kaylinalexanderbooks · 8 minutes
Build your writing haven
Thanks @leahnardo-da-veggie for the tag!
Rules: describe your ideal writing location using no pictures
I need the world's most comfiest chair/desk that can get my laptop at the exact position it needs to be to not fuck up my neck problems and hand problems and where I can read the text very well through my glasses. This likely doesn't exist but please someone make it happen.
It's cold enough to where I can wear my hoodie but not to where I'm cold like this.
My water bottle is full and in reach.
I am listening to my main chaotic playlist with my headphones.
I'm inside in a room bright enough for my tolerance level. (I like relatively dim rooms apparently because everyone who comes to my house says it's too dark and I need to turn on a lamp.)
Also all notes I need to access are in reach.
Man this sounds nice
Tagging @gracehosborn @mk-writes-stuff @illarian-rambling @elsie-writes @cadotoast @theelfauthor @thepeculiarbird @mysticstarlightduck @dyrewrites @sleepywriter00 + anyone else!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 14 minutes
Build your writing haven tag!
Thank you @shukei-jiwa, this looks so fun!
Rules: Without using any images, describe your ideal place to write :)
I've always written on the train or the bus, so it's defo on the bus for me
It should be one of those half-empty buses where I can have a row of seats to myself (and one where the AC works because 35°C weather is not fun to write in)
It should be dawn (7am or so where I live) so I can look out the window and see the sunrise (also no grease on my windows pls)
I'd have of my playlists on (probably my most chill one) and put some essential oils on my wrists for a nice smell
Tagging @diabolical-blue, @njnetails, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @bodoramzap, @possiblylisle, @possiblyeldritch and anyone else who thinks this could be fun! (It is haha)
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 15 minutes
I think they would be very proud of themselves
OC Interaction Tag
Rules: describe an OC of yours, then describe how that OC would interact with the OCs of the people who tagged you
Thanks @kaylinalexanderbooks and @illarian-rambling for the tags!
Kaylin’s OC: Maddie is an 11-year-old girl who is quiet, curious, and a bit of a risk-taker. She's generally well-liked but isn't sure why people like her. She fidgets and squirms and likes to remain active, especially with her hands. She's a STEM kid through and through, loving each letter in the acronym. Maddie takes things apart, such as pens, to see how they work and eventually joins her school's robotics club. She believes in direct fairness - will match your tone with her - and gets a little upset if she is misunderstood, which is often, since she thinks she's straightforward. Her honesty leads to her being nosy, as she believes everyone should be open. Maddie is an animal shapeshifter, and enjoys the physical sensation of morphing as well as pushing her limits a little too much. She's a gamer who prefers consuls with buttons and enjoys old sci-fi shows and modern cartoons. Despite not quite understanding emotions, she does try to be there for the people she cares about, and usually tries to defuse a serious situation with a little joke.
Katie’s OC: Astra DuClaire is a 25 year old witch. She was too poor to get a proper education, so she snuck into lecture halls and bribed her way into labs to learn her trade, eventually taking on the specialty of runic mechanics. After learning all she could, she slapped some steel baba yaga legs on a vardo wagon and began her business as a traveling mage in the sketchy land of her birth. As a person, the first thing one would notice about Astra is her arrogance. She's prideful to a fault when it comes to her magic, though this is mostly a front to cover up some deep insecurities regarding her lackluster education. She loves helping people, is hungry to learn new things, and has a deep, angry sense of social justice. She believes all people have inalienable dignity. In her dialog, she's coarse and has a raunchy saying for every occasion. It doesn't matter that she's five nothing, her argumentative streak stretches into next week and she will be a bitch about it. But as angry as she can be, she has just as big a capacity for wonder and love. Her hobbies include tinkering, embroidery, and pirating music.
