BTS Masterlist ;)
Kim Namjoon:
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Can we meet again?
( https://superaestheticbangtan.tumblr.com/post/185135786596/can-we-meet-again )
Kim Seokjin:
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Be my prince? (Prince!Jin x Princess!reader)
( https://superaestheticbangtan.tumblr.com/post/187241895291/be-my-prince )
Min Yoongi:
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Accidental Coffee Date?
( https://superaestheticbangtan.tumblr.com/post/183873610266/accidental-coffee-date )
Jung Hoseok:
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Sweet Like Honey:
( https://superaestheticbangtan.tumblr.com/post/185477307696/sweet-like-honey )
Park Jimin: 
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You look like Mochi
Univeristy AU
( https://superaestheticbangtan.tumblr.com/post/190463397071/you-look-like-mochi )
Kim Taehyung;
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ive been waiting for this moment
 ( https://superaestheticbangtan.tumblr.com/post/184153689486/ive-been-waiting-for-this-moment )
Taehyung Soulmate AU (x reader)
Jeon Jungkook:
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Euphoric Soulmate AU
( https://superaestheticbangtan.tumblr.com/post/183896662546/euphoric-soulmate-au )
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You look like Mochi
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Words: ?
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University AU- You guys go to the same university, and a few of the same classes)
it was a Monday morning, and its as if your mind was as tired as your whole entire body. you stretched loudly as you got out of bed, gathering up your clothes and heading towards the bathroom.
as you got ready, you get your belongings and stuff ready for your two classes that were: history and dance.
you were kind of looking forward to dance but not as much history. you get outside of the apartment complex and waited for the bus. as it got close, you put your headphones in for the short journey ride ahead, and looked ahead out of the window. you passed a few cherry blossom trees, and tall buildings, taking in the exotic sights and sighing to yourself, being happy you moved to Seoul instead of staying in Busan.
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you arrive at the university, and hop off of the bus. you walk upon the campus and feel refreshed. after having a bad time at your last school, being more mature and moving to university made you extremely happy. 
you enter the building and go up to your history room. 
after the lesson finished, you head to the dance studio. after arriving, you bump into a unfamiliar person.
‘oh, im so sorry, is this the dance studio?’ the voice asked.
‘its okay. and it is. who are you?’ you asked.
‘oh, my name is Park Jimin, but you can call me Jimin!’ he holds out his hand. i take a good look at his face and realize hes extremely adorable. his puffy cheeks get pushed up as he smiles a cute smile.he has black jeans and a white shirt on which definitely suited his character and body.
i take his hand and smile back. 
‘my name is _____, its amazing to meet you’
‘yeah! so want to go in with me? im kind of nervous’ he said
i nodded, and lead on to the door.
the teacher saw us come in and asked him to come to the front.
‘everybody, this is Park Jimin. he is the new student. now everybody get into partners. we are doing group work’
jimin comes over and asks ‘can we be partners? i dont really know anyone else and you seem nice’ he asks shyly
i agree and we start practicing.
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we do ballet and jimin is beautiful. hes amazing at it and looks so graceful and just.. handsome. STOP i cant say this, i just met him..
we continue dancing, and holding arms, until i lose balance, and fall accidentally pulling him down too
we end up on the floor, and he apologizes immensely. 
‘its not your fault, im the one who fell! but can i just say something?’
‘uh yeah sure, but we’re kind of still on floor’ he giggles
‘you kind of look like mochi’
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Be my prince?
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this is a King!Kim Seokjin x reader
(youre a princess, but a low-key one)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, angst?
author’s note/ thank you guys so much for reading! make sure to follow :)
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the magical castle over the horizon. thats where i was headed. as we were near i hear my father say ‘you know y/n, we’re almost there. remember to be polite like you always are and-’
‘-and try to like the prince, i get it father. you say this every time. its just i havent found anyone mature and sweet enough yet. i need him to be a gentlemen’
‘just try honey. youre going to staying for a week, just be sure to try’ he sighs.
‘yes father’ i reply.
we arrive and i have to admit, this place is beautiful. i look around to see guards and shine and statues everywhere.
