailee’s bicep, Y/N watched as a bit of her anger slipped away and got replaced by a loving glint.
"Thanks, shall we go?"
Y/N couldn’t help but notice a small change in Hailee’s behavior compared to the one before shooting back on set. Maybe she cooled off a bit or maybe she had time to think over her mother’s words during filming, but Y/N was glad that she actually came around her mother’s decision, decision she found truly heartwarming. "How was shooting, honey?"
"It was good. A little bit stressing towards the end of it since Nelly couldn’t remember the right line and she had some troubles getting it right, but it was fun as always."
"Oh I’m so sorry for her. She must be exhausted."
"Yeah, she came back from another set three days ago. She has so many projects going on right now."
Y/N didn’t know who Hailee and Cheri were talking about but she assumed they were talking about one of Hailee’s co-star. "Y/N, dear, have you already worked for another actress or actor before?" Cheri asked Y/N with a small smile as they approached Hailee’s trailer in the set’s parking lot.
"Yes, I have. Quite a few. I started my body guarding job with an actress actually. I remember being so anxious and so nervous all the time. But with time you develop more confidence, you become more confident, you learn how to control your emotions and act rationally and logically. You have to be strategic when needed and you must have a clear mind when a dangerous situation unfolds before you so you can protect your client."
"Oh wow!" Cheri exclaimed, her eyes shining with curiosity that Y/N found extremely cute but she couldn’t help but notice Hailee scoffing under her breath as she rolled her eyes, now being the one curious about the actress’ reaction to her words.
"Anyway, it becomes ‘easier’ with time, even though there is nothing easy in this job." Y/N clarified with a small smile directed at Cheri, since the singer wasn’t exactly paying attention to her as she fished her iPhone out of her pocket and started texting someone.
"Oh I’m sure. Y/N, I know how much you’ve worked with your agency and how much of an hard worker you are, that’s why I specifically asked for you. I know Clara. She is one of my dearest friend’s niece. I asked her to assign Hailee one of her best bodyguards and she immediately told me your name and everything you’ve done during your time in her agency."
"Yeah, we pretty much funded it together. We started together."
"For how long have you known her?" Y/N watched as sheer curiosity glistened in Cheri’s eyes and felt her chest flutter at how comforting her attitude is. She couldn’t help tilting upward her lips when she noticed Hailee had her eyes still on her phone but she stopped typing away on it, clearly interested in the conversation going on between Y/N and Cheri as she tried to listen carefully even if she was acting disinterested. They arrived at the trailer and settled in, Y/N sitting on a loveseat, while Hailee and Cheri sat on the couch in front of Y/N.
"We met in college. She was my roommate."
"Oh that’s wonderful dear! I’m so glad Clara assigned you-." Cheri got interrupted when a knock on Hailee’s trailer’s door echoed around the makeshift living room, "it must be the delivery guy with our order. One second, I’ll be right back."
"Yeah, sure." Y/N awkwardly looked around the room with her hands entwined, not really knowing what to say now that she is alone with Hailee, but trying to find something to say since she will be her bodyguard from now on and they will need to start some kind of civil relationship between them. "How was your day on set?"
"Good." Y/N had a feeling that that one word answer will be the only thing that will leave Hailee’s mouth and sighed out softly. The singer’s tone wasn’t exactly harsh or conveyed hostility, but it held a dryness in them that told Y/N she was still pretty mad at her mother or even Y/N herself for this situation. Not that Y/N had a say in all of this. She was just doing her job.
"Okay! Here I am!" Cheri came back a minute later, carrying two dark paper bags full of their food and Y/N immediately sat up to go help Cheri, feeling Hailee’s eyes on her in the process but paying no mind to it. "Oh thank you, dear."
"You’re welcome." Y/N smiled widely at Cheri, who grinned back at her with sweetness seeping out of her every pore before they settled everything on the kitchen table, with surprisingly Hailee’s help, who got up a minute after Y/N.
"Let’s dig in. I’m starving." Hailee stated, making her mother chuckle with a fond smile on her lips and gestured to Y/N to eat before joining them.
"Have you got everything, honey? Did you pack everything?"
"Yes, mom!" Hailee laughed good-naturedly at her mother’s anxiety as she made her check her suitcases 4 times and go over the list she made of things she had to pack at least 10 times to make sure she packed everything with her before making her finally close her suitcases to bring them down to put them in her tour bus. "I literally have the list memorized by now." Hailee smiled lovingly at her mother as she checked the list for the umpteenth time before meeting her eyes and nodding at her.
"Okay, yeah. You’re right. Sorry. I- I’m just a bit stressed. You’re going on tour and I want to make sure you have everything with you."
"I know mom. I got everything. I checked everything before closing all my suitcases." Hailee smiled warmly at her mother before chuckling softly under her breath with fondness swirling around her brown irises when she watched her mother fold the piece of paper with the list on it and nod gently at her.
"Good! That’s good. Hm, alright it seems you’re ready to go. Oh no! It’s getting late!" Cheri took a look on the watch on her wrist and placed her right hand on her cheek in shock when she looked at the time. They were running a bit late.
"Yeah, we need to go." Hailee hugged her mother before doing the same with her father and her brother then walked in her tour bus and closing the door, making sure to lock it before making her way further into the bus to settle everything down. She felt the bus start moving and sighed out contentedly.
"Hi." Y/N had to swallow the soft snort that was ready to come out of her mouth when Hailee jumped up in fright with a small squeal at Y/N’s voice echoing around the silent bus.
"Oh shit. Fuck! You scared me."
"Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I didn’t know how to make my presence known without scaring you, I guess I didn’t do a good job." Y/N chuckling softly while scratching the back of her head, the grimacing to try to convey her regret for scaring the singer.
"Well- don’t worry. I guess it’s definitely better than doing a sudden loud noise or something like that."
"Yeah, I guess." Y/N chuckled softly under her breath, emitting another soft chuckle then let a small smile adorn her lips as she looked at Hailee for a few seconds before focusing on her hands in her lap, feeling slightly awkward being in a room alone with Hailee since they had never been alone again since when first meeting almost 10 days prior.
"Hm, what are you doing here?" Hailee asked as she played with her fingers, wringing them gently as she tried to focus her gaze on anything but Y/N, clearly feeling the awkwardness between them. It’s not that they started off on a wrong foot, but Hailee still strongly believes she doesn’t need a bodyguard while on tour and she hadn’t acknowledged Y/N, just the bare minimum.
"Your mom told me to stay here with you." Y/N answered with a serious, business-like tone. She had always been a professional at work and had never, not even once let her emotions show or let them control her, but since Hailee had never been friendly with her, always acting annoyed by Y/N’s presence, almost like she blamed Y/N for being there to protect her when she was just doing her job, she decided to build a wall between them and act just with Hailee just like Hailee is acting with her.
"Oh, yeah right. To protect me." Hailee stressed the word ‘protect’ out with a sarcastic tilt in her tone and Y/N felt annoyance bubble in the pit of her stomach, but she tried to swallow her comeback down to prevent starting an argument with her new client.
"Yeah." Y/N trailed off for a few seconds to collect her thoughts and try to not sound annoyed as she felt to Hailee, "that’s what I do. It’s my job."
"I don’t doubt that, trust me. It’s just that, like I’ve been trying to say for the past 10 days, I don’t need protection!"
"Yeah, I heard you. Your mother heard you. Your father heard you. But they are still worried. Fans can get crazy. They are all amazing, but sometimes meeting your idol makes you go a little crazy. Trust me, I met a lot of them. A few of them were pretty crazy."
"But not my fans."
"I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that fans can be a lot sometimes, especially after waiting for you for an entire day at a venue or at the airport. They are loyal, passionate, loving. And that can get too much sometimes."
"Yeah, sure. Whatever." Y/N resisted the urge to roll her eyes as Hailee dismissed her as she wasn’t paying attention anymore with a wave of her hand and rummaged around the kitchen for a mug. "I’m just changing a few things from now on. When we’re stopping for a break in about an hour, you’re gonna leave me alone. I don’t need a babysitter."
"I’m not a babysitter." Y/N countered back with a strong but still polite tone, crossing her arms and staring at Hailee hard.
"Yeah sure, but I still want to be left alone. I do not agree with my mother’s choice of giving me a bodyguard, but I have to accept it in some way. But what I don’t accept is you staying here when you can easily stay with the crew on the other bus. I want my privacy."
"Okay well. I will go on the other bus as you wish." Y/N gave in dryly, not wanting to keep discussing this subject, stood up right after and, without sparing Hailee another look, walked into the driver’s cabin and asked him to pull over and let her walk out of the bus. Thankfully he stopped immediately after her request, communicating what he was doing to the other driver and without even saying anything else to Hailee, she walked out of the bus and got on the other one.
"Yeah, yeah, totally. Oh, yes, we just got here." Hailee opened her tour bus’ door as soon as it stopped, finally arriving in Phoenix, the first city that will start Hailee’s worldwide tour. "Yeah, I am getting off of the bus right now and I’ll go in the venue for the soundcheck."
Hailee stopped in her tracks on the last step to get off the tour bus when she came face to face with Y/N, already waiting for her with her arms crossed and stoic face to accompany her in the venue. "Hi."
"Yeah no, sorry mom. Line got interrupted for a second." Hailee ignored Y/N and visibly rolled her eyes, letting out a huff through her nose as she descended the last step off the tour bus and walked away from Y/N, huffing out again when she heard over her mother’s voice through her iPhone’s loudspeaker steps following her, annoyed about Y/N following her around. "Okay, I will. I need to go now. Okay, bye mom. Love you."
Hailee waited for her mom to say ‘I love you’ back before hanging up the phone. "Are we ready to start our first soundcheck for the first date of this tour?!"
"Hell yeah!" Hailee high-fived her guitarist before doing the same with the drummer, joining her at her sides then walking inside the venue. Hailee took a second to sweep her eyes all over the place, taking it in and smiling widely when she imagined the venue being completely filled with her fans that night. "Hm, I missed this so much." Hailee stated out loud, letting out a sigh as she soaked up in the feeling of finally being back on tour.
"Hey, Y/N! It’s nice to see you again." Y/N smirked smugly when Hailee furrowed her brows and turned her head around in confusion when her drummer said ‘hi’ to Y/N, Hailee then noticed the smug grin on Y/N’s face and rolled her eyes in annoyance before turning back around and walking towards the stage.
"Hey Mick. How is it going? Everything already set up?" Y/N asked enthusiastically at the young man smiling back at her, who walked into step with her as she walked behind Hailee, now a few feet from them. "Excited for tonight?"
"Oh yes! Everything is set up. I’m so thrilled for tonight. I can’t believe it’s sold out on the first night already." The brown eyed young man looked at the stage with a big, bright smile before looking at Y/N again, "so everything is going good. Great even."
"Cool. Are we ready for the soundcheck? Can I go get my in-ear monitors in?" Hailee butted in the conversation and asked just as enthusiastically, eyeing the stage some more before focusing her attention back on her drummer.
"Oh yes! I have them already. Go get ready."
"M’kay, ready for soundcheck in 5 minutes, Mick."
"Are you ready?" Hailee’s makeup artist asked in a soft voice as she applied the last touches of makeup on the singer backstage, Hailee nodding gently as she stared ahead of her after taking a deep breath, making the makeup artist smile warmly at her.
"I’m a bit nervous." Hailee admitted as she bit on her bottom lip anxiously, watching from her position in the backstage the lights on stage changing colors while the music in the background became louder and louder each passing second, signaling and warning her she only had about 10 seconds before going on stage, the beats of the drums reverberating through her ribcage, filling her up with adrenaline.
"You’re gonna do great." Y/N shouted over Hailee’s fans loud screams and smiled encouragingly at her, shocked to see a small grin directed back at her after the singer moved her focus from the stage to her, meeting her gaze briefly then returning her eyes back on stage, taking one last deep breath before running on stage, saying ‘hi’ to her fans that erupted in the loudest collective scream yet.
"Hello everybody! How are you?" Hailee laughed into the mic when her fans screamed louder and shook her head fondly before continuing, "I can see you’re doing great! Let’s get this show started, shall we?"
