starrymothastrology · 5 hours
Lilith: Ascendant Aspects
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Aspects between your Lilith and Ascendant are largely focused on how your shadow self (the deepest, most innate, perhaps even hidden part of you) interacts with the way you present yourself to others.
Lilith Square Ascendant: You have a potent, unconventional energy that clashes with how you present yourself to others, yet also has an enigmatic presence that captivates and challenges those around you. You may find yourself having inner tension and conflict between your hidden desires and your public image, which is also capable of providing an opportunity for profound self-discovery and personal growth. The complexities within this aspect push you to question the masks and roles you play and beckons you to embrace parts of you that lie beneath those facades. Do not feel trapped by the tension, but consider it an invitation to embrace all parts of yourself, even those that seem contradictory or unconventional.
Lilith Trine Ascendant: You bring a unique and fearless energy with an enhanced ability to express your true self without inhibition, and it comes with a captivating aura that draws others to you and leaves a lasting impression on others. Your ability to be your true, authentic self and the magnetism it produces makes it easy for you to form deep connections and foster profound relationships. You also have a rebellious spirit with a strong sense of independence and individuality that challenges societal norms and inspires others to embrace their own individuality without reservation. You have immense potential to be the guiding light for others, helping them break free from societal expectations and discover their own unique paths.
Lilith Sextile Ascendant: There is an intriguing balance between your inner desires and outward presentation where you have the natural ability to express your authentic self while also possessing an air of mystery and allure, which captivates others around you. You have an inherent ability to tap into the essence of your desires and allow them to inform and guide your decisions, permitting you to explore your shadow self rather than suppressing it. You cultivate a sense of wholeness and authenticity, and your magnetism is capable of drawing others in to explore their own depths.
Lilith Sesquiquadrate Ascendant: This placement brings a unique energy that serves as inspiration and a challenge on your life's journey. There is a subtle tension between your light and shadow selves, but invites and encourages you to explore your deeper self and confront any hidden fears or insecurities that may be holding you back. There is great potential for personal transformation and empowerment through questioning societal norms and definitions of identity, which allows you to forge your own path and cultivate a powerful, authentic presence. You may find yourself drawn to exploration of unconventional expressions and lifestyles that allow you to be true to your deepest desires.
Lilith Opposition Ascendant: This placement signifies profound inner conflict emotionally, as you may find yourself feeling torn between a desire for independence and a craving for deep emotional connections with others; there is a constant push and pull between the desires for freedom and intimacy, which can lead to intense and complex relationships in the process of finding inner balance. However, as you work towards harmony, you may find yourself questioning societal values and challenge conventional beauty standards, looking to redefine them as you see fit. Your energy is very powerful and enigmatic, and is capable of both intriguing and challenging others, while your mysterious presence and intense, seductive aura makes you irresistable to others. As you navigate the challenges you face deep down, it is important to reflect on how to honor your unique qualities without alienating others, and think about how you can use your captivating, enigmatic charm in a way to inspire and empower others.
Lilith Inconjunct Ascendant: There's a bit of a disconnect and tension between your authentic self and the way you present yourself to the world. You have a deep sense of rebellion against societal expectations and norms, but they cause you to feel misunderstood and like you don't belong. A powerful energy manifests within you that wishes to challenge the staus quo and redefine traditional concepts of identity and self-expressionism, which may draw you towards unconventional and alternative lifestyle choices, but you may find yourself a mix of liberated and unsettled by your nonconformity. You will find yourself tasked with the challenge to integrate your rebellious, nonconformist spirit and desire for authenticity into your relationships and interactions with others as to find a balance in which you will feel the most comfortable with your unique self, and to find a way to express yourself in a way that is authentic and empowering without alienating others. Doing so can even inspire those around you to do the same.
