knightofsuperior · 17 days
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how to draw arms ? ? 
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knightofsuperior · 19 days
i am. so sorry if i have ever used the phrase “i have an au where—” and led you to believe that there is an actual fic out there for you to read rather than, at best, a post where i explain the concept, and at worst it is simply something that lives in my brain
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knightofsuperior · 29 days
you're going about your normal day when, suddenly, surprise! you've been pokémon mystery dungeon'd!
unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the pokémon assigning quiz has been canceled. instead, you must spin THE WHEEL, assigning you a random, unevolved, non-legendary and non-mythical pokémon. you must now go on some sort of world-saving adventure as this pokémon. good luck!
tell me in the tags what you rolled, and how you feel about it - for bonus points, you can spin the wheel again for (or just take your pick of) a pokémon to be your partner.
bonus rules:
you're not shiny unless the wheel tells you you're shiny
take your pick of regional forms and evolutions (for example, if you roll vulpix, it's up to you whether that means normal or alolan vulpix)
apply whatever logic you like with regards to gender
have fun and be yourself!
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knightofsuperior · 29 days
Ohsama Sentai Kingohger (2023-2024)
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
(muttering quietly to myself) TAKA!! TORA!! BATTA!! TA-TO-BA, TATOBA TA-TO-BA!!
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
Trails Can Take You to All Sorts of Places, But One Way or Another, They'll Always Lead You to Where You Belong
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Fandom: The Legend of Heroes/Trails, Trails in the Sky, Trails of Cold Steel
Kevin Argent is enjoying a nice life. Or at least, he would be, if it was really his. An ode to the Trails in the Sky series and one of its best characters, with some guest appearances from tales beyond as well.
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
"Sure, peace is nice. I’d love to have some days where literally nothing happened. But, if you want my five Mira, us flesh-and-blood types live for more than nothing. We’re all headed to plenty of nothin’ once we head into the great beyond." He picked up the photo, staring at it with a fond smile. "We live for the experience of it all, for sharing the world with those around us. We don't seek hardships; the universe, in all its randomness, and the Goddess, in all her grace, provide them at their own pace. We just roll with the punches, searching for those… in-between moments that make life worth it."
Author's Note: This was written in honor of the tenth anniversary of Trails in the Sky's first release in the western market, but really, it's a commemoration of the Trails in the Sky trilogy in general more than any specific entry. I wrote this in a haze of insomnia and sugary snacks, but somehow it came through with what I think are some of my favorite passages that I've ever written, for fan works or otherwise.
I don't know if I'll ever write something like this again, but I can sure as hell try.
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
Life is About Surprises and How You Deal with Them, But Whether or Not You Like Them is Your Choice to Make
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Fandom: The Legend of Heroes/Trails, Trails in the Sky
Kevin Graham, while working an odd job for the Capuas, finds himself in the midst of an unwelcome (?) surprise. Originally printed in the fan magazine "With Love, an Insensitive Jerk" as "Surprises are a Mixed Bag."
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
Kevin was comfortable with his life. He never really expected to be, to tell the truth. For the longest time, he didn’t think he had the right to even have an opinion on his life. His very body was just a vehicle for the work he needed to do. Funny how an adventure to a flying city in the sky and a stint in an interdimensional therapy box could make such a big difference in a person’s worldview.
Author's Note: This is where I especially want to shout out @earthsenshi, who helped to beta all of the stories in the In-Between-Iverse and helped me keep tight continuity across the board (and even improve on some of my favorite parts of the stories, from jokes to serious drama moments). I also want to shout out the fine folks at the With Love, an Insensitive Jerk zine for helping make this even a possibility-go check out the awesome works the contributors whipped up!
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
It's Hard to Tell Sometimes When People Are Merely Invested in Others' Relationships or When They're Here for the Inevitable Fireworks, But They're in for a Hell of a Show Today
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Fandom: The Legend of Heroes/Trails, Trails of Cold Steel
For Jusis and Machias, it's just a day at the summer festival. For everyone else, it's another episode of their favorite will-they-won't-they romance drama. Or: Jusis and Machias try to enjoy a day out while their friends (and some enemies) watch with vested interest.