Y/N had to admit the concert was amazing. The fans were crazy for Hailee and Hailee put one hell of a show for them. Y/N had travelled a lot and she had seen a lot of concerts when she was a singer’s bodyguard and she had seen a lot of crazy fans, a lot of them were crazy, but she had never seen so much love being directed at a singer with that intensity, with so much warmth. It was endearing, truly. "WOHO! HOW WAS THAT?!"
"You did amazing. Congratulations."
Hailee turned around to stare back at Y/N, still not expecting her acting so nicely after treating her so poorly. "Thank you!"
Y/N smiled warmly at Hailee but the brown haired girl just reciprocated with a tight lipped smile before turning towards her dancers engulfing her in a big group hug, "hey, great show!"
Mick high-fived Y/N enthusiastically and giggled alongside her while bumping their shoulders together, watching as the dancers surrounding Hailee now started jumping up and down with her in the middle and screaming at the top of their lungs. "And it’s just the beginning."
"Do you think it will get crazier?" Y/N asked with an incredulous voice, watching Mick nod with widened eyes. "Really?!"
"Yes! Hailee’s fans are the best. They are so passionate about her! It’s amazing."
"I saw them during the concert. I still have to ‘encounter’ them in other occasions but I can see they are passionate." Y/N admitted as she watched Hailee interact with her dancers as she smiled widely, "I guess I will need to be extra careful, right?"
"Eh, not that much. They are respectful. Most of them at least. She had almost zero encounters with ‘batshit crazy’ fans."
"That’s good to know. I had a quite a few with that kind of fans and trust me, it’s not a pretty sight to witness."
"Oh I’m sure." Mick snorted under his breath before shaking his head softly, "but I’m sure it’s fun and exciting, am I right?"
"In some way yeah. But I guess when you need to protect your client, you are worried too. Even if there isn’t too much danger."
"Oh yeah, right." Mick seemed to ask something else, but he never got the chance because Jasmine, one of the dancers, came sauntering towards them with a big grin and interrupted them.
"What?" Y/N snorted when Mick asked that question with his eyebrows furrowed and a confused expression on his face.
"You heard me. We are going to celebrate the first concert of the tour!"
"You already planned everything, didn’t you?" Mick asked with a mischievous grin on his lips as he crossed his arms and looked at Jasmine knowingly.
"Well, yeah! C’mon, we’ve known each other for years!" Y/N watched as Mick chuckled with a small nod as Jasmine circled her arm around his shoulders and side-hugged him tightly.
"Fair enough. Anyway, I’m always in when there is alcohol involved."
"Y/N, are you in?" Jasmine asked with a smile, rolling a strand of hair around her index finger and looking at the Y/H/C girl expectantly.
"I kinda have to." Y/N replied with a snort, "you guys kinda have to be friends with me, because wherever Hailee goes, I go too. But I’m glad you invited me, so I don’t feel like I’m crushing on you guys’ night."
Mick and Jasmine laughed at her joke and both punched her shoulders as they shook their heads, "you sound like a jealous girlfriend."
Y/N snorted out loud at Mick’s joke before flipping him off, making him laugh harder alongside Jasmine. "C’mon you two, let’s get drunk!"
"I know! But at least I got free alcohol!" Jasmine laughed care-freely as she sipped on her drink, moving her head to the beat of the song playing in the club while eyeing her friends in the vip area dancing.
"We got free alcohol. Thank you Jaz!" Mick leaned over the table and high-fived Jasmine then doing the same with Y/N, who was only paying half attention to what they were saying as she tried to keep her gaze focused on Hailee dancing with a few of her dancers on the dance floor not too far from them. "Dude you now look like a jealous girlfriend. Chill. She is with us. She is safe."
"Stop harassing her Mick. She is doing her job." Jasmine leaned over the table to slap Mick’s shoulder before sitting back on her chair and patting Y/N’s hand gently, drawing her full attention. "Don’t listen to him Y/N."
"Oh trust me, I’m not. And I never will." Y/N joked with a mischievous smile directed at Mick, making him gasp with an offended face, his mouth opened in an O shape and his eyebrows drawn together, but she purposefully ignored him and focused her attention on Jasmine instead. "I just- I don’t want to be too oppressive. She doesn’t want me here. But her mom does. I want her to trust her mom is right. I am not her enemy. Nor are her fans. But sometimes things get crazy and I am here to protect her if it will ever happen."
"Don’t worry Y/N. She will come around eventually." Jasmine assured Y/N with a warm smile.
"Yeah, she will. I am sure of that." Mick caught Y/N’s attention by laying a hand on the Y/H/C girl and patting it gently.
"Thank you guys." Y/N smiled in appreciation at her friends, who just lifted their drinks and winked at her with small grins of their own.
"I need a drink." Y/N snorted under her breath when another dancer, Tess, walked at their table and sat unceremoniously down on the chair beside her, a bit sweaty and out of breath. "Can you go get me one Mick?"
"Sure. For 200 dollars."
"What?! C’mon! You came here to sit three songs ago! I need to rest." Tess argued as she groaned at Mick’s mischievous expression.
"Not my fault. You could’ve joined me then and you could’ve rested enough to get a drink." Mick countered back with mirth glowing in his eyes. Despite his words, Y/N saw Mick gripping the chair’s armrests, a clear sign he is ready to get up, and that gesture made Y/N smile fondly as she witnessed the drummer mess around a little bit with Tess.
"Ugh, you’re an asshole." Tess flipped him off before sending him a kiss when he got up from his chair right after. "Love you!"
"Yeah, yeah." Mick waved Tess off before walking towards the small group still dancing and talked to Luke and Mark quickly, before walking towards the VIP area’s bar. He probably asked his friends to get drinks for everyone and not too long after everyone joined the table when Mick, Luke and Mark brought shots and drinks. Everyone except Hailee. Y/N was ready to sit up and join her to keep an eye on her closely, but Tess passed her a shot and made her cheer with everyone else. Then another. When the third one arrived in a very short time, Y/N declined it since she was technically working and that made her senses go back on alert, chancing a look at Hailee, expecting her to dance with the few people dancing on the dance floor, but she was met with uncomfortable eyes that were clearly asking for help. With a lightning-fast movement she sat up from her chair and strode towards the dance floor.
"C’mon, let me buy you a drink babe."
"Do not call me babe. I said no. Thank you." Hailee talked slowly but with a firm voice, her tone a bit lower and full of anger and annoyance.
"Then let’s dance a bit before getting that drink. I promise I will make worth your while."
Y/N wanted to punch that douchebag’s face repeatedly when she heard the conversation going on as she got closer to Hailee and a small curly, dark brown haired boy, watching as he ogled Hailee with his brown eyes. "Is there a problem here?"
"No. Bye."
Y/N had to restrain herself when the boy answered before Hailee could, not even moving his eyes from her chest before meeting Hailee’s gaze with a disgusting flirty smile, "where were we? Oh yeah, we were about to dance. Or we could skip the dance and the drink and get right to the good part."
"Like a said no. A million times no."
"You heard her. No." Y/N interrupted him as she crossed her arms under her chest and approached Hailee slightly, noticing how she leaned a bit over her as she tried to move away from the boy.
"Who are you?" Y/N had to physically restrain herself from punching repeatedly this douchebag’s smug face by closing her hands into tight fists, feeling her short nails sink deep into her palm and creating a grounding stinging, and by taking a deep, calming breath but it proved to be a really difficult task when the douchebag’s face twisted in disgust, "go find another girl to hit on, she is not interested."
Y/N’s patience was becoming thinner by the second and closed her eyes for a second to stop from head-butting hard this jerk, before opening her Y/E/C eyes again and focusing her cold gaze on him, "the only person I want to hit, hard, right now it’s you. Don’t test my patience. I’m here to tell you to go fuck yourself."
"Nice try, but I’m not going anywhere. Not without her at least." Hailee frowned in disgust when the boy winked at her in something that he may have considered seductive before focusing his gaze back on Y/N. "So why don’t you go bother someone else?"
"Did I stutter? Go. Fuck. Yourself."
"No you listen for once. I said no. NO. A million times no. I guess you don’t take a no for an answer but I don’t care. I said no. I’m not going anywhere with you. And apologize to her since she had been nice enough to not beating the shit out of you."
"Oh I got it now. You two are together. It’s fine. We can arrange something." Y/N and Hailee facepalmed right away as they stared dumbly at him for a few seconds but they sighed loudly when they noticed he was actually serious.
"We’re not together. I am her friend."
Hailee was glad Y/N didn’t use the word ‘bodyguard’ since this jerk seemed to be so dense and dumb that he would’ve thought about some kinky role play shit he would’ve wanted to join. "We are her friends and we tell you to go nicely. Don’t let me repeat myself or the word ‘nicely’ won’t be used again."
Hailee turned her head around and smiled warmly at Jasmine and Mick behind her mimicking Y/N’s pose and watching the boy with a withering glare, "ugh fine, you bitch were too fucking haughty and snob to fuck."
The boy turned around with a scoff and went to walk away, but Y/N stopped him right after, "oh hey! You forgot something."
"What?" The boy didn’t have time to turn fully around before Y/N’s fist collided with his cheek hard and made him fall down on the floor with a grunt that almost got covered by the cheers and loud wolf whistles from her friends as they cheered Y/N on.
"There. Now you can go to hell asshole."
After about an hour, Y/N walked out of the club, following Hailee closely as she talked animatedly with two of her dancers about something Y/N wasn’t exactly paying attention to. "You don’t have to worry about that, we will blame Pete for that."
"Hey!" Y/N smiled softly at the boy in question protesting, lowering her head down and watching her feet move on the concrete for a few moments before looking up ahead again.
"Don’t worry, we won’t do that." Hailee was quick to reassure with a calming, comforting tone but her innocent expression then broke into a mischievous smile a second later, "maybe."
"I hate you two!" Pete put his hands on Hailee’s and Lorna’s shoulders, walking respectively on his left and on his right side, and pushed them to the side, making them stumble in their steps.
"That’s our stop. We’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Haiz." Lorna and Pete hugged Hailee tightly, doing the same with everyone that wasn’t on the bus they were staying in then walked in their bus.
"I’ll join you guys in a second. I will walk Hailee to her bus."
"Okay." Jasmine lifted her thumb up and nodded at her after she hugged Hailee goodnight and walked alongside her friends to their bus.
"Hm, I need to walk you back to your bus then I’ll leave you alone." Y/N told Hailee in an awkward stance and shrugged softly.
"Okay." Hailee nodded and started walking the few steps towards her tour bus, hearing Y/N catch up with her not even a second later.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah." Y/N didn’t believe Hailee not even for a second, she saw her bite on her bottom lip and fidget with her hands nervously since they left the club not too long ago, making Y/N ask if Hailee was okay.
"Are you sure? You seem a little bit- lost? Deep in thought. I just want to make sure you are okay."
"I am just a little bit shaken by what happened." Hailee finally admitted after a few seconds of silence, causing Y/N’s heart to clench at her quiet voice.
"I am so sorry." Y/N apologized with a regretful expression on her face and looked at Hailee with remorse clear in her Y/E/C eyes, "I shouldn’t have sat down at the table. I should’ve been right beside you so he wouldn’t have approached you in the first place." Y/N looked down at her feet for a few seconds in shame before looking back into Hailee’s brown irises when she felt them on her, finding nothing but fondness in those mesmerizing irises.
"Y/N, it’s not your fault. I actually really appreciated you giving me space and not staying glued to me all night long. I might not wanted and I might still not want you here since I don’t think getting a bodyguard was necessary but I understand my mother’s worries and I respect your job. And you did an amazing job. You came at the right time and helped me out and I’m grateful for that. Stop beating yourself up. You did nothing wrong."
"I know, but I should’ve arrived earlier. I should’ve stopped him before he could’ve approached you. I was distracted and I shouldn’t have been distracted. Not when I am working."
Hailee smiled tenderly at her before placing a hand on her right shoulder and caressed it softly in a comforting manner. "It’s okay. You need to have some fun too!"
"I don’t. Not when I’m working." Y/N countered back with her eyebrows furrowed and shook her head in denial, "my priority is your safety and I can’t protect you if I am distracted. It won’t happen again."
