sadbitchimagines · 6 years
Hi!!! so I don’t know which one would work out better for this request but can you do one where the reader is terrified of thunderstorms and either Thor or Loki have to help her through it?? You can pick if it’ll be a Thorxreader or lokixreader. Just thought it would be a cute idea. I think if was thor it would be super cute but it doesnt matter!
Thank you for your request. Just uploaded it 🤗
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sadbitchimagines · 6 years
Thunder (Thor x Reader)
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Request: Hi!!! so I don’t know which one would work out better for this request but can you do one where the reader is terrified of thunderstorms and either Thor or Loki have to help her through it?? You can pick if it’ll be a Thorxreader or lokixreader. Just thought it would be a cute idea. I think if was thor it would be super cute but it doesnt matter!
Word Count: 950
A/N: it’s pure fluff my duuudes
   The walls of the tower shook in time with the booming thunder raging just outside. It had been storming for quite sometime now, and the television had been quietly humming about the hurricane warning put in place before the power went out. It warned folks to stay inside at all costs.
    As if I’d step outside. Y/N scoffed in her mind. She saw the dark living room light up as lightning struck once again, and her legs involuntarily up curled into her chest as the roaring thunder followed soon after. The rough pounding in her chest was beginning to give her a headache.
    Since she could remember, even in her toddler years, her fear of storms was ever present. Perhaps it was slightly irrational, however her anxious mind constantly conjured up instances of the building around her being ripped up from the ground by the storm. While it was unlikely, she couldn’t stop the toe curling, heart racing fear. Her distaste for loud noises did not help her situation either.
    Her hands slammed over her ears as she dug herself further into the couch.
    Unbeknownst to her, the god of thunder himself came strolling into the living room not long after, unable to sleep due to the noise that had roused him to consciousness. The room was lit up once more by a strike of lightning. It cast a soft glow across the floor and couch, where he caught a glimpse of the curled up woman. Her brows were furrowed deeply and her eyes squeezed shut.
    “Lady Y/N?” Thor called out into the darkness. She peeled one eye open to look at him before it slammed shut once again as the thunder shook the walls. He frowned at her odd behavior. “What brings you out here at this hour?”
    Y/N released a shaky breath, now feeling quite foolish as she stood before the god.
    “I’m not very fond of storms.” She mumbled. Her cheeks burned with her confession. “The window in my room is too close to my bed.”
    He observed her for a moment with furrowed brows. Slowly, he came to sit beside her on the couch. “You fear the thunder?”
    Y/N nodded slowly in response.
    “It is not anything to fear, Lady Y/N, I have produced storms that raged far worse than these pathetic rumbles.” Thor smiled at his own attempt to nurse her fear.
    One of her eyes shot open once again to look at him. She noted how odd it was to see him in Midgardian attire; a simple grey t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, though they were quite firm fitting on his massive frame. “I don’t suppose you could stop thunder too, huh?”
    The blonde’s smile faded at her hopeful request. “No, I’m afraid that is beyond my powers.”
    Thor couldn’t stop the guilt that rose in his chest as he watched the hope fall from her expression. He quickly glanced about the dark living room. “But,”
    He shot up from his spot on the couch and darted toward the small basket where Tony stored extra pillows and blankets. Without much thought, he began layering the pillows on top her curled up frame. For every layer of pillows, he also laid down a blanket until the basket was empty. Thor smiled triumphantly down at the now heap of cusion that was Y/N.
    “Can you still hear the thunder, Lady Y/N?” He shouted, completely disregarding the fact that the rest of the team was asleep in the tower.
    She waited, and although muffled, could still hear the thunder, causing her to wince. “Yes.”
    The frown returned to Thor’s face.
    As if sensing his disappointment, Y/N quickly spoke up. “But I do feel better under here.” She wasn’t lying. Despite still being able to hear the thunder, being tucked under the thick heap of pillows and blankets did slightly calm her irrational ‘the building is going to collapse on me’ fear though she couldn’t explain why.
    After a moment of silence, she felt the heap being carefully lifted. Thor, with much struggle, slipped his massive body under the mountain of cusion. It was by a holy grace that he didn’t ruin it. Y/N felt her face heat up once again at the proximity between her and the god. Her breath hitched when she felt his large hands feel around her face before coming to cup around her ears. They both waited in silence, not daring to speak a word. Thunder struck outside of their makeshift fort, and she found that his large hands did a much better job of muffling the noise than hers did.
