masodemic · 6 days
I love this character design omg
Tim looks like he's about to go to an Ivy League reunion lunch with pinstripe trousers and leather oxford
Jason giving off duty English teacher vibe with the sneakers and shirt-short combo
Meanwhile Dick is fully beach mode with that romper like he's about to join some half naked hotties in a game of volleyball
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They’re meeting Bruce and Damian at the boardwalk
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masodemic · 8 days
Grumpy bird
Just wanted to say thank you guys for all the support <3 you guys are literally so kind, and i love posting on here :] anyways !! today, i have some grouchy tim !
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masodemic · 9 days
I was laughing until Bruce sent Tim on a natural retreat with BoyScouts. Then I felt an abstract horror.
Bruce would have interesting ways to discipline his kids.
Bruce: Listen to me, Damian! You can not steal my car and drive across country to visit Jon.
Damian: Then why do I know how to drive! And my mommy says I can! You don't own me!
Bruce: Young man, when you are under my roof you will follow my-
Damian: No I don't.
Bruce: If that's how it's gonna be. *Draws a circle around Damian* Stay there for five minutes.
Damian: D-d-d-daddy?
Dick: *swinging from the chandelier that has been pass down in Bruce's family for generations* I'm gonna swing from the chan-
Bruce: Get down here this instant!
Dick: I'm not doing anything.
Bruce: Richard Grayson
Dick: You're not my dad!
Bruce: *brings out a bag of m&ms*
Dick: What are you doing? Those are mine?
Bruce: *opens it slowly*
Dick: Bruce?
Bruce:*eats one*
Dick: STOP, I'm coming down. Don't eat them!
Jason: You can't make me. I'm not going to the party.
Bruce: *head vein throbbing* This is important. You can't skip this event.
Jason: *shrugs* You'll have to carry me.
Bruce: *takes a deep breath and walks away*
Jason: ahah, baby.
Bruce: *comes back with a bottle of castor oil and a spoon*
Jason: You sick sick man. Fine I'll go.
Bruce: Tim you disappoint me.
Tim: I didn't think it would blow up the Batcave. Or make mustard gas. Or create a sinkhole.
Bruce: *sighs* I have no choice. You going on a nature retreat.
Tim: Bruce!
Bruce: Over two weekends. With the Boy Scouts.
Tim: *tears glisten in his eyes* Bruce...
Bruce: As a junior member.
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Alfred: Right! That's it, Master Bruce. *Pours a spoon of castor oil8
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masodemic · 15 days
I'm pretty sure this is called intuition
Also makes up half the plot of Death Note
Dc head cannon: Tim has meta human ability to know things without any real clues or reasons. the problem is that if he doesn't get any evidence to back up what he knows his metahuman power becomes a cassandra curse when he tells people.
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masodemic · 2 months
He is so important to me
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CHRISTIAN BALE as Arthur Stuart in VELVET GOLDMINE (1998) dir. Todd Haynes
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masodemic · 3 months
Mononoke Zine Interest Check
If you're interested in a Mononoke Zine, we'd really appreciate it if you could fill in this interest check! We'll be using the results to determine if the project will go ahead at all, and if it will be physical or digital.
Thank you!
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masodemic · 3 months
How would you describe Dick and Bruce’s relationship in your canon?
it’s 2am and ur POV is sitting in your car parked in a burger king parking lot trying to out-eat the oncoming hangover. you look to your left at the nightclub across the street as a middle aged father hauls his 18 year old daughter out. she’s a drunken mess, cursing at him while throwing a sloppy punch and trying to keep her boob from falling out of her shirt. he’s yelling at her. she starts screaming so much she throws up on her dad and now he’s patting her back and holding the hair out her face. she starts to cry, he starts to cry. now they’re both bawling and hugging in the middle of the street. the bouncer awkwardly looks away. you look down at your half-eaten burger and wonder if you should call your mom
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masodemic · 3 months
Mello: can't we just kill light yagami
L: ay ay more passion more passion more energy more footwork more evidence more evidence
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masodemic · 3 months
We were like gods at the dawning of the world, and our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but each other.
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All my life, I have been moving forward, and now I am here. I have a mortal's voice, let me have the rest.
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masodemic · 4 months
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I stan my gays
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masodemic · 4 months
Potato Tod 😭
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masodemic · 4 months
The Iliad summarized
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Or at least for the first 9 years
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masodemic · 5 months
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L and misa get drunk and throw bottles at light’s apartment window
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masodemic · 5 months
Oh my god PREACH
Mate Tod is giving so much each and every day
He can roar AND purr he makes my heart literally tremor whenever he sings
He really GETS the complexity of the character he's an idea and he comprises a lot of ideals
Mate Tod lives rent free in my head along with the rest of the Vienna Revival cast
The thing about máté tod is that he's insane he's a rockstar he's a sl*t and a literal beast,,,, but also a 19th century dandy???? Like you can see that he's made out of heinrich heine poetry juice deep down. I think the contrast makes his portrayal SO good, like when he sings softly he can croon and be soooo beguiling and pleasant (like in Elisabeth, sei nicht verzweifelt and in Mama). Like yeah actually I would trust this man with my lif- wait
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masodemic · 5 months
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princess roman deluxe I
yasuko aoike's sketches of from eroica with love and el halcón
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masodemic · 6 months
Track-dead-stoppingly gorgeous
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sanguineterrain left this tag from my previous art post about bruce being 40s heartthrob coded and they are SO right!!!!!! can't stop thinking about it!!!!!
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men don't know if they want to be him or own him
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this man is a single mother
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masodemic · 6 months
He's a sweetheart he doesn't deserve this 🥲
Monarch on the other hand definitely deserves cataclysm
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was thinking abt monarch getting cataclysm-ed
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