lethby · 4 days
Since I'm in the middle of two long fics and trying to continue an abandoned one (about Bachira, didn't get over my Blue Lock obsession), I'm gonna post a draft that I orphaned way too long ago to give you ungrateful bitches a snack (I love you guys you're the best) ༊*·˚
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"Mammon look at me" I tried to muster up with my gentlest voice yet.
"W-why should I when you can sit and enjoy the amazing h-hugs of The Great Mam-"
"I'm also crying"
That made him pause completely and become stiff in my hold.
"You don't have to be ashamed"
After a few minutes of pondering, he gave up and slowly loosened his grip around me. Our bodies separated just enough so our gazes could meet. Damp eyes were met with sadly smiling ones, although two single tears were sliding down my face, glistening in the light from the lamp above us.
I raised my hands to cup his cheeks, wiping his tears in the process. This time he didn't shy away or flinch bashfully. Instead, his shoulders dropped as his brows furrowed.
Still between tears and shaky breaths, he spoke with a shifted mood.
"I don't need your pity"
But he does. What was I supposed to tell him? 'It's not pity, it's love!'.
No. I did feel sorry for him. I felt sorry I couldn't always be there for him. So I answered.
"But I'm glad"
I'm glad someone here does.
Although most of my words went unspoken, his eyes widened and the breath he was holding up hitched. I felt the hands on my back flinch shyly, so I spared him the embarrassment and looped my arms around his shoulders in a tight hug. My hands, previously on his reddened cheeks, now flat against his shoulder blades.
I could feel his shoulders tense and my shirt dampen with tears that held life. A life that was never acknowledged properly. A pitiful life that just needed someone there to catch its fall.
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lethby · 5 days
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lethby · 11 days
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"Let's do it together, Kieran!"
aka me finally finishing the dlc, crying, blacking out, and then this appeared on my tablet
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lethby · 13 days
I'm tired of empathizing (I'm looking at you Hoyo). "Oh but look at their sad back story" "Oh but they do it to protect what they love" Don't care. Didn't order an antagonist.
Give me a villain. A pure evil villain that only stands by his values and believes what they're doing is right. Or not, and they're just unhinged and love making people suffer.
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lethby · 16 days
I live for MC angst
“Go away, Mammon,”
Your voice sounds muffled through the door, but Mammon is perfectly capable of hearing you still. He leans against the door, resting his head against the wood as he holds back an unsatisfied whine. “Let me in, please,” he says, and his heart sinks to his stomach when he hears your small sniffles through the door. He mutters your name softly and knocks six times in the special code you use to recognize each other whenever you’re staging heists.
He hears you shuffle on the other side and nearly falls when you open the door before he catches himself in the doorframe. Your eyes and nose are red, and he can still see a wet trail of tears down your cheeks. “What's going on, treasure?” he asks, his voice soft as he guides you to your bed, using his foot to shut the door behind him. He sits you down on your sheets as you wipe your nose with the back of your hand and let out a small sniff.
“Everything is shit,” you say as Mammon stands in front of you, running his hand through your hair and pulling it out of your eyes. You look up at him through wet lashes as his hands settle on your cheeks, cupping your face.
“I want to go home, Mammon,” you say and grab his wrists. Mammon frowns as he looks down on you before getting on his knees so he’s on eye level with you. “I feel so small here. I love you guys, but no one here knows what it’s like,” you say, and Mammon feels his heart tighten as he looks at you. You’re looking everywhere but at him, your eyes darting around before settling on your hands, which have moved to your lap. “Solomon barely even remembers what being human is like.” Tears begin running down your cheeks again, and Mammon wipes them, his frown deepening.
“Treasure,” he says, feeling much out of bounds. It somehow never occurred to him how you might feel. How lonely it might be. He feels incredibly foolish in hindsight.
“Everything is so foreign here. I feel so out of place,” you whisper, and Mammon puts his forehead against yours, making your noses brush. His hands move to your own in your lap, and he intertwines his fingers with yours.
You take a deep breath, and an involuntary sigh leaves you. “I want to go home,” you say, and Mammon thinks he feels his heart break into a million pieces. He wants to tell you that you are home, that he needs you here, that he’ll do anything for you. You’re his human, his perfect treasure.
Yet he says none of those things. He just pulls you into a hug and wraps his arms around you, feeling the way your tears wet his shirt.
“I’m sorry, treasure.”
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lethby · 16 days
What's wrong with lesson 16 (everything)
A list by yours truly, who is about to collapse if she doesn't vent about it (TW: opinion lmao)
⍣ ೋ The time-travel shit
It creates so many problems and plot holes that could easily be avoided for no reason.
We leave everyone behind and it's never even addressed?? THEY'RE WAITING FOR US???
Barbatos, supposedly the one that cares about balance and timelines, just goes "well you're stuck here and I literally erased the other MC, good ending :D"
He told her "don't run into anyone" and she decides FIRST THING to head where all the noise is coming from, not trying to hide at all
⍣ ೋ No consequences whatsoever
It's awesome to know no one cared about MC dying
Sure, she's "alive" now, but everyone moved on so quickly??? Even Mammon, who was in the verge of a meltdown.
And it's all because we're Lilith's descendant how convenient
Even Belphie, our murderer who has hated humans for MILLENNIA, had a major switch up at this
Also, the brothers begin to completely disregard MC by treating her like Lilith
Look I understand, it's your dead sister and you miss her, BUT MC IS NOT HER. SHE IS HER OWN GODDAMN PERSON
But the worst part is... MC IS SO DAMN CHILL ABOUT IT
Even if she technically isn't the one who died, you'd expect some kind of uneasiness coming from her, SPECIALLY AROUND BELPHIE
Words can't express how much I hate it
⍣ ೋ Solution
I'm gonna make the devs a favor and fix their game
MC JUST REVIVES FOR WHATEVER REASON (Lilith's will, the last remnants of her powers, Barbatos' precautions...)
Now you don't have to worry about too many plot holes, focusing on just one timeline
Also this allows her to remember her death, making her trauma more intense and veridical
I know it sounds crazy but if they could pull off lesson 16, they can pull this off
Make the brothers indecisive
They got their little brother back, but at what cost?
Everything is fine now, right? But it's not. MC is not "fine"
Make them conflicted between taking MC's side and comforting her but also welcoming Belphie and make up
I can't stress enough how important this part is
Give her TIME to evolve, develop as a character, and understand her feelings
She wouldn't want to be around Belphie, at all
She might not even wanna be around the others, seeing as they treat her like nothing happened
Make her upset, confused, feel like she doesn't belong, ANYTHING
In fact, if you want to make her relationship with Belphie nourish, you can do that too by not just hey lol I killed you but I'm good now
Make her have nightmares
That's it
Make Belphie notice the dark circles under her eyes and the way she avoids him, then discover she has nightmares
The "now" Belphie could feel guilty
He might try to comfort her, only for her to shy away in response
Seeing as his apologies don't work this early into the trauma, he could enter her dreams and chase those nightmares away, every night, sacrificing his own sleep
THAT is a dynamic I want to see, personally
This could have been done with or without the time-travel, btw
In the time-travel, though, I was also missing some grieving from MC
Remember when I said to make the brothers conflicted? Make MC suffer more too
She wants to go back to her time, her universe, her family. They're waiting for her
But she also doesn't want to leave behind these demons, which have just found peace and happiness after a long time
Here's the catch, No matter what she chooses, she's forced to live her life regretting whatever decision she makes, since she can't make everyone happy and one side must suffer inevitably
An MC going through a heavy trauma and eventually (and slowly) overcoming it would just click with so many players
⍣ ೋ Conclusion
To me, the game didn't fully explore the feelings that going through that experience would bring for everyone, even if the idea itself was interesting. No, more like it didn't WANT to. Making MC go through all that would mean a lot of character development for a big amount of characters and little romance, which is what the game is about.