Lilith Conjunct Ascendant: You have a captivating, raw and untamed rebellious spirit that is both intriguing and intimidating. You fully embrace your authentic self and fearlessly challenge authority and societal norms. Your unconventional nature refuses to conform and cannot be confined by societal rules or expectations, and this powerful energy can inspire others to break free from their own limitations. However, while independence is your strength, you find it challenging to trust others and allow yourself to be vulnerable, which causes you to feel isolated in a struggle to form deep emotional connections with others. To heal this, it is important to reflect on how to balance your authenticity and need for independence with an openness to the beauty and growth that can come from sharing your journey with others.
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Hey i just noticed you are doing a lilith series and i dont know much about it. So I thought of asking you, my lilith's in cancer in both 11H and 12H. Lilith sextile north node and trine south node,Lilith conjunct lilith, Lilith sextile mc and Lilith sq fortune, lilith square jupiter also lilith trine uranus. Honestly, I don't even know the meaning of these in aspect to lilith and its so confusing. I would appreciate it if you tell me what you think about it🐳
I can try to help you decipher the meanings of your Lilith aspects and such through going one by one.
First, though, I should mention that I'm a bit stumped about the houses you've mentioned. Is your Lilith on a cusp? Lilith should have its own house in your natal chart. For example, as shown in my Cafe Astrology Natal Report, my Sagittarius Lilith is in 6H, despite my 6H in the Placidus listing Scorpio as my 6H.
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To start, a few of the aspects you mentioned are ones that don't necessarily affect your expression in life (aspects with the south node, fortune and the conjunct with natal Lilith). These are usually transit aspects (only affect individuals at a particular time), but may also affect synastry (astrological compatibility with partners).
North Node is a bit different, however, because the North node shows your life lessons and where you wish to strive (as opposed to South Node's indication of your comfort/habitual spot). Having your North Node sextile to Lilith indicates that your sense of destiny is easily expressed as long as you stay authentic and follow your inner self and instincts. You have a sense of fulfillment when you achieve freedom, independence and allow your sexual energy to be expressed.
Things get a little more straightforward from here, though.
Lilith Sextile Midheaven: You have an innate ability to tap into your authentic self-expression and shine in public with an unconventional approach, natural charisma and magnetic presence. This aspect encourages you to break free from societal norms and take the path less traveled, as well as embrace your uniqueness in casual and professional settings alike.
Lilith Square Jupiter: This placement reveals hidden potentials and urges you to uncover and harness them to become the best, most authentic version of yourself. Think of it as celestial intervention to aid you in elevating you to your highest being. The energy it will being will compel you to take risks, rise up against your circumstances and help you reach your truest self. You may get overwhelmed by intense optimism or pessimism in the face of life decisions, but in the end, by trusting your inner guidance, you can navigate challenges (and the world) with greater confidence than you had.
Lilith Trine Uranus: You have a harmonious alignment within you between wild, repressed feminine energy from Lilith, and the symbols of individuality, freedom and revolution from Uranus. This placement promotes freedom, autonomy, creativity, and individuality, all fostering your personal growth by embracing your authentic self and challenging societal expectations. It can also bring you a revolutionary and transformative approach to your spirituality, inspiring you to explore alternative belief structures and challenge traditional religion.
Seeing as your Lilith is in Cancer, my summary just off of these details is that you are someone who, deep down, has the fight in them to challenge the societal meaning of "strong", and feels that being an emotional person is not a sign of weakness, but of power. People may have judged or tried to repress your emotional side, but you have a voice in you that knows there is nothing wrong with expressing how you feel. A good quote that these placements are making me think of would be (if I'm remembering it right): "just because I'm crying doesn't mean I won't slap you in the face".
And honestly, I love all of that you you.
Hope this helps! <3
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Lilith: Moon Aspects
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Black Moon Lilith is the point of the moon that is furthest from the earth at a given time (in the case of astrology, at your time of birth). Much like other planetary positions, Black Moon Lilith can have aspects with your moon sign.
So what do they mean for you?
Your Lilith to Moon aspect can be found on your birth chart (granted, you know your birth date, time and location).