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
The Juschias Matchmaking Society CatNapz has sent an image: twohalvesofonebraincell.jpg CatNapz: lol CatNapz: do u think this is finally The Time ReanBeanMachine: Fie, you know it’s not nice to follow people without permission. CatNapz: yea but itz them CatNapz: our boys CatNapz: itz not stalking anyway itz reconnaissance ReanBeanMachine: How did you spell that right and misspell “it’s”? CatNapz: It’s a conscious choice. CatNapz: im gonna follow them ReanBeanMachine: You’re going to follow a moving tram??? CatNapz: u kno i can make it ReanBeanMachine: That’s not the point! CatNapz: dont tell me mr bonding doesnt want to see a happy couple MagicAlisa: I’m starting to think he doesn’t have space for romance in his brain. MagicAlisa: Swords and self-guilt take up too much real estate. ReanBeanMachine: Ow. MagicAlisa: I didn’t see a denial there.
Author's Note: With thanks again to @earthsenshi for the beta-ing! Another gift fic, and this one in a direction I don't usually take things--I don't do too many shippy fics, outside of upon request, but I like to think I nailed the balance between the romantic parts and my usual writing tropes and preferences fairly well here. Also, the chance to write the Enforcers is rarely one I'll pass up, so there's that.
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
Anger Management is All Well and Good, But Anger Mitigation is A Lot More Difficult to Master, Even If It Is Far More Beneficial
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Fandom: The Legend of Heroes/Trails, Trails of Cold Steel
An extended member of the family invites himself to dinner at the Schwarzer household, along with some additional uninvited guests. Rean does his best to take things in stride. He tries, at least.
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
They all had their “assigned” seats, drilled in from years of habit and repetition. His father would sit at the head of the table, with his mother on the first seat to his right. Elise was two seats down from the left, with Rean on her right. Of course, they all had the option to sit anywhere else at the table, but muscle memory was a powerful thing. Sometimes, they’d even find themselves seated before even realizing they’d entered the dining room. While minor changes occurred whenever guests dropped by, such as Elise sitting with the ladies of Class VII or Laura and Rean sitting next to each other within hand-holding distance, there was comfort in knowing just where to sit upon entering the room. Which is why it felt like an utter betrayal when, one odd night in February 1206 (which was supposed to be a special night, in fact, as Rean had hoped to surprise both his family and Laura with his home-cooking), he found someone else sitting in his spot. Someone he wanted as little to do with as humanly possible, someone he despised with every fibre of his being, was in his goddess-damned seat. It was as if someone had punched him in the gut with the force of a Panzer Soldat.
Author's Note: The third entry in the In-Between-Iverse! A more direct sequel, this time, with more of a focus on the Rean Bean Machine and his squeeze (Laura, in this case, per the Kiseki Exchange requestor's preference!), and a little bit of a character study on the differences between (and similarities between) Rean and a certain, spoilerrific character. I really enjoyed working on this one, and I had a great beta reader helping me across this series as well that I'll shout out in the final entry in the series--she greatly aided in making this piece as solid as it was!
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
The Holidays Are a Time of Togetherness and Giving but Sometimes People Can Take Both a Bit Too Far in the Service of Being Petty as All Hell
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Fandom: The Legend of Heroes/Trails, Trails of Cold Steel
Lechter Arundel has an idea, in the spirit of the season: host a homecoming party in Ymir for Erebonia's hero, Rean Schwarzer. Just some friends, family, and a few decorations. Nothing too bad! Things get a little out of hand.
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
Lechter Arundel wasn’t supposed to hear this conversation. He wasn’t even supposed to be in Ymir, frankly. There was an all-Ironbloods meeting occurring the next day at Valflame Palace, so he was supposed to be in Heimdallr at the least in the event of any unexpected circumstances. However, the weather was miserably cold, and he needed just a quick dip-what was the harm? He had the timetable all worked out too: 1. Get to Ymir the night before. 2. Hit the Phoenix Wings. 3. R&R 4. Snowboard? Snowboard. 5. Head back to Heimdallr, getting to the meeting either on time or (depending on if he felt like sleeping in) fashionably late. 6. Optional: Gloat to the others about how refreshed he was. He had his disguise all figured out too, a lesson he picked up from the Debaucherous Prince. His hair was covered in a toboggan hat, he was wearing a pair of colored contacts (he always wondered what it would be like to have blue eyes), and he dug out his old Crossbell tourist duds for the occasion (though with an extra layer or two to combat the cold). With a nice warm towel wrapped around his neck, and a cup of hot cocoa, he looked like any other nobody. Which is why neither of the Schwarzers recognized him (he hoped) when they sat at the bar in the Phoenix Wings, fresh from a bath of their own.
