sparkfromthefire 1 year
24 Mar 2023
Its crazy how up and down life can be in such a short period of time. An unlimited amount of uncertainties some good some bad but all emotionally draining. I'm not complaining, just along for the ride.
I am still really enjoying my job! It is such a dynamic position I am having such a good time with it already and there is so much still to learn! I think it suits my big three perfectly now that I'm thinking about it.
I haven't talked about astrology much on here but its something I really love to study in my spare time and I feel like it gives incredible insight into our very specific and unique needs. I am a Virgo sun, Leo moon, and Cancer rising. Right now my job is in the quality assurance department, which means it is my job to be a perfectionist and go around holding everyone else to my standard of quality. If you know anything about astrology you know what I've described is a job made for a Virgo (and maybe a Capricorn). What I am focusing on in the department is training, which means that I am constantly leading groups through demonstrations or speaking to the facility on behalf of my department. Leo's are leaders who love being the center of attention and a Leo moon craves respect, all of these boxes are checked while doing training. And lastly, people gravitate towards the quality department because it is full of strong, intelligent women who get shit done. The facility has been crazy with gossip and drama lately and the first place people take all the tea is to us girls in quality because they trust us and know that we have the best advice. As someone ruled by Leo I love the tea but my Cancer rising empathizes with everyone and loves to give advice. I take pride in my work, I get to perform almost (in the sense that I am public speaking and always playing the role that will teach the employees best) and I want to help with peoples personal growth and somehow I am in exactly the right position to nurture all of these needs.
I feel so grateful! But I am also annoyed because my husband is having a rough time at work. He use to love his job and his boss and I was the one struggling to find happiness at work. Then he got a new boss and everything went sideways, this all happened around the same time I got my new position. Its frustrating that we cant both be happy, like we are intertwined karmically and we cant both have happiness and success at the same time. At least we will for sure be working the same shift, that makes things a lot easier and allows us to have a different type of happiness at work.
That's enough for today... ttyl
Love, Kat <3
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sparkfromthefire 1 year
28 Feb 2023
okay so a lot has happened... I changed positions and everything has been amazing! I love working so closely to my friends and everything I have had the chance to learn has come to me so naturally. I am really in my element! I am so glad I made this decision and I have no regrets.
Less then a week after I changed positions, the person I had the most issues working with in my last department quit. This is insane because of how badly she treated me but because of how she was always telling me how little I did but couldn't make it one week without me! Also if she had left when I was still in the department I would have gotten her job (which makes more then I do now). Even with all of that I am still very happy about the decision I made and I cant wait to see where it leads me!
My manager has been telling other managers how good I am doing and that is such a nice feeling! She doesn't get along with the other people in my department very well but because I have only talked to her three times in three weeks I haven't had the chance to make an opinion. Being that I am on nights I don't think I will have the same issues that they do but I have also heard rumors that everyone could be moving to the same shift. This will be a big deal and I hope that me and my husband will still be on the same shift no matter what.
I think it is so important to spend as much time as possible with him even if it is in a professional sense in the work place. I understand that that wouldn't work for most people but that is what I am choosing to prioritize in my life and I wont allow anything get in the way of that. Spending time with him is more important than any amount of money.
Anyway that is all that's happened recently and even a little more. Hopefully I remember to check in more then once a month but hey life is crazy....
Love, Kat <3
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sparkfromthefire 1 year
21 Jan 2023
I've made my decision.... I'm changing departments. I asked a few people I really respect at my work their opinions and all of them said the same thing; that no matter what position I choose I will do well because of who I am. They all told me to do what I want because no matter what I do I will succeed. Having them tell me that reminded me of how proud I should be to have such amazing opportunities to choose from. I had forgotten the point because I was too focused on how other people would feel but with that boost in confidence I just feel grateful to have a chance to shape my future in such a significant way! I got this opportunity because of who I am and my reputation in the facility not because I'm qualified because honestly I'm not! To work in quality I should have a BSc (a Batchelor's in Science) and I only have a BA (Batchelor's of Arts) so in all reality this could be the only time in my life I am ever offered a job in quality! I would be insane not to at least try!
So now I just have to wait three-ish weeks and in the meantime i will train my friend so that she can get my old position. I am excited to do this as quickly as possible because similar to my situation this would be a raise/promotion for her.
I am excited to move forward with gratitude because this is a positive situation for so many people and I need to remember that. There are so many people that believe in my abilities and all of the people that I admire, admire me back! I feel so lucky to be so successful at work!
Also I am one step closer to getting an ADHD diagnosis! I did a survey thing a while back so that he could assess my symptoms and he just got back to me saying that he thinks I have adult ADHD. I think I've had it all along, I was tested once when I was younger like in the third grade. Back then they didn't have a lot of research on how ADHD affects girls so they said I was just talkative and silly. As a child it didn't effect me as negatively as it is as an adult but Ill get into that another time. Anyway now I have to get blood work done and then I don't know what comes next but I'm happy to get this validation that I have been missing for the past 3 years I've been looking into this.
Its been a very eventful past couple of weeks and I have so pride in myself and those around me (my husband and friends have also been so successful lately!!!!!). I love this life! I am grateful to be alive! Shout out to my cat Pippin for giving me the strength the get through the hard times and the motivation to have success in the future!