My OC: Stellaris is a disliked nobleman, the younger brother of Sixth Station head Cassiopeia. He’s a scrawny-looking blond man with big purple eyes who wears shabby nobleman’s clothing and has a permanently flat affect. Stellaris is autistic, which makes him unpopular among nobles due to his complete inability to understand social cues and perform social niceties such as eating food he dislikes because it was offered to him. He has a kind heart but struggles to express it and communicate well to others. His special interest is history and he loves telling others about it and asking them about anything they know about it, but he doesn’t mind taking turns talking about interests if people are willing to take their turn listening to his. He is extremely blunt and honest at all times, even when it might come across as rude, although he frequently doubts or disparages himself because of how people have treated him.
How Stellaris and Maddie would interact: I think they’d get along very well! Stellaris wouldn’t understand Maddie’s interests, but he’d be happy to listen to her talk about her interests and tell her what he knows about Seven Stations technology, which I think she’d really enjoy. He’d definitely want to tell her about his interests and would be delighted to know that she’s from what he considers historical times and would probably ask her a bunch of questions. I think their communication styles are really compatible, he wouldn’t mind her being a bit nosy and trying to be straightforward. She might end up mimicking his tone and accidentally talking way louder than she should out of a misinterpretation that he was yelling at her (he tends to talk a bit too loud), but I think they’d get along despite this.
How Stellaris and Astra would interact: Honestly, I think she’d scare him at first. Astra has a very forceful personality that I think he’d find intimidating. I feel like Astra would initially find him a bit weird but would quickly figure out that there’s a lot more to him than his “strange” mannerisms and take a liking to him. I think if he ever talked about how the other nobles treat him, she’d get really angry on his behalf and he’d take a whining to that real fast. He’d start off just doing what she told him to because he’s a bit afraid of her, but I think he’d start chatting with her after she realized she wouldn’t hurt him. After that, I think they’d talk a lot about their interests, and he’d interrogate her about her life too, because her life reminds him a lot about history. He might accidentally pry a bit far and get her to bristle by asking about something she’s sensitive about, but he’d apologize profusely enough that I think she’d be willing to let it go.
I love this game! I hope y’all like the interactions, lmk what you think of them :)
@elsie-writes @rkmoon @televisionjester y’all want to play?
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 40 minutes
Happy STS! What is one mundane thing that would make your OCs most happy?
Happy STS! The S stands for Sunday.
Lexi: quality time. Just being there, listening to her yammer. And then proving you listened.
Maddie: finally being able to do that Thing she wanted to try for a while
Ash: being home alone for once and now can be On The Couch With Headphones Off
Gwen: someone saying, "I read this book and thought of you" or any acknowledgement that they did think of her
Robbie: making someone laugh
Akash: someone actually confides in him - he really does want to be there for people, but oftentimes he's in situations where someone else has to be there for him. If someone confides in him even for something small, he'd be so happy
Jedi: someone gets him a small thing, like a pen or something that he finds cool, or anything that signals they kinda care
Carmen: someone organized a thing for her, or just did so without being asked
Hope these are satisfactory! Not sure how many of these classify as mundane
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 54 minutes
Truth for the worldbuilding ask game?
TRUTH – What is the most extreme punishment for a crime? 
Hm, that depends. Generally, execution is the worst it gets on the continent, usually by hanging. The Republic does penal slavery instead of prisons, so that's pretty bad too. Skysheerian labor camps are also particularly brutal.
Things get funky when it comes to the Trench. Two types of people end up in the Trench; the ones who can't be killed and the ones who deserve a fate worse than death. By sheer value of the Trench being underwater, only seafolk are getting that second option.
Another brutal punishment from siren culture is the removal of the tongue. Without the Voice, a siren is cut off from their god, which is seen as a hellish fate. So, you can maybe get a picture of just how pissed off the Silver Sovereign was at Sepo, given that she both cut his tongue out and threw him in the Trench.
Thanks for the ask!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 56 minutes
COURAGE – What is the most worshipped trait in this society, and who do they consider to be the epitome of this trait? Do they deserve this worship? 
