I'm going to just shamelessly drop this here. A reblog would greatly help, but don't feel forced. Thanks all!
Buy Me A Coffee
Hey guys. Things are pretty tough over here and I could really use some support. My last paycheck came in late after some issues with the workstudy office here on campus. Then all of my money (and then some) had to go to pay back my old school so I could continue attending this college and receive financial aid. It’s been just a huge whirlwind. 
To help pay for my medicine and groceries, I set up a Ko-Fi account. I’m offering one word of sterek-related fanfic for every penny sent to me. 
I would honestly appreciate any help I can get right now. Plus, I’m always looking for encouragement to keep writing sterek-content.
Here are some examples of my work:
my long fic that is currently on pause
song-inspired drabble
song-inspired not!fic
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Oh! Thanks for @annoyinglycute for reminding me...
Alright guys, that’s it from me. Thanks for participating, this literally would not have happened if it weren’t for you. There was such a great turn out this year for our first ever sterek summer exchange. Y’all did AMAZING.
Hope you come back for next year (and hopefully things will go a little more smoothly) and be sure to check out the winter version of this exchange: Eternal Sterek Secret Santa. 
Have a great summer, babes!
Long Live Sterek!
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Alright guys, that’s it from me. Thanks for participating, this literally would not have happened if it weren’t for you. There was such a great turn out this year for our first ever sterek summer exchange. Y’all did AMAZING.
Hope you come back for next year (and hopefully things will go a little more smoothly) and be sure to check out the winter version of this exchange: Eternal Sterek Secret Santa. 
Have a great summer, babes!
Long Live Sterek!
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Living That No-Neighbor Life
@braedens | AO3 - everybody probably knows by now that ace!Derek is my favorite thing, so bless you for giving me an excuse to write more of it ^u^
by @clotpolesonly
“So the real estate agent makes the assumption that their marriage involves sex. Most people do! Derek sees it on his face the second Stiles decides to be a dick about it this time, but he knows better than to think he can stop it. All he can do is pinch the bridge of his nose and brace himself as the bright, false smile lights up his beloved husband’s face.”
The first place was an apartment and it was too cramped. The second was a duplex but wasn’t nearly nice enough for the price. The third was a tract house that may or may not have been the set of a horror movie in the past, or if it hadn’t then it was missing its chance. By the fourth place, Derek was starting to lose faith in their frazzled but determinedly perky real estate agent.
“This next one is a real zinger,” she said after each flop. “Best of the bunch! I’ve been fighting people off with a stick!”
Stiles had snorted the first two times she’d said it, laughed outright the third, and by now he had resorted to mocking her under his breath and shooting exasperated looks at Derek.
Derek could handle the perkiness if he had to—that sort of attitude tended to deflate when it ran into his natural stoicism anyway, at least after a while—but Stiles’ tendency towards earnest-sounding sarcasm just added fuel to her fire when she didn’t recognize that it was sarcasm. She took it at face value and genuinely thought that he was as excited as she was.
With this mistaken camaraderie in mind, she seemed to have taken Stiles as more of a new friend than a client she needed to be professional with. She kept whispering asides to him conspiratorially, thinking Derek couldn’t hear her, which made the both of them roll their eyes as soon as she turned away to espouse the virtues of the newest property.
It was never anything bad or mean-spirited, at least. Just gossipy.
“No worrying about landlords here, no sir! Only so many times you can lie about the dog before you lose your mind, am I right?”
“The owner says these are the original floors, but between you and me? Definitely repanelled. Twice!”
“Hell of a catch you got with this one, kid. Hubba-hubba!”
That last one was a little cringe-worthy, but it was far from the first time Derek had overheard comments like that about himself. He was used to it, and even Stiles had taken that one on the chin with a smile and a “Yup, he’s all mine!”
But then they reached the seventh place on the agent’s never-ending list. It was a gorgeous two-storey house with an open floor plan, a backyard that bordered a small strip of woods, and an isolation that drove the price down where they could afford it without dipping into the Hale insurance money. Derek was smiling almost as soon as he got out of the car, seeing wide windows perfectly positioned to let in the kind of light he would need for his painting. Stiles bumped his shoulder on the way up the drive and took off to explore as soon as the agent got the door open.
Keep reading
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The Return of The Lost Wolf
@shinigami714 - I hope you will like this story. I’ve tried my best with it.
by @addictedtobritishmen
Explicit - NSFW, Alpha!Derek, hurt/comfort, slight OOC, slight dubious consent
Stiles goes back home from college, running away from a secret he’d kept from everyone. Derek’s return wrecks havoc in Stiles, bringing back long buried memories. Written for Sterek summer exchange 2017.
This is just a teaser!
News traveled fast in Beacon Hills. Especially when the news where about someone returning after years of absence.
“It’s been a week since Mrs. Thompson started the gossip about spotting him,” Stiles said agitated. He sat on the counter in Scott’s kitchen, pushing his hair out of his eyes with a hand. The other hand held his phone, as he thumbed through it, searching for news.
“She’s old, buddy. I bet she didn’t see it right.” Scott was doing his best to be a supportive friend, but it was hard when he knew the truth would hurt his best friend.
“And others said they’d seen him around town for longer!” Stiles wasn’t deterred.
Scott looked up from his laptop, readjusting his position in the kitchen chair. “If Derek was back, I’d know.”
Stiles gripped his hair, glaring. “It’s been years! I bet you lost his scent. But this picture doesn’t lie!” He jumped off the counter, putting the phone on the table.
There was a blurry camera caption of a Camaro parked in a gas station in town. There was no actual footage of the owner of the vehicle since conveniently the second the car had parked, the power had gone out.
“I don’t want to get our hopes up, Stiles. That car could belong to anyone. Literally.” Scott didn’t want to be the bad guy, but he’d learned to be level-headed about any situation he confronted with, as he took his role as the Alpha seriously.
Stiles tapped the picture, enlarging it. “6-T-F-S-5-3-2.” He didn’t even look at the screen as he recited the letters and numbers. “That’s Derek’s car plate.”
“The things you can remember – it’s scary.”
[more on AO3 when the main story will be linked to this post]
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Let’s Get This Party Started!
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It’s time for the big reveal. Bear with me as I update every post with the gifter’s identity. 
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Sterek Summer Exchange Prompts
@kaistrex | AO3 - I hope you enjoy them! I’m terribly sorry they are late! 
by @not-so-harmonious
“That’s starting to get annoying”
“No, it isn’t”
“It may not be to you but to me it is, super hearing remember?”
“Well maybe it wouldn’t be annoying if you stopped just sitting there and started dri*hic*drinking with me”
“Stiles we’ve been over this three times now, I’m a werewolf, I can’t get drunk”
“Pfffffft sure you can, have you ever tried?”
“Yes Stiles I have tried many times, I was a teenager once you know”
“Ha! Derek Hale as an angsty teen!”
Derek groaned and rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, Stiles was currently completely wasted and slurring every single thing he said. He also found switching the lights on and off the most entertaining thing in the world, to Derek, it was becoming extremely irritating.
“Stiles would you stop fucking with the light switch, you’re gonna break it” Derek exclaimed standing up from the couch
“I’m not fucking with it… you’re the only thing I like fucking with” Stiles smirked causing Derek to groan and facepalm
“Remind me again why I’m dating you?” Derek questioned as Stiles finally lost his interest with the light switch and made his way over to Derek
“You know you lo*hic*love it” Stiles giggled slapping his hand against Derek’s chest
“Babe, have you been working out?” Stiles questioned causing Derek to have to fight back a smile
“No Stiles, you’re drunk” Derek replied
“I’m not fucking dr-” Stiles stopped himself by placing his hand over his mouth
“Don’t you dare puke on me” Derek sighed turning Stiles around, leading him over to the kitchen sink. Stiles bent over the sink and violently threw up the contents of his stomach, causing Derek to screw up his nose
“So attractive” Derek mumbled, rubbing Stiles’ back
(That’s one of nine prompts, I promise the others are longer!)
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That's it for the gifts, but check back in tomorrow for THE BIG REVEAL to find out who made what. Thanks for the great turnout this year guys. I'm so jazzed for all the great creations and new sterek content.
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Stiles The Pirate
@eternalsterek-broughttolife​ | AO3 - A back-up gift specifically requested by me, and seeing how everyone was able to get their gifts in, I’m going to gift it to myself haha (especially since this is the sweetest little fic).
by @poetry-protest-pornography
Stiles works at a water park, one day he finds a little girl with dark hair and intense eyes crying and has to help her find her family.
The familiar chlorine-sunscreen-warm pavement smell of Riverwood Water Park is a strange comfort as Stiles walks toward the staff locker room; nostalgia and fond memories always rushed through Stiles when he was at the park. The fact that this would–hopefully–be his last summer working there was both sad and exciting. 
It wouldn’t be easy saying goodbye to the place he’d visited so often with his mom and dad as a kid, the place where he had worked every summer since he was sixteen. Manning Pirate Cove, a scale model of a pirate ship designed for younger children, with slides where canons would be found and a swirling sprayer that moved with the ship’s wheel, had become his favorite summertime distraction. The enthusiasm and joy that little kids unabashedly threw into splashing each other and climbing and fun made Stiles feel joyous by proxy.
Closing his locker in the staff showers, he allowed himself to feel a little melancholy. Graduating and moving on to grad school that was no closer to his dad or his friends was hard. He’d always half planned on coming back to California, but he’d had to wave adios to that plan when a full scholarship offer came in for a program in Colorado.
It was going to be hard to have say goodbye to his coworkers, too. Some of them had been working with him since he started, and they’d grown up together, one summer at a time. They’d shared cookouts and after work meals, then after work drinks and dancing as they became old enough for it. End of season parties, bonfire hookups, summer flings. 
The thought of leaving Erica and Boyd especially filled him with disappointment; they’d been spending their summers together for the last five seasons, and they’d had more than a handful of those s’mores and summer heat-flavored nights. Now, they were the best of friends, speaking often even when Stiles was on the other side of the country and longing for summer and open-skied nights in his adequate but lonely student apartment.
That he would not miss. Even with the personal touches he’d managed to add, a half-sized kitchen, a shower with the water pressure of a jammed squirt gun, and barely enough room for a two-seater couch and a desk with a rolling chair never felt much like home.
Summers at Riverwood, though, that was definitely part of home for him. Permanent chlorine scent, shrieking kids, and all.