"Okay, stop. Hold on. Let me open the door and we can keep talking." Hailee rummaged in her purse to find the tour bus’ keys and opened the door, then signaled for Y/N to enter, but the girl shook her head and signaled her to go in first. Hailee rolled her eyes good-naturedly and shook her head with a small smile before she realized Y/N wasn’t going to give in and walked in first.
"Wow, what a mess!" Y/N said out loud and widened eyes comically as she took in the place, full of clothes scattered all over the living room’s floor and couches.
"Yeah sorry, I was trying to unpack a few things."
"All of this is a bit more than a few things." Y/N joked as she looked at Hailee comically and the girl shrugged shyly.
"Anyway, we started on a wrong foot. Especially because of me. Let’s start over. I will try to be more polite to you if you will try to have fun when needed."
"Oh I didn’t realize this was a negotiation." Y/N cracked another joke, smiling mischievously at Hailee while shaking her index finger to point at Hailee and herself, the singer scoffing with another good-naturedly roll of her eyes. "Anyway, I will try. But your safety has to come first."
"Ugh, Y/N relax. You don’t need to walk me back every night to my trailer, especially when it’s 10 feet away from the entrance!"
"I am sorry, but this is the protocol. It’s my job to be sure you are safe in your trailer."
"Yeah, okay, but no one is around. My fans are on the other side of the venue."
"I still will walk you back in your trailer." Hailee huffed out a small laugh as she fished her keys from her stage pants she stashed in there after grabbing them on the counter in her changing room before walking out of the venue and unlocked her tour bus door. "I-."
"Like every other night for the past month, no. You don’t need to check the bus. It was locked."
"Okay." Y/N sighed dejectedly, scratching her forehead in frustration at Hailee’s stubbornness as she looked the singer in her eyes, "you did great tonight by the way."
"Thank you." Hailee smiled widely at the compliment, adrenaline still pumping hard in her veins at how wonderful the concert was that night. The crowd was ecstatic and the atmosphere was amazing.
"Goodnight Y/N."
Y/N could hear Hailee’s name being screamed by the ecstatic crowd from the backstage and couldn’t help but smile at how passionate Hailee’s fans were and how much love they showed her, "okay, all set. You can go on stage now."
"What’s up everybody!" Y/N smiled widely when Hailee run up on stage and the whole crowd erupted in a loud scream of excitement at her sight, "wow, I see you are happy to see me!"
No matter how many times she saw it, Y/N was still stunned how much loved Hailee was by her fans. She had travelled a lot and she had been pretty famous singer’s bodyguard before, and even if Hailee’s fans weren’t that much compared to the singers’ fans Y/N had worked for, she could see the real passion, affection and love they had for Hailee. A lot of really famous singers have also a lot of ‘occasional’ fans in the crowd that are there at their concert just to watch them live, but with Hailee’s fans Y/N could see every single one of them would go to every single one of Hailee’s shows, they weren’t just occasional fans. "WOHO! WHAT A GREAT SHOW!"
"Fuck you Mick! You will make me go deaf one of these days."
"Nah, you’ll be just fine." Mick waved her off and snickered as he circled his arm around Y/N’s shoulders and hugged her closer for a moment before pulling away.
A few seconds later a body crashed into her back as it crawled over it, giving her just a few seconds to react and grab the person’s thighs to prevent them to fall on the ground, "Y/N! I missed you!"
"Jaz we saw each other 2 hours ago!"
"I know! But I still missed you!" Y/N smiled warmly at her friend as she hugged her tightly and shook her head before putting her down gently.
"Oh yeah! I’m gonna change quickly. I wanna say ‘hi’ to them." Y/N heard Hailee speak to her manager not too far from her and watched curiously as she run to the hallway that led to the dressing rooms, already knowing she was talking about going to say ‘hi’ to her fans waiting outside the arena. She followed her and waited patiently outside her dressing room as Hailee finished changing from her stage clothes and walked her to her fans when she finished, watching with fondness in her eyes Hailee talk to her fans, signing their pictures of her and taking selfies with them. It was calm for almost 10 minutes until a fight started not too far away from them, a few rows back, between a few Hailee’s fans. A few screams could be heard and Y/N, waiting patiently a few feet behind Hailee until then, immediately jumped into action and went to take Hailee away from the scene, since the arena’s guards already got it covered, but the singer walked forward to try to calm everyone down slipping from Y/N’s grasp. Y/N saw from the corner of her eyes as she walked again towards Hailee, a girl crashing into another girl holding a beer and accidentally breaking the bottle onto the barrier on her left, before another girl crashed onto her side and made her stumble forward, dangerously close to Hailee, as she walked a few steps forward to try to help and calm everyone down. "Guys, please let’s just-."
"Hailee!" Y/N got in front of Hailee’s just in time. The Y/H/C girl grabbed the singer’s forearm and pulled her behind her back as she got in front of her a second before the broken bottle got pushed into her lower stomach while the girl holding the bottle fell down on the floor right in front of Y/N’s feet. Y/N grunted in pain when she felt a big piece of glass embed in her skin and flesh, while the rest fell down on the floor and crashed into pieces, but the Y/H/C girl pushed the pain away to protect Hailee and moved her away from the hassle. "We need to go."
"Oh shit- Y/N!"
"We need to go now. I need to escort you away to a safe place."
"B-but we need to look at that-."
"I’ll be fine." Y/N gritted through her teeth as she ignored the excruciating pain and grunted out loud when she pushed Hailee towards the direction of her tour bus.
"Y/N we seriously need to call someone." Y/N grunted back in protest as she kept pushing Hailee towards the bus and signaled for her to open the door as she looked around for anymore treats. "Y/N, please. You’re bleeding."
"I will check it as soon as I am sure you are safe and now-." Y/N trailed off as she closed the door behind her and locked the door. "Now you are." Y/N sighed out loud as she laid her back on the closed door for just a moment before she pushed past the pain for a few more seconds to check the entire bus to be completely sure Hailee was safe.
"Okay, now please, stop here and let me check." Hailee leaned her hands on Y/N’s shoulders when she joined her back on the living area and pushed down gently to let her lay her butt on the small table behind her. "Oh fuck. It looks bad." Hailee stated, examining the big red spot on Y/N’s white t-shirt with a worried expression on her face.
"Can you- l-lift the shirt?"
"I don’t know." Y/N grunted in pain when Hailee just grazed the hem of Y/N’s shirt and stopped her movements right away.
"Fuck." Y/N hissed out loud and retracted her body abruptly from Hailee’s grasp, "sorry, just- be careful."
"I am." Hailee replied softly with a small smile, "I think we should let it be checked." Hailee repeated as she looked once again at the blood stained patch on Y/N’s white shirt, biting her bottom lip nervously. A few seconds later she felt the bus move and instinctively looked at the closed door separating the living area from the driving cabin at the front of the bus with her eyebrows furrowed together. "No, no, no! We should stop."
"No, it’s okay. It’s important that we get away from that chaos. We can handle it. Wait, let me rephrase that. I can handle it. I don’t want to bother you too much. I will go into the bathroom and as soon as we are far away I will go into my bus." Y/N announced as she lifted herself off the table with another pained grunt and limped a few steps towards the bathroom to check herself the damage that broken bottle did to her, but a gentle hand on her right bicep stopped her in her tracks.
"You can’t be serious Y/N. I will help you." Y/N smiled in appreciation at the soft tone Hailee used and nodded gently at her, who nodded back with a small grin of her own, "okay, now stay put. I don’t want to hurt you if you move."
"Yeah, okay." Y/N let herself be lead by Hailee back towards the table, making her sit back down on the table and slowly but more firmly this time, lifted Y/N’s t-shirt to assess Y/N’s injury, carefully slipping the shirt away from the glass before pulling it up under her chest.
"Oh shit." Y/N gasped out loud when she felt the cold air hit her hot skin and chanced a glance down her lower stomach.
"Oh shit." Y/N repeated Hailee’s words and stared at the big piece of green glass embedded into her skin. "Fuck."
"Sorry!" Hailee grimaced in apology as she tentatively grazed the piece of glass to assess the damage.
"Don’t worry." Y/N said through gritted teeth as she tried to subdue the stinging sensation in her lower stomach, "it has to be taken out."
"Wait- do you want me to-? No! No way." Hailee asked when she moved her eyes away from Y/N’s injury and found her Y/E/C eyes staring at her expectantly.
"Hailee please, we still need to drive for a bit more and I am starting to feel dizzy. So we need to take this out and stop me from bleeding out. I would have done it myself but I don’t have enough energy in me to pull it out neatly, I would cause more unnecessary damage. So please, I know I am asking too much, but you are my greatest option right now."
"Geez, talk about ‘no pressure’." Hailee joked and made Y/N chuckle airily under her breath as she smiled fondly at the singer.
"Yeah." Y/N shook her head and looked at Hailee amusedly, "sorry but it is what it is."
"No I got it." Y/N smiled fondly at Hailee and nodded once before letting her continue, "I just don’t want to screw it up. And I don’t want to hurt you."
"Don’t worry, you won’t. You will do great. I will guide you through it all."
"Why do I feel like it’s not your first time being this heavily injured?"
"Because it’s not. I liked to get into a lot of trouble in high school." Hailee smiled mischievously down at her but in her eyes Y/N could see worry and apprehension as she stared into her brown irises.
"Hm, why am I not surprised?" Y/N snorted under her breath and blushed slightly under Hailee’s gaze, "anyway, we should probably focus. I seriously need to take this shit out, you look a little pale."
"Yeah, yeah. It also hurts like a bitch. So we should hurry."
"Okay-." Hailee took a big, deep breath to ground herself and closed her eyes to focus, a few seconds passing before she opened them once again and with her index finger and thumb took a solid hold of the big, broken bottle’s piece. She stared at the glass a couple of seconds, took another deep breath then looked into Y/N’s eyes firmly, "on three. One, two, THREE!"
Y/N groaned out loud, trying not to scream too loudly at the searing pain in her abdomen and closed her eyes shut hard, "ow! Fuck, fuck, fucking shit!" Y/N felt dizzy and hold onto the table’s edge hard to prevent herself to fall on the ground. "Sorry for cursing. It won’t happen again." Y/N murmured quietly after she gained some consciousness, her head spinning slightly and feeling a little bit weak.
"Are you serious right now?" Hailee asked incredulously as she walked to the trash can and dumped the broken bottle’s piece into it and walked back to Y/N to assess her injury. "You were in pain. Hell, you are still in so much pain. There is no need to apologize."
"I know, but I’m still working right now, so I should try to at least be well behaved." Y/N tried to reason with seriousness but the small smile that Hailee sent her way broke her deep serious frown into a big grin of her own as they both chuckled under their breaths.
"I don’t care. You are not working right now. You are a friend that got hurt and I am taking care of you."
"I should consider myself lucky, shouldn’t I?"
"Oh yeah, very lucky actually!" Hailee replied with a serious face as she nodded once before breaking her serious façade with another grin, her hands still lifting Y/N’s shirt up some more to prevent the shirt’s fabric to stick onto Y/N’s deep cut on her lower abdomen, "I will take care of you really good, you’ll see!" Hailee winked playfully before looking down on Y/N’s cut to see if there was any small pieces of glass left that she didn’t take out earlier, luckily there weren’t. When she moved her eyes once again back on Y/N’s face she was met with a small blush on Y/N’s face and a big, mischievous and cheeky grin on her lips. "What?" When Y/N just kept staring at her knowingly, Hailee thought about what she had said and immediately blushed furiously as she fumbled over her words to try to clarify, "NOT LIKE THAT! Y/N!" Hailee slapped gently Y/N’s shoulder, who chuckled softly under her breath.
"Hey! You are the dirty-minded here, you should hit yourself! And I’m injured, I’m in a lot of pain right now, it’s not fair hitting me!" Y/N caressed her left shoulder where Hailee slapped her and chuckled under her breath at their banter.
"Not enough to stop you from being the only dirty-minded here!" Hailee countered back before lifting a challenging eyebrow up when Y/N opened her mouth to try to counter her back. She smirked triumphantly when Y/N shut her mouth and grunted out childishly.
"It’s not my fault, you said it like it was meant to be dirty!" Y/N replied a few moments later and pouted softly, trying to play her trump card and make Hailee relent and say she was the one dirty-minded between them, but it only blackmailed when Hailee smirked cheekily.
