lefaystrent · 1 day
You have to play the lottery to win the lottery, and my fantasies of being rich just can't get past that part.
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lefaystrent · 2 days
Narcissists cannot be reasoned with.
Narcissists will not take responsibility.
Narcissists will not change.
And you do not have to put up with it. You are allowed to have standards of decency in the people you surround yourself with. You can be kind and still have boundaries. And just because narcissists have done some kind things for you before? That does not mean they can weaponize your past to justify their present. They will gather sticks,douse themselves in gasoline, and set themselves aflame, and then expect you to put out their fires with your tears. And they will blame you for it all if you don't. Worse yet, they'll make you believe it.
You do not have to enable them. You can walk away. Please just walk away. When you're out of the smoke and aren't coughing up ash, you'll see how easy breathing can be.
You can choose yourself.
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lefaystrent · 13 days
Know your rights as a worker kiddos. Read your employee handbooks when you are hired. Because this kind of thing happens. I've known people who were illegally fired for this and they didn't know it was illegal. Many work places will try to take advantage of you just because you don't know better, especially so for younger people.
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lefaystrent · 15 days
The irredeemable character looks at you with tired eyes. "I've done terrible things. Why are you trying to help me?"
You, the heroic main character, place a hand on their shoulder to offer a connection. "Because you are human, and everyone deserves to be treated with basic decency."
"Really? Because I put ice in my milk and-"
You push the irredeemable character out the door. "I'm sorry, that's just too much."
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lefaystrent · 16 days
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I was scrolling through the pics on my phone and forgot I had taken a picture of this Google review. I don't even remember the place it was for, but apparently the lady human there was pretty cool.
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lefaystrent · 21 days
A devil enters a fairy ring and pulls out a ridiculously large contract from their briefcase. "I've come to bargain."
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lefaystrent · 28 days
This is it....this is my vibe
there really are few emotions i find more compelling in a story than "you should be afraid of me. please don't be afraid of me"
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lefaystrent · 28 days
I fall backwards into a wormhole. I sink down into a field of lush grass, soft as gossamer. My body is heavy as I stare up into a galaxy of brilliant reds and purples and blues. Tiny motes of embers spark and drift above my body, close enough to reach. The light kisses my cheeks, and I drink in the stillness.
I sigh, sedate and warm.
I am small, and I am everything that matters. I can sleep, and I can wake up to dreams. I will fall, and I will rise when I'm ready.
I am.
I can.
I will.
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lefaystrent · 29 days
Plot Bunnies
Fandom: Thomas Sanders, Sanders Sides
Pairings: None
Warnings: Imaginary animal death
Summary: There's too many of them.
Roman lunged out of his bedroom and slammed the door shut behind him. His arms stretched wide across it, forming a human barrier. His eyes darted wildly from side to side, chest heaving, clothes in disarray.
Logan paused in his jaunt through the hallway. "What are you-"
Something slammed against the door from the other side. Then again, the force of it jarring Roman as he desperately held the line.
"It's the plot bunnies!" Roman yelled. "There's too many of them! I can't hold them back!"
"Plot bunnies? What sort of rabbit is a plot?" Logan asked.
Appearing beside him eating a sandwich, Virgil answered, "It's slang, L. It means Sir Doofus here has too many story ideas in the old noggin'."
"Excuse me! I am not old!"
"Seriously? That's what you got out of that?"
Logan ignored their bickering. "Ah, I see. Your creative inspirations have exceeded your ability to efficiently process. Therefore, they have manifested in corporeal form."
Another slam came from behind the door and Roman's body jostled with it. He winced. "It's not my fault I'm so amazing!"
"Thomas has been rather motivated as of late," Logan agreed by not agreeing at all. He pulled out a notebook and pen. "Do you think they would allow me to ask questions?"
Virgil looked bug-eyed over Logan's body, both front and back. "Where did you pull those from?"
"If you want to go in there, be my guest!" Roman said. "The pen is mightier than the sword, after all."
"Quite. Well, if I may then?"
Roman and Logan stood by the door, waited long enough in between the impacts, and then Roman quickly yanked the door open enough for the other to slip in. Immediately after, Roman slammed the door shut.
"So... bunnies can't kill people, right?" Virgil asked conversationally.
"I don't hear screaming. Also we can't die, Virgil. You know this."
"It doesn't stop the fear."
"Logan took a shurikan to the head and lived. If any of us can survive killer rabbits, it's Isaac Nerdton."
"Do the rabbits have weapons or would they just gnaw you to death?"