Lilith Square Moon: You have a profoundly heightened connection to your emotional self, to the point where emotions are experienced on a cellular level; each heightened emotion has the capability of transforming your entire being. The tension that can happen as a result can cause emotions to feel erratic, and cause you to act on impulse if you are unaware of your shadow side. You may gravitate towards high risk and destructive behaviors (which can manifest into addictions of any sort), whether it's for an adrenaline rush (which you may get more of due to your sharp intuition and sense of danger), or as a transmutation of rage or sadness, or anywhere inbetween. Emotional liberation is also very important for you, but you also have a tendency to cling to old emotional wounds and struggle to be vulnerable, which fuels the aforementioned behaviors. Recommended healing practices include grounding exercises (such as meditation), creative and theraputic outlets, journaling and working with a therapist.
Lilith Trine Moon: You easily welcome exploration of taboo emotions, and are armed with the understanding that emotions are vast and varied, and that judgement on them is unwarrented. You have a type of acceptance that prevents emotional repression and fosters healthy expression (for not just you, but others, as well). Your gift stems from a deep understanding of psychology, and you may even experience keen intuitive insight that are crucial to trust, as they are messages from a more profound place that will help you enhance your self-awareness and empathy.You are someone who others can go to when they need to talk about anything, as you provide them with the understanding and calm aura they need. To harness this aspect to the fullest, it is essential to acknowledge that there is a need to set healthy boundaries, embrace the ebb and flow of your own emotions, and foster an environment of mutual understanding through sharing your own feelings with your partner. It's easy to get caught in the emotional dramas of others, as your empathy draws you to help them, but remembering to have a balance of being a compassionate listener and safeguarding your own emotional well-being is vital.
Lilith Sextile Moon: Very similar to the Trine aspect, you welcome what society deems taboo, and grasp that emotions are a broad spectrum and are all deserving of acknowledgement, facilitating your ability to refrain from repressing your feelings and allowing you to honor them fully. You have a keen perception for the underlying motivations of others and can intuitively decipher the complexities of their emotions. This placement also gives you an emotional resilience, which helps you support those who are especially vulnerable; your strength gives you an aura that is like a lighthouse for those who need solace and wisdom, and this quality is one that others frequently admire of you. You are also profoundly in tune with the cosmic cycles and effortly sync with the universe. You often experience powerful flashes of clarifying intuition, which should be trusted, as they act as guiding forces that offer wisdom about the world around you as well as your psyche's internal cogs. The main downside of this aspect, though, is that your depth and understanding of emotional capacity can often feel like a burden as a result of emotional burnout from helping those who come to you seeking your help. A second, smaller downside is that your heightened perception reveals dynamics that others often overlook, which can be a blessing (through the allowance of building heightened connections), but may also lead to moments of disillusionment when others fail to see what you see. To avoid the issues of emotional overextension, consider regular self-care practices (such as meditation, creative outlets, grounding exercises and connecting with nature) and prioritization of your own well-being.
Lilith Sesquiquadrate Moon: Extremely similarly to the Square aspect, you also feel emotions on a cellular level and are prone to transmuting extreme emotions into destructive behaviors, and emotional liberation is very important to you. However, this aspect puts even more emphasis on the need for emotional liberation. With this placement, you have a tendency to latch onto old feelings, and hold grudges for a very, very long time, causing you to be fearful of your own emotions and feel engulfed by them, as they may even cause you to fantasize of dangerous adventures. You may feel exposed if you try to share your emotions with an intimate partner, but it is important to work on issues regarding vulnerability.
Lilith Opposition Moon: This is a very unique and intense aspect that creates a dynamic tension between your emotional needs and shadow self, urging you to explore the depths of your psyche and calling you to embrace your inner darkness and uncover your own hidden emotional aspects. This aspect challenges you to confront repressed emotions and traumas, question what was instilled into you from early age, and explore influences that have shaped you emotionally through the integration of your shadow side. While you have great opportunity to experience profound healing and transformation, there is also a danger of a power imbalance in which your shadow side overpowers your emotional well-being. It is important to find balance between exploring your shadow self and nurturing your emotional needs, and to embrace your vulnerability while expressing emotions in a healthy and constructive manner. There is a juggle, but there is also great potential to unlock profound psychological growth and self-discovery.