    “And now?” Thor asked after lifting one of his hands. Despite him not being able to see her, she beamed at his kind hearted actions.
    “Perfect.” She whispered.
    Truthfully, he could have removed his hands had he wanted to, just as long as he kept speaking to her. His melodious voice was enough to soothe her fears.
    A smile soon stretched across his lips as well. He shifted into a slightly more comfortable position, moving her head to rest against him. With one ear pressed against his firm arm and the other covered with his hand, she was able to finally relax.
    “Rest now, Lady Y/N, I assure you the thunder will bring you no harm.”
    Y/N smiled softly at his reassuring words and closed her eyes. It wasn’t long before his steady breaths lulled her to sleep.
    Thor listened as the storm subsided soon after. He considered taking her back to her bedroom. A mischievous smile tugged at his lips instead. She didn’t need to know it ended so soon.
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sadbitchimagines · 6 years
Thank you for they lovely Bucky x Reader.
Thank you for your request ✨🤗
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sadbitchimagines · 6 years
Bucky Barnes getting married and he very nervous about it. Reader is a fellow agent?
Just posted! 🤗
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sadbitchimagines · 6 years
Cold Feet (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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     Request: Bucky Barnes getting married and he very nervous about it. Reader is a fellow agent? <3      Word count: 1069
    He’d barely begun to get ready. An hour and a half. He would be getting married in an hour and a half. A deep breath slowly fell from his lips.
    “Keep breathing like that, you won’t have anything to worry about pretty soon.” Steve quipped as he entered the room his best friend had since been pacing in. “Quit it, you’re gonna pass out.”
    Steve was already more calm and prepared than his friend was. He wasn’t fully dressed just yet, however he had already gotten into his suit pants and dress shirt. That was more than Bucky could have said for himself as he was still in his sweatpants and sleep shirt.
    “I’m trying.” Bucky muttered in slight frustration. “I can’t stop sweating, or shaking– or–”
    “Well you better figure it out pretty soon. Gonna be pretty bad when you sweat through your suit or drop the ring.” Steve warned, a menacingly playful tone hidden in his voice.
    “Gah– would you just shut up, you punk!” The anxious man groaned. His fingers raked through his recently trimmed hair and yanked gently. “You’re not helping.”
    Steve dropped his teasing facade and instead placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder, guiding him to sit on couch behind them.
    “Alright, then what’s it gonna take to calm you down?”
    Bucky’s jaw ticked and he raised a brow at the suggestion that came into his head. Steve seemed to know exactly what he was thinking however and quickly shook his head with an amused smile.
     “The girls are surrounding that door, they’re not going to let you in.” He tried to convince the groom-to-be that going in to try to see the bride before the wedding was in no way a good idea, what with the army of bridesmaids swarming in and out of the room every second.
     Bucky had already seemed to have his mind made up though as he stood and made his way out into the hallway. Steve made quick strides in attempt to keep up with him. They grew closer and closer to the room in which Y/N had been getting ready in. As expected, two bridesmaids were just slipping out of the room when they spotted the groom striding quickly toward the door.
    “Woah there, soldier!” Y/B/F called out, throwing her hands out in front of her as a way to block him; as if that would stop the super-soldier. “No boys allowed, especially not you.”
    “C’mon, I just want to talk–” Bucky was quickly cut off when Y/B/F pointed strictly toward Steve.
    “And you were supposed to be watching him.” She said accusingly. Motioning toward Bucky with a frantic wave of her hand, she exclaimed, “He’s not even dressed yet, Steve!”
    “I tried, but he’s been pacing the floor for hours!” Steve explained defensively.
    The bickering between the trio ceased when Y/N’s voices came flooding from behind the cracked door. “What the hell is going on out there?” The door opened slightly as though she was prepared to peek out to see the commotion.
    “Don’t!” Y/B/F practically screeched, her hand slamming onto the door to shut it. “Metal-arm’s out here, and he won’t leave.”
    Bucky scoffed at the nickname his fiancée’s best friend had suddenly spewed out. He ignored her though, moving to inch himself closer to the door.