"Well, this only proves you are the dirty-minded here. Because even if I decided to specifically say those words with a dirty meaning, I covered it all up with an innocent look and I made it sound innocent. You were the one that caught the dirty meaning behind that phrase. But it wasn’t the case anyway, because I didn’t realize what I said only after you pointed them out, you horndog."
"Ugh, fine you won. Now please, tell me if I need stitches because I seriously need to disinfect the cut before it could get infected."
"Oh yeah! Wait-uhm- how do I know you don’t need stitches?" Hailee asked with an insecure voice, her eyes now back analyzing the cut intensely while her eyebrows were cutely furrowed together in concentration.
"Check the central portion of the cut. How distant are the two flaps of skin?"
"Hm, I think not too much. Maybe just a tad bit of a quarter of an inch."
"Okay, that’s a good thing. You don’t need to patch me up-." Y/N trailed off as she thought over what Hailee said while she tried to see the cut’s damage for herself too.
"Yeah- wait, hold the fuck up. I would’ve had to patch you up? Are you insane?" Hailee asked incredulously and stared at Y/N like she just grew two heads, who simply chuckled in amusement as she shook her head good-naturedly.
"No, I’m Y/N."
"I-hm." Hailee opened her mouth to prepare herself to counter Y/N’s words back, but as soon as her brain registered Y/N’s witty joke, she closed her mouth shut and looked at Y/N unamused. Y/N then chuckled softly under her breath and shook her head, but didn’t add anything else, wanting to hear what Hailee would counter back, excited for their new teasing and bickering dynamic. "Wow Y/N, that was really mature of you, I must admit. Very, very mature."
"What can I say? I’m a book full of surprises and plot twists." Y/N replied with nonchalance, shrugging and smiling innocently at Hailee.
"Unbelievable." Hailee shook her head good-naturedly and rolled her eyes in amusement as she walked to the cabinet where she knew there was the first aid kit and joined Y/N again. She place the bag beside Y/N and grabbed a cotton wool, soaked it with hydrogen peroxide and lifted it to Y/N’s cut. "Okay, this will hurt a little."
"Almost done, stay put!"
"I’m trying!"
"Not enough!" Y/N grunted at Hailee’s reprimand and tried to stay as still as the excruciating pain on the left side of her lower stomach allowed her to, closing her eyes shut as Hailee cleaned her cut. "Almost done."
"Finally, ugh it hurts so much, shit."
Hailee then stopped altogether when her eyes moved up from the cut just an fraction of second and got met with Y/N’s defined abs, every muscle standing out due to Y/N contracting them from the pain. "Uhm-." Hailee opened and closed her mouth like a damned dumb fish, slapping herself on the forehead in her mind for not getting a grip on herself at the sight of just defined abs and a well-defined body, her hand frozen on the cut.
"Hailee please, hurry- fuck! Ohw, ohw, ohw!"
"Oh, shit! Sorry!" Hailee apologized as she lifted the cotton wool from the ugly cut after she started pressing on it too much without notice in her distracted state and cursed herself under her breath for hurting Y/N more than necessary due to her being an- horndog? A stupid? "Here, done!"
"Uh, fucking finally. Okay, it is starting to subside." Y/N started to breath evenly back a few seconds later Hailee stopped mending her injury and relaxed her previously contracted abdomen when she could just feel a light and small stinging sensation from her lower stomach cut.
"We need to put an antiseptic cream on it otherwise it will get infected." Hailee pointed out as she walked towards the bathroom and opened her medicine cabinet, finding the aforementioned cream after rummaging a bit in the cabinet. "Wow, I need to thank my mom for thinking about everything. She packed a whole pharmacy in my medicine bag."
"A big thank you to Mama Steinfeld." Y/N breathed out as she nodded oxygen Hailee before chuckling softly under her breath with her as Hailee approached Y/N back and opened the bandages.
"Ugh, it looks ugly. Does it hurt a lot?"
"Not as much as before but it still hurts." Y/N explained with a shrug as she looked down at her injury too.
"Okay good. This will sting a bit but it will get it better." Y/N nodded and gritted her teeth to prepare herself for the stinging, flinching just a bit when Hailee’s delicate hand applied the antiseptic cream on Y/N’s cut with a cotton swab.
"Do you want me to blow on it just a bit?" Hailee did all her best to refrain her face to break into a big grin and tried to keep a serious face as she asked the question and it got even more difficult when Y/N looked down at her incredulously but she kept applying the cream not looking at Y/N, fearing she would crack and laugh out loud if she looked into Y/N’s incredulous eyes.
"How old do you think I am?"
"I don’t know, 5 years old?" Hailee then cracked as she looked at Y/N with her bottom lip trapped under her teeth to prevent her smile to broaden but as soon as she met Y/N’s eyes she bursted out laughing.
"Ha-ha very funny." Y/N rolled her eyes good-naturedly and snorted under her breath, her heart fluttering alongside her stomach at the cute laugh Hailee was emitting for her own joke.
"I know, I am hilarious."
"Debatable." Y/N countered back jokingly, "ohw, hey!"
"Sorry!" Hailee smiled apologetically but Y/N saw through that and rolled her eyes at her pushing on her cut at her mocking words.
"Thanks." Y/N breathed out gently as soon as Hailee stopped applying the antiseptic cream and smiled in appreciation for her care and patience.
"Okay, time to patch you up and we’re done!"
"Finally!" Y/N exclaimed out loud, amusing Hailee to no end as she wrapped the bandage around Y/N’s lower stomach. "Thank you."
"You’re welcome." Hailee smiled affectionately at Y/N after placing the other unused bandages back into the emergency kit and looked at her in gratitude, "I actually should be the one thanking you. Not the way around."
"I was just doing my job."
"You almost got hurt badly for it." Y/N shook her head with a soft smile and lifted her hand up in protest.
"It’s nothing. I’ve been worse injured." Y/N admitted with a mix of shyness and resolution, trying to make Hailee stop feeling bad for her.
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katebishopfan · 2 months
I'm feral. This and college!wanda are literally my ABSOLUTE favorite versions of Wanda 🤭
Soft mommy Wanda headcanons
Warnings: NSWF 18+, fluffy fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions of anxiety, pet names, praise
AN: I haven’t written anything for so long, I’m trying to improve. Thank you all again for 700 followers 💕
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Soft mommy Wanda who...loves to use a nickname for you, it seems that she has already called you by all possible names, but her favorite “bunny” comes out of her mouth most often. You have already forgotten when she called you by your real name, but you don’t mind, because that’s how woman shows her conviction.
Soft mommy Wanda who...lies next to you and hugs you when you feel anxious. Her hands stroke your hair as she whispers sweet “It’s okay baby, I’m with you.” She lets you bury your face in the crook of her neck so you can inhale the scent of her slightly bitter floral perfume.
Soft mommy Wanda who...always listens to your long monologues about some films or TV series that you like, but about which she understands nothing. Sometimes she takes the initiative for you to watch them together while you lie between her legs in an embrace under a fluffy blanket.
Soft mommy Wanda who...often stays late at work and when she comes into your shared bedroom, she finds you sleeping peacefully in a pile of blankets. She knows that you were trying to stay awake until she joined you. Sometimes Wanda takes out her phone and takes a couple of photos for her collection so she can look back and admire what a cute little thing she got in your face.
Soft mommy Wanda who...loves to take a bath with you on Sunday evenings. She will definitely light a couple of scented candles that you bought on your initiative and place them on the sides of the bath. Her hands gently wash your body with chocolate shower gel while her lips kiss the expanse of your neck.
Soft mommy Wanda who...puts your legs on her shoulders to fuck you with her strap deeper and better, as you deserve. Your little whining “Wanda...mommy, mommy...so good.” comparable to the reward for her efforts. Her eyes watch as your hands tightly grip the headboard as she hits the soft spot inside you every time. “That’s my good girl, like that, taking mommy’s strap so well.” She knows that these words will drive you even more crazy.
Soft mommy Wanda who...loves it when you pay attention to her breasts. Your mouth waters every time you see her big soft tits and she lets you bury your face in them before giving each nipple your attention, making her pussy clench around nothing.
Soft mommy Wanda who...is embarrassed about her body, especially the small tummy that you adore so much. Each time you undress her, you pay special attention to this part, then lower your mouth to her soft thighs. When your hand reaches her pussy, you will find that she is already soaked wet from all the caresses that you give her.
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katebishopfan · 2 months
Lord, have mercy 😩😩
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FLORENCE PUGH via Rebecca Corbin-Murray's Instagram on February 14, 2024
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katebishopfan · 3 months
I need her to pull my head down into her lap and whisper how pretty I am while running her hands through my hair 😩😩😩
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katebishopfan · 3 months
Confidence | 18+ MDNI
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Pairing: Reneé Rapp x Reader
Summary: Reneé asks you to come to her first day off shooting Mean Girls to give her the confidence she needs to play Regina George. (based on this scene)
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut
Reneé Rapp Masterlist | Words: 1.2k
Reneé usually didn’t have a problem with showing off her body, she was proud of the way she looked, and often showed the world her confident side. She wore revealing outfits all the time, and never really gave a care in the world what others thought about her appearance. However, as the first day of shooting Mean Girls came closer, she started getting more and more nervous about portraying this confident character in front of the cameras.
Of course, Reneé had played Regina before, and knew the character well, but in front of the cameras it was different. On stage she got into character and played the part in front of a lot of people, but they were all sitting at a distance, and observed not only her but also the rest of the set around her. On set the cameras and the crew would be focussed on her playing the character the way they had envisioned her, of course they did the same for the other actors there, but the scene she was most worried about was Regina’s opening scene. 
It didn’t take much convincing on your girlfriend’s end to get you to join her on set for the first day of shooting. You loved supporting her in person whenever you were able to. Supporting her didn’t just mean her music and her acting, you supported her in every aspect of life, and she did the same for you, that is why your relationship worked so well. 
While it was an early call, Reneé still took some time to show you around the set. You hadn’t been to the Mean Girls set yet, and were looking at everything full of amusement. When you were younger, you had watched the original, and you always loved the movie, so seeing the set of the remake made you feel very nostalgic.
You sat to the side as Reneé was getting ready in the hair and make-up trailer, talking with her costars and the hair and make-up team. It was nice getting to know the girls she’d be working with for the next couple of months. 
Before you headed to the set they’d be shooting at this morning, you took Reneé to the side. “I just wanted to say that you are amazing, and you look incredible. You are going to crush this scene, and every scene after. You are the perfect Regina George, and I cannot wait to see the lines we rehearsed together come to life. I love you, baby. Have fun out there, and I will be right behind the crew supporting you.” Reneé pecked your lips, “You’re the best, but shush now or you’re going to make me cry.” You both laugh, and head into the hall the scene would be shot in. 
They were shooting the scene where Cady met Regina for the first time to the song ‘Meet the Plastics’. It included a close up shot of Reneé signing the song, while the camera slowly panned out, revealing more of her. It took a few takes to get the close up right, but when the crew was happy with the results, they moved on to the part that Reneé was most nervous about. It was a shot where she would sensually open her leather jacket and show off her boobs.
The first few takes were cut, “Reneé can you give us a try with some more confidence please?” The director asked and she nodded in response. Reneé looked up to you for some reassurance, and found you clenching your thighs together. You hid it well, no one else around you would notice, but Reneé knew. That familiar look in your eyes, and the subtle movements, she knew all too well. That sight alone gave her the confidence she needed to act the scene exactly how the directors had in mind. 
Once the scene was done, and Reneé had quickly said bye to her co-workers she walked up to you, “I knew having you here would do the trick. Wanna head back to my trailer?” Reneé wouldn’t be in the next couple of scenes they were shooting, so she had some free time. She knew just the way she wanted to spend that free time. 
After entering the trailer door behind you, Reneé pressed you up against it. Your breath hitched at the sudden movement, but a smirk started playing on your lips once you saw the look in your girlfriend’s eyes. “I told you you looked incredible.” You tease, letting your hand drag over her chest. When your hands found the zipper, you undid it the rest of the way, and took off the jacket. Your hands moved up her arms slowly until they reached the nap of her neck. “You are so beautiful, baby.” You tell her before she crashes her lips onto yours.