Lilith Inconjunct Moon: See Lilith Square Moon
Lilith Conjunct Moon: With Lilith and the moon working together as one, this placement is the perfect cosmic union as a positive catalyst for change and self-rebirth, and invites you to channel your intuition through spiritual practices. Possessing an ethereal connection to the unseen, you are a seeker of truth with no conventional bounds, permitting you to explore realms of freedom and authenticity as the opinions of others fade to the background. Some may admire you for it, while others envy, but remember to not get too detached, as sometimes you may miss on valuable feedback that could foster your growth. It is important to stay vigilant about your emotions and their potency, as there is potential for emotional turbulence that can sometimes manifest as destructive behaviors if not navigated correctly. There is great potential for spiritual awakenings of feminine energy, which symbolizes profound spiritual evolution and heightened consciousness, but these awakenings require stability and grounding. Mindful breathing, physical exercise, connecting with nature and grounding exercises are key to embracing the full spectrum of your emotions preparing your body and soul to accomodate for harmony of the powerful energies within, while transforming emotion into positive change rather than chaos.
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I just spotted this question from @ryan-gular in a reply to one of my Lilith posts.
With a lot of Leo placements, your key words to describe you would be bold, courageous, loyal, honorable, confident, charming, proud and authoritative, especially in your identity (sun) and charismatic communication (mercury). Your Saturn in Leo also gives you a quality of youth with age (not to be confused with immaturity, your playfulness, creativity and willingness to show your true self blossoms as you get older).
Having Leo in the 8th house means a few things. First, you have remarkable inner strength and are a bold explorer, driven with courageous and adventurous spirit and a powerful inner trust. However, you easily become possessive in relationships, and can smell another's ego issues from a mile away, and cannot tolerate even the slightest bit of childish behavior. It will take a challenge of trying to respect those who don't "seem fully suitable" (letting yourself shine your warm light on them, if you may) in order to evolve through a change in perception. The 8th house also deals in fate (such as health and death), and having Leo in the 8th house can indicate being prone to heart issues. Easing up about those who are less than perfect is a big step in reducing stress, which can also help mitigate risks around this.
I will be making another post later on about Lilith in the houses, but I'm unsure if your Lilith is also in your 8th house, despite being Leo, which is your 8th house sign. For example, my Lilith (in Sagittarius) is in my 6th house, and my 6th house in my "Placidus Orb" section of my chart is Scorpio.
I've mentioned what Lilith in Leo means in a previous post, so I will be focusing on your Lilith Trine Mars.
This placement gives you fantastic ability to tune into your gut instincts, guiding you to your true self. There is a harmony of powers between your Lilith and your Mars, allowing you the ability to empower yourself and others. You also have an undeniable magnetism and sexual energy about you, which draws people and opportunities to you and helps cement your purpose. However, it is very important to be mindful of the power you have been given. If harnessed correctly, you can initiate changes in life wherever necessary with a realm of endless possibilities, and trine aspects provide a smooth and harmonious energy flow to benefit partnerships where mutual empowerment is the goal. On the other hand, though, it is important to stay mindful of how you direct your energy, because the intensity of this placement can cause to forceful expressions of power, which may intimidate or overwhelm others.
Putting it into specifics with your Leo Lilith and Taurus Mars: you have the ability to use your practicality to gain the spotlight your Lilith is craving. However, if you do not stay aware and mindful of your power, you may have a tendency to come onto others a bit strong.
Hopefully this has answered your question! :)
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Lilith: The Signs
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This is one of various posts I will be sharing about Lilith signs.
The Black Moon Lilith sign (aka dark moon sign) represents a dark primal feminine energy of rebellion, independence and hidden desires buried within the subconscious, as well as hidden fears and potential challenges. Knowing your Lilith helps with growth via self-awareness, guiding you through a deep level of the psyche and subconscious. Your Lilith can be found in your natal chart (as long as you know your birth date, time and place).
