rocks-d-xerxes · 5 days
Dead Luffy AU
part _two_
Author notes
Soooo... Two posts in one time, in the same hour, some must be thinking, how can she write so fast? Well, it's cuz I write it in my note pad and then I put it here, except for the notes and small talks I do... Like this one.
Okay so this chapter is about how Ace would mourn after Luffy's death and how devastated he would be.
Marco drags Ace out of his bedroom after Ace slept for three whole day, that didn't bother Marco, what bothered him was that when he went to try and get Ace to wake up, Ace told Marco that wants to sleep forever. Marco panicked thinking that his brother will become suicidal if he keeps being this way, so he clutches Ace with his talones, flies to the nearest deserted island and drops Ace to the ground.
Marco: “Ace, stop being an idiot, everyone knows how hard it'll be for you to forget, or even heal for that matter! But you need to try! For Luffy's sake! He wouldn't have wanted you to be this way!”
This is how I imagine Ace replying.
“Tell me Marco, how do you want me to forget? When all my memories were written in his light? How do you want me to fight it? When he was the one that loved it? Loved my darkness, my hatred, my sadness, my anger, my existence, with every ounce of his soul and heart.
How do you want me to heal? when he was the one that filled my scared wounds with golden smiles, he filled them to the brim with the stars that came from his loving eyes that it made me forget what the scars looked like.
How do you want me to live? Knowing that he died keeping a promise I vowed. I told him I'll never die, yet I was going to, right then and there, just for his light to shine forever, how do you want me to live knowing he died to keep a life I did not cherish? to keep my heart alive? A heart that never learned nor knew how to love him back! A heart he helped me restore from my own darkness.
..... Tell me Marco, does the sun shine because of the flames surrounding it? Or does the flames shine because of the sun keeping them close to its heart? The sun merely reflects its light on the moon. Without it, the moon will stop shining, it'll never be warm again.
Tell me Marco, how much does the flames surrounding the sun have left? How much time do they have left to shine when the sun's heart has been extinguished. How many days can they stay in the darkness of the night? Alone? Blazing with the smallest amount of might they have left, just to have the moon shine over the stars? Just to give other people light? No... No... No
The answer is, no.
They won't shine for long enough, they won't be strong enough, they'll never reflect on the moon again, they'll never shine again.
The heart is dead... How can the veins still give blood? To who do they give it? Themselves? No, they were never taught to do that.
The sun taught them how to shine around its heart, and then left them alive to shine.. That's too cruel.. It's too cruel Marco
To give the flames so, so, so much love, all at once, to make them know the most beautiful type of love in the world in a few sweet sentences.. And to then.. Just.. Leave them to try and find something that can replace it? But I don't want anyone to replace it! I don't anyone to give me the same type of love Luffy gave me! I want Luffy to love me! I want him to be the one giving me that love!
You don't understand! He knows!..... He KNEW how much of an awful person I was! Yet he still smiled at me, yet he still called me brother! Yet he still kissed my forehead when asleep! He didn't stop putting my head on his chest when asleep to let me always remember his heartbeats! He let me love his heartbeats, and then made me sleep on them like they were the deepest part of the WHOLE ENTIRE SEA where no one will ever reach me! No one to make me see hate, no one to make me see anything other than his love..
It wasn't fair that he died, he was a child! My baby brother! he was KIND! He was GOOD! And they killed him!
Hey DIED.. Happy, cause he knew, he gave me love, he knew you'll take care of me..
How kind can he be? To die on a battlefield of strangers and death? And then claim them a family worthy of my happiness? HIS happiness? Our happiness?
It isn't fair, I still wanted to love him.. I wanted to love him more.. I don't wanna know what it feels like to not have his love.. Not to be love by him for the rest of my life..
He always looked so, so beautiful in red, that's why he always wore it, why did he have to die in red too? All of my happiest memories of him, are of him wearing red, how can I even enjoy those knowing that I'll always remember the fact that he died in red too, staining his hands, his hat, his lips..
Why between everything else in my life, this had to be the one of most tragedies in it, all at once.”
Ace's flames twisted and turned as Marco watched from below.. The island was sinking, the flames were eating the root of the island itself, he had never seen Ace create such a flame. It was dark, dark red with black marks surrounding it and twirling around the dark red parts of the flames. Ace was crying, his eyes shedding endless tears as his eyes seemed to be staring at the void in a disassociated manner.. Marco sighed, his heart broke for his brother as he started to fly closely to the sinking land of endless flames that couldn't be put down even by the sea water. Readying himself to pick Ace up and take him back to the Moby dick.