    “I just need to talk to you for a minute, doll.” He practically pleaded.
    There was silence on the other side of the room, with the exception of the whispering bridesmaids in the room.
    “Okay,” Y/N finally caved, earning a sigh from her best friend. “But you’re staying out there!”
    Bucky gave a sigh of relief.
    “Can you guys just, I don’t know, go for a minute?” Following Y/N’s request, five other bridesmaids carefully slipping themselves from the room. They all gave Bucky an annoyed yet amused expression as they made their way down the hall. The groom simply offered an innocent grin and shrug.
    “I’m goin’ out of my mind, doll.” Bucky sighed once the hallway was completely cleared. He pressed his forehead to the closed door.
    “What do you mean?” Y/N questioned. Her voice was muffled slightly by the thick door, but Bucky heard her just fine. “You’re not getting cold feet are you?” She tried to mask her concern with an anxious laugh.
    “No, no, God, no.” He quickly reassured her. “It’s just– I don’t know– are you sure this is what you want?”
    “Buck,” she said softly, and he almost didn’t hear her. “That’s what you’re worried about?”
    A shaky chuckle made its way up his throat. “That and that punk said something about me dropping the ring; haven’t really stopped thinking ‘bout that either.” The soldier joked in an attempt to lift the serious mood. Y/N let out a short giggle. Bucky sighed. “I just don’t want you decide halfway down the aisle that this isn’t what you want.”
    There was a silence that fell over both of them. He’d be lying if he said that silence didn’t scare him half to death.
    “Ya heard me, doll?” He questioned anxiously.
    “James, of course this is what I want.” She finally broke the overbearing silence. “This is what I’ve wanted ever since I first saw your stupid face.”
    Just like that, it was as if a weight had been lifted from him shoulders. Bucky couldn’t fight back his smile. He glanced at the door knob beside him. With a quick twist to it, he crept the door open and stuck his hand through the crack.
    “Bucky!” Y/N shrieked, quickly looking for a place to hide.
    “Calm down, I’m not coming in.” He chuckled. He held his hand out expectantly. “Gimme your hand.”
    After a moment of hesitation from Y/N, he felt her cold hand lay itself in the center of his palm. He grasped it, bringing it through the crack of the door and up to his lips where he placed a single, lingering kiss.
    “I’ll go get ready now, doll.” He muttered against the skin of her hand. “And I’ll call back your girls before they skin me.”
    Y/N laughed as she felt him release her hand. His footsteps could be heard walking away from the door.
    “Oh, and Bucky!” She called out.
    “Don’t worry about the ring. If you drop mine, I’ll drop yours too.”
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sadbitchimagines · 6 years
I’m alive
I know I’ve been gone for way too long, but I’ve decided I want to re-open this blog, but I want to add more fandoms, particularly Marvel. At the end of this post I’ll be making a list of characters I’ll be writing for. I miss writing a lot, and I’ve gotten so many messages to come back. Please send in requests! Can’t wait to start writing again 🤗
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Peter Quill
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Pietro Maximoff
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Young! Sirius Black
Young! Remus Lupin
Young! James Potter
If you have a request for a character that isn’t on these lists, go ahead and send them in and I’ll look into writing them. Thank you guys 🤗
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sadbitchimagines · 7 years
I never post on here anymore I suck lol
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sadbitchimagines · 7 years
Hi! I hope I'm not bothering you, and I'm sorry if you've already mentioned the answer to this, but I was wondering if you were planning a Chapter 5 to Gemini? I absolutely love it and your writing! Have a great day x
Hey! Thank you so much for reading 🤗 We're still updating the story, but it's on Wattpad. We're currently on chapter eleven. I'll leave the link for you. 💚http://my.w.tt/UiNb/BwRs2lHCSz
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sadbitchimagines · 7 years
Thank you boo 💚and 😏m😏a😏y😏b😏e😏
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sadbitchimagines · 8 years
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Pan as “I feel like” tweets (insp.) ↳ 6 days until Pan returns to OUAT.
