manytoonepoet13 · 9 days
Fragaria Memories Charcoal - White Poem + Short Visual and Lyric Analysis.
Walking the streets at night,
The beat intertwines with the rhythm of our hearts.
Neon lights paint the city.
While graffiti breathes into its walls.
This urban landscape is filled with the poetry of rhythm and lyrics.
Footsteps narrate stories and smiles convey more than words ever could.
Here is a place where everyone can be themselves authentically.
Read for more insights: Fragaria Memories - Your Melody Song Analysis Essay. Fragaria Memories - Fragaria Memories - Ever Red Visual Analysis Essay
a.) Poem Analysis.
"Neon lights paint the city. While graffiti breathes into its walls"
What's interesting about this is the usage of graffiti as a metaphor.
You see, graffiti is understood as anti-social behavior performed in order to gain attention or as a form of thrill seeking, but it also can be understood as an expressive art form. And during the 20th century in the US and Europe, it has been used in identifying or claiming territory for memorializing dead gang members in an informal "orbituary", for boasting about crimes committed by gang members, and for challenging rival gangs as a prelude to violent confrontations. Britannica.
What got me thinking is the fact that it is used to memorialize dead gang members, if ever that were the case here in Fragaria as well, the line " While graffiti breathes into its walls." may relate to the idea of Chaco's past self resurfacing back into this world, directly going against the seeds, the "Neon lights" that paints the city.
Other than that, this reminds me of Your Melody where the seeds came in the form of the the mansion and that it's supposed to overpower the meadow so that it can continue on with this illusion the seeds have created for themselves so they can dominate, overpower the knights, and ultimately the world of Fragaria.
Given that he is described to have hidden motives, I'll assume, given the graffiti metaphor, he has caused destruction within the Noir Continent that also caused the fall of the first timeline, and the juxtaposition of the poem and the mv will finally make some sense.
"Footsteps narrate stories, and smiles convey more than words ever could. Here is a place where everyone can be themselves authentically."
Everyone but him.
He has been deeply intertwined with whatever has happened, or whatever he has done that in creating this poem, it felt like irony in it's finest form.
This is not him, this is not how he felt, and he is becoming ever so desperate that you can even hear it in his voice as well as he's singing.
b. Visual Analysis.
What got me thinking was this checker piece labeled as "????????" at 0:24.
Me and my best friend related the checker piece with Chaco and that having both sides in black and white symbolizes the good and evil in Chaco - going back to the point where he is described to have hidden motives. So I'd say the question marks align pretty well.
Another thing that caught my eye is what was happening during 0:31 - 0:33 where we see an hour glass and what seems to be the object being placed atop each other, making them overlap as well as look distorted.
This may relate to my theories about the overlapping timeline and how the overlapping have distorted time itself, therefore causing a timeloop.
Though I would like to add in another theory, that being the third timeline theory.
This theory was formed because of the repetition of the number 3 within this franchise. So, the theory goes like this: The first timeline is where everything began, the second timeline is where we're currently in, and the third timeline is the byproduct of the overlapping of the two timelines. Though I should point out that the timelines are quite parallel to each other, and the nuances are easily overlooked.
0:39 - 0:57 is quite interesting with the usage of checkers and chess.
In the game Checkers, the main goal is to take all of your opponent's pieces, while in Chess, the main goal is to take your opponent's king.
What me and bestfriend have pointed out is how these choice of board games may describe the form of attack the knights used in both timelines to defeat the seeds.
The first timeline utilizes checkers, where their main goal is to eliminate the seeds as quickly as possible - which is actually what we see in the voice dramas. Going in headfirst using their magic. But in the second timeline, they realized that going in headfirst while desperately trying to eliminate every single seed they encounter wouldn't work. So, what they did is take a strategic form of attack and will infiltrate the seeds at it's source.
This could explain the various markings found in the mv; the numbers, the letters, the lines, scribbles and many more. I believe this is them taking the said strategic form of attack. Analyzing each and every part of their plan to ensure that, this time, it'll be a success.
The fact that the screen has this table divided into four columns, I'd say this is to organize their plan better.
Another part that caught my attention during this timestap is the part where Chaco sang "But I'll believe in my charcoal.", but in the mv, it showed "But in my charcoal I'll believe.".