Author's Note: The second in the Kiseki In-Between-Iverse series, this one I especially had a blast with because for as much as I love the Sky cast, it's just so easy to slip into the voices of the Cold Steel characters. Being able to sort of bridge that gap between Sky and CS was also a treat, and seeing if I could top my previous over-stuffed cameo list with fun cross-sections of character interactions. Just a fun time all around.
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
They Say That Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder, But What Defines Absence, Exactly?
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Fandom: SSSS.Gridman, SSSS.Dynazenon
After the end of the final battle, after the last scene, life goes on. Right?
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
Sometimes, Akane would remember it. The beating of his heart against her hand, the cold blade mixing with warm blood. That last gasp of air, the way his body froze like a crashing computer program. ...not an entirely inaccurate analogy, she realized. In any case. It was one of the most visceral sensations she had ever experienced, both in the physical act of murdering killing hurting someone and the psychological… ...hm. Was there a psychological reaction? She supposed “complete and total mental shutdown” qualified, but it was still hard to say for sure. Time has ways of making you forget, even when you never should.
Author's Note: The Gridman Universe anime have a way of making me feel a sense of wistfulness whenever I reach the final credit reel, it seems. While I usually veer to comedy, sometimes, it helps diversify the portfolio a bit to dive into the heads of a bunch of folks in the aftermath of a bittersweet ending--and, in one character's case, long after her own.
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
Barnaby's Fashion Disaster and the Suffering of Those Caught in its Grip
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Fandom: Tiger & Bunny
Kotetsu and Barnaby have very different opinions on fashion, and once Barnaby's competitive streak and Kotetsu's stubbornness come out to play, it becomes everyone's problem. Or: My entry in the Sternbild Style: A Tiger and Bunny Fashion Zine's excellent library of fics!
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
“Still, I at least pull casual off without it costin’ an arm and a leg, compared to a certain someone I know.” Barnaby raised an eyebrow, his gaze shifting slightly from the phone, his finger hovering over the “purchase” button on one of his tabs. “And just what would that mean?” “You tell me, Mr. Fashion-Forward.” Kotetsu approached, slinging an arm around Barnaby as he raised his pointer finger. “What with the shiny necklace, the low-cut shirt ‘n jacket combo, the freakin’ belt!” “What’s wrong with the belt?” “Nothing,” Kotetsu replied, “But I can count the number of people who can pull off a belt with that many holes in it on one hand. Not to mention the specs. Probably custom-made—” “All glasses are custom-made, Kotetsu,” Antonio called out from the other side of the room. “The frames, Tonio!” Kotetsu grumbled something that sounded very similar to the word “smartass,” but Barnaby chose not to call attention to it.
Author's Note: Another zine work, this time for a fashion-centric Tiger & Bunny zine! As I mention in the AO3 notes, this concept came about from a riff on this scene from Kaguya-Sama: Love is War, and it turned out better than I initially expected it to by leaps and miles. Barnaby and Kotetsu share one brain cell and sometimes they lose it, what can I say?
You can see more fics from the zine here!
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
Now, I Am Become...
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Fandom: My Hero Academia, Studio Ghibli, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
When Shigaraki Tomura awakes from a centuries-long hell into a brand new world, he has to make do. Making do involves causing a scene, of course.
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
“That’s great and all,” Shigaraki interrupted, “But back up a bit. How did I wind up here?” Yagi crossed his arms with a huff. “Some of our more...adventurous citizens found you during an expedition to the Sea of Decay. You were trapped in the body of a God Warrior, unconscious. They managed to bring you back here safe and sound.” “God Warrior? Sea of Decay?” Shigaraki repeated. His tone betrayed confusion, but his next words were stiff, almost interrogative. “You mean the Nomu? And this “Sea”...is that anywhere near Tokyo? Or are we talking someplace south, like Fukuoka?” “...” Yagi’s face darkened. He recognized those words from the few surviving texts the villagers had found some years ago, though their meanings were long forgotten thanks to the age of those texts. “Those are not words most know. Tell me, young man, do you remember anything that happened to you before today?” “Oh boy.” Shigaraki scratched at his neck, grumbling under his breath. “Sure I do. Way too well. Hard not to, honestly.” “Oh?”  “Before I say anything else, lemme ask you something.” Shigaraki sat up, his sheets slumping off as he offered a gaze that pierced through Yagi’s own. “Do you know who I am?” Yagi felt a chill run down his spine. “Should I?” Even under the mask, Yagi could tell that the young man was grinning. “How rude of me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Shigaraki Tomura. If I’m guessing right, I’m the man who destroyed the world.”
