scarlettcicida · 4 months
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y’all expose yourselves and take this fanfic test i was just forced to by an irl so now i’m making you too
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scarlettcicida · 5 months
I am cringe but I am free.
Also first fanfic (Sorry for the low quality I suck. S.B. Is my signature btw).
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I ran out of room so I screenshotted the fanfiction. Ik it’s not possible but who cares the closest thing I had to a military oc was a nonbinary Spartan-ll.
I have very trash motivation and time management so I probably won’t release another fanfic in a bit.
I will spam NSFW by the buttload I’m just releasing this mundane, boring ass fanfic as a background type thing. (Mostly to test the waters).
Just so you know I won’t be using this character religiously in König NSFW since I have many horrendous, God-shattering-star ideas and plots that’s primarily reader inserts.
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Hopefully it’s in order. I’ve been meaning to post this for a week now but in self-conscious about my writing and drawing abilities so it was a lot of procrastination and self talk manipulation about how much I don’t seem care 💀
Hovering over the post button like a fly to a corpse.
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scarlettcicida · 11 months
God I love chubby whimpering nerdy men. Like gah dayum put that tummy away slut or else I’ll come over their and cover it for you with my hands, really digging in to cover the tummy.
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Two versions of him with tummy aches while bored as shit while taking notes of stuff. I don’t like my f/o’s in pain unless there’s immediate fluff and comfort afterwards but I didn’t have any energy left to draw more. Just pretend he received tummy kisses and belly rubs afterwards.
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scarlettcicida · 11 months
My spidersona, Amygdala.
You mofos with your fanart and fanfiction awoken something dead inside me. I haven’t drawn in literal years so excuse the gross mistakes.
This is my love letter to biology.
Don’t diss my awful handwriting.
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Gender is currently unknown but he has a masculine growly voice and juicy man boobs, plus he prefers he/him pronouns. Starting with the feet he has Tarantula toe padding and curly black talons which can sheathe and unsheathe much like a cat without having to use much willpower to control since they activate automatically when needed. He’s digitigrade, meaning he has inverted knees which works against gravity greatly since he’s a very large beefy boi. His calcaneus bone in his foot is of course greatly stretched to reveal actual bone sticking out of his skin, which he uses for anchoring himself onto any surface for much greater gripping surface instead of having to rely solely on just his toes. For more advanced wall crawling movement he has a 3rd toe on the side of his foot which works like an opposable thumb to properly grab onto objects for more leverage. The 3rd toe is smaller than the front two so it hides easily so it isn’t really noticeable when it isn’t in use, including the bone claw on his heel bone. As we move onto his calves he has an overgrowth of hair with the same density and mechanics as a cat whisker, the tarantula fur eventually lessens greatly as you move beyond the lower section of his feet and legs. That is the only part of his body with an abundance of his tarantula hairs, but the rest of his body hair does retains that density similar to pubic hair as the only “human” hair he has is his actual head hair. His body is a pasty white since he always has his suit on, never bothering to go outside much since he’s a biological horror. On his hands the most noticeable trait is the fact he has large talons. He has no fingernails as the set of bones on the top of his hands had created an large indentation, where the same black chitin which makes up the claws on the front toes also makes up the claws on his fingers which are attached to his bones. His finger talons requires more willpower/focus to keep them sheathed because tarantulas irl can’t just tuck them in since their always climbing and crawling around.
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His black fangs are the most prominent part of his mouth which is of course made up of the same biological material of tarantula fangs albeit obviously much stronger. His canines are replaced with scythe like fangs and have a smaller set behind them, his lower jaw has medium sized fangs but only being one pair so when he closes his mouth they very neatly tuck themselves. His fangs are hollow, the upper part of his fangs has a pea sized venom sac located inside the roof of his mouth which shares the same tubing connecting to the sac. His lower jaw fangs is just a single pair so the venom sac is more smaller, the sac being dangerously close to his saliva glands so his spit tastes almost metallic like blood while also including aiding in being way more dissolving than regular human saliva which aids in his eating. The tip of his fangs are a dark red, which is actually neon under UV lighting so the coloration is a warning sign to those who have different modes of vision.
