spaghettimachete · 1 year
Haia :D, saw that your request box was open and wanted to check in on a fellow new writer, although i don't have a request i do have some Jin and Yin ideas, give me a holler if you wanna hear them <3
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P l e a s e, they’re two of my favorite characters
Under appreciated mfs 😔
(Doodle by me <3)
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spaghettimachete · 1 year
Hello! I come from the other side to ask if you a yandere request! Let’s get some yandere ex boyfriend Syntax being absolutely pissed off the the reader is with our demon prince Red boy! (Sorry they are both literally my favorite and I couldn’t pick between the two!😅)
Red is a very low-key kinda yandere and he is knowledgeable enough to understand that the yandere tendencies are what made Syntax a “ex” in the first place so he tries for the reader. He is a powerful enough demon to protect the reader and himself from Syntax! Thank you I hope you are very blessed day
Happy Holidays Y'all!
Whatever holiday you celebrate, I hope you have (or had) a wonderful time celebrating it! (And if you don’t celebrate anything, I hope you have a wonderful day anyway :})
Syntax in this is Post Spider Transformation!
ᏔᎪᎡNᏆNᏩᏚ: Yandere, mentioned kidnapping (you get saved)
• When you finally gained the courage to break up with Syntax, due to his obsessive and violent behaviour, lets just say he was less than happy
• He was even more pissed when he was told that you were leaving him for Redson as well.
• He’d likely try forcing you to be with him, trying to take you away right then and there, but Redson easily stops him and leaves with you.
• Obviously, instead of looking at himself as a person, being understanding, and realising he needed to make some adjustments, he tries kidnapping you again.
• He would likely do it while the two of you were asleep, using his slick technology to muffle any noises and not wake up the flaming boy who stole his love
• He wouldn’t be ready to fight Redson
• Not then, at least.
• While you were in Syntax’s care, he’d spend every second of what little free time he’d have with you.
• Holding you tightly as if you had any chance of getting out of his grasp on your own.
• It wouldn’t matter anyway, he made sure to thoroughly block any possible escape, setting traps upon traps in any small openings in any small gaps he made.
• Only he know how to swiftly avoid all the sensors
• He’d scold you for even thinking you could leave him
• And then almost immediately start praising you for “being in his arms again.”
• Much to Syntax’s dismay, Redson would immediately come to rescue you.
• Syntax would then find out that you had somehow escaped, despite his elaborate array of traps, he’d not only be mad, but also embarrassed.
• Not just because Redson had somehow gotten past his genius inventions, but the little shit had also found a critical error in them, which allowed him to easily get past them.
• …The error being that they weren’t flame proof.
• Syntax would overwork himself trying to create a material strong enough not to melt under Redson’s heat.
• His determination to get Redson will rise immediately. Working even more quickly to make a new invention that will help him get you back.
• Syntax would not be giving up on you, he WILL have you back, no matter what it takes.
• There would be multiple attempts to get you back.
• All, however, would immediately be shut down by Redson
• who would grow more and more annoyed with the “Pesky Bug” as he called it.
• It would get harder and harder for Redson to hold back burning him to a crisp right then and there.
• But he knows better.
• He’s well aware about how you would feel about his… urges, and would rather not have you (try to) break up with him over something so minuscule
• He’s much rather have you be with him willingly rather than by force.
• So, he will resist (for now)
• After all, wouldn’t want a repeat of the “disaster of your previous relationship”
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spaghettimachete · 1 year
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I wasn’t sure what kinda format you wanted this in, so I decided to make it a drabble :} I’ll look more into Error 143 then decide if I’ll write for it or not.
Please forgive me for any grammatical errors, it’s my first time writing in a while!
ᏔᎪᎡNᏆNᏩᏚ: Light Angst
Sun WuKong had a knack for running from destiny, he never liked the idea of being tied down. Well, then again, there's always one exception for everything.
If he were to be tied down to anything, it would be to them.
So why did this have to keep happening?
“... you know you don’t have to do this, right?”
Y/N sighed, a breathy disheartened chuckle leaving them, as they adjusted the white material on their sleeves. “This conversation again?” They turn back to the man squatted on their balcony railing, a small smirk growing on their lips. “Well aren’t you persistent?”