What wasn’t normal though, was a crying child. Yet, just inside the gate where he entered Pirate Cove, there was a young girl–around five if Stiles had to guess–rubbing the back of her hand over her eyes, fruitlessly trying to stop the tears spilling from her green and gold eyes. Her long dark hair was escaping from the tight braid she wore, and she clutched at her brightly striped towel like a lifeline.
Stiles pasted on his friendliest, most reassuring smile and stooped down so he was at her eye level. “Hi, sweetheart, my name is Stiles. Is there something that I can help you with? I work here, so if you’re lost, or if something happened that upset you, I can help.”
When she looked up at him, her lip was wobbling and she was taking big, shuddering breaths, but she was obviously trying to get herself to calm down; Stiles was impressed with her control.
“I was pl-playing in the wave pool, an’ then I thought I saw a bunny by the fe-fence, so I went t’ see it, but it was go-one!” she sobbed, getting more upset as she went on. “Then I got lost, and now I can’t find my-my-m-” she started crying again, too much now to finish her sentence, so Stiles put a cautious hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, that is something I can definitely fix,” he said, letting a little enthusiasm into his voice in the hopes that his confidence would reassure her. “Can you tell me your name?”
She sniffed, but gave him a wobbly smile and answered “Tali.” 
“Well, Tali,” he said, returning her smile, “Do you think you could hold my hand so we can stick together on the way back to the wave pool?” At her nod, he stood up, and offered his hand. Hers felt so small in his that he had a moment of panic at being responsible for someone so little. Then reality settled over him and his years of experience with kids kicked in as he rolled his eyes at himself. 
On the way past Pirate Cove, Stiles waved to get Boyd’s attention, glad it was his friend in the lifeguard seat so he could be assured that the kids playing in the Cove would be safe for a few minutes while he returned Tali to her family (the new kid, Liam, he wasn’t so sure about yet; he barely looked old enough to drive, let alone be responsible for children). “Hey, Boyd! I just have to take my friend Tali back to the wave pool. Be right back!”
Boyd waved back, nodding that he’d heard him, and Stiles turned back to Tali, looking down at her with another smile as they restarted their short trek to the wave pool. “Okay, kiddo?” he asks gently. 
“Yeah. But. Did you mean it when you said we were friends?” The sincerity in her voice makes Stiles heart break a little. This kid is just too… something.
“Of course I did! As long as you’re okay with having a friend who still reads comic books and believes in magic,” he replied with just as much sincerity. Those things were true, but in his experience, kids are more comfortable with adults they can relate to a little.
Tali’s eyes go wide and she smiles brightly. “You like comics! Who’s your favorite superhero? Do you like Spider-Man? Do you like werewolves?! How about fairies, do you believe in fairies? I like Tinkerbell, ’cause she builds cool stuff, but she’s a pixie, which is only kind of a fairy.”
Stiles couldn’t help but chuckle; it wasn’t often that he met someone who could talk as much as he did. They were almost to the wave pool, and Stiles started looking for a family with dark hair and a frantic expressions.
“Spider-Man is pretty great, but Batman is my favorite, and he’s kinda like Tinkerbell, right? He invents lots of stuff. Though he’s definitely not a pixie! I think werewolves are awesome, though, it’d be so cool to meet a werewolf, don’t ya think?”
Tali laughed, and it was the best thing Stiles had heard all morning; he couldn’t stand to see kids crying. “Batman would look silly dressed like Tinkerbell!”
“Ha! Yeah he would! Hey Tali? Do you remember where you were-” before Stiles could finish asking, the most attractive man Stiles had ever seen was rushing towards them, calling Tali’s name.
Tali let go of his hand and launched herself into the man’s open arms, a muffled cry of “Da-” disappearing into a strong shoulder. Stiles couldn’t help but notice the flex of the muscles in the guy’s tanned arms, or the dusting of dark hair that seemed to have been placed just-so by an artist on every perfect inch of him.
“Where have you been, peanut? I was so scared when I couldn’t find you!” The man’s voice is surprisingly soft, and he’s rocking Tali back and forth slightly as he cradles her against him. It’s almost too much for Stiles to bear watching, and it makes his heart beat out of sync; a strange and overwhelming sense of want settles in his belly, but he isn’t sure what it is for.
Tali begins to explain about the bunny again, a slight tremble in her voice as she pulls away from the man’s shoulder, small hands resting on either side of the guy’s neck. Her voice gets less wobbly and more animated as she continues “…An’ then my friend Stiles found me, and he brought me back! He works on a pirate ship, and he likes comic books, and he thinks werewolves are the coolest.”
The man looks up then, as if he’d only just realized he was standing there, his face doing something complicated as his (incredibly beautiful) eyes trace Stiles’ shape quickly. “Sorry, I- Thank you so much. I don’t know what happened–one minute she was right there–I must seem like a terrible-”
Stiles can’t let the poor guy continue to beat himself up. “Hey, no, it happens all the time, there’s a lot going on here, kids get distracted.”
“I really can’t thank you enough, uh, Stiles, right?” he asks as though uncertain he’d heard Tali correctly.
Stiles laughs lightly, “It’s a lot easier to say than what’s on my driver’s licence.”
“Stiles the pirate,” he says with a smile that makes Stiles’ heart and his breath speed up. He offers his hand and introduces himself with “I’m Derek.”
Taking a deep breath to make sure his voice is steady, Stiles takes Derek’s hand, mildly shocked at the electric feeling that rushes through him at the contact. “Nice to meet you, Derek.” Stiles feels Tali watching him, and he glances at her to find her head tilted and her eyes moving between him and Derek thoughtfully. He reluctantly slides his hand from Derek’s, vaguely aware he’s been holding it for longer than strictly necessary, and turns toward Tali. “And you, Ms. Tali, it was great to have someone to talk to about superheroes; most of my other friends don’t like them much. 
Tali beams at him and sticks out her arm to shake Stiles’ hand, which he takes with a dramatic bow that makes her giggle. When he straightens up, Derek is looking at him with a softly awed smile and eyes that are positively sparkling. “You’re silly,” Tali teases, “Can you play with us a while?”
She’s looking at him pleadingly, a slight pout and eyebrows pushed up high on her forehead for maximum cuteness. Her brows aren’t newly as impressive as her dad’s, but it’s enough to make him want to skip work. Derek’s face is doing a pretty decent job of mirroring Tali’s, and that is just wholly unfair.
If Stiles is looking at Derek more than Tali when he says “I really wish I could,” he can’t really be blamed. He manages to get it together to direct “I have to get to work now, kiddo,” at Tali. Both Derek and Tali seem to deflate a little, and Stiles feels strangely guilty. He blames the eyebrows. 
Derek rubs the back of his neck, balancing Tali in one arm, his eyes looking down at their feet for a moment before catching Stiles’ eye. “Maybe, uh. Maybe we can come and get a tour of your ship?” he asks hopefully, his ears turning a pleasing pink that has nothing to do with the afternoon sun. Stiles wants to taste the blush, see what else he can do to make it happen.
Tali excitedly asks, “Oh! Can we, can we, pleeease!” and Stiles feels his own face heat–thinking about what Derek’s skin feels like while he’s holding his kid, while he’s at work and surrounded by kids, is beyond inappropriate. Get it together, Stilinski he mentally chastises himself. Getting caught up in Tali’s wiggly excitement lets the heated mental images dissolve, and he can’t do anything but answer honestly, “I’d like that very much.”
Derek thanks him again as they part, and Tali calls “See you soon!” over Derek’s shoulder as they walk away. Stiles waves back, then has to actually shake his head to clear it before he heads back to Pirate Cove.
Boyd waves at him when he gets back, and Stiles goes to update his friend on what happened with Tali–and to talk about Derek a little. It’s a relatively quiet time at the Cove, lunch time usually is, as most families take the time to eat their picnic lunches or brave the lines at the food stands. Stiles is grateful for the fact that they only have half a dozen or so kids, instead of the twenty-five or so that they usually have, which is the upper limit on the number of kids allowed–and a lot to handle all at once. Stiles loved it though.
As he and Boyd caught up, pausing occasionally to warn kids about running, help fill buckets under the plank’s water spouts, or check in with the attendants on the other side of the shallow pool surrounding the ship, Stiles found his mind wandering back to Tali and Derek.
Was it ridiculous for him to hope for what could only be a summer fling with a guy who has a kid? Was it irresponsible to start something, if it was even an option? He’s pretty sure Derek was flirting with him, or at least was interested in flirting with him. And when they had touched, it was like every romance novel cliche about ‘electric contact’ suddenly made sense.
“Oh man, Stiles, you got it bad my friend,” Boyd teases in his quiet way. 
“You know me, when I fall, I fall… Only. He’s got a kid, and she’s amazing! Funny, and bright, I think she might talk even more than me! But she’s like, five. It’s not fair to just jump into a kid’s life like that. I’m leaving for Denver in two months. Plus, it’s not like I’m great with not getting emotionally attached; it’s not good for me to jump into something that can’t last either.”
Boyd hums his agreement, being well acquainted with Stiles’ tendency to dive in head first. “Sometimes, things work out,” he says sagely, looking slightly over Stiles’ shoulder with a wide grin.
Stiles turns around and finds himself flailing to stay on his feet as his legs are tackled by all forty pounds of Tali. Luckily, Derek was right behind her, and then he was right next to Stiles, catching him before he could wipe out and end up ass first on the unforgiving concrete. Stiles feels hot where they’re touching, his back half pressed against Derek’s very firm chest, Derek’s arm wrapped low around his waist. Stiles feels like he’s burning up. He might need to have Tali hose him down with one of the water canons…
Thankfully, Tali giggles then, again pulling him out of his thoughts. “Oops! Sorry, Stiles!”
“No problem, kiddo,” Stiles laughs, patting her hair and stepping away from Derek, missing his heat despite the warmth of the sun.
“It’s a good thing Uncle Derek caught you, or you coulda fallen down!”
“Yeah it’s a very good thi- Uncle Derek? I thought-” Stiles looked back and forth between Tali and Derek rapidly, processing the new information.
Derek huffs out an apologetic “Yeah, Tali’s my older sister’s kid. I love her lots,” he says, ruffling Tali’s hair and pulling her against his side, “But her mom’d be pretty mad at me if I tried to take her back to Boulder with me.”
“I bet. Though, it’s probably hard to say goodbye, right? I mean, Tali is probably the coolest kid I’ve ever met.” Stiles grins at Tali, gratified to see that she’s positively beaming at him.