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His eyes are fucked up because he’s an eldritch horror. He has horse vision so he’s supposed to view everything in 360 vision but can’t see shit behind his back due to his bloodshot eye, so naturally his body adapted to his vulnerability which is where his sensitive tarantula leg hairs come in. (It’s self explanatory he can sense the smallest of vibrations or changes in air pressure/temperature). He has organic webbing which cakes from a special small, vertical opening on the underside of his wrists. He can change the density and stickiness of his webbing so he’s even more dangerous. He’s feral so watch yo ass when he’s hungry or in a mood. Also he has invisible spider markings only revealed in UV lighting, which is the pattern below along with other add-ones.
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He was literally just some broke guy who had the best grades in his high school when it came to biology so his ass was invited to Alchemax for a specialized tour reserved for students having a dead set on science as their jobs or just really good grades in science in general. He at the wrong place at the wrong time and got bit by a new species of tarantula which was a mix of 2 other species including a jumping spider, but the spider wasn’t overly radioactive. (Since he was broke and lived in a bad part of town he was the perfect candidate for kidnapping and human testing trails of the genetic altering abilities of the tarantula for Alchemax. He spent most of his life trying to find proof of their inhumane law breaking along with criminal activity). Due to the amount of DNA and intoxication he became Spider-Man, but he was your usual spider person with mechanical webbing and sticking to any surface type shit. In his adulthood he would gain cancer due to the DNA/chemical intoxication, similar to how Spider-man would turn into a spider monster but his version was just slow suffering and death with minor bodily changes like loss of wall climbing since his cells were eating each other and dying. His canon was fighting Doc Ock to the death for managing to expose Alchemax, someone younger was supposed to be bitten to an unrefined version of the tarantula and exposed to radiation during the battle since that someone was an intern. Instead Amygdala was exposed to the massive amount of exposed radiation himself, most of his spider DNA was dormant but being introduced to a nuclear reactor amount from the Super Collider all of his tarantula DNA was turning on like Christmas lights all at once, becoming the horror he is now. He’s an anomaly because his universe used a special radiative core from Doc Ock’s successful reactor instead of the usual power sources for all Super Colliders. Because of his massive mutation of becoming a twink to an absolute beast unit of 7’1 he’s most likely the most dangerous spider person that is only tripled by his decaying mental state. (I’m sorry if I don’t seem to be taking this seriously I really did spent so much time on it because of the amount of angst and body horror I could do. I also know it’s pretty serious and I’m aware of using a terminal disease should be treated extremely carefully, but again I’m only doing it for biology purposes since I know about cellular decay/displacement in the body.) Another canon event is his boyfriend becoming a villain and being killed by Amygdala because of his carelessness. (I have this whole idea about the absolute angst of this because I love other people suffering instead of me).
He’s in constant anguish because his devolving mental state and bodily pain. That activated 60% tarantula DNA is muddling everything that makes him human. It made the good things perfect but made the bad things even worse, making his actions even more inexcusable due to his mindset and declining mental state in his high school . He has high functioning Asperges with psychopathy, making him seem devoid of empathy/social skills or any other emotion but really not all psychopaths are born murders or serial killers. He just thinks and feels differently, his depression and inattentive ADHD making him emotional numb which only makes him seem worse than he actually is. But like all autistic spectrum shits (me) he’s learned to mask and dissociate so hard he ends up in a different location with no memory of how he got there so he can be viewed as “normal” by society’s standards. He never asked to become Spider-Man and only thwipped around his city since it’s riddled with criminal activity, meaning he can’t fit in as well if everyone is too busy being mugged or murdered. He has no morals nor a code, he’s beaten anyone into comas or permanent bodily harm to keep his streets clean for way longer than any other hero in his universe. After his transformation he became incredibly reclusive and aggressive due to his body rapidly changing like a secondary puberty, but your bones are slowly stretching and cracking into place with enough pain tolerance to not die from a heart attack. Humans have a “lizard brain” but he has a tarantula one. He had a craving for flesh, completely abandoning his apartment complex and moved into an abandoned warehouse where he could set up webbing to catch animals to feed on like any other spider. Eventually his