oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Haha I lied
Said I was on a writing kick back in August and I was but it's been some months but hey thats college babey.
so the poll for what you guys want to see the most came up sword lesson part two and cliff dive part two
for sword lesson part two (I've said this before but incase not a lot of people saw that post) my plan for it wouldn't be a direct continuation of the night where part one left off so it wouldn't be a smut but a fluff focusing on them dating in secret.
part two of cliff dive would be a fluff about them meeting again.
So if this new info influences what you wanna see lemme know bc my schedule will clear up a lot after this week so I should be able to write more
in conclusion,
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Poll time
Ok I’m on a writing kick so let’s make the most of it
comment which ones you’d like to see the most 
- Sword lesson part two
- Cliff Dive part two
- new Leo Valdez fluff
- Neighborly part two 
- new Dick Grayson stuff
- new Jason Todd stuff
- Anakin Skywalker stuff
- new Peter Parker stuff
- Arthur Pendragon series
lemme know 
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Lab Partners With Benefits Pt. 3 | Percy Jackson
Summary: Another week, another lab and Y/n and Percy are feeling a different kind of tension this time.
Category: fluff 
Part 1 | Part 2
          Percy had been kicking himself all week. He had forgotten to ask you for your number before you left his place and now you probably thought he was just some asshole looking for a one-time hookup. And he didn’t want that. And he hoped you didn’t want that either. But he wasn’t really sure what he wanted. 
         It’d been a hot minute since Percy was in any kind of relationship and he wasn’t sure if he was even the relationship kind. Even if he did want to be, his life just didn’t lend itself to dating mortals. There was always some monster popping up that he’d have to fight, or quest he’d have to go on, or emergency at camp he’d have to run off to, and Percy was a shit liar. It’s what messed up the last time he’d tried to date somebody. He was constantly blowing off dates and rain-checking everything because the gods are needy attention seekers. 
          He’d seen superhero movies before and related a lot to when they had similar issues. Percy’s not saying he’s Spiderman or anything, but he does live in New York and save it from constant peril – so yeah, he’s Spiderman. 
          This time, however, he was really considering trying again. Trying with you. And Percy had a plan. 
          Sliding into his seat when there were only a few other people in the room yet, Percy felt pumped up. He woke up early, showered, had a FaceTime with the boys to discuss the game plan, and got to class ahead of you so that he was ready to give you his number the first chance he got before he lost his nerve. That was part of Jason’s advice: offer his number to you instead of asking for yours. He claimed it would make Percy come off more vulnerable and less pushy. Leo mostly just spouted different cheesy lines that Percy would never use. Frank didn’t say much but Hazel piped in every now and then when she took the phone from him. 
          “So, you’re lab partners,” Hazel started. “Do you talk outside of your lab?”
          “No, that’s why I need her number.”
          “But you said you did homework together at your place right? So how’d that go? Did she seem interested?”
          Percy paused. 
          “Yeah, it went... fine.”
          Hazel was blissfully unaware of the blush that was creeping up his neck but Jason didn’t miss it. Or the way he suddenly needed to roll up his sleeves and fiddle with them. 
          “Did you just do the homework?” Jason asked suspiciously. 
          “We uh... kissed...” 
          “Niiiiiicee, Percy!” Leo hollered. “That’s my boy!”
          Frank retook the phone from Hazel and hastily gave an excuse to go before leaving the call and cutting off Hazel’s confused protests.
          “I don’t know what to tell you, man,” Jason shook his head. “This is way beyond my level now. Piper and Annabeth are nearby I’ll go get them-.”
          “No!” Percy cut him off. That’s the last thing he wanted. The girl’s won’t know or care what to do so they’d ask Piper’s siblings and then the entirety of camp would know. “It doesn’t really change anything. I’m going to give her my number and then the ball’s in her court and I don’t have to worry about it.”
          “But your balls were in her court, weren’t they Percy.” 
          “Leo I am going to kill you when I get back to camp and that is a threat.”
          Leo left the call.
          “I’m sure it’ll be fine, just don’t do your game-time face because it’ll scare her off,” Jason tried to get the conversation back on track.
          “What face? I don’t have a scary face?” Percy added another item to the list of things to not do when he saw her.
          “Yes you do. It’s when you’re charging into battle but this isn’t battle is it Percy?” 
          “You’re lucky,” Percy lamented while he grabbed his backpack. “You just woke up and were already with Piper. All the hard work done for you.” 
          “You got this man, just be yourself.” 
          Percy decided to throw that particular bit of garbage advice away. 
          Now he was sitting in his seat, got there early, and he was even wearing his nice t-shirt, so what could go wrong.
          As soon as you walked in the door all of his carefully curated bravado deflated inside of him. You walked towards your shared table and he had to expel childish nerves he hadn’t felt in years. He’s in college now, for Hades’ sake. He was a man.
          “Hey,” you greeted as you sat down.
          “Hi.” That was stupid. Men don’t say ‘hi’. He should’ve said ‘hey’ back.
          “You’re here early,” you commented and Percy just nodded like an idiot. 
          The plan was to giver you his number as soon as he saw you, but he couldn’t just blurt that out of nowhere. 
          “How’ve you been?” 
          There. Establishing a conversation and definitely not stalling.
          “I’ve been good.” The small amused smile on your face calmed him down a little. He’s got this.
          Class started before he could slip his number in casually but Percy wasn’t deterred. He wasn’t going to let geology get in his way.
                    While you were reading the data you had to chart on the graph, you noticed Percy’s usual fidgeting get even worse. Glancing at him from the corner of your eye, you saw him concentrating intensely on the paper and trying to contain his frustration. You recognized the signs since one of your friends has dyslexia, but you knew he wouldn’t ask for help.
          “So we have to plot the points on the graph and then draw the elevation lines, right?” You asked casually, looking over to him for confirmation. He nodded his head, but still continued to squint at the numbers which all were very small print and close to each other.
         Muttering the numbers as if to yourself but loud enough for him to hear, you got to work. 
          Percy sat back and smiled a little, knowing what you were doing. He looked over at you, from your furrowed brow to your crossed legs bouncing with your tapping foot. With a contented sigh, he recalled what it felt like to be in between those legs. Having them wrapped around his hips while you moaned his name. 
          His eyes trailed up your body, memories that were attached to each part flooding through him like a highlight reel of his deepest fantasies. Then he got to your bare arms and the goosebumps on the skin shook him out of it.
          “Cold?” he asked, interrupting you trying to help him which he really should have been listening to. 
          “Yeah, a little.” 
          “Here.” Percy shrugged off his hoodie and held it out to you before pausing (and slightly panicking.)
          Hold up, is this weird? Am I being weird right now? Should giving her my hoodie come before or after we exchange numbers? I guess doing it before could be a good test of whether she would be interested in exchanging numbers. But this is couple stuff. Her wearing my hoodie. That usually comes after numbers. But she’s cold now and I can’t seem like an asshole withholding warmth unless she accepts or declines my number. 
           Luckily, you didn’t seem to notice his panic as you took the hoodie from him without hesitation and put it on. “Thanks.”
          He calmed down as he watched you roll up the sleeves so that your hands were free to work and he felt a different kind of warmth spread through him. He liked the way you looked in his hoodie. 
          You caught him watching you and it threw you off. This wasn’t the heated gaze that had made you melt before, this was... softer. But the moment was ruined when you glanced down and saw that he hadn’t drawn a single point yet.
          “Hey,” you tapped your pencil on his paper. “Focus.”
          You worked well together for a while. The rhythm of plotting points distracted Percy from his nerves. That is until he felt your hand on his forearm.
          “What’s this?” You asked, finger tracing the SPQR of his tattoo and making him shiver.
          “Oh, it’s a band.” 
          “What band?”
          “The Super Popular... Cool Rockers.”
          “They spell Cool with a Q?”
          “That’s what makes it cool.”
          Percy went back to the worksheet, congratulating himself on his quick thinking when he saw you pull out your phone. 
          “What are you doing?” he asked, totally nonchalant. 
          “Looking up the Super Popular Qool Rockers.”
          Percy snatched your phone. 
          “Oh, you won’t find them.” He dodged your attempts to grab it. “They’re really underground.”
          “You’ll be really underground if you don’t give me my phone back.” Percy hastily returned your phone, as if the threat scared him. You tried to glare at him, but found it too hard to suppress your smile once his broke out. “Thank you. Now will you tell me what it really means?”
          “Maybe one day.” People started packing their things and leaving since class had flown by faster than Percy liked. Sensing his window of opportunity closing he decided to Hades with it. “Depends if you go on a date with me.”
          You took your time standing up and gathering your things while pretending to mull it over in your head. Which Percy really did not appreciate. 
          “Maybe one day,” you answered him with a coquettish smile and took a few steps towards the door. “Well, aren’t you coming?”
          Percy was too concentrated on restraining a fist pump to puzzle out your meaning. 
          “We didn’t get much work done today, so we better finish what we started at your place.” You winked at him and strided out the door.
          With a mischievous grin, Percy was quick to follow. 
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Hey! Sorry to bother you, but what happened to part 3 of Lab Partners?
