mothrocks ¡ 28 minutes
Captain America The First Avenger (2011) Review
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potential spoilers ahead...
This movie does a good job of introducing Captain America and showing his journey from a skinny kid from Brooklyn to the super solider saving the world. It further builds to the next movie in the franchise, The Avengers. It does use some aspects from the films before it, mainly the tesseract first seen in Thor. However because it's an origin story there aren't many old concepts or aspects in it and those that are there are given an explanation as what they are to the characters that makes sense in this point in time in the story. They do well to establish Steve's personality and drive, particularly by showing Steve trying over and over again to join the army to the point of committing fraud. Bucky, Steve's best friend and a further motivating factor for the mad, dies (or is at least presumed dead) twice in this film alone. These "deaths" are used to drive Steve's heroics further. However, Bucky's only real character at the point of his first "death" is only "Army Solider(tm)" and "Steve's Friend" and that just isn't enough to get me to actually care about the guy we've seen twice being presumed dead. Later in the franchise, Bucky gets more characterization and story to him, but in this film its hard to treat him as the motivator and Steve's drive to do good and help people.
Overall, the movie's enjoyable and full of amazing actors and special effects. I've always loved the effects with Red Skull and the face peeling (I was a weird kid). And watching now, I still find myself impressed and weirdly compelled by Red Skull pulling off the fake face he uses to reveal his red skull. It's just a cool moment and well performed. No actor's performances really stands out because of just how good the entire cast, including more side and background characters, are.
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mothrocks ¡ 14 hours
I don't think people are honestly taking into consideration the fact that shitty/overwhelming work conditions DO impact relationships outside of the work environment. I haven't, until more recently, especially pertaining to my own work conditions.
Imagine working and socializing with customers and co-workers for 8+ hours a day, and all the good and shitty things that come with it...to then come home and do more work, and trying to socialize with friends/partners after all that.
Yeah, be for real. Cut yourself some slack. If you're friends with people with this sort of work-life? Cut them some slack (that isn't to excuse poor treatment of others, mind you)
We're just on the fritz as it is. Frazzled, even.
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mothrocks ¡ 21 hours
Working in retail really makes you realize*just* how stupid people are it's actually insane
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mothrocks ¡ 1 day
remember in School of Rock where the black girl was afraid to say she wanted to be a singer because she was fat and didn’t want to get laughed at but Dewey was all “who gives a shit, I’m fat too and so is aretha franklin but we’re still valuable and we rock” and then the girl felt better without having to be told that beauty comes in all sizes or some other bullshit. thats the kind of body positivity I’m looking for. tell these babies that they’re worth a damn without tying it to any other arbitrary ideals
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mothrocks ¡ 1 day
I'm obviously revealing how young I am here, but as a kid I honestly thought that Finding Nemo was, in fact, a film about an older man who had lost his wife and then met a plucky effeminate twink and that it was actually a romance about gay step parenting.
This seemed so normal and unremarkable to me that I didn't get corrected until I was almost 13, when someone compared me to Dory and I said "yeah except I'm not a guy" and they just stared at me in confusion.
That was the day I realised, after some frantic internet research, that the rest of the world did not think being attracted to both genders was the default and that actually, I was the weird one for just assuming from like, birth, that everyone was bisexual except for a special few folks who had odd preferences.
I then had the most bizarre coming out moment of asking my parents if they were actually straight and how that worked, which they both spoke affectionately of for years after while laughing.
To be fair, the other media I liked was... Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon and a variety of other shows that my parents also liked, all of which treated being bisexual as a complete non-issue, too. So naturally, my kid brain just assumed Disney had a big extremely popular (in my country anyway, it was utterly everywhere) animated film about a fish and his bisexual dad and his soon to be gay stepdad and that everyone was just cool with it. Made perfect sense to me!
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mothrocks ¡ 2 days
Alex Brightman
god of playing horny entities
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124 notes ¡ View notes
mothrocks ¡ 2 days
how much is two cups of water
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mothrocks ¡ 2 days
~80 teaspoons, even :D
how much is two cups of water
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mothrocks ¡ 2 days
watching X2
me: logan stop smoking in cerebro. stop it.
charles: logan, my tolerance for you smoking in the mansion notwithstanding, continue smoking that in here and you’ll spend the rest of your life under the belief that you’re a six year old girl.
logan: *slowly takes out cigar*
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mothrocks ¡ 2 days
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WOWEE nightcrawler art that isn’t a sletch! who’d’a thunk it!
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mothrocks ¡ 2 days
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This man has been my favorite X-Men since childhood,
I'm so happy to see him done right on screen.
Still trying to figure out how to draw him.
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mothrocks ¡ 2 days
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i have so many things of him someone send help the silliness is consuming me whole
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mothrocks ¡ 3 days
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mothrocks ¡ 3 days
Marvel lowkey bisexual as hell
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mothrocks ¡ 3 days
Anti-voting rhetoric will be the death of the left. Literally.
Not a single fucking Republican voted to protect roe. It was fucking overturned in the first place bc trump got three Supreme Court appointments.
Every fucking thing wrong in this country is almost certainly the result of Republicans being in power. In 2020, Texas cut half of the polling places in black neighborhoods, and doubled them in white ones, regardless of population. It was Republicans bitching about mail in voting, and constantly, constantly fearmonger about voter fraud. Literally, their platform is about making civil rights harder to practice.
Would you like to know why? It’s because Republican politicians know better than anyone that higher voter participation means higher republican loss.
But what do I see from the online left, champions of the oppressed?
“Voting doesn’t do anything, the parties are the same, the system is rigged, etc, etc”
Don’t sit here and tell me you give a fuck about marginalized people if you aren’t ready to march your ass to the voting booth and vote out the party actively stripping their rights away.
Protest, donate, community build, unionize, and vote, vote, vote.
By the time direct action is the only option, it will be too fucking late.
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mothrocks ¡ 3 days
More faeries Good Omens AU ✨
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mothrocks ¡ 3 days
one of the differences between good omens the show vs good omens the book that will always fuck me up is the post-bookshop fire scene. crowley goes from picking himself up, dusting himself off, accepting the loss of aziraphale and Just Driving Anyway to completely falling apart. i do get why people have gripes with it being changed so fundamentally, and i've thought about it a lot myself, but i've never been able to bring myself to get mad about it. i always circle back to how the book was written by two best friends. that drunken, wrecked, grief stricken scene was written in a post-pratchett world. he lost his best friend.
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