Well, if you look at human societies (read: Illarian societies where the religion isn't just performative), that can vary greatly. A person is supposed to emulate one of the gods to the best of their abilities in order to be commended. A dedicated parent would be seen as worthy of praise for emulating the goddess of family. A conniving merchant might be lauded for their following of the god of greed or cunning. Even a violent madman can garner respect for choosing the path of the goddess of survival or rage. Just so long as you live up to one of the godly values to your fullest potential, you are seen as, if not good, then at least worthy.
The people considered to be the epitome of this are the divine Chosen. The gods chose their champions from among those most dedicated to their path. The Chosen of the goddess of perseverance will be bullheadedly determined. The Chosen of the god of cunning will lie with every second breath. The Chosen of the goddess of duality probably has bpd. And, of course, the Chosen of the god of loyalty is blindly faithful to whoever she follows.
Despite their strength of character, though, the Chosen are still human. They can change and grow, and may not always fit the image of the god that picked them. This is more ok in Janaz, where priests are seen as community servants and treated more casually. In the Republic, though, religion is much more formal and Chosen are expected to be superhuman paragons of their gods. Thankfully for the Chosen, they all live in Janaz, so it's only on missions abroad that they really experience this kind of treatment.
Thanks for the ask!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 56 minutes
OC Questionnaire (warning, long post!)
Thank you @willtheweaver @kaylinalexanderbooks @buffythevampirelover @winglesswriter @drchenquill for the tags! I've wanted to do this for ages, but I was so busy. I figured out how to kill two birds with one rock by using these as character sheets for my Camp NaNoWriMo project. All of the characters mentioned below are from my WIP The Keeper of Maralla, which I describe as a nontraditional epic fantasy. Sorry the post is so long. I hoped to capture as many of the posts I had been tagged in as possible and limited to four characters. I hope I didn't give away too much.
1. Do you like the company of others?
Juva - If you mean in the company of animals, yes. If you mean what I think you mean….I’d rather be in the corner reading a book.
Maralla - I love to be around people. I bring them joy. I make them laugh. I see the good in everyone.
Jorem - I can put up with people so long as they don’t give me crap.
Mrs. Terila - A day cannot go by without my visiting a friend, giving counsel to someone who asks, or addressing the people under my charge.
2. What do you like to do in your down time?
Juva - Ride horses on my farm, read a good book, listen to the radio, go watch a movie with my dad, ride tractors, and watch a good TV show.
Maralla - Sing, dance, ride horses, explore forests, go shopping, and play outdoor games, pick flowers, and try on new clothes.
Jorem - Learn new spells
Mrs. Terila - I don’t have much spare time, but when I do, I’m having conversations with dear friends and practicing my magic.
3. Do you believe in ghosts or the supernatural?
Juva - Our people believe that the dead join with the Higher Beings in the Otherworld. Ghosts are the result of when necromancers trap their souls on earth. That’s why necromancy is evil.
Maralla - I’ve glanced Afterlife by visiting the Fay in the Otherworld. I have seen where the dead go. 
Jorem - I’m a necromancer. What do you think?
Mrs. Terila - As a mage, I know how the forces of evil fight to control souls. I know that happiness awaits the free souls.
1. What does the perfect day look like?
Juva- Pastry breakfast, visiting the most beautiful places in the colony, riding horses, watching a concert, and doing something fun with my dad.
Maralla- A festival with lots of songs and dancing, running in a race, and visiting a sacred site.
Jorem- Learning a wave of new spells, casting them to gain the control of more souls, and growing in power. Winning a fight would make the day better. 
Mrs. Terila- Sitting in a chair and reading a good book.
2. What time of day is your favorite?
Juva- Dawn. I love the sunshine, the birds singing, the cool air, and the fairy dust before it fades. 
Maralla- Late morning. Not too early, but bright.
Jorem- Night. When everyone else is asleep, it’s my “me” time.