Aight not gonna lie I did forget about it BUT I already have half of it written so I'll crank the rest out real soon
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Cliff Dive | Percy Jackson
Summary: Being mortal, Y/n has no clue what dangers lie in wait in the water.
Category: fluff
          “You guys sure this is safe?” 
          “Even if it’s not you’re not backing out after we drove all the way here.”
          “But this is a much bigger jump than we’ve done before.”
          “You’re the one who got bored with our usual spots, and my brother says he comes here all the time.” That didn’t really help you feel better since your friend’s brother was on a first name basis with the nurses at the ER. And standing on the edge of the cliff that looked a lot smaller when you were in the car, the unfamiliar creep of doubt tugged at your mind.
          “Kendal, what happened the last time you trusted your brother on something he said was safe?” You looked over your shoulder at her and watched as she shifted her weight to her good ankle. 
          “It was only a sprain, nothing broke,” she defended. “And since when did you worry about stuff like that, you’ve done way worse than this jump and walked away without a scratch.”
          “Yeah, I’d say Devil’s Peak was way rougher terrain than this,” Jack piped up once he reached the platform you and Kendal were on. 
          You turned back to face the water, the full moon lighting up the far off horizon and the deep blue water. Even though the waves were calm, the way they hit the face of the cliff below your feet was more astutely described as less of a “splash” and more a “crash”. 
          “If you’re chickening out move over,” Jack called. “But you’re buying snacks for the way home.”
          “I’m not chickening out,” you threw back at him. 
          “Then what are you waiting for?” 
          A few more seconds and your gaze leveled at the water. You nodded and started to take off the clothes you had on over your swimsuit. Kendal and Jack cheered. 
          “If I die, tell my mom it was from studying too hard.” Which was the lie you had told your parents about what you would be doing tonight. 
          The pound of your feet against the rocks began before your brain commanded it, the edge of the cliff was behind you before you could stop them. Air rushed past and all trepidation flew away with it as a shriek of exhilaration burst from your lungs. In a blink you were submerged in the icy water.
          The shock wore off quickly and you gasped for air, hearing distant hollering from your friends high above. 
          “Come on!” You shouted up to them, starting to swim a safe distance away from where they would land when something brushed past your foot. You had been swimming in this ocean for too long to let some fish spook you, but then it wrapped your ankle in a vice-like grip and yanked you below the surface. 
          The surprise had made you cry out the air you had and scramble back up to break the surface just long enough to gasp in a breath and hear the cheering from your friend’s turn into concerned shouts. But you couldn’t make out what they were saying before you were pulled under again, this time you were too far down to reach the air again, and you were plummeting at an alarming rate.
          Turning your attention instead to the reason for your descent, you barely contained the scream that threatened to expel the last of your air when you saw a writhing mass in the dark depths. You couldn’t make out anything more than a faint glimmer of moonlight on scaly tentacles and yellow eyes. Your best efforts to try and kick yourself free were fruitless as your head grew light and your lungs burned. You were just at the point of passing out when a disturbance in the water to your left caught your attention and in your fading consciousness you imagined a boy with a sword swimming towards you. 
          Percy was hoping to simply ignore the thrill seeking cliff jumpers who were ruining his quiet night away from camp. This was usually his alone-time spot when he needed a break, but he sighed and resigned to the fact that this night wasn’t going to be as “alone” as he had hoped. He watched with passing interest as the first one jumped, disappointed when they didn’t do a flip. 
          Then the shouts from the others turned distressed and Percy looked over to see the one in the water struggling to stay above the surface before falling below and he was on his feet. A tentacle flailed above the waves and he was running.
          Percy didn’t know the name for this kind of monster but it was an ugly one. He focused on dodging and slicing the tentacles attacking him and willed the water to carry him faster to the struggling girl who was passing out. Unfortunately, the monster noticed Percy aiming for its prize and wrapped another tentacle around her abdomen, pulling her closer to its body. 
          He tried to dive down after her but a mass of viscous tentacles were now focused on him and he divided his attention between hacking at them with his sword and pulling together an air bubble around the girl’s head. 
          Your lungs noticed the sudden air available before your mind did, and your eyes opened expecting to be on the shore out of danger. Only instead you woke to find yourself still deep underwater, and a crushing weight against your abdomen. 
          Apparently when fighting for life, a person’s brain can cope with a giant tentacle monster and being able to breathe underwater rather quickly. Instead, you switched your focus to escape. 
          The sword boy must have been real after all since he was still there fighting the monster. Wishing you had a sword of your own to cut the tentacles, you searched your surroundings and settled on a sharp rock on the sea bed. The monster let you swim closer to it, considering it better than you swimming away and as you reached the sand. Your hand wrapped around the rock. Holding it tight and you bashed it against the tentacle around your waist. 
          The monster was surprised enough to release you and you made a mad dash to get back to the surface before it recovered its senses. Which unfortunately didn’t take very long. Now both of your legs were trapped in it’s grip around your thighs and you didn’t have the rock to free yourself. And on top of everything else, your magical air bubble was fading fast.
          “Hold still!” 
          The boy, who’s voice you somehow heard underwater, was now next to you. You ceased your struggling long enough for him to cut your legs free from the tentacle. By now your air was gone and you held in the last of it. He wrapped one arm around your waist and the other he thrust out in the direction of the monster, distantly you wondered where his sword went or if you had imagined it the whole time. Your head was getting foggy again and you couldn’t be sure of anything other than the hard body that you were pressed against.
          Percy was finally able to use the currents to push the beast far away now that the girl was no longer in its grip. He could’ve finished it off if he wasn’t so worried about her air running out as she was already falling unconscious in his arms. He’d have to kill it later.
          Percy held her to his chest and willed the water to bring them to the surface, she didn’t wake up right away and he cradled her head in his hand.
          “Hey, open your eyes, look at me,” he coaxed her gently and felt relief rush through him when her eyelids fluttered open a crack. “You’re ok, I got you.” 
          She nodded weakly but he could feel her breathing even out. Now he needed to get her dry and warm.
          He debated whether or not to use his powers to get them back to the shore. On the one hand, she needed to be out of the water asap, but on the other she might have a few questions if he just sped through the water like he was David Hasselhoff. He landed on swimming, but like a Micheal Phelps-on-crack swimming. 
          When the water became shallow enough he carried her over to where he was previously sitting and grabbed his jacket from the ground. 
          “Here, put this on.” He guided her arms through the sleeves and then rubbed his hands up and down them to get her warm. “How do you feel? Are you hurt?”
          He scanned for injuries, noticing bruises forming on her legs but there was no bleeding. 
          “What was that?” You found your voice again when your brain began to process what had just happened. “A giant squid?”
          Percy could hear the oncoming panic attack in your frantic questions.
          “No, no, it was just seaweed. Your foot got caught in it,” he persuaded, willing the Mist to set in soon.
          “What are you talking about, you saw it too.” Percy could see the inner battle she was having as the Mist began to make her doubt herself. “You had a sword…”
          “A pocket knife I used to cut the seaweed–.”
          “I know what I saw!” She grabbed Percy by the shoulders, almost shaking him to get him to admit that she was correct, her eyes searching his desperately. Percy hated trying to convince her she was wrong but he knew it was for the best, a minute of confusion was better than a lifetime of knowing the truth. 
          “... And what did you see?” 
          “I… there was…” Her eyes clouded over with the Mist and her grip on Percy’s shoulders lessened. “Really strong seaweed.” 
          As the Mist drained the panic from her, she looked about ready to collapse.
          “I’m so tired,” she muttered and Percy let her rest her head on his shoulder. His hands returned to rubbing warmth back into her arms and they sat there in silence until her friends finally found their way to them. 
          There were a million questions directed at you and just as many “thank you”s directed at the boy. But you were bone tired and just wanted to be warm, dry, and asleep, so your friends gave up their interrogation. You had no idea how your body could be so sore from some seaweed but you were limping back to the car. 
          The one time you looked back, the boy was still standing there watching you. His dark hair was already dry, or had it ever been wet? You couldn’t recall seeing it wet but it must have been. Also, you were drifting in and out of consciousness at the time but you were sure that he had swam back to shore – while carrying you – in under a minute. 
          As you fell asleep in the car, you only thought of the strange boy who rescued you. And hoped you would see him again to exchange his jacket for his name.  
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Prince’s Kiss | Jason Grace
Summary: While on a mission, Y/n gets hurt and there’s only one way for Jason to save her.
Category: fluff
          You and Jason had found yourselves in many situations like this before: back to back, weapons drawn, and fighting off a hoard of monsters. The rhythm and coordination you two had crafted over the course of hundreds of hours in battle and in training together proved to be a formidable force against opponents. You covered each other’s blind spots and moved as one. Which was necessary in the cramped alleyway.
          Soon enough your attackers had diminished in number until just a few were left and one big ugly came charging at you. You swung at it but your sword got stuck half-way through its wood club and wouldn’t come when you pulled.
          “Jay-.” Ducking under the monster’s swing, you continued to try and pry your sword free.