WuKong let out a huff, readjusting to instead sit with one knee up, his arms crossed over resting on it. “I’m serious. You don’t have to.” Y/n Sighed “WuKon-”
“We could leave together” His voice was irritated as he got up, walking towards Y/N as he spoke, clasping their hands in his. “I can get you an immortality fruit, we can finally-”
“In how many more cycles are you going to do this, WuKong?”
WuKong stopped, his face frozen in a shocked, slightly stern, expression and his hands grip on their hands tightened ever so slightly. “...I..” His mouth hung open, barely able to get even a word out. The person before him chuckled again, looking down to the side with a saddened smile. “You always find me just a little too late.. I have to do this now..”
WuKong’s mouth closed. “How many more times until you make it?..Will.. Will you.. Ugh, how much longer are you willing to keep doing this?” There was a sort of desperation in their voice, a pained laugh leaving them this time as they wiped their eyes with their shoulders. WuKong’s eyes softened, as he watched their eyes well up, he stayed silent as he bowed. Raising their clasped hands to his forehead resting them there, basking in their warmth. “As long as it takes..” WuKong stayed there a moment longer before lifting his head, taking his right hand off of theirs before gently placing it on their cheek, gently running his thumb along it. “I’ll keep doing this for as long as it takes.”
Y/N stared at WuKong, a weight pulling down at the corner of their lips as they took in a deep breath, before smiling again. “Then let's hope we make it next time.” They raise a hand to WuKong’s cheek, giving it a gentle scratch as he leaned into it, his eyes closing. WuKong tilted his head, kissing Y/N's palm, and as they pulled their hand away, he leaned forward attempting to follow it. “I’ll see you in another life, my dear.” Sun Wu Kong’s lips pulled down, as he stood straight. “Until then, Sunshine..”
From there, Sun WuKong watched as YNn walked off, not even looking back as they exited the room. A shaky breath left Y/N as they headed down the long hallway. Staring into space as the back of his mind begged for their fates to finally align one day.
Y/N laughed as MK wrapped an arm around them, roughly shaking them in excitement. “You’ll love him! ‘heroic, and brave, and strong, and cool, and-” MK rambled as Y/N watched, smiling at the boy's antics, even with the pit in their stomach. Was it really him or just another cosplayer? A cardboard cut out? A body pillow? I mean, they wouldn’t put it past MK, not gonna lie. I mean, he is obsessed with him after all-
Y/N stopped in their tracks, frozen when they saw him. WuKong before them, awkwardly taking in Tang’s rambles and praises. Turning back, WuKong also stopped in his tracks, his face dropping in shock. The two of them stood there for a second in complete silence, Tang and MK glancing at each other in confusion. “Uh.. guys?” Perking up, Y/N shook their head before a wide smile quickly grew on their face. “Hey Wu Kong.”
Sun WuKong continued to stare for a second, blinking a few times before his expression softened, a shaky smile growing on his face as well. “Hey Sunshine.. Am I too late again” His voice was also shaking, almost desperate. Y/N’s smile grew even more. “..nope”
“Uh.. how do you guys know each other?”
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spaghettimachete · 1 year
Heyya, this is my first ever tumblr account so here’s a little self introduction!
You can call me Noodle, my pronouns are She/He/They (No Preference) and I’m just here to post fanfiction and the occasional doodle.
• Requests are currently : ᎾᏢᎬN
Here is what I will and will not do for writing!
♡ Y/N x Character
♡ Headcanons
♡ One shots
♡ Scenarios
♡ Drabbles (if I like the prompt enough lmao)
♡ Yandere <- ᴸᴼᵂᴱᵞ ᶠᴬᵛᴼᴿᴵᵀᴱ
♡ Fluff
♡ Angst
✧ Character suicide (mention is ok but not full detail)
✧ OC x Character
✧ Anything Pedophilic
✧ Anything Incestious
If something you have in mind isn’t in my “Will”s or “Won’t”s, don’t be afraid to request it! I’ll either fulfil the request or kindly state why I won’t, this is a no judgement zone. :}
(I will add more later on but I’m starting off with just these two)
✰ Undertale (Any AU)
✰ Lego Monkie Kid (Anyone but Ne Zha)
Y/N will use gender neutral pronouns <3
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