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ended up finishing this :]
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when the meme goes too far and now has a body count
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[ID of a Reddit comment by Emotional-Fig9952 saying: "tbh before top surgery i was a c cup and when going into gay bathhouses, i had multiple people ask if i had gynecomastia. i didn’t even expect to pass, but people see what they expect to see and don’t question it too deep. one guy even came up to me and was like “i have gynecomastia too” and motioned to his small titties and asked me “did you get made fun of growing up as a boy with tits?” i just nodded and went along with it. i was shocked but then got used to it pretty quickly. people just assume"/end ID]
Solidarity between cis & trans men with tits now and forever
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Nude No. 151
Irving Penn
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ilove the way you draw soup its my faviurire. makes me sohappy. he is a lad. thank you somuch. for your service. happy
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Thank you!
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had to be there i guess
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U.S. congressman ralph norman stating he hopes bats go extinct, just earlier this week as he voted against endangered species protections.
His office, where you can have statements or messages passed on to him:
(202) 225-5501
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I didn't kill myself last Tuesday.
I didn’t kill myself last Tuesday. 
I decided to on Friday. I’d spent most of three days drowning in shallow water, choking on invisible obstructions. I wrote a note—meant to be brief, nearly 2 pages—folded it and put it in my pen drawer. 
The plans were simple. Bedsheets and the ‘free swing door closer’ (because I live in student accommodation). If either doesn’t hold my weight, then a rope and a tree. Easy.
I had videos I wanted to watch, a fanfic that would update, d&d on Monday. So it would be Tuesday. Fitting. The last time I really wanted to die was a Tuesday too. Fitting too because when I wanted to die in year 9 I had planned on the 14th. This would be the 28th. A fortnight on. 
On Saturday, I woke up and there was a hole in my chest. I extricated myself from my partner’s arms and had a panic attack in the bathroom (I was quiet, but still glad they didn’t have an ensuite). It was a fuzzy one—numb lips and teeth—like I hadn’t had in 5 years. 
The fear in my head cycled—fear of being alive to face everything I feel, but fear of dying and nothing I have done mattering, fear of how far my feelings could sink, fear of hurting everyone who loves me. 
I decided not to die. 
Tuesday came and I didn’t kill myself. But I didn’t feel better. If anything, it was worse. I could barely eat, couldn’t cook, couldn’t make myself go to lectures. Couldn’t do anything. 
I didn’t kill myself. But I didn’t stay alive either. I am in limbo between death and life. I haven’t been anything close to a living, breathing person in a long time. 
But I didn’t die. And if I don’t die for two more Tuesdays, there will be a Wednesday with a doctor’s appointment.
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I love you. Do you know that?
I love you.
That’s the start of it
That should be the end. 
That should be the end. 
I love you.
Do you know that?
I say it when you say it
Repeating soft roses on my tongue. 
Sometimes I brave the thorns
And say it first
Around the scratches in my throat
Because while I have relearned
The power of speech
True, meaningful words
Are still locked somewhere I can’t get to. 
I love you.
I try to show you that
Hands linked
Sincerity (I like hearing you talk)
Where it wasn’t asked for
(Why is that the only time I can give it?)
Tracing circles on your arms, your back
In your hair. 
I love you. 
I hope you know that. 
I hope you read through layers of fear and awkwardness
Understand that between
My every word
All my actions
I am lacing 
I love you 
I adore you
You are wonderful to me. 
I love you. 
I will not give you this poem to show you that.
You deserve adoring words
And my earnest affections
Not me running my fingers over skin
Trying to find a scab to pick at. 
Pouring blood out of the wound
Of my own insecurities
And painting them on to you. 
I love you. 
Sometimes I believe you love me. 
When I believe it
I worry that you don’t
That I don’t do enough to show it.  
I am always trying to find a bruise
To poke at
Trying to clean non-existent wounds. 
I love you. 
You love me. 
One day that will be the end of it.
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I don’t… actually want it to be worse
The idea of actual pain 
Actual trauma
Something real 
Instead of whatever the fuck
This is
Feels like a warning sign
(My anxiety told me my sibling would kill themself today
And it took everything I had not to scream — they didn’t; it’s fine)
God I do not want it to be worse. 