          “On it.” Jason replied and finished off his opponent with a quick and calculated strike before he spun around to help. You ducked beneath his arm as it arched over you and cut into the monster, turning it to dust before he reached around you and wrapped his hands around your own on the hilt of your sword. It came free with a strong pull from your combined strength and you both let out a heavy breath now that it was over.
          “Thanks,” you huffed, out of breath.
          “Don’t mention it,” he nodded, equally fatigued.
          “You know,” you kicked the wood club out of your way as you started to leave. “You’d think that with how often this happens, we’d be less winded.”
          “I’m fine, I think it’s just you,” he nudged your shoulder with his and you laughed.
          “Oh really? Bet I could beat you back to the motel.” 
          “You sure you wanna do this?” 
          “I think you’re scared, Jay-.” 
          A sharp sting to your side cut off your words. You looked down to see a scorpion-looking monster crouching behind the dumpster next to you and it reared its tail for another attack. Your limbs were sluggish as you tried pathetically to raise your sword and fight.
          “You’re on, Y/n.” Jason looked back at you, a challenging smile on his face that fell immediately when he saw the blood coming from your side and the monster about to swing. “Y/n!”
          His sword found its mark and the monster was finished before it could strike again and he spun to face you, worry creasing his brow.
          “Are you alright?” He reached out his hand towards your wound and caught you in his arms as you collapsed. “Hold on, Y/n.”
          The motel room you had rented for your mission wasn’t far and Jason made record time carrying you back to it. He laid you on one of the beds and gently lifted your shirt up over your stomach so that he could see the wound. It didn’t look too deep once he cleaned it up but you still hadn’t woken up. That’s when he knew something was wrong. You were one of the toughest people Jason knew and he had seen you walk off wounds far worse than this. 
          Deciding he needed some professional help, Jason scrambled to get a golden drachma from his backpack and ran to the bathroom to turn on the shower.
          When the misty picture of Will Solace lit up the tiles, Jason called out to him frantically.
          “Jason!” Will jumped and spun around to see the Iris message. He took in the usually composed leader’s worry and then past the open bathroom door to where he could see Y/n unmoving on the bed and immediately snapped into business mode. “What’s wrong.”
          “I don’t know she got hit and passed out but the wound isn’t that bad and she can’t eat any ambrosia like this. What do I do?”
          “You said the wound isn’t bad?” Will asked and Jason held his hand up in an approximation of how big it is, not wanting to move you from the bed. “And she’s passed out? It must be something else then. Did you see what hit her?”
          “Yeah it was some kind of scorpion looking thing, I don’t know.” Jason ran his hand through his hair and walked back over to you, inspecting the wound and holding your hand that Will couldn’t see. 
          “Does she have a fever? It could be some kind of poison,” Will offered and Jason felt your forehead. 
          “She’s burning up.”
          “I don’t get it,” Will tore through his books looking for an answer. “There isn’t a kind of monster like that who’s sting produces these kinds of symptoms.”
          Jason walked back over to the bathroom and looked at Will’s surroundings.
          “Is Annabeth there? She would probably know.” 
          “She’s in New York City with Percy.” Jason’s budding hope shrank again and he looked at your reflection in the mirror. Your skin looked drained of color but at least the wound had stopped bleeding. “I’ll keep looking. Did the wound look discolored at all-?”
         Jason jumped from a cry of pain and rushed back to your side where you were thrashing around in your sleep. He grabbed your wrists and tried to hold you down so you wouldn’t hurt yourself, your eyes screwed shut and agonized noises like a  twisting knife in his gut. “Will!”
          “I’m looking! Try to keep her still!”
          Even unconscious, you were putting up a hell of a fight for Jason who was struggling to hold you down, especially since he was trying not to hurt you. 
          “Jason, you gotta hold her down.” 
          He jumped up and straddled your hips to keep your legs down and leaned the rest of his weight into keeping your wrists to the pillow. 
          “Wait, you guys were looking for monsters who stole stuff from Aphrodite, right?”
          “Yeah?” The entire point of the mission had left Jason’s mind since he saw you collapse and he was too anxious to follow Will’s thinking.
          “Then what if it was one of Aphrodite’s potions that the stinger was dipped in?” Will grabbed a new book and wildly searched through it. “This one must be it! Fainting, fever, convulsions… yeah it’s this one.”
          “What do I do?” The fight was being drained from you but Jason was hesitant to do more than ease on his grip a little in case you started up again.
          “It says that the only cure is a… wow, that is so like Aphrodite.”
          “Okay it says that the only cure is a kiss from royalty, like a prince or something.”
          Jason’s hope was crushed once again seeing as how even if they weren’t in America, a prince would be exceptionally hard to acquire. 
          “Well I don’t think I’ll be able to find a prince in the middle of Wisconsin. Is there another option?” There had to be another way. No way in hell was Jason going to lose you. Especially not before you knew how he felt.
          You had completely stopped fighting against him and Jason wished you would keep doing so even if he was tired. He much preferred it to you lying there limp and lifeless. 
          “Wait, wait, wait. Zeus is the king of the gods,” Will started and expected Jason to catch on to his idea. “And you’re his son.”
          “Well, technically I’m the son of Jupiter, but what does that have to do with anything?” Jason removed himself from on top of you and walked over to Will.
         “I mean that technically makes you a prince, Jason.” 
          Jason frowned in concentration, weighing the legitimacy of that claim. Then he struggled to fight off a blush when he realized what Will was insinuating he has to do now.
          “Are you sure that counts? Like there’s not another way?” Jason looked back at you, now dealing with new emotions adding to his turmoil. 
          “Jason, you have to try it. And like now, she doesn’t have long. It says here that once the convulsions stop they don’t have much time left.” Will’s face was getting blurry as the Iris message was running out. 
          “What if it doesn’t work, what do I do?” Jason pleaded to the fading form of his friend. “Will, Will!” 
          The Iris message cut off and Jason hit the wall in frustration before he returned to your side.
          “This better work.” He didn’t know what he would do if it didn’t. As Jason knelt down and brushed some hair out of your face he couldn’t imagine having to live without you by his side. Even if you didn’t return his feelings, your friendship was too important to him. The thought of losing you made him forget any nerves he had and he leaned down and gingerly pressed his lips to yours. 
          The change was immediate as you breathed in life. Your eyes opened and the first thing they saw was Jason’s. 
          “Jay?” He broke out into the biggest smile you had ever seen on him and he pulled you into a hug. “What happened?”
          “You got kinda poisoned and almost died.” At this point you registered the dull pain emitting from your side and leaned back to look at your injury. “But you didn’t because I saved you. You’re welcome.”
          “Oh, so you’re my Prince Charming?” You asked him and he shrugged.
          “I mean, technically.” His voice sounded less confident than it had and you looked at him quizzically, which made him avoid your gaze by walking over to his backpack. “How do you feel?”
          “Fine…” you answered, still thinking about his sudden mood shift. “Except for whatever happened here.”
          “Giant scorpion thing,” he answered and walked back over, handing you a square of ambrosia. 
          “Cool.” The ambrosia soothed your side and you leaned against the headboard in relief.
          “Hardly,” Jason scoffed, sitting next to you but looking down at his lap. “You collapsed and went pale and I thought I was going to lose you.”
          He got quiet and you saw the stress and worry in his slumped shoulders.
          “The thought of you just… being gone. Before I could say goodbye or, or tell you how I feel. You were so pale…” His jaw clenched and he turned his face away from you.
          “Jason,” you placed your hand on his shoulder and made him look at you. His blue eyes teared up and you felt a physical tug on your heart. Your hands cradled his face and gently wiped away the tear that fell to his cheek. “I’m okay. I’m not going anywhere.”
          His head hung and landed on your shoulder, your hand combed through his hair.
          “And Jason?” You asked as you remembered a sensation from when you woke up.
          “Mm-hm?” He responded from your shoulder, his voice steadier now.
          “Did you… kiss me?” 
          At that he burst upright and a blush was raging on his face. 
          “Okay, I had to do it or you would die. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to- I mean I did want to kiss you. For a while now, actually, but not like this and especially when I couldn’t tell if you wanted me to or not. Will just said that there was no other way so-.”
          “Shut up.” His eyes snapped to you failing to suppress your grin. “Don’t apologize. Just… do it again.”
          His lips parted in shock and then one side lifted up as he leaned into you. Your hands held his face as his mouth pressed into yours and your bodies sighed into each other. So many years of longing and second-guessing and finally getting an answer, you couldn’t believe this was really happening.
          Jason tilted his head further and deepened the kiss, his hand moving to your leg that was propped up on the bed, sliding from your knee down to your hip and squeezing.
          “Holy shit,” you mumbled against his lips before you could stop yourself and you felt his smirk.
          “Just wait.”
          His lips moved down to your neck and you could breathe again but your head didn’t get any clearer, until you looked into the bathroom.
          “Hm?” His voice tickled the sensitive skin of your throat .
          “Why is the shower on?”
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, I was just wondering whether you were gonna post the part 2 to Sword Lesson. Have a great day/night!