The difference between the two sentences can easily be overlooked, but it's the nuance between the two what makes it interesting.
"But I'll believe in my charcoal." is in present continuous, (also known as present progressive) tense, meaning that he is indeed believing in his charcoal (or himself) and will proceed to do such even in the near or far future.
(While "am/is/are + verb-ing" is the formula for present continuous, I believe this sentence will still be a part of this given it's intention and the way the lyrics flow. Let's say he's already believing in himself, but here, he's stating that we will still believe in his charcoal for a lot more time to come.)
This also feels like as though he was trying to re-assure himself, that despite whatever doubts he is having, he will believe in his charcoal, he will believe in himself.
"But in my charcoal I'll believe." is clearly in future tense, the intention being he has yet to believe in his charcoal, in himself.
Here, it's like he's trying to urge himself, or even convince himself that, in the near future, he will learn how to believe in himself.
(I'd say the first line came from the first timeline, and the second line come from the second timeline.)
Because, like I said, the seeds are trying to take control over his entire body, how can he really believe in himself when he can't even be sure whether or not he's in control of his own body? This is actually shown throughout the mv where the graffiti (their true selves) is slowly being covered up by the neon lights (the seeds).
This may be why he rebels.
You see, the usage of skateboards is another interesting thing to look at.
Every skateboarder would say that skate boarding feels very rewarding to them. On a personal level, all skateboarders have one attitude in common: they don't fail then give up. They fail until they succeed. Linky.Innvation.
This is why in some cases, people see is as the ups and downs of some emotional situation or relationship. And why we have the saying "skating through life", it is often referred as a cop-out way to live; avoiding the difficult things to get through in life. While this is saying is commonly reserved for the lazy, I believe Chaco would like to escape this pain he's been feeling to overcome every difficultly just so he can finally breathe and be as authentic as he'd like to be, despite knowing that he probably can't.
c.) Lyric Analysis.
"I knew the field would suit you, bloom as you please, astralagus, no no no."
"Up up up I don't wanna hear any of that Clap Clap Clap relaying messages, come on. The audience cheers in our recognition."
"But I'll believe, yet even so, I can't help but fool myself. See, it'll never turn white, this charcoal."
"Like the first snow or a cotton wool, I'll never be as good as you. Cover myself in ashes so that I can say I am me. Oath to you."
"It's all the same in someone else's eyes. I'm building up walls of my own. Break it all down, think about it, go beyond."
"Overcome. Wearing a robe of light. Let all emotions, as gray as they are. Rushed by the heat. Heyday, Heyday, Heyday, Heyday, running away."
What's quite heartbreaking is the use of the flower "Astralagus" which means "Your presence softens my pain. What kind of pain you may ask? Not knowing whether or not the person everyone is cheering for is you, or if this is even you and not some evil. But are you even better?
Or, whether or not you are worthy of being here in the first place when everyone can be their authentic selves but you just can't?
How everything sees ok with everyone else but here you are... desperately trying to make yourself worthy, building up walls to keep up with this façade, trying to be as carefree as you can because there's a possibility that one wrong move will expose all of you. And how the judgement will be so tricky given that you are standing on the cusp of good and evil; the two being on either side of the same coin.
But as Chaco tries to overcome such, he will be greeted by the comforting light of the sun, where he can finally let go and feel every "worthless" emotion that has been pent up for so long.
And he will finally hit that peak in his life that he had been running away from because he was scared.
But not anymore. He can finally be his true self, without having to fear about making the same mistakes.
"The knights ask for nothing in return for their love."
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manytoonepoet13 · 15 days
You can't call cannibalism an inhuman act. After all, you are what you eat.
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manytoonepoet13 · 17 days
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Viltsum didn't want Malletsum to be the star of the show so he also broke into a tsum tap dance 😭😭😭
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So Vil tells Epel to dance with his Viltsum, Sebek asks to dance with Malletsum because he didn't want Viltsum to one-up it, and it became a wholeass dance party. Idia is stressed out from what's suddenly happening, but Ortho thought it was fun and tried to convicne Idiatsum to dance with him too.