Mrs. Terila- Dawn. I have to start at dawn for everything or else I’ll never get anything done during the day.
3. If you were granted one wish, what would it be?
Juva- To see my mother again.
Maralla-To see my parents again.
Jorem-Bring back my family, our home, and the life we used to have.
Mrs. Terila- Peace for our country.
1. What is your favorite game/sport?
Juva- Horseback riding
Maralla- Racing
Jorem- Competitions for who is the best sorcerer
Mrs. Terila- Hide and seek, believe it or not!
2. Do you prefer day or night?
Juva- Day. I get scared in the dark.
Maralla- Day, though I love to make beautiful songs either way. Oh, I rhymed. When you have spent as much time with the fairies as I have, you will rhyme a lot.
Jorem- Night. Best time for necromantic spells and there’s no one awake to bother me.
Mrs. Terila- Day, when I’m most active and productive.
3. How would you react if someone close to you betrayed you?
Juva-I was betrayed by someone close to me. It feels like the end of the world to me. No one hurt me so much. No one stole so much from me. I was cursed, too. I thought I was worthless. I would have given up on life if it wasn’t for Maralla.
Maralla-I was betrayed by someone I thought could be trusted. The best I could do was press forward and continue to fight to survive. 
Jorem- If a friend betrayed me, I would make them miserable. I would not rest until they regretted it.
Mrs. Terila- I would remind myself that corruption can haunt any soul, run to a friend for protection and comfort, and summon the fairies to guide me. 
1. Did you have any formal education? If so, what was it like?
Juva- I am fourteen years old and still a student. I’m homeschooled like many of the colonial clan members. Mrs. Terila is my teacher.
Maralla- Back in my day, I would have been able to earn admittance into a prestigious academy. Circumstances caused my mother to need to homeschool me. 
Jorem- Before I lost my family, my home, and our whole town, I was an ace student in the academy. I earned the best grades in every subject. My parents were so proud.
Mrs. Terila- I was trained by the brightest scholars of the clans. When I was young and foolish, I didn’t like school. When I realized my full potential and what I could do in the world, I became a dedicated student.
2. What is your stance on friends and friendship?
Juva- I love friends, though it’s hard when I feel so nervous talking to people. I try to spend as much time as I can with the few friends I have because I feel the most comfortable with them and don’t want to lose them.
Maralla- Friends are the best, second to family. It’s even better when they know how to have fun.
Jorem- You never know if friends could go away someday, whether they ditch you or die on you. Just show that you’ve earned respect. That matters most.
Mrs. Terila- I can never have too many friends. They are everywhere. I politely request them to respect my busy schedule. 
3. How would you describe your relationship with your family?
Juva-I love my dad more than anyone in the world. I work beside him, eat with him, pray with him, and laugh at the TV with him. I miss my mom. She was so beautiful. She was the kindest person in the world. I don’t understand why she was taken away from us. She must be happy in Paradise.  
Maralla- I was small, but I still have fond memories of my father. I was close to my mother while she raised me with the help of the sons of Moras. I miss them.
Jorem- The images of my mother, my father, and my sister still linger in my mind, impossible to scrape out of my head. Of course I loved them. Of course we lived a wonderful life. They were good people in a world where we have almost none.
Mrs. Terila- I love my husband, sons, daughters, and grandchildren. I wish times were like how they used to be, before my work had to call me away.
1.Where do you wish you were at this very moment and why?
Juva- On the farm because I love the horses and love being with my dad.
Maralla- I wish I was back in Faeryland because it’s the best place to be.
Jorem- I wish I was with my mentor Zorik because I enjoy learning necromancy from him. 
Mrs. Terila- With my husband because I miss him.
2.What's something you wanted as a child that you have/have done now and how has this impacted your life's path?
Juva- Visiting the beautiful city of An Lurska. It’s a city of magic that demonstrates the power of the Fay. I’ve heard you're never the same after you visit. They’re right. Walking the streets with the magic around me made me feel like I walked on the air.