I hadn't planned on making a part two to sword lesson but if there's interest in one I'll put it on the list. However I don't think it will be a direct continuation of part one where it's the night they spend together after the bonfire and rather be a fluff focusing on dating in secret. Also don't be sorry I love getting these!!! ❤️
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
I don’t know if you do requests, but I loved your PercyxReader fics. Would you be willing to write PercyxMortal Reader. Or a soulmate au.
I actually did have an idea for something like this so I’ll revisit it 👌
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Ok Lab Partners part 2 is up and ended up being twice as long as what I usually write but oh well. Part 3 will be the fluffy conclusion and will come soon. In the meantime I have noticed an uptick in interest for some Leo Valdez stuff so if you got any ideas send em my way. Also I’ve been on a Star Wars kick lately and am really feeling Anakin Skywalker so if you’d be interested in that lmk. 
Thanks so much for reading and interacting with me :)✌️
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Lab Partners With Benefits Pt. 2 | Percy Jackson
Summary: A week has gone by and Y/n hasn’t stopped thinking about her encounter with Percy. Now it’s time for her lab and she can’t tell if she’s yearning or dreading seeing him again.
Category: smut
Part 1 | Part 3
          One week later and you walked into your lab again. This time however, your table was empty. Disappointment curbed your mix of nerves, excitement, and dread at seeing Percy again as you sat down. 
          Good, you thought. Gives me a chance to calm the hell down and stop acting so childish.
          But as the minutes ticked down to the start of class and Percy had yet to make an appearance, your eyebrows creased in thought. 
          Where was he? Was it normal for him to roll in at the last second?
          Before last week you hadn’t paid any attention to him, but since last week he had rarely left your mind. Shamefully, you admit it. Those few hours with Percy had played on repeat since they ended. And not even just when he was kissing you, although that part was frequently visited. No, you were hung up on the most mundane things about him, like how he ran his hand through his hair whenever he got stuck on a question. Or the way he always had a beat going in his fingers or legs. Or the way actually opened a door for you. Do people even still do that? 
          Mack started the class with a greeting and you snapped out of your head. 
          Percy still wasn’t here.
          Is he avoiding me? No, he’s just a college student that’s running late or skipping class. Well, he better not be skipping class because you have a tough assignment to do today. Speaking of which, you forced yourself to listen to your TA explain it. 
          “What did I miss?” A familiar voice whispered in your ear and you jumped, whipping your head to see Percy in the seat next to you, failing to suppress a grin.
          Your frazzled nerves made you want to respond with a few choice words, but the mischievous gleam in his green eyes made it hard to stay mad at him.
          “Where were you?” you asked him, passing over his copy of the work. 
          “I had to take care of something.” 
          The cryptic answer gave you cause to look over him as he turned his attention to the front of the room. His hair was messy, his cheeks slightly flushed, and you couldn’t be sure since he caught you staring, but you think you saw a cut in his shirt. It looked like he was just in a fight. 
          “Is your shirt cut?” you asked and reached out to inspect it, fingers meeting his side through the hole and making him jump. Percy took your wrist and brought it back up to the table.
          “Hey, wait till after class,” he slyly reprimanded you, drawing a scoff out of you. Which drew the attention of the people sitting closest to you, so you both lowered your voices further.
          “Seriously though,” you nodded your head to his side. “How’d that happen?”
          “I snagged it,” he started. “On a tree.”
          You were about to ask him what he did to make the tree mad when the feeling of something on your hand drew your attention. He was absentmindedly rubbing circles on your skin with his thumb, and it wasn’t until then that you realized he was still holding your hand. This made him also notice that you were holding hands and you awkwardly pulled away first. An uncomfortable silence fell over you both that lasted the rest of the lab.
          It was weird how natural it felt to hold his hand and to talk with him like that. You had barely spoken since you met and while you had been moderately physically intimate with him before, you hadn’t been this kind of intimate. This whole relationship with Percy is unlike one you’ve never experienced before. You’re not quite strangers, not quite friends, not quite together. The massive grey area surrounding Percy made red flags pop up in your head. And yet, when he casually invited you back to his place once the lab had ended, your mouth accepted before your mind could stop you. 
          This time you actually made it into the living room before you started making out. Even going so far as to make a show of setting up your lab books on the coffee table as if you were actually going to get work done before you couldn’t take it anymore and pulled him to you by his collar.
          This time, you set a slower pace than your frenzied kisses against the door, allowing you to savor every move he made. Percy relinquished control of the kiss to you and tugged on your thigh until you were straddling his lap. His hands pressed flat against your lower back until your chest was flush with his and tilted his chin up to catch your lips again. 
          You felt him shiver when your fingertips met the back of his neck, tugging on the hair there. As a result you felt Percy smirk against your lips and in a deep voice that made heat flare up through your core he told you, “Hold on.”
          Percy paused in kissing you and his warning made your eyebrows crease in confusion until you felt his hands hook under your thighs and he shifted his weight until he was slightly standing. Then he twisted and laid you down on the couch and had his mouth back on yours before you could process what had happened. 
          In the new position, Percy took control of the kiss and sped it up a little, but still took his time tugging your bottom lip between his teeth. His thumbs made little circles on your thighs from where he was still gripping them and it brought you back to earlier in the day. In response your own hands moved down his back and to his sides where your finger found the hole in his shirt again.
          “It was a tree,” he said against your lips.
          “Sure it was,” you replied.
          At that Percy pushed up into a kneeling position with your legs still on either side of his hips and you worried for a second that he was actually bugged by your insistence with the hole-thing. Until he pulled his shirt off and your mind short circuited. He balled it up and tossed it across the room with a final, “There. Outta sight, outta mind.”
          Your jaw was still partially dropped from the revelation of his surprisingly toned abdomen and you gave a distracted “Uh-huh” before you all but yanked him back down to you, surprising him with your strength and the newfound urgency in your kiss. He matched the new tempo and your legs hooked around his waist, causing him to groan and rock his hips down into yours. 
          Percy savored the gasp you let out and ground into you again. One of his hands hitched your thigh up higher and the other traveled up your hip and under your shirt to grip your side. He allowed you to catch your breath as he leaned up to your ear.
          “What do you want, princess?” His husky voice blew any and all recollection of red flags and warnings straight out of your mind, in fact everything was emptied from your head except for thoughts pertaining to how good he felt pressed against you and how much more of him you needed.
          “You. All of you.” 
          Percy could’ve died a happy man right then and there. 
          He ducked back down to your mouth, recapturing it with his own and picking up where he left off. This time he felt the heat of the mutual understanding of where the situation was headed and braced his hand above your head on the couch armrest. However, that action did bring up the first smart thought he’d had since he sat next to you earlier.
          “Wait.” He pulled back and eyed your lips, which were red from his kisses.
          “What’s wrong?” You asked and brushed a chunk of hair away from his eyes.
          “If I get to have you, we’re not doing it on the couch my roommate got off Craigslist.” 
          You threw your head back laughing and Percy could only stare and smile dumbly, feeling something new he hadn’t felt in a long time.
          But then he remembered what was to come and hooked his hands underneath your thighs again to lift you up. 
          Percy was conflicted. On the one hand he wanted to get to his bedroom as quickly as possible. But on the other he loved the way your arms were wrapped tight around him and how you had occupied yourself with placing kisses along his neck. So he decided to take a detour through the kitchen to grab some granola bars.
          “Are you kidding me?” 
          “We might be hungry later!” He defended himself and felt you drop your forehead to his shoulder.
          “Just walk.”
          Fortunately the granola-detour didn’t completely kill the mood and Percy kicked his door shut and somehow stumbled to the bed while completely lost in your kiss. His plan was to drop you onto the covers and then take off his jeans, but you had other plans and refused to let go of him so he fell on top of you. The bouncing from the fall made your shirt ride up and Percy took the opportunity to run his hands up the exposed skin, stopping just as his fingertips were in reach of the underside of your bra.
          You broke the kiss for a moment to grant his unspoken request and pulled your shirt off, but when you laid back down his lips didn’t return to yours. Instead his mouth dragged down your neck, conscious of the marks he would leave. When he reached your collar bone, your hands buried themselves in his hair as his hands squeezed your bra and placed hot kisses on the skin that spilled over the top. 
          “Percy,” you moaned as your back arched up into his touch. “Percy, please.” 
          “Please what?” He looked up at you.
          “Please, touch me.”
           “I am touching you.” He responded and proved his point with another tight squeeze to your chest.
          “You know what I mean,” you huffed, knowing you were playing right into his teasing by getting riled up but dammit, you needed him badly. 
          He tilted his head innocently. “Do I?”
          Even though he was looking up at you with those big green eyes, you could tell by the way his thigh pressed between your legs that he knew exactly what you meant. As hot as his teasing was, you had spent all week thinking about him and you just couldn’t wait any longer, so you pulled him up to you by his hair and tried to speak as evenly and clearly as you could. 
          “Percy Jackson if you do not quit teasing me I will-.” Your gasp cut you off when his hand slipped beneath your pants and pressed against your core.
          “Oh, you meant here?” The cocky bastard punctuated his words with a pinch to your clit. “Is this what you wanted?”
