meeville · 19 hours
I finished it.
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How do you paint with long-handled paintbrushes. Because that’s all my art teacher has and I keep hitting myself with the handle. I’m painting a sculpture rn and it’s got all these weird crevasses, so not only am I already painting at weird angles but they have to be even weirder so that i don’t hit myself with the brush and mess up my perfectly smooth line. Idk this is just a rant post. Here’s my sculpture anyway. It’s not done yet tho.
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meeville · 2 days
Happy pride to everyone. ESPECIALLY THE HOMOPHOBES AND TRANSPHOBES. Because I really hope that everyone learns to celebrate the differences between us rather than shun us for being different. I love all you fuckers out there. Be safe and have a happy pride.
PS. Happy happy pride to my fellow aces, aros, and those of the gender fluidity. Have fun and live as spitefully as you possibly can.
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meeville · 2 days
Just another add on here. I think that onyx storm’s cover with be black and blue or purple just based on the vibes of the title. I’m probably wrong but the vibes are speaking. I guess it will most likely have gold like the other books cuz cohesiveness. And I think that the shape added to the rune on the cover will be a triangle. These are all just guesses based on vibes and vibes alone. Feel free to tell me what you think it’ll look like.
This is a theory I’ve had for I while. So in the books I always imagined runes as spirals until we got a description. Geometric shapes stacked on top of each other that get burned into things. What does that sound like to you? To me it sounds exactly like the cover of the book itself. Two geometric shapes, a square and a circle, stacked on top of each other getting burned into the cover. This is just a theory feel free to add to it or tell me how I am wrong.
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meeville · 2 days
How do you paint with long-handled paintbrushes. Because that’s all my art teacher has and I keep hitting myself with the handle. I’m painting a sculpture rn and it’s got all these weird crevasses, so not only am I already painting at weird angles but they have to be even weirder so that i don’t hit myself with the brush and mess up my perfectly smooth line. Idk this is just a rant post. Here’s my sculpture anyway. It’s not done yet tho.
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meeville · 3 days
I’ve just had an epiphany. Is the Boulder from alta supposed to be Dwane the Rock Johnson? Because if he is I think that’s beautiful. And also I feel like an idiot.
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meeville · 6 days
Could you argue that Godzilla is a Dragon? No pressure, just curious.
my hot take hardline Tolkien stance is that Godzilla is the ONLY proper dragon in all of cinema
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meeville · 30 days
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meeville · 1 month
I have been reading ACOTAR this summer in an attempt to give myself a brain break before 3L and because the books were left in my Airbnb so, ya know, free, and while I will admit my reactions have been mixed, I have many thoughts, have been entertained, and accomplished my general goal…
I desperately need to know if anyone else here on Tumblr shares one particular thought with me.
Okay I’ll set the scene:
*Gigantic Worm Appears for Feyre to Fight.*
Aramatha: *evil cackling*
The Crowd: *gasp.*
Rhyse: “I can figure out how to profit here probably. That’s a valid way of showing wifey support when she doesn’t know she’s wifey yet right?”
Feyre: *Panics and takes action. Everything is incredibly dramatic.*
Me: *to myself* “massive worm, massive worm, what’s this make me think of….”
Me: “….. Oh yeah!”
Me: *William-Mother-Fucking-Herondale Voice* “A forty foot worm?!? Think of the size of the fish we could catch!”
Anyway I’m like 3/4 through book two and am still entertained with this as a generally fun read by not taking any of it too seriously and avoiding anything resembling a ship war and now I’m considering if it’s at all possible to think up a crossover where the massive worm is Papa Lightworm.
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meeville · 2 months
Just an add on my friend said that she believes that the rune on the cover of each book is the most powerful rune in that book
This is a theory I’ve had for I while. So in the books I always imagined runes as spirals until we got a description. Geometric shapes stacked on top of each other that get burned into things. What does that sound like to you? To me it sounds exactly like the cover of the book itself. Two geometric shapes, a square and a circle, stacked on top of each other getting burned into the cover. This is just a theory feel free to add to it or tell me how I am wrong.
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meeville · 2 months
This is a theory I’ve had for I while. So in the books I always imagined runes as spirals until we got a description. Geometric shapes stacked on top of each other that get burned into things. What does that sound like to you? To me it sounds exactly like the cover of the book itself. Two geometric shapes, a square and a circle, stacked on top of each other getting burned into the cover. This is just a theory feel free to add to it or tell me how I am wrong.