‘good morning, miss (-------), shall i escort you to the royals’ the stranger guard asks.
‘yes please’
i say goodbye to my father, and i get lead to the main dining room where i see the royals all sat together.
they all stand up and bow, and i do the same.
the king and queen get up and shook my hand.
‘its a pleasure to meet you, princess y/n, you look beautiful. this is our son, Kim Seokjin’
‘its great to meet you, princess’ he says, as he bows
im mentally drooling because of this man, but i contain it.
‘pleasure to meet you, Kim seokjin’ i curtsy to all them
‘now ill get the servants put your bags upstairs, seokjin should go with you’
‘ah of course,’
‘shall we?’ he leads his hand out as he starts walking and wanting me to  catch up.
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by the time we got to my room, it had already turned dark outside.
‘thank you so much for escorting me, prince seokjin.’ i curtsy
‘no need to thank me princess. and you can just call me jin’ he smiles charmingly at me.
‘thank you jin. you can also call me just y/n, only if you want to’ i shyly glance
‘okay just y/n.ill have to go. ill talk to you in the morning for breakfast’ he winks and smirks whilst leaving.
i chuckle slightly. atleast he has humour, and hes suppppeeeerrrrrrr attractive.
i unpack a few of my things, and get out my nightwear. i get changed and slip into the bed. i look out of the window to see the beautiful full moon,and the sparkling waters. i must go swimming!
i awoke that morning and acquainted with the royals. until seokjin questions.
‘would you like a tour princess y/n’ he asks, being formal infront of his parents.
‘i would love to prince seokjin’ i smile
he gets up from his seat, and holds his hand out to show me the views of the castle.
we walk for a while and see its dark and decide to get some rest for the night.
i thank him and sleep.
very quickly, the week passes by in a flash.
ive packed all of my things and i cant help but think about how amazing prince seokjin is. he has the looks.personality, is mature and gentlemen-like. hes perfect.
i tell my father and he thinks its fantastic news. he gets into the car, as seokjin comes up.
‘ive had an amazing time this past week y/n.i really think we have a connection.’he smiles and kisses the back of my hand.
‘so do i’ i smile
i turn around to go into the car, but he spins me around, and gives me a huge hug. ‘i really really like you y/n. and i was wondering whether i could be your prince. only yours’
i smile at him
‘of course. id be honored to have you be my prince’ 
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Sweet like honey
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this is a Soulmate Jung Hoseok x reader!
Warnings: None
a/n: ive been getting so many likes and stuff over the past few months, thank you guys so much 
i had sweat all down my back and all through my shirt as ive been dancing for the past few hours or so. the deep breaths i took in and out to calm myself down were rapid, due to the amount of exercise i just did.
i collect all my things, and turn the dance studio light off as i head out of the building and head my way back home. 
as im walking, i walk past a shop whihc strikes my interest. it seemed to be a bakery, and i was feeling something sweet, so i entered,
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as soon as you enter, you get attacked by this sweet, but not sickly sweet aroma. as you look around the bakery, there are many baked goods such as bread and loads of different types of cakes.
i spend a little while looking round as i hear a voice reach out to me.
‘do you need any help ma’am?’
you look up to meet eyes with a man about your age. his hair is a bright red, and he smiles brightly at me, as i see the kindness in it.
‘o-oh hi! sorry i was just looking round. its a really cute little shop here!’ i smile brightly back with as much enthusiasm. 
hes surprisingly cute.
‘yeah! i actually own it! ive had it for a few years now, and its basically like a second home. i love it’ he smiles to himself.
‘aw thats really nice! im currently looking for a job, but dance every day in the dance studio around the corner.’ i introduce
‘thats great! i also really love dancing. and ive been needinh jobs here currently if you wanted to! we are low on staff, but thats only if youre interested.’ he beams
‘thats amazing! id love to work here, ive been searching everywhere, are you sure?’
‘yes that would be great! im Hoseok by the way’ he greets, reaching his hand out.
‘oh, im Y/n’ i shake back
he gave butterflies to my stomach for some reason and it made me go slightly red.
a few months later, i had worked almost every day. i still went dancing and Hoseok even joined me! hes actually an incredible dancer.