However, if you can't make that sacrifice, don't settle your game in a world rich in lore. And honestly, with all the explanations and back stories, I don't think obey me! is lacking on that. More so that, even if they were fully capable, they didn't want to go through all the trouble. Remember we're coming from an already fucked up scenario that took a lot of chapters.
Finally, this is just my opinion based on my experience. Of course, you don't have to agree with me in any way.
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I have to say, that was relaxing lmaoo
Anyways, since I really like this idea and I've seen several people do it, I'm gonna make my own fanfic exploring how I think lesson 16 would have turned out realistically, hope you stay tuned!
Lethby ༊*·˚
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lethby · 4 months
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lethby · 5 months
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lethby · 6 months
Hiiiii, I have a request for the newly arrived Indigo Disk-
A really happy ending for Kiki where after the whole DLC, he then starts to make amends with the BB Elite 4, his sister and protag which eventually gains him Ogerpon's recognition, prompting her to wanna go with him as an extra treat after all his angst (quq)
Yessss we gotta give him the happy end he deserves <3
Setting up a small picnic within the Terarium, you brought your current Pokémon team out to play, deciding to take in the beautiful coastal biome and its warmth.
Even though you knew it was all artificial, it didn't make much of a difference to your companions. They happily frolicked in the sand and grass, although some opted to take a nap under the sun after a hard day of battling.
Meanwhile, you were fixing up a sandwich for everyone to share, deciding to add a little bit of spice to it (at Crispin's suggestion, of course). You didn't want it to be too flaming-hot for your Pokémon--or at least none that were fire types who could handle the heat.
However one in particular just seemed to be hungry for anything, as upon hearing a crystalline trill, you looked down to see Terapagos at your feet. It was gently pawing on your leg, eyes sparkling as it wondered what you were cooking up.
"Hey, little guy." You cooed, reaching down to pat its head before you scooped it up, allowing it to climb into your lap. "Smells tasty, huh? I bet you're super hungry after sleeping all those years."
It only responded with another happy trill, and you just sighed.
Who would've known this would be the legendary "Hidden Treasure" of Area Zero Heath and [Turo/Sada] sought after, the creator of the Terastal Phenomenon...
And the Pokémon that put up one hell of a fight against you, Carmine, and Kieran?
Speaking of whom...
It's been roughly a month since those events down in the Underdepths, and for the most part things have been looking up for both you and him. You were just happy to see that spark return to his eyes...
The spark he had once lost...mainly because of you.
Part of you would always remain guilty over unknowingly setting him down such a dark path--obsessing over defeating you in battle to the point where he didn't care who got hurt in the process.
He didn't wanna be that weak little kid you kept beating back in Kitakami anymore, always bragging about how much he's changed and demanding you to never hold back.
But after being humbled in front of the entire school, he was willing to do anything to have at least one victory against you.
Even if it meant utilizing a dangerous legendary Pokémon he had little understanding of....
He tried to control it, and as punishment it attacked him directly.
Arceus only knows what could've happened if your 'raidon didn't absorb the blast in time, and that selfless act made him feel all the more guilty for the way he acted towards you.
He idolized you, hated you, and yet.....you saved his life when you could have just saved yourself, his sister, and Briar instead.
He cried like a baby the whole way home, overwhelmed by everything that's happened from last year up to now, yet you comforted him and didn't tease him once.
After returning to Unova, he made a promise to fix things between you and everyone else he hurt, finally letting go of his envy and deciding to start fresh with you. His request to be your friend again had you laughing, much to his confusion..and a little worried you were making fun of him.
Then he almost sobbed after you explained that you've never considered him an enemy at all.
Despite everything, you never stopped seeing him as a friend.
Sometime later you went home to Paldea, although not without exchanging rotomphone information with him so you could have more chats.
Yep. Kieran finally got his own phone, but being from the countryside made him only somewhat familiar with the basics. You and Carmine helped him with that, of course. He loved the camera function and would often send you photos of his Hydrapple doing something cute.
They're mostly blurry, but he's getting the hang of it.
You eventually went back to the BB Academy to further your studies of the biomes, and winded up taking a small picnic break within the Terarium. No rules said you couldn't, and Drayton did insist that you didn't overwork yourself...
Which is funny coming from the guy who had to repeat classes, although you took his advice.
Your eyes lit up as you received an incoming call from Kieran, and you greeted him with a smile, waving. "Kiki! How's it going?"
"Hey, [y/n]." He smiled back, and then he blinked upon realizing how familiar the background behind you was. "Wait..you're back in Unova? In the Terarium?"
"Uh..yeah! I was gonna surprise you, but I guess it's too late for that now." You awkwardly chuckled. "How are things going with the League?"
"Better than..I thought, actually." He sat back in his chair, tying his hair up. "Drayton and I are finally on speaking terms again."
"Oh that's great!"
"Mhm. We both felt kinda bad about how we treated each other with the whole "ex-champion" thing...said some stuff we didn't mean. Last week we were avoiding each other, and now we're having casual Pokémon battles to ease the tension between us."
"I'm glad to hear that." You nodded, taking a bite out of your sandwich.
"I..really do owe you one for bringing the club back together. I've been so bitter and didn't realize how much it was hurting Lacey and the others...not to mention how many people I wrongfully kicked out. I promise I'm gonna get all of them back into the club. I swear."
"I fully believe you. Just don't run yourself dry trying to patch up everything with everyone, okay?"
Kieran nodded in understanding, although he suddenly went quiet. You wondered why until you realized he could see Terapagos, who was currently climbing onto the table trying to get some lettuce.
"Heyyyy that's not for you, you little scamp." Teasingly, you scooped it up again, keeping a gentle grip on its belly and shell before you looked back at your friend, bashful. "Don't mind Terapagos. It's always hungry."
"I see." He chuckled. "You've been taking care of it well?"
"Yep, but have you been taking care of yourself, too?"
"...yeah." He muttered. "Carmine's been getting on my case about properly eating and sleeping again. Don't tell her this, but I appreciate it more than she realizes. And..I'll admit I was turning into a jerk like she used to be, and that's not something I want..."
"Well sounds like you're doing much better now..don't beat yourself up over it." You reassured him.
His shoulders relaxed. "I'm..trying not to....so [y/n], do you think we could meet up in person? Like at your dorm? I...feel like we haven't talked face-to-face in a while."
"Sure! I got nothing planned later so....see you in a few hours?"
"Sounds good." He smiled. "See ya."
The call ended as your rotomphone dropped back onto the table. You picked it up and stared at the case, feeling giddy about seeing him again after so long.
And to think when you first arrived here..you felt nothing but tension whenever he was in the same room as you, feeling the negative vibes rolling off of him like an aura of Bitter Malice.
You were glad those days were gone and he was your friend again.