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meeville · 2 months
oh my gosh preorder already starts now why so early if the book’s going to be released next year 🫠
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meeville · 3 months
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You know I will actually
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meeville · 3 months
i searched up what begins a bet? Not that on safari and saw a Reddit user talking about it, so i clicked on the link and found a theory that might actually be true
So, as the Reddit user says, phone girl mentions that what her dad had been saying while going up the stairs sounded like gibberish, and the last thing he said was “What begins a bet? Not that.” But what if she had heard him wrong? What if instead of him saying “what begins a bet”, he actually said “what begins abet.”
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So it might mean that her father was aiding another man’s crimes, maybe Tobias Hawthornes, when it maybe backfired on him?? Or maybe he was aiding a murder (or some other crime) that was so terrible that he had no choice but to end his life?? I’m not sure what the situation might be, but the word “abet” fits the narrative perfectly. And when he says “a Hawthorne did this”, it might be because he had no other choice and/or was forced to aid the crime, whatever it might be, and if he hadn’t done it he would have not had to shoot himself. (i think??) All I’m confused about though are the words “not that”, because i feel like we might need a bit more context for those. And we still have to figure out what some other things on the cover page for the grandest game are, but those are more difficult 🙄
Anyway, i would love to hear your guys’ thoughts on this theory in the replies!
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meeville · 5 months
But Rhys took Feyre's choice away in ACOSF and is as bad as Tamlin
Disclaimer - I am going to state up front SJM shouldn't have told this story through Nesta's POV. It is an incredibly complex storyline in it's own right and deserved to be told through Feyre's POV.
However, fans tend to make several claims about the story that I want to either debunk or combat. You can still hate the storyline (I hate how it was told as well) but twisting canon to suit your own narrative isn’t right.
(I am using this timeline for the series, which is the most in-depth timeline I have ever found.)
Let's begin
What actually happened in canon:
Rhys and Feyre were actively attempting to have a baby since the end of ACOFAS (December 21st). Feyre announces her pregnancy to the group 16 days into the start of ACOSF. She says she is "two months along". ACOSF is canonically 10 months after ACOFAS. Meaning Feyre and Rhys conceive Nyx in August.
31 days into ACOSF Rhys and Feyre find out via Madja Nyx has wings. Feyre would be heading into her second trimester. Rhys knows the baby wings pose a problem (as does Madja). Madja informed Feyre the birth would be "more difficult" but does not state the baby will kill her. Rhys sets out on finding a way to save Feyre and the baby.
33 days into ACOSF Rhys goes to Drakon and Miryam to ask about the wings. They give him nothing but sad looks.
40 days into ACOSF Helion visits and is asked by Rhys about the wings and says he will look into it.
43 days into ACOSF Nesta, in a fit of rage, tells Feyre her baby is going to die and kill her.
So canonically Feyre does not know for 12 days. So, around two weeks, Feyre is unaware the chances she will die in labor are incredibly heightened.
That is really important, it is not months they are keeping this from Feyre. It also doesn't seem likely Rhys or any of the IC would have let Feyre give birth without knowing what was happening. It also seems likely Rhys was pending more information from Helion who had 3 days to look into things before Nesta had her outburst.
While again it's not explicitly said I believe SJMs implication is that Rhys was exhausting all efforts prior to telling Feyre. Which is something Feyre would have done herself, since we know she wanted Nyx, and rather then let Feyre's pregnancy be ruined by fear (especially if an answer was out there) Rhys decides to take the burden on himself.
Is it necessarily right? I don't think so, but is it done to specifically control Feyre? (Like Tamlin's actions were) No. It's done because Rhys cannot bring himself to take Feyre's happiness away from her. Feyre is described as being so happy in ACOSF, she finally has everything she's ever wanted. She has her mate, her family, her home, security, and is awaiting the arrival of her baby. Feyre has her gotten her "happy ending" and who would want to take that from someone? This is something Rhys was struggling with in ACOFAS, the idea that he does not deserve to be happy with Feyre.
I hate that we get it told through Nesta and Cassian's POV, because honestly this would have been a good Feysand plotline and would have dealt with the remaining issues that were hinted at in ACOFAS.
Commonly incorrect statements by the fandom
"Rhysand forced Feyre to stay pregnant because he valued the baby's life over hers" -
This is canonically not true. Feyre is the one who wanted to get pregnant. Ignoring this is missing the point entirely, Feyre wanted to start her family.
Second, while Rhys clearly loves Nyx it seems his concern was for her and not for Nyx:
Cassian squeezed Rhys’s shoulder. “Why won’t you tell her?” Rhys’s throat worked. “Because I can’t bring myself to give her that fear. To take away one bit of the joy in her eyes every time she puts a hand on her belly.” His voice shook. “It is fucking eating me alive, this terror. I keep myself busy, but … there is no one to bargain with for her life, no amount of wealth to buy it, nothing that I can do to save her.”