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rocks-d-xerxes · 5 days
Here's something I wrote out of sudden inspiration that as always comes out of no where in the worst timing possible (final exams) and doesn't get out of my head... So I'm just gonna post it here to see if I can get it out of my brain before all the math studies I did evaporate :')
You can not kill me
I can not die
But I'll love you
Till the day I die
I'll love your death, I'll love your life
I'll love you more than a thousand grave
I'll cherish your happiness and bless your grace
I'll love every minute I spent of time
With you inside it my darling sunshine
My blazing heartbeat
Blood of my soul
You and I were meant to rule
Each other's hearts and that is for sure
Our souls are one beating the same
No other person can feel our pain
Being one and being the same with no blood shared to make us proclaim
Proclaim a bond that makes us whole
That brings joy and gives us home
A home of love and sweetened kissses
Sweetened with fire that brings us what misses
Our flame is hot, dangerous but soothing
Our unburnt love keeping us moving.
Yo all must be thinkin what was going on inside her brain when she wrote this?..... Well, I had a picture of Ace laying his head on Luffy's chest because he can't sleep after what happened in marineford..
And when he can't sleep Luffy does what he always does, lays Ace's head on his chest, his heartbeats calming Ace and putting him into his safe space as he recites this poem.
I am a firm believer that whenever Ace couldn't sleep as a child/teen and ever sense he met Luffy and what happened to Sabo. The only thing that makes him ABSOLUTELY relaxed is hearing his baby brother's soft and sweetened heart beating into his ear giving him the comfort of always knowing that Luffy is with him and will always love him, and then Ace would be going into a deep, deep sleep as his baby beloved brother recites a poem of love and happiness into his ears.
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rocks-d-xerxes · 12 days
I think you'd like this story: "You are going to be a dad" by DemonDemonia on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/327973013?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=OsamuDazaiPM
This story is where I took the name Amato.. So like, yeah, I felt like I needed to post about it just for how amazing it is..
I 10000% advise every single LawLu shipper to read it
It might LOOK long, but it's actually really short compared to the idea and inspiration you might get from it.. It's incredible the writer is incredibly good and everything about it screams READ ME! It's the best lawlu fanfic I read this year
and maybe even for a few years to come..
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rocks-d-xerxes · 12 days
Chapter 3
Crazy talk
How Ace understood the prophecy.
The card of Ace
The sword of king
This here talks about the names
Luffy wanted to name his firstborn Ace after his brother
Now, in Luffy's mind he thinks Ace was named after the card, the card of Ace, right?
But what Luffy doesn't know is that Ace was named after Roger's sword, the sword of a king.
So.. One Ace was named after the sword of a king, while the other was named after the card of Ace
One born a lion a bear become
The other a dragon one shall come
Ace was born from the bloodline of Roger, Roger who conquered the ocean in itself. Ace was born to be a Lion, to rule over all other animals..
But.. Ace was born a lion but became a Bear, a ravenous predator that has a chance of killing the lion itself if wishes to.
While in the second line, they don't actually mention Luffy's 1st born (Ace).
but mention Edrick, the 2d born who took all the poison, the one whose name means "the one who is prosperous and noble"
Noble, that's what Edrick was and will always be, even before he was born, he was the noble one who sacrificed his own existence for his younger and older brothers to live.
Like a Dragon protecting its hoard.
Yes, dragons ARE selfish and mean and possessive.. But
Edrick was also a brother as much as he was a dragon
His own blood ran thick deep within his brothers
He shared blood with them, there's no way for him to not share his life, and give it all to them.
He was also selfish in a way that allowed him to take everything around him, even poison, he took it all.
And kept only the minimum to his older brother out of respect for his well to too protect the youngest.
Two will die
Too soon
One in a crib, the other in flames
These two lines talk about the fate of the two Aces
With Luffy's son dying in a crib at the hands of Teach's assassin, too soon to be able to have lived mere hours after being born.
The apostrophe, a sign that this is were the fate of Luffy's son separates from Luffy's brother..
what follows it is a past spoken truth.
Prophecies are not like destinies
Destinies are written in stone, and no one is able to change them.
While prophecies are just a series of actions taken by one person to determine their life and death..
A warning one can call them
Luffy changed Ace's prophecy by taking an action against his brother's fate, and Ace changed Luffy's prophecy by running away with him and not getting hunt down by Akainu's provocative.
The other in flames
Ace was meant to die in the flames as a prophecy.. But Luffy changed it
But.. Luffy couldn't change his son's prophecy cause he never knew of it..
That's another way to show how Teach is the complete versa of Luffy.. He changed the fate of Luffy's firstborn by killing him
And Luffy changed Ace's fate by rescuing him
Two will perish
Too soon begone
This verse
It doesn't just talk about Luffy's two death sons
It talks about all of Luffy's family
His brothers
His grandpa
His father
This verse shows how much little time Luffy had with his blood family
And that doesn't include Garp beating him up
Dragon left his son too soon as a baby.