"Huh? Ogerpon..? You were here the whole time??" Surprised, you glanced over to see the grass legendary sitting on the ground beside you, being sure to stay clear of the camera view. She lowered her mask and looked at you with a knowing smile.
Considering the way Kieran freaked out when you brought her into the championship battle (not to mention him doing everything in his power to knock her out)...you would've thought she'd never wanna see or hear from him again--especially since her "betrayal" was still a fresh wound.
Yet apparently she was listening to your entire conversation with him, and had this understanding look to her starry eyes.
"Pon, ponnn?"
"Huh?" You blinked. "You wanna..see him, too? Are you sure?"
She hopped to her feet, nodding eagerly before pointing in the direction of the academy.
"Okay. Maybe..it'll be a good thing." A smile appeared on your face, although in the back of your mind you hoped that seeing her again won't scare Kieran too much.
"Okay, so the Golurk congregate here....and they're usually guarding the Goletts.."
Back in your dorm room, you were just jotting down notes about recent Pokémon outbreak sightings. Ogerpon was sitting on your countertop, swinging her legs while munching on a bowl of her favorite berries you've found for her throughout Kitakami.
Right as she finished the last one, there was a knock at the door, and you both immediately knew who it was. She was a little nervous, but you reassured her that things will be okay before you went to answer it.
Sure enough Kieran was on the other side. He's never been to your dorm until now, and as he walked in was surprised and intrigued by all the stuff you had hung up on the wall.
"Excuse the mess." You chuckled, closing the door.
"Don't worry, my dorm's worse." He shyly smiled back at you, although his expression faltered as his gaze went to a certain legendary..
He immediately tensed up, not out of anger.....but like he was expecting her to use Ivy Cudgel at any given moment. "What's the Ogre doing here--wait, no..that sounded rude. I'm sorry."
"No, no. It's fine. There's actually something we've been meaning to talk to you about."
"..oh?" Turning back to you, he tilted his head.
"So Ogerpon overheard our little chat earlier, and she wanted to see you."
"She did?"
"Yeah," you nodded, feeling your heart start to race with anticipation. "And..um...maybe it's easier if she explains."
Kieran was confused as you gestured to Ogerpon, but his eyes went wide when she approached him. With no mask on, she wore a confident expression as she handed him...
A pokeball?
It was the pokeball you caught her in.
"What is this? Some new trick you taught her?" Looking to you for an explanation, all he could see was your smile. "Why isn't she...afraid of me?"
"Because she knew you were trying to make amends with everybody." You patted her head, beaming. "I think she finally recognizes you as a strong Pokémon trainer, and...she wants to be yours."
"She wants to be yours." You repeated, watching as he tried to process this information. And his jaw damn near dropped to the floor, but he closed his mouth and shook his head.
"Y-You're joking, right?"
"Nope. We both decided that she's ready for a new partner. Someone who's believed in her side of the story since-"
"No, no, no..I..I-I can't do that.." He shook his head frantically, backing away from Ogerpon. "I'm sorry. But she's yours, [y/n]. She chose to go with you. You passed her test and...I didn't. I was being stupid and selfish and-"
"I think I was being more selfish."
Looking up at you, he blinked a few times.
"Listen, I know everyone likes to say such great things about me...but I'm not some perfect angel." You frowned slightly. "I lied to you, I stole the Pokémon you've idolized for years...and I hurt someone who considered me a friend. You called me out on that and you had every right to."
"If anybody here needs to apologize..it's me." Bowing your head, you sighed softly. "So I'm truly sorry for the way I treated you, Kieran. I'm sorry for never considering your feelings before. I wasn't a good friend, and I wanna be a better one. So I'm gonna make this right...both of us will."
You looked back up at him, seeing the shock written all over his face. Then you glanced at Ogerpon, taking the pokeball and instructing her to get her masks off the wall. She nodded and did just that.
"You deserve to know what her power is like. The masks, the TMs I taught her...you can have them all. No trades. No strings attached..except for us staying friends, of course."
Finally, Kieran found his ability to speak again, but he was already getting choked up. "[Y/n], the apology is...th-that's more than enough for me." His eyes watered. "I forgive you. There's no way I can take her from-"
"You're not taking her away. I'm giving her to you, silly." You chuckled.
"....I..I still don't know if I can accept that. I'm not worthy of her even looking my way anymore. I was disrespectful to her wishes, I stole her mask..a-and you're saying...she forgives me?"
"I think she's gonna let bygones be bygones. Isn't that right, 'pon?"
"Ponio! Pon!" With her masks together, Ogerpon gazed at you, nodding confidently. You could only smile back as you patted her head again, seeing that she was ready for a new adventure.
You've trained her well, helping her grow stronger than ever before as you've mastered her abilities with all four masks.
But now it's time that someone else had the chance to bond with her...
Someone like Kieran.
After sending her into the pokeball for the last time, you gazed at the purple-haired boy. His whole body refused to move, so you approached him and took his gloved hand, placing the device snuggly into his palm.
For the longest time, he stared at it, and then he looked back at you. "A-Are you sure I can't just...keep her for a day and then give her back?" He began to sniffle, face growing bright red. "Because if...wh-what if she doesn't-?"
"I want you to have her permanently." Knowing what was coming, you brought him into a tight hug, feeling him wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder. "Don't worry. She's gonna love you, Kiki." You rubbed his back. "She trusts you now. She's all yours."
All he could do was nod, your shirt getting soaked by his tears as he hiccupped, thanking you over and over again. He wasn't bawling loudly like before, but he still had a tough time keeping himself together; so you led him to your bed where he was more comfortable.
You're 99% certain this poor guy's never received a hug in his life, given how he refused to let you go. So you allowed him to hold onto you for as long as he needed or wanted.
At last you got out all of the things you've been meaning to say to him...and even Ogerpon got to apologize in her own special way by wanting to be his partner Pokémon.
You thought this would have been too much for Kieran to handle, but you could see he's grown a lot and that he was ready to accept this huge responsibility.
Terapagos will remain with you, and Ogerpon will be his forever.
After everything that's happened, it's what he deserves.
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lethby · 6 months
love you in any way
fandom:  Obey Me! character(s)/pairing: Satan/Reader summary:  Satan gets a little over zealous when protecting you, after being summoned, and worries you seeing him like that will make you fear him warnings:  implied violence, blood
Read on AO3, if you prefer.
    In the Devildom, certain legends passed down through the generations posed more as cautionary tales rather than some story swapped around the glow of a fire for the simple entertainment of who could recall the scariest story.
    The most popular was also a threat: Cerberus.  There wasn't a soul in the Devildom that wasn't at least aware of the three-headed monster; used most often to threaten younger lesser demons into falling in line.  The most favored was the notable feat of the Devildom Prince: aiding and recruiting seven powerful fallen angels into his court.  Proving to all that Prince Diavolo's accolades surely know no bounds, as well as his insurmountable might that one would do well never to instigate.
    However, the tale most terrifying, most-whispered, was that of the Avatar of Wrath's frightening temper.  One that needed no introductions due to the very nature of how Satan had ripped through the Devildom in a rampage upon his very birth.  So many had bore witness to his all-consuming power—even fallen prey to it—it was a wonder he was allowed to prowl the streets unchained.  At least, that was what was often murmured.