Lilith in Aries: Being bold, confident, assertive, talented and unafraid to break the rules, you have a knack for taking decisive action, but you also have a tendency to become overly-competitive. To heal your Lilith, you must focus on loving and embracing yourself as you are, including your flaws and vulnerabilities.
Lilith in Taurus: You have a strong affinity for luxuries and treating yourself whenever possible, which also drives you to work hard so you can provide yourself with these luxuries; you see it, you like it, you want it, you got it. However, your love for self-pampering has roots in a hesitation to rely on others, which also causes you to keep your guard up at all times. The key to healing your Lilith is to allow yourself to be vulnerable and soften in the presence of others, let your guard down every once in a while.
Lilith in Gemini: You have a very lively and charming energy, especially in terms of love and communication. There's a constant thirst for intellectual stimulation, and you can adapt your communication skills to just about any social situation. However, your charm and wit is sometimes used as a barrier to prevent getting emotionally involved, and it hinders your ability to form deep emotional connections. It is important to heal through acknowledging the pattern and finding the authenticity in your communications and relationships.
Lilith in Cancer: You have heightened emotional sensitivity and deep intuition; you're highly empathetic. However, you have a tendency to over-give in relationships and avoid confrontation by using your emotional energy unproductively. To heal your Lilith, it is important to learn to assert your worth, set boundaries and communicate issues directly without resorting to passive-aggressiveness.
Lilith in Leo: You have an abundance of confidence and power, and shine as bright as the sun itself. However, with your Lilith in this sign, you may have found yourself in relationships that made you feel small and/or were jealous of your strength. Due to this, you may find yourself too caught up in yourself to share love out of fear you will lose control. Healing will take finding friends and relationships that will not try to dim your light, and even try to shine with you.
Lilith in Virgo: You have a strong sense for control, order and perfection, and exude discipline and organization (which you've obtained through hard work). However, you may find yourself to be overly-critical from a fear of not being accepted, and that critical nature can affect not only your own mental health, but relationships with partners. You must remember that love is not perfect, and that it's okay for not everything to be perfect. You cannot control everything, so if it isn't something you can control, then try to relax.
Lilith in Libra: You have a craving for harmony and balance, but often fall to temptation. You have an allure to you that brings opportunities and relationships right to you, and people admire your success. Despite the admiration, though, you may find yourself comparing yourself to others a lot and seeming self-centered. To heal, it is best to go with the flow of the relationships you do have, and be caring towards them. Remember: love is not a game.
Lilith in Scorpio: Your energy is strong and magnetic; you have a charm, allure and confidence to achieve your goals, and others around you recognize and respect your authority, and want to stick around to experience it. However, relationships in your past may have tried to dim your light, causing you to hide your true self. To heal, you should try to embrace your authentic self and be honest. After all, someone who is worth your love and energy is someone who won't judge you for your past or your real self.
Lilith in Sagittarius: Having Lilith in this sign makes you the carefree, adventurous flirt that is always down to explore the world around you. You have a type of warmth and radiance that attracts others to you effortlessly, whether it was your intention or not. While you enjoy the attention, there's one little problem: you're not interested in settling down, perhaps even scared by the idea of commitment, due to an indecisiveness and FOMO. To heal your Lilith, aim to challenge your ideas on love. You can even find yourself in some great adventures while in a loving and committed relationship.
Lilith in Capricorn: You have an incredibly strong work ethic, matching your equally strong desire for recognition, achievement and success, and are always looking to push yourself even further. However, your approach to romance may seem more traditional and stubborn, causing you to appear distant. While you should maintain having standards, don't be afraid to broaden your perspectives. It's okay to let your hair down and be in tune with your romantic desires as opposed to appearing perfect 24/7.
Lilith in Aquarius: You are the rebellious dreamer. Bold, outspoken, fearless and unconventional are your adjectives, and your mysterious aura is especially magnetic when it comes to love and romance. However, you may have a fear of being seen as strange or different, and it causes you to put up a wall and hide your true self. It is important to let go of those negative thoughts and to allow yourself to embrace your authenticity. What's normal anyways?