Hoseok and i were sat outside on a nice summers day, on our day off as we sit and eat together.
we had a small conversation, as i realised that over the past few months id grown to have feelings for this man. he was nice, funny and extremely attractive.
‘hey hobi?’ i ask
‘yes Y/n’
‘did you know youre extremely sweet?’
‘w-what? nah not really’ he flushes
sweet like honey’
i smile at him. life isnt so bad afterall.
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Can we meet again?
idol!Namjoon x idol!reader
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this is an idol namjoon x idol reader
Warnings: None
Genre: fluffly fluff
(g/n)= group name
a/n: omg my last jungkook drabble did so well, and im so happy, thank you so much! also you guys can request things, and be sure to check my profile, im making a masterlist soon.
i nibbled on the seaweed in its bag infront of me, as i nervously looked at the clock on the wall. if you arent aware, in about 10 minutes, my group (g/n), are going to debut and im extremely nervous because, yeah we had so much practice, but still i was so scared.
my other members and me have been trainees for about 3 years, and we have been preparing for this moment. if you dont really know about me; heres a synopsis.
i am 21 years old, and i am the third oldest in my group, and i’m known as the ‘intelligent one’. i’m fluent in french, korean, english and japanese. i learnt most of these while young, and took many classes. i always support my members no matter what, and make sure they get through their hardships.
i guess my biggest inspiration is bts. they are the most popular kpop group and their music is incredible. mostly their leader, Kim Namjoon. he inspired me to get into many other cultures, and keep a calm and nurturing nature. he inspires me to do many things, and i’m proud that i’m in this industry now.
i glance upon the clock again, to see that the clock visualises that we have five minutes left. i rush back into our rooms backstage, and all the members are there, ready.
we get escorted to the backstage, and my nerves are going wild. did i not mention that we were performing at a huge event, with big groups such as bts, exo, black pink, red velvet and twice? well i kinda missed that one out.
i look at the stage and my eyes wide. as i see many people and chants.
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(ignore the people)
we are called on the stage, and i fully prepare myself, before getting my nerves together, and persevering.
after the performance, we hear many chants, and claps, and the smiling of fans all over. it looks like it was a success and i was more than over the moon.
after a few more performances, we are all called as artists, to the stage, and loud music starts corrupting the place, as all the idols start dancing.
me and my group start messing about as we flail ourselves all over the place and dance without caring. i felt like someone was watching me, so i spin around to see THE KIM NAMJOON looking at me. im not fully sure if he his concerned for my health or thinks im weird but when he sees that i caught him looking, he smiles and looks away. 
i feel my face go very red as i turn around and face my group.
a while later the whole ceremony ends and all groups are lead off the stage to leave. my group made their way backstage, as we start cheering in celebration. we make a few drinks with our staff and are extremely excited. we all paused as there was a knock at the door.
‘ill get it’ my other member Sayeon says, as she gets up off her seat and scoots her way to the door. we continue talking and i feel over the moon to have even had this opportunity.
‘Y/N, its for you’ Sayeon whispers excitedly, and i make my way to the dorms door. i appear in the doorway, and i am face to face with NAMJOON????
whats he doing here?
‘oh, hello Y/N! i just stopped by to say congratulations to your debut, and that i think you were amazing up there on stage. probably had a better stage performance then my debut’ he laughs ‘i hope im not intruding anything’ he says
‘ oh no! thats completely fine. thank you so much, and thats a lot coming from you, especially as you come from lets just say the biggest band in the world right now ahaha’ i giggled 
‘ah, thats really flattering! yeah, well done, and that uh...i uh...just wanted to sat that i think youre fairly attractive! ah, im sorry if that sounded awkward, i uh, imsorry’
‘dont be sorry! its very nice of you to say that, and im fairly attractive huh?’ i decide to tease.
‘hmmm yeah. maybe even more then that’
i giggle a lot and suddenly get nervous and say
‘Can we meet again?’
‘Oh, of course!’ he smiles brightly.
