pouringraen · 5 years
You: “You know, drugs are bad for you,” Me: “So is being a little BITCH” *skates away dramatically*
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pouringraen · 5 years
Take candid pictures of me then let’s make out 📷😊
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pouringraen · 6 years
Hello my woodland creatures!
Please remember to check out my new Etsy page, I will be posting things regularly.
It’s so important to remember to support local shops, that make things personally (not factories or sweatshops!)
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pouringraen · 6 years
We All Must Relax,
I didn't take pictures because I was very relaxed in the moment, but I had such an amazing relaxation time today.
I drew myself a nice, warm bath, swirling with oils of lavender and jasmine. I lit a few candles, made myself an elixir to calm the nerves, and I enjoyed myself.
It felt so amazing, feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. I wrapped myself in a silk robe and did a little self care.
It’s so easy to forget to take time out of each and every day to treat ourselves, and focus on our own personal relaxation. 
Let's all try to do that at LEAST once a day.
-With Love ♡
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pouringraen · 6 years
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This here is a young King Bolete. 
Ah, yes, the mushies truly are beginning to sprout. Tis the season! 
King Boletes LOVE moss and typically are found growing in it (commonly along a slant I’ve found).
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pouringraen · 6 years
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If you ever find yourself along the Oregon coast, and you have a free minute. Please stop into the Crystal Wizard. What an amazing shop! So much positivity in one spot, certainly a hidden gem!
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pouringraen · 6 years
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Mushroom Love,
Hand picked chanterelle mushrooms. A very unique, and delicious, fungi that is very common here on the wonderful west coast.
remember that chanterelles hold in LOTS of water, so when sautéing or frying them in a pan, let the mushrooms cook until all of their moisture is taken out and then evaporated before adding oils. The mushrooms will look smaller and more dried 
Sautéing these shrooms with your choice of oil, or butter, chalets, and garlic, is a GREAT and easy recipe that will please all. 
You can add them to a grilled sandwich, in pastas, soup, with rice, almost any dish!
Enjoy, and happy hunting!
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pouringraen · 6 years
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pouringraen · 6 years
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pouringraen · 6 years
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secret mushroom 
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pouringraen · 6 years
THIS is the best recipe post yet! Very relevant in my life right now!
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Hello my fellow lazy as fuck poor ass vegetarians. :) I shall provide you with various recipes that requires minimal effort tastes amazing and easy on the wallet. Get the pen and paper out and start making up your grocery list. BREAKFEST eggs, peppers, milk, bread (whole grain), bagels, cereal (vector is a great boost) and rennet free cheese (try buying brands with ingredients that says microbial bacteria) is all you really need to make a whole lot in the kitchen, of course you can always invest in some soy bacon and sausages (yves & tofurky are perfect brands). I also suggest hashbrowns, but mainly as a filler. With these things you can make; >Omlettes with veggies and cheese >Fried, boilded,poached,scrambled eggs (add peppers for extra noms) >Fried egg bagels/sammies >French toast>Cereal, toss a bitta fruit in too if you like! >Smoothies! make sure the yogurt you buy is gelatin free (try greek)
DINNER/LUNCH This part usually gets me because its not as simple as breakfast but heres some ideas! >Poutine (yes poutine, more than one company makes animal free gravy powder its so easy to find even packs that are labeled as “chicken” gravy has artificial flavor so hah!) >Homemade veggie pizza (kraft sells pizza kits that I buy often or if you aren’t lazy like me make your own, slap that sucker fll of veggies and if you want,soy pepperoni!) >Ramen (Oh the things you can doooo!, use the noodles and packet; mr.noodles packets are vegan..any flavor!; to make yourself some stirfry veggie noodle shit! all you need is some soy sauce and some veggies or eggs to go along with it) >Potatoes (bake ‘em mash ‘em stick 'em in a stew! seriously there are some mad potato recipies don’t forget your bacon free bacon bits as well!) >Veggie dogs/burgers/soy chicken/veggie ground beef (make spagetti or soup I don’t give a flying fuck just eat it I promise its good for you don’t let some arrogent douche tell you how bad processed shit is, this stuff is filled with vitamins its a million times healthier than real processed meat) >Mac and cheese (kd is your friend, try buyin the omega 3 or vegetable flour kd its good for you AND unhealthy at the same time yeye, cut up some veggie weiners in that then.) >Spinach and rice bake! (actually rice in general, the starch will fil you up but make sure you have some kind of veggie or protien in it so you can survive) >Spinach quiche!! soooo good, add a bit of cheese as well! >Anything chinese / asian just about >Eat your alphagetti don’t let anybody bullshit you because you’re an adult that shit has a decent amount of iron in it! PROTIPS >Freeze everything, wasted food i wasted money >Buy fake animal stock for extra flavor, or veggie stock the bulk barn sells fake chicken stock >Amy’s food is expensive but worth it, in the long run its cheaper than buying meats I promise! >Any questions or tips of your own? my inbox is always open! :) beck.