The kiss was instantly heated, you were very turned on from watching the scene Reneé acted in, so every small touch of your girlfriend letting her hands explore your body sent electricity throughout your body. Her lips made their way down your neck, kissing, sucking, and licking the spots you knew were going to have small bruises later. Your soft moans filled the trailer.
Reneé pulled you towards the bed in the back of the trailer. Only breaking the kiss, once you made it to the bed, so she could take off your shirt, and your bra. “So pretty.” She said before taking one of your nipples into her mouth, and swirling her tongue around the hardened bud. With one of your hands behind her back to pull her closer, and the other massaging her breasts, you fell back onto the bed. 
It didn’t take long for both of your clothes to be thrown onto the ground, and your moans filled the trailer once more, as Reneé drags her finger through your folds. “Fuck, you’re so wet baby.” Between moans you manage to say, “I told you, you looked incredible.” Reneé chuckled, “Once again proving that you are a boob girl.” Her comment made you laugh, but it got caught short as she entered one of her fingers into you, and started fucking you at a fast pace right away. 
Your moans start to get so loud that you’re afraid that someone will hear you, so you pull Reneé closer and crash your lips together to muffle the noises. You felt yourself nearing your high fast, as she entered a second finger, and used her thumb to run circles around your clit. “Baby, I-” Reneé’s darkened eyes meet yours, “Fuck, I’m close.” Reneé fastens her pace even more, loving the way she can feel you tighten around her fingers. “Come for me, baby.” Her sultry voice brings you over the edge. You moan her name loudly, no longer being able to control yourself as she fucks you through your orgasm. 
You let your head fall back onto the bed, while you come down from your high with a heaving chest. Reneé cleans off her fingers on the sheets, before she places soft kisses all over your face. “You did so great, baby. I should take you to set with me more often.” She says smiling down at you, admiring the way your sensitive body reacts to her soft touches. 
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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katebishopfan · 4 months
I would also like (m)oral support from Reneé 🤭
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Reneé Rapp - Snow Hard Feelings Tour 2024 - Berlin
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katebishopfan · 4 months
Your fics are really good, did you just start writing or have you been doing it for a while?
Thanks for the compliment, I have been writing on Wattpad for over a year now and I started a Tumblr account not too long after but I didn't post on here. All my posts at the moment are reposts from my Wattpad account and I will probably continue periodically updating my Tumblr with reposts until I'm all caught up. Hope this helps!
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katebishopfan · 4 months
Politely Declined (H.S)
Summary: Hailee and Y/n are secretly dating, but what happens when Griffin asks her out?
Y/n POV:
The bright neon lights of the carnival tents fill my vision as Hailee and I walk along trying to figure out our next move at the giant event. The Weston Carnival is a staple of this town and today my girlfriend and I have spent our entire day here.
"Oh my god! We should go to the petting zoo!" Hailee announces excitedly, pointing at a sign that say "Petting Zoo: Age 2-12". I frown at the age limit and turn to Hailee who's looking up at pleadingly.
"We can try but they might not let us in do the apparent fact we're not twelve." She nods and I grab her hand. "Even if you look short enough to be one." I add teasingly. Hailee gasps dramatically and slaps my arm.
"Y/n M/n L/n, how dare you!" She exclaims in mock outrage as I giggle quietly.
"Mmm, I love spending time with you." I murmur softly, connecting our pinkies softly.
"Me too baby." She hums before letting go of my pinkie softly and looking up at me.
"HAILEE!!" A voice calls loudly and we both turn around. The voice belongs to none other than Griffin Steinfeld, Hailee's older brother. He's walking towards us with a couple of his friends and Hailee smiles brightly at the sight of him. I've always loved how Griff and Hailee get along so well, they really are sibling goals.
"Griffy!!!!" Hailee squeals, jumping into his arms excitedly. I smile at how cute Hailee looks and Griffin smiles back at me.
"Hey Y/n/n, how have you been?" Griffin asks as he places Hailee down. "Pretty good, how about you?" I reply as I give him a big hug. Griffin always has the best hugs. Don't tell Hailee I said that though, her hugs will always be number one but his are a close second.
"Ehh can't complain." He turns towards his friends who are all smiling at me. Ugh, men. "These are my friends, Dean, Lucas and Jesse." Griffin explains happily and I nod at each one of them. I feel Hailee subtly move closer and I refrain from smirking at her obvious jealousy. I know she hates not being out but she's scared how her family will react, even if they're amazing and supportive on all fronts.
"It's nice to meet you." Hailee says with a fake smile and clenched jaw. Their eyes spring away from me as they glance over at Hailee and nod each one of them muttering a quiet greeting.
"We were just about to try and slip into the petting zoo, would you like to join us?" I offer politely, secretly hoping they would decline. Griffin's eyes light up and he smiles brightly at me glancing over at his friends.
"We would love to, right guys?" Griff replies shaking the three boys from their insistent staring.
"Wait what's happening?" Dean asks in a confused tone. Shaking his head as if trying to clear his thoughts and focus on Griffin.
"We're going to the petting zoo." Hailee repeats in an unimpressed tone. I sneakily brush my pinkie finger past Hailees's trying to offer her some comfort. Her composure relaxes immediately but she doesn't look over at me.
"Yeah, yeah. Um that sounds fun." Lucas agrees along with Dean and Jesse who just nod.
"Great, let's go!" Griffin announces excitedly grabbing my hand. I subtly glance back at Hailee as I Griff pulls me along and find her eyes staring directly back at me. My hand slowly drifts out to grab hers, my body desperately wanting the connection. I hear the annoying click of the paparazzi's camera and I let my hand fall back. Her face starts to fall but she quickly catches it, plastering a fake smile back onto her face as more people start to swarm.
"Y/n, will you be in season two of Hawkeye?!"
"Over here Hailee!"
"Y/n, you're holding hands with Griffin. Does this mean you're dating?!" I drop Griffin's hand and ignore them.
"C'mon guys give us something!" I turn back at Hailee and find trapped, a circle of paparazzi bombarding her with questions. My blood boils and before I know it I'm pushing my way through the crowd. I grab Hailee's hand and then protectively wrap my arm around her waist.
"We will not be answering any questions today, sorry and have a nice day." I announce guiding Hailee out of the way while holding a hand out to shoo people away. I don't even have time to savor the feeling Hailee's body being against mine as I walk briskly over to Griffin who is looking very annoyed.
"Thank you for saving me." Hailee murmurs softly, cuddling up to me sneakily. I smile brightly as her head nestles into the crook of my neck. The moment of affection is brief because Hailee moves her head away once Griffin clears his throat.
"Well, should we try to get into the petting zoo?" He asks, mostly waiting for my reaction. I glance over at Hailee who shakes her head.
"Nah, the paps are here so I wouldn't want to get in trouble and have it make the headlines." I decide, looking around for something to do.
"How about the Ferris Wheel?" Griffin suggests. I feel my heartbeat quicken at the thought of being so high but I try to hide it with a smile.
"Sure, I don't think we've done that yet right ba-Haiz?" I barely catch myself in time but Hailee smiles at the pet name.
"Uhm, no we haven't.. Are you sure you're okay with going that high?" She asks, the tone of concern in her voice apparent. I nod and Griffin claps.
"Alright Ferris Wheel it is then, let's go!" I try to walk with Hailee but Griff grabs my hand and pulls me along. My phone buzzes and I already know who it is.
My Pretty Girl <3 Are you sure you're okay with the heights? I can fake a sudden illness and you can stay with me.
Me I'm sure I'll be fine. Let's try and get our own booth.
My Pretty Girl <3 It's two to a booth so it should be easy <3
Me Great!
Hailee POV:
I look up from my phone as Y/n looks back at me with that cute little smile she always has when she's happy. I'm a little nervous for her to go in the Ferris Wheel because it's very high and Y/n is terribly afraid of heights, but she said it would be fine. Plus I'll be there to support her if she needs me.
"Alright guys, welcome to the Ferris Wheel. We have a four seater here for the friends if the couple wants to go together." I nod and smile. Griffin smile widens and I realize he's talking about Y/n and Griff.
"Oh well, um Hailee and I could also go together if you want to go with your friends." Y/n suggests glancing back at with a mix of panic and apology.
"No it's fine Y/n I'll go with you." Griffin replies happily. I clench my jaw and walk over to the booth where Dean, Jesse and Lucas are already sitting. Y/n stares at me sympathetically and furrows her brow unhappily.
"Are you sure you don't want to go with your friends? I mean Hailee and I have always had this dream of taking a picture together at the top of a Ferris Wheel-"
"It's fine Y/n." I interrupt her. Her smiles sinks even further and I feel slightly bad for interrupting her. She nods slowly and gets into the booth a few down. Whelp, there goes my plan to comfort her.
Y/n POV:
I can already feel the panic in my system rising but I try to push it away and focus on Griffin. We're sitting beside each other which is somewhat comforting I guess, but I just want my girlfriend. Hailee always knows exactly how to calm me down and I need that right now.
"The ride is starting in." "3" "2" "1"
We slowly start to move and I take several deep breaths, somewhat trying to keep myself calm.
"So how is work going?" Griffin asks turning towards me. I barely hear him as we slowly start our ascent.
"I- um, it's going well how about yours? How is the world famous NASCAR driver doing?" I ask, feeling my breath start to leave my body.
"It's….which is…." I try to listen but my body is completely focused on how close we are to the top. "I also need to….these feelings…I really like yo-…" I try to comprehend what he said and form a response but my body doesn't cooperate. I stay silent as we start to descend but I realize what he said and I turn to look at him.
I open my mouth to speak but I get cut off by his lips on mine. He retracts slowly and I stare at him in complete shock. He kisses me again and I squeal pushing him off as we reach the bottom, the ride coming to a stop. I hurriedly climb out and walk right up to Hailee pulling her by the hand to behind a building.
Hailee POV
I wait nervously for Y/n at the bottom and hope that's she doing okay. Her face as she comes down looks distant and slightly panicked which makes me worried. She turns towards Griffin and he KISSES HER?! She pulls away immediately and stares at him before her kisses her AGAIN!!!! This time she shoves him away and the booth stops right in front of me. She gets out with Griffin scrambling after her and grabs my hand pulling me behind some building.
"I'm sorry! I couldn't get out and I didn't hear him because I was too focused on how high we were then he kissed me so I froze then he did it again but I love you and I-" Her words continue spilling out but I can only focus on three of them.
"You love me?" I ask quietly, my heart bursting with joy at the admission. "Of course baby. I love you." She replies like its such an obvious thing.
"I love you too and I'm not mad at you I promise." I reply softly caressing her cheek. She blushes and her eyes glance down at my lips. I slam my lips onto her trying to take her surprise so I can keep my dominance but her tongue quickly slips into my mouth and she pushes me up against the wall. Her hand grazes my thigh innocently before lifting it up and raising it to her hip. I run my hands through her hair and tug softly on a strand causing her to release a muffled whimper.
"You can't do that love." She mumbles into my mouth her lips continuing to move against mine, our mouths slotting together so perfectly.
"Why not darling?" I ask cheekily already knowing the answer.
"Because it makes me too horny." She replies boldly all the sudden rubbing her thigh against my center. I groan at the feeling and throw my head back softly. I try to grind on her but the pressure is gone as quickly as it started. I whine and try to connect our lips again but she only softly pecks mine before letting my leg slowly drop down.
"That's no fairrrrrr." I complain as she starts to walk away. She chuckles lightly and takes my hand, spinning me into her arms.
"I'll make it up to you later." She whispers sultrily. I shiver at the feeling of her breath on my ear and nod hastily.
Y/n POV:
I walked back towards Griffin and the other boys without Hailee's hand in mine, suddenly feeling much smaller.
"Hey, c-can we talk?" Griffin asks nervously, his hand on the back of his neck. I nod my head awkwardly and glance at Hailee who gives me an encouraging smile.
"Let's go over here." I decide pointing to a bench slightly off the path. We walk over quietly and I sit down beckoning him to do the same.
"I'm sorry for kissing you." He mumbles, a deep blush covering his cheeks. I hum in acknowledgment before rolling my shoulders and beginning to speak.
"I really care about you Griffin, I do. I love you, but as a brother. Hailee's my.. Well she and I are really close, and I love you both. I'm really sorry Griff." He takes a deep breath and sighs.