"Virgil, you're spiraling."
"Right, sorry."
It was about this time that Logan barreled back through in a flurry of paper scraps. His clothes hung in tatters. Roman barred the door again and demanded, "Good God man, what happened in there?"
"They've formed a union," Logan said weakly.
Virgil ran a hand down his face and blew out a gust of breath. "Yeah, I'm gonna go get Remus for this one."
Even Roman couldn't argue. Sometimes violence was the answer.
Logan stood there frozen, watching Virgil walk away.
"You okay there, Specs?" Roman asked in concern. Logan didn't often go quiet.
"No. I most decidedly am not."
"Good, just as long as we're on the same page."
They stood in silence. Or rather, they stopped talking and listened to the bangs of dozens of rabbits throwing their ravenous bodies against the door.
They heard him before they saw him.
Remus sonic-ran down the hallway wielding a battle axe. His eyes were alight with murder and his lips stretched back in a too-wide grin.
As if they had planned it together, Roman opened the door at the exact moment Remus needed to sprint into the room without slowing down. Then he slammed it closed once more.
Virgil walked back at a more sedate pace. He joined the others as they stood outside the door and listened to the sounds of manical cackling paired with rabbit squeals and ominous squelching.
"We never speak of this to Patton," Virgil said.
"Agreed," they both replied.
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lefaystrent · 1 month
Don't you mean a papadox?
But no seriously, this puts it into words for me. People can be contradictory and Patton is no exception. He just...seems to be dealing with it more than most. And he doesn't know how to cope. Because he's sad, but he's supposed to be the happy one.
The more I think about Patton as a character the more he fascinates me. He’s Thomas’s inner dad and inner child. His self love and his catholic guilt. His pathos and ethos. He’s more supportive than anyone else and yet everyone follows his lead. He’s a goofy goober. He’s a top (???). He hates spiders and loves the spider-coded character. He’s literally a paradox I love him so much
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lefaystrent · 1 month
Patton sighs as he stares forlornely out the living room window. "It looks like it's gonna rain today."
Beside him, Janus runs a finger along the blinds, gloved tips coming away with dust. "Just because it looks that way, doesn't mean it will. Looks can be deceiving, after all."
"Yeah....yeah!" Patton agrees, starting to grin. He really appreciates Janus comforting him. It makes his heart alight, like anything is possible.
From the couch, Logan pauses in sipping his coffee thermos. "No, it's definitely going to rain today; check the weather forecast."
Janus scoffs and begins a whole debate with Logan on the accuracy of weather prediction. Patton watches on with a fond smile.
Rain or shine, today would be good.
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lefaystrent · 1 month
Primal Urges
Fandom: Thomas Sanders, Sanders Sides
Pairings: hints of Prinxiety
Warnings: prospective cannabilism, temporary character death
Summary: Virgil specifically remembers dying, and yet he still lives. Now with a hankering for people meat.
Virgil didnt crave human flesh before he died.
He craved lots of things in life: pasta, oreos, midnight reruns of Friends, mental stability. Ya know, healthy normal things.
Then again, taste buds do change every seven years. And people, canonically, do taste like beef. So what's more irrisitible than the American Dream?
Burgers. The American dream is burgers.
Big juicy burgers just begging to be ripped into with teeth. Burgers that would splatter bloody goodness. Rare burgers that would slide down his throat in a warm heady rush. Something raw to fill the emptiness within his gut that growled its demands to be sated.
Yes, normal healthy cravings.
That's why Virgil found himself sitting there downing a bottle of bourbon. He tried in vain to push away memories of his recent death experience while waiting for the intense urge of NOM NOM to subside.
"How long does this usually take?" Virgil asked, looking inside the empty bottle as if he might find more.
The bartender looked askance at the other two empty bottles sitting beside Virgil. "The alcohol poisoning you mean? Just how long have you been here?"
Virgil blinked at the handsome man before him decked out from head to toe in black. That was his kind of man. "Oh, maybe it did work. I don't remember seeing you back there."
"My shift just started," said the man, and 'Roman' said the name tag on his pristine black polo shirt. He had that face on his face like he was trying to smile, just how the relentless years of customer service taught you, but was failing completely. The farthest he got was moderately bewildered mixed with borderline awe.
"Hm, nice," Virgil said, because really there was nothing else to say. Especially when all Virgil's brain could scream at him for the moment was, Look at that arm! Bite it, rawr!
Virgil shook his head. Damn primal needs.
"Maybe I should switch to tequila," he grumbled.