          Percy committed the speechless look on your face to memory as you glared back up at him. 
          “I hate you.” you ground out when the initial shock of his touch faded. You hated his infuriating smirk. You hated his disheveled dark hair. You hated how his hands left you to pull down your pants at an achingly slow pace. And you especially hated how he somehow knew exactly how to touch you. 
          “Is that so? Then you’re gonna really hate this.” 
          His warning barely registered with you before two fingers plunged into you. Percy cherished the way you cried out and clenched around his fingers, imagining how it would feel around his dick later on. 
          The achingly slow pace he set as his digits pumped in and out of you turned you to puddy in his hands, eyes screwed shut so that you didn’t notice Percy lean down until you felt his breath against your ear.
          “You like that? You want more?” he asked, but grew unsatisfied by your lack of response. The hand that wasn’t currently brushing your g-spot with every curl came up to your jaw and turned your face to his. “Answer me.”
          “Yes,” you panted as his palm pressed on your clit. “I want more. Please give me more, Percy.”
“Good girl.” He praised and swiped his thumb across your bottom lip. “But I don’t think you deserve it. You’ve been greedy for my touch and ungrateful for what I give you. Distracting me all through class with your leg pressed against mine and your cleavage teasing me every time you leaned into the table.”
          The way his fingers were speeding up made it hard to focus on his voice in your ear but he continued anyway.
          “Barely said a word to me but now here you are,” he took his time pressing a kiss to the spot below your ear. “So desperate for my cock.” 
          Your approaching orgasm made your pride disappear and you readily begged him for release. 
          “Look at you, so pretty when you beg for me.” He watched you intently, taking in every signal your body gave until he knew you were seconds from going over the edge. “I bet you do this all the time.”
          At that he suddenly pulled his hand away from where you needed it. Your whine of frustration had no affect on him as he leisurely brought his fingers to his mouth to clean them of your juices.
          “Huh? I bet you tease any poor guy who happens to sit next to you. You get them so hooked on you that they follow you to bed. Isn’t that right, baby?” Percy’s words and lack of contact made you hurriedly deny them.
          “No,” you insisted and turned your face to his. “Of course not.”
          “No? Are you sure?” His hand caressed your jaw and moved down, tempting you with feather light touches.
          “Yes. There’s only you.” Your assurances earned you a kiss.
          “Good girl. Now roll over and stick that pretty ass up for me.” 
          Doing as he said, your cheek pressed into his pillow and your back arched for him, hoping that your eager compliance will get him to forgo any further teasing and just rail you. 
          Percy brushed the hair from your face and leaned down to place a sweet kiss on the back of your neck and whisper, “You’re so beautiful.”
          The softness of his tone distracted you until his hands found their hold on your hips and he thrusted into you. 
          Percy’s low groan filled your ears while his cock filled your pussy. You don’t think you’ve ever been this stretched before and you weren’t sure you could’ve taken him if you hadn’t already been so wet. The way his hands gripped you tighter made you peek over your shoulder to see his eyes shut and arms strained to keep himself from ramming into you. 
          I mean what can you say it was fucking hot. 
          To put him out of his misery you rolled your hips against his as a signal that you were ready and it apparently caught him off guard since he let out a cute little gasp. Then he caught you looking at him and his cheeks reddened at your smiling to his boyish response. The only way you could describe his following look was “You’re gonna regret that.”
          But when he started off at a brutal pace you honestly could say you didn’t regret a thing. His dick pounded into you and hit deeper than anyone else had before. Your hands desperately tried to find purchase on his sheets and gripped them tightly when one of his hands snaked around and found your clit again. 
          Percy hung on every noise you made and wondered if anything else would ever sound as good as you moaning his name, which made him want to see your face as you did.
          He pulled out of you and turned you onto your back, your eyes meeting as he propped one of your legs against his shoulder and went back to work. He liked this. Being able to watch you come undone around him, your hair a mess and your chest bouncing with his thrusts. But he also saw your hands grappling the sheets for something to hold onto and he thought he would offer his services one again.
          Percy leaned down over you and captured your mouth with his once again, not breaking his rhythm even as your hands tugged on his shoulders and pulled him closer to you still.
          “Y/n,” he groaned into your mouth when your hand gave a particularly hard pull to his hair.
          “Percy, I’m… I-.”
          “I know.” Your climax was moments away and Percy’s was right behind it. “Cum for me, babygirl.”
          This boy was going to be the death of you. Percy leaned back from the kiss to hear all of the pretty sounds you made as you came around his cock, the clenching of your walls sending him over the edge with you.
          You pulled Percy back down to you for one last kiss as you rode out your highs, this one slower than before. His forehead rested against yours as you were catching your breath and he kissed it before rolling over to lay next to you. Time passed as you both lay there for a while coming down from your highs and your eyes remained on the ceiling as your hand tentatively found his. 
          This is probably too weird he’s going to ask me to leave now that it’s over and in what world do you hold hands with somebody you just hooked up with? Your worries were silenced as he confidently took your hand in his and squeezed it. 
          “You want a granola bar?” he asked, causing a tired and satisfied burst of laughter to come from you. 
          “Fuckin… sure,” you replied and he reached over you to the nightstand and on his forearm you saw the “mysterious gang affiliated” tattoo that Lauren had been freaked out about. You admit, it was kind of weird, but it was probably nothing. 
          It could be initials or something, you pondered. The ‘P’ could stand for Percy.
          “Here.” The boy in question offered you a granola bar and you unwrapped them before cheersing. You were kind of hungry, content to just lay there and eat the stupid granola bar and breathe with him.
          “You did clean that couch after you got it off Craigslist, right?” You asked him after it popped into your head.
          “What? Oh… yeah. Yeah.”
Part 3
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oneshot-wxnderland · 4 years
Feel Better | Jason Todd
Summary: Y/n is frustrated and fed up with the world so Jason shows her a way to cope.
Category: fluff
          The punching bag shook as your fists pummeled into it, your rage and frustration fueling every blow. Blood pounded in your ears and tears escaped your eyes and all you could do was hit the bag over and over. 
          When you were finally exhausted and your arms felt like they were going to fall off, you took a step back from the punching bag and collapsed onto the floor. Your eyes dry and mind blissfully empty for the first time in weeks. The tension drained out of your body as you lay there, eyes shut to the world and thinking only of the sound of your breathing in the large, quiet room.
          “Feel better?” You opened your eyes to see Jason standing above you. You nod slightly, unwilling to form words. 
          Jason crouched down. “How’s your hands?” he asked, and gingerly took your hand in his, inspecting your knuckles himself before tilting them for you to see the damage. 
          “Well now that you mention it, they hurt.” He gave you a small smile and let you look at them yourself. The adrenaline of the past twenty minutes had kept you from noticing your knuckles get bruised and bleeding from hitting the punching bag over and over.
          “Come on,” he said and helped you up, leading you into the little office at the back of the gym. He patted the counter and you hopped up onto it, cradling your battered hands until he returned with a first-aid kit. 
          “You wanna talk now? It’s fine if you don’t,” Jason said while he started to take care of your right hand.
          “I feel like if I talk about it I’ll just get mad again,” you admitted and he only nodded understandingly. It seemed like Jason was the only person who did understand you. He didn’t probe you, trying to make you open up when you didn’t want to. He just let you both fall into silence as he patched up your hand. 
          “Ok something’s clearly bothering you,” Jason finally said after your stony silence killed his greeting. 
          “I’m fine.” 
          “Sure,” he replied, eyebrows creasing in concern. He had seen you in bad moods before but this was something different. You looked at the same time ready to break and ready to break something. “Wanna go for a ride?”
          Riding with Jason on his motorcycle usually was a quick way to lighten your mood but this time you just gave him a terse shake of your head. 
          “Okay, what do you want to do?” Jason asked delicately, ready to do whatever or drop the subject. 
          “I want to…” You were too aware of his gaze on you as you were practically shaking trying to keep from screaming or crying. “Hit… something.”
          “I know just the place.”
          He drove you to a rundown-looking building and showed you to the side alley door. Kneeling down, Jason started to pick the lock.
          “Are we breaking in?” You asked, slightly shocking Jason since it was the first thing you’d said in a while.
          “Yeah, but the owner owes me a favor.” He stood up and held open the door for you.
          “What kind of favor?” You asked him dryly, knowing all too well what kind of “favors” he dealt in.
          He flashed you a mischievous grin, “The best kind.”
          You followed Jason as he walked through the empty and quiet gym until you got to a matted area with punching bags and wall length mirrors. He strolled up and stood next to one, jerking his head to it and signaling for you to hit it.
          You gave it a weak attempt.
          “No, like this.” You backed away and watched Jason take a fighter’s stance before he struck the bag with such force that it rattled until he steadied it. “Here.”
          He took your hand in his and molded your fist as he saw fit. 
          “Keep your thumb on the outside, and put your whole body into it,” he instructed before stepping back and letting you try.
          Your first punch wasn’t nearly as powerful as Jason’s was, but you felt catharsis starting to take place so you started to punch harder and harder. Completely forgetting about Jason as every shitty thing that happened to you that week was embodied by the punching bag.
