scara94 · 4 months
So, after some serious thought, I think I will commit myself to Patreon.
Some ideas I've had for it are:
Short Stories
Fairytale Retellings
Personalised greeting card poetry in case you can't think of something to write for your family.
Short stories based on ideas readers would send to me.
While I'm considering this, please tell me (even if you have no plan to subscribe) what you would like to see on a writer's patreon.
Of course, I will still write fanfic for Tumblr but for copyright reasons, I wouldn't put it on patreon. This would be for my work.
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scara94 · 4 months
What His Dark Materials Daemons Would the Disney Princess's Have? Podcast
Hey there everybody, so as some of you know, me and my friend Suzie have started a podcast, Feline Opinionated.
This week, we talked about the Deamons of His Dark Materials and what Daemon each Disney princess would have. So please, help us reach a wider audience and reblog this.
It's a lot of fun for us, and if you like the podcast, then by all means leave a comment on YouTube and tell us what show you'd like us to speculate on in our next episode about Daemons.
Also, a massive shout out to @waveys-shenanigans who is our IRL friend and made this stunning artwork which will be used in all future podcast. Suzie is the larger cat with glasses, and I'm the smaller cutie pie (they would disagree about the cute part).
Major detail went into the pic, down to our favourite books, and our celebrity crushes.
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scara94 · 5 months
Hi everyone!
A friend and I have started a podcast. Please give it a listen. Our latest episode is our 'Top 5' books of 2023. We also have spoiler reviews on Disney+'s Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
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scara94 · 1 year
Paperback or Hardbacks?
Which one do you prefer?
I am genuinely curious about this one. Personally, I prefer paperbacks. They are easier to carry around (as someone who takes a book pretty much everywhere.) They are also easier (for me anyway) to hold when I am reading them. Which is kind of important haha. Paperback are usually cheaper too which is a nice plus in this absolute car crash of a economy (I’m in the UK)
However, I do have some hardbacks that I absolutely adore. Some hardbacks have such beautiful art that is not included in a paperback. Plus, if there is a book I really want to read, having to wait until it comes out in paperback is very much first world problems, but hey, I hate being inconvenienced. So what do you think? Do any of you have a preference?   
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scara94 · 1 year
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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scara94 · 1 year
PAX by Sara Pennypacker - Spoiler Free- Review
Howdy folks, 
 Once again everything written here is just my opinion you do not have to agree or disagree with anything I say in this review. if you feel like leaving a comment to discuss please do, but try to keep it as spoiler-free as you can. 
 I don’t feel like I can do specific pros and cons without giving away any spoilers so I will be just giving my overall thoughts and if anyone wants to know specifics I might do another post. 
A coming of age story about the unbreakable bond between boy and fox.
Overall thoughts.
I gave it 5 stars. I loved this book so much and I would recommend it to anyone. I finished it in one day, I could not put it down. I really feel like this is definitely a future classic children’s book. Peter and Pax are separated and must find their way back to each other, on their journey; they both find out more about themselves and where they belong. It is such a simple concept and not massively original when I describe it that way. However, Sara Pennypacker writes these characters and their emotions so beautifully. I expected to go into this book and not be interested in Peter’s story. I just wanted to read about the cute fox dammit! But oh boy, did Peter’s journey take me by surprise. This is a kid who has had a lot happen in his life and as a 12-year-old has no idea who he is and how to process anything that he feels because of his environment and not once did it feel out of place.
Pennypacker dealt with the pretty serious topics of war, abandonment, and grief. How, it affects different people in different ways in such a poignant and moving approach. I never once felt that she ever dumbed it down or glossed over it ‘because it’s for children’. No, she was honest and it really does pack a punch. She took time to let you digest the emotions that the characters were feeling while not stalling the plot. (Which I was very grateful for because that’s a very big pet peeve of mine. Just because children are young doesn’t mean they are dumb!) So, yes. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has kids, nieces, nephews, cousins, or even if you want to read about found family, self-discovery, love and loyalty. because I really do think this book will speak to anyone. Also, come on. Cute fox is all you need. We stan fuzzy boy!    
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scara94 · 1 year
Bookmark Discussion
Do you use a bookmark when reading? Because, I don't, and apparently that is weird!
So, context. My friends @funkysora and @mechafeline and I do a lot of reading and they seem to think I'm some sort of monster because I don’t use a bookmark to keep track of where I have read. DONT PANIC! I don’t bend or dog-ear the pages or anything like that; those people are the monsters here! (only joking no matter how you keep track of your progress, as long as you are reading good for you!) I mean, honestly, my method is not that weird.
I just remember the page number. Because that is how my dad did it all throughout my childhood, so it was just normal that I copied him. To clarify, my dad is not dead, even though that last sentence made it seem like it, he just sticks to audiobooks now rather than physical copies. Anyway! I need some validation here that I am not a monster for just remembering where I last read. Am I? some people think its because I have a pretty good memory for useless nonsense, but no, its just how I have always done it, and also i would lose the bookmark so many times How do you keep track of your reading? Leave a reply below.