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manytoonepoet13 · 18 days
a little about Ratio and hugs
You and Ratio are either at opposite ends of the room or pressed close to each other. It depends on his mood, but he prefers it when you are next to him.
His favorite position is when you lay your head on his chest or neck while Veritas himself lies on his back. This gives him freedom of action, for example, he can hold a book in one hand while the other strokes your hair and back, or leave a couple of kisses on the top of your head. After a hard day, he prefers to lie on top of you. This time Veritas will bury his face in your chest or neck while his arms wrap around your waist. In extreme cases, he will lie on his side so as not to crush you.
Veritas hates it when you both are interrupted during a session, especially if you accidentally fall asleep. With pain in his heart, he will have to watch as you fall back onto the bed and hug a pillow or toy. And his jealousy over this thing is all too obvious. Unfortunately the caller will have to deal with Veritas' passive aggressive tone.
If you want to sit on his lap while he is busy checking tests or documents, then Ratio will gladly let you, he can easily work with one hand, but you better not distract him, no matter how much he likes it. It would be terrible if he made a mistake and you had to pay for it. (mostly in a good way)
The Ratio is very warm, it acts as an additional source of heat during cold evenings. He himself is not very sensitive to cold, so he can easily sleep without a blanket. If you're cold, Ratio will simply wrap you in a blanket and hug you to share his warmth.
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manytoonepoet13 · 19 days
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I really enjoy ratio’s hair but just in these images where I feel it looks the most ‘correct’. A lot of the characters got the typical cropped or layered hairstyles but he’s just got these, what I would describe as, long luscious locks that are wonderfully wavy. And it’s got a certain roundness and poofiness to it that unfortunately doesn’t seem to always make it into official art. Anyway this has been a ratio appreciation post
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manytoonepoet13 · 20 days
So gracefully those song birds sing In the sultry temp'rate sky Like a blossom so too blooms spring Bringing tears to eyes once dry Couples gather out near the pond Rabbits now are in full view Flowers open to make hearts fond And the world begins anew Between two deaths Flora is confined One of frost and one of heat Mellow weather brings peace of mind Ever since the snow's defeat Grateful are we for this reprieve Now that old man winter's spurned Though weeks we'll again grieve When with summertime we're burned
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manytoonepoet13 · 22 days
"Tale As Old As... Now."
A timeless beauty stood out amongst the antiques that seemingly came from tales of old. His eyes were reminiscent of the finest of rubies, and his gaze spoke classic poetry from the days of yore.
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manytoonepoet13 · 22 days
Fragaria Memories - Your Melody Song Analysis Essay.
"It is at his most vulnerable, where the knight shall be at his strongest."
Collab with @chamalam0726
Read for more insights: Fragaria Memories - Ever Red Visual Analysis Essay. Poem inspired by this analysis: Your Melody – "Tell Me, My Dearest."
(Duration of analysis: February 2024 to May 2024.)
1.) Visuals. a.) Cover - album.
Hallritt - Notice how he has his hand curled up in a fist. Usually, this means that he's tense, having to use his strength to clench his fist. He's tense from all the harsh memories, from the harsh truth, it made him hard, cold, concealed, in comparison to the usual Hallritt. He's serious, not as bright and fun fun like usual - now have lost the purity he once possessed.
Merold - Notice the ribbon in between his middle and index, it's as if he's mimicking a pair of scissors, releasing himself from the bondage of fragmented memories and the vague, incomplete truth. And with that, he, too, has released Hallritt, now having someone to share this with, someone who will stand by his side. Like I said, releasing themselves from the bondage of the past and acknowledging their scars to acknowledge the truth and what's righteous.
"Hallritt's bouquet is the only bouquet that does not contain a ribbon. This could signify that the flowers in the bouquet are memories and that the ribbons represent what's restraining the characters from remembering the memories. Knowing Hallritt is the only one that remembers, it makes sense for his bouquet to not have a ribbon." - @ c h a m a l a m.
"So you see how Merold is holding the ribbon with his hands shaped like scissors and remembers how you told me that Merold was the first person Hallritt told him. To me, it seems as if he's now cutting the ties of what's restraining him from remembering - or the ribbons." - @ c h a m a l a m.