"Maybe you wanna slow down," Roman advised. "You've had enough to down an elephant. Look, you've even spilt some on yourself."
Virgil looked down obligingly and couldn't help but laugh at the stain on his own shirt. "Oh that. Yeah that's not my drink, it's blood."
Roman's stance didnt change but his eyes were definitely more focused. Virgil wondered if he imagined the sound of a heartbeat speeding up.
Primal brain said, Fresh meat fears us. Fresh meat shall be tasty. *insert evil laugh here*
To clarify, Virgil raised a hand to stop the bartender from calling for help. "Don't worry, it's my blood."
Virgil did not think the clarification helped much. He should try again.
"Listen," Virgil lowered his voice a little, as much as you can in a bar and still be heard. He leaned forward a bit but the bartender most certainly did not. "I died this morning. It's been a really weird day."
"Ah," Roman nodded slowly, and at least his heartbeat slowed marginally. He even chanced a curve of the lips. "Far be it from me to question coping mechanisms. Normally I might ask if you're sure you don't need medical assistance, but you appear abnormally...fine, all things considered."
"You look pretty tasty yourself," Virgil purred and promptly slapped a hand over his mouth.
Did all of his self control die as well? Sheesh. Someone end him properly, please.
It's not like you weren't thinking it, Primal Brain supplied helpfully.
Luckily for all of Virgil's sanity, Roman took the compliment in stride. He laughed, "Well, clean clothes do go a long way."
"I meant to get changed before, I swear, I just..."
"Weird day," Roman finished for him. He nodded politely and smiled in a way that made Virgil want to eat his face off. Literally.
"You should probably go help other customers," Virgil word-vomited. "Or get me more bourbon. Or tequila. Or hell, wine if it'll do anything for me. Maybe everclear."
Roman chuckled again, "I'll make my rounds, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut you off dear. Even if you seem sober enough, the evidence suggests otherwise."
Adding insult to injury, Roman slipped him a glass of water before he left. Virgil watched the liquid settle to stillness in the clear cup and felt absolutely no desire to drink it.
We want blood. Blood! Primal Brain roared inside him.
Virgil put his head in his hands and wondered how he got into this mess.
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lefaystrent · 1 month
"I want to tell you something."
Thomas speaks the words into the quiet of the kitchen. He stares down at the pot of water sitting on the stove. The burner has been lit, and the heat rises. Soon, the water will boil.
"And it's- it's something that I've thought for a long time now. Years. But I've never said anything."
The smallest of bubbles rise to the surface. Over his shoulder, Thomas can see Patton sitting at the bar.
"It's okay. Take your time," he says. His nose scrunches up as he smiles. His glasses reflect a scattering of kitchen light.
Thomas snorts. "I think years is enough time." He breaks a bundle of pasta in half, letting them fall gently into the steaming water. He adjusts the temperature, then shifts on his feet. "I've just...never said anything," he repeats.
"You don't have to say anything at all." Janus sits at the bar instead. He wears a frown, and he's leaned over the surface with his chin in a propped palm, but the patience in his gaze belays his bored demeanor. "If you don't want to, you don't have to. I certainly won't force you."
Want to? No.
Thomas shakes his head and stirs the pot. "I think I need to."
"Do you?" Logan sits at the bar. His arms are folded over his tie, but it's not an intimidating pose. It's careful. Considerate. "I'd like you to take a moment to 'check yourself before you wreck yourself', as they say. Is that how you use that phrase?"
Thomas rolls his eyes, and yet he's smiling. This is a heavy topic, but it's not constricting. He stirs the noodles easily and they begin to fold together like they were made to. "I'm okay. I don't need to think about it more. I'm not anxious, not really."
"Yeah?" And now it's Virgil sitting at the bar. He stops as if he had been caught in the middle of playing with the string of his hoodie. Then he smooths down the front of his clothes. No ruffles here. He nods. "Good. That's good. That's good, right?"
Thomas still smiles. "Yes, that's good." The pasta softens as it swirls around the water. Round and round it goes. When will it stop? Nobody knows.
"Well don't just keep me in suspense!" Remus slams his hand down on the bar. And then he does it again and again, maybe just to hear the smack, smack, smack. He's not grinning maniacally or anything. Just a quirk of his mustache. A glint in his eyes. A cocked brow. "You know I love a good tease... but this is playing too coy!"
Thomas heaves a huge sigh. "I guess I just..." He trails off. He knocks the spoon against the pot's rim to shake off the water. He sets it aside. "I just don't want this to change anything."