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Ive been waiting for this moment
this was a request from @kpopgirlbtssvt
i hope you enjoy it! sorry it took so long to post since ive been super busy but im glad that ive done it now.
this is a taehyung x american reader SOULMATE AU
Warnings: None
Genre: flufffffff
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hi. so if you dont know me, im ___ and i live in america. as a kpop fan it is very incontinent that i live so far away, as im always anticipating a new comeback from a new group as a stan multiple.
life is very different over here than in korea anyways, as i am a small not very known ice skater. ive been an ice skater since i was young and as ive been doing it for so long, i feel at one with the ice. ive become so in sync with it and i do it pretty much everyday. i always hoped since i was a little girl that i would be famous, but now i dont really mind, as long as i do ice skating i dont mind.
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i was sat at home, scrolling through tumblr and other social medias, as i saw that bts made a tweet and it was Taehyung (aka my actual husband) and its convenient that i speak korean as i read it, it said;
 ‘Hello America! Im excited for the concert soon! See you soon ARMYS #V’
I WAS SO EXCITED, i actually managed to get tickets this time but they were so close to getting sold at like 2 seconds after they were put up. it was a big chunk of my money taken but i wont regret it.
for the rest of that day, i sat around not really doing much as i prepared my lungs and feelings for tomorrow night.
+time skip+
it was the next day and i could actually feel my tearducts preparing themselves. did i not mention that i managed to get front row tickets? it was a huge amount of money but as i said, i wont regret it.
a few hours past and the time for me to leave came upon. i must say i dont look too shabby today as i dressed up a little bit- but not too much.
i gather all of my belongings as i head out my door for a long drive. i sit in my car, and play their cds and jam out to them.
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half way through they've played loads of bops including FAKE LOVE, IDOL and even BS&T.
i was jamming out when suddenly Magic Shop came on which was definitely one of my favourites and so i reached out my arms towards the stage and started bopping out. as soon as taehyung started singing, i was looking upon him as he was stood so close to me.
he just so happened to look down and our met at once.
its like time stopped.
his visuals lit up the huge screen and his eyes were locked on mine.
the world seems to slow down
i can no longer hear the screams of the other screaming fans and sparks flew all over the stage and around us.
his verse soon ended and he had to look away, but as he did he had a huge spread grin across his face. his smile was giddy and he got really excited and started jumping across the stage to the beat.
all the girls around me start screaming 
and i started doubting myself. what if it wasnt me?
after another hour, the concert finished and everyone was ecstatic. everyone gets up to leave the arena when a member of staff comes up to me and asks me if i know korean. i answer yes and they ask me to go with them.
i follow and they lead me backstage. as i open the door im greeted with a bunch of sweaty boys which was hOT. me and taehyung made eye contact and a huge smile meets his face.
he comes up to me and leads me to a different room.
we speak for a while and time seems infinite. i finally get to know him more than on stage.
he says ‘it seems like its gotten too late. you should head home ____! i have your contact details, but i need to admit that i will miss you a lot. as we just finished a world tour, we have to go back to korea in a few days.’
‘ah, i understand tae. i will miss you a lot too. its a shame that i may not see you for s while/ i sadly smile.
‘WAIT i know this is gonna sound crazy, but come with us! it is crazy but ill miss you too much, i already like you so much!’ he whines
‘but ill be leaving so much behind. i even need to pack..’ i trail off
‘yeah. its fine, you didnt have to-it was just a suggestion’ his shoulders slump as he looks down.
‘that doesnt mean i wont. once i pack up, ill come and move to korea’ i smile brightly.
‘ahhh thats my girl!’
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i can’t
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Euphoric Soulmate au
This is a Jungkook x Reader Soulmate au fic.
Warnings: None
a/n: thank you so much for all the support on my last Yoongi drabble. i appreciate it!
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(in this universe, you have the first thing your soulmate says to you on a part of your body)
i stare at the stars above my head, as i stand in the field next to my house. ive always loved constellations, and zodiac signs. ive done so much about them, i know about every zodiac sign, and their moon and sun signs. i fell in love with these when i was 11, and my mum sadly passed. my dad always said that she was within the stars, and looked down on us every day, and helped us find our soulmates. of course after i grew up, i realized my mum didn't help much with finding mine.