    Certainly, you've seen Satan get agitated, even seen him fly off the handle numerous occasions, but couldn't help but feel that the tales and legends were perhaps a bit exaggerated.  You’re sure that, perhaps, some uncountable amount of years ago, these might ring more true.  Back when Satan was uncontrollable and unable to cope with his existence; but seeing the effects of these tales still shake the very foundation of lesser demons as Satan casually strode by was humorous more than anything.
    The very same demon who goes out of his way to make such grand romantic gestures for you, who allows you to curl up in his lap despite hating feeling pinned to one spot, who recites you poetry from memory.  Whose touch is inviting and voice so soothing.  Who does everything within his power to prove how protective he is, and how deeply he cares.
    That image of Satan clashes hard with a blood spattered everything.  His horns and chin drip thick crimson, claws stained in it; soaked into his clothes as he whips the viscera from his tail in a violent snap that strikes the ground.  He looks every bit the demon from all his myths and legends, gnashing his fangs and wild eyes flitting this way and that in search of his next victim.
    In this moment, he is no longer your Satan, but he is very much the Avatar of Wrath.
    The sound of even your slight movement, or maybe the frightened breaths, alerts him to the fact there is still a creature left alive.  Wrath whips around with a snarl, blood-soaked hair sticking to his face and forehead as he seeks out the source of the noise.  His glowing violent gaze meets yours in an instant.
    Just the look alone steals the strength from your legs, toppling backwards and landing flat.
    In the next instant, he is over you, knelt down with the savage glint of his enraged gaze suddenly gone; somehow softened before even making it to you that quickly.  “Oh no, no,” he breathes, forcing his bloody hands away when instinctively reaching for you, “are you hurt?”  Satan doesn’t miss the way your gaze travels down his face, focused on the syrupy drip of his chin.
    Recoiling, he moves back to his feet, turning on you to scrub at his face with his sleeve.  It doesn’t do him much good, however, since his clothes are just as saturated as his skin.
    “Go home.”  His voice is clipped, a tone you're more familiar with hearing when he’s faced with the annoyances of his brothers.  You detect something else as well.
    “Are you all r—”
    “LEAVE!”  Despite the volume and the intimidation, the thunder of his voice can’t hide it from you.
    Fear.  So intense, it’s almost tangible.
    Satan’s breath stops when your hands meet around his torso, pressing flat and warm against his ribs, pulling him back into your embrace.  He feels your cheek against his shoulder blade, your deep even breaths, the hammer of your heartbeat.  “You’ll get blood on you…” he whispers, as if that is what he’s actually worried about; sucking in a breath when your hands begin retreating.  Your touch lingers, palms pressing and gliding along his sides and back to silently relay you’re not pulling away for that reason.  Only turning once hearing ripping, Satan’s turbulent gaze drops down to your hands tearing your shirt, splitting the bottom half of the material until you’ve torn a sizable piece away.
    He looks up quickly from your hands.
    Without needing the pull of magical bindings, Satan finds himself slowly lowering to the ground, leaving space for you between his legs when you near-immediately follow his movement.  Holding his breath when you reach up, his eyes flutter shut as you brush the torn portion of your shirt over his cheek.  Everything is silent.  Even time seems to stand still as you gently wipe his face, clearing away the blood and dirt that has culminated into a dark grime on his normally flawless skin; then his neck, what you can of his bangs, and his horns while he dips forward to allow you to reach.
    “I’m sorry,” Satan murmurs softly as you cast the filthy piece of cloth away.  He stares at it, as stained as his own clothes in blood that isn’t even a drop of his.  Or yours.  He’d made sure of that.
    “I was only a little startled.”
    Still refusing to meet your eyes, Satan shakes his head.  “I shouldn’t have lost control like that.”  He’s glaring at the scrap of cloth now.  “I apologize if I’ve disappointed you.”  It’s quite obvious he doesn’t actually mean ‘disappointed’ when he says it.  ‘Scared,’ you’re able to translate.  Apologizing for scaring you.
    This shell is quite familiar.  Satan often used it, and his anger, to push you away in the beginning; his way of discouraging you from getting too close, lest you see the ‘real’ him.  But it is quite too late for all of that nonsense.
    “Thank you for protecting me,” you say instead.
    That has his eyes snapping up, searching.  “Why?”  He doesn’t move in any other way, looking every bit expectant that you’ll want to leave.  Like even he believes you should.  “How are you not afraid of me?”
    You settle in place, getting as comfortable as you can amid the rocks and remnants of pieces of the demons that you had summoned Satan in defense against.  “I was afraid.”  His gaze drops away, but you reach out, bringing it back to you before continuing, “And that’s why I summoned you.”
    He blinks slowly, nearly following the movement of your hand with his jaw when it falls back to your lap.  The implications of what you mean are obvious to him, yet Satan holds his words, waiting, silently imploring you to continue.  Needing to know despite the fact you could have summoned any of the others in the face of danger, he was your first thought.
    “I’m not afraid of you, Satan.”
    Satan’s arms move around you, palms against your back, burning.
    “You are terrifying.  But I know you won’t hurt me.”
    He pulls you flush to him, now seeming wholly unconcerned with the blood that might stain you as well.
    “I know if anyone threatens me, you’d never let them live to even regret it.”  His chest swells beneath your wandering hands as he sucks in a breath neither of you realized he was holding; stilling again as your arms fold around his shoulders and neck.  “The only thing that does scare me,” you pull, urging him to lean in, “is how much I like knowing that.”
    He doesn’t need any additional coaxing to bridge the remaining space.  You meet him halfway, welcoming the hot energy that surges through him and expels in a gratified groan you’re all too eager to swallow up.  All the worry seems to have bled out of him, evident in the stark contrast of how he pulls you impossibly closer, dedicated now to devouring you; in the curl of his tail circling around your thigh to ensure your capture, compared to only moments ago when demanding you leave him here to wither amongst all the gore and decay caused by his rage.
    His nails bite into your skin as he lifts you at the waist against his body, welcoming your legs hooking around his hips, and you know that he very much likes you knowing all that about him too.
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lethby · 6 months
Hey Violet! Thanks for taking my request! 😄 Here's my idea:
IkePri Suitor & Fem!Reader who is nonchalant about her feelings on the outside but actually really loves the suitor and is scared to tell him, but ends up having an, "Idiot I'm in love with you!" explosive moment. Can be with any of the Suitors you see fit!
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A/N: This was written before Luke's route was released! I am currently reading it now (only on Ch 4) but I know its not canon. I hope it's still enjoyable anyway!
Fluff and first kisses
Word count: 1592
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There is nothing quite like the forest in autumn. The greens of summer melt away and Mother Nature, sensing the impending gray of winter, has the chance at one last hurrah. So she throws caution to the wind, whipping out every manner of red and gold and yellow and orange, dazzling the eye and heart with a cavalcade of colors. 
You would enjoy them, if you could. But right now, that is impossible. Not when you are crunching your way over leaves which nefariously hide tree roots and dips in the ground, muttering to yourself about lazy princes and warnings and how much better it would be if you were drinking hot chocolate instead of trudging through the woods.
Of course Luke wasn’t at the meeting Sariel called about the upcoming ball. Of course not. Why would that man ever attend something he was supposed to?
Clutching your brown suede bag closer to your body, you continue onward, past the pond towards the spot you know the young prince favors. 
You pause under the copse of trees, preening in their autumnal glory. For a moment, you’re distracted by the sun shining through the leaves, illuminating them like stained glass. It’s beauty that you could lose yourself in…..if you weren’t on a mission.