The warmth of the burner blankets his face. The stove vent thrums above his head, and distantly Thomas hears the air conditioner click on. A light sheen of perspiration beads across his face, but its not wholly unpleasant.
Would it be bad? If this did change anything?
Roman sits at the bar. His shoulders are low, like all the breath has left him. He watches Thomas calmly with sad eyes. "What have you got to lose?"
In the pot, the pasta swirls and swirls until it's ready.
"I love you," Thomas finally says, and he turns to look over his shoulder to find that it's himself who sits there.
The other him beams proudly. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?"
Satisfied, Thomas flicks off the stove burner and drains the water in the sink. He stirs together noodles, hamburger meat, and red sauce, until its in perfect measures, just the way he likes it.
After making himself a plate, Thomas sits at the dining table. He is alone with himself, and he's alright with that.
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lefaystrent · 1 month
Primal Urges
Fandom: Thomas Sanders, Sanders Sides
Pairings: hints of Prinxiety
Warnings: prospective cannabilism, temporary character death
Summary: Virgil specifically remembers dying, and yet he still lives. Now with a hankering for people meat.
Virgil didnt crave human flesh before he died.
He craved lots of things in life: pasta, oreos, midnight reruns of Friends, mental stability. Ya know, healthy normal things.
Then again, taste buds do change every seven years. And people, canonically, do taste like beef. So what's more irrisitible than the American Dream?
Burgers. The American dream is burgers.
Big juicy burgers just begging to be ripped into with teeth. Burgers that would splatter bloody goodness. Rare burgers that would slide down his throat in a warm heady rush. Something raw to fill the emptiness within his gut that growled its demands to be sated.
Yes, normal healthy cravings.
That's why Virgil found himself sitting there downing a bottle of bourbon. He tried in vain to push away memories of his recent death experience while waiting for the intense urge of NOM NOM to subside.
"How long does this usually take?" Virgil asked, looking inside the empty bottle as if he might find more.
The bartender looked askance at the other two empty bottles sitting beside Virgil. "The alcohol poisoning you mean? Just how long have you been here?"
Virgil blinked at the handsome man before him decked out from head to toe in black. That was his kind of man. "Oh, maybe it did work. I don't remember seeing you back there."
"My shift just started," said the man, and 'Roman' said the name tag on his pristine black polo shirt. He had that face on his face like he was trying to smile, just how the relentless years of customer service taught you, but was failing completely. The farthest he got was moderately bewildered mixed with borderline awe.
"Hm, nice," Virgil said, because really there was nothing else to say. Especially when all Virgil's brain could scream at him for the moment was, Look at that arm! Bite it, rawr!
Virgil shook his head. Damn primal needs.
"Maybe I should switch to tequila," he grumbled.
"Maybe you wanna slow down," Roman advised. "You've had enough to down an elephant. Look, you've even spilt some on yourself."
Virgil looked down obligingly and couldn't help but laugh at the stain on his own shirt. "Oh that. Yeah that's not my drink, it's blood."
Roman's stance didnt change but his eyes were definitely more focused. Virgil wondered if he imagined the sound of a heartbeat speeding up.
Primal brain said, Fresh meat fears us. Fresh meat shall be tasty. *insert evil laugh here*
To clarify, Virgil raised a hand to stop the bartender from calling for help. "Don't worry, it's my blood."
Virgil did not think the clarification helped much. He should try again.
"Listen," Virgil lowered his voice a little, as much as you can in a bar and still be heard. He leaned forward a bit but the bartender most certainly did not. "I died this morning. It's been a really weird day."
"Ah," Roman nodded slowly, and at least his heartbeat slowed marginally. He even chanced a curve of the lips. "Far be it from me to question coping mechanisms. Normally I might ask if you're sure you don't need medical assistance, but you appear abnormally...fine, all things considered."
"You look pretty tasty yourself," Virgil purred and promptly slapped a hand over his mouth.
Did all of his self control die as well? Sheesh. Someone end him properly, please.
It's not like you weren't thinking it, Primal Brain supplied helpfully.
Luckily for all of Virgil's sanity, Roman took the compliment in stride. He laughed, "Well, clean clothes do go a long way."
"I meant to get changed before, I swear, I just..."
"Weird day," Roman finished for him. He nodded politely and smiled in a way that made Virgil want to eat his face off. Literally.
"You should probably go help other customers," Virgil word-vomited. "Or get me more bourbon. Or tequila. Or hell, wine if it'll do anything for me. Maybe everclear."