Maralla- I wanted the fairy’s kiss when I was young because it is known for being the greatest boon that the Fay may grant. I was given it when I was fourteen. I was given more than I dreamed of. I will never touch death. 
Jorem- I had wanted to learn magic since I was young. Ever since I learned necromancy from Zorik, I have felt a power and fulfillment like I never had before. I’m not going to let the past control me. I control my future.
Mrs. Terila- I wanted a husband and a family. My married life and motherhood were happy and fulfilling. Now that the forces of the demons have gotten in the way, I regret that I can’t enjoy that life again.
3. How do you take your tea?
Juva- With whipped cream
Maralla- With sugar
Jorem- I don’t drink it. I use the tea bags for spells.
Mrs. Terila- Iced
1.How good are you with people?
Juva- I’m so quiet around them, they get frustrated by how quiet I am. I can’t tell someone to do something because it feels wrong.
Maralla- I talk to them, ask them to do something and they follow with a smile, sing to them, and get them to join in games.
Jorem- So long as people aren’t stupid, I can tolerate them. 
Mrs. Terila- Anyone who knows me knows I’m patient and a good leader, but I don’t let troublemakers get away easily.
2. How would you function in a group project?
Juva- I would listen to the group leader and follow their instructions.
Maralla- I would bring flowers and cookies to everyone.
Jorem- I would tell people how it’s done and remind the stupid people of how easy it is.
Mrs. Terila- I would be the leader, give everyone their task, emphasize on expectations, and offer my helping hand to any who ask.
3. What's your most valuable possession?
Juva - My mother’s locket.
Maralla - Love
Jorem - My diary
Mrs. Terila - My husband’s ring.
1. Which color do you hate?
Juva- Black. It’s the sign of all that is unknown, evil, and frightening.
Maralla- I’m actually quite fond of all of the colors, though red reminds me too much of blood. 
Jorem- Brown. It’s boring.
Mrs. Terila- Gray. It doesn’t look good on me.
2. If all the sounds in the world ceased to exist, which sound would you miss the most?
Juva- Birdsong
Maralla- Laughter
Jorem- My voice.
Mrs. Terila- All singing
3. What is the first rule you learned as a child?
Juva- The Fay are above us and the Higher Powers are above them. We must respect the Higher Beings who created this world and the faeryland. We must show that we are purehearted and good in nature to earn a place in the Otherworld.
Maralla- Obey Mother and Father and never stop hugging.
Jorem- Life is all about being happy. When Mom and Dad tell you to not touch a mad dog, they just don’t want you to get bit.
Mrs. Terila- Follow the example of the Order of Elders.
1.What would you say to yourself from the past?
Juva- I would tell myself to keep closer to Koti in hopes of preventing her from turning to the dark side. I would also tell myself to never break the oaths of my clan. 
Maralla- I would tell myself to be braver.
Jorem- I would tell myself to study magic sooner and spend more time practicing.
Mrs. Terila- I would tell myself to not waste my time when young as well as to not work so hard I burn out.
2. If you could send a message to your future self, what would it be?
Juva- Don’t break your oath.
Maralla- Keep spreading happiness.
Jorem- Great as it is to be a sorcerer, don't forget about the other precious moments in life.
Mrs. Terila- Don’t give up on hope.
3. If you could redo your life, is there a moment, an event, that you would never change?
Juva- I would never change taking the oath to be Maralla's keeper.
Maralla- I would never change the friendships I made with my keepers. 
Jorem- I would never change becoming a necromancer.
Mrs. Terila- I would never change marrying the man I loved.
1.What's your deepest regret?
Juva- That I didn’t realize how upset Koti was. I feel like I failed her as a friend.
Maralla- I couldn’t save my mother or my father.
Jorem- I was the only one who survived when my family and neighbors died in the fire caused by a dragon.