Squinting, you turn a slow circle, shielding your eyes as you search the tree branches until….there it is. A singular long leg, sheathed in dark leather pants and a high brown boot, dangling from a tree limb impossibly high above you. You follow the line of that supine body, curved against the trunk of the tree like a babe cuddled against its parent. His arms are crossed loosely across his broad chest, chin drooped down in slumber. His red hair damn near blends in with all the leaves surrounding him in his ridiculous sleeping spot.
Cupping your hands around your mouth, you yell. “Luke!!”
The long leg doesn’t move. You narrow your eyes. Drawing in a deep breath, you try again, forcing as much volume out of your body as you can.
The leg twitches and then begins to fall, bringing the rest of the lanky body down with it.
You flinch as Luke Randolph, the eighth prince of Rhodolite, tumbles through grasping tree branches to the forest floor where he lands with a loud thud.
“Luke!“ You rush to his side as he pushes himself up with a groan, one large hand reaching up to cup the back of his head. He’s a mess of scratches, one particularly bad one already dripping blood down his left cheek like red paint down a canvas. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine!” He bats your hands away as he stands up slowly, stretching out his limbs experimentally. You have to tilt your head up to look at him since he towers over you, a sequoia standing next to a tiny, aggravated shrub.
“You most certainly are not fine.” You take in the scratches, his cheek, the red areas that will blossom into purple and blue bruises. Poor thing. Your heart frowns at the sight and you feel the impulse to hug him suddenly shoot through you, willing you forward.Your muscles contract, ready, but your mind sounds out the alarm, stopping you in your tracks. What was this? Hug Luke? Why would you even think that? 
You shake your head, clearing out those odd, little butterfly-shaped thoughts.  
“You’re a mess and that cheek looks bad. Come on.” You turn on your heel, marching off in the direction of the lake. You hear his lumbering footsteps behind you and can’t help the small smile on your lips. Luke is not one for subtlety. 
After a few minutes, you make your way down the slope to where the cool lake water meets the grass. A large, flat rock provides you both with the perfect place to sit. Now you finally have a moment to look at him, really look. His green eyes, the color of fresh basil, are downcast, embarrassed to meet your gaze. The other scratches from his descent are minor, the same little puffed ridges made by an artist using a palette knife on a canvas, but the cut on his cheek is still weeping red, angry at the world for being born.
You open your bag, rifling around until you find the white handkerchief embroidered with tiny red roses.  It had been a gift from Leon, welcoming you to the palace. Now you dip it into the cold water, then raise it to Luke’s cheek. He jerks away and you automatically grab his face with your other hand, keeping a firm hold on his chin.
“We wouldn’t have to be doing this if you hadn’t shirked your duties. Again.”  
Annoyance, that's a good thing to focus on. It dances around your mind like a court jester, distracting you from the feel of his face in your hand, the strong line of his jaw, the smoothness of his skin. 
“Those meetings are pointless,” he mutters. He speaks softly, his low voice brushing against you, winding itself around you, soft and seeking. You swallow down the jolt of attraction that ripples through you.
“You have a duty to attend them!” 
Your own voice is tight, edging toward a higher pitch than usual. You breathe out, trying to focus on cleaning the wound on his cheek. Luke raises his gaze to watch you. If you had been walking, you would have stumbled. If you had been dreaming, you would have been startled into waking. His eyes, warm and soft as the rolling hills of springtime, are now locked onto yours. Your heart does a somersault in your chest. Your mind begins setting up barriers everywhere, trying to contain it.
You pull away to dip the cloth in the water once again, rinsing it out, trying to steady yourself while passion and reason prepare for battle. When you look up again, he is tapping at the wound with his fingertips, probing it.
“Stop that!” You react without thinking, smacking his hand away and he winces, a frown settling over his handsome face.
“Hey! You didn’t have to do that!”
Your fingers curl around the handkerchief, balling it up as if you could use it as ammunition. 
“Yes I did! You’re making it dirty again after I just cleaned it. This is what I mean, Luke, you just...do things without thinking of the consequences! You miss meetings and you miss events and you disappear without telling people! You take naps everywhere. You just can’t DO things like this when you are a prince of Rhodolite!”
He shakes his head, his red hair catching the sunlight and drinking it in. 
“Because none of those things matter! There are SEVEN other princes around to handle stuff like that! I don’t have to be there! I don’t WANT to be!” 
There’s a pause as he runs a hand through his sunset hair, frustration woven through every gesture. “Besides, why do you even care so much anyway? Why are you always so annoyed?”
You feel your teeth clenching, your heart a battering ram against the walls your mind has constructed, thoughts flying around in a dizzying array of pops and whistles and bangs.
“Because I know you can be better than that!”
Luke’s eyes narrow. “No I can’t!” His voice rises in volume as he straightens out his long body.
“Yes you can! I know it!” You can’t help it, your voice rises in pitch, your blood now storming through your veins, your heart leading the charge. 
“How? How do you know?!”
“Because I love you, you idiot!” 
Your heart screams in victory as the words fly out of your mouth. Rational thought is left behind, waving a tiny white flag of surrender.
His jaw drops and you are almost certain your expression is as graceful. 
You love Luke.
You love Luke!!!
A small laugh escapes you. And then another. And another. Soon you can’t stop yourself. Your heart has tipped its hand and every bit of affection and desire and friendship and attraction and frustration and admiration you have ever felt for him is pouring out of you like liquid sunshine. 
Your laughter filling the crisp autumn air pulls Luke out of his stunned stupor. He begins to laugh with you, his hands reaching out to take one of yours between them. He lifts it to his lips, his kiss sweet and welcoming. You reach out again, cupping his face in your hand, gently, almost shyly. 
“Say something,” you command. You feel wobbly inside, like a spinning top slowing its rotation.
He leans close to you, his gaze darting over the planes of your face like he can’t find one place to settle, it’s all so exciting and new and beautiful. Your hand still held between his, he brings his face mere inches from yours.
This man. You open your mouth to protest, to tell him now isn’t the time for such nonsense, but he doesn’t allow you to protest. You can’t even say a word. Because Luke Randolph, eighth prince of Rhodolite has gathered you into his arms and is kissing you with lips as gentle and sweet as the honey he so treasures. 
The handkerchief falls from your hand as you reach to return his embrace, landing in the cool lake water without a sound. Slowly, it floats away from the two figures on the rock, who are so wrapped up in each other’s arms, they'll never even notice it's gone.
Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesroseforclavis @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @queen-dahlia @moonstruck-writing
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lethby · 6 months
fluff scenario. gn! y/n x lyney (gi)
content warning / a bit angst (?); 9th day of the December series ! (also i think i am sick that’s why it’s shorter than the others)
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Lips collided softly. There was only the light of the lamp from the nightstand on, and it gave the whole room a somber yet romantic atmosphere.
Two arms carefully wrapped around their waist, and a hand drawing circles and random patterns on the back of his beloved. The magician could think of himself as lucky, having such a beautiful person sitting down on top of him with their arms around his neck and fingers trailing up his spine. He shuddered, a smile widening on his face.
Between some small kisses, they whispered softly. “Didn’t you say you wanted me to come to rehearsal for your next Magic show ?” Although there was some teasing, it also came with its own fair shade of worry.
