shawnaeliza · 3 years
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25 years ago an unknown Chinese protester stood in front of a tank in defiance of the government. No one knows the identity of the man but he was given the nick name “Tank Man”. This is one of the most iconic photographs of the century.
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shawnaeliza · 4 years
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shawnaeliza · 4 years
This is literally me every time DC has put out anything for YEARS now, just without the frustrated roars and growling
I'm happy for the fans that they get their movies and I do think that ZS deserves to show his work but I also understand the concerns about rewarding toxic behavior :s
… i’ve already spoken more than once about how completely and utterly hypocritical it is to use this particular case as an example of studios rewarding fandom toxicity. But okay, let me explain it to you another way.
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You’ve seen many articles like this ones going around these past 2 days, haven’t you? Written in a somehow extremely biased (but trying to appear neutral) tone, discussing the impact a toxic fandom  could have on the studios’ decision and how it could set a bad precedent for future movies?
What if I told you that this woman had celebrated Snyder’s departure in 2017? What if I told you that she often spoke of him in these terms.
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Would you still consider her to be in a position to judge any sort of toxic behavior? She is now claiming that she’s received many death threats from fans. I very much doubt it was that much but I don’t think she’s lying about receiving these vile messages. How do I know? Because I’ve had more than once people in my mentions telling me that all Snyder fans should die already (and somehow I still manage to understand that these clowns are a minority, go figure).
That’s what the most toxic assholes do. It’s a shame, but it is what it is. However, she and her colleagues are taking some kind of sick pleasure in depicting our entire fandom as one who’s done nothing but sent them death threats, because that fits the narrative better, you see.
Just like it was easy to depict Zack Snyder as a liar and a manipulator in order to convince people that the Snyder Cut didn’t exist and that even if it did, it was never ever ever ever ever going to be released.
But I will say that it is very much possible that we’ve been angry in her mentions. Why? Take a look at the tweet. Read those words. Imagine all the other tweets about Snyder she must have written. 
Can you really not understand why at some point fans got pissed and told her to fuck off already?
And that’s just one example. I could show you more than a dozen of these clowns with big plateforms who’ve done nothing these past 3 years but insult Snyder and provoke the fans. Disgusting people who are now posing themselves as victims and thinking they are above toxicity.
They are the ones who have been throwing a gigantic tantrum these past 2 days. Because they were delighted in seing Zack Snyder brought down and hate the fact that he fought for his vision and won.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that they are really concerned about setting a bad precedent. It’s really, really not about that.
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shawnaeliza · 4 years
Day 4 - Caranthir
Day 4- Caranthir > Weapons, People Skills, childhood, Betrayal, Lordship, Dwarves & Humans, Marriage, Appearance
(See bottom for notes.)
He’d pulled the curtains open so that light streamed in from the window directly onto the bed. She loved the sunlight. She’d appreciate that when she woke up.
And she would wake up. The healers had been very clear on that. Firien would wake up. It was just the herbs the healers had given her that were keeping her unconscious now.
The healers had been much quieter on other matters. Like how fast she would heal once she woke up.
If she would heal once she woke up.
Caranthir clung a little more tightly to the little bundle in his arms.
Useless, all of them. What good were they if they couldn’t even tell him if - 
The bundle squirmed, and he took a deep breath. He couldn’t afford to let his temper get the better of him. Not now.
A very quiet knock sounded at the door.
He didn’t want to call to let them in. It might disturb her, or the little one, so he stalked over to the door and yanked it open with his free hand, the other arm still carefully holding his precious bundle.
“My lord.” The messenger kept her voice low as she bowed, and Caranthir appreciated it. “Your brother has arrived.”
He blinked. Relief rushed through him in a wave even as doubt raised its ugly head. “Already?” He’d sent the courier mere days ago. Unless Manwe’s eagles had deigned to carry him, surely he hadn’t reached Curufin yet.
“One of your other brothers, my lord,” she corrected. “Lord Celegorm. He arrived in some … haste.”
That could mean nothing good. “Were they pursued?” he demanded. Now, now of all possible times for the Enemy to attack … 
And if Celegorm had fled here, alone, and not to Maedhros or Maglor, who were far closer -
Quick, harsh footsteps echoed across the flagstones as Celegorm all but ran around the corner in the narrow hallway. He was still covered in the dust of the road, and his hand was on the hilt of his sword.
One of Caranthir’s guards was trailing behind him looking helpless and a little apologetic.
Keep reading
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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The Grandmothers
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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Isengard  by Ivan Cavini
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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Melkor by https://twitter.com/StephenGraWalsh
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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Mingling BY Marhelf
“In those unhappy things which later came to pass, and in which Fëanor was the leader, many saw the effect of this breach within the house of Finwë, judging that if Finwë had endured his loss and been content with the fathering of his mighty son, the courses of Fëanor would have been otherwise, and great evil might have been prevented; for the sorrow and the strife in the house of Finwë is graven in the memory of the Noldorin Elves. But the children of Indis were great and glorious, and their children also; and if they had not lived the history of the Eldar would have been diminished.” (J.R.R. Tolkien)
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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Inktober by https://www.facebook.com/TheArtOfJennyDolfen/
1. Eowyn (m/b)
2. Feanor
3. Melian
4. Maglor
5. Finrod Felagund
6. Fingolfin
7. Elrond
8. Fingolfin
9. Finarfin
10. Aredhel
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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Sam Gamgee for Jessica ♥ commissions/store/ko-fi/instagram   
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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Of the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.
—— Nolofinwëan week, Day 2
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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Angrod & Aegnor
For @arafinweanweek
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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Okay babes I don’t have enough time to do one drawing a day for @nolofinwean-week ,,, but I still want to participate
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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Of the crossing of Helcalaxe and the ruin of King’s Tower.
—— Nolofinwëan week, Day 3
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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@nolofinwean-week day 1 - anairë and fingolfin
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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@nolofinwean-week day 5 - +argon can you spot him (5/7)
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shawnaeliza · 5 years
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Day 5 of Arafinwean Week!
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