"I understand, thanks for being honest with me." I nod opening up arms. He smiles moves closer letting me wrap my arms around him. After a few moments I draw back and stand up. We walk back in a more comfortable silence and I smile at Hailee who smiles back. Griffin's friends on the other hand are shaking their head at him.
"Well, Y/n and I might head back to my apartment now but we had a really lovely time with you guys." Hailee announces before grabbing my hand and pulling me away.
"Why are you in such a rush darling?" I ask as we walk off.
"Shut up I'm horny."
Make sure to check my Wattpad, I have ALL my oneshots posted there.
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katebishopfan · 4 months
Sleepy Girl (E.O)
Summary: Y/n is filming Age of Ultron alongside Lizzie and the cast, for some reason she can't stop falling asleep on her (secret) girlfriend.
Sorry this is so short but I didn't have too much to write about since it was such a cute, simple, fluffy plot!
Lizzie POV
I stretch my arms out, blinking the sleep from my eyes, and roll to face my girlfriend. Her y/h/c hair is splayed across the pillows and I watch her lips part as she breathes in and out, still off in dreamland. I turn and grab my phone, wanting to check the time so I know how long I can let her sleep in. It's nearly 8 a.m., the time she needs to be up. I sigh and glance between her and the time.
Maybe I should just let her sleep in? I know she hasn't been sleeping well lately and between filming, running lines, and in her case a LOT of stunts I know how tired she is. At the same time though, I know if she wakes up late she'll be stressed and the last thing I want to do is make her even more stressed than she already is.
"Y/n, baby, it's time to wake up," I whisper softly, my hands reaching out to caress her cheeks. She lets out a small whine and rolls away from me. A smile curves upon my lips and I can't help but feel a little bit giddy at the fact that she's my girlfriend. Mine.
We've only been dating for a little over a month now but it still feels so fresh. Even though I feel like I'm already in love with her, but I guess that's lesbians for you. "Darling, it's time to wake up. It's 8 am." I try again, gently rolling her body to face me and moving her head onto my lap. Her eyelids flutter and she sleepily opens her eyes, looking up at me.
"Mmm, you're so comfy," She mumbles drowsily, her arms reaching out to capture my body. I pull her up fully onto my lap and she nestles her head into the crook of my head. "Can I just stay here forever?" She asks jokingly as I run my hands through her silky hair. It's the one thing I just can't get over about her. Okay, that's a lie, there are several things that I can't stop feeling all flustered about, but one of the bigger ones is her hair. It's like the smoothest thing you've ever felt and in the morning it gets all floofy! Just my favorite thing in the entire world.
"Hmm, well you could, but then we'd miss all of our scenes today and probably get fired." I tease, lifting her head so I can give her a good morning kiss. She smiles and places a quick peck on my lips before cupping my cheek and giving me a proper kiss. After a few seconds we pull apart and she stares into my eyes, making me blush.
"As long as I get to be with you, I'll do whatever." If I thought I was blushing before it was nothing compared to how red my cheeks are now, I probably look like a tomato.
"Is that so?" I reply, raising my eyebrows in surprise. She nods her head.
"Of course,"
This girl... Making me feel all soft.
"Well, as much as I would love that, we should start to get up and get ready." I decide, moving Y/n off of my lap and getting up. She jumps up right after me and I turn around to look at her.
"Shower first, second, or together?" She asks with a mischievous grin on her face. I blush and look away.
"You choose," I reply, not wanting to say together out loud. There's dead silence and then strong arms pick me up and start walking towards the bathroom. "Y/n! Put me down!!" I shout, flailing around. She giggles and places me down in the bathroom.
"You said to choose and I decided on picking you up and taking you to the bathroom." She reasons, crossing her arms and smiling at me.
"You're so annoying," I tell her, rolling my eyes. She nods her head and shrugs.
"You love it,"
"Yeah? Well, I guess that means that I'm better than you Christopher." I banter back playfully as we wait for the workers to switch over a few things for the next scene.
"Just wait L/n, I'll get you back." He replies, sticking out his tongue at me and making a face. "Plus, who can reach the ceiling when they jump? Not you if I remember correctly." He teases, crossing his arms as he smirks at me triumphantly.
"Scarlett, Lizzie! Chris is bullying me!" I shout, catching the attention of my two favorite ladies who were calmly chatting beforehand. The color drains out of his face and he starts to shake his head rapidly.
"No!" He exclaims a little bit too loud. He moves closer and lowers his voice. "Y/n, I swear to God, send them away before they murder me!" He hisses, his eyes wide and his voice nervous. I smirk at him and feel a pair of arms wrap around me.
"Christopher Evans, what are you doing?" Scarlett asks in an interrogative mom voice. He steps back and holds up his hands in surrender.
"Nothing!" He protests, stepping away again. "Y/n and I were just joking around." He tries to explain as Lizzie tilts her head at him.
"Scar, he was bullying me about not being able to jump as high as him even though he's like five inches taller than me!" I whine, grabbing Lizzie's hand and pouting at her. She smiles at me and shakes her head.
"That's not very nice," Scarlett chastises him, shaking her head. "You can't bully Y/n, she's just a little baby,"
"Hey, wait I'm not a baby!-" I try to interrupt but she just shushes me and stares at Chris.
"Now apologize and go pick on someone your own size and age." She commands, her voice leaving no room for argument. Chris hangs his head and then looks back up at me.
"I'm so terribly sorry for making fun of your height Y/n, you're so incredibly tall and cool." I smile and he clenches his jaw. Scarlett smiles and turns to look away. When she does I stick my tongue out at him and turn back to see Lizzie smiling at me, shaking her head again. I release myself from Scarlett's arms and throw myself into Lizzie's.
"Hi," She greets me, amusement evident in her voice as she wraps her arms around me.
"Hi," I reply, moving a strand of hair out of her face and watching her blush at the close contact of my hands. I rest my head on her shoulder and she runs her hands through my hair gently. Placing a sweet kiss on my forehead after making sure no one was looking. Scarlett turns back around and smiles when she sees us.
"Aww cuties, Y/n, you're such a little sweetheart." I smile. She glances up at Lizzie and then back down at me. "You know if you weren't already an adult, I'd totally adopt you." I laugh and let go of Lizzie, shaking my head.
"I'm pretty sure you've got your hands full with Rose." I joke back, moving towards some lounge chairs out of the way. Scarlett sits down and then Lizzie sits down. Before I even realize what I'm doing, I'm situated on Lizzie's lap. She smiles up at me and I rest my head on her shoulder. A wave of sleepiness hits my body and I let out a yawn. Scarlett and Lizzie fall back into a conversation that I'm barely aware of and I find my eyes slowly closing as I'm curled up against my girlfriend.
Lizzie POV
I laugh at the joke Scarlett makes and glance down at Y/n, who's fast asleep.
"Okay, Liz, be honest with me." I look up at Scarlett with a nervous expression on my face. "What is going on with you and Y/n? You two look at each other as if the other hung the moon in the sky." I open my mouth to protest but Scarlett continues. "I know there's something else going on between you two, I think I'm the only one because let's be honest the others have no fucking gaydar but I can tell."
"No, Y/n and I have just been getting closer lately and physical touch is her love language so we're touchy, that's all," I reply, glancing down at Y/n who has a small smile on her face. It makes me smile too and Scarlett raises her eyebrows.
"See, no one smiles that way when they watch their friend sleep. You two have something going on, I can tell." I shake my head in protest again and Scarlett shrugs her shoulders. "Fine, I won't bother you any further but just know, I'm onto you, Olsen."
I sit down on a chair in my dressing room and scroll through my Pinterest, trying to find cute photos of plants to show Y/n. I save a couple to my board and scroll past the rest, frustrated that I can't find anymore. All of a sudden, a knock on my door jolts me from my thoughts. I place my phone down on the counter and stand up, starting to walk over to the entrance. I open my door and an in-costume Y/n smiles back at me.
"Hey there pretty lady, mind if I come in?" She jokes, talking in a Southern accent. I roll my eyes and open the door for her, immediately reaching out and pulling her into a hug.
"How was filming?" I ask as we lie down together on my couch. She shrugs her shoulder and buries her face further into my neck.
"Pretty good, but I wish I could've had a scene with you." She pouts, jutting out her lip, indicating the fact that she wants a kiss. I smile and place a quick peck on her lips before going back to our conversation. She shakes her head. "Nooo, give me a real kiss." She whines, pulling my face back to hers. I cup her cheek carefully and gently connect our lips, leading our mouths in a passion-filled kiss.
Her lips glide against mine and I savor the taste of strawberry lip gloss on them, something she usually doesn't wear but her makeup artists put on when she's in costume. Her tongue slips into my mouth and she pushes me down onto my back. Our lips never leave each other's as she lifts up my leg and slots it onto her hip, causing my breath to hitch. We continue to make out until we both have to pull away to catch our breaths.
"How was that for a real kiss?" I ask teasingly, pulling her head onto my chest and letting her rest.
"11/10, Elizabeth Olsen." She jokes, letting herself relax as I wrap my arms around her.
"I'm glad to hear that." When I don't hear an immediate response I look down at Y/n and smile.
My perfect sleepy girl.
"Olsen! They want you on set in five and they need Y/n too, have you seen her-" She stops short when she sees Y/n sleeping peacefully on my chest. "Oh," Y/n lifts her head a little, confused at all the noise, and then smiles up at me.
"Mm, I'm sorry, I fell asleep again, It's just because you're so comfy and we didn't get a lot of sleep last nigh-"
"Watching the movie," I interject, staring pointedly at Y/n who raises a brow confused. "We went to bed late last night because we were watching a movie," I add, glancing over at Scarlett who rolls her eyes.
"Oh my God, just say you were having sex and get over with it. Now come on, we've got to be on set soon." Y/n's eyes widen and she looks over at Scarlett.
"Oh, hey, Scar." Y/n greets her awkwardly, getting up off of me and helping me up.
"Let's go girls,"
After what seems like the longest hour of my life the director yells cut and I let out a sigh of relief. It's not that I don't like Paul, he seems like a nice guy but I honestly would way rather be flirting with my girlfriend and not some man. I can also tell that Y/n is getting jealous because of the way she keeps looking at Paul: Like she wants to strangle him. I move over to her and grab her hands, letting her fidget with the rings on my fingers.
"How about we go somewhere private for a sec?" I offer, pulling Y/n towards a curtained-off section. I open the curtains and see some cleaning supplies. Perfect. I pull Y/n into a soft kiss that catches her off guard and she pulls back raising her eyebrows in surprise.
"In here? We only have five minutes." I slap her shoulder and she smiles, placing a peck on my lips.
"Just shut up and let me kiss my girlfriend before I have to go back and flirt with Mr. Red Toaster," I whine, connecting our lips a little harsher this time. Y/n laughs and pulls my waist closer as I throw my arms around her shoulders. Suddenly there's a loud bang from right outside of the curtains and I pull them open.
Robert, Chris E, Mark, Jeremy, Chris H, Aaron, and Paul stare at us with surprised expressions on their faces while Scarlett stands right next to them with a triumphant smirk on her face.
"100$ Robert, you owe me 100$."
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katebishopfan · 4 months
Elizabeth Olsen Masterlist
Sleepy Girl
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katebishopfan · 4 months
No Vacancy: Part 3 (H.S)
Y/n POV:
"Hey guys, um have any of you seen Jenna?" I ask as 'good 4 u' blasts through the speakers. A couple of people shake their heads and the rest just ignore me continuing to drink whatever cheap alcoholic beverage someone brought, out of a red solo cup. I need to find her..
"Baby you made it!" Jenna's voice sounds behind me happily. I turn around and stare at her outfit for a few seconds. Fuck, why does she have to look so hot when I'm trying to break up with her? I nod my head mindlessly and turn my head as she goes into to kiss me causing her to simply peck my cheek. "Are you ready to party!?"
Hailee POV:
"Hey Griffin, so do you maybe.. I don't know, wanna watch a movie tonight?" I ask curiously from the doorway of his room. He glances up at me and slips his phone back into his pocket.
"No can do little sis, normally I would love to but I'm going out to a party tonight." He replies apologetically, shrugging his shoulders at me. My eyes light up and I grab his phone. "Hey what're you doing!?" He asks annoyedly. I shake my head and unlock it.