His concern is for Feyre and the fact that she is going to die while in labor. He doesn't even mention Nyx dying, and it's said Nyx will die in the labor as well.
"Rhys prevented Feyre from getting an abortion" -
So first we need to ask ourself, are abortions a thing in Pyrthian? We don't get any mentions of them and fae children are rare. I would suspect in Pyrthian they aren't a thing, but maybe in the human lands.
Second, by the time Rhys and Feyre find out about the wings it's been 31 days into ACOSF and when the baby was announced she was two months pregnant, which is frustrating because we don't know if she means two months on the dot or two months and a few days. It's then 15 more days till the wings are discovered she is anywhere between 11/12 weeks pregnant.
It's important to remember pregnancies are not defined by months, they are defined by weeks. If you are 11/12 weeks pregnant the abortion you get is more complicated then at 8 or 9 weeks. So it seems even if she could have an abortion (if that's a thing in Prythian) that she would have had to pass the fetal tissue.
Remember the problem isn't that the baby is sick or causing Feyre to be sick. Feyre is described as being healthy and radiant all throughout ACOSF. The pregnancy isn't the issue, it's the birth. The wings will supposably get caught and not be able to pass through the birthing canal. So even if she had an abortion those wings are getting caught and preventing the tissue from passing. We later see the size of the wings don't matter, because Feyre gives birth preterm and it still kills her.
And it will be challenging enough during a birth when the baby is alive but if they preform an abortion you're talking dead tissue being stuck in Feyre as they attempt to pull it out of her piece by piece.
That could kill her as well.
So when Rhys says "nothing I can do to save her life" he means it. As long as Feyre gives birth/passes those wings in her fae body she's dead.
The only in universe solution is for Feyre to transform back into an Illyrian form (I'll get into that later). That's it, nothing else could save her and in fact what happens is Nesta bargains for Feyre's life and then permanently changes her body to be Illyrian. So the solution was to shapeshift.
"Nesta told Feyre because she thought it was wrong"
That's not true, in fact Nesta agreed to say nothing and was later sorry for even telling Feyre. So no she did not tell Feyre because she thought it was an injustice.
Nesta was bitter and hurt by other things that happened (I am not going into it) and decided to hurt her sister back. She told her in the most brutal and awful way possible.
She easily could have caused Feyre to go into preterm labor and didn't care if that happened. If Feyre had gone into preterm labor with no solution to get the baby out then she would have died.
"Feyre's choice was taken from her"
So if we rule out abortion, and go with shapeshifting I don't see how anyone concludes that the 12 days Feyre does not know takes that choice from her. Even for the 12 days with the abortion idea, she still could have done it. She makes a choice not to, Feyre does not go into labor unaware of the risks.
Going back to shapeshifting, Rhys says this:
“So let her change back into an Illyrian to bear the babe.” Rhys’s face was stark. “Madja has put a ban on any more shape-shifting. She says that to alter Feyre’s body in any way right now could put the baby at risk. On the chance that it could be bad for the baby, Feyre is forbidden to so much as change the color of her hair until after the birth.”
So originally it's Madja who says shape-shifting is banned but sorry I do not see how Madja is going to control Feyre. During the announcement scene we get this from Feyre:
Nesta angled her head at her sister. “So you can’t do magic while pregnant?” Feyre winced. “I can, but given my unusual set of gifts, I’m not sure how it might impact the baby. Winnowing is fine, but some other powers, when we’re still so early in the pregnancy, could strain my body dangerously.”
Feyre is given the medical opinion of Madja on her doing magic and chooses to follow it.
And the nail in the coffin that it wasn't Feyre's choice is the birth scene itself:
“There is nothing we can do,” Madja said. “Cutting the babe out of her will kill her.” “Cutting it out?” Nesta demanded, earning a sharp glare from Rhys. Madja ignored her tone. “An incision along her abdomen, even one carefully made, is an enormous risk. It’s never been successful. And even with Feyre’s healing abilities, the blood loss has weakened her—” “Do it,” Feyre managed to say, the words weighted with pain. “Feyre,” Rhys objected. “The babe likely won’t survive,” Madja said, voice gentle but no-nonsense. “It’s too small yet. We risk both of you.” “All of you,” Cassian breathed, eyes on Rhys. “Do it,” Feyre said, and her voice was that of the High Lady. No fear. Only determination for the life of the babe within her. Feyre looked up at Rhys. “We have to.”
While it isn't explicitly mentioned, the scene prior is discussions about saving Nyx not about saving Feyre. Madja says "we risk both of you" implying their is a way to just save Feyre. That way would be shapeshifting, something Feyre is refusing to do in this moment. Rhys is the one who is objecting to the c-section and Feyre insists that "We have to". Feyre chooses to have the c-section and attempt to save her son.
