littlecloudtrail · 2 months
Guess today’s a feelings day…
Just sprinkle in some overthinking and I can relate hard 🫠
My childhood trauma didn't make me stronger. it made me a people pleaser. it made me forgive way too much. it made me not speak when i'm supposed to. it made me an extreme empath.
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littlecloudtrail · 2 months
Some days you don’t feel too good, but sleeping will fix that. You’ll wake up great and not even remember feeling bad.
Other days tho… You’ll be energetic and happy throughout the day, and go to sleep relatively happy. But wake up feeling the complete opposite. No real reason, just… an overall bad feeling.
I guess life is just like that. Maybe there’s a quota of happy and sad days to be met. But ignore the sad or angry feelings long enough and they’ll catch up eventually.
Maybe make space to feel your feelings? To let them be heard and expressed, even if alone. Maybe that’ll help - to not force yourself to be happy when you’re not. Masks just make others around you feel better… putting up a front won’t help you.
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littlecloudtrail · 2 months
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These days...
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littlecloudtrail · 2 months
The people that love you are everything. Be them the ones that help you to continuously grow or the ones that have been with you through a withered state and have helped you blossom once more.
“All of us blossom when we feel loved and wither when we do not feel loved.”
— Gary Chapman
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littlecloudtrail · 3 months
“Don’t allow someone to treat you poorly just because you love them.”
— Unknown
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littlecloudtrail · 3 months
“Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.”
— Mandy Hale
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littlecloudtrail · 3 months
What is life exactly? do you ever ask yourself this? are we barely existing or are we surviving or are we just obliged to work about the hackneyed way of society?
Purposes of our lives are really questionable but one thing we can do is to take ourselves out of these isochronal lifestyle and sometimes just appreciate our presence around the world. We must not know our purposes here but we are chosen to be a part of a world of living . We are so tangled up right from the birth till teenage to study our asses off and then suddenly the horrible transition into adulthood which brings about tons of responsibilities and till we figure out and bring our life together its already time to leave .
Life has a whole lot to offer if you see around yourself and observe this beautiful creation of life. Everything has something to say to you. Look at the sunrise, its telling you how you could purify the dark void inside you and start afresh every morning with new rays of living will. The birds chirping showing us how we are meant to talk ourselves out and not worry about being too loud and apologize for the "bad mannerism" ,how our thoughts and feelings are supposed to fly out there and not meant to be captivated in the cages of illiberality . A bright beautiful flower which has bloomed even though it'll die in a short span, It is still standing out there cheerful and bright for the time its alive. The nights ,which are not so scary as they are thought to be , rather they bring a breeze of calmness and peace with it ,a time just to rest our hustling mind and heart and slow down the pace of life for a bit ; that's what night tells us. When you look at all this with an offbeat perspective you sure would find meaning in everything .
Our souls are fragile and overworking ourselves is quiet normalised rather its a necessity nowadays . But hey nothing is more powerful than a calm and composed mind and heart. SLOW DOWN,REST FOR A BIT,SMILE,DRINK SOME COFFEE WHILST LOOKIN AT A PRETTY SUNSET QUIETY, TRUST ME YOU NEED IT MORE THAN YOU THINK YOU DO.
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littlecloudtrail · 3 months
Listen up!
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You see a post like this? Where OP might hurt/kill themselves? You hit that button that I circled
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Hit that.
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Click Suicide or Self-harm Concern
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Fill in the rest of it, and hit submit. The "content you reported" will fill itself in
Tumblr will follow up and help them.
Warning: this is only for mobile. If anyone knows how to do this for desktop, please add it!
And yes, REBLOG. Liking does no shit at all. This isn't ig.
You reblog, people see it. You don't, people don't see it. This shit's that simple.
This could save someone's life. It's not a joke.
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littlecloudtrail · 3 months
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Sunset ☁️🌥☁️
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littlecloudtrail · 3 months
There are people in this world that are truly worth living for.
People that have no obligation to love you, but do nonetheless. Those whose love is contagious, and warm, and true. Who don’t see you as a burden, but as someone worth listening to.
Stars to guide you in your time of need, or the moon that lights your path in the darkness. All while they lend their light and make the clouds shine, make them be seen in the darkness.
Those are my favorite people, ones I would wish for eternity with. For experiencing life with them is happiness, and I don’t want to miss a single second of their radiating beauty and all that they’ll achieve.
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littlecloudtrail · 3 months
I’m broken. Been broken since the day I was born. Never enough. My lungs weren’t enough when I was born, they didn’t breath for me. Eventually they did.
I was the fat kid, but always told not to call themselves that, because there are actual fat people out there that get bullied and everything right?…. I got bullied for that, but I wasn’t fat enough? I don’t get it.
Always pressured to do something I didn’t want. Oh, you’re wearing a jacket in the summer in p.e class? The teacher will talk to your parents about that. Thing is, they didn’t care for the why… they just told you to stop. They didn’t know you hated yourself and your body at the age of 9. They didn’t ask.
I’ll look at old photos from my childhood, and when I see her, I hate her. I hate her because she is me; but I’m sorry for her, because she didn’t deserve to go through all that… alone. She didn’t deserve to believe all love was conditional. She didn’t deserve to have to hide for being chubby. Didn’t deserve to hate herself more and more each day. Never being enough.
Never quiet enough, but too quiet. Hair too curly, but not curly enough. The smartest, but never smart enough. Sweet, but never smiling enough. Never sad, but still too sad. Never angry, but still too angry. Never a boy, but still a substitute. Never girly enough. Never enough friends.
Never enough.
Never cares enough, even though all you’ve done your whole life is live for other people. To make sure they’re ok, they’re comfortable… even if you’re not. Loves too much, but doesn’t love enough.
Perfect only when convenient, otherwise heavily flawed.
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littlecloudtrail · 4 months
Clouds. Liked for their usefulness: bringing rain or respite from the sun. Little clouds though, are quite different. They annoyingly block the stars at night, and in the daytime they don’t offer much. They’re less useful, usually in the way. They’re only ever pretty when bathed in the moon’s light, needing someone else’s light to look meagerly pretty or interesting. With no shine of their own.
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littlecloudtrail · 4 months
People often tend to find clouds gloomy or unwanted. In the daytime, the shade from obstructing the sun may be nice, but at night they block the moon and the star’s beauty. The few that do like clouds, like them more for what they do, what they have to offer. Never really liking them for simply being them.
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