Boyd clears his throat loudly, and Stiles hears the unspoken “You missed something, pal” in the sound. Stiles thinks back a couple seconds to find what it might be, and “Oh! You live in Boulder?”
“Yeah, I’m just here for the summer, visiting Tali,” Derek smiles, looking slightly confused about why Stiles is excited about where he lives, eyebrows quirked in amused concern.
Stiles can’t believe his luck! Two out of three of the obstacles in the way of a potential relationship with Derek are not, in fact, in the way at all! “That’s funny, I’m moving to Denver for my Masters in Criminal Psych in August.”
Derek smiles one of those eyes-scrunched-and-sparkling smiles that Stiles thinks he might become addicted to. “I’m at UC Boulder for my PhD in History, we’re practically neighbors.” Stiles is pretty sure he imagines the flirtatious tone in Derek’s voice, but he doesn’t care.
Tali pulls on Stiles’ arm, forcing him to tear his eyes away from Derek. Again. “Can you show us the pirate ship now?” At a look from Derek, she adds “Please?” and Stiles can’t help but laugh. He and Tali are going to get along just fine.
“Yeah, let’s go see the ship,” Derek starts before Stiles can answer. “Then later, maybe Stiles would like to have dinner?” Derek looks at Stiles hopefully, and if he had even been entertaining turning Derek down, that face would’ve changed his mind.
“That sounds great, I’m done at 5 o’clock” 
Derek smiles again, or his smile grows, really, and Tali adds “We can get hot dogs!” 
“I love hot dogs,” Stiles says, because he really does, but also, if he and Tali are going to be buds, he should remind her of the things they have in common. If he and Derek make it to an actual date, he thinks having someone with such good puppy dog eyes will be very handy.
Derek laughs, and it’s a great sound. “Sorry kiddo, I promised your mom I’d have you back by four.”
Tali pouts and looks so put out that Stiles stifles a laugh. Instead, he says “Hey, Tali, next time, we’ll totally go for hot dogs, okay?” 
She looks contemplative for a moment before nodding her agreement and taking him and Derek both by the hand, marching them toward the pirate ship. Derek looks at him over Tali’s head with an amused smirk “Next time, huh?”
Stiles lets a grin spread across his face. “Yep.”
“Good,” is all Derek says, but it sounds like a promise.
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Back-up gift from one of our pitch hitters. Thankfully almost everyone was able to send in their gift, so here’s an extra little gift to everyone who participated.
by @beerwolves - thanks again boo, sorry that it wasn’t gifted to someone in the end. You rock though!
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Don't Have Sex, Because You Will Get Pregnant...And Die.
@kieren-fucking-walker - Hi, I’m sorry if this is too fluffy! BTW NO this is not mpreg/omega!verse! I just love mean girls!
by @jadorehale
Really, the best thing to ever happen to Beacon Hills High School was Stiles Stilinski. He was a star pupil. The very best in his class. Student of the Month year round. On the fast track to Harvard. And outshined all the other kids in his class with his pure awesomeness on a daily basis to the point where it was downright embarrassing. He didn’t want to jinx it but he was pretty much a shoo-in for valedictorian. Sorry, Lydia Martin! And he never caused any trouble at all. Not ever.
Did he mention he was every teacher’s darling?
Stiles stood at his locker after the last bell and frowned down at the all too familiar pink slip in his hand, questioning why the world was so unfair. Sure, most of these infractions were one-hundred percent his own doing, but in his defense, Harris had made two very implausible and inaccurate statements in the same class period, basically begging Stiles to make a mockery out of him in front of everyone. Stiles just hoped Harvard recognized what a scholarly and academically enriching extra-curricular activity detention could be.
“Seriously, another one?” A voice behind him said. A voice that Stiles had not been expecting seeing as he was the only one left in the hall. The voice also sounded highly amused when Stiles jumped and shrieked then whirled around in surprise.
“Jeez!” Stiles said, clutching his heart. “Can we make noises before we scare people to death? Heavy breathing! Tap dancing! Anything would be great!”
There wasn’t an ounce of guilt on Derek’s ridiculously handsome face and Stiles couldn’t even pretend to stay mad. He should be used to this by now. Derek liked to sneak up on him when he least expected it all the time. Which made sense seeing as he was Derek’s concubine. Sneaking around just happened to be a very essential part of their deep dark secret relationship.
The halls were empty but Stiles still checked to make sure they were safe. It was too risky if anyone saw them. Derek was the super popular basketball god and his social status would perish if he were to be associated with Stiles, the school’s biggest loser. Some would even liken it to the fall of Rome.
“Don’t you have practice?” Stiles asked, letting Derek press him up against the lockers anyway, his arms hanging loosely around Derek’s neck.
“I can skip it,” Derek murmured, nibbling on his ear.
“But it’s tryouts and you’re co-captain,” Stiles noted.
Derek lifted his head at that, pursing his lips. “You know, I’ve been meaning to quit basketball.”
Stiles leveled him a flat look. “You are not quitting basketball just so you can make out with me.”
“Why not?” Derek pouted, brushing the tips of their noses together. “I’ve decided that this is a much better use of my time.”
Stiles stopped arguing when Derek kissed him, easily persuaded by the softness on Derek’s mouth and the enticing feel of his rough stubble. It was startling how fast their kissing escalated these days. How they’d gone from modest and tame to something a lot more passionate and hungry. Stiles moaned when Derek deepened the kiss and slipped fingers under the hem of his shirt, his thumb rubbing circles into Stiles’ hipbone.
They weren’t supposed to still be doing this. When they hooked up at that party at the end of sophomore year, they’d agreed that it would only be for the summer and that they’d put an end to it once the school year started. But now, it was mid-November and they continued to be hot and heavy, which would only make things harder in the end when it was time to walk away.
“Hey! We talked about this!” Stiles squirmed when Derek started sucking on his neck. Something that would usually have Stiles rolling his eyes back into his head and melting into puddles on the floor. “No more hickeys. I can’t keep wearing scarves around my dad. He won’t stop laughing at me.”
Derek chuckled but captured his lips again, making Stiles forget about the scolding as he slipped closer and rolled his hips, wrenching a gasp from Stiles’ throat as they grinded against each other. A major situation was going down in Stiles’ pants and he needed to stop this before he made an absolute fool of himself.
“I’ve got detention,” Stiles said hoarsely and pulled away, shifting and adjusting himself to hide just how turned on he was. He spun back to his locker in a daze, grabbing his backpack and closed it as he ran his tongue over his swollen puffy lips.
When he was about to kiss Derek goodbye and leave, Derek stopped him and said, “Wait, I almost forgot why I came over here. What are you doing Friday night?”
“What I’m usually doing on Friday nights,” Stiles told him. “A whole lot of nothing.”
“Wanna come to my house and order pizza and watch Netflix or something?”
Stiles arched a brow. While they saw each other all the time, their version of hanging out usually meant making out in the back of Derek’s Camaro, or at the park, or behind the bleachers after a game, or in the boiler room after school. But going over to each other’s houses? Well…that was new.
“Er…um…” Stiles stumbled, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot. “Okay, I guess. Yeah. Sounds cool.”
“Really?” Derek’s eyes lit up with excitement, which made Stiles feel so much more at ease. Gagging from Derek’s reaction, it sounded like Derek had really wanted him to say yes, so maybe it wouldn’t be that weird.
Stiles nodded, smirking. “Yeah. Now that I think about it, I haven’t gotten around to asking about your TV tastes yet. It’ll be nice to get a peek at your Recently Watched.”
Derek scrunched his nose. “That’s a terrible innuendo.”
“That’s because it wasn’t an innuendo, you perv!” Stiles punched him in the shoulder.
“We’ll probably have the house to ourselves,” Derek mentioned. “Talia has her usual Friday night séance, and Reuben’s shaman invited him over for song and dance. And my little sister, Cora, won’t be home either. She’s organizing a legalize marijuana protest with a few other kids.”
“Talia and Reuben?” Stiles squinted his eyes.
“Those are my parents. We call them by their first names,” Derek explained. “My family is um…very liberal.”
“Sounds cool,” Stiles said and hummed when Derek kissed him again. “Hey, I thought I told you to scram. Go to practice, dude!”
“I’m going! I’m going!” Derek raised both his hands in the air in surrender then leaned over and dropped a peck on Stiles’ cheek before taking off down the hall.
Stiles watched him go, laughing, then hastily wiped the smile off his face when he heard other stragglers entering the hall. He slung his heavy backpack over his shoulder and began the grueling trek to the detention room to see what misery awaited him inside. However, when he entered the room, he was relieved to see Scott’s smiling face amongst the sea of infidels.
“I see you and Derek are still going at it,” Scott said as Stiles made his way to the back row and flopped down next to him.
Stiles scoffed. “You didn’t even see anything.”
“Hickey.” Scott pointed to a spot on Stiles’ neck.
“Goddammit!” Stiles smacked a hand over it. Looks like he couldn’t yet retire the scarves.
“Hey, you doing anything Friday night?” Scott asked. “If my mom doesn’t totally ground me after detention today by doing the whole ‘No More Stiles’ thing, you should come over and we can watch Netflix and order pizza.”
“Sorry, dude, can’t.” Stiles was getting out his small detention feast, which comprised of a bag of Cheetos, a pack Twizzlers, and a Capri-Sun. Being a delinquent never tasted so good. “I’m doing that with Derek.”
His gaze snapped over to Scott and he furrowed his brows. “Derek invited me over to his house on Friday.”
“To do what?!”
“Order pizza…” Stiles said slower this time so that Scott would get it and wouldn’t interrupt his meal to ask Stiles to repeat himself again. “…And watch Netflix.”
Scott gaped. “What the fuck, dude!”
“What?” Stiles huffed and picked up his bag of cheetos, ripping them open.He couldn’t wait anymore. He hadn’t eaten much at lunch since it was Baked Chicken Tuesday and school cafeteria chicken was the worst. His stomach was growling, his blood sugar was low, and he needed this cheesy goodness.
“I’m your best friend! Why wouldn’t you tell me that you’re planning on losing your virginity this Friday?”
Stiles choked. No he actually choked. A cheeto went down the wrong pipe, lodging itself in his throat, and he pounded on his chest, coughing and hacking to get it out. Because death by artificially powdered orange stick? No, sir. Not today.
“What the hell, Scott,” Stiles wheezed, inhaling and exhaling sharply. “Where in ‘watching Netflix and ordering pizza’ did you get that I’m losing my virginity?”