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pouringraen · 6 years
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Black Bean Soup
This may very well be my original bulk cooking meal. My mom made it very often while we were growing up, though hers was chronically underseasoned (sorry, but not sorry). I made various versions during my time at college because it was so cheap, so filling, and yielded so much frickin’ food with a decent amount of protein. I could just freeze it up and not have to fuss with preparing food again for much of the week again. Time was a primary objective at school. It has evolved into this current iteration. 
Fun fact, one of the reasons this appealed to me so much in college was because it’s vegetarian. Meat was prohibitively expensive on my student budget and the thought of keeping raw meat in my cramped student fridge was a nauseating prospect. Oh! Another fun fact! I have: perhaps, an irrational fear of contracting foodborne pathogens Anyway–
2-1 lb bags of dried black beans (soaked and cooked to package instruction)
2-3 TBSP of a mildly flavored cooking oil
1 large yellow onion, diced
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2-3 carrots, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
2 jalapenos, diced and deseeded
2 TBSP ground cumin
1 tsp Mexican oregano
salt, to taste
black pepper, to taste
2 TBSP sherry wine
2 TBSP apple cider vinegar (or any other transparent cooking vinegar)
1 quart of vegetable or chicken stock (one step vegan conversion when using vegetable)
15 oz can of diced tomatoes
Directions: Soak and cook your black beans in advance. While you could use cans that would be a whooooole lot of cans. It’s much cheaper and efficient to use dry beans here. Prepare your vegetables. In, once again, the biggest pot you have, heat up the oil over a medium-high heat. Saute the onions and garlic until soft and fragrant, then add the carrots and bell pepper to do the same. Next, add in the jalapenos, a pinch of salt, and stir. Add the cumin and oregano, allow it to heat up and become fragrant, then hit it with the wine and vinegar. Bring the heat down to a medium-low and let it sizzle then simmer for a few minutes. 
Add in the cooked black beans and the majority of the salt you planned to use (beans are greedy). Finish with black pepper, then stir the contents until combined. Add in the stock, stir. Bring the heat up to high and let it come to a boil before covering with a lid and bringing it down to low heat. Simmer for 15 minutes. Take an immersion blender and give about a dozen jolts with it. We do not want to blend the mixture completely smooth, just break up some of it. If you do not have an immersion blender to do this, just transfer 3-6 cups of the soup into a traditional blender or food processor, blend smooth, and add it back to the pot. I’m tellin’ you, though, that the $40 on an immersion blender is beyond worth not dealing with that mess. Anyway–that was a tangent. Let the soup continue to simmer. Add in the drained diced tomatoes and any desired seasoning adjustments. Let it simmer again for about another 15 minutes. Good serving items with this include lemon wedges and cilantro.
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pouringraen · 6 years
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Halloween Pumpkin Punch
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pouringraen · 6 years
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garlic butter roasted mushrooms
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pouringraen · 6 years
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🥐🎃Pumpkin Dinner Rolls
2 cups Pumpkin Puree (protection, warding, longevity, luck, love) ⅓ cup Water (full moon water for an extra boost!)  1½ teaspoon Yeast (grounding, purification, attraction, manifestation) 3¾ cups Flour (abundance, prosperity, grounding) 1 tablespoon Olive Oil (healing, peace, protection) 1½ teaspoon Salt (cleansing, protection, banishment) Kitchen Twine (perfect for some knot magic!)
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pouringraen · 6 years
Semi-Permanent Tattoos- Good for Sigils
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This trick I learned is fantastic for writing sigils, runes, spells, etc. on your body. The great thing about this technique is that it is waterproof, stays on as long as you want, is easy to do, and can be scrubbed off easily if you so desire.
1. Hairspray
2. Waterproof liquid eyeliner
3. Something to clean up the tattoo with (napkins, tissues, etc.)
4. What ever sigil, symbol, rune, etc. you want
Step One: Write the symbol you wish wherever you want
Step Two: Let it dry
Step Three: Spray a liberal amount of hairspray on the area
Step Four: Dab around the tattoo with your napkin to clean the edges
Step Five: Let it dry again
Step Six: Activate the symbols by meditating or energizing yourself with emphasis on the symbol of your choosing. (Example: Writing a peace sigil on your wrist, meditate with the intention of bringing yourself peace)
I personally have been loving this technique. It’s cheap (for a college witch like myself, this is a plus). It’s effective. It’s not culturally appropriation. It’s semi-permanent, so if you want to change your sigil or whatever, you can. I’ve been using this for bringing myself internal strength and growth, and it’s been working wonders for me.
Something that I’ve noticed that helps is to make your atmosphere as witchy as possible. Dim the lights, play some music that makes you feel witchy, whatever empowers you. Try to place the sigil somewhere you will see it often. Let the magic slowly wave over you through the day.
Blessed be, you lovely badasses.
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pouringraen · 6 years
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