          Upon seeing silent tears fall from your eyes Jason quietly slipped out of the room, knowing you needed space and willing to wait for you until you needed him.
          The sting of your knuckles brought you back to the present as Jason wrapped them up. 
          “Why are you so good at this?” You asked, examining your right hand when he finished it.
          “Lots of practice,” he answered, moving on to your left hand. “But it’s easier doing it on someone else.”
          You watched him work on your hand and grew tired now that your pent up emotions had been spent. How could you be so lucky to have Jason in your life? He didn’t pressure you to feel or act some way you don’t want to. He just let you have emotions and deal with them how you saw fit. He let you be angry and frustrated even when it made you lash out at him. And in this world where you were under constant pressure to be happy and friendly, never letting anyone see you frown, Jason was a rock that you clung to.
          Even if you couldn’t quite put your finger on what your relationship with him was. There were times when you were clearly best friends, but then there were times like this, when he’d put everything aside and give you just what you needed to feel better. Or like how he now, the tough and strong Jason, was being so gentle fixing up your hands that you didn’t even notice the sting anymore, only his soft touch.
          Having been aware of your staring for a while, Jason looked up at you when he finished with your hand. “Does that feel better?”
          “I feel like I’m gonna pass out.” You answered truthfully and he chuckled.
          “Come on, I’ll take you home. Just don’t fall off the bike, please.”
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oneshot-wxnderland · 4 years
Sweet Dream Part 2 | Jason Grace
Summary: Jason and Y/n decide to recreate the dream.
Category: smut
Part 1 
          Jason’s heart was beating so loud he thought that it would get them caught as Y/n hurriedly lead them back to his cabin. He only snapped out of his daze when the door was shut behind them and Y/n backed into his cabin.
          “So,” she started as she shook out her ponytail. “Tell me about this dream of yours.”
          Spurred into action, Jason stepped forward and pulled her to his chest and captured her mouth with his. His head couldn’t form one coherent thought but he had never been more aware of his body. Every place she touched him burned and he wanted nothing but to crush her closer and never let go. 
          They stumbled backwards until Y/n fell onto his bed, and as he looked down at her, chest heaving, hair splayed out, and smoldering eyes staring back at him he knew that he could never go back to being just friends with her.
          Growing impatient, Y/n propped herself up on one elbow and grabbed his shirt to pull him down to her, catching his lips once more as he crawled over her. 
          Jason’s hand ghosted up her thigh before gripping her hip making her shiver. In retaliation, she bit into his bottom lip and drew a groan out of him.
          Before Jason could get the upper hand again, Y/n parted from him and whispered, “Tell me about the dream.”
          Unhappy to not be kissing her anymore, Jason grumbled something incoherent before ducking down again. However, this time his lips found a finger against them instead.
          “Ah-ah,” she affirmed. “Tell me about the dream.”
          “It was just you and me and we were kissing,” he said in a rush, eager to get back to their previous activities.
          “Oh, well. I thought we could reenact the whole dream,” she said with mock disappointment as she sat up. “But since I guess kissing is all it was…”
          “Wait,” he interjects, a hand on her waist to keep her from leaving. “There was more in the dream. I want… more.”
          At that she looked over her shoulder at him with a Cheshire grin that hit him in his core.
          “Well then baby boy,” she purred as he let her push him back down and straddle him. “You’re going to have to use your words for me.” 
          Jason gulped as he looked up at her, his hands finding her hips and holding on just to make sure that this is real, that she’s real. He couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. That one of his best friends whom he’d had a crush on for forever is really here on his bed on him. Straddling his hips and bracing her hands on his chest.
          Her eyebrows raised and he remembered that he was supposed to be talking.
          “I don’t remember how it started but you were there-.”
          “No, really?” 
          “Let me finish.” He replied with more force than he’d intended, squeezing her hips as he did, but the cock of her eyebrow signaled that she didn’t mind. “You were there and you called me to you. We started kissing and then we landed in my bed.”
          “Check and check.”
          “Then you took your shirt off.” Jason probably looked like a kid who was trying to get away with his scheme but Y/n just laughed and obliged, pulling her shirt over her head and dropping it to the floor. 
          “Keep going, Jay,” she prompted when he was rendered speechless. She started to slowly rock her hips back and forth, signing his death warrant.
          “Then we kept kissing and you were under me,” he finally finished, not knowing where to look as his eyes kept flitting from her beautiful face, to her chest, and to where she was grinding against his obvious bulge. 
          “Very good,” she praised and it sparked something deep within him. “But I think we can save that last part for later.”
          She finally leaned down and kissed him again, his hands keeping her hips rocking against his as their lips locked. Her mouth drifted off of his and trailed from his jaw to his neck, encouraged by his moans when she found a tender spot.
          “You keep that up, I’m gonna have to wear a sweatshirt all week.” His voice came out breathier than he had ever heard it as he pictured the marks she was leaving and imagined the ones he wanted to leave on her.
          “That’s alright, baby boy,” Y/n’s lips against his ear made him shiver. “You can just get payback by making me unable to walk all week.”  
          Jason flipped them over so that he was the one on top and whipped his shirt and jeans off. But he took his time taking Y/n shorts off, making sure it was okay and savoring the moment.
          He knelt there between her legs, looking down at her in only her bra and underwear which he thinks is his new favorite color. However favorite color or not, he didn’t waste much time taking those off her either. 
          “Come on, Jay.” She looked so much more beautiful and tempting than anything he had dreamed up as she lay there naked on his bed. “Take me.” 
          And he did.
          Propping himself on his elbow hovering over her, his other hand pulled her leg up and over his hip giving him access to her completely. Y/n’s hands went to the back of his neck and their foreheads touched as Jason slowly entered her tight heat. 
          Y/n’s moan was high pitched when he bottomed out, Jason’s was low when he started a rhythm. 
          Jason’s mind was mush from the sensation of being inside her, his face dropping into the crevice between her neck and shoulder as he mumbled his praise.
          “So tight for me,Y/n. Take me so good, don’t you baby?”
          Y/n’s hands tightened in his hair and brought his head up to hers for more searing kisses. Their tongues finding each other as his pace sped up.
          Jason swallowed her moans and as she begged for more.
          “Harder, Jay,” she panted. “Please?”
          How could he say no?
          Jason was nearing the edge and he could tell Y/n was too from the way her body squirmed underneath his so he moved his hand over to her clit to help her reach her breaking point. 
          “Jason!” she cried when she came, feeling his own orgasm rock through her. 
          They lay there, panting for breath and sweat soaked as they came down from their highs. 
          Jason’s head dropped down between Y/n’s neck and shoulder and her fingers combed through his hair. 
          “That was…” Jason trailed off, too tired to finish.
          “A dream come true?” Y/n guessed and she felt his chuckle.
          “You could say that.”
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oneshot-wxnderland · 4 years
Sweet Dream Part 1 | Jason Grace
Summary: Jason has an interesting dream about his friend Y/n and he can’t get it out of his head all day.
Category: smut
Part 2
          For the first time, Jason was very glad to have a cabin to himself when he woke up this morning. Breathing hard and his pulse pounding, he screwed his eyes shut and cursed Apollo for the morning rays that were breaking up the images of his dream. Images of you. And him. 
          He felt hot all over and threw his sheets off, laying there in a daze. 
          That was so weird, he thought, throwing his arms over his eyes to block out the sun. Incredibly wrong to have a dream like that about a friend like you. 
          He lay there for too long, thinking rationally about how it was just a random dream that his subconscious threw together and happened to pick you for the subject. Thinking that it meant nothing and that it was something he should just forget and move on from. And yet, as he lay there, bare chest rising and falling in the morning light, he couldn’t stop replaying the scenes from last night. 
          Scenes of you scantily dressed and beckoning, a seductress so tempting that he thought for sure you were some kind of monster waiting to ensnare him, but when he reached out and took you in his arms, he thought that even the most powerful monster couldn’t be as alluring as you were right now. 
          Scenes of you and him together, touching and kissing and more. He recalled how your body felt beneath him, his hands gliding over and gripping your soft skin. Your own hands, in his hair and pulling him ever closer. 
          When he finally roused himself to check the time he cursed, seeing that he had missed breakfast and was going to be late for sparring with Percy. 
          “Dude, where is your brain today?” Percy asked when Jason belatedly parried his strike. “I mean you’re usually easy to beat, but not this easy.”
          “Funny, Jackson.” Jason deadpanned and forced all lingering thoughts of you out of his mind so that he could focus on beating his friend. He found it to be a good distraction and went a little harder than he usually does in practice, causing Percy to respond in kind. 
          After a while, Jason had finally bested Percy and was about to disarm him when a clear voice rang out and hit him in the gut.
          “Yeah Jason! Show him who’s boss!” His head whipped around to spot you and your cabin mates gearing up to have their turn in the arena. You waved at him and the wall of distraction that sparring had provided broke and he thought of his dream again, of your hair shining like it did last night when it was fanned out against his pillow.
          Percy, intrigued by this occurrence and taking advantage of Jason’s distraction, flipped the position and left Jason disarmed on his back. 