“How do you still not get Netflix and Chill?!” Scott slapped a palm over his face then thumped his head down onto the desk.
Stiles took a sip of his Capri-Sun, in dire need of a sip after his near-death experience. “Maybe I need a better dictionary, but didn’t you just ask me over for pizza and Netflix. Does that mean you want to have sex with me too?”
“We’re best friends so the rule doesn’t apply. But when I’m with Allison, we never pay attention to the TV. And Derek isn’t your friend. He’s your…”
“Lord Knows,” Stiles supplied helpfully.
“And you and your Lord Knows are going to be laid out horizontally on the couch doing the do on Friday. Congratulations, brother!”
Scott lifted a hand for a high-five but Stiles waved him off dismissively. “That’s so dumb. We’re not doing that.”
“Are you sure?” Scott questioned.
Okay, so maybe he’d been thinking about it a lot lately. And by it, he meant losing his virginity. To Derek. Last year he’d been in such a rush to get rid of it, feeling like he was lagging behind his other classmates, even Scott. But the thing about him and Derek was that he really didn’t know what they were. Making out and sneaking around was fun but Stiles was at a real risk of getting his heart broken here. He knew Derek had already had sex before, with Paige or Kate and whoever. He knew that it wouldn’t be as big of a deal for him as it was for Stiles. But then again, he also really liked Derek and wasn’t able to picture being that way with anyone but him.
“Just make sure you bring condoms.” Scott winked at him. “We wouldn’t want you getting pregnant, right?”
“Ha. Ha.” Stiles rolled his eyes, cursing whoever told Scott that he was even a little bit funny.
Stiles spent the rest of the day thinking about sex. Which was really unfortunate when it came time for dinner with his dad later that night. He was being uncharacteristically quiet which was always cause for concern in the Stilinski household. He hadn’t even tried to fight his dad when he ignored the healthy and nutritious Brussel sprouts Stiles had made for him. He knew he should probably start acting chatty before his dad started in on the interrogations and began asking all these deeply personal and probing questions. But there was just so much on his mind.
“You know we can turn the heat up if you’re really that cold,” the Sheriff commented, gesturing towards the Slytherin-themed scarf tightly wound around Stiles’ neck.
“I’m thinking about having sex,” Stiles blurted, cheeks turning red as he stared down at his dinner plate and refused to look up.
“Oh,” the Sheriff said smoothly. “Is that what the scarves are about?”
“I’ve been covering up hickeys.” Stiles chanced a peek at him and tugged off the scarf, exposing the faint bruises littering his neck.
His dad’s eyes widened, mouth falling open. “Who is this girl?”
The Sheriff snorted disbelievingly at first, rejecting the idea. But when he saw Stiles blinking back at him with a dead serious expression, his face sobered instantly.
“Wait. Really?”
A simple nod from Stiles seemed to settle the issue. His dad sank back in his chair as he soaked that information in then picked up his fork and popped a Brussel sprout into his mouth, blanching. And just like that, the moment passed with no big deals made. Which was awesome. When people asked him later in life how he came out to his dad, it was nice that he had this experience to share.
“What’s his name?” the Sheriff probed.
“Not telling you. Ever,” Stiles replied.
“How long have you been seeing him?”
“Since the summer.”
“And you’re ready to…” The Sheriff did something with his hands that didn’t look too representative of sex but more like he was conducting traffic.
“Yeah. I am.”
A corner of the Sheriff’s mouth quirked. “Are you gonna wear the scarves?”
As if now was the time for awful dad jokes.
“Oh my god! Would you forget about the scarf and give me some real pieces of fatherly advice!”
“What do you want from me? The birds and the bees? Do you really want me to have the awkward safe sex talk with you? I know how you like to research things. You’ve probably got that covered”
“Oh. Trust me. I do,” Stiles assured.
“Then all I have to say is that this is one of those things that you won’t know about until you experience it. You know my first time was with your mother and we—”
“Oh no! I don’t think I’ve ever want to hear about this!” Stiles quickly covered his ears.
“Then the only thing I’ve got to say is just be yourself.”
“I could’ve gotten that off the back of a box of Frosted Flakes, Dad!”
“I’m serious. You can’t be passive in something like this. Make sure you and this kid know where you both stand in your relationship and try not to step over each other’s boundaries.”
It was exactly the kind of advice that Stiles had been wanting to hear. Because he didn’t know where his and Derek’s relationship stood or if there was even a relationship between them to begin with. That was something he was going to have to be brave enough to find out. But Stiles was so ready for this. He was sure of that. Like his dad said, he just needed to be himself.
“Can you give me a heads up before it happens?” the Sheriff asked.
Stiles chewed on his bottom lip. “It’s happening this Friday.”
Inhaling deeply, The Sheriff took out his wallet from his pants pocket and pulled out a couple of bills, handing them over to Stiles. “Here,” he said. “To get the stuff on that list you’ve probably already made.”
“It’s not that long of a list,” Stiles told him, counting the bills and finding it to be way too much.
His dad shook his head. “Keep it anyway.”
Stiles smiled and reached out, squeezing his hand, happy that he’d come to his dad for this and that he hadn’t been disappointed. He knew most parents wouldn’t as cool about it but it was nice that his dad respected his choice and trusted Stiles to be safe.
“Well, now I feel so damn old,” the Sheriff whined, picking out the rest of his Brussel sprouts from his plate and pushing them to the side like a toddler. Stiles would indulge him just this once, but tomorrow there would be kale to pay for this. “You’re growing up too fast for me! Stop it!”
Stiles stood and walked around to give the old geezer a tight comforting hug. “Thanks dad. You’re the best.”
The week was flying by much faster than Stiles would’ve liked and with Friday quickly approaching, Stiles still had lots to do to prepare. Like, for instance, learning how to properly use a condom. Luckily for him, Coach Finstock would be teaching them how to roll one onto a banana in Health today. But what if Derek’s dick wasn’t banana shaped? Should he try practicing on other household fruits and vegetables just in case?
Being so preoccupied, Stiles had barely even gotten a chance to see a lot of Derek. He’d caught a few glimpses of him in the halls here and there, but they couldn’t acknowledge each other when there were too many people around. Stiles couldn’t lie; he was starting to miss him. Maybe he’d try tracking Derek down after Health. That is if he ever made it to Health because, like always, he was running super late to class.
Stiles sprinted down the empty halls, perilously close to tripping over his loose shoelaces, and veered around a corner with Coach Finstock’s room very much in sight. He paused to catch his breath, taking deep puffs of air in and out of his lungs, but before he could start jogging again, he was suddenly accosted.
“Holy shit!” Stiles squawked as Derek yanked him into an empty classroom. “What the fuck, dude! I thought I was being kidnapped!”
“You are.” Derek’s lips crashed down onto his and he crowded Stiles back against the door. “Wanna skip this period?”
“C—Can’t,” Stiles panted, shuddering as Derek’s teeth ran along his collarbone. “I’m late to Health and I don’t want to fall behind.”
“Coach won’t fail you,” Derek said and dropped a kiss on Stiles’ lips again before pulling away with a smirk. “And neither will I. Have a seat, Mr. Stilinski. Let’s go over today’s lesson.”
Snickering, Stiles walked over to a desk and sat, folding his hands in his lap and watching Derek attentively like the perfect student that he was.
Derek stood in front of the board and pulled down the world map. Picking up a wooden pointer, he cleared his throat and began indicating at random countries as he recited, “Sons of Scottland! I am William Wallace! He kills men by the hundreds. And if he were here, he’d consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse!”
“Oh my god.” Stiles pressed a hand over his eyes, marveling at Derek’s perfect rendition of Coach Finstock. He was rather curious as to how Derek had managed to memorize all the lines from Braveheart.
“I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny! You’ve come to fight as free men and free men you are! What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?”
“Please stop,” Stiles begged, unable to withstand such a high quantity of dorkiness. He smiled fondly as Derek rolled the map back up and picked up a piece of chalk to write on the board. “You know, you should never become a teacher. You’re so hot, everyone would be too distracted to pay attention.”
“Good thing I’m going to be an architect,” Derek told him as he drew a heart with their initials.
“What are you doing? You can’t draw that!”
“Why not?” Derek paused, looking over at him with a deep frown.
“Because!” Stiles huffed.
He stood and walked over, hastily grabbing an eraser and thoroughly buffing out any evidence of them ever being there. Derek should know better than to be so reckless. This was not the time to be risking exposure.
“Um…” Stiles chewed on his bottom lip as Derek peered closely at him. “I’ve really got to get to class and hit the books. I’ve got this project thing that’s worth most of my final grade.”
“Okay,” Derek said, although his face was marked with displeasure. “I’ll see you after school, then.”
“No, I don’t have detention today.”
“But you always have detention.”
“I’ve been on my best behavior lately.”
Derek snorted. “Even your best behavior isn’t good behavior.”
“Yeah, well, my thing,” Stiles said looking up at the clock. If he didn’t hustle, he was going to miss his only chance to wrestle a latex condom around a botanical fruit in the name of Beacon Hills High School’s stellar sexual education curriculum.
“Right, the thing…” Derek murmured.
“Yeah…” Stiles fidgeted, waiting on Derek to say something so that they weren’t just standing there looking at each other awkwardly. But Derek wouldn’t throw him a bone.
“Err…Okay…” Stiles waved and tripped backwards towards the door in a hurry. “Gotta go now. Bye!”
It was weird, but after that uncomfortable situation in the classroom, Stiles didn’t really hear much from Derek over the next couple of days. Which was definitely worrying. Derek said he was fine over text but Stiles could tell something was off. In fact, Stiles had been pretty pessimistic about the whole thing, positive Derek would cancel on him until he got a text from Derek on Friday after school with an address.
Rolling up to Derek’s place later that night in his jeep, Stiles was surprised to discover that Derek lived out in the middle of the woods. The area was isolated but it was quiet and peaceful and one could really connect with nature out there. But for Stiles who basically hated nature and its bugs the short walk from his car to the porch had him on high alert and scared for his life.
Nervously, Stiles rang Derek’s doorbell, eyes swinging around his surroundings in case an animal hopped out to attack him. He rang the bell again and shot Derek a text when a while had passed with no sign of anyone coming to answer the door. His hopes started getting crushed as more time passed with him standing out there alone in the dark. Maybe Derek just wasn’t home yet, or maybe he’d forgotten, or decided to ditch their plans last minute.