Rimicha - Notice how his hand is slightly hidden under the flower's petals, yet still open, holding the bouquet so delicately, as if relishing in the joy (what sunflowers usually mean) in being blind and innocent as a child. I believe that with this song, it made him more open to the truth, more willing to let go of the momentarily happiness for the sake of a much greater, ever lasting one. One that'll save the entire fragaria world. It may seem like a small sacrifice, but for Rimicha? I believe it meant everything to him, not because it's his duty as a knight, or because it's for his friends, but because it's something so personal to him. Rimicha is all for fun, for joy, and to have that taken away from him... must be hard, yet he knows it's for the best.
b.) Music Video's key elements.
Based on the video's visuals, I can create a hypothesis where this song talks about Merold casually enjoying this "peaceful" life he currently has in this timeline and based on the flowers I can identify; Sunflowers and roses means happiness, loyalty, adoration and love, royalty, beauty. sensuality, mysticism and secrecy. What is interesting about the last two: Mysticism and secrecy is that I can infer that he (Merold) feels like this "peaceful life" is an illusion, this is why I believe the corners were blurred in some scenes, and why they're situated in this luxurious mansion, He, or even majority of the knights, are fixated on this illusion.
But then again, Merold feels like something is missing, like a broken mirror showing every part of you but one specific and most important part: His memories. I feel like this song is about him talking and relearning about these "missing parts" of him that he can no longer remember, and how it affects him and how he views happiness, love, and passion he had for the world and for his friends.
There might even be purity mixed in with the love and passion Hallritt has for the world and his friends relating to the reoccurring line "The knights ask for nothing in return for their love.", Hallritt's purity and innocence mixed in with the love and passion he's feeling has caused this predicament they were once and currently in. Losing their precious memories of each other and the most important part of one's self because of him.
I believe this is Merold's awakening moment, where he'll finally remember everything that has happened in the past and would like to reconcile (-with Hallritt).
This relates to my and my best friend's reconciliation theory.
"Take it this way, we got into a big fight, I got amnesia, I no longer remember you and bestfriend J, but as I got reintroduced to more memories (Hallritt telling Merold), I start to remember more. And because I remember more, it makes me cherish the memories we once had, so it pushes me to want to reconcile. Simply because I want to experience more of those memories." - @ c h a m a l a m.
"Your Melody" or "Hallritt's Melody" rather, is what made Merold open his eyes to the truth, and how the truth feels like a paradox to him. How it'll be bad if he doesn't know the truth, but then again, there's nothing wrong with knowing it, maybe it's even for the better.
And now he's just listening to Hallritt's Melody as he takes this next step with him.
2.) Soundtrack. a. Instrumentals.
One thing I would really like to point out is the clock ticking sound at the beginning and end of the song which will most probably relate to my time loop theory. Though, I'll assume that because of the seed's corruption, not only did it erase everyone's memories, but it also disrupted time itself, therefore creating this time loop only Hallritt can know and understand.
3.) Lyrics.
"If you even brush against me, I'll melt into a slumber."
Complacency - Them falling and fixating on this illusion of a life that they have, being caught up in this bliss that they feel peaceful and comfortable enough to fall into this slumber.
"The fairytale of that day you told me about... The pleasantly soft and and sweet whispers, Just listen to them carefully, don't get flustered now."
Hallritt telling Merold about that day, when everything went wrong, what happened in the past. Allowing Merold to recall those memories.
"It's ok to deceive with an outright lie... because within it lingers a quiet love."
Talking about this seemingly peaceful and perfect life and how it is probably better to stay within this illusion, for the sake of everyone's safety.
"That MELODY of a season that has passed is our promise, so don't cry. The ending to that story was that I truly was happy being YOUR MELODY. The MELODY of a voice that you approached me with. If I were to ever stain your smile, then I would do away with this heart of mine.
This is where Merold is starting to remember more, wanting to reconcile because he wants to maintain this friendship he once cherish and will cherish and create more memories with him.
He doesn't want to hurt Hallritt's feelings even more, so, he does away from his past actions, and ultimately chose to reconcile with Hallritt.
"The signals from our talks that made my heart flutter... are now sinking down my ordinary wish to the bottom."