          “You good?” He asked, lending a hand to help his friend up. 
          “Yeah,” Jason replied absentmindedly, clearly not aware of how openly he was staring at you as you warmed up. “Yeah, I’m good.”
          Percy looked between Jason and you with a raised eyebrow but decided not to question it. 
          “Okay… well, come on. It’s our turn on the lava wall.”
          The rest of the morning went better, with Jason putting his all into every task they did trying to keep his mind from wandering back to you. By lunchtime he was a sweaty mess and was having an easy conversation with Percy, who desperately wanted to consult with Annabeth on what the matter with Jason was. 
          Since Jason and Percy were each the only children of their godly parents at camp, they shared training schedules and a table at lunch so they wouldn’t be all alone. Except their lunch table rarely only housed the two of them since almost always Annabeth and some of their other friends would break the rules and sit by them. 
          So today for lunch it was the two boys and Annabeth talking about plans for their next trip to New Rome until Y/n came and sat next to Jason. 
          “Hey guys,” she greeted as she straddled the bench, leaning in to steal a grape off of Jason’s plate. He immediately stiffened at Y/n’s sudden nearness and the smell of her freshly washed hair clouded his senses. She must have just taken a shower after her morning training since her hair was still damp. And picturing her in the shower did wonders for Jason’s predicament. Great.
          His change in demeanor didn’t go unnoticed by Percy and Annabeth, who shared a look, but it was completely lost on Y/n, who grabbed another one of his grapes.
          “Hey, Y/n,” the couple greeted and started the conversation back up. Except this time Jason wasn’t contributing much since the way Y/n was leaning towards him with her arms braced in front of her on the bench was causing a very tempting distraction to peak up over her tank top. 
          “Jason?” He realized too late that she was talking to him and his eyes snapped to his plate almost as fast as his cheeks reddened. 
          “I said…” Y/n poked him in the shoulder. “Do you want to go canoeing with us tonight?” 
          “Oh, yeah. Sounds fun.”   
          It was most certainly not fun. This wasn’t the first time they’d snuck out after lights out to hang and do stuff, and objectively canoeing was one of the least sexy activities there is, but it still got to Jason. 
          Of course Annabeth and Percy shared a canoe which left Jason and Y/n in their own trailing after them. However, they quickly fell behind since Percy had given up on paddling and just willed their canoe forward. Damn water bastard that he is.
          “You still alive back there?” Y/n called back to him.
          “You’re not talking.”
          “Okay.” She put down her paddle and started to stand up, rocking the canoe as she did.
          “What are you doing?” Jason asked concerned as he tried to keep the canoe steady while she turned around and sat to face him.
          “You’ve been weird all day. What’s up.” 
          “It’s definitely something.”
          “No. It’s not.” 
          Y/n sighed and turned back around, starting to paddle back to shore. “If you don’t wanna talk, that’s fine. I’m gonna go to bed.”
          Jason’s mind was at war with itself as he hopped out of the canoe and tied it to the dock. On the one hand he felt bad for being rude to Y/n, but on the other he was wondering if her moonlit skin was as soft as he remembered it being in the dream. Or if her laugh sounded anything like the way she moaned in his ear.
          He was so caught up in his head that when Y/n tripped getting out of the canoe, Jason not only caught her but pulled her to him. Her eyes slightly widened and her intake of breath made Jason want to get more sounds out of her but he came to and hastily stepped away as if she would burn him.
          Now thoroughly confused and pissed off by his mixed signals, Y/n scoffed and turned to leave. 
          Without thinking, Jason caught her wrist and blurted out, “I had a dream last night.”
          Y/n looked at him more confused than ever, but didn’t shake his grasp.    
          “About you.”
          “Oh?” She took in the clench of his jaw and how he refused to look at her and it clicked. “Oh.”
          “So that’s why I’ve been weird all day. Sorry.”
          They stood there in silence for a few seconds that seemed like an eternity while Jason waited for her to curse him out, laugh, or even push him off the dock. But when her hand came to rest on his cheek it wasn’t to shove him away and instead gently turned his face to hers.
          She took a step closer to him and the heated gaze of his dream seductress moved from his lips to his eyes as she spoke the words he would remember forever: 
          “Do you want to recreate it?”
Part 2 
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oneshot-wxnderland · 4 years
Do we get to see a part 2 for lab partners?
Yes I will start working on it after this semester ends :)
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oneshot-wxnderland · 4 years
Hi, sorry for submitting this as an anon but I can't sign in at the moment. Remember the Lab Partners thing you wrote? Is there a part 2 somewhere? I really liked it.
Thanks! I am planning on making a second part to it (and also a third.) I'm not sure when it'll be out but it'll happen. 😁
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oneshot-wxnderland · 4 years
Lab Partners With Benefits Pt. 1 | Percy Jackson
Summary: Y/n becomes lab partners with Percy, the quiet guy who sits in the back and seems a mystery to the world, but Y/n ends up getting closer to him than she expected. A lot closer.
Category: smut
Part 2 | Part 3
          “Ms. Y/l/n,” your TA, Mack, called you up to the front when you walked into your lab. You approached him, trying not to get nervous. You weren’t in trouble, right? That’s such a childish thing to worry about now that you were in college, but you still felt a rush of relief when he continued,“It appears that your former lab partner has dropped this class.”
          This didn’t really surprise you, while Sam was nice and did her share of work, she never stopped talking about how much she missed home, so you were pretty sure that she had just dropped out of school all together.
          “And while normally dropping a class in the middle of a semester is unadvisable at best, this time it works out fine since we have a group of three.”
          The room was starting to fill up now and you looked around to spot your possible new partner.
          “You can partner with...” Mack peered down his roster before looking back up to you. “Percy Jackson. Mr. Jackson!”
           You saw the boy in question’s head pop up and his gaze move from Mack to you. “Meet your new lab partner, you guys can move to the back table.”
          Aside from introductions on the first day, you hadn’t ever heard him speak in class, you only knew him as the quiet guy who sat in back. Admittedly, he was attractive, but it was the “never going to happen, so why bother?” kind of attractive. Except now that you were walking up to him, seeing him up close and becoming hotter with each step, you began to think that he was going to become quite the bother.
          “Hey,” He greeted you when you sat down next to him. His voice was deeper than you thought it would be, probably because you were still used to high school guys.
          The silence between you two turned awkward as you listened to Mack explain the lab. Percy kept fidgeting and accidentally brushing his arm or leg against yours and you wondered if this lab table was smaller than your old one because all you could focus on was the guy next to you. 
          You felt like you were about to burst when Mack finally told you all to start working.
          “I’ll get it,” you said and quickly left the table grateful for the distraction of grabbing the bin of rocks you had to classify. What is going on? Has it been that long since you and your boyfriend broke up that just sitting next to a guy has you hot and bothered?
          Get it together, Y/n. 
          Unfortunately, as soon as you turned around you caught Percy’s eyes flick from your lower half to the paper in front of him. 
          Oh boy.
          The rest of the lab was excruciatingly long. You could hardly focus on your work with his thigh pressed against yours, and his bouncing leg making sure you didn’t forget about it. You nearly dropped the rock you were holding when he leaned in close and reached around you to you to grab a sample from your side of the table. His breath on your neck caused you to bite your lip and you almost sat back into his arm, but thankfully he pulled away before you could embarrass yourself further. 
          After that incident you were determined to push him from your thoughts and focus on classifying the stupid rocks so that you could finally go.
           “Wait, that guy?” Lauren’s eyebrows shot up when you mentioned your new lab partner. 
          “Yeah....” Your carefully neutral tone must have betrayed you because you found yourself being stopped and facing your friend. 
          “Oh no you don’t.” 
          “No way, Y/n. He’s bad news.”
          You shrugged her off and scoffed. “I never said I-.”
          “You didn’t have to, it’s all over your face.” She wasn’t going to let this go. “You have a weakness for mysteries and that guy is a giant one.”
          This caused you to laugh. “Even if I did, how do you even know him?”
          “He’s in my psych class,” she looked around, then lowered her voice conspiratorially. “He sometimes leaves the middle of class in a hurry, he never talks to anyone, and he has a weird tattoo.”
          “You do realize that you just described half of the collegiate population, right?” Lauren was big on any conspiracy theory or mystery she could find, so of course she decided to invent one about Percy.
          “I think he’s in a gang.” She whispered to you with the utmost sincerity and you laughed.
          “You’ve got to be joking.”
          “I’m not.” She sighed when she saw that she wasn’t getting through to you and shook her head. “Just be careful with that one, Y/n.”
          One week later and your lab class had gone annoyingly similar to the last one. The tension between you and Percy was unbearable. At one point he reached down to grab something from his backpack and his fingers grazed your thigh. You attempted to cover your sharp intake of breath with a cough, but judging by the way he brushed the same spot again on the way up, lingering for far too long for it to not be on purpose, he saw right through it. 
          “Wanna come over and work on the write-up at my place?” 