Regardless, Stiles wasn’t about to stand on Derek’s door step looking pathetic all night. With a dejected sigh, he turned to start down the stairs but froze when he heard odd rustling coming from a bush. This was the perfect place for a murder. It was so deserted out there that no one would hear his screams. But that didn’t stop Stiles from shrieking his fucking head off when something roared and sprang out from the bushes.
“Jesus Christ, Derek! What the fuck is the matter with you!!”
“Fuck yes!!!” Derek cackled and pumped a fist in the air victoriously. “I’ve been hiding in there for half an hour waiting to do that!”
“Why can’t you just say hello like a civilized being?” Stiles scowled.
Derek smirked, tugging Stiles towards him and planting a kiss on his mouth. “Hello, and welcome to my humble abode. By the way, there’s a giant spider on your shoulder.”
And for the second time that night, Stiles was shrieking at the top of his lungs. Derek, the asshole, didn’t even try to help him. He just disappeared through the front door, leaving Stiles to flail around in panic by himself. Stiles bravely flicked the spider off and followed Derek into the house quickly before he was subjected to another wilderness attacks.
Once safely inside, Stiles toed off his shoes and handed Derek his jacket, hesitantly looking around. Derek’s home was certainly not the traditional kind that Stiles had been expecting. A few words to describe the decor was trippy, psychedelic, and 1960’s bohemian. There were tons of vibrant colors, eclectic art, and beautiful tapestries.
Derek took his hand, lacing their fingers together, and led them into the living room. He had a mischievous smile on his face that instantly made Stiles suspicious. But all Stiles needed to do was walk into the room to understand why, and he immediately busted out laughing.
“Dude! You built a fort?!” Stiles’ jaw actually dropped.
“I told you! I want to be an architect!”
“Well, it’s very well made.” Stiles grinned, admiring the structure of the epic blanket fort Derek had built and decorated with lots of pillows and pretty string lights.
“Want a tour of the rest of the house?” Derek asked him.
Stiles was curious if Derek had ever invited other people from school to his house and shown them all the hippie stuff his family was into. Not that Derek should be embarrassed of his family. Like at all. They raised chickens and grew their own organic vegetables, pushed to legalize marijuana and had no qualms about nudity. They also had an impressive compost pile and were clearly determined to save the planet. It sounded like an awesome way to grow up, and more importantly, Stiles was glad that Derek was sharing and that he was getting to see this other side of him.
“And this is my stash,” Derek said as they settled again under the fort in the living room. He shoved a large duffle bag that had the Beacon Hills High logo on it towards Stiles. “Talia has us on a strict raw food diet since before I can even remember. No processed foods allowed in the house ever. I can eat whatever I want outside but I’m still a vegetarian. I just have a rotten sweet tooth which means I have to sneak snacks into this hell hole. Now, I don’t share this with just anyone, so know that means you’re special.”
His entire face flushed in slight embarrassment. Honestly, he didn’t need buttering up. He was an easy lay and would put out without the sweet talk. Gripping a fistful of Derek’s sweatshirt, Stiles practically hauled him in, clambering into his lap and straddling his hips. He gave a rather instigating kiss, not wanting to beat around the bush about what they were there for.
Derek seemed super into it at first, returning Stiles’ kiss with fervor, trailing his hands along Stiles’ side, and releasing deep rumbles from his chest. But then he pulled away and plopped Stiles off to the side which was the total opposite of what Stiles wanted. This was definitely throwing a wrench in his plans.
“So, what do you want to watch?” Derek asked, glancing at Stiles expectantly as he grabbed his laptop and logged into Netflix.
Seemed like Derek was playing hard to get. Either that or he was purposely being obtuse. They ended up watching the pilot of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Derek had never seen it before and Stiles loved introducing people to his favorite shows, living vicariously through them upon their first viewing. He’d definitely consider it a kink and was having way too much fun observing Derek’s reactions.
Once they were finished with that, Stiles went through some other shows Derek typically watched. It was mainly procedural dramas; boring stuff like CSI, Law & Order, and House. Stiles ribbed Derek about his ‘guilty pleasure’ of watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriends for ten whole minutes but after being forced to watch the first episode, Stiles was instantly hooked himself.
However, when Derek decided to let the second episode play, Stiles had to admit he was a little confused.
While it was fun just lying there munching on Derek’s super-secret snacks and introducing each other to new TV shows, he couldn’t help but wonder when they were finally going to ditch the clothes and fast-forward to the naked sexy times. Fed up with waiting, he scooted closer to Derek, awkwardly placing a hand on his knee hoping that Derek, the only one with experience in this department here, would get the hint and pioneer this ship. Oh captain, my captain!
Not surprisingly, the good old, trusty hand-on-the-thigh-trick worked. Derek paused the show and leaned in, placing the lightest of kisses onto Stiles’ lips with a bright smile. Then he turned his attention back to the computer, paying Stiles’ horniness no mind and doing nothing else.
Stiles wiped his sweaty palms against the legs of his jeans. He wasn’t sure what to do now. In all his detailed preparations, he never consulted a how-to guide on ways to subtly signal that you were totally down for sex. He knew Derek wasn’t asexual; they’d talked about it once. Maybe he just didn’t find Stiles hot. Which was a bummer because Stiles was insanely attracted to him.
“What’s wrong?”
Stiles snapped his eyes up from where he’d been fiddling his fingers in his lap. He pasted on a chipper smile and rapidly said, “Nothing.”
The lines on Derek’s forehead creased and he paused the show again, readjusting himself to get a better look at Stiles straightforward. “You mean, you’ve been acting weird all week because of nothing?”
“No.” Stiles stammered, unsure of what to say. “Yes?”
Derek’s face darkened and Stiles felt his heart skip a beat in his chest. God, this was all his fault. Why was he so damn awkward!
“C’mon. Let’s watch something else,” he tried and reached for the computer, but before he could, Derek was snapping it shut.
Stiles cringed internally as tensions mounted in the room. He couldn’t believe how badly he was messing this up. Did he really need to spill his dumb feelings all over the place and ruin everything? He had no idea what to say to fix this. How to make things go back to normal. All he could do now was prepare himself for whatever came next.
“You know…” Derek started with an unhappy sigh. “You can tell me if you don’t want to keep doing this. If you’re not that into me anymore or if it’s gotten too boring. I can take it.”
“W—What do you mean?” Stiles struggled to find his voice. “I— I don’t— Why would you think—I…I—”
“Well, you’re obviously embarrassed of me,” Derek stated. “I get it. I’m a dumb jock and you don’t want to be seen around me because of all your smart friend. It’s why we have to do all this sneaking around and why you never want anyone to see us at school. But Stiles, I can’t help that I’m popular and captain of the basketball team.”
“Woah, wait a minute…” Stiles stood up, clenching his jaw. “I’m the one that never wants us to be seen? I’m the one that’s too embarrassed to introduce you to my friends? Oh, that’s fucking rich! Because I’m always pulling you into empty classrooms and walking right past you in halls! And I’m definitely the one that invited you over here to ‘hang out and watch Netflix’ when I actually meant sex!”
How dare Derek try to make it seem like this was what Stiles wanted. “You know what, I’m so out of here! I really thought I wanted my first time to be with you, but clearly, we’re not on the same page. So let me spell it out for you. I want a relationship thing, not a fuck buddies thing! I’m sorry but I can’t be your dirty little secret anymore!”
Without looking back, Stiles stormed off towards the front door and hastily collected his things. He searched all his pockets for his car keys and jammed his feet into his shoes. He was determined not to get emotional in front of Derek. He wanted to go out like a badass.
Stiles twisted the knob to the front door and opened it, but before he could leave, Derek skidded into the foyer, his socks slippery against the hardwood floor, and slammed it closed.
The bastard grinned as he tried to pulled Stiles against him, wrapping an arm around Stiles’ waist and holding him tightly. “Hey, Stiles,” he chuckled. “Did we just have our first fight?”
“Let go of me, asswipe!” Stiles cried, shoving him off. He didn’t want Derek’s and his douchiness touching him right now. “You’re a fuckboy.”
“If you say so.” Derek shrugged and peered at Stiles inquisitively. “Where’d you get the idea that I only invited you over here tonight to have sex with you?”
Stiles dropped his gaze down to his shoes and he mumbled, “Scott said—”
Derek scoffed. “You still listen to Scott?”
“Yes he’s my best friend,” Stiles defended.
“He’s also a moron!” Derek heaved. “You’ve should’ve just come and talked to me first because Scott doesn’t know anything. We’re already in a ‘relationship thing’, Stiles. Or at least, I thought so…”
Stiles peeked up at Derek then, chewing on his bottom lip. Right away, Derek took that as a good sign and stepped closer, taking advantage of the small window, and pressing a kiss to Stiles’ forehead.
“I wouldn’t have invited you over if you weren’t important to me. I never invite anyone over because my parents are deranged, but I wanted to spend time with my boyfriend. I like spending time with him even though he talks too much for it to be normal and we should definitely get his head checked.”
Derek tapped his temple and laughed when Stiles swatted his hand away. His emotions had betrayed him and he felt his anger thawing, now being replaced by silly butterflies in his stomach at the mention of the word boyfriend. Giving up the act, he buried his face into Derek’s neck and clung to him now that all was forgiven.
Derek cleared his throat, murmuring into Stiles’ ear, “I’d be lying if I said sex hasn’t crossed my mind…You’re kind of gorgeous. But it’s not the most important thing right now and only when you’re ready.”
Stiles shuffled even closer and nuzzling deeper into Derek’s neck, immensely pleased when Derek’s arms locked around him. Not a lot of people got to say they had first boyfriends like Derek. Sweet, cuddly, pretty boys that built cute forts and watched romantic musical comedy dramas and were completely oblivious to blatant signs of wanting to initiate sex. But Stiles would never take this for granted.
“I wouldn’t play with your feelings or send you coded messages. So when I invite you over to watch Netflix, it’s because I really just want to watch Netflix with you. So…say something.”
Stiles lifted his head and stared into Derek’s breathtaking rainbow eyes. Inhaling deeply, he confessed, “All I’ve been thinking about this week is your dick.”
Derek fought a smirk. “Oh?
“And doing things to you that would probably get me arrested.”
“I won’t call the sheriff if you won’t.” Derek winked.
Stiles snickered, fluttering his lashes coyly. “How long do we have until your parents get back?”
“Séances can be lengthy,” Derek quipped. “Spirits are hard to get a hold of.”
