Why you so cute? Honestly though, thanks for the writing sesh tonight!!! :)
Aww bless you 😄❤️ That was such a blast indeed!!
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Last Line Game
Thanks for the tag @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur! I'm assuming this is a "share the last line you wrote" thing? So this is from my magnum opus Supernatural/In The Flesh crossover Destiel AU, "And Death Shall Have No Dominion" (yes it's nearing a decade old, yes I'm still writing it, no I'm not done lol sob).
That icy-hot intensity slices through him again, and it’s only then that Cas is able to pinpoint the undeniable feeling of pain.
.....Yeah some intense stuff may or may not be going down 😅
Tagging @wonderlandslostchild ❤️
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🎶✨when you get this you have to list 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 of your followers (negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Tagged by the always effervescent @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur ❤️ Always love an excuse to share my music with peeps!! I like the style you did it, so I’m gonna do something similar 😄
1. The song that recently came out that I’m obsessed with and have been playing to death (this whole EP tbh, but particularly this bad boy)
2. The hits-way-too-close-to-home song
3. The bop to end all bops, the impossible-not-to-grooooove song
4. The song that calms me down from a panic attack (I listen to it on repeat for certain procedures at the doctor’s and it really helps!! and yes, it is dodie again, FIGHT ME)
5. The go-to grounding song for when my emotions feel too out of control and I just need to put my headphones on, close my eyes, and breathe (and that swell at 3:08, are you KIDDING ME 😍)
Tagging anyone who wants to bc I’m a lazy trash panda and most of the people I want to tag have probably already been tagged lol ❤️
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almond blossom ♢ our flag means death
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this is how they survive. you must know this. youre too smart not to know this. they paint the world full of shadows and then tell their children to stay close to the light. their light. their reasons. their judgments. because in the darkness, there be dragons. but it isnt true. we can prove that it isnt true. in the dark, there is discovery. there is possibility. there is freedom in the dark once someone has illuminated it. and who has been so close to doing it as we are right now? all this will be for nothing. we will have been for nothing. defined by their histories, distorted to fit into their narrative, until all that is left of us are the monsters in the stories they tell their children.
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watching black sails for the first time: genuinely distraught every time flint does something catastrophically cruel or stupid, he’s my babygirl and i want him to succeed but not like this
watching black sails every subsequent time: yes king be wildly unreasonable at every juncture <3
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When I first met you, you were so Unformed. And then I spoke and bade you cast aside your shame, and Captain Flint was born into the world. The part of you that always existed yet never were you willing to allow into the light of day.
I was mistress to you when you needed love. I was wife to you when you needed understanding. But first and before all I was mother. I have known you like no other. So I love you like no other. I will guide you through it, but at its end is where you must leave me. At its end is where you will find the peace that eludes you, and at its end lies the answer you refuse to see.
- Miranda’s speech in James’ dream, Black Sails XXI (3.03).
There were a lot of things that inspired this drawing. Flint’s dreams in s3 and the sculptural thing in the show’s opening sequence and the painting of Lemminkäinen’s Mother (x) to name a few… Please, do not repost elsewhere :)
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u try to steal my wallet but the only thing in there is a little accordion photo album with pictures of James Flint
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listen i’m bisexual so that means i’m attracted to
gomez AND morticia addams
any man with long hair
women who can and will murder me
the entire concept of period dramas
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the way flint lets silver be his end. so much at stake and yet flint lets silver put an end to that story. who does that. who loves like that.
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of course i love nandor. i just want him to finally meet guillermo's boyfriend and experience such violent jealousy that he shakes and cries like a wet chihuahua
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genuinely not over the way black sails made me watch a man drown in real time and didn’t cut away or speed it up. that is how long it takes to drown. that is what it feels like to be helpless in the face of death. silver was right there and wanted to free him so fucking badly and he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t save him because sometimes it doesn’t matter what you want and it doesn’t matter how bad you want it and it doesn’t matter that you would do anything to change it and it even doesn’t matter that you would trade places, if you could, because you can’t. you’re just helpless. you would die for someone and you never even get the chance to do it and the degree to which you want to do it changes absolutely nothing. it changes nothing at all.
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Whippies corresponds so nicely with run me through when you think about it. Here you have two instances in which Ed asks another man (notably, someone he is/was sexually interested in) to hurt him, and gets two entirely different responses. Jack is careless, impulsive, and wholly unconcerned about consequences; Stede is hesitant, cautious, and terribly worried about causing harm. And Ed’s responses to them - his real and unfunny pain with Jack vs. the petite mort expression when he‘s in Stede‘s arms - illustrate just how badly he yearns for someone who’ll make love to him instead of just treating him as another dalliance. All those scars on the left side of his body are like grotesque little kisses, the ghosts of all the men who had ‘stabbed’ him before Stede, who had hurt him in that tender bit of flesh where he tells himself there wasn’t anything important anyway. Because when you get down to it, Ed’s entire understanding of love revolves around pain; around plates smashed against the wall and his mother’s slapped face; around becoming a monster so that his father could never hurt her like that again; so that Ed couldn’t ever be hurt like that, either. That’s what the Kraken is, really: the darkness that grows inside us in the absence of love.
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That quote saying silver only shows us what isn't too intimate for him is making me insane because what if him and flint did share A Moment but he just cannot process it so he doesn't tell it
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completely obsessed with the way everyone talks to each other in black sails. every single line is vaguely poetic about literally the whole human experience and the person receiving the line looks like they’re about to either murder the speaker or rail them
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My truest love, 
know no shame
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