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sadbitchimagines · 8 years
Please, tell me there will be another part of Don't Tell Peter. Or that you'll at least continue to explore the concept behind it, because the imagine left me squealing and grinning like an idiot
Mmm, maybe 👀😏 I'm glad you liked it though 💚
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sadbitchimagines · 8 years
Don’t Tell Peter
     It wasn’t unnatural for a new Lost Boy to shy away from the rest of the boys upon first arriving to the island. In fact, it was expected. It was a new setting, a new group; they were bound to be a bit uneasy. For most of the boys though, this timid behavior wore off after some time; usually a week or so when they learned that all the boys were on Neverland for the same reason. There was an exception to this routine, and his name was Eli.
     Eli had been on the island for almost three months now. Even with all the time he’d had to warm up to the change, he was still as quiet and as detached as he was the day he landed on the beach of Neverland.
     Most all of the Lost Boys and I had tried on multiple occasions to coax the boy out of his shell, but all we were met with was nods and quick, mumbled responses. Hell, Peter Pan himself had tried to speak to the boy every now and again. He thought it odd that a boy Eli’s age didn’t enjoy roughhousing with all the other boys. After a while, Pan grew frustrated with the anti-social boy; he quit trying so hard.
     The pounding in my head grew harsher as the Lost Boys’ shouts grew louder. They continued to dance and shout carelessly around the bright burning fire, much to my dismay. Apparently, unbeknownst to me, we were celebrating because even our leader had joined in on the party and was currently dancing alongside his Lost Boys. Usually I would have joined also, but today was not one of those days. I sighed and reached up to massage my aching temples.
     Amongst my current agony, I saw Pan slowly come to a halt in front of me, his brows furrowed. “Why aren’t you celebrating with us?”
     I glanced up at him tiredly. “What are we even celebrating?”
     “Anything we want.” He informed, smiling wolfishly at me.
     “No, thank you.” I grumbled, resting my head back onto my raised knees.
     “Well, if you’re going to be so pissy,” he spat bitterly. “Why don’t you go join Eli over there? You’re almost just as boring as he is right now.”
     I shot him a disapproving glare, not liking the way he was speaking about the boy. Nonetheless, I glanced behind me to find Eli sitting against a tree beside his hut. He was watching the other boys, and if I hadn’t known any better, I would have said he looked longingly at their celebration.
     “Maybe I will.” I quipped, turning back around to face Pan, but he had already re-joined the other boys. I huffed.
     Stealing one last glance at the lonesome boy, I stood from the log and made my way over. Eli’s gaze quickly averted from the fire and to the ground when he saw me approaching. I offered a small smile before sitting on the ground beside him.
     “I take it you don’t like parties very much, huh?” I tried, elbowing his arm lightly.
     His eyes found mine for a fraction of a second before returning to the ground. He shrugged.
     “What did you like doing before coming here?” I continued to pry for any other response from the boy that wasn’t a nod or a halfhearted shrug.
     “I-I liked to draw sometimes.” he responded quietly, but his voice didn’t sound shy as I expected it to. Instead, it sounded almost hesitant. His face scrunched slightly at his own response, as if regretting it.
     “That’s awesome.” I smiled encouragingly. “Any good?”
     Again, he shrugged.
“We don’t bite, Eli.” I groaned in frustration. “Why don’t you ever talk to us? I know you wanted to join the boys over there.”
     Eli’s wide eyes looked up at me. I was surprised when he held the eye contact.
     “Are you scared? Is it Pan? I know he can be an ass, but he’s-he’s alright.”
     He didn’t respond to my accusation, not even a shake of his head to assure me that that wasn’t the case. He continued to stare into my eyes, swallowing thickly. There was conflict in his wide eyes.
     “Are you scared?” I asked again, my voice softer this time.
     He drew in a few shaky breaths. “I’m not like the other boys.” Eli whispered, and his eyes began brimming with tears.
     I tried to decipher the look of desperation on his face. It looked as if he was pleading with me to figure out the answer myself. This made me almost feel bad for asking him to explain.
     “W-What do you mean?”
     His lips quivered, and a tear fell down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away with the back of his hand.
     “Don’t make me say it, please.” The tears continued to stream down his now red cheeks. “I-I don’t want to say it.”
     I suddenly came to a possible conclusion, and my mouth fell open slightly in realization. I glanced behind me to make sure all the boys were still around the fire and out of earshot.