“Good.” Stiles grinned and leaned in, humming happily when he pressed his lips to Derek’s once more. “That gives us plenty of time.”
When people asked him later in life how he’d lost his virginity, it was nice that he could say, “Under a blanket fort in Derek Hale’s living room while his parents were out. He’d tell them that it wasn’t weird or awkward at all. That Derek had shown him exactly what to do and had made him feel really good. That he knew he was loved. Special. And most importantly, that he’d followed his dad’s advice and hadn’t been passive in this. He knew where they booth stood and knew they had a promising future together.
“Oh my god! I did it! I finally did it! I cannot believe this! Dude, I just had sex!!”
“Yes, Stiles, I’m aware,” Derek said dryly as he balled Stiles’ shirt up and tossed it over to him, whacking him in the face. “I was there, remember? You didn’t do this alone.”
“Shh!” Stiles chided as he finished buttoning his pants, pulling the shirt over his head. “This is about me right now. Don’t ruin this for me!”
“Oh, Derek, honey suckle,” A sweet feminine voice called out. It was a lovely voice, so homely and nurturing and, motherly…and shit that must mean Derek’s parents were back.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This was in no way the circumstance that Stiles had wished to meet his very first boyfriend’s parents in. Especially not after they’d…Fuck! Stiles scrambled back into the fort, frantically checking that he’d dressed himself okay and that nothing was on backwards or unzipped. He was pretty sure that most parents had x-ray vision. At least his dad did which was why Stiles could never get away with anything. What if Derek’s parents saw the sex on him or something and it ruined his chances forever to make a good first impression.
Stiles didn’t take a single breath the entire time they heard the footsteps approaching the entrance of the fort. Then he realized foolishly that while he was dressed perfectly fine, Derek had yet to put a shirt on. He was just about to say something to Derek, groping around for where Derek’s shirt could be when Derek just rolled out from under the fort and stood up to greet his parents half-fucking-naked.
It wouldn’t take much for Derek’s parents to put two-and-two together if Stiles got out of the fort now so he resigned himself to living there in hiding forever. Fucking Derek. Why did he have to be so brazen.
“Talia,” he heard Derek greeting his mother which, yeah, was a little weird. Stiles knew he could never his dad onboard with the whole calling your parents by their first names thing.
“What’s this, Derek?” Talia asked, her voice so whimsical and airy. “How lovely! I see you’ve been letting out your inner creative!”
He heard Derek snort before asking, “How was the séance?”
“Marvelous. Grandma Leanabel says hello,” Talia told him. “She wants us to bring you next time to talk about your love life. She said there’s a person you’ve been seeing in secret. Is that true?”
Of course, Stiles could not contain his gasp upon hearing that Derek’s maternal grandmother knew about their secret relationship. That was some really freaky paranormal shit and one could not blame him for being unable to hide his shock in the face of it. Unfortunately, that tiny, quiet, not at all dramatic gasp seemed to have given away Stiles’ exact location. Abort, Abort, Abort.
“Do you have someone here?” He heard another voice say, one that was much deeper than Derek’s, so he assumed was Derek’s father.
“No, Reuben” Derek said, barely putting any effort into the lie so of course his parents became skeptical.
“Who are you hiding in your little teepee, Derek?” Talia asked. When Derek didn’t respond, she demanded, “Get them out right now.”
Derek huffed, crouching down to the entrance of the fort to give Stiles a reassuring smile, coaxing him out of hiding like he was a scared animal. “It’s okay. They don’t care about anything normal parents should care about.”
Stiles took a deep breath in then exhaled, rolling out from under the fort and getting up on wobbly knees. He held his hand out blindly for a handshake, face burning as he stared down at the floor trying his best to mind his manners even though he honestly didn’t have any. “Uh hi… Mrs. Hale…Mr. Hale.”
Even though Derek had expressed to him multiple times that his parents were real-life hippies, Stiles hadn’t quite believed him up until this point. And now that he was seeing it for himself, he understood that there had been no exaggeration on Derek’s part. That his parents were most definitely eccentric.
One thing that came as a shock was just how much Derek looked like his mother, possessing her beautiful hazel eyes and gypsy-like features. Truthfully, she didn’t even look like she could be a mom, so youthful in her appearance. Derek’s father must be a very handsome man to have landed such a gorgeous wife. Although, Stiles wasn’t 100% sure of that because he couldn’t actually see much of Reuben Hale’s face. His long, shaggy light-brown hair and bushy beard covered everything and he looked like a giant hairball with super white teeth. Maybe Talia had fallen in love with his snappy fashion sense because he was definitely rocking those floral bellbottoms.
“No need to be so formal here, love,” Talia said, stepping forward and taking Stiles’ hand between her own. “It’s just Talia and Reuben. And you are?”
“Stiles,” he offered nervously, prepared to give his usual speech for the meaning behind his bizarre nickname.
Talia gasped, her eyes lighting up. “Oh, my, what a wonderfully original and creative name!!”
“Indeed!” Reuben chimed in, stroking his overgrown beard.
All in all, Derek’s parents were ridiculously nice people. Too nice even for the situation at hand. Stiles was just so relieved that Derek’s parents didn’t automatically hate him that he started rambling as they made small talk. Unlike most of the people who’ve ever had to endure Stiles’ ramblings, Talia and Reuben didn’t seem to mind, giving no signs that they were annoyed or wanting him to shut up and showing a real interest in Stiles and inquiring to know more about him.
They did as much small-talking as they could do before they reached the giant elephant in the room. Talia and Reuben wanted to know more about him and Derek. How they met. When they first knew they liked each other. Etc. etc.
A mortified blush crept up Stiles’ neck the more they asked and Talia grasped Stiles’ hand, saying, “Don’t be embarrassed, moon child. Making love is a natural and beautiful act that has only been derided by society and its ridiculous archaic definitions of the term ‘immorality.’ Not only does the word ‘virginity’ commodify individuals and deems them as damaged goods, but it also perpetuates a heteronormative myth that a penis must enter a vagina, which completely erases the experiences of queer and trans folk. I had hoped that there’d be more progressive teachings on this subject in schools but apparently not.”
She let go of Stiles’ hand with a gentle squeeze, flashing a receptive smile. “Basically, what I’m trying to say dear, is that it’s a load of bullshit. So, stop thinking about it so much.”
“Oh…um…cool,” Stiles spluttered, looking over at Derek just in time to catch him laughing at Stiles’ stunned response. Stiles couldn’t help it. The world would be a much better place if Talia Hale was president and all followed her wisdom.
Reuben asked, “So, did the two of you use protection? We wouldn’t want Stiles here getting pregnant, now would we?”
“Ha Ha. You’re so funny, Reuben,” Derek intoned dryly, rolling his eyes as Reuben laughed boisterously. It seemed hippie dads weren’t immune to awful dad jokes either. “Anyway, Stiles is going home now.”
“What! Why?” Talia frowned.
“Because I’m embarrassed of you guys and I don’t want you scarring him away,” Derek told them as he swiftly ushered Stiles towards the exit who stumbled ungracefully over his own feet.
“Oh, that again!” Talia scoffed. “Really, dear, when will you get over this. At least let me give him one of my handmade dreamcatchers! Wait right there!”
Derek dropped his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. Stiles had to smile a little at how easily frustrated Derek got with his way laid back and chill parents. He was feeling very honored that Derek had given him the chance to meet them and would definitely be getting Talia to show him all of Derek’s embarrassing baby pictures the next time he was over.
“Derek Andrew Hale!!” Talia called sharply from the other room.
Andrew. Derek’s middle name was Andrew. That was so cute! Derek didn’t seem to find it very cute though because as soon as he heard it, he immediately paled.
Talia came marching into the room again with the dreamcatcher and something else in her hand. She held it up to Derek, revealing his Beacon Hills duffle bag, and shouted, “What is all this, Derek! Have you been eating these poisonous treats? Candy?! Chips?! Have you not read of all the harmful artificial preservatives you are ingesting into your young sprouting body?!”
“Ugh, Talia!” Derek groaned, reaching for the duffle bag and scowling when she kept it away.
Talia looked over her shoulder and asked, “Reuben, what is it that those parents do in the movies where they lock their kids in their room for two weeks?”
“I’m not quite sure, dear,” Reuben said, tugging at his beard in thought. “I believe it’s called being grounded.”
“Yes, that!” Talia swung back to Derek, poking him in the chest with a stern finger. “That’s what you are, young man! Grounded! I’ll be discarding all of these!”
Turning to Stiles, Talia’s face melted into a bright and pleasant smile as she handed him his dreamcatcher and wrapped him up in a big hug. “So lovely meeting you, Stiles. Come back anytime you’d like.”
“Don’t worry, son,” Reuben whispered as Talia marched back out the room, giving Derek a comforting pat on the shoulder before following after his wife. “I’ll sneak them away when she’s not looking. I’ve just been dying for a Reese’s Pieces!!”
Once his parents were gone, Derek immediately took Stiles’ hand and physically dragged him out the house, likely with the purpose of keeping Stiles far, far away from his crazy hippie family. The front door swung shut hastily behind them and they both paused for a moment on the porch to take a deep breath and look up at the sky.
It’d been quite the eventful evening. One Stiles was sure to remember. And amidst all the nerves, confusion, and craziness, Stiles was pretty happy with how it turned out, wondering if Derek thought the same. He slipped closer to Derek who was glaring up at the sky, an agitated line formed between his brows, and decided to kiss that frown right off his face. Derek made no protests to this method and just pulled Stiles even closer, wrapping his arms around his waist.
“I’m sorry I got you in trouble,” Stiles murmured, fidgeting with his dreamcatcher as he leaned his forehead against Derek’s.
“It’s fine. She’ll probably forget what being grounded means again anyways so it’s not really affecting me.” Derek huffed. “I’ve just never seen her that mad.”
Stiles threw back his head and laughed loudly, gazing at Derek incredulously. “That was her mad? My Dad is ten times worse!” Stiles reneged, “Not that you’ll meet him. Ever.”
“No fair. You meet my insane parents. I get to meet your dad.”
“Fine,” Stiles sighed, not at all looking forward to it and, if Derek knew any better, he wouldn’t be looking forward to it either. “But be prepared for a tough interrogation and a light frisking.”
Derek smiled widely, leaning in for another kiss even though he knew Stiles needed to be getting into his car and racing back home to make curfew. He groaned, letting himself get lost in it for a bit before pulling away to be the responsible one. Derek followed him down the steps to the Jeep to say goodbye and when Stiles got in and started the car, Derek tapped on the window, indicating for Stiles to roll it down.
