i was so ugly in 2008 because i didnt care about my looks i cared about the jonas brothers
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I am so incredibly pissed at my work right now. I've already been working since last Friday and now I'm supposed to work all the way through until next Monday. I was supposed to get Thursday and Friday off since I start school again but even then I'm fucking working because I can't say no when someone asks me to cover for them and there of course has to be another party on Friday because rich people just fucking suck. I'm so done with this place, I hate it. I hate how they constantly take advantage of me. This was my fifth year working down at the snack bar so they had me make the scheduling for the for people who worked down there. And even with that responsibility and the fact that I had to put up with everyone's bull shit, complaining that they didn't get enough hours and then complaining when I put them on for too many days, or requesting days off a couple days before hand when I should've been told at least a week before, I didn't even get a fucking pay raise. I've had the same pay for the past three years and the only reason I got the first and only raise was because I ASKED for it. This place is fucked up and I honestly want to quit and get the fuck away from it because this is just ridiculous and getting bad for my physical and mental health.
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I wore a veil as he wore a face. For the same reason. For the oldest reason there is for anything… To be accepted.
Madame Vastra, Deep Breath (via lestranqe)
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Doctor Who Intro’s - 1963 - 2014 It’s like a time capsule, you look back at different era’s in Doctor Who’s history & it’s really quite beautiful. Same tune, different graphics. Same Doctor, different face. Same screwdriver, different case. Same Tardis, different interior. *Also I know there’s a few missing but since tumblr only allows for pic/ gif sets to have up to 10 I had to make a couple of cut backs.*
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Bad Decisions || Self
Chase blew out the smoke he’d just inhaled, attempting to do the O rings he’d seen Victor do once, but failing miserably. He’d only just recently gotten in to marijuana, but he was slowly getting more accustomed to the sensation he got after a bowl or two. It was like everything was brighter, but his eyesight had somehow managed to get smaller. He all at once wanted to do something so that he could laugh at it, eat as much food as possible, or sleep until Christmas even though it was several months away. He could see the appeal to the drug, especially for those who needed to mellow out every once in a while, something he definitely needed now that he was on his way to law school.
There of course were the more serious drugs, like coke, and molly, and oxycotton and whatnot. Still things that Chase was experimenting with and testing the waters of how he felt about the reaction they gave him. He’d been told he’d have to go through it a couple times to experience the full effect of most of them, but any sane person would know that by that point they could be hooked on the drug. So while Chase was still dabbling in the new lifestyle, he was still cautious enough to keep his intake far and few in between each time. Still, he wasn’t afraid to brag about the new drug he took that week, waiting for his further acceptance into the gang he felt he only barely hung on to.
Superheroes and comic books were still present in his life, but now that he was growing up, they were beginning to take a backseat to the things he was being taught should take precedence. There were times when he missed not having more time to geek out over certain things, or have the opportunity to collect more Magic cards for his deck. But sometimes you have to realize that there were more important things in life, and his part in the Greaser family was one of them. He still considers himself to be a bit of an outsider within the group, but he’s doing the best he can in order to change that.
Sitting up on his bed, he looked out the dirt-stained window and wondered what Victor was doing. Probably getting high as well, though in what way, Chase couldn’t be sure. Grace probably wasn’t doing anything of the sort; she was too perfect for that. Lying back in his bed, he breathed in the leftover smoke from hot-boxing his room, trying not to let his mind wander back to the girl who was out of his league even in his dreams. Even now, after his turn to a more badass lifestyle, at least that’s what he deemed it, he got butterflies in his stomach when he began talking to her. His tongue was tied and his thoughts were muddled, and all he could think about was that he still wasn’t good enough for her.
Coughing a bit, he once again sat up on his bed, swinging his feet over to the side and standing so that he could stretch his arms over his head. Now probably wasn’t the best time to start his research paper for his one class, considering the state he now was in and probably would be for the next couple hours, but it sure as hell wasn’t going to be writing itself. Sighing, he scratched the back of his head as he stumbled over to his desk and sat down, lifting the laptop and opening the word document that should’ve been halfway filled by now. He could always bullshit his way through, it was only one paper. If anything, he could just skip class tomorrow and e-mail the professor saying he was too sick to leave his room and he’d be attaching his paper with the e-mail. Which would conveniently be impossible to open until the professor e-mailed back saying so, and he was able to resubmit it with the now completed essay with the extra hours he just gained. Sounded like a good enough plan to him. Standing from his chair again, he took the few steps back to his bed and collapsed, not bothering to get under the covers before passing out.
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friends meme: 1/5 moments · monica letting rachel name her daughter emma
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Can I get a manip of Zayn Malik and Laverne Cox?
Sure thing babycakes, coming right up
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omfg i love your tv show page SUCH ORGANIZATION i wish i were as perfect as you. you're like a llama or an alpaca. who's also a hoe. because you are incredible. ya feel?
wow no way that’s so incredibly kind of you to say! you kind of seem like a llama hoe too, so i guess we can llama/alpaca hoe it up together woot woot party down turn up all the places more party phrases ja feel, i feel
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Tyler Posey being a precious human being at the Teen Choice Awards ‘14 (。◕‿◕。)
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Robin, you’re free.
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In memory of Robin Williams, July 21st 1951 - August 11th 2014.
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So incredibly sorry
manips will have to be put on hold for a week
unfortunately i came down with a really bad cold tonight, and I'll be busy all day tomorrow to get ready for my week long camping trip where there won't be any wifi aka no reason for me to bring my lap top
i'll get to them when i get back though! feel free to leave me more requests in my inbox for when I get back <33
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Lies we tell our kids.  Found this from the postsecret blog.
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I'm in a manippy kind of mood
does anyone want anything done??
i'm still figuring things out, but i'm slowly getting better and the more practice the better! send me an ask if you want something please and thank you :)
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Elephant Raju Cries After Being Rescued From 50 Years Of Suffering In Chains 
This heartbreaking story is about as elephant Raju from India that had an incredibly rough life. After being poached from his mother he was thrown from one owner to another, until he was left living in terrible conditions with no shelter at night, being used as a beggars prop all day long. Raju survived only from passing tourists and sometimes had to eat plastic and paper while being chained 24 hours a day. A wildlife organisation SOS-UK could not stand the injustice and decided to save him in a daring midnight rescue operation.
The elephant, realizing he was being saved, started to cry: “It was incredibly emotional. We knew in our hearts he realised he was being freed” – claims Pooja Binepal, one of the rescuers in an interview with Presspeople. “Tears began to roll down Raju’s face. Some no doubt were due to the pain but he also seemed to sense that change was coming. He felt hope for the first time” – says another rescuer Kartick.
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I don't think anyone understands how much I love organized pages
like i literally could put together fifty different pages of all my different categories and have them organized in pretty little pages and i would be so happy
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