I just want a justification for this pain
My head is gray
And it all hurts so much
And it’ll never never never change
(never mind that it has in the past
It’s different this time)
And I can’t complain 
Can’t say I wish it was different
Because why isn’t it different?
It’s in my head 
And when it isn’t it’s my fucking fault
They can’t notice what you won’t show them
It should be different
It should be better
I shouldn’t be complaining
If it was worse
I wouldn’t be able to hide it
They’d have to notice 
There’d be no other option
No crying in the bathroom
No spending hours asking why it’s so hard to say
‘Help me’
No guilt because the only people I ever go to for comfort 
Are so much more fucked up than I am.
I don’t actually want it to be worse
I just want to deserve help.                     
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The girl I want to love/The boy I used to love
It starts with
The girl I want to love
She asks me
(Why me?
She has no other option)
How I know
I am in love with the one I love now
(Am I in love with the one I love now?
That is a question for another day)
Her question
Puts butterflies in my eyes
And stars in my stomach
When I answer it. I am thinking of her
Not the one I love now
(Is that wrong?)
The next day
The boy I used to love
Comes in tears
(I should have expected this)
The girl I want to love
Doesn’t love him any more
She loves someone else
(Not me. I don’t know who)
I do my best to comfort him
I take what to say
Pull my advice
From a situation very like this
The boy I used to love
Broke up with me.
I knew it was happening
Knew I’d be heartbroken
(Do I really remember how I got through?
After all, it was eclipsed by everything else)
The one I love now helped me through it
Is this retribution?
Should I feel good? Schadenfreude?
I feel as if I have swallowed a plank of wood
I wish her love was mine
I don’t want his pain
I think I might be a bad partner
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Do I not love you enough?
Do I not love you enough that I would not
Let the world burn for you?
That if I could choose to save your life
Or the lives of 5 others
I would choose the others?
Should I want
To kill, to maim
Just to see you smile?
Or is it enough?
Is it enough
That I would sacrifice my life for yours
In a moment?
That I would choose your life or happiness
Before even thinking of mine?
That I would rip out my lungs
To see you smile?
Because I cannot choose you over others
I cannot sacrifice their lives
Their happiness
Their love and beauty and wonder
For you
But I will choose you over me
I will love you
I will sacrifice
My life
For you
Do I not love you enough
That friendship is as important to me
As what we have?
That between our love
And my friendship with others
I don’t know what I would choose?
That a day in the sun at Edinburgh zoo
With them
Is just as good as an afternoon of cake
And poetry with you?
Or is it enough
That I love you differently
From them?
That friendship is warm
And comfortable:
Sunny days and picnics?
And that our love is fizzy
And exciting:
Neon lights and roller skates?
Because I cannot love you
More than I love them
I cannot make you more important
Than making stupid jokes
And laughing so hard I can’t breathe
But I can love you
As much as I love them
I can cherish our moments
Of quiet together:
Your hand in mine
My head on your shoulder.
I cannot love you in the world-destroying
All consuming way
They say I should
But I can love you
In the soft
Candy-floss flavoured way
That I feel
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Nebulae. Fucking Nebulae.
She is
and i
am enough of a friend to hang out with in a free lesson
there is some solace to be taken
in the fact that She could never
love You back – or at least You don’t think so –
but i could never wish pain on You
that pain is something i know intimately
and if i could,
i would make Her love You
so that You didn’t have to feel that
but i can’t
so we are stuck here – both of us – loving someone
who doesn’t love us.
i don’t even know who it is
who is a whole galaxy for You to explore
while i am merely the inhabitant
of one of Her planets
You don’t even trust me enough to tell me that
i’m not sure i even want to know
i wouldn’t hate Her
i couldn’t hate Her
not when You love Her
but how could i be around Her
when You love Her?
i have never seen someone
as Nebulae – sometimes I wonder
if i have ever been in love before
because love is never how
it is described.
But i love You – i’m sure of it
and i have loved others – i love others now
but not one of Them is or was Nebulae
You are moss, perhaps,
covering rocks in a forest
Or perhaps You are the rocks
covered by the moss. You are more familiar to me
than Nebulae
but You are still Out There
You are still not in the home i have created for myself.
You are moss. Or You are rocks.
Irregular; rough and imperfect
but beautiful
and i love You
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