“Hey, on Monday, if I see you in the hallway and kiss you hello, is that okay?” Derek asked over the loud engine, leaning in through the window.
Stiles rolled his eyes as he clicked his seatbelt in. “Yes. That’s totally fine.”
“You won’t be embarrassed to be seen with a dumb jock?” Derek raised a brow.
“Maybe a little bit. This could seriously ruin my reputation, you know,” Stiles teased. “What about you? You embarrassed to be seen with a huge dork?”
“Nope. Never.” Derek said then cleared his throat to project his stern teacher voice. “I’ll see you Monday, Mr. Stilinski. And don’t be late, or detention for at least a year.”
Monday morning at school wasn’t different from any other Monday morning at school, only now their big secret was out. Stiles couldn’t even begin to explain how unbelievably good it felt to finally be able to make out with Derek in the halls without having to worry about who was around to see them. Sneaking around had been fun for a while but Stiles was more than ready to have them out in the open.
It was all so foreign at first. When Derek had tried to kiss Stiles hello in front of his friends, Stiles had almost punched him away out of old habit. But by mid-afternoon, they’d gotten the hang of it, at least enough to pressed up against Derek’s locker making out in a crowded hallway with their minds completely blank. They were able to take their time, move slow and unhurried instead of the anxious frenzied stolen kisses that they’d had before. It was bliss.
There was one downside to this new way of living, however. How the hell were they supposed to stop? Before, any random stranger walking by was an alarm to separate and scattering away from each other like headless chickens. But they no longer had to pay any mind to those concerns, so who’s to say that they couldn’t just lean up against Derek’s locker and make out all the livelong day? No one, that’s who.
“Stilinski! Hale! Break it up you two!” Coach Finstock hollered down the hall into a megaphone, causing them both to startle badly and jump apart.
Ah, so Coach Finstock had some usefulness after all.
“Too much of that can be a bad thing, you know!” Finstock shouted again into the megaphone as they gathered their things and headed off to class holding hands. “I’m just saying use proper precautions! We wouldn’t want Stilinski getting pregnant now, would we?!”
Nope, definitely.  Wouldn’t want that.
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So, uh, wanna be my boyfriend?
@miserylovestheinternet | AO3 - I really hope you guys enjoy because it was so awesome to write this fic and I really love it so I hope you'll love it too!
by @yetanothersterekblog
Derek didn’t want to say that he was panicking, but, he was totally panicking. He has no idea how to get out of this situation without having to tell Kate that he, in fact, didn’t have a boyfriend.
Kate was already skeptical about him having a boyfriend, hence why she demanded that they went on a double date.She thought it would ‘establish that he truly moved on and didn’t have any more feelings for her’ despite the fact that she was the one getting all up in his business when he lied about having a boyfriend.
The werewolf doesn’t know how he thought that Kate loved him. It took him seeing her having sex with another guy during a frat party to finally get it in his thick head that she didn’t actually care about him.
And even after he plainly saw her cheating on him Derek summed it all up to her being drunk. Everyone does stupid shit like that when they’re drunk right?
It wasn’t until he met up with her only an hour later while the party was in full swing that he realized she didn’t smell like she had a drop of alcohol in her system and she was completely sober, unlike the guy she had sex with.
That’s when everything set into place in Derek’s head. Kate wasn’t in a relationship with him because she liked him, she was in a relationship with him because she liked having power.
What’s better for a power hungry sociopath than being in a relationship with an Alpha werewolf?
But Kate didn’t stop at just dating an Alpha werewolf, no, she went and dominated the entire relationship!
She had a key to Derek’s dorm while Derek had never so much as seen her apartment, she was the one that decided when and where they would go on a date, she made sure all their dates were somewhere public where everyone could see them, she was the one that initiated sex -laughing and calling Derek ‘an eager puppy’ whenever he tried to initiate anything-, she made sure to only kiss him when people were looking, and she talked down to him during sex.
What Derek always thought of her ‘taking the lead’ and ‘teaching him’ because she was older was really just her manipulating him.
If it wasn’t for him being an Alpha werewolf Kate probably wouldn’t have looked twice at him.
Yeah Derek was really fit and was seen as one of the most attractive guys on campus but Kate just saw that as an added bonus.
It’s not like Derek was the only Alpha werewolf on campus but he was the only Alpha werewolf on campus that was a part of the Hale Pack, one of the strongest and largest packs in north America. Throw in that he was the son of Talia Hale, the Lead Alpha of the Hale Pack, and it’s a mystery how Kate Argent was able to resist 2 whole months before sinking her claws into the college freshman.
Thinking of the 2 years of his life he spent with her makes Derek sick to his stomach.
Point is Derek is in no rush to be in a relationship after the train wreck that was Kate Argent. At least, he wasn’t in a rush until he opened his stupid mouth and said he had a boyfriend.
Of course Kate would want to have proof. She probably knew Derek was bluffing the second he mentioned it.
He hasn’t even dated a guy before! Not that he hasn’t thought about it but he doesn’t have any experience dating guys. Then again the only person he’s ever had sex with was Kate so it’s not like he has much experience to begin with.
This is never going to work.
“Alright,” Erica sighs while turning to him, “what’s with the face of utter despair and regret?”
“Why did I think I could do this? How am I going to find a guy that will pretend to date me in 3 days? The double date is this Friday Erica! I haven’t even thought of anyone to ask yet, I’m so fucked.”
The Beta groans. “Ugh you’re still hung up on that? I told you to ask Stiles, you’ve had a crush on him since forever.”
Derek feels the tips of his ears burn but dutifully ignores it. “No. I am not asking Stiles to be my fake boyfriend.”
There’s no way Derek could ask him to do something like that. He and Stiles have always been part of different social circles, Derek being the sort of nerdy jock and Stiles being the underappreciated intellectual beauty.
The Alpha had always thought that Stiles was ridiculously attractive but being that the spark was a year younger than him and took too many AP classes they never really interacted before.
All Derek knew about him was that his dad was the sheriff, his best friend is Scott McCall, he’s training to be an emissary, and he was unbelievably gorgeous.
Then last year Derek saw him for the first time in over a year as he roamed the halls of Berkeley and he almost choked on his own spit because Stiles looked way hotter than he used to and Derek could have sworn that wasimpossible .
Stiles grew into his long limbs and held himself with a new found confidence that wasn’t there last time Derek saw him. It made him look all the more beautiful and the glasses that the spark was sporting contrasted with his face perfectly, dark frames enhancing his pale skin tone and making his amber eyes appear even more luminous.
Derek never thought he’d be into hipster glasses until that moment. Speaking of things Derek never thought he’d be into, Stiles was inked up!
The Alpha could tell that they were emissary tattoos that covered both his arms thanks to the plain t-shirt Stiles was wearing but fuck did they look amazing on him, black Celtic symbols connected by intricate vines like permanent sleeves.
Emissary tattoos serve many vital purposes, one of which is to illustrate the holder’s power. Small, individual markings scattered around the skin suggest a low level emissary that probably won’t be able to handle anything above basic magic and healing but that’s not the case with Stiles. His tattoos show that not only is he trained in massive a range of abilities but the vines connecting them express that they’re deeply intertwined with his magical core.
It’s a good thing Kate wasn’t with him that day, Derek doesn’t even want to think about what would have happened if she saw him openly gawking at a freshman. Let alone a male freshman.
“Fine,” Erica said with pursed lips, snapping Derek out of his daze. “I guess I’ll have to do it myself.”
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Stiles orders a lot of ice cream to spend more time with ice cream man Derek :D
a back-up gift by @hexicorn-art
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Lightning Strikes Twice
@blizgori | AO3 
by @do-what-the-knight-tells-you
Sent to a dude ranch in the west to recover his health, Stiles Stilinski falls in love with a ranch owner recently acquitted of the murder of his wife!
(Inspired by the 1951 movie of the same name)
Stiles stumbled through the front door of the Martin Hotel at half-past two in the morning, and he was ready to drop. A car, a bus, and a week on a crowded passenger train where he almost missed his stop— he barely had the energy left to drag his suitcase through the door with his good arm. The quiet, warm lights of the lobby almost made him want to cry, he was so ready for a nightcap and a bed.
“You’re sure there were no other calls?” demanded a beautiful redhead, seated at the end of a deep mahogany bar that ran along one side of the Lobby. “Well ask him!” she continued into the telephone in her left hand, “I don’t care what time it is, wake him.” Stiles tried not to stare at the way she tapped the long red nails of her right hand against the bar in irritation. “Of course I’ll hold on.”
He shook himself, blinked hard, and turned to the curly-haired young man staring pointedly at him from behind a large desk, eyebrows arched in incredulity. Stiles cleared his throat.
“I’d, uh, like a room and a bed for the night, please.”
The young man’s eyebrows rose a little higher, but he delicately flicked open a large book and began turning pages.
“Yes sir.”
Stiles ignored the tone, busying himself with setting his case at his feet and taking the weight off his arm, instead. After a moment, where the woman’s tapping on the bar had gotten even more irate, if possible, the young man slid the ledger across the desk to Stiles, along with a pen.
Stiles started to print his name, but paused for a moment. Making a quick decision, he finished his signature with a large, unnecessary flourish. The young man’s lip curled a little, but he took the book back.
“Room 17, second floor.”
Stiles started to reach for his things again, and stopped again, remembering--
“Could you tell me where I could rent a small car for tomorrow afternoon?”
The young man was not forthcoming.
“To go where, sir?”
Stiles bit back his instinct to demand what business it was of this fellows.
“Tumblemoon. It’s a dude ranch about 80 miles from here?”
The eyebrows did not drop.
“Oh I know Tumblemoon, sir, but…” he paused a moment, eyes darting to the woman (whose tetth-grinding was audible to stiles, even at twenty feet) and back. “Do… do they expect you?”
Stiles sighed, giving into the questioning.
“I should think so. I’ve had my reservations for weeks. Is that not the typical way?”
The young man’s brow furrowed.
“It’s odd, I must say-”
“What’s so odd,” The woman interrupted, suddenly seeming to pay intense attention to them, “about having a reservation at a dude ranch?” The man’s face fell, and Stiles was immediately suspicious.
“Summers’ garage,” she continued, focused on Stiles then, and he fought to keep from showing a reaction under that regard, “two doors from here rents cars. I use the place myself— it’s very reasonable.”