     “Eli, are you gay?” I asked softly.
     He nodded, shoving his head into his crossed arms that laid on his raised knees. My chest tightened at the sight of the terrified boy in front of me. I placed a hand on his back.
     “It’s okay; that’s okay.” I assured him. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
     His fingers dug into his arms as his body shook with sobs.
     “What are you so afraid of?”
     I gave him a moment to collect himself. After a few minutes, he raised his head again and wiped his tear stained cheeks. He drew in a few deep breaths before finally responding.
     “The other boys at my high school–” he shook his head. “–they didn’t like me. I wasn’t like them; they didn’t like me.”
     I nodded in understanding, ceasing his repetitive cries.
     “The Lost Boys aren’t going to-”
     “Don’t tell them!” he quickly rushed out in horror. “Don’t tell the other boys. Don’t-Don’t tell Peter.”
     “But they’re not going to treat you any different. They know what it’s like to feel unwanted for being who they are.”
     “I know, I-I know.” he choked out. “Just please, Y/N, don’t tell them.”
     The hand I had on his back began rubbing small circles onto it. I sighed softly at his fear of the other boys.
      “I won’t.” I assured him quietly, scooting closer to him to wrap my arms around him. He clung to me and released a shaky breath of relief.
     As the celebration continued on behind me, I kept Eli in my arms for as long as he deemed necessary, and I wondered when the last time it was that someone had been so accepting of him. My heart broke at the thought. I rested my head atop of Eli’s mop of dark hair, not missing the odd look I was receiving from Pan across the camp.
     Life on Neverland continued on as usual from then on, except now I had gained a new friend. The Lost Boy’s were beyond shocked when Eli came out of his tent the next morning and took the seat beside me. They appeared even more bewildered when he sparked up a conversation with me.
     I kept my promise to Eli, of course, and didn’t utter a word of our conversation that night to any of the other boys; not even Pan, who I could tell was dying to hear of whatever I had discovered that night. This was actually increasingly entertaining. The longer I kept Eli’s secret, the more agitated Pan grew because if there was one person who loathed being oblivious, it was the leader of Neverland.
     Somehow, I managed to get Eli to start talking to the other boys. Though he only really hung around them when I was with him, it was a start. In the beginning, he was tense and still only offered vague replies, but he began asking the boys questions of his own and putting in just as much effort to get to know them as they were doing for him.
     “I’ve barely spoken a word to him, yet he still looks at me like I’m some savage beast that’s going to maul him.” Pan, who had once again pulled me aside from the others in attempt to get answers from me, growled. “Starts talking to all the boys, but he avoids me like the bloody plague.” Peter’s scowl only grew darker when I shrugged my shoulders.
     Truthfully, I had no idea why Eli still steered clear of Peter when all the Lost Boys had been seemingly growing on him. I could have denied the head boy’s accusations had it not been for the fact that I myself had seen Eli grow stiff as a board when approached by him. I could only assume it was due to Pan’s brooding nature and unpredictable temper.
     “Maybe you should ease up a little.” I suggested, rubbing at the back of my neck. “You’ve always got that murderous look on your face and your evil eyebrow.” Said evil eyebrow quirked up at my confession.
     “He’s a Lost Boy,” Peter snapped darkly. “He’s not supposed to be afraid of anything.”
     I tried my best to push away the overwhelming desire to roll my eyes. “Newsflash, all of the Lost Boys are afraid of you. They’re still just boys, Pan.”
     “All of the Lost Boys don’t ignore me!” he bellowed.
     “Maybe you should sort this out with Eli then. This is starting to sound more like a personal problem to me.” I turned on my heel and stomped away from the fuming boy.
     The Lost Boys tried to discreetly return to their previous activities, but it was clear that they had all paused what they were doing in attempt to learn what the commotion was about. Their curious eyes followed me on my walk back over to my seat beside Eli. Without word, I picked up my discarded dagger from the dirt floor and continued sharpening my arrow.
     Eli stared at me in question, but I shook my head dismissively.
     “Peter’s pissed at you, Y/N.” He hissed lowly into my ear, nodding his head toward the leader who was now emerging from behind the tall tree with his jaw locked and a scowl on his youthful face.  “Look at him.”