"Are you going to a party at a girl called Jenna's house?" I ask trying to find the text chain he had open.
"Uhh yeah, I think so, it's some sophomore's party.." He replies snatching his phone back from my hands. I nod my head and smile.
"I'm coming with you," I state. He laughs for a couple of seconds and then looks back up at me.
"Oh, you're serious." I nod my head and he shakes his. "No way, absolutely not. I'm not taking you to a party, Hailee." I grab his shoulders and shake them slightly looking up at him with my best puppy dog eyes.
"You have to Griff! Jenna is Y/n's girlfriend, which means Y/n will be there and I need to talk to her." I beg, hoping that he'll relent. Unfortunately, he continues to shake his head and removes my hands from his shoulders.
"No. Just because Y/n is there doesn't mean I'm going to take you to a party, there are lots of horny teenagers there and I will not risk you being exposed to annoying sophomore boys who think that younger girls are "hot" they're just pedos in the making-"
"If you don't let me come with you I'll tell mom and dad you're going to a party and they'll ground you for a month like they warned they would last time they found out you snuck out." I threaten, placing my hands on my hips. He sighs and glares at me.
"You're such a pain in the ass you know that Haiz?" He complains sitting back down on his bed. I raise an eyebrow at him. "We'll leave at 10 pm since it looks like it's around a half an hour drive to Jenna's." He mumbles defeatedly. I walk outside of his room and pump my fists triumphantly before walking back to my room.
"Remember the rules Hailee, don't drink any alcohol, talk to any scary girls or make eye contact with anyone who looks remotely like a teenage boy." I roll my eyes and hop out of the vehicle.
"Yeah, yeah. Let's go! I would like to find Y/n in this century, old man." Griffin mumbles something about not being an old man but I barely hear him as I knock on the door and get ushered in by some random girl. I walk further into the house and try and spot the y/h/c girl. Damnit, I thought this would be easier..
"Hailee? What are you doing here?" I turn around and smile at Brian who's giving me a confused look.
"I- uh, Y/n invited me." I lie hoping that he'll believe me since the truth is a lot lamer. He nods his head and shrugs his shoulders.
"Alright then, enjoy!" Then he walks off leaving me alone.
Where the hell are you Y/n?
I continue walking around the party weaving past people in vain as I try to find her but for some reason, I can't. Then all of a sudden I walk past the stairs. Maybe she's up there? I glance around to see if anyone watching me and then quickly dash upstairs. I look around tentatively trying to find her when I spot Jenna. As soon as I see Jenna I find Y/n. She has her arms wrapped around Jenna who's crying into her shoulder while Y/n tries to comfort her.
"I'm sorry Jenny I just-"
"It's okay, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I'm just surprised that's all. I thought we were doing well.. I guess not." Jenna replies while Y/n looks down at her sympathetically. I know I should walk away and let them have their moment alone but for some reason, I find myself rooted to the spot. All of a sudden Jenna leans in and kisses Y/n. Wow, that's a sight I never, ever wanna see again. Y/n pulls away and gets up running out of the room and barreling straight into me.
Y/n POV:
I did not expect that. I also didn't expect to crash into someone as I can out.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry- Hailee?" Her eyes widen as she looks at me and I pull her up wrapping my arms around her. "Hey, what're you doing here?" I ask slightly confused about how she got here and how she heard about this party. She pulls away and smiles at me.
"I wanted to see you so I might be blackmailed Griffin into letting me tag along with him." She explains with a mischievous grin on her face. I giggle and we walk downstairs together, holding each other's hands. We reach the kitchen and Hailee smiles up at me.
"What, do I have food on my face or something?" I ask nervously wiping my face. She shakes her head giggling and smiles back at her. "You're beautiful, you know that?" I whisper tucking a strand of fallen hair behind her ear. She blushes and I boop her nose softly.
"Thank you, you're not so bad yourself." She replies cheekily causing me to clutch my chest in offense.
"Not so bad?!" She giggles and wraps her arms around me.
"You're perfect." She whispers staring up at me lovingly.
God, the things she does to me.
I clear my throat and let go before drumming my fingers on the table awkwardly.
"C-can I make you a drink?" I ask and she frowns. "Non-alcoholic of course. Trust me I can make a mad Shirley Temple."
"Sure, but you point me in the direction of the bathroom first?" She asks and I nod.
"Of course, I'll take you there. I don't want you walking through the party alone and getting lost, or attacked by a horny teenage boy." I reply taking her hand and pulling her along to Jenny's bathroom, keeping her close to me at all times. "I'll wait here for you pretty girl," I inform her as she heads into the bathroom. As I wait a couple of guys bump into me and try to start a conversation with me but I politely decline each one of them when they ask if they can mix me a drink.
"Hey Y/n, can we talk?" I turn around to face Jenna and smiles at me.
"I just wanted to apologize for trying to kiss you, I know I shouldn't have so I'm sorry about that and I hope we can move on as friends." She explains looking up at me nervously. I nod my head and stick out my hand.
"Friends." She murmurs while shaking it. Just then Hailee comes out of the washroom and stares at Jenna and me. "Hey Hails, are you ready for me to make the most epic non-alcoholic drink in the world for you?" I ask playfully, taking her hand into mine and smiling at Jenna. She gives Hailee a once-over before smiling back at me and leaving.
"I'm so ready." She replies jokingly as we walk back into the kitchen. I start to whip up a drink and when I'm finished I pass it to her, wanting her approval. She takes a sip and her eyes snap up to meet mine.
"Wow, this is really good!" She exclaims taking another sip happily. I smile and wrap my arms around her again wanting to feel the warmth of her body on mine when someone yells out.
"Seven minutes in heaven everyone, if you don't play you're a pussy!" I glance over at Hailee who shrugs and takes my hand to walk over there together. We sit down in a circle beside everybody and Brian places a bottle in the middle.
"Alright here are the rules: 1.) The only exception for not going into the closet is if you're related to the person, 2.) You must stay in the closet for seven minutes, no less, no more. 3.) No weak-ass bottle spins I want to see that thing make it around at least once. Clear?" Everyone nods their head and Brian kicks the glass to some guy who spins it. A few rounds go by filled with me holding my breath and hoping it won't land on Hailee when suddenly the bottle gets kicked to me.
"You're up L/n." I glance over at Hailee and spin the bottle watching as it goes around the circle twice and then lands on some random guy who smirks at me.
Great, just fucking great.
I walk with him into the closet and it slams behind us loudly. "I'm not going to kiss you if that's what you're hoping for," I announce clearing up any misunderstandings he might have. He nods his head and I pull out my phone click on Instagram and scroll until they let us out. I try and sit next to Hailee again but find that my seat has been taken so I sit down next to Griffin.
"Alright Hailee, you're up." I watch intently as she spins the bottle and beg whatever entity is running this universe for it to land on me. It slowly spins around the room before coming to a stop right in front of me. I cheer silently and stand up eagerly taking her extended hand as we walk in. The door slams shut again but this time I stare back at Hailee.
"Come over here, princess," I whisper sitting down and patting my lap. She nervously sits down on it and I smile up at her. "Don't be nervous honey. We don't have to do anything you don't want to." I explain softly caressing her face.
"What if I do want to do that?" She asks quietly staring down at my lips. I chuckle and pull her closer.
"Do you?"
"Yes." I take her face in my hands and run my thumb down her lips, parting them before I softly press mine onto hers. She lets out a content sigh and I pull back, tucking the now-fallen strands of hair back behind her ear. "That was my first kiss." She admits after a few seconds. I smile.
"How was it?" I ask watching her face break into a small smile.
"Incredible." She whispers.
"I'd be happy to do it again," I reply already leaning in to connect our lips.
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katebishopfan · 4 months
No Vacancy: Part 2 (H.S)
Hailee POV:
Alright, universe.
What the absolute fuck was that?!
I just got played so hard. I let myself believe that Y/n could actually like a girl like me. I seriously thought she could've been into me. I mean she placed her God damn hand on my thigh!! Then suddenly she called that Jenna girl babe. I would now like to curl up in a ball and die.
"Y/n, are you coming to the party on Saturday?" Someone a couple seats in front of us yells. Y/n glances up from her lap and looks around for where the voice came from. "Over here dumbass, it's Meghan." The voice adds. Y/n chuckles softly and looks over at the girl two rows down and shrugs.
"I might be able to come but I doubt it. Mrs. Phillips is having a big test on Monday and I'll need to practice all weekend so I don't fail, which I can't really do if I'm extremely hungover." Y/n replies in that charismatic tone that could tell me my entire family had just died and still give me butterflies. The girl nods her head and turns back to whoever she's sitting with.
"Hey Y/n who's the cute chick next to you?" Someone else asks and I freeze. Y/n's jaw clenches and she raises an eyebrow at the boy.
"Sorry, sorry just asking." He adds raising his hands up innocently.
"Mind your own business Johnson." Is all she says before turning back to me and smiling. "Sorry about that, horny teenage boys are the worst." She adds softly. Okay- wait why was that so hot?! No, Hailee she has a girlfriend. Wait that means she gay. Holy shit! Dude did you just figure that out..
"It's okay.." I reply awkwardly. Oh my God Hailee what was that???
"I'll beat him up if you want." She offers jokingly mimicking a right hook. That was so cute. Good lord I'm too far gone.
"I think you definitely should. I mean how could even let that stand?" I tease back. Wow I managed to get out a decent sentence way to go.
"Of course pretty girl. Anything for you." She murmurs kissing my hand and smirking. Holy shit fuckers her lips were just on my hand. Oh my lord I'm never washing that hand ever again. I feel my face light up and I giggle. "How should I dispose of him darling?" She adds her eyes looking into mine with a mix of mock seriousness and playfulness. These pet names are seriously going to be the death of me.
"It's completely up to you my brave protector." I reply without even stuttering which might I add is definitely an improvement. Her brows furrow in concentration before her entire face lights and she moves closer.
"I think I should just beat him up. Let all the boys know they should never mess with Y/n or her girl." I'm melting. I think I'm going to die. Y/n just called me HER GIRL!!!!!!!! I barely nod in response as I short circuit. "Haiz are you okay?" She adds confused. Oh my lord she did it again holy shit. That gorgeous hand of her is killing me slowly. It moves around softly on my thigh and squeezes me gently.
"Hmm yeah I just um spaced out for a sec." I reply smiling up at her.
"Okay, I was worried I was going to have get your attention via tickling." She teases.
"You wouldn't dare." I reply boldly placing my hand on hers. She shrugs mischievously before her other hand slips under my shirt and grazes my abdomen beginning to tickle me. I squirm around and kick my legs out while her other hand holds down one my hands. "Ahhh Y/n L/n stop right now!!" I squeal through laughter.
"Never." She states firmly continuing to move her hand around my waist trying to find the my most ticklish spot.
"Y/n I swear to God if you don't stop I'll literally never speak to you again." I threaten playfully but it gets her to stop.
"Never again?" She asks in baby voice, a large pout covering her face. I swear I'm dreaming.
"Never." I confirm firmly watching her stick her lip out.
"Fine, you win Haizy. But always remember you are the cruelest person I know." She replies sadly as she removes her hands from under my shirt. My breath hitches as I suddenly realize how close we are. Her eyes glance down at my lips before she backs up.
"Oh well.." I stutter distractedly. I'm still very flustered from how close I was to my crush.
"It's okay because I love you anyways." She murmurs softly. No way she just said she loves me.
"Oh you love me?" I tease.
"That's when you're supposed to say I love you too Hails." Y/n replies jokingly.
"Hmm, I'll have to think about. I'll get back to you in 2-5 business days." I joke.
"Nooooooo, this is why I have Amazon prime." She whines pulling me onto her lap. "I need you to say you love me or else I won't be able to survive." She pouts unhappily. I smirk at her and she continues to pout at me.
"Pleaseeeeeeee Hailee, tell me you love me pwetty pwease." Adding her baby voice at the end.
"I, Hailee Steinfeld, love you Y/n L/n." I announce. I mean.. She might be joking but I'm sure as hell not. Her face breaks out into a grin and she giggles happily.
"I love you too, princess." My heart explodes with joy and I try to ignore the fact that we're just playing around. The bus suddenly stops and I realize we're at my stop.