His past was not unknown to them, neither his real job and the future predicted and written for him in black ink on the clear white and pristine scroll of paper his fate was. They had seen him break down more than once, they had seen him cry and had witnessed a more unhappy side of him.
So, when they saw a letter saying he wanted them to come see him for a so–called rehearsal, they knew that the latter was false. He needed them. He just needed to hold them. Perhaps dark memories of the past plagued his mind, or nightmares for the future to come made him fearful.
They did not know, and they did not really care. The focus was on comforting him. If it meant keeping the thoughts he had for himself, then so be it.
He smiled. An honest one at last. “I am in the middle of a rehearsal, mon amour.” He said with a small kiss on their cheek. A hand came up behind their ears, and he pulled out a small flower. A rainbow rose. He blew on it, letting the flower wither into small petals before he took them for another kiss.
Oh Archons above. He is so weak right now for them. They are the warmth he seeks during this cold night of December. He would prefer being cursed for life than letting them go. They know too much about him, and it is so dangerous. But how can he stop himself when all he needs lies within them ?
They let out a chuckle, giving him a small peck on the nose. “That is not a real rehearsal.” They teased. Cupping his face before placing a lingering kiss on his forehead, making sure to peck his lips just a small little bit before pulling away. They put their forehead against his, and his eyes closed before he went down to kiss their neck.
He inhaled deeply, taking in their scent. “Learning to love you is an art in itself.” That made them smile, before they looked down to kiss him once again. God he loved them.
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READERS: @zimelu-eloni-nova-lycan; @vmplvrrs; @kiiyoooo
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lethby · 7 months
"What about Bachira?"
All the heads of the first-graders at your table turn to look at the little boy sitting by himself.
"Ew no!"
"He's so weird!"
The usual chorus of objections about the eccentric classmate circle around and he's excluded from the class party with unanimity.
Almost unanimity.
Your eyes lazily slide down the line of cookie-cutter faces all so desperate to fit in that they've become one blob. One boring, uninteresting, un-fun group.
They've taken his talent and passion on the soccer field as a personal affront but personally you admire how true he is to himself though you don't realize it these terms because, y'know, you're in first grade.
So instead it comes out something like "ugh." And with a roll of your eyes you zip up your lunch box and leave the table.
A few people call after you, ask where you're going and what you're doing.
If you were older maybe you wouldn't have gone right up to Bachira's table.
Maybe you would've had a greater sense of self-consciousness that would've prevented you from taking a seat across from the school's supposed-pariah but you don't. Because again you're in first grade.
So you do.
You sit down directly across from him leaving no doubt that you're here to sit with him and hear the subtle tap-tap-tap of the soccer ball he's dribbling between his own feet under the table.
Up this close you can see he's got some bruises and a band-aid across his nose.
With all the tactless conversational ability of a child you scrunch your face and ask "why's your face all messed up?"
He tilts his head, eyeing you for a moment before answering "because I kicked someone and he didn't like that."
"Why'd you kick someone?"
"Because he called me weird."
Bachira says it so nonchalantly you have no doubt that he got his revenge in the kick that had earned him all those bruises and, though the feeling is too nebulous for your young mind to be able to identify, it feels like something just clicked into place, like this is right where you're meant to be.
You give him a commending smile. "Awesome."
Bachira's eyes widen, his little mouth dropping into a surprised 'o' for a moment as he looks at you in a new light.
The tap-tap-tap under the table continues for another moment and then the ball bumps against your foot.
Smiling conspiratorially now you lightly kick it back; Bachira smiles, too, as he keeps the back-and-forth going.
From that day forward Bachira was no longer alone...in the eyes of the rest of the school.
Bachira, in his own eyes, had never been alone since he'd found his monster but he was happy to have another friend. One who seemed as uninterested in the mundane happenings of childhood as he was though you didn't particularly care for soccer. Sometimes you would do homework by the field as he played by himself--or so it appeared to you.
He liked your company. Your friendship.
But he wasn't sure how you'd feel about his monster.
He wondered if you had one of your own...what your monster might tell you to do, if you did. You were cool but after a childhood of being called a freak and a weirdo there was still a little wall around his heart.
He didn't tell you about his monster.
For the most part it was easy; his monster only ever appeared on the soccer field where you hardly ventured. And then, when he stepped off the pitch, it would fade into nothingness as he rejoined you almost as if he could only have one of you at a time. Until
"Stop being a ball hog!"
He's blamed for his high school team's defeat at the championship.
Disheartened after a demoralizing post-game lecture he leaves the locker room. It's become a lonely void in his existence, this time after he leaves the pitch before you come to find him; a time without you or his monster.
A time filled with self-doubt...is he really a weirdo like he's always been told?
A time filled with fear...maybe he'll never find anyone to play with who'll make soccer fun.
And this time he feels the loneliest he's ever felt.
He avoids you. Leaving the stadium in the opposite direction of his team he sneaks out taking a long way home, stopping to sulk near the river.
It didn't make a difference.
"What the hell?!" You shout as you stomp down the bank to join him. "Why are you wallowing here like a goddamned gremlin under the bridge?"
He winces, hiding his face. You calling him a gremlin doesn't exactly soothe the ache in his chest.
"Oi! I'm talking to you!" You angrily snap. When he doesn't unfold himself or look up he hears your steps across the grass.
He expects you to sit down next to him...to offer some cliche would-be-comforting-words if he was some bland character...but you don't.
Because he's a freak, he reminds himself.
A moment later there's a quiet tap-tap-tap that's not graceful or eloquent but familiar all the same.
He peeks out a little bit to see you unskillfully passing the ball back-and-forth between your own feet. The way your face scrunches up in concentration sends a strange flutter in Bachira's chest that makes him hide his face again.
The ball gently bumps against his foot.
Without looking up he taps it back to you. You give an impatient little huff at the fact that he didn't need to look up to send it perfectly to you.
You tap it back.
Despite the despair hanging around him, despite his fear and self-doubt, warmth flickers in his belly.
The exchange continues in silence for a few moments until you quietly admit "I heard what your team was saying to you on the field, 'Guru-kun."
This makes him feel even lonelier but you continue--
"But fuck those guys."
His mind halts.
"Do you remember the first day we hung out?....That day in, what was it, first grade? When I came to sit with you at lunch?"
He nods without looking up, a lump forming in his throat; the two of you keep passing the ball back-and-forth just as you had under the table that day.
"Know why I did?" you ask. You get only a shake of his head in reply. "Because I thought you were cool. The coolest kid I'd ever seen..."
His heart swells, there's that strange hopeful warmth again.
"Because you didn't care what anyone else thought..." Your voice is soft but not gentle. Not placating. As if you're just quietly stating facts. "You were undeniably yourself...especially on the field. You played soccer the way you wanted to."
After his next pass to you the ball doesn't come back. He looks up, unable to deny his curiosity; what he sees takes his breath away.
You're standing--no towering--over him with the pad of your foot holding the ball in place, streetlight casting your face in dramatic lines but behind you swirling up as if acting as your shadow
is his monster.
"Stay true to that, Meguru." Your voice is quiet but commanding. "The people who'll make soccer fun are out there."
Bachira's lips quirk up as his heart beats like the dribble of a soccer ball.
"What?" you ask, brow dipping when he doesn't say anything right away.
The swelling in his chest feels like he's either going to float away or pop.
"You know...I was wallowing here." And he tells you.