That "ordinary wish" being the want to continue this "peaceful life" that he has, but the more he and Hallritt are talking, he realizes just how this can be incredibly crucial to their story.
"As if two hearts laid atop each other's... may we be connected by their singular rhythm."
This gives me the impression that since the both of them now knows that there is more to this than this illusion of a life, they are now connected by their "singular rhythm", this newfound goal of theirs.
"Let me fill your gaze with bouquets of flowers blanketing the horizon. All those fragmented things are intensifying our MELODY. Come, let's turn the timidity into joy and dance to your MELODY in the scores. The MELODY of your voice that I want to remain beside, what if... If you want to cloud over the future, if it is sadness that you want to echo... then please let me play it from here."
"Song wise, the last words have a build up (Let me fill your gaze...). Since we correlated the memories as the flowers, "Let me fill your gaze with bouquets of flowers blanketing the horizon." to me is how the truth/memories are all coming clear now. Because there's a buildup in the notes, it makes me think that this is where things start to happen.
"Let me fill your gaze" suggests that the memories shouldn't be hindered from anyone as those memories rightfully belong to them. I think this also correlates with reconciliation being truthful is also considered as a form of that." - @ c h a m a l a m.
(Eyes has been used as a metaphor more often than not in Fragaria.)
I feel like there is some sort of limitation within that line, solely focusing on the "your" person (Hallritt) they're talking to.
So it's like "I did this to you, so whatever I will do, is for your eyes and your eyes only because this is between us two."
"Even with this fragile heart, above all else, you are my dearest. (Tell me, tell me why.) These overflowing feelings are a MELODY for you. (Tell me, tell me why.)"
For so long, he has uphold this strong knightly image, probably in an attempt to hide this fragile heart of his as well as to protect all of those who are dear to him, because despite how these feelings overflow, it is still for them, for you.
4.) Symbolisms.
(Just to elaborate certain visual elements.)
1.) Mirrors with flowers - Along with the clock ticking sound, there are also these flowers that came along each beat. Since we made a connection between the flowers and memories, I would also like to point out how these flowers may also symbolize their emotions that are being held back, inside the mirror.
2.) Merold in the broken mirror - Relating to what I noted prior, this also applies to this scene but with Merold instead of flowers. I would also like to note how Merold had his eyes closed when he was both in the meadow and in the broken mirror but then opened his eyes afterwards with a smile.
That's because he was truly happy now that the truth is out.
He is finally free.
3.) Feathers - "Across time and cultures, feathers have symbolized ascension, enlightenment, and spiritual evolution." charlesmcquillen.com.
I love how this choice of transition happened after they have the truth, therefore being enlightened and set free from this illusion, that's why it finished off with the three of them being in a meadow rather than being in that luxurious mansion they were in.
Now, they are reunited with their truest of emotions and memories, as they stand happily in the flower field.
4.) "Movie" Frame - My other best friend (bestfriend J) pointed out that the frames throughout the entire mv is reminiscent of those vintage movies, which was further proven by the grainy texture and vintage feel of the final scene.
This may relate to what I have pointed out in my Ever Red Analysis Essay as well, where it talks about how the mv is reminiscent of a videotape and that Hallritt was holding the camera (more on that in the Ever Red post).
These kinds of things stretch out even towards Blue Bouquet.
This relates to the reoccurring line in Ever Red "Live in Memories", because they are quite literally living in memories.
It is with these little recorded fragments of their memories can they actually learn their and live as their true selves if they want to save this world (and escape this time loop).
But until then, when the clock strikes, may it strike thrice.
"The knights ask for nothing in return for their love."
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manytoonepoet13 · 24 days
love your fragaria memories posts!!! its nice to see other theorists have similar ideas to mine (so maybe im not crazy 😭)
Oh my goodness, thank you!!! I love yours as well, especially your fusion theory, maybe we can work on something together someday? (Don't worry, if you are crazy, we can be crazy in our little corner of the Fragaria fandom together.)
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manytoonepoet13 · 25 days
Fragaria Memories - Your Melody Song Analysis Essay.
"It is at his most vulnerable, where the knight shall be at his strongest."
Collab with @chamalam0726
Read for more insights: Fragaria Memories - Ever Red Visual Analysis Essay. Poem inspired by this analysis: Your Melody – "Tell Me, My Dearest."