Lilith in Pisces: You have a deep sense of romanticism and spiritual connection, excelling at forming deep emotional bonds and connections through your ability to understand others profoundly (as well as your warm and graceful aura). However, you tend to see others (especially possible romantic interests) through rose-colored glasses and become overly-optimistic and naive in love, which puts you in trouble through selfish behavior. It is necessary to set healthy boundaries so as to not lose your identity in a relationship and maintain your happiness.
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starrymothastrology · 10 days
Incoming Post Theme: Lilith Placements
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For a little while, I will be focusing posts on Lilith placements in astrology <3
Why Lilith Placements?
I feel there's an importance with talking about Lilith placements because at least acknowledging what they are (especially what they mean to each individual person in their birth charts) is big in shadow work, which leads to major self-growth. :)
How do I find my Lilith placements?
In order to find them, you need to know your birth date, time and place. Cafe Astrology is one free way to find your Lilith, but Astrodienst can show placements and such with better detail (just remember to add Lilith to the chart it generates and change aspect settings to "all objects").
What Lilith placements will be posted about?
I will have posts on:
Lilith astrology sign placements
Lilith aspects (specifically with Moon, Sun and Ascendant)
Lilith in the houses
All of which will give tips for the placements detailed on how to effectively heal (or improve in growth) with these placements.
What if I have a Lilith aspect/transit/synastry with a placement other than sun, moon or ascendant?
While the aspects/transits/synastries of Lilith with other planets, nodes and such won't be posted (due to the fact those posts would go on forever with all the combinations), I will gladly answer any DMs or Asks (whether anonymous or not) about your particular placement. :)
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starrymothastrology · 13 days
Mercury entering Taurus in 2024: what it means for the signs
Aries: Mercury has been going back and forth between your sign for a couple months now, which has caused a lot of reflection on how you want to be seen. Finally, it's time to turn the page. You'll likely start to feel like you've, at last, got the green light to explore and show your self worth. With Mercury moving through your money zone, you may gain a slew of ideas related to work, whether it's new ideas for your workplace, or the desire to research some side hustles.
Taurus: After two years with Mercury in your spirituality zone, you'll finally be able to present those ideas you've been preparing that whole time. You'll be in your element in terms of communication, feeling more keen to put yourself out there and be more assertive to your needs, desires and perspective. If you've been thinking about rebranding, now's the perfect time to think about your next move and start.
Libra: Mercury will be moving into your spirituality zone, so you may not feel the energy to stay on your grind.; you'll likely feel more inclined to step back, relax, and prioritize restorative and mindful activities such as meditation, journaling and long walks. It may seem strange to suddenly want to have some alone time, but giving yourself that break will be restorative and bolster communication in June.
Cancer: Mercury will be moving through your networking zone, which means you have the clearing to join forces with friends and colleagues to fulfill a shared goal. As a result, not only will you feel more connected with those involved, you will also feel more seen and appreciated for your skills. This sector also oversees long-term aspirations, so if you've had a goal in mind for years, it'll be a great time to strategize your approach to turn your dreams into reality.
Leo: Those 2 months where Mercury was in your higher-learning zone may be about to pay off, as Mercury is taking a trip through your career sector. You may find yourself immersed in conversations and research projects related to your professional goals. This is your time to try for some extra responsibility, a leadership position, or the opportunity to take the reins on a large-scale endeavor.
Virgo: It's time to spread your wings and soar, because Mercury is going through your adventure zone! You'll likely be feeling compelled and even empowered to learn something new and venture out someplace eye-opening. If you've been wanting to travel, this will be the best time to do so, and even if that's not in the cards, make a point to add some fun, eye-opening experiences, such as a museum, festival, or even a concert.
Libra: Mercury is heading into your emotional bonds zone. You may find yourself getting irritated by small talk because of cravings for deep, intimate communication; this is a time where you will feel a desire to build on intimacy you share with your loved ones. These meaningful conversations will also be great for gathering information related to shared financial goals (whether it's financial planning for a vacation or saving for a future home).
