krungle · 2 years
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Twos Day
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krungle · 4 years
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krungle · 4 years
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'To the Unknown Land'. Edmund Blair Leighton. 1911.
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krungle · 4 years
How many WW2 movies and tv shows do we have in the USA?
Americans vs. Nazis / Irish vs. Britts, is there a difference is the mind’s eye?
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krungle · 4 years
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krungle · 4 years
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krungle · 4 years
1. Actually diversity is our strength, but that diversity has to be focused on a singular goal. That is why the USA is called ‘The Great Melting Pot’, many ingredients to make a single stew. It is about being or becoming an American and striving for the American Ideal. The American Ideal has always been Individualism, Innovation, and Hard Work. In a Free Society these three elements bring about the American Dream of the White Picket Fence. The problem we are having now is there are those who are immigrating that do not what to melt in our pot but want us to be boiled in theirs. There are also those of our born-citizenry that would like to see us become more like other nations when the fact is the American Ideal is a better thing than what other nations do.
2. Actually cultures ebb and flow. While Europe was suffering through it’s Dark Ages the Ottoman Empire was in the middle of its Golden Age. If it wasn’t for this Muslim Empire we would not know of Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle or Homer. Now many parts of this Empire that breathed it’s last breath a century ago are now in their own Dark Ages. Do not mistake ‘Culture’ for ‘Civilization level.’
3. Gender is not the same thing as sex. And one’s sex is not the same thing as sex as in the act. If one can accept this definition then one can actually argue that Transgender Females are not the same as a born-female and therefor participation in female sports is neither fair to the born-females nor is ‘sporting’ to the born-males.
4. Even within the Ottoman Empire this is true, Islam is not peaceful. Even their own Book attests to this fact. But then Christianity, the Religion of Love, wasn’t very loving for most of its history. But even at their worse there have always been those that live their lives in a Godly way and refuse to fall for the hate of the ‘other’ that the tribalism of sect (or state) demands.
5. Borders always matter. If my neighbor builds his fence and takes six inches of my property with it then you better believe he is either moving it or going to court over it. Borders are not just for nations.
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krungle · 4 years
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krungle · 4 years
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krungle · 4 years
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krungle · 4 years
Three NASA Telescopes Look at an Angry Young Star Together
Science is a shared endeavor. We learn more when we work together. Today, July 18, we’re using three different space telescopes to observe the same star/planet system!
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As our Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) enters its third year of observations, it’s taking a new look at a familiar system this month. And today it won’t be alone. Astronomers are looking at AU Microscopii, a young fiery nearby star – about 22 million years old – with the TESS, NICER and Swift observatories.
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TESS will be looking for more transits – the passage of a planet across a star – of a recently-discovered exoplanet lurking in the dust of AU Microscopii (called AU Mic for short). Astronomers think there may be other worlds in this active system, as well!
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Our Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) telescope on the International Space Station will also focus on AU Mic today. While NICER is designed to study neutron stars, the collapsed remains of massive stars that exploded as supernovae, it can study other X-ray sources, too. Scientists hope to observe stellar flares by looking at the star with its high-precision X-ray instrument.
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Scientists aren’t sure where the X-rays are coming from on AU Mic — it could be from a stellar corona or magnetic hot spots. If it’s from hot spots, NICER might not see the planet transit, unless it happens to pass over one of those spots, then it could see a big dip!
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A different team of astronomers will use our Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory to peer at AU Mic in X-ray and UV to monitor for high-energy flares while TESS simultaneously observes the transiting planet in the visible spectrum. Stellar flares like those of AU Mic can bathe planets in radiation.
Studying high-energy flares from AU Mic with Swift will help us understand the flare-rate over time, which will help with models of the planet’s atmosphere and the system’s space weather. There’s even a (very) small chance for Swift to see a hint of the planet’s transit!
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The flares that a star produces can have a direct impact on orbiting planets’ atmospheres. The high-energy photons and particles associated with flares can alter the chemical makeup of a planet’s atmosphere and erode it away over time.
Another time TESS teamed up with a different spacecraft, it discovered a hidden exoplanet, a planet beyond our solar system called AU Mic b, with the now-retired Spitzer Space Telescope. That notable discovery inspired our latest poster! It’s free to download in English and Spanish.
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Spitzer’s infrared instrument was ideal for peering at dusty systems! Astronomers are still using data from Spitzer to make discoveries. In fact, the James Webb Space Telescope will carry on similar study and observe AU Mic after it launches next year.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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krungle · 4 years
Washington Redskins: Name Change
I am a huge Redskins fan. Being born in DC I really have to be. I do feel the current owner has failed the team big time. I also feel that changing the name of the team is giving into The Mob because the vast majority of Native Americans could care less what a football team names itself. Just like BLM Floyd protests this subject has been hijacked by a bunch of White SJWs that think they know better than the people they are claiming to help.
But, that aside, the Redskins can change their name without losing a bit of their identity as a team or even changing the logo. “Washington D.C. sits on the ancestral lands of the Anacostans (also documented as Nacotchtank)” - source. This means the team can use either name and give a nod to Pre-Columbian history of the nation’s capital city. There would be no need to change anything else with the team (or fans) except for replacing a few words in the “Hail to the Redskins” song.
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krungle · 4 years
Everything after the word ‘in’ is not needed.
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krungle · 4 years
Someone needs to discover Rum Balls
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krungle · 4 years
Or you can just:
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Our neighborhood black bear population is exploding, I see baby bears every day. Do you have any thoughts on how to handle a situation with a baby bear and a Mama bear
do everything in your power to avoid getting into a mama bear situation in the first place
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krungle · 4 years
God’s Order was always: Be fruitful and multiply. In fact the Sin of the Flood was from the women using birth-control so they would keep their girlish figures, according to Jewish History aka The Ancient Book Of Jasher.
Abstinence is against God’s Order
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krungle · 4 years
Hi Everyone
(In my best Arnold Voice, which is pretty bad) I’m Back!
I know I have been gone awhile but my computer gave up the ghost and I had to get a new one. Since I always have built computers since I got done upgrading the used 287 I bought back in the early 80′s I had to build it new, so it took me eight months to piece it together (more on that later).
Once the new puter was up and running life went sidewise, as I am sure it did for most of us with this Covid Virus and all. But mine went even more sidewise when after a year of coughing up flem a doctor (not my Primary Care Doc who was treating me something I kept telling him I did not have: Asthma) sent me in to get a set of chest X-rays. I now know I have Non-Smallcell Adenocarcinoma (common Lung Cancer), at either stage three or four (still figuring that one out). I should start both Radiation and Chemo within the next two weeks. Good news is, although I can’t name it because my mentally ill sister would then know where I am, I am going to one of the top cancer hospitals on the planet for treatment.
Truth be told, if it wasn’t for the Corona Virus I probably still would be being treated with Antihistamines instead of Nuclear Medicine.
But all of that aside, the entire USA has seemed to have gone crazy these last six months or so. I hope by returning now I might be able to bring some sanity to part of it using history, compassion, and thought to advance a more perfect Union.
Keep in mind: “Perfection is a Journey not a destination” -Me!
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