Author's Note: This story was written for @bnha-ghibli-zine, the Studio Ghibli/MHA crossover zine! It was a blast to work on, as it always is to explore the character of Shigaraki. I didn't want to just fully recap the story of one half of the crossover or the other--I wanted to explore the settings as extensions of each other, and the fun of imagining a world where the villains won eventually becoming the world of Nausicaa was too tempting to pass up.
Maybe someday I'll explore this world more... but for now, it's a fun little what-if.
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
den-o is like "here's a guy with severe anxiety. he will now travel through time and fight sand monsters with the power of (squints) adhd"
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
Weddings Are Momentous Occasions for Sure, But Really, This Is Just a Tiny Bit Overkill, Don't You Think?
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Fandom: The Legend of Heroes/Trails, Trails in the Sky
Cassius wants Kevin to officiate the wedding of Estelle and Joshua. There's just one slight problem with that. AKA, Cassius plays the embarrassing dad role to a T, Kevin realizes he should really stick to his day job, and Joshua and Estelle are in for a teensy bit of a surprise. Contains slight spoilers for Sky 3rd and endgame spoilers (mentioned in passing) for Sky SC. Written for the Kiseki Secret Santa 2018 initiative. #KisekiSecretSanta2018
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
Kevin placed two fingers on the bridge of his nose, and stared at Cassius for a moment. “When the hell did they get engaged?” Cassius shook his head. “They haven’t yet.” “Okay. Do they have vows prepared?” “Not in the slightest.” Kevin frowned. “A venue?” Cassius put a hand to his chin. “I was thinking the front yard of our home, since the church is booked that day. Oh!” He snapped his fingers. “Actually, the clock tower would be even better. I could speak to Mayor Klaus about that, now that I think about it…” Kevin sighed, raising an eyebrow. “Lots of things to set up, it sounds like, but I haven’t heard a lick about this from either of ‘em. Do these two even realize they’re getting married?” “Nope!” Cassius replied cheerfully. Kevin could see where this was going. “Are you just trying to embarrass those two one last time before they go off to... wherever they’re headed?” Cassius grinned. “Absolutely.” “...well, shit, you shoulda just said that to begin with.” Kevin beamed, clasping his hands together and rubbing them excitedly. “I’m in.” Cassius grinned wide. “Fantastic!” With a boisterous laugh, he put a hand on Kevin’s shoulder. “I knew I could count on you!” “You didn’t think I’d say yes, did you?” Cassius nodded. “Absolutely not.”
Author's Note: The first in an unexpected series of Trails fics in their own continuity, something I call the "Kiseki In-Between-Iverse," focusing on the characters living their lives in the smaller, in-between moments that the games don't cover. I wrote this as a Secret Santa gift initially, but I loved the idea so much that when I wound up with the same giftee the next year, I just decided to make it a series.
I love the cast of Sky, and the game made me feel emotions that stick with me to this day, so I wanted to give the two leads a chance to have something nice happen for once--and make sure the rest of the massive cast embarrasses them wholeheartedly.
This is also when I discovered the joy of writing fic titles like they were Fall Out Boy/Panic at the Disco song titles. Sue me, it's fun.
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
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As the bard put it so eloquently, "Forsooth, thou hast been punk'd"
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knightofsuperior · 1 month
Inertia Drift
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Fandom: The Legend of Zelda/The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
A Hyrulian is rescued by the legendary Hero and his trusty steed.
Read the fic here and check out an excerpt/my thoughts below!
What kind of nonsense song was this? Surely this wasn’t just some travelling musician coming to rescue him, Rayner thought, not at that speed. As the dust cloud grew closer, its song increasing in volume, Rayner’s eyes widened. Ahead of the cloud was a mechanical being, not unlike a long, flat, thin Guardian. It had two bright eyes, and above that a pane of tinted glass jammed into the middle of a large chassis. It had four wheels, and four doors with windows attached to it; the two front windows were lowered, with that strange song blasting from within the machine itself. And- …hang on. That was-no, that was impossible. But he couldn’t deny the facts-sticking their head out of the left side window was a young, blonde man in a flowing green cap. Someone was driving this monstrosity?!
Author's Note: This is just a goofy idea I had and wanted to follow until I had exhausted my amusement out of it. I didn't realize I was accidentally Apollo Dodgeball-ing the fandom's way into a motorcycle and the TOTK crafting system, but I'll take it.
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