He tells you everything about his hopes and dreams and, most importantly, the monster. Maybe it's masochistic. Maybe he feels like if he's going to be forever alone on the pitch he should be forever alone off the pitch alone and tells you to scare you off.
"Where the monster goes, I follow. And right now," he says in conclusion bracing himself against your unreadable expression, "it's right behind you."
"What does that mean?" you ask, tone of voice giving nothing away.
"It means my monster agrees with you. It's telling me you're right."
You contemplate this for a minute, tilting your head. "So your monster thinks...I'm cool?"
Bachira freezes for a moment as the word that leaves your mouth isn't derogatory. It's not shaming or condemning in any way.
He grins knowing it's his unrepentant full-freak-self-liberating smile, and the only thing that pops is the wall around his heart.
You grin back, matching his undiluted energy with your own and kick the ball back a little too vigorously; he catches it before it can smash his face.
"Whoops, my bad." You grin sheepishly. Bachira laughs, carefree and hopeful. You give him a fond look and then shiver. "Hey, any chance your monster's heading to get hot chocolate?"
--Bachira's eyes widen, his little mouth dropping into a surprised 'o' for a moment as he looks at you in an even newer light--
"Because I am fucking freezing."
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for @vizernez for after your exams! Good luck with them and thank you for the request :) :)
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lethby · 9 months
Hopelessly Invested
♡ I grant a wish for whoever summons me and take one thing as a payment ♡ 𝐬𝐰𝐨'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: I've barely started the Fontaine story quest yet so if things are a bit OOC that's why 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Lyney ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
❣ imagine being a bit of a flirt yourself and Lyney doesn't realize it while he's trying to rizzz you up ❣ he is very weak when it comes to you flirting with him because it catches him by surprise and it was coming from you after all ❣ and you never do it first! you only do it when he's attempting to make your heart jump "ah-choo!" "bless you," you said he scratched his nose and smiled, "thank you" that's when he thought of an attempt to make you flush "you know," he started, "i once heard someone say that when you sneeze, it means that someone is thinking about you" "oh, is that so?" you hummed ❣ you'd been around and people have used these words on you before. which means you've heard of this one and knew exactly how it went you bit back a smile "hmmm...well, someone must be thinking about me a lot lately. given that I've been sneezing an awful lot since my boat docked in Fontaine..."
you looked Lyney right in the eyes and smirked at him. "i can't help but wonder...if a certain magician i know has to do with it?" ❣ you went ahead and stole his words and managed to make his face turn into a nice shade of pink ❣ this has happened maybe 3 times where you took his lines and turned them back to him ❣and each time he turns into a little blushing mess
Lyney turns his head slightly to the left, his hand over his mouth, and his voice coming out wobbly "you're...quite the natural flirt, aren't you...almost had me there for a second...heh...!" ❣ 'almost' was an understatement. you had him like putty in your hands ❣ if you decide to turn it up a notch further...well...you'll see
You had your hands behind your back and leaned up close to his face, "you know i sneeze at night as well...do you a certain someone is imagining naughty things about me?" Your lips were close and you were just amused and smirking at Lyney trying to find his words. his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as his face turned red Lyney slipped a card between your face, a puny attempt at hiding his red face, but it did help keep your lips away. archons...he felt like he was going to overheat. "time out! time out!" he'll exclaim you'll laugh and lean away, allowing him to have his space "sorry sorry. i just couldn't resist"
❣ Lyney would try to think of different pickup lines and ways to catch you off guard. he wants to think of things that are more original and different so that it would at least surprise you a little ❣ but everything hes done so far hasn't phased you even a little! ❣ ...which led to Lyney taking this as a challenge and actually getting invested in you A week later you open your door to see Lyney standing there with a bouquet in his hand. he's wearing his little dashing smile and bowing in front of you like you are some great archon
"whats the occasion?" you asked, taking the flowers and smelling them with a little smile "well a fresh bouquet is a wonderful way to start the day don't you think?" he asked ❣at this point, he doesn't even know if he's trying to make you flustered or impress you
you hum in thought, eyes going to the flowers in your hands and Lyney. was this it? was he finally going to make you call him sweet and it was something different so surely-
Lyney is frozen as he feels your soft fingers tickle his check and youre leaning back to your spot before he even realized what you've done. "the best way to start my day is by seeing you, silly" you had placed one of the flowers in his hair. right above his braid. Lyney blinks once. twice. three times. before his face feels warm and hes letting out a bashful laugh.
"w-well arent you the charmer."
he's flushed because there was a variety of flowers in that bouquet and of course you chose to put the rainbow rose in his hair.
Lyney's brain wasnt really working. all he knew is that he ran right out of there- quickly saying about how he needed to practice for his show and all with Lynette "mhm, I'm sure you do." you nodded, something about your tone made his heart catch his in his throat. its almost like you could read his mind or something and knew he was fumbling. ❣and later that evening Freminet would enter their shared home after a long day and was not at all expecting hear his brother moaning and groaning all the way from the living room. "uhm. is lyney alright?" Freminet asked his sister, taking off his helmet with a confused look on his face "yeah he's just-" "they chose a rainbow rose! a rainbow rose of all thingssssssss! do they even know what it meansss??" Lynette resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Lyneys groan from the couch. "he's just formed a bit of a crush is all" she replied to Freminet, crossing her arms ❣Lyney who was dealing with the consequences of actions. all of his investment in trying to make you flustered formed into a crush.
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lethby · 9 months
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lethby · 10 months
Crocheting a plushie for Bachira/Kurona ⍣ ೋ
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When Bachira got home and heard you swipe lots of things out of the dining room's table, he skipped to your location with a mischievous grin.
"I'm home!" He yelled cheerfully at the top of his lungs as he abruptly emerged from the corner. The way you jumped was enough to make his grin larger.
You quickly turned to his direction with a pout, hoping it would hide your nervous sweat and the thing behind your back. Surprise to no one, it did not.
"You're home early" You tried to change the subject.
"What'd ya got there?" No use
"A smoothie"
"Well I'm kinda thirsty"
"Too bad I drank it all"
Your poor attempts were futile as the amused boy in front of you only chuckled and took various steps forward. This made you slowly stand up from your seat, seeing in his eyes what was coming. In a matter of seconds, one thing led to another and you were being chased around the house by your laughing boyfriend.
"Come on! Show me! Don't make me take it myself"
"I'd like to see you try!"
Of course, he took that as his personal challenge and leaped full speed, crashing into you and making you both fall on the conveniently placed couch. The impact of the crash landing and the weight of Bachira on top of you forced the air out of your lungs, while he still laughed joyfully. Somehow, you managed to keep the handmade plushie out of his view, which he whined about.
He then moved to plan b and started attacking you with everything he had, whether it'd be kisses over your whole face, tickling you until you couldn't breathe or verbally persuading you. When you where exhausted and panting, you gave up.
"Ok you win! But take into account that you ruined your own surprise!" You complained breathless as you tucked the plushie in his hands forcefully before throwing your head back on the pillow.
It took him a few seconds before he processed the cute and chonky fluffy bee plush, his eyes glowing so much he could lighten the entire night. He looked at you as if you were the only thing in the world. In his world.
"You made this? For me?!"
You nodded and smiled widely at his enthusiasm. He looked like a kid who discovered a cool rock in the backyard. Strong arms then trapped you tightly and squished your body against his, not letting go of the present.