prey got bigger, and his hunger only grew in agony because his cells desperately used up all of his energy to continue transforming him into the thing he is now, and now he knows what people taste like. His venom are made up of digestive fluids and more dissolving chemicals that eat up and melt flesh together like cancer. (His biology is representative of cellular decay and multiplication of areas that don’t belong, and the constant bodily suffering aka cancer.) The longer he goes without meat the weaker and more feral he becomes, because of his cells desperation to constantly regenerate and refill his body with its materials. Without feeding even longer his cells start devouring themselves, the amount of pain makes him even more dangerous and murderous until his hunger is satiated once more where he returns to his more human mental state and goes into a spiral of self loathing for not being able to control himself. He doesn’t care who he eats because he never cared for anyone to begin with, being unfazed and knowing there’s people out their utterly below him like prey because of his god complex. (But he is aware he also has equals, it’s just no one wants to interact with him because he’s a cannibal and and anomaly). He absolutely hates himself and has zero care for his self image. He was always a monster internally and has the uncontrollable power to become even worse or a human being because his tarantula part of his brain makes his intrusive thoughts reality. (Not me dissing myself). He only eats the absolute human trash of people, not innocents no matter how feral he become, but he does occasionally chew into someone’s arm if they aggravate him enough. (He is banned from the Spider Society believe me, he was never allowed in to begin with). He knows he’s a monster and completely unforgivable, so he spends most of him time in his universe strictly inside his warehouse and never leaving the building unless he needs food. (Also in hiding because he’s a menace, absolutely CANNOT be in the Spider Society because his mere prescience gives everyone within the radius of their spider sense a head splitting migraine because of how utterly fucking dangerous and monstrously feral he can be). He’s very monotone with zero facial expressions, he has very animalistic body behavior thats very unintentional so-)
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scarlettcicida · 11 months
It would be really cool in part 2 of atsv if Gwen gave a sympathy/empathetic speech towards Spot about knowing what it’s like being in a body that isn’t yours. Gwen’s trans and The Spot went through body horror stuff so there should totally be a heartfelt scene of talking The Spot down and relating to the concept of being in skin/a body that doesn’t belong and the discomfort everyday of having to hide yourself and dealing with people that call you out and the disgust they show, and how the people you once loved and trusted with everything you have just completely tore you down and abandoned you because of it.
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scarlettcicida · 1 year
Guys it’s Goku.
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scarlettcicida · 1 year
*looks at your bio*
I’m sorry your WHAT NOW
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scarlettcicida · 1 year
The 2018 movie was the is feral Tumblr humans were left in a basement without seeing the light of day for a year and their only nutrients were monsterfucker fanfiction and a trained gibbon released their collective, agreed script for a movie while sending a bounty hunter to kidnap people to act in the movie. It was funny lol.
Yeah I understand how humans can simp for the really badass Yautjas because they’re sexy and pretty but peeps forget that Yautjas only see shit in thermal vision so their s/o is literally a red blob and everything else. Like yeah fanfiction and stuff as they describe you but they literally only see the world around them as blue and red smudges, and even with their helmet settings they still can’t see other well-defined colors and shit lmao. No hate tho I just thought it was a funny plot hole. That CAN make a good excuse for the dudes and dudetts to wear sci-fi glasses that can help them see more defined saturations and colors like color blindness glasses. Idk Yautjas with sunglasses 👍
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(S.B. My initials)
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scarlettcicida · 1 year
Nice, they honestly had no right to give them phallic weapons, muscles bursting, fishnets and most of all giving a SIXTEEN PACK to the Prey Yautja while practically wearing nothing. I can’t say if there’s any websites that have online comic book reading, my old ass collects them on Amazon or other websites for like 20 buck to have them in my hands. But I’m sure those websites exist, you just have to make sure you have an ad blocker or else you’ll be witness to shit ads and porn.
Edit: I’m new too to this Tumblr stuff. I just joined only to see art and read fanfiction or cats lmao. This is my first post but from the amount of attention this got is probably gonna make me want to write more headcanon biology and scientific stuff for everyone’s indulgences. I’m a science guy and a bit of a nerd I can’t help it.