"This is my stop.." I mumble sadly. Her face falls as she looks out the window at my house.
"Give me your phone." She demands and I pass it to her confused. I grab my bag and look back at her. She's holding out my phone for me. I take it and start to move off her lap. She grabs my waist and I freeze. Her lips meet my cheek for a couple of seconds before she pulls back and lets go of me. I blush and get off of her walking towards the front of the bus.
Y/n POV:
I probably shouldn't have kissed her cheek. Whatever, I wanted to so I did. I can't do anything about it now. I think I just fell in love.
"So, what the hell was that?" I sigh softly and turn towards Brian who's looking at me expectantly.
"I don't know." I reply. It's the truth, I have no idea what just happened. It was a like a fever dream, a really wonderful fever dream.
"Y/n, you are aware that you have girlfriend right?" I can't tell if he's joking or serious. He's right of course, I'm dating Jenna and even if I didn't directly kiss Hailee on the lips I definitely did not act like a good girlfriend.
"Yeah, I know. I just..." I trail off trying to faint the words to explain how I'm feeling but my brain can't form any sentences.
"She seems like a nice girl Y/n." I nod and look away for a few seconds. "What I'm saying is don't you dare break her heart." He explains seriously before turning back to his phone and placing his airpods in. I slump down in my seat and close my eyes softly. I'm screwed.
Hailee POV:
Is this wrong to do? My thumb is hovering over the call button but I can't tell if I actually want to speak to her.
Your Protector<3
My heart melted when I first saw the contact but now I can't tell how I feel. Of course I want to call her, I desperately need to hear her melodic voice but I know it's not the right thing to do. Part of me knows that she feels the same way and might not pick up the call. The other part doesn't care about anyone else, it just wants to be near Y/n. To hold her and be held by her. I don't think I've ever felt more conflicted than how I feel right now.
"Hey sis, how was school?" Griffin voice asks. It jolts me out of my confused trance which I'm grateful for.
"Um it was normal." I stutter. Well shit, now he's definitely going to know something not normal. Nice going Hailee.
"Really, It was "normal"? C'mon Hails you always have something interesting to say about school, it's not like you to have a "normal" day so tell me. What're you hiding?" Griffin asks after having his Sherlock Holmes moment.
"IsatwithY/nonthebusnandknowIdon'twhattodobecausewewereflirtingbutshehasagirlfriendnamedjenna." Griffin raises an eyebrow.
"English please."
"I sat with Y/n on the bus-"
"Y/n like Y/n L/n?" Griffin interrupts sounding confused.
"Yes, the girl I've had a crush on since forever." I exclaim exasperated.
"Wait, Y/n L/n is crush Y/n!?" Griffin exclaims. I nod my head slowly as he paces around the room.
"Can I continue?" I ask. He nods and I sigh.
"So I was sitting with Y/n and we started talking, which led to flirting." I take a deep breath and continue. "Then all the sudden her friend Brian got a call and he passed the phone to Y/n, but when she took call she called the person babe!!"
"Wait so you were flirting with your crush who actually has a girlfriend." Griffin asks trying to fully grasp the situation.
"Yeah, but then after that she flirted with me a lot and I flirted with her and it was really, really cute then she was being all protective when this guy hit on me. Then she was like being really hot and calling me all these pet names like darling and princess and it was ughhh like literally the sexiest thing ever. And don't even think about judging me right because I've had to listen to you gush about girls so it's my turn. Oh also she tickled me and her hands went fully under my shirt and I melted internally. She also told me that she loved me. Which might sound bad but it was in like teasingly flirty way and she pouted until I told her I loved her and then she said it back like she went "I love you too princess" Like what!?" I gasp for breath and Griffin stares at me like I'm crazy before slowly blinking a couple of times.
"Well that was a lot of information. How're you feeling?" He replies after a couple moments of silence. I shrug and he opens up his arms.
Y/n POV:
I'm sitting quietly on my bed trying to figure out what to do. I check the time in my phone and realize it's 6pm. I should probably go over to Jenna's. All the sudden my phone starts ringing and I sigh when I see it's not Hailee.
"Hey babe are you coming over soon?" Jenna asks excitedly.
"Um yeah, but we need to talk." I reply seriously.
"Okay, about what?" She replies innocently. "Oh, also I invited a couple of our friends too, but not like a party." She adds.
"So definitely a party." I tease, Jenna has a bad tendency to throw parties by inviting "A couple of friends" and then it spirals til suddenly there's three hundred horny teenagers, making out in every room of her house.
"You know I don't like excluding people!" She whines as I chuckle softly. I'll just have to get Jenna alone to talk to her.
"It's okay, I'll be over soon." I reply. I grab my jacket and keys throwing on my jacket and shoving my keys into my pocket before slipping out the window.
That's right, another super high-quality oneshot from yours truly ;)
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katebishopfan · 4 months
No Vacancy: Pt. 1 (H.S)
Summary: Hailee thinks her crush on Y/n is doomed when the older girl moves up to high school but what happens when the bus is packed one day? (Hailee isn't famous in this oneshot).
Y/n's age: 16
Hailee's age: 15
Y/n is in grade 10 and Hailees's in grade 9. (The high school is grade 10-12).
Hailee POV:
I quietly get off of the bus and cringe at the popular kids yelling loudly and chasing each other. I walk in front of the high school and wait for my transfer bus to arrive. I'm about to put my airpods in when I see her.
Y/n L/n, aka the hottest girl in my school... Or at least she was last year before she moved up to high school since she's a year older. Y/n's walking in my general direction when some idiot interrupts her.
"Y/n, get your fine ass over here!" Brian, the most obnoxious guy in the entire school calls catching the attention of the y/h/c girl. She rolls her eyes and changes her course of direction away from me and towards her friends.
"Ahh Brian glad to see you're still annoying as fuck, how's 9th grade treating you?" Y/n calls out as she reaches him.
"It's been good but it'd be better if you were still here." He replies and Y/n shrugs.
"Well, I've moved onto bigger and better things." She jokes as the bus pulls up. I walk over to it slowly and everyone rushes in front of me trying to get a place in the back. I'm the last person enter and what I see is horrifying.
Every. Single. Seat is filled up except for the popular kids who are sitting at the back. I turn to the bus driver who shrugs and points at Y/n.
"Hey L/n scooch over." The bus driver yells and she does moving over slightly barely looking up. I walk over nervously and when I get to her seat she looks up.
"H-hey, th-the bus driver t-told me to sit here." I stutter and she nods standing up and letting me in so she can still talk to her friends.
"Right, so I was with Mr. Smithe and he was bitching on me for not doing the homework but I literally handed it in!" Brian continues annoyedly taking no notice of me. The bus swerves to the right and I'm pushed into Y/n's lap. She turns over to look at me and I smile sheepishly up at her.
"Y'okay there Steinfeld?" She asks and I freeze.
She knows my name!?
"Uh yeah, I-I'm fine sorry for bumping into you." I reply nervously and she shrugs.
"The bus is always doing crazy shit and causing people to get jostled around it's no problem." She reassures me and I nod moving away from her.
"Hey wait, you're that quiet girl in my math class!" Brian exclaims and I nod awkwardly as Y/n turns to me.
"How have you literally never noticed Hailee?" She asks partly joking and partly curious. "I remember Haiz and I'm a year older." She adds and I blush deeply. Smiling to myself about the nickname she just gave me. "I don't know she's just quiet so I never notice her." He replies shrugging.
Y/n POV:
I'm baffled at how anyone could be in the same class as Hailee and not notice her. She's literally the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.
"So, how's grade 9 been?" I ask Hailee and she shrugs. "Some ups and some downs." She replies seeming slightly nervous. I nod and place my hand on her thigh.
"Yeah I get that." I murmur watching her face blush deeply as I softly pat her leg before removing my hand completely.
"So how's high school?" She asks and I smile.
"Really great, all the teachers actually want to be there which is a big step up from junior high." I reply and she giggles.
God. That's the cutest sound I've ever heard.
Her phone starts buzzing she smiles apologetically and picks it up.
"Ella I can't talk right now I'm in the middle of a conversation with Y/n." She tells the person on the phone.
"Oh my god Y/n L/n the girl you had the biggest crush on. You go girl! I remember you were heartbroken when she moved up to high school." A voice replies and Hailee blushes.
No way she has a crush on me.
"Uh yeah, I'll call you back later." Hailee mumble before hanging up the phone. I smile at her and go to say something but Brian taps on my shoulder.
"Hey Y/n, I have Jenna on the phone and she wants to talk with you." He says when I turn around. Back to reality I guess.
"Hey babe, how're you doing?" I ask and she smiles up at me.
"I'm doing good, do you wanna come over tonight my parents are out at some wine tasting event a couple hours away so they won't be back until tomorrow." Jenna replies and I nod.
"Sure, I'll see you tonight."
Here's another oneshot for the collection :)
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katebishopfan · 4 months
Hailee Steinfeld Masterlist:
No Vacancy
No Vacancy Pt. 2
No Vacancy Pt. 3
I'm Definitely Better
Politely Declined
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katebishopfan · 5 months
Y/N: what’s the matter?
Wanda: I just want someone to kiss my fingers
Y/N kisses her fingers…
Wanda: m-my shoulder
Y/N kisses her shoulder
Wanda: and my-
Y/N kisses her gently. Wanda hums contentedly…
Tumblr media
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katebishopfan · 5 months
Thinking about soft mommy Wanda
AN: happy new year guys, just little headcanons in this wonderful day
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Soft mommy Wanda who...comes up during your anxiety attacks and gently takes your face in her hands whispering “Everything is okay, mommy is here. Never think to yourself the way you think." She looks into your eyes and then peppers your face with little kisses, finding your lips and wrapping her arms around your shoulders so you can climb into her lap.
Soft mommy Wanda who...really loves tactility and kisses. Every time you two are together, she doesn’t miss the opportunity to put her hands on you. Like when you're making coffee for the two of you and you feel her arms wrap around your waist and her cute little nose buries in the crook of your neck. Or when you're watching a movie and she pulls you back into her lap to kiss and hug the sweet girl you are. Wanda loves the look of her lipstick on you and while you are at home she marks every area of ​​skin she can reach.
Soft mommy Wanda who...took you on the best dates of your life every week. It wasn't always banal restaurants and candlelit dinners. Sometimes she took you to the aquarium or one time you were on a restaurant train that went through a snowy forest while Wanda wrapped you in a plaid blanket and ordered endless mugs of cocoa with marshmallows and sprinkles.
Soft mommy Wanda who...at first she was afraid that you might reject her because of her age, but she couldn’t pass by such a sweet little thing like you. The evenings when you assured her that she was beautiful, desired and loved were always in your memory. It's amazing that even such an adult woman as she was sometimes unsure of herself.
Soft mommy Wanda who...loves to tease you in any way, as cute photos from your shared bed where her soft breasts are visible through the neckline of her dress, or when you go shopping and she slips into your dressing room to kiss you and squeeze her knee between your thighs pulling a small whine out of you. She might let you grind against her, but then pull away and walk out leaving you horny.
Soft mommy Wanda who...is afraid of hurting you when you ask her to fuck you hard and fast, assuring her that you can handle it. She periodically asks you what color it is to make sure that everything is okay with you and when you crying out “Green” she continues to pump her strap, wanting to satisfy her sweet girl.
Soft mommy Wanda who...loves it when you worship her body properly like no one ever has. She goes crazy when your mouth kisses every part of her body, from her soft breasts to her plush thighs. You adore her bulging tummy, paying special attention to this part of the body. It's amazing that it was precisely because of this that she always had a complex, until you convinced her how ideal she was.
Soft mommy Wanda who...pushes her hips closer to your mouth as you suck on her clit and lick her soaked folds. “Yes baby, just like that...damn such a good girl. You always know how to satisfy mommy...oh fuck.” Her back arches when you insert your fingers into her, feeling the warm walls hug you.
Soft mommy Wanda who...strokes your hair as you take her strap deep into your throat and wipes the tears from the corners of your eyes with her thumb. For a couple of seconds she presses your nose to her stomach and you take the entire length. When she allows you to step back and breathe, she always asks if she was too worried about you. "It's okay mommy." you don't look up to me "I always want to please you."
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