Roman chuckled again, "I'll make my rounds, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut you off dear. Even if you seem sober enough, the evidence suggests otherwise."
Adding insult to injury, Roman slipped him a glass of water before he left. Virgil watched the liquid settle to stillness in the clear cup and felt absolutely no desire to drink it.
We want blood. Blood! Primal Brain roared inside him.
Virgil put his head in his hands and wondered how he got into this mess.
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lefaystrent · 1 month
"I want to tell you something."
Thomas speaks the words into the quiet of the kitchen. He stares down at the pot of water sitting on the stove. The burner has been lit, and the heat rises. Soon, the water will boil.
"And it's- it's something that I've thought for a long time now. Years. But I've never said anything."
The smallest of bubbles rise to the surface. Over his shoulder, Thomas can see Patton sitting at the bar.
"It's okay. Take your time," he says. His nose scrunches up as he smiles. His glasses reflect a scattering of kitchen light.
Thomas snorts. "I think years is enough time." He breaks a bundle of pasta in half, letting them fall gently into the steaming water. He adjusts the temperature, then shifts on his feet. "I've just...never said anything," he repeats.
"You don't have to say anything at all." Janus sits at the bar instead. He wears a frown, and he's leaned over the surface with his chin in a propped palm, but the patience in his gaze belays his bored demeanor. "If you don't want to, you don't have to. I certainly won't force you."
Want to? No.
Thomas shakes his head and stirs the pot. "I think I need to."
"Do you?" Logan sits at the bar. His arms are folded over his tie, but it's not an intimidating pose. It's careful. Considerate. "I'd like you to take a moment to 'check yourself before you wreck yourself', as they say. Is that how you use that phrase?"
Thomas rolls his eyes, and yet he's smiling. This is a heavy topic, but it's not constricting. He stirs the noodles easily and they begin to fold together like they were made to. "I'm okay. I don't need to think about it more. I'm not anxious, not really."
"Yeah?" And now it's Virgil sitting at the bar. He stops as if he had been caught in the middle of playing with the string of his hoodie. Then he smooths down the front of his clothes. No ruffles here. He nods. "Good. That's good. That's good, right?"
Thomas still smiles. "Yes, that's good." The pasta softens as it swirls around the water. Round and round it goes. When will it stop? Nobody knows.
"Well don't just keep me in suspense!" Remus slams his hand down on the bar. And then he does it again and again, maybe just to hear the smack, smack, smack. He's not grinning maniacally or anything. Just a quirk of his mustache. A glint in his eyes. A cocked brow. "You know I love a good tease... but this is playing too coy!"
Thomas heaves a huge sigh. "I guess I just..." He trails off. He knocks the spoon against the pot's rim to shake off the water. He sets it aside. "I just don't want this to change anything."
The warmth of the burner blankets his face. The stove vent thrums above his head, and distantly Thomas hears the air conditioner click on. A light sheen of perspiration beads across his face, but its not wholly unpleasant.
Would it be bad? If this did change anything?
Roman sits at the bar. His shoulders are low, like all the breath has left him. He watches Thomas calmly with sad eyes. "What have you got to lose?"
In the pot, the pasta swirls and swirls until it's ready.
"I love you," Thomas finally says, and he turns to look over his shoulder to find that it's himself who sits there.
The other him beams proudly. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?"
Satisfied, Thomas flicks off the stove burner and drains the water in the sink. He stirs together noodles, hamburger meat, and red sauce, until its in perfect measures, just the way he likes it.
After making himself a plate, Thomas sits at the dining table. He is alone with himself, and he's alright with that.
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lefaystrent · 2 years
it's so nice to see you again lefay :) i'm glad you've felt confident & comfortable enough to return, you've been missed! here's hoping this year is good to you :D
Lime!!! Good to see you buddy!! I've missed your citrus face, lol. It's good to be back. Cheers to a good year!!
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lefaystrent · 2 years
Welcome to the Neighborhood part 8
Fandom: Thomas Sanders, Sanders Sides
Pairings: Prinxiety, hints of Remy/Logan?
Summary: Virgil’s really bad at peopling, or so his new neighbors find out.
Chapter Navigation: part 1, previous part
AO3 Link
Staying at Patton’s house really made a dude consider the important things in life.
Or rather, Patton was trying to force Virgil to consider the important things in life.
“I just don’t think cooking is that important,” Virgil said.
Patton had asked what kind of food he liked. ‘Microwavable’ apparently was not an acceptable answer.
Keep reading
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