Yeah I understand how humans can simp for the really badass Yautjas because they’re sexy and pretty but peeps forget that Yautjas only see shit in thermal vision so their s/o is literally a red blob and everything else. Like yeah fanfiction and stuff as they describe you but they literally only see the world around them as blue and red smudges, and even with their helmet settings they still can’t see other well-defined colors and shit lmao. No hate tho I just thought it was a funny plot hole. That CAN make a good excuse for the dudes and dudetts to wear sci-fi glasses that can help them see more defined saturations and colors like color blindness glasses. Idk Yautjas with sunglasses 👍
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(S.B. My initials)
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scarlettcicida · 1 year
AW DUDE I LOVE ROANOKE GAMING! Thanks btw, I understand how their biology changes every movies due to different people or depending on the movie environment/time jumps, plus the AvP stuff. I didn’t know Scar has more human eyes though? And yeah I know the DNA modifications because of their pride about wanting the become the perfect hunter for further biological advancements or specific advantages in their DNA for different prey. For the Prey Yautja it’s more of because it was this ancient subspecies that was more adapted to Earth/Earth-like planets due to the non-breather, but I’m not really talking about him I’m mostly focusing on the OG Predator movies/comics, should’ve clarified. I love the Yautja’s love of DNA editing, makes for more awesome and sexier variants and the amount of biology and evolution you can dissect from their bodies is chef’s kiss. I’m glad peeps are responding and stuff because I love reading about the theories and inputs, makes the dissection more interesting or easier to clarify things.
Yeah I understand how humans can simp for the really badass Yautjas because they’re sexy and pretty but peeps forget that Yautjas only see shit in thermal vision so their s/o is literally a red blob and everything else. Like yeah fanfiction and stuff as they describe you but they literally only see the world around them as blue and red smudges, and even with their helmet settings they still can’t see other well-defined colors and shit lmao. No hate tho I just thought it was a funny plot hole. That CAN make a good excuse for the dudes and dudetts to wear sci-fi glasses that can help them see more defined saturations and colors like color blindness glasses. Idk Yautjas with sunglasses 👍
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(S.B. My initials)
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scarlettcicida · 1 year
Yo same, honestly it would be really cute if without their masks and in society (when they aren’t hunting) they see organics as pastel colors. In the movies their mostly bland or they have bright ass reds. It’s like when a person has far/near-sighted vision where they can see shit but in blurs. I think they CAN see colors but the duller they are the more moshed it looks, that’s why wearing/being a bright color is mostly used as a marker to make it easier for them to see each other. Also because of their heat-vision seeing shit they see organics in a warm glow. You know how when someone smiles or is pregnant and other humans think their glowing? It would be cute if it would be the same, like this little angelic light in a reddish color (depends on body heat) like some Angel coming down idk. Also kinky because they can tell by body heat and heart pulse, plus smell where they can literally SEE/sense the horny.
Yeah I understand how humans can simp for the really badass Yautjas because they’re sexy and pretty but peeps forget that Yautjas only see shit in thermal vision so their s/o is literally a red blob and everything else. Like yeah fanfiction and stuff as they describe you but they literally only see the world around them as blue and red smudges, and even with their helmet settings they still can’t see other well-defined colors and shit lmao. No hate tho I just thought it was a funny plot hole. That CAN make a good excuse for the dudes and dudetts to wear sci-fi glasses that can help them see more defined saturations and colors like color blindness glasses. Idk Yautjas with sunglasses 👍
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(S.B. My initials)
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scarlettcicida · 1 year
Yeah I understand how humans can simp for the really badass Yautjas because they’re sexy and pretty but peeps forget that Yautjas only see shit in thermal vision so their s/o is literally a red blob and everything else. Like yeah fanfiction and stuff as they describe you but they literally only see the world around them as blue and red smudges, and even with their helmet settings they still can’t see other well-defined colors and shit lmao. No hate tho I just thought it was a funny plot hole. That CAN make a good excuse for the dudes and dudetts to wear sci-fi glasses that can help them see more defined saturations and colors like color blindness glasses. Idk Yautjas with sunglasses 👍
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(S.B. My initials)
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