     I then saw the opportunity that was just laid out and quickly took it. “Are you scared of Pan or something?” The question came out timidly as I was now very aware that Peter was watching us closely from his log. My attempt to ignore his scrutinizing gaze failed, and Eli followed my attention to the brooding green eyes.
     Eli’s face flushed red when he caught his gaze. “Of course not.” He mumbled, wasting no time averting his attention back to his own arrow.
     Maybe he is scared of Pan; it’d make sense considering he avoids talking to him altogether. Hell, he can’t even look him in the eye.
     I stole another glance at Eli’s red cheeks.
     Oh my God.
     My eyes widened before I could tell myself to stop. Eli’s eyes also widened at my expression. He began shaking his head desperately, as if already knowing the realization I’d come to. Gripping my arm, he pulled me close to whisper pleadingly into my ear.
     “Don’t tell him. Please, don’t tell Peter.”
     Knowing what Y/N knew now, she would have said the explanation to Eli’s avoiding Peter was obvious, but, of course, she still seemed to be the only one to think so. Before her realization, the idea was so preposterous that it went completely over her head. It was so painfully clear now though.
     Eli fancied Peter Pan.
     Had it been any of the other Lost Boys, maybe she would have caught on sooner, but a boy like Eli showing interest in a guy like Peter was something she was still having trouble wrapping her head around. Peter was so intense and outspoken. Eli was more of a passive person; he simply held himself much differently than Pan. Y/N didn’t deem the phrase ‘opposites attract’ quite plausible until now.
     Y/N understood that right now his crush was based solely on the parts of Pan he allowed other people to see, and she couldn’t help but want to encourage Eli to see if it was more than that. Liking someone like Pan skin deep was one thing; still liking someone like Pan once you’ve gotten past the layers of armour he kept around himself was an entirely different story.
    They all stood in a sloppy line as Peter and Felix chose their teams the hunting trip. They did this every so often, split into two groups and simply hunted for the day. It was a favorite for some of the boys while others preferred actual games.
    Y/N’s attention reverted back to the two team leaders as Felix had chosen two more boys. Peter’s eyes skimmed the row of Lost Boys, a mischievous glint in them as they landed on her, or rather the shrinking boy beside her.
    “Eli and Y/N,” he called, beckoning them to join him and the small swarm of boys surrounding him. “With me.”
    Eli huffed before trudging along behind her to stand beside Peter.
    As they walked through the humid forest, Peter demanded silence for no particular reason. Y/N’d say he did it just because he could, but he'd of course disagree. She shot Eli a wide eyed look of annoyance, and he nodded with a roll of his eyes. Turning her head, she saw Peter’s eyes shooting daggers at them, most likely picking up on their silent conversation.
    “What’s with this silent game?” She sped closer to walk in front of the leader who was a few yards ahead of his team. Eli’s pace quickened to follow her, leaving the other boys behind. “There are no animals out her for mi-”
    “Shh,” He hissed, looking out into the trees. “Get back!”
    Y/N’s brows rose at his interruption. “Seriously, what is your-”
    “I said shut up and move!” His furious order caused her eyes to widen a bit, as did his. His now wide eyes were set behind her, and his hands slowly raised in front of him cautiously. “I take that back. Don't you dare move a muscle. So help me God, you're dead once we get back to camp.”
    She noted that all the boys had stopped dead in their tracks. Their youthful faces were frozen in shock. Y/N’s eyes found Eli’s, and he stared back at her fearfully.
    “W-What is it?” She asked anyone who would snap out of their terrified states to answer her.
    “Don't freak out,” Eli began shakily, his voice almost in a whisper. “But there's a bear giving you bedroom eyes.”
    Her stomach dropped at his words, and she slowly craned her head back to find that there was indeed a bear just a few feet away from her, slowly inching forward. Y/N carefully attempted to step back.
    “Don't move, you idiot!” Peter growled, but it was no use as her foot landed on a jagged tree root that almost sent her tumbling to the dirt ground. Luckily, she regained balance before she did, but the slip was enough to send the bear hauling into motion.
  At once, she saw Eli draw an arrow from his quiver and lift his bow, and Peter’s hand frantically aim toward the bear. Before she could think to begin running, Eli’s arrow flew out at the same time a ball of green light shot from Peter’s hand. Eli’s arrow successfully landed in the bear’s chest.