(Duration of analysis: February 2024 to May 2024.)
1.) Visuals. a.) Cover - album.
Hallritt - Notice how he has his hand curled up in a fist. Usually, this means that he's tense, having to use his strength to clench his fist. He's tense from all the harsh memories, from the harsh truth, it made him hard, cold, concealed, in comparison to the usual Hallritt. He's serious, not as bright and fun fun like usual - now have lost the purity he once possessed.
Merold - Notice the ribbon in between his middle and index, it's as if he's mimicking a pair of scissors, releasing himself from the bondage of fragmented memories and the vague, incomplete truth. And with that, he, too, has released Hallritt, now having someone to share this with, someone who will stand by his side. Like I said, releasing themselves from the bondage of the past and acknowledging their scars to acknowledge the truth and what's righteous.
"Hallritt's bouquet is the only bouquet that does not contain a ribbon. This could signify that the flowers in the bouquet are memories and that the ribbons represent what's restraining the characters from remembering the memories. Knowing Hallritt is the only one that remembers, it makes sense for his bouquet to not have a ribbon." - @ c h a m a l a m.
"So you see how Merold is holding the ribbon with his hands shaped like scissors and remembers how you told me that Merold was the first person Hallritt told him. To me, it seems as if he's now cutting the ties of what's restraining him from remembering - or the ribbons." - @ c h a m a l a m.
Rimicha - Notice how his hand is slightly hidden under the flower's petals, yet still open, holding the bouquet so delicately, as if relishing in the joy (what sunflowers usually mean) in being blind and innocent as a child. I believe that with this song, it made him more open to the truth, more willing to let go of the momentarily happiness for the sake of a much greater, ever lasting one. One that'll save the entire fragaria world. It may seem like a small sacrifice, but for Rimicha? I believe it meant everything to him, not because it's his duty as a knight, or because it's for his friends, but because it's something so personal to him. Rimicha is all for fun, for joy, and to have that taken away from him... must be hard, yet he knows it's for the best.
b.) Music Video's key elements.
Based on the video's visuals, I can create a hypothesis where this song talks about Merold casually enjoying this "peaceful" life he currently has in this timeline and based on the flowers I can identify; Sunflowers and roses means happiness, loyalty, adoration and love, royalty, beauty. sensuality, mysticism and secrecy. What is interesting about the last two: Mysticism and secrecy is that I can infer that he (Merold) feels like this "peaceful life" is an illusion, this is why I believe the corners were blurred in some scenes, and why they're situated in this luxurious mansion, He, or even majority of the knights, are fixated on this illusion.
But then again, Merold feels like something is missing, like a broken mirror showing every part of you but one specific and most important part: His memories. I feel like this song is about him talking and relearning about these "missing parts" of him that he can no longer remember, and how it affects him and how he views happiness, love, and passion he had for the world and for his friends.
There might even be purity mixed in with the love and passion Hallritt has for the world and his friends relating to the reoccurring line "The knights ask for nothing in return for their love.", Hallritt's purity and innocence mixed in with the love and passion he's feeling has caused this predicament they were once and currently in. Losing their precious memories of each other and the most important part of one's self because of him.
I believe this is Merold's awakening moment, where he'll finally remember everything that has happened in the past and would like to reconcile (-with Hallritt).
This relates to my and my best friend's reconciliation theory.
"Take it this way, we got into a big fight, I got amnesia, I no longer remember you and bestfriend J, but as I got reintroduced to more memories (Hallritt telling Merold), I start to remember more. And because I remember more, it makes me cherish the memories we once had, so it pushes me to want to reconcile. Simply because I want to experience more of those memories." - @ c h a m a l a m.
"Your Melody" or "Hallritt's Melody" rather, is what made Merold open his eyes to the truth, and how the truth feels like a paradox to him. How it'll be bad if he doesn't know the truth, but then again, there's nothing wrong with knowing it, maybe it's even for the better.
And now he's just listening to Hallritt's Melody as he takes this next step with him.
2.) Soundtrack. a. Instrumentals.