Mrs. Terila- Failing to catch the sorcerers who followed the demoness Arsha. 
2.What's your secret wish that nobody knows about?
Juva- To marry my crush.
Maralla- For everyone to visit the Faeryland.
Jorem- Make poison that could kill dragons. And…okay, I denied it, but it’s true. I would like to have a girlfriend. 
Mrs. Terila- Go hide out as a hare again.
3. If you were an animal, what would you be?
Juva- A horse, running and jumping elegantly.
Maralla- An ox. I admire how strong they are.
Jorem- A wolf. The teeth and claws would be handy.
Mrs. Terila- A hare. In fact, I have experience….
Tagging (No Pressure, and open!): @tryingtowritestuff24 @revenantlore @fairy-tales-of-yesterday @gottestod-writes @distortedsense @infinnative @primroseprime2019
Your Questions:
Are you good at telling jokes?
What do you believe is the worst crime someone could ever commit?
How do you decide what to do on a given day?
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Ooh these are awesome! A lot of them look familiar.
Love how these are all organized makes me happy.
COURAGE – What is the most worshipped trait in this society, and who do they consider to be the epitome of this trait? Do they deserve this worship? 
Well, if you look at human societies (read: Illarian societies where the religion isn't just performative), that can vary greatly. A person is supposed to emulate one of the gods to the best of their abilities in order to be commended. A dedicated parent would be seen as worthy of praise for emulating the goddess of family. A conniving merchant might be lauded for their following of the god of greed or cunning. Even a violent madman can garner respect for choosing the path of the goddess of survival or rage. Just so long as you live up to one of the godly values to your fullest potential, you are seen as, if not good, then at least worthy.
The people considered to be the epitome of this are the divine Chosen. The gods chose their champions from among those most dedicated to their path. The Chosen of the goddess of perseverance will be bullheadedly determined. The Chosen of the god of cunning will lie with every second breath. The Chosen of the goddess of duality probably has bpd. And, of course, the Chosen of the god of loyalty is blindly faithful to whoever she follows.
Despite their strength of character, though, the Chosen are still human. They can change and grow, and may not always fit the image of the god that picked them. This is more ok in Janaz, where priests are seen as community servants and treated more casually. In the Republic, though, religion is much more formal and Chosen are expected to be superhuman paragons of their gods. Thankfully for the Chosen, they all live in Janaz, so it's only on missions abroad that they really experience this kind of treatment.
Thanks for the ask!
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Two Truths and a Lie
Thanks so much for the tag @kaylinalexanderbooks!
Rules: Create a 24 hour poll with two truths and a lie about an OC!
Moving on to the Project H.A cast for this one! Haven's first up :)
Tagging @illarian-rambling @somethingclevermahogony @fadingrealm and whoever else is interested! <3
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Haha I can see why!
Out of Context Line Tag
Thanks so much for the tag @kaylinalexanderbooks! From Project H.A:
“It was an accident!” Max exclaimed. “I didn’t do it on purpose!” “That is what ‘accident’ means.” My father said. “Guys, can we talk about this later? The police are literally outside.”
Gosh, I love the Morettis <3
Tagging @somethingclevermahogony @mundanemoongirl @autism-purgatory and whoever else is interested!
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Stellaris and Maddie being on the same wavelength gives me joy. Just infodumping to each other for hours
Stellaris and Astra just sound so fun as well!
OC Interaction Tag
Rules: describe an OC of yours, then describe how that OC would interact with the OCs of the people who tagged you
Thanks @kaylinalexanderbooks and @illarian-rambling for the tags!