Garp spent too little time as grandpa with Luffy (he perished too soon) he deserved more time to express his affection to his grandson in a proper and good way.
Ace left Dawn island after ten years of knowing Luffy. Now, I know you might think this is enough for the both of them, but it isn't. Ace hadn't been loved since he first breathed in his life. That's what apostrophe is for, Ace is different than Garp, Garp was satisfied with the time he spent with Luffy.. Ace wasn't, I can feel it in his tears, Ace wanted more, he NEEDED more of Luffy's love.
And then we come to Sabo.. These two lines, they're not separated when it comes to Sabo. He perished too soon..
Now I want you all to focus on the meaning of perishing... Is it dying? Disappearing? Or is it getting removed from Ace and Luffy's lives without even knowing it?
The answer is, all of them, all of these possibilities are a resemblance of Sabo and his brotherhood relationship with Ace and Luffy.
And then we come to Ace And Edrick
I don't think I need to explain how this verse is resembling them.. We got over that point already..
And the king shall be crowned when his two sun's gone...
NOW, for this one, I'mma leave it to you guys to explain and analyze this verse as your mind wishes.
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rocks-d-xerxes · 12 days
Chapter 2
Crazy talk
After all that happens in a month
Luffy is now in his 7th month of pregnancy
Ace is sailing with the whitebeard pirates after Edward Newgate died and he was voted to be the new captain of the crew.
Until he stumbles on an island that is said to have a woman who can predict the future in
A woman called The Red Prieatess (you heard me right B-) )
So he goes to her and asks her about the future of his nephew (Luffy's son)
And then the woman starts reciting a prophecy
“The card of Ace the sword of a king, one born a lion a bear become the other a dragon one shall come. Two will die, too soon, one in a crib the other in flames. Two will perish too soon begone, and the king shall be crowned when his two suns' gone.”
And is like confused but in the end doesn't care about what she said.
On the other side
Luffy got poisoned
Someone snuck Moon tea into his room that caused the abortion of two of his babies (that's right they were triplets)
One of them, the firstborn was the one who got half the poison and was born too early
The secondborn was the one that died of poison
And the thirdborn was the survivor who lived
How? You say
Cause after they put the firstborn in the ER to try and save him (and they did save him) he was assassinated (a dagger in the heart) by one of Teach's followers who managed to run away.
Ace goes to Luffy in the speed of light when he hears of it.
And is completely destroyed by finding out his brother surrounded the whole island of Fishmen in his conqueror haki feeling every person that comes and goes and trying to protect his last remaining child with all his might.
And of course Zoro and Sanji use their own conqueror haki to surround the whole castle like dam of strong wills that doesn't allow anyone they see as enemy entry, a haki so strong it makes people that get close to their captain's room in the castle choke from the thick atmosphere.
(with a few exceptions like Chopper who is responsible for delivering milk to Luffy's last remaining child)
When Ace arrives he is told of what Luffy wanted to name the triplets Nami in a sorrowful voice
Luffy wanted to name his firstborn, if a boy Ace, if a girl Annette
And his 2d born, if a boy Edrick, if a girl Ruby
And his lastborn child, if a boy Amato, if a girl Abigail
Ace understands the prophecy the woman said to him.
And he wishes he had understood it sooner.
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rocks-d-xerxes · 12 days
Chapter 1
Crazy talk
I Just had the craziest thought... Again!
Imagine, and I say imagine
Ace lived and so did Luffy after Marineford
Luffy then fell in love with Law and cause *Luffy was kidnapped by a crazy scientist and experimented on to be able to get pregnant (mpreg au)*
Luffy gets pregnant
And when Ace finds out he goes absolutely nuts.
So to keep Luffy safe, Ace tells him to stay on fishermen since it's under his protection and this way both marines and pirates won't be causing trouble there.
And Luffy ever so stubborn agrees to do so with a condition that he have his crew there with him
Ace says 'oh okay' and allows it cause he knows Luffy's crew is just as much protective over Luffy and he is
And of course Law and his crew stay there too to help Luffy through the pregnancy like the good crew they are.
But on the 6th month of pregnancy, Luffy get REALLY sick and to bring him back to health they need herbs that don't exist under the sea in fishemen island.
But when he goes he gets caught by Teach and Teach takes him to his island where he keeps on dueling with him till Law's bones crack and then the Blackbeard pirates SOMEHOW get an intel about Luffy's pregnancy.. And so
They decide to burn Law at the stake
(cuz they're evil blah blah blah)
And when Luffy learns of it he goes completely cold and fozen
He can't scream nor shout nor grieve.. All of these things would cause so much stress that it would result in miscarriage if he did them.. So
While his crew mates go absolutely nuts when they see his state
Chopper goes into protective mode.
Nami keeps hurling down storms on sabaody in a fit of anger.