"I love it!" You giggled and remembered the process of making it, many bees sacrificed for the greater good.
"You didn't see the others"
"There's more?!"
You cackled a laugh and slipped out of his grasp, heading to your bedroom. When you came back, he had the stuffed bee safely placed on his lap, like his protected child. Before you could point it out, he squealed at the numerous deformed and half-finished attempts of a bee on your arms. He took as many as he could and hugged them close, saying that you were a family. You couldn't help but laugh at his antics while your eyes soften, thinking how much you love him.
He planted a deep, cheerful kiss on your lips as he held you close, feeling as light as ever. Prepare to sleep to the best cuddles of all this night, all the bee children watching you from a whole separate shelf he put up for them.
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You were currently headed towards Kurona's house to celebrate his birthday with him, the crocheted shark looking back at you through the confines of the paper bag. The animal's resemblance to your boyfriend made you giggle.
"You look just like him. He's gonna love it" You publicly talked to yourself before you made your arrival to the destined house. You excitedly ringed the doorbell and didn't have to wait much before Kurona opened the door. He miraculously catched you as you threw yourself over him the moment he was in range, arms failing and draping along anything they could hold on.
"Ranze Ranze Ranze! Happy birthday!"
"Thank you, thank you"
You covered his face in little feather kisses, him gladly accepting them with soft hums and a slightly tighter embrace. You pulled away and looked into each other's eyes lovingly before you remembered the gift still in the bag. You jumped back and swiftly put it between the two of you, making Kurona blink in astonishment. He carefully took the bag by the handle and inspected it, taking it's contents out with one hand and discarding the bag with the other. You leaned back with a smile to get in his reaction better as his gaze travelled from the decently big stuffed shark and and to your eyes.
"Do you like it? I made it myself"
As your words sank in, he came back from his thoughts for a split a second before his mind wandered back again. The simple thought of you going out of your way to make it with your own hands made his heart swell and his entire being warm up. He glanced back at you and gave you the sincerest of smiles.
"It's amazing, Y/N"
He hugged you again, this time more deeply, making your insides melt as you hugged him back just as sweetly. You felt as he sank his head on the crook of your neck, taking in your scent as all the muscles in his body released any remaining tension.
"I'm glad" You whispered and kissed the side of his head, him nuzzling your skin while you giggled.
You silently stayed like that for some time. Arms around each other, hands gently caressing through hair and clothes and lips leaving soft kisses. The perfect spending of your quality time as the plush shark was squished between your bodies.
"Ranze, we still need to celebrate your birthday"
"Five more minutes"
"Come on, it's gonna get dark soon"
You only got a groan as a response, his hold on you reluctancy softening and the cold breeze hitting your front. He went to gently place the plushie on his bed like it was the most precious thing in the world.
You spent the rest of the day going out and having a good time together until night came and he dropped you at your place, heading back to his after gladly receiving his goodbye kiss. When he entered his bedroom, the sight of your gift made him smile, preparing to go to bed with you in mind all the time. He hugged the shark close and relished in its softness before drifting to sleep, his lips softly curving upwards. Later on, the shark would accompany him with every task and house chore while at night served as an amazing remedy to sleep when you weren't there, as if you were always by his side.
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I'm back again after not posting anything for a month :P I suddenly got lots of inspiration to write and draw things to get me out of my art block so here I am
I didn't know if I wanted to write it about Bachira or Kurona so I said fuck it let's do both
I recently got back in a lot of fandoms like bsd, ace attorney, Danganronpa or genshin (Lyney's fault) so maybe I'll try something different.
Touch some grass, Lethby ༊*·˚
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lethby · 11 months
Hello. Can I request Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth with child reader please?
Reader is 10/11 years old and is accused for the murder of her father. He was killed in their apartment, stabbed 56 times on his entire body. Reader's mother is in a critical stade in the hospital, being severely injured after falling down the stairs while running away from the gruesome scene, and is in no condition to testify.
Reader pleads guilty, but the building owner, a nice old lady who knows Reader since she was a baby and often babysit her, refuses to believe that Reader has done such a horrible thing. So she asked Wright to be her attorney, even if reader refused to have one.
Even if all the evidences are against her, and the prosecutor too, Wright made sure that the truth was revealed :
The truth is, Reader's mother killed her husband to protect her daughter. Reader's father was a horrible man, mistreating his family on a daily basic. Reader's mother had enough and killed him when he was about to hit Reader with the still hot frying pan.
Reader was so scared that she ran away but her mother followed her, tripped and fall down the stairs.
Reader felt guilty for all of this and wanted her mother ro be free and happy, so she put the blame on her.
After the audience, the hospital doctor called to say that Reader's mother has just die from her injuries.
Now alone and broken, reader resign herself of a sad and lonely life, but Miles decided to adopt her.
🚲 Phoenix Wright x kid!Reader x Miles Edgeworth platonic headcanons 🚘
When an old lady came to Phoenix's office, he was surprised. However, it quickly became clear that his client would not be an old lady, but you. You were a ten-year-old child who was accused of the brutal murder of his father and the attempted murder of his mother, but the worst thing was that you admitted it yourself. However, the old lady was sure that you were not guilty, she knew you almost all your life and you were always a kind and sweet child. Phoenix understood that something was wrong in this case, so he agreed to become your lawyer
When Phoenix received the case file, he was sure that you couldn't do it. Your father died from multiple stab wounds, namely fifty-six times. Your mother was in the hospital in critical condition. She was seriously injured while trying to escape and now doctors were trying to save her life, so Phoenix could not find out her version of events. You kept saying it was your fault. Because of this, you were considered guilty of murder and even tried to refuse the services of Phoenix, but there was something that calmed your lawyer. The prosecutor in this case was Edgeworth, which meant that all was not lost yet
The longer the trial went on, the more Phoenix and Edgeworth realized that you were not guilty. They both tried to get to the truth and on the third day of the trial they succeeded. That's when you told me what really happened. As it turned out, your father was a cruel man. He often raised his hand against your mom and you, and that night he beat you up again. But when he swung a hot frying pan at you, your mom didn't put up with it anymore. She stabbed him with a kitchen knife. You were very scared of this and ran away, and your mom followed you, tripped and fell down the stairs. The injuries that your father inflicted on her and the fall from the stairs led to such a serious condition. You sincerely loved your mom and wanted her to be happy and free, so you took the blame on yourself
After the trial was over, Edgeworth came to Phoenix and you. He saw that you were depressed, but he couldn't help but tell you the news that he was told on the phone. Your mother died from her injuries. When you heard about it, you couldn't contain your emotions and cried. She was the only person you could call your own, but now you had no one. You didn't know what to do next. Phoenix tried to calm you down and offered you to stay with him for a while, but Miles stopped him. He said he would take care of you. He understood that it would be difficult, because he didn't have much experience with children, but he sincerely wanted to help you
A few months later, you were officially adopted by Miles Edgeworth. It was still hard for you from losing your mother, but he tried his best to help you. Phoenix didn't stay away either. You spent a lot of time in his office, communicating with him and Maya, who sincerely sympathized with your loss and even helped you talk to your mom for the last time, who sincerely wished you happiness. Edgeworth was genuinely glad when he saw your smile when you thanked him and Phoenix for helping you. You needed time to fully move on with your life and they were both willing to be there for you to help you
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