Scorpio: Mercury will be lighting up your partnership sector, which will enhance one-on-one communication with friends, loved ones, and even coworkers. You may notice a boost in business negotiations, and feel more readily available to communicate on goals. However, since Taurus is a fixed sign (like yours), you may find yourself a bit more stubborn. This will serve as a good time period to foster your adaptability.
Sagittarius: Mercury is in your daily routine zone, as well as your sector of wellness. You may find yourself with more energy to get on your everyday hustle, and fueled to take care of business that was previously put on-hold. However, even with all that productivity, try not to burn yourself out. This will be a key month to, in the midst of your grind, find time to check out some mind-body practices.
Capricorn: It's time to get dreamy; Mercury is going through your romance and self-expression sector. You may find yourself feeling more lighthearted, playful and creative. Allow yourself to give in to those creative impulses and start an art project, and embrace spontaneity when making plans with loved ones and friends, for this is a beautiful time to connect with them.
Aquarius: Mercury is making its way through your home zone, and you'll finally get to get the ball rolling on important conversations with family members. Be aware, though, that during tough discussions, you may find yourself and/or your loved ones digging their heels in on certain topics, since the messenger is in a fixed sign (as are you). Ultimately, though, there's a good chance you will find common ground and make strides in tackling home projects.
Pisces: Mercury is going through your communication sector, so your social life, energy and desire to learn will be through the roof. You may be itching to pick up a new skill, or wanting to talk in great lengths about your interests with friends and loved ones, possibly even thinking about some short-distance traveling (like a little road trip). Tap into that abundance of energy by taking on a variety of interesting experiences - even if it's back-to-back - as it could lead to some great growth experience.
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starrymothastrology · 16 days
The Signs as Mothers:
Aries: The PTA mom
Taurus: The patient mom
Cancer: The stay-at-home mom
Gemini: The embodiment of Regina George's mom
Leo: The permissive but protective mom
Virgo: The neat-freak mom
Libra: The strict old-fashioned mom
Scorpio: The helicopter mom
Sagittarius: The spontaneous mom
Capricorn: The working mom
Aquarius: The unconventional-parenting mom
Pisces: The gentle mom
To all the moms out there:
Happy Mother's Day! <3
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starrymothastrology · 19 days
The Signs as Animal Crossing Personalities Combinations
[One Feminine and one Masculine personality type per sign]
Aries: Snooty/Jock
Taurus: Sisterly/Lazy
Gemini: Peppy/Smug
Cancer: Normal/Lazy
Leo: Peppy/Jock
Virgo: Snooty/Cranky
Libra: Normal/Cranky
Scorpio: Sisterly/Cranky
Sagittarius: Peppy/Jock
Capricorn: Snooty/Smug
Aquarius: Sisterly/Smug
Pisces: Normal/Lazy
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starrymothastrology · 1 month
Elements as their beauty
Fire: Transformative Beauty
Aries • Leo • Sagittarius
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Earth: Emergent Beauty
Taurus • Virgo • Capricorn
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Water: Intricate Beauty
Cancer • Scorpio • Pisces
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Air: Ethereal Beauty
Gemini • Libra • Aquarius
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starrymothastrology · 1 month
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Left Cat: Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Aries, Leo
Right Cat: Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra, Sagittarius, Virgo
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starrymothastrology · 1 month
What the signs would be doing in a group chat:
Aries: tries to quickly reply to as much as possible in the shortest amount of time
Taurus: the one keeping the group chat alive... regardless if anyone is available to text
Gemini: trying to spill some tea, but constantly getting sidetracked
Cancer: texts way too late at night because they overthought again
Leo: drops a pic of something in their vicinity at random points of the day
Virgo: *might* pop in every so often just so you know they're alive
Libra: just leaves a thumbs up and dips out
Scorpio: reads everything, says nothing (unless it really strikes a nerve)
Sagittarius: sends dad jokes when they're bored because they don't even know if anyone's actually reading the messages
Capricorn: has the whole group chat on mute 24/7
Aquarius: just throws memes in, regardless of relevance
Pisces: uses enough emojis per message to make everyone else wonder if the message is just a random Copypasta
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