Zoro and Sanji hadn't had a fight ever since they heard the news and they keep following Luffy around in a dark and intimidating sync.
Franky and Usopp have been sitting around with Nami with weapons in hand (Usopp being seen holding a gun for the first time and ready to kill someone).
Brook making half of the archipelago snow endlessly.
Jinbei in Fishmen island trying to keep his shit together and not go mad.
Robin keeping her eyes on the edges of the castle walls and her ears in the archipelago as to inform the crew of any danger that could be passing to Fishmen island where their heavily pregnant captain is residing.
There are two teams
One that causes rumbbage up in the archipelago
And one that goes protective mode on Luffy down at Fishmen island in the castle.
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rocks-d-xerxes · 15 days
No words.. Absolutely no comment <3
king merlin after meeting lady gwen and sir lancelot’s baby and falling in love: arthur. i want a baby.
king arthur, not looking up from his paperwork: …what?
merlin: give me a baby.
arthur, sighing: merlin, you studied to be a physician. i don’t think i have to be the one to tell you how impractical that is.
merlin, rolling his eyes: this is why i’m the brighter side of the coin
arthur, finally looking up: wha-
queen merlin using magic to transform her body: i. want. a. baby.
arthur: *stands up from his desk so fast his chair topples over, multiple parchments flutter to the ground, his tunic is already off*
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rocks-d-xerxes · 18 days
I just read the must gut-wrecking fanfic I ever read this week...
And I haven't even finished it!
Yet I know it will be amazing!
The fanfic is from the show Merlin BBC (Not the cartoon)
The main couple are Merlin and Arthur of course!
Arthur is smitten, sweet, gentle, loving, and ABSOLUTELY lovestruck with Merlin! Like, he would give him the moon itself if Merlin asked.
And Merlin is Emrys, they didn't meet like in Canon instead they met when Arthur went undercover to the lower town to try and 'capture' the sorcerer Emrys.
And then they fall in LOVE, like TOO DEEP IN LOVE!!!
Spoiler Alert
They start courting and their absolutely sweet about it, there's a tiny bit of smutness in it, bit overall it's romance and love.
And do you know how Arthur found out Merlin was Emrys!? They were having an 'intimate' moment on Arthur's bed after a dinner date... and Merlin got too excited and his eyes turned yellow.. But he had them closed until Arthur called his name, and so as the good love smitten idiot he is, he opened his eyes and looked at Arthur......
And O M G! I Did not continue reading after that part! I think I need to see a therapist before I finish that chapter.. So... Tumblr is gonna be a good therapy for me to find people to cry with about this fanfic
The fanfic name is "the search" it's written by "merlinflowers" it's on Wattpad, I don't know if it's available on any other app.. But that's all
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rocks-d-xerxes · 3 months
Dead Luffy AU
Time-line: After taking Akainu's punch in Ace's place + after Akainu got pushed back by Marco
Ace is holding dying Luffy in his hands, his younger brother's red blood covering his hands.
Luffy had always looked PERFECT in red, that's why Ace loved the color. it looked... glamorous on his sunshine of a little brother.
Now.. it doesn't, Luffy is dying in his arms as he watches with tearful eyes, broken voice, and shivering heartbeats.
“Please do not shed tears for me. for me your tears are more precious than the utmost expensive diamonds in this whole world. so don't make them fall, even for me. I love your smile, I love it so so so much, m'love. smile.. for me” Luffy spoke in mellifluous, kind voice. It made Ace cry more on how much pleasant and affectionate his brother was being, in a situation like this were he is supposed to be worried about himself, he worries about Ace's tears.
“my sweet Ace, my beloved brother, my glittering dawn and my shimmering dusk, my rays of sunshine in daylight and my blazing flames in darkness. you shall always be in my heart, my delightful lord of flames. I love you. let my love be your flames and my soul shall give you power. and always remember, once you allow other peoples love to thaw your sorrows only then my joyous memories will repair your broken heart, m'love.”
As Luffy kept speaking the sweetest most loving words to Ace, he cradled Ace's cheek in his weak yet gentle bloodstained hand while soothingly brushing his thumb over Ace's cheek, sweeping the tears off of Ace eyes.. Luffy moved using his last remaining power to place the most tragic yet loving kiss on his brother's cheek..
slowly.. Luffy's hand swept down smoothly as his head layed on Ace's chest with a smile.. and surely, Luffy's eyes closed as he slowly was lead to the realm of death and darkness.. Leaving his flame lord alone in the world.
A Flame Lord? without his Sun God? what a fate.
“how exactly do humans expect a flame made by the sun to stay lit for long if its sun has been extinguished from the entirety of existence? how do you expect it to rise? on its own? with no sun to house its heat? and no soul lightning it up again? Yeah, good luck trying to do that.”
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