One thing I would really like to point out is the clock ticking sound at the beginning and end of the song which will most probably relate to my time loop theory. Though, I'll assume that because of the seed's corruption, not only did it erase everyone's memories, but it also disrupted time itself, therefore creating this time loop only Hallritt can know and understand.
3.) Lyrics.
"If you even brush against me, I'll melt into a slumber."
Complacency - Them falling and fixating on this illusion of a life that they have, being caught up in this bliss that they feel peaceful and comfortable enough to fall into this slumber.
"The fairytale of that day you told me about... The pleasantly soft and and sweet whispers, Just listen to them carefully, don't get flustered now."
Hallritt telling Merold about that day, when everything went wrong, what happened in the past. Allowing Merold to recall those memories.
"It's ok to deceive with an outright lie... because within it lingers a quiet love."
Talking about this seemingly peaceful and perfect life and how it is probably better to stay within this illusion, for the sake of everyone's safety.
"That MELODY of a season that has passed is our promise, so don't cry. The ending to that story was that I truly was happy being YOUR MELODY. The MELODY of a voice that you approached me with. If I were to ever stain your smile, then I would do away with this heart of mine.
This is where Merold is starting to remember more, wanting to reconcile because he wants to maintain this friendship he once cherish and will cherish and create more memories with him.
He doesn't want to hurt Hallritt's feelings even more, so, he does away from his past actions, and ultimately chose to reconcile with Hallritt.
"The signals from our talks that made my heart flutter... are now sinking down my ordinary wish to the bottom."
That "ordinary wish" being the want to continue this "peaceful life" that he has, but the more he and Hallritt are talking, he realizes just how this can be incredibly crucial to their story.
"As if two hearts laid atop each other's... may we be connected by their singular rhythm."
This gives me the impression that since the both of them now knows that there is more to this than this illusion of a life, they are now connected by their "singular rhythm", this newfound goal of theirs.
"Let me fill your gaze with bouquets of flowers blanketing the horizon. All those fragmented things are intensifying our MELODY. Come, let's turn the timidity into joy and dance to your MELODY in the scores. The MELODY of your voice that I want to remain beside, what if... If you want to cloud over the future, if it is sadness that you want to echo... then please let me play it from here."
"Song wise, the last words have a build up (Let me fill your gaze...). Since we correlated the memories as the flowers, "Let me fill your gaze with bouquets of flowers blanketing the horizon." to me is how the truth/memories are all coming clear now. Because there's a buildup in the notes, it makes me think that this is where things start to happen.
"Let me fill your gaze" suggests that the memories shouldn't be hindered from anyone as those memories rightfully belong to them. I think this also correlates with reconciliation being truthful is also considered as a form of that." - @ c h a m a l a m.
(Eyes has been used as a metaphor more often than not in Fragaria.)
I feel like there is some sort of limitation within that line, solely focusing on the "your" person (Hallritt) they're talking to.
So it's like "I did this to you, so whatever I will do, is for your eyes and your eyes only because this is between us two."
"Even with this fragile heart, above all else, you are my dearest. (Tell me, tell me why.) These overflowing feelings are a MELODY for you. (Tell me, tell me why.)"
For so long, he has uphold this strong knightly image, probably in an attempt to hide this fragile heart of his as well as to protect all of those who are dear to him, because despite how these feelings overflow, it is still for them, for you.
4.) Symbolisms.
(Just to elaborate certain visual elements.)
1.) Mirrors with flowers - Along with the clock ticking sound, there are also these flowers that came along each beat. Since we made a connection between the flowers and memories, I would also like to point out how these flowers may also symbolize their emotions that are being held back, inside the mirror.
2.) Merold in the broken mirror - Relating to what I noted prior, this also applies to this scene but with Merold instead of flowers. I would also like to note how Merold had his eyes closed when he was both in the meadow and in the broken mirror but then opened his eyes afterwards with a smile.
That's because he was truly happy now that the truth is out.
He is finally free.
3.) Feathers - "Across time and cultures, feathers have symbolized ascension, enlightenment, and spiritual evolution." charlesmcquillen.com.
I love how this choice of transition happened after they have the truth, therefore being enlightened and set free from this illusion, that's why it finished off with the three of them being in a meadow rather than being in that luxurious mansion they were in.