Love, Kat <3
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sparkfromthefire 1 year
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sparkfromthefire 1 year
12 Jan 2023
I still haven't received a job offer but somehow everyone in the facility knows I've had the interview and are spreading rumors that I have already taken the job. This is pissing off my team lead who is taking it out on me and my manager has started looking to fill my position before I have even had an offer! I'm so stressed out about this right now... A few hours after I wrote my last post I had a full blown panic attack! I have never had one so bad in my life and made Jackson google the symptoms because I thought what I was experiencing was too severe to be a panic attack. My mercury is in Libra so I have a really hard time with social unrest; making this situation unbearable. I am very grateful for the opportunity don't get me wrong but I wish I could skip through this messy part and get right to the raise and learning something new. In all honesty I've made my decision now and I'm going to take the new position... right now it feels like the lesser of two evils. If this job doesn't work out thought, I'm leaving the company. If I get this new position it will be the 4th department I have worked in over a year and a half of working there.
When I was a temp I was working in packaging, my husband (then fianc茅) moved up in that department quite quickly so I knew I couldn't stay. I got hired on full time when I was asked to work in processing for the nightshift processing supervisor. I got along really well with him and my job was really fun! then he got a job at a new company and no one filled his position so I started reporting to the dayshift supervisor. This became a problem because the dayshift supervisor had recently started dating one of my co-workers and there was very clear favoritism towards her and her cousin who also worked in the same department. I stayed in this position for half a year and brought this issue to multiple managers but with nothing to show. Four times a year the company is obligated to do an inventory count of everything in the building. I had volunteered for a few of these inventory counts and become somewhat friends with the Inventory Clerk, so when she offered me an interview to be her counterpart on the afternoon shift I jumped at the chance. I had my interview with my soon to be manager (whom I really respect) and it went really well so I spent a few weeks while they filled my current position.
As soon as I moved onto the inventory team, my friend was acting different. She was always upset with my quality of work and was acting very unprofessional with the things she said and the way she acted. I am terrible with confrontation so I kinda just took it for months and cried when I got home. As I got more comfortable in my position her comments lessened (never stopped) and I remembered why we were friends in the first place. Every inventory count since has been terribly stressful, the responsibility, the chaos, the fact that the people working with us can barely count to 10... Anyway now I'm (hopefully) moving into the QA department because of a lot of reasons I don't want to get into right now. The only other departments left are like finance or shipping and receiving, I failed math all though school and I've done the whole warehouse thing and its just not for me (traumatic story I'll probably end up talking about later).
So if this doesn't work out I'm quitting.
Love, Kat <3
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sparkfromthefire 1 year
07 Jan 2023
I'm going to use this tumbler page as a digital journal. My goal is to a) write daily or as close to daily as possible and b) improve my typing speed and skill
Today is Saturday and yesterday we got a new laptop which is why started a new tumbler.
So the biggest thing I have on my mind is that I have a new opportunity at work. Right now I work in inventory, I enjoy the job I have now and it pays well, I think I will get an opportunity to move up in the position I have now to make more money have have more seniority. When I started at this company I was a packaging assistant and I have slowly worked my way into the position I have now. My initial goal when I started working here was to work in QA and I have been given an opportunity to do just that. I never thought that I would hesitate to take the job that was my goal to have just 2 years ago, but now that I have had the position in inventory for 9 months I am seriously conflicted!
Pros of staying in inventory: I enjoy my job, I will get a raise soon, I like my coworkers, I have a lot to learn still, I am being given new exciting responsibilities, I have very little supervision, I get to be physical and stay in shape, my manager really likes me, my coworkers really rely on me
Cons of staying in inventory: the person who will become my supervisor is hard to work with sometimes, I have to work 4 weekends every year, I find it difficult to understand my manager when she trains me because it is not very straight forward and it is done remotely
Pros of moving to QA: I love the people that work in QA, It would be incredible to add to a resume, could propel me into a long-term career, I would already have a very good relationship with my supervisor, I would make more money initially, there is room to grow, I could potentially move to dayshift if Jackson ever gets a promotion
Cons of moving to QA: The manager is new and I don't know her very well, I'm worried I might get bored, I wouldn't be working out my arms anymore, the raise I will get soon in inventory is more then the starting rate in QA, I genuinely like my job in inventory and don't want to regret my decision
My plan right now is to wait for the offer from QA and tell my current manager that if I don't get a raise I will be leaving the department. If she offers me a raise I will take that back to the manager of QA and basically create a bidding war over me. Then I will go to the department that offers me a higher wadge. My priority is to make more money because Jackson and I are trying to afford a honey moon and I don't want to settle just because we are young and broke.
I have found a girl at work that I think is incredibly smart and talented for someone so young and I want to push her into whatever position I don't take so there wont be a void left in my absence, not only that but she deserves that jobs as much as I do and at the end of the day, spotting her talent and giving her the opportunity to move up is helping the company as well so its a win win win. I win by getting more money and the job I want, she wins because either way she will get a significant pay increase, and the company wins having 2 smart, talented women being promoted.
Obviously I haven't made a decision yet but I will let you know what happens and when the time comes what decision I will make.
Love, Kat <3
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sparkfromthefire 1 year
I haven't had tumbler in over a decade
first thing i did was change to colour scheme to classic
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