our-flag-means-spam · 8 months
Another thing I think people are starting to talk about that drives me absolutely INSANE is the difference between the red silk and the red shirt.
The red silk, while iconic, is incredibly riddled with trauma and insecurities. It is directly tied to his mother, his father, his childhood. He carries it through so much that it has become tattered, torn, stained. It is so small in his hands, because it used to only belong to his mother. He hides it often, and he seems almost embarrassed by it at times-- not necessarily of the silk itself, but of the fact that Blackbeard has a heart at all. When Stede takes it and folds it over his heart he is putting Ed's wounded, fragile heart into place. "You wear fine things well" is a symbol and, in hindsight, a warning that Stede gives about never losing your heart. When Ed goes to kiss him and decides not to, it's because he still doesn't know how to have one. is so easy for him to let it go, and it can never come back.
But then there's the shirt. Stede has learned a lot, and he has grown a lot, but he still appreciates the fine things. He still proudly wears his heart on his sleeve, and the red shirt is an easy way to show that. Ed, on the other hand, has lost a big part of himself, something that can never come back-- innocence in love. He has been torn, tattered, stained. He has let his heart go, but seeing Buttons change made him realize that doesn't mean he needs to forget about having a heart at all. He may have lost a piece of it, but he's finally realized his heart wasn't just a thing of the past, but something he can find in everyone around him-- especially Stede. "You Wear Fine Things Well" isn't just a clever quip this time, it's accepting that he has found another piece of his heart, that he is willing to open up again and start fresh. It's accepting that while he has lost that part of himself, he wants to try again. And while the moon is no longer full, Ed doesn't have that insecurity weighing him down anymore. He kisses Stede like no one is watching, he is vocal about wanting to take it slow (which I suspect is because Stede said he left because things were going too fast, but also because he isn't ready to move on from what happened just yet). He isn't ready to wear his heart on his sleeve, but he is ready to accept it as an equal part of his life.
no but ever since the trailers fans were already talking about how stede wearing red represented stede replacing the red silk and the red silk was symbolic for ed's heart and stede is ed heart etc etc etc
but to put stede in this full red outfit in THIS EPISODE SPECIFICALLY. where we get a direct callback and a take two on the "you wear fine things well" scene, the one where stede put ed's silk in his pocket and said it suited him, wearing his heart out in the open like that. for this episode to be the one where stede is wearing red!!!
in s1 stede folds and tucks that red silk into ed's left pocket, right over his heart. and in s2 they kiss, stede gets hot n bothered, ed asks to take it slow, they hold hands and play a silly little game with their fingers and stede whispers you won. and stede folds himself up and slots himself in right beside ed's heart.
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Look all I'm saying is that now it's June The 3rd (An Excellent Day) HBO has the opportunity to do something they kind of biffed last year and give us news on a show relevant day
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Look all I'm saying is that now it's June The 3rd (An Excellent Day) HBO has the opportunity to do something they kind of biffed last year and give us news on a show relevant day
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Look all I'm saying is that now it's June The 3rd (An Excellent Day) HBO has the opportunity to do something they kind of biffed last year and give us news on a show relevant day
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Our Flag Means Death isn't really a main hyperfixation for me at the moment (season 2 is definitely bringing me back into it) but even though I'm not as into it as I was I will die on the hill that the "You Wear Fine Things Well" scene is one of the most romantic scenes in media
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
[reading an AU idea on Tumblr]
Man, this is really out of character
[random reference to the 80s]
oh STEVE and Ed, wrong fandom, carry on
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
Reblog to give your mutuals a bitchy little wave
his bitchy little wave as she's running away lmfaooo stede ily
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
Currently thinking about the fact that Doug is the guy from the "It's Free Real-estate" meme and that I have not known peace since learning that information
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
every time i see a gifset with stede that i stare at for longer than 30 seconds, i become overtaken by the spirit of ed teach and just sit at my desk mentally chanting ‘i love him i love him i love him’
rhys darby what have you done to me
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
Songs I Think Would Be Bitchin' in Season Two That Make Tonal Sense in My Humble Opinion
Somebody To Love - Queen
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! - ABBA
Ghosts That We Knew - Mumford & Sons
Mr Blue - Catherine Feeny
Holding Out For a Hero - Bonnie Tyler
If any of these songs play I will perish on the spot and that is a promise
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
I've seen people complain about the trope that Stede, despite his inexperience, rocks Ed's world the first few times they get down but honestly? It tracks. I can feel it in my bones, it just tracks.
When you want something or someone that badly you give it your all, you listen to the little things (a change in someone's breathing or body language especially.) It's not just that Stede is magically good at The Devil's Tango, it's just that he listens and watches and adjusts when needed. He communicates, he asks what is and isn't okay.
He isn't made out to be good because it makes for good fanfiction, he IS good because in reality he pays attention to the little details.
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
Boy oh boy it would be a shame if someone ordered a commission from this account that is definitely not me haha why would you think that shhhh
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Commissions Open! Any reblogs much appreciated 💖💖💖
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
Omg, I just noticed – !
Right before the duel in 1x06, as Izzy challenges Stede, he throws Stede a sword.
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Stede catches it.
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and then and only then does he say,
“Well, I accept your challenge.”
It’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it little moment – deliberately so, I’m sure, to maintain the surprise – but in retrospect you can see Stede hatching the plan, on the fly, right then and there. (I wonder if it was scripted or if it was an acting choice.)
Look at this creative, quick-witted, excellently weird little man. I love him.
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
like yeah stede technically doesn’t say “no” when cj asks if him and ed are fucking but what stede absolutely does do after cj says he and ed had “dalliances”
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is check out the size of his d!ck zero (0) subtlety involved
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
I have peaked as a human being, someone has drawn fanart for an ofmd modern au I wrote, I can die happy knowing I made a thing and someone liked it enough to do a thing
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
ed and stede are too sappy and gay to not use pet names for each other but i think they're going to be really, really into different kinds of pet names that nonetheless destroy them.
like, david jenkins tossed out "babe, lover, hun, my sweetness" and look. look.
i think ed's the sort who calls stede babe, hun, luv, and stede's the sort who goes my sweetness, my love, my lover, and they're both going to be destroyed by it.
stede testing out all kinds of pet names by seeing which ones wreck ed the most, from my love to my sweet to darling to dearest to kitten to sweetness and ed just fucking dies for it, he melts for it, he's in the ground for it okay, he's ruined for anything less.
ed doesn't test them out, the words just fall out of his mouth, he's going "stede, love, catch a look at that -" and stede is crying because ed called him love and ed is going oh shit oh fuck what did i do and then getting kissed within an inch of his life.
they are going to be insufferable and i love it.
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our-flag-means-spam · 2 years
If Our Flag Means Death was in modern day you can bet your ass Izzy Hands would have been one of the people to completely miss the point of Mean Girls and make a Burn Book except pretty much every page would be Stede
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