“Summers’?” he forced himself to respond, suddenly wishing he could either be at home or asleep, anything to avoid intrigue of any kind. “Thank you, very much.” He felt his stomach growl at that moment and, blushing faintly, turned back to the young man. “Do you think I could have a sandwich sent up to my room?”
He looked incredulous again.
“It’s half past two in the morning, sir.”
But the woman, Stiles’ brain was starting to catch up to his exhausted body, and he thought she must be the owner, or the owner’s wife at least, to speak with such command, overruled him again.
“Nonsense. If the guest is hungry, he should have something to eat.”
The young man dropped his head, and stepped out from behind the desk.
“Yes, Ms. Martin.”
Ha. Stiles’ wits were not completely absent.
“And some hot milk!”
Stiles picked up his luggage and started for the stairs, nodding his thanks at Ms. Martin.
The young man had almost made it out of the room, when she called him back.
He paused.
“Yes, ma’am?”
She gestured impatiently.
“Do you expect him to show himself to his room?”
“No indeed, ma’am, of course not. This way sir.”
The young man, Lahey, hurried back into the room, and took Stiles’ case. As they headed up the level, Stiles could just make out the other end of Ms. Martin’s phone call being picked up again.
“No ma’am, there were no other calls.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Very well then. We’ll be back tomorrow.”
Stiles heard Ms. Martin stand, and move across the floor. She paused, and spoke again.
“No message at the ranch. No one has seen him.”
An apparently male voice answered her.
“Why is he doing this, Lydia? It’s over. So where is he?”
And then Isaac led him around a corner, and the conversation was lost.
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Sterek being strong together; back to back in a fight. Keeping an eye out for each other and ready to defend their love at all costs.
@fearfrost1211 - Thank you, Michelle for such a brilliant prompt. Hope you like these boyfriends being bad asses together!
by @hd-hale
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In the Woods
That time you had to introduce your naked werewolf boyfriend to the strike team.
by @evisionarts
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Don't Give Me That Look
@teenwolfficrec | AO3
by @kiti-the-warrior-poet
When Police Officer Derek Hale agreed to help his boyfriend Stiles Stilinski earn some extra credit by participating in an FBI training exercise things do not go as planned.
“I can’t believe you dragged me into this,” Derek growled at Stiles his eyebrows drawing together and eyes narrowing.
Stiles narrows his eyes in return, “Don’t give me that look! It wasn’t my fault!” Stiles would have punctuated his statement by poking Derek in the chest, but the fact that his hands are currently tied behind his back is really limiting his options in the body language department.
Derek laughs at that and raises an eyebrow as though to say “and whose fault is it?”
“Okay, so this is slightly my fault, but how was I supposed to know that when the FBI invited us to participate in this training exercise that they meant that we were going to be playing the hostages?”
“Because, Dumb Ass,” a third voice belonging to Arnold Delaware, Stiles’ arch nemesis, interrupts, “you’re only a freshman, why the hell would the FBI let you and your civilian boyfriend anywhere near an actual training exercise?!”
Stiles cracks his neck left and then right and shakes out his shoulders before responding. “First of all, Derek is the only one allowed to call me Dumb Ass, second of all, Derek is not a civilian, he’s an officer of the law, and third of all, my freshman ass beat your senior ass in all of the senior level classes that we’re in together this year.”
“Stiles,” Derek says as he kicks at Stiles’ ankle trying to regain his attention, “I thought you said that McCall told you that this was a training exercise for the new S.O. unit.”
“He did. Wait, shouldn’t we be the bad guys then if we aren’t going to be leading the exercise?”
“My thoughts exactly,” Derek agrees, nodding his head.  “I say we put this Delaware guy in his place and then call McCall to double check with him that we’re actually at the training for the S.O. unit.”
“Two steps ahead of you babe!” Stiles grins, pulling his hands out from behind his back, twirling the handcuffs around the index finger of his right hand.
“What the?! HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF THOSE!?!” Delaware shouts, but before he can make a move towards Stiles he notices that Derek is up out of his chair and moving toward him.  Delaware’s momentary distraction, a la Derek, is all the opening that Stiles needs.  He snaps his fingers and the room goes dark, when he snaps his fingers again Delaware is tied to Stiles’ chair with his hands behind his back and a gag in his mouth.
It’s obvious that Delaware is trying to speak behind his gag, but Stiles ignores him in favor of pulling out his phone and making a call to Rafael McCall.
“Stilinski,” answers the voice on the other line, “took you long enough.  Did Hale not think that you should break the rules of the exercise?”
Derek grabs the phone from Stiles’ hand and puts the call on speaker.  “You know I heard that.”
Stiles grabs the phone back and swats Derek on the chest, “You know he knows that you heard that, it’s why he said it,” he directs at Derek.  “Derek and I spent the first ten minutes of the exercise having a silent staring contest before he broke and blamed me for us being held hostage, again, even if it was only for pretend this time.  The point is, we called to make sure we were at the right training and that we understood the objective correctly.”
“Well,” Agent McCall starts, “your little staring contest cost you some valuable time, though I’m sure you’ll recover quickly.  Yes, you’re at the right training.  The agents in attendance have all been through the prescreening process for acceptance into the Supernatural Occurrences unit.  This is their final test.  Stilinski, you and Hale are posing as the enemy combatants.  Introduce them to the Supernatural boys.”
“Got it!”
“Yes sir, understood.”
McCall barks out a simple, “Call me when you’re done,” and then the line goes dead.
“So,” Stiles asks as he puts his phone back in his pocket, “are we thinking united front or divide and conquer?”
“How about a little of both?” Derek suggests.
Stiles shrugs, “Works for me.”
As Stiles and Derek prepare to leave the room Stiles’ eyes begin to glow white and sparks of electricity begin to dance along his fingertips, and Derek’s eyes begin to glow an electric blue, his fangs drop and his claws extend as he lets the beta shift take over.  Derek takes point as they leave the room using his supernaturally enhanced senses to find their first target.  He leads Stiles down a flight of stairs and through a dark hallway into what appears to be an abandoned kitchen.
Derek stops just inside the doorway and cocks his head to listen, not unlike a dog, before he holds up four fingers indicating that he can hear four heart beats on the other side of the island taking up over half of the kitchen.  Derek signals Stiles to go around the island on the left as he heads around it from the right.  Just before the four FBI agents move to take out Stiles and Derek every appliance in the kitchen whirs to life and cabinet doors start flying open and slamming shut.  Derek and Stiles have two paintball guns each and all four agents have been delivered kill shots before they even realize what hit them.
“Are you a werewolf?“  The question comes from an Agent Diaz who Stiles recognizes from the time she spoke in one of his classes.  When Derek nods the affirmative Diaz elbows her neighbor and says, "Pay up Todd, I told you werewolves were real!”
“Yeah, and I told you there was no way Stilinski here was human, so we’re even.  Actually, what are you kid?"  Agent Todd asks, "Are you some sort of vampire or something?”
Stiles can’t help himself, he burst out laughing, “No, I was possessed by an ancient evil fox spirit once though.  I actually am human though.  I’m just a little more in tune with nature than most people.  Most people in the Supernatural world refer to me as a Spark.”
“So what I’m hearing is Todd still owes me twenty bucks,” Diaz says grinning as Agent Todd begins to dig out his wallet.
Derek walks up to Stiles and juts his chin out in the direction of the other two agents, “Those two are being awfully quiet.”
“Yeah,” Stiles agrees, “they are.”  Stiles lets his powers go dormant again and approaches the other two agents as his eyes return to their natural brown.  “I think they passed out, are their heartbeats regular Derek?”
“Their heart rates are fine, they still need to be checked out though.”
“Okay.  Diaz, you and Todd take these two to the medic tent outside.  Derek and I still have two more four man teams to find before the exercise is over.”
As Diaz and Todd begin the process of waking the other two members of their team Stiles and Derek decide to divide and conquer this time.  Derek heads back upstairs after the group that managed to take out all of Delaware’s men on the ground floor.  While Stiles heads further into the building using his spark to light his way.
Derek finds the group that he’s after in the room where he and Stiles left Delaware tied up in a chair.  Someone has removed Delaware’s gag and he is yelling about monsters and how this whole exercise was a set up from the beginning to kill off agents that had pissed off Agent McCall.  Derek delivers four kill shots before any of the agents even realize that he’s in the room with them.  This time only one agent passes out.  Derek instructs the three agents still standing to escort both Mr. Delaware and the unconscious agent to the medic tent, and then Derek heads to the basement where he knows Stiles has been herding the final four-man group.
When Derek enters the basement he sees that the final four agents have Stiles surrounded and that Stiles appears to be unarmed.  One of the agents fires a shot at Stiles, but the paintball explodes in the air three feet away from Stiles’ face.  The agent who fired the shot takes a step back and then Derek opens fire.  Derek only manages to deliver one kill shot before he is suddenly face-to-face with an Alpha in her beta shift.  Derek doesn’t let that stop him though.  After all, Derek Hale has faced down much worse than an Alpha werewolf.
“Stiles, catch!” Derek calls out as he throws his paintball guns in the air.  The paintball guns fly into the air towards Stiles and Derek lets his full shift take over.  Stiles has delivered kill shots to the last two human agents before Derek’s front paws even hit the ground, and the Alpha is so thrown off by witnessing a full shift that Stiles is able to walk right up behind him and shoot him in the back.
“All right, show off,” Stiles says, “go find your backpack so you can change back and I’ll take these four up to join the other new recruits.  You can call Rafe after you get dressed and then join us.”
Derek nips at Stiles’ fingers and licks his hand before running off to retrieve his extra clothes and shift back to his human form.
Twenty minutes later Agent Rafael McCall has gathered all nine of the agents who made it through the exercise without passing out along with Stiles and Derek into a conference room.  Each individual is handed a folder with their name on it and told to take a seat.
“As most of you know, my name is Agent McCall.  What you might not know is that I am the head of the Supernatural Occurrences unit of the FBI.  The exercise that you participated in today was the final test for admittance into the S.O. unit.  Congratulations, if you are in this room you are now a member of the S.O. unit of the FBI.  You will find your new job description in the packet in front of you along with the address of your new office.  I expect to see all of you bright and early on Monday morning,” and with that Rafael left the room.
Stiles turns to Derek with a smile that could light the whole world, “You still mad I dragged you into this?”
Derek just rolls his eyes and shuts his boyfriend up with a kiss.
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