Kaylin’s OC: Maddie is an 11-year-old girl who is quiet, curious, and a bit of a risk-taker. She's generally well-liked but isn't sure why people like her. She fidgets and squirms and likes to remain active, especially with her hands. She's a STEM kid through and through, loving each letter in the acronym. Maddie takes things apart, such as pens, to see how they work and eventually joins her school's robotics club. She believes in direct fairness - will match your tone with her - and gets a little upset if she is misunderstood, which is often, since she thinks she's straightforward. Her honesty leads to her being nosy, as she believes everyone should be open. Maddie is an animal shapeshifter, and enjoys the physical sensation of morphing as well as pushing her limits a little too much. She's a gamer who prefers consuls with buttons and enjoys old sci-fi shows and modern cartoons. Despite not quite understanding emotions, she does try to be there for the people she cares about, and usually tries to defuse a serious situation with a little joke.
Katie’s OC: Astra DuClaire is a 25 year old witch. She was too poor to get a proper education, so she snuck into lecture halls and bribed her way into labs to learn her trade, eventually taking on the specialty of runic mechanics. After learning all she could, she slapped some steel baba yaga legs on a vardo wagon and began her business as a traveling mage in the sketchy land of her birth. As a person, the first thing one would notice about Astra is her arrogance. She's prideful to a fault when it comes to her magic, though this is mostly a front to cover up some deep insecurities regarding her lackluster education. She loves helping people, is hungry to learn new things, and has a deep, angry sense of social justice. She believes all people have inalienable dignity. In her dialog, she's coarse and has a raunchy saying for every occasion. It doesn't matter that she's five nothing, her argumentative streak stretches into next week and she will be a bitch about it. But as angry as she can be, she has just as big a capacity for wonder and love. Her hobbies include tinkering, embroidery, and pirating music.
My OC: Stellaris is a disliked nobleman, the younger brother of Sixth Station head Cassiopeia. He’s a scrawny-looking blond man with big purple eyes who wears shabby nobleman’s clothing and has a permanently flat affect. Stellaris is autistic, which makes him unpopular among nobles due to his complete inability to understand social cues and perform social niceties such as eating food he dislikes because it was offered to him. He has a kind heart but struggles to express it and communicate well to others. His special interest is history and he loves telling others about it and asking them about anything they know about it, but he doesn’t mind taking turns talking about interests if people are willing to take their turn listening to his. He is extremely blunt and honest at all times, even when it might come across as rude, although he frequently doubts or disparages himself because of how people have treated him.
How Stellaris and Maddie would interact: I think they’d get along very well! Stellaris wouldn’t understand Maddie’s interests, but he’d be happy to listen to her talk about her interests and tell her what he knows about Seven Stations technology, which I think she’d really enjoy. He’d definitely want to tell her about his interests and would be delighted to know that she’s from what he considers historical times and would probably ask her a bunch of questions. I think their communication styles are really compatible, he wouldn’t mind her being a bit nosy and trying to be straightforward. She might end up mimicking his tone and accidentally talking way louder than she should out of a misinterpretation that he was yelling at her (he tends to talk a bit too loud), but I think they’d get along despite this.
How Stellaris and Astra would interact: Honestly, I think she’d scare him at first. Astra has a very forceful personality that I think he’d find intimidating. I feel like Astra would initially find him a bit weird but would quickly figure out that there’s a lot more to him than his “strange” mannerisms and take a liking to him. I think if he ever talked about how the other nobles treat him, she’d get really angry on his behalf and he’d take a whining to that real fast. He’d start off just doing what she told him to because he’s a bit afraid of her, but I think he’d start chatting with her after she realized she wouldn’t hurt him. After that, I think they’d talk a lot about their interests, and he’d interrogate her about her life too, because her life reminds him a lot about history. He might accidentally pry a bit far and get her to bristle by asking about something she’s sensitive about, but he’d apologize profusely enough that I think she’d be willing to let it go.
I love this game! I hope y’all like the interactions, lmk what you think of them :)
@elsie-writes @rkmoon @televisionjester y’all want to play?
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Out of Context Line Tag
Thanks so much for the tag @kaylinalexanderbooks! From Project H.A:
“It was an accident!” Max exclaimed. “I didn’t do it on purpose!” “That is what ‘accident’ means.” My father said. “Guys, can we talk about this later? The police are literally outside.”