    As Peter’s target fell to the ground, the blast of magic instead hit the large tree behind the bear. It began cracking at the force, and the roots shook in the ground as the tree began falling. She couldn't understand why Peter’s eyes had suddenly filled with such panic until she turned to see what they were fixated on. Eli was stood directly under the quickly collapsing tree.
    Peter shot out, his large hands landing on Eli’s hunched shoulders, and he threw himself forward. The two boys collapsed on the dirt, their feet just barely missing the now fallen tree.
    The Lost Boys stared in shock at the two boys lying on the ground. Peter's head stayed ducked beside Eli’s while he attempted to catch his breath. His arms began to quiver slightly as he held himself above the dumbfounded boy. Slowly, he lifted his head and looked down at Eli.
    “Did you hit your head?” Peter breathed, but Eli was far too startled to give a proper answer. Blood rushed to his cheeks, effectively turning his face a deep crimson.
    “Eli,” The leader urged when he didn't get an answer.
    Eli’s mouth opened and closed again. “I- I don't..” His suddenly small voice trailed off.
    Peter pushed himself onto his knees, oblivious to how nervous he was already making the Lost Boy.
    “I said,” He grabbed Eli’s jaw and pushed his head to the side to examine the back of it. His fingers tangled into Eli’s hair as he felt for blood. “Did you hit your head?”
    Peter released the boy’s jaw and grabbed his collar, yanking him up to face him. “Answer me.” He demanded, though he'd already concluded the boy was fine. He only wanted Eli to actually speak to him for once in the many months he'd been on this island.
    “N-No,” Eli choked out.
    Peter's eyes searched the boy’s face in frustration, attempting to piece together why he acted the way he did. As he did, Peter couldn't quite exactly pinpoint what it was he saw in the boy’s eyes that made his fingers ever so slightly loosen their hold on his collar. Whatever it may have been, it perplexed him.
    The rage conjured up by his months of frustration that brimmed in his green eyes should have been enough to send Eli into a frenzy trying to escape his hold, but it instead drew him in closer to the mystery that was Peter.
    It was this curiosity, it was this fondness that left the leader dumbfounded. It was Eli’s flushed cheeks, his uneven breaths that caused the spark of realization to click in Peter’s mind, and perhaps it too was the reason that the same fondness began to mimic itself in Peter's eyes also.
    But the look of realization that now dawned on Peter’s face was all too obvious, as he'd never been best at disguising his thoughts. Eli’s eyes widened upon noticing the other boy’s discovery. His lip twitched slightly, but he told himself-- he begged himself not to cry in front of Peter.
    “I-I’m sorry,” he whispered, his already red cheeks growing even warmer under the dirt that lightly covered them.
    Peter swiped his thumb awkwardly across the boy’s nose in attempt to clear some of the dirt from it before hastily pulling his hand away. He swallowed thickly, his jaw clenching slightly.
    “Don't be.”
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sadbitchimagines · 8 years
No, I have not read the books. I'm just stating the fact that reading them does not make you a Greek Mythologist. I'm not bashing the books or the people that read them; I'm just saying the series is not a college degree as some people (people I know) seem to think. Knowing about Greek Mythology (which, don't get me wrong, is a really cool subject) and having a degree in it are two different things. The books are definitely a way to learn about it, but not to become an expert in it. That's all. Not meant to be interpreted in a negative way.
Reading the Percy Jackson books does not make you a Greek Mythologist.
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sadbitchimagines · 8 years
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sadbitchimagines · 8 years
The part of the word 'ogist' is an acronym for 'Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology'. So to be considered a 'biologist', 'paleontologist', 'Greek Mythologist' etc. You need to graduate with a degree in said field.
Reading the Percy Jackson books does not make you a Greek Mythologist.
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sadbitchimagines · 8 years
Because you need to have a degree in Greek Mythology to be considered a Greek Mythologist?
Reading the Percy Jackson books does not make you a Greek Mythologist.
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sadbitchimagines · 8 years
Reading the Percy Jackson books does not make you a Greek Mythologist. I REPEAT READING THE PERCY JACKSON BOOKS DOES NOT MAKE YOU A GREEK MYTHOLOGIST
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