I don't think we can conclude Feyre's choice was taken from her, in fact it seems she made a choice not to shapeshift and save herself. That might feel like pro life propaganda and maybe it is (I don't know SJMs stance on this) but a mother choosing to go through with a risky pregnancy and delivery is still her making that choice. Just because it's not the choice you would make or like, doesn't make it any less of a choice.
It's really odd how people twist this storyline to fit a narrative of "Rhys is just as bad as Tamlin" and while I can understand the similarities, (both being born out of fear and trauma) it just isn't the same. Tamlin watched as Feyre became sicker and sicker, and ignored her. Tamlin forced Feyre back to the Spring Court after she told him she didn't want to be taken from Rhys and the IC. Tamlin slut shamed her during the HL meeting. Tamlin was actively attempting to control Feyre's behavior and get her to fit what he wanted for her.
Rhys found out horrible information (on top of all the other shit that was going on in ACOSF) about the life of his mate and child. His mate who was currently overjoyed at the idea of being pregnant and having a baby. And he wanted to find a way to save her before giving her the fear, anxiety, and distress he was suffering. It wasn't about controlling her, and it wasn't about having some super baby. It wasn't the right thing to do but he didn't do it out wanting to control Feyre. That's important information and something that shouldn't be twisted.
You can dislike it (as I've stated I hate it being told in Nessian POV) but you shouldn't twist things to fit your narrative.
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meeville · 5 months
I’ve seen a couple posts in the past few days about how it’s anti-feminist or some shit that we’re constantly reminded of Violet’s physical weakness, like it’s fetishising her or some bullshit. I have a condition that sounds a lot like what Violet describes, and I’m in constant pain because of it. I have 2-3 dislocations every fucking day and I have to walk around and do all the same shit as everybody else, resetting my own bones because I’ve gotta get shit done, just like we see Violet do. It’s so fucking insulting that people would assume that her physical limitations are anything other than a show of incredible determination and strength - Violet got this far and you’re insulting her and everyone who might identify with her pain by assuming that it’s just a stereotype or a fetish. Honestly, her character is an amazing rep for women with disabilities and if this were a male character, y’all would have nothing but praise for him.
So, like, fuck off.
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meeville · 6 months
The Empyrean Theory
This is a totally random crack theory I have about Violet's father. ***** Spoilers for Iron Flame****
My theory is that Violet's dad is Malek.
I have very flimsy evidence for this but I kinda like as theory.
Evidence #1: Violet seems to have an uncanny ability to avoid death, and those closest to her seem to share. Could it be that Malek has a soft for her? We are constantly told how cruel and unforgiving Malek is and how he does not like souls being stolen from him, and yet Violet escapes death on every turn.
Evidence #2: Speaking of Malek not liking souls being stolen from him, Brennan being resurrected seems strange, unless it was a fathers mercy to his son. Maybe that is why Mr. Sorrengail started having heart problems after Brennan's "death" not because of sorrow from loosing his son but from breaking his own rules and creating some kind break between the world of the living and the dead in order to do that, and that is why he eventually have to "die" because he had to return to the world of the dead and repair the damage his actions caused.
Evidence #3: Liam's appearance in Iron Flame. Liam tells Violet that he is not wandering and that maybe Malek send him as a kindness. Could it be the kindness of a father who wishes to help his daughter in her darkest hour?
Evidence #4: Lilith. We do not know much about what happens after people die other than the fact that Malek owns their souls, yet before Lilith dies she seems very confident that she will see her husband again, one can claim that is is simply blind faith and hope but Lilith doesn't strike me as someone who takes anything on faith. Also, in Iron Flame Lilith says that Mr. Sorrengail was the love of her life, but in Fourth Wing she seems very callous and uncaring when she speaks of her husband, this may be the mask of the hardened General but I would like to think it is because she knows that her husband did not really die but simply returned to his kingdom and that she is guaranteed to see him again.
Evidence#5: Tairn at some point - I think during Threshing when they first bond- tells Violet "I know exactly who and what you are" could the what be that she is the daughter of one of the gods? Tairn later on when Violet offers a prayer to one of the gods, does not dismiss their existence he simply calls them puny. In my opinion from that we can infer that the gods are real.
This is my random crack theory, hope it makes sense the way I explained it.
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meeville · 6 months
okay i haven't seen anyone upload the xaden bonus chapters as actual docs, only pics of the physical book pages, so i got off my ass and did the work myself.
so if anyone's interested in having them in doc form, here they are in .pdf and .epub versions
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