           The question shocked you and you paused packing up your things to look at him. He didn’t radiate evil villain energy like Lauren seemed to think, but there definitely was something about him that you couldn’t put your finger on. That made you want to find out more. You knew you should’ve said no. You barely knew the guy! And yet... When you met his gaze you couldn’t help but accept his invitation.
          The short walk to his building was similar to the silence that you both usually worked in, but now it wasn’t awkward, it was anticipatory. 
          “My roommates aren’t here so we have the place to ourselves,” he commented as he unlocked the door.
          “Okay.” He opened the door and let you in, locking it behind him. You two stood there looking at each other. “We should get started.”
          “Yeah, we should.” Your backpacks dropped to the floor as his hands met your waist and pushed you back against the door. 
          One of your hands pulled him to you by his shoulder while the other threaded itself in his hair and brought his lips to yours. Your mind went blank as his mouth moved eagerly against yours, pressing you in between his hard chest and the door. 
          This is so wrong. I barely know this guy!
          But the way his hands gabbed your hips and pulled them into his made your mind go blank. You had never felt anything like this in any of your previous relationships. It was always just simple kisses and when things had gone farther it was nice, but the way Percy seemed to be putting everything he has into kissing you made you realize all that you were missing. 
          You were so focused on the way his teeth caught your bottom lip that you didn’t notice his hands sliding to your thighs until they pulled you up. Automatically, your legs wrapped around his waist and your gasp allowed his tongue to meet yours.
          Time seemed to stop completely while you were wrapped in his arms and only the jiggling of the door handle broke the moment.
          Your eyes widened as you pictured the embarrassing scene to come when his roommate finds you pressed against their door, but you heard, “Wrong door, idiot.” come from the hallway.
          Percy’s chest heaved with a sigh of relief and you looked back at each other. The intensity of the moment was gone but if you kept looking into those sea green eyes you knew it would be back fast. 
          Surprisingly, you were grateful for the strangers interruption because now your head was clear and you knew that if not for them, you would have done anything Percy wanted. But Lauren’s warning in the back of your mind kept nagging at you that this was a bad idea. That he was a bad idea. 
          Sensing your hesitancy he let you down, but the look of disappointment on your face kept him close. 
          “Ah, we should...” You tried to remember the reason you came over to his apartment in the first place. “Um...”
          “Yeah...” He stepped away from you and it felt like the air pressure changed. “Geology... rocks.”
          “Rocks,” you agreed and picked your backpack up off the ground. “Yeah, rocks.”
Part 2 
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oneshot-wxnderland · 4 years
All-Nighter | Peter Parker
Summary: Peter and Y/n have to pull an all-nighter to finish a project.
Category: Fluff
          In retrospect it wasn’t a very good idea for you and Peter to partner up for your final project. You were best friends so it seemed to be the obvious choice that you would work together, but you hadn’t considered how being best friends would hinder your progress. Whenever you two met up to work on it, you always ended up distracted and not getting anything done. Peter would talk about the Avengers or you would talk about a new show you found which would result in you guys bingeing it. 
          This time however you had spent the entire evening after school in Peter’s room and when you left May asked him what you had gotten done.
          “We uh...” Peter trailed off, thinking about how for the past four hours you had been helping him build a new Lego set while you watched a movie. The intention really had ben to work on the project, but one thing lead to another and you both got distracted. He sighed and dropped his forehead against the door. 
          May shook her head but had a knowing smile on her face. “You’d better start it, it’s worth half your grade.”
          “I know, I know.” Peter walked over to the table where May had put dinner out for him. “We just get so off-track.”
          She sat down across from him and rested her chin on her hand. 
          “You just get lost in her eyes and the whole world fades away, huh?”
          “What? That’s...” Peter flushed and tried to glare at her but he could see she was taking too much pleasure in teasing him. “Stupid.” He finished lamely and diverted his attention to his food.
          “I think you should ask her out.”
          “We already hang out all the time, May.” Peter’s attempt to play dumb was thwarted by the blush he tried to hide.
          “You know what I mean. Ask her on a date. You could go to that new Thai place or take her swinging around the city. Anything to make you stop pinning over her like a lost puppy.”
          “Hey! I do not ‘pine over her like a lost puppy’,” he mocked her tone and made her snort. “I don’t even like her that way.”
          May was about to interject but Peter kept talking, “And even if I did, there’s no point because she doesn’t like me back.”
          “I think you’re wrong.” May got up to put her dish in the sink and turned back to him. She felt sorry for the kid, knowing how much he liked Y/n and how he thought it was hopeless. “You’ll never know unless you ask.”
           It was currently Sunday. The project was due tomorrow and you still hadn’t started. Sunday at seven in the morning to be more precise, but you couldn’t waste another second. 
          May was only slightly surprised to find you at their door so early, and endlessly amused to watch you march to Peter’s room like a man on a mission.
         You shut his door behind you and your eyebrows lifted when that alone didn’t wake him. He still lay there on his stomach, his arm hanging over the edge. Guess his spider senses didn’t work before eight. That left you with plan B. 
          Sunlight flooded the room when you pulled apart his curtains and you looked back over to where Peter somehow kept sleeping. Only now with the room lit up, you noticed how the light glinted on his bare back and shoulders. 
          This stopped you short and made you realize that you had never seen him shirtless before. Sure you’d had sleepovers before, but he had always slept in a shirt. You’d also never seen how toned he was. The lithe muscles spanning from his back to his shoulders seemed out of place on the nerdy boy you knew and loved, but they were definitely not an unwelcome surprise.
          Eventually you realized how creepy you were being, so you stepped up to him and shook his arm. “Peter.”
          He groaned at first, rolling over and nearly hitting you in the face with his arm. 
          “Peter,” You said louder and this time his eyes opened.
          “Y/n?” he groaned and jumped when he focused on you, hastily pulling up his blanket to cover his bare torso. “What are you doing in my room?” 
          “We are not doing a single thing until we finish this project even if it takes us the next twenty-four hours until it’s due. So get up and let’s get to work.”
          “We can’t do anything?”
          “Can I go shower?”
          You let out an exasperated sigh and pointed to his door. “You have five minutes.”
          “Thank you!” He rushed out of the room but then popped his head back inside. “May made pancakes can I-.”
          “Four minutes and fifty-two seconds!” You warned him and he sped down the hall.
          “I’ll eat them in the shower!”
          After a full day of honest productivity, with May occasionally cracking open the door to throw you guys snacks before shutting it as if you were wild animals, you allowed a dinner break. 
          May watched you two fix your plates from the table, a grin on her face. You two worked together like you shared one brain, handing each other things without needing to be asked.
          “Peter could you...” you trailed off as he wordlessly handed the salt to you and you smiled at him in response. He returned it but when he met May’s eyes, it reminded him of their conversation from the night before and he turned red.
          The rest of dinner Peter was oddly quiet, which you thought was weird but May seemed perfectly content to talk about you. You both caught up on each others lives and laughed which put Peter at ease, but then he nearly choked on his food when she asked if you were seeing anyone.
          “Okay, breaks over.” He pulled you back to his room. 
          The time was currently two in the morning, you had most of the project done, but you couldn’t go to bed yet. Sitting next to Peter was a bad idea because you kept leaning on his shoulder which made you more tired than you already were. 
          “So I was thinking that for the conclusion we could...” he trailed off when he noticed that your eyes were closed. He smiled a little at the sight of you asleep on his shoulder and wished that he didn’t have to have a project and all-nighter to be this close to you. 
          He wanted to let you sleep, but he knew you wouldn’t be okay with skipping out on the rest of the work. Nudging his shoulder, he gently called your name until you perked up.
           “That is it.” You stood up too quickly and Peter had to steady you when you wobbled. “I am going to take a freezing cold shower to wake up and be right back.”
          “Five minutes,” Peter called after you and laughed when you flipped him off. 
          Four minutes and twelve sends later Peter heard you quietly calling for him from the bathroom. He awkwardly stood outside the door and knocked.
          “Yeah?” he whispered, not wanting to wake up May.
          “Can you bring me some clothes?” His cheeks reddened and he cleared his throat.
          “Uh yeah... give me a sec.”
          When he returned with one of his t-shirts and sweatpants, he knocked before shutting his eyes tight and opening the door just wide enough so that he could get his arm through.
          “Thanks.” Shutting the door, Peter let out a breath and returned to his room. 
          When you walked into the room wearing his clothes, he could’ve died then and there. While you had been friends for years, he had never seen you like this. With your wet hair and the way you had to roll up the waist band of his sweatpants, he wanted nothing more than to wrap you in his arms.
          “Let’s finish this.”
                    An hour later you had finally finished the project and you fell back onto the floor in exhaustion. “I am going to die right here.”
          “At least die in the bed.” You held up your arms. “I’m not carrying you.”
          “Come on Spiderman,” You slurred and he caved, scooping you up and placing you on his bed. He turned away to head to the couch but you caught his hand and pulled him down.
          “Y/n...” he started to protest, not wanting May to find you both there in the morning. 
          “Shh, I’m trying to sleep.” You pulled him to you and lay your head on his chest. He put an arm around you and grinned.
          If we somehow don’t fail this project, I’m gonna ask her out.
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