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scara94 · 1 year
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams - Spoiler Free Review
Howdy folks, Please keep in mind that this review is just my opinion, and if you disagree with me that is absolutely fine, great even. However, please do not be offended if I do not like a book that you love or vice versa. Regardless if you would like to leave a reply then please do, but try to keep it as spoiler-free as you can. ------------------ Arthur Dent was just trying to save his house from being demolished to make way for a new road. Little did he know that the whole planet was about to be destroyed. He is saved, and taken on a bizarre journey through space where he meets some strange characters.
This was the first book I read this year and honestly I was a little disappointed with it. Now, I know that it is a very huge cult classic at this point and a lot of people absolutely love it. I’m not sure if I just expected it to be something else or whether I had just built it up in my head too much (I do tend to do this with a lot of things) possibly it was a bit of both. 
So, I am willing to admit that this may have just been my issue and not the books.
The humour. It did take me a little while to get used to his style of writing humour through the dialogue sections. However, Adams ability to make me laugh while he has insulted me or humanity in general is, as a fellow Brit, something I can only applaud him for. Marvin. AKA my son! I loved him so much. Once he was introduced I was much more invested in the story. Again, it ties into Adams sarcastic humour that he put into this book, but for those of you who have read this book, we can probably all agree that we all have Marvin days.
Low page count. Now, for someone who has suffered/suffers with dyslexia and has challenged herself to read more books this year, being able to finish a book within a couple of days is a great feeling. So, the fact that this book is so short was great for me.
Pacing. It was too short. Yes, yes. I know I just contradicted myself. Though, the fast-paced momentum of this book felt very disorientating. It got much better as the book went on, but I struggled to keep up with who was who and where we were. I understand, that is the point of the book, it is very abstract and crazy and that is definitely part of the appeal to a lot of people; it was just very overwhelming at the beginning. I would have loved some more time with the characters, but maybe I will get that in the later books.
Worldbuilding. Or, lack of it. I never really felt like I was immersed in their environment. I think, because I am not hugely versed into the sci-fi genre (I tend to stick to fantasy) their surroundings didn’t feel like I could picture myself there. World building is one of my favourite things about reading. I like to get a description of the world, feel as though I could be there with the characters. Maybe this is a bit of a personal preference issue rather than a book issue, but it didn’t get me as invested in the story as I would have liked to be.
Overall thoughts
I really enjoyed this book. Yes, I was initially disappointed, but mostly because I thought I would love this book and I didn't. However, it was a positive way to kick off my year of reading more books. I gave it 3/5 stars because I thought it was a good, light-hearted read; it made me laugh, which is always a plus. But, I am not desperate to continue the series right away. I will definitely be continuing it, just not right now.I would recommend this book to anyone who likes sarcasm or wants to try and get into sci-fi because it was pretty short and sweet, despite the cons I mentioned, it was a pretty easy and quick read. Sometimes that’s all you need.
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scara94 · 1 year
Ramblings of a nerd
Howdy folks, 
I made a New Years resolution to read more this year. Now, I am usually terrible at this kind of stuff, so I came up with the idea of actually tracking what I have read and doing little reviews for each book in the hopes that it would prevent me from going through a lot of reading slumps like I did in 2022. 
Surprisingly, this has really helped me! I am really enjoying writing down my little thoughts and comments on the books I have read so far (onto my 5th book as of 18th Jan 2023). Then the thought of ‘hey, why not actually use my Tumblr blog.’ came to me, and well- here I am! 
So, I am now going to be doing little reviews here on my blog whenever I have finished a book or whenever I fancy, maybe it will get me to talk to more people about books in general or in detail if any of you have/are reading these books too.    
I will also be reviewing some of the books I read last year because I read some great ones last year that I need to talk to more people about.
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scara94 · 2 years
pssssst scotland if you’re reading this, just do it now just go for it, we’ll cover you they’re not gonna notice i promise, it'll be so hilarious bro
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scara94 · 2 years
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#so true bestie
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scara94 · 2 years
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scara94 · 2 years
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Don’t ask what’s going on in british politics right now.
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scara94 · 2 years
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scara94 · 3 years
Yes. It is a great idea. Especially when your allergic to kiwis like you are you tiny maniac!
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scara94 · 3 years
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scara94 · 3 years
I love these four kids man!! Two sassy trouble makers, a med cat that is slowly losing her patience with those sassy trouble makers and a wholesome boy who just wants his sisters to get along ❤❤❤😺😺😺😺
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Some lil character pieces for my and @scara94's kiddos - Pheasantstar, Hollyfang, Larchsight & Weaselcloud!
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