martinamaccianti · 1 month
Per leggere il resto delle note visita https://martinamaccianti.substack.com/
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martinamaccianti · 1 month
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martinamaccianti · 3 months
La creazione di una lingua nuova rappresenta un passaggio che va al di là della manipolazione di parole, suoni, simboli, ma è un atto di world-building che mette in luce la nostra aspirazione di oltrepassare i confini e sfidare l’ignoto.
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martinamaccianti · 4 months
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martinamaccianti · 4 months
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martinamaccianti · 4 years
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An ongoing project with the chemist Laura Tripaldi between art, science and theory centered around our shared experience of plastic, here: https://plutonicsjournal.com/volume-xiii/
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martinamaccianti · 4 years
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[...] unconsciously drawn to the liquid, shapeless sensation of something that could welcome us and completely envelop us.
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martinamaccianti · 4 years
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Research continues: a body made of plastic and energy.
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martinamaccianti · 4 years
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[...] providing a low-intensity sexual arousal that is always at hand and spread over time; simple, easy, readily available and totally unconscious, it does not require any intellectual effort or imagination, providing a sort of exciting, tingling sensation that emerges spontaneously.
“Is beauty an experience of death, or near-death? " (Timothy Morton, Realist Magic - Objects, Ontology, Casuality)
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martinamaccianti · 5 years
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COLLASSO/Mutation Habitat 
(sound design: Tommaso Di Tommaso and Alessandro Iacopini)
in “Signal” at Spazio Fico, Milano (MI), Italy - 2019
COLLASSO/Mutation Habitat is one of the projects developed within the ‘Multiversi’ imagery; wants to represent the mirror of a reality in which the cities, the communities within them, are built according to the nature that surrounds them, creating an osmosis between the two, in which the collapse of one is closely linked to the collapse of the another, an organic, inevitable bond. You can never talk about the problems of one without considering the other. At this point, while the environmental aspect remains central, we will have to talk about it including everything that concerns the community and the society that has been created around us, and consequently all the choices, the answers, the actions of these. Mutation Habitat is the representation of the exact moment in which the community, the society, conscientiously (an unconscious death drive) lit the first flame that has definitively compromised the surrounding environment, and consequently them. What Nick Land (Meltdown - 1994, Fanged Noumena) called "the definitive death by heat of the universe". The installation focuses on an almost glacial imaginary; as has been amply demonstrated thanks to recent studies on climate, due to pollution, and the consequent and dizzying climate change, exponentially increasingly hot years are expected to then reach an almost glacial state. 
The end that begins. 
A last refuge.
An icy, neutral, equal place.
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martinamaccianti · 5 years
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MULTIVERSI x INTEGALACTIC Contemporary Cluster, Via Dei Barbieri 7, Rome (RM) Italy
(installation view)
“Futuro Liquido”, being always within the broader imaginary ‘Multiversi’, is a sort of prelude to the entire project. For Bauman we are in the world of the transient, of alienating cities, of fragile ties, of anxiety, of the tragic crisis of values. We are in a society that escapes, constantly changing, changing. Within this project, in analogy with these reflections, from a sensorial point of view, we arrive at a new, fluid and transparent reality, suspended between the eternal and the ephemeral, between the tangible and the transcendent, but unlike of the negative vision of Bauman, this liquidity is perhaps what will keep us afloat, no longer responding to imposed and rigid canons, but being totally free in forms and substances. sound design by: Tommaso Di Tommaso e Alessandro Iacopini
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martinamaccianti · 5 years
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Futuro Liquido (Multiversi)
The imagery of 'Futuro Liquido' takes up space in everyday spaces. A manifesto. A perpetual battle. A social movement.
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martinamaccianti · 5 years
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The objects that make up the imagination of the Multiversi project refer to the idea of ​​a portal, a 'gate', a transition to something else. Those almost tends to give the impression of a sticky slime that could engulf you: frightening but at the same time pushing you to touch; deforming and reflecting reality: it distorts, liquefies, deforms it in front of you; everything that was previously safe, defined, constructed suddenly becomes liquid, formless.
Within the imaginary of "Multiversi" there are several projects including: Futuro Liquido, COLLASSO/Mutation Habitat ... and others in the making.
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martinamaccianti · 6 years
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Outdoor studies for the development of Mutation Habitat/COLLASSO. (2018)
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martinamaccianti · 6 years
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Detail of the outdoor studies for the elaboration of Mutation Habitat/COLLASSO.  (2017/18)
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martinamaccianti · 6 years
"Abbiamo bisogno di nuove possibilità concrete di percepire e agire, senza i paraocchi delle identità naturalizzate. In nome del femminismo, la “Natura” non sarà più un ricettacolo di ingiustizie o la base per qualsiasi tipo di giustificazione politica" (Manifesto a cura di Lab Cuboniks dal titolo ‘Xenofemminismo. Una politica per l’alienazione.’)   Noi vogliamo i nostri sogni di dissoluzione cosmica, vogliamo la nostra dimensione trascendentale. Tenetevi i vostri sogni della matrice; il vostro desiderio di morte non è il nostro desiderio di morte, quindi sarà meglio che ci diate il tempo e lo spazio di sviluppare ed esprimere i nostri desideri, o altrimenti ci arrabbiamo davvero. La rabbia ci spingerà a punirvi decidendo di incarnare, nella nostra vita reale di tutti i giorni, i vostri fantasmi più terrificanti di quanto, quanto le donne possano essere cattive. Ecco come il mondo finirà, cari amanti postmoderni e soprattutto post-modem, non con un boato ma col suono gracchiante d’insetti che si arrampicano sul muro. I ragni dalle zampe lunghe del nostro scontento. […] Ci manca il sublime, mentre precipitiamo a capofitto nel ridicolo. Eppure il mondo finirà, cari amici post-Zarathustra. Si consumerà come un’email scaduta.
“Per una politica affermativa”; Rosi Braidotti
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martinamaccianti · 6 years
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my 3D work for KILBOURNE music and my collaboration with KILBOURNE for the cover of her album EVNIKA https://meta4recordings.bandcamp.com/album/evnika
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