Now, they are reunited with their truest of emotions and memories, as they stand happily in the flower field.
4.) "Movie" Frame - My other best friend (bestfriend J) pointed out that the frames throughout the entire mv is reminiscent of those vintage movies, which was further proven by the grainy texture and vintage feel of the final scene.
This may relate to what I have pointed out in my Ever Red Analysis Essay as well, where it talks about how the mv is reminiscent of a videotape and that Hallritt was holding the camera (more on that in the Ever Red post).
These kinds of things stretch out even towards Blue Bouquet.
This relates to the reoccurring line in Ever Red "Live in Memories", because they are quite literally living in memories.
It is with these little recorded fragments of their memories can they actually learn their and live as their true selves if they want to save this world (and escape this time loop).
But until then, when the clock strikes, may it strike thrice.
"The knights ask for nothing in return for their love."
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manytoonepoet13 · 29 days
Your Melody – "Tell me, my dearest."
Cover me with feathers and petals,
And let me drown in your melody.
Fill me with it's music as I play the sorrows from afar.
Tainted as it may be,
Your smile shouldn't be stained with tears.
Tell me,
Tell me why,
Never have I been so overwhelmed.
But I shall break free from the ribbon's hold,
And make everything right in the meadow of true freedom.
Devoid of the delusion we were once filled with.
Instead, gazing at the horizon with the melody playing for my dearest.
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manytoonepoet13 · 1 month
(Overblot) Riddle Rosehearts – Crimson Lies
When your wrath painted you a deep crimson,
Did you feel as dead as black?
Like how the petals of sadness and betrayal presents itself.
Once it was known as the flower of beauty and honor,
Yet it was the same one who held the blood covered knife, which to everyone's horror.
A name ever so true,
The kind of name that perfectly fits you.
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manytoonepoet13 · 1 month
"May the Clock Strike Thrice."
Legends and myths were told upon the clouds above.
Standing still despite the passage of time.
Always staying in the present.
In the present it always stayed.
I'll stay when present comes.
Once the clock strikes you present.
May it strike thrice.
The novelist may revive.
The poet may reconsider.
The knights may remember.
The genius died.
"May the clock strike thrice."
(Third Timeline Theory. Or at least giving emphasis to the number three.)
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manytoonepoet13 · 1 month
Tears unshed.
Hair unkept.
Rolling around the dimly lit sheet.
Wishes of love left untold.
Close your eyes.
Finally, we're together.
Hold me close, hold me tight.
Fall asleep like this forever.
Then wake up to life.
Knowing you're happy when you die.
But keep it a secret.
Desperation doesn't look good on you.
One hour.
One day.
If only it could happen.
Truly, I mean it.
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manytoonepoet13 · 1 month
Dearly Beloved.
Bruised and battered lips.
Pulling out the skin.
Something one wouldn't kiss.
Yet you did.
All while saying "I do".
And I knew you meant it.
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manytoonepoet13 · 1 month
Izumi Sena – Lingering in My Mind.
Eyes so blue.
Two pools.
So deep.
Holding an incandescent glow.
Calm, mysterious.
Yet also wild, and destructive.
She looked into his eyes and envisioned the sky becoming one with the sea.
She held his gaze for so long that she became lost in them.
And before she knew it, she fell.
And falling for him was like diving into the ocean and drowning within his gaze.
Sinking deeper every time their eyes meet.
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manytoonepoet13 · 1 month
Azul Ashengrotto – Poetic Confession.
Greed, envy, jealousy, insecurity? Those are the emotions I feel whenever I feel threatened. Those very emotions that have became my prime since you've entered my life. A life that wanted me out, wanted me away. Yet you have this magnetic pull that just draws me near you, and for the first time, somehow....life wanted me to be...a part of something. One look into your eyes and I found myself drowning within the deepest depths of sea. Greeted with every single monster lurking down there. And yet... there's you... The holder of the sea itself that carries both beauty and tragedy within it's gaze. Yet somehow you still shined like how the sun does when it hit the waves. You were nowhere near perfect but for me you are. Two broken souls united as one to create a perfect whole. Lost souls who have lingered in this world alone for far too long, manages to find one another, and being able to call themselves complete. That is how I love, how I love you. You...and only you.
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