Gosh, I love the Morettis <3
Tagging @somethingclevermahogony @mundanemoongirl @autism-purgatory and whoever else is interested!
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5, 17, and 25 for the ask game?
Thanks for the ask! Finally getting to this! (From this writing ask game)
5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?
Varies greatly, actually. Currently, 0 words are being added to the manuscript. 5-45 minutes working on world building unfortunately. So close to the end of the semester... hopefully that will go up!
17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
Some time between a shower and dinner I sit down for some writing with music and some water at my desk.
25.  Favourite part of writing
Many many things!! First, revising! Making my work BETTER is UNPARALLELED in satisfaction. I love it so so much as things just start to click together!
Then, it's my characters. I love them so so much. Getting to know them better is amazing. I love it so much.
Also, there's world building and generally figuring things out about my world! I used to not like it that much but I am INVESTED.
The common pattern I see is still revising. Making my work better so I like it more!
Thank you again!!
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
Semester is almost over!!
I have an awesome gf
My shows
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This is so interesting! Really love hearing about the cultures on Illaros.
Out of curiosity how many Illarian gods are there?
COURAGE – What is the most worshipped trait in this society, and who do they consider to be the epitome of this trait? Do they deserve this worship? 
Well, if you look at human societies (read: Illarian societies where the religion isn't just performative), that can vary greatly. A person is supposed to emulate one of the gods to the best of their abilities in order to be commended. A dedicated parent would be seen as worthy of praise for emulating the goddess of family. A conniving merchant might be lauded for their following of the god of greed or cunning. Even a violent madman can garner respect for choosing the path of the goddess of survival or rage. Just so long as you live up to one of the godly values to your fullest potential, you are seen as, if not good, then at least worthy.
The people considered to be the epitome of this are the divine Chosen. The gods chose their champions from among those most dedicated to their path. The Chosen of the goddess of perseverance will be bullheadedly determined. The Chosen of the god of cunning will lie with every second breath. The Chosen of the goddess of duality probably has bpd. And, of course, the Chosen of the god of loyalty is blindly faithful to whoever she follows.
Despite their strength of character, though, the Chosen are still human. They can change and grow, and may not always fit the image of the god that picked them. This is more ok in Janaz, where priests are seen as community servants and treated more casually. In the Republic, though, religion is much more formal and Chosen are expected to be superhuman paragons of their gods. Thankfully for the Chosen, they all live in Janaz, so it's only on missions abroad that they really experience this kind of treatment.
Thanks for the ask!
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Character Voice Tag
Rules: rewrite the line in the voices of your OCs, then come up with a new line for the next people
Thanks @willtheweaver for the tag! My line is, “This is not the day I die.”
Belladonna: “I am not going to die today. I refuse.”
Cassie: “I’ve lived through worse than this, I won’t let this be what fucking kills me.”
Nellie: “I’m not going to die here. I know I can do this!”
Narcissus: “Me? Die? To such a pathetic set of circumstances? This is not a death worthy of me, I won’t die here.”
Ricinus: “I refuse to die so easily.”
Goldenrod: “This can’t be it, darling. Don’t I deserve better?”
Cassiopeia: “I’ve prepared for this. I won’t die to such a thing.”
Stellaris: “I won’t die like this. I don’t know how, but I’ll find a way.”
Rhys: “You aren’t going to kill me today, right?”
Sel: “I can do this. One day at a time, I can survive. I know I can.”
This one was really fun to do, I enjoyed these lines a lot :)
@illarian-rambling @kaylinalexanderbooks @dontcrywrite want to play? Your line is, “All the souvenirs in the world, and you bought that?”
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How to make a romance story:
Braid it.
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Each of your characters should have their own lives, wants, desires, etc going on that intersect often. They each have a different plotline of their own going on. THEN you have the romance plotline weaving between their two lives.
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