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i came back to my senses, as i realized that i have been stood outside in the cold for a while. i turn around and head back to my house. as im walking i seem to rethink everything.
im already 19 years old, and most of my friends had found their one and only, and when youre the age of 18, these words appear anywhere on your body and they tell what your soulmate will first ever say to you. whenever i read it, almost tears come to my eyes as it says 
‘your mum? im awfully sorry to hear that. she must be beautiful to create someone as pretty as you.’
it makes me so happy to know that my soulmate is caring and even maybe flirtatious. but i didnt mind, as long as he didnt flirt with anyone else, that is.
i got back into my house, as warmth indulges me. i go back into my living room and i sit down infront of the fire. i listen to the sweet crackling sounds, and i slowly relax my muscles, realising i was tensing.
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it was already morning, as i slid out my bed. i open the curtains and the sun glides across my face. the sky was a slight pink-ish colour, settling between a purpley yellow. it was a perfect morning. for some reason, i feel today is going to be good.
i get ready, and put on some cute- yet smart clothes. i know what i’m going to do today. i exit my doorway, and lock it behind me. i put my keys and phone into my coat pocket, as i make my way down the street to my destination location.
a few twists and turns, and i arrive. the graveyard. not a very exciting place, but today happened to be my mother’s birthday.
i go over to where she’s placed and put down the flowers beside her grave, as i kneel on the floor in front.
‘hey mum. it’s been a while. i can’t believe it’s finally your birthday! i’ve missed you, and yet you still haven’t helped me find my one. but i don’t mind, i’d rather you be spiritually with me, then knowhere at all’ i smile to myself.
after a few minutes of paying respect, i stand up and stand there for a little while longer.
out of knowhere, all i here is
‘your mum? i’m awfully sorry to hear that. she must be beautiful to create someone as pretty as you’
i slide around to make eye contact with the most beautiful boy i’ve ever seen. he must be my age or so, and he gives me a huge bunny-like smile, with his hazel eyes and dark brown hair.
‘ah, you heard all of that?’ i ask nervously
‘yeah. it’s kinda of difficult having that whole paragraph tattooed on my calf’ he giggles.
‘and i must say, i’m glad i have such a cute soulmate. let’s go for a meal’ he winks.
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Accidental coffee date?
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this is a Min Yoongi x reader fic.
Warnings: None
Genre: flUFF
a/n: sorry that my writing is all in low caps, its because my laptop doesn't automatically do them lmao. i hope you enjoy this fluff oneshot.
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i was sat, arms perched upon the table as i stare at the view outside. surprisingly sunny, i peer around at my surroundings. the birds chirp and i hear the busy roads across the street. if you arent aware of where i am right now, im in the place you’d always find me.
i live in a busy city, where cars are left, right and center, and its extremely busy. i grew up in a rural area, so when i first moved, all of this stuff was new to me. i was scared at first, but i seemed to settle well where i am.
i work in a small library round the corner, which is quite quiet and peaceful. ive read since i was young and books help and inspire me. this shop however, has always been my favorite place. its always nice and quiet, and i love the aroma of the different flavored caffeine's, thrilling the air. 
everything was normal at this time, and i heard the bell from the entrance door go off. i dont normally pay attention to it, as i seemed to be only focused on what appeared in front of me outside the window.
i talk a small sip from the sickeningly sweet drink in my hands and feel my body go all warm and fuzzy. i held the beverage in my hands, as i hear a slight tap on the table in front of me, and ruffling of bags. 
i look ahead to see a intimidatingly handsome man. his eyes were the colour of hazel and slight dark chocolate, and his hair was ruffled and a tad curled. his face appears small, and his jawline was..woah
‘excuse me, miss’
i come out of my daze to realize i was staring at him.
‘would be it okay if i sat here?’ he questions.
‘a-ah. of course’ i responded
he looks down into his drink and then goes through his bag. to not look like im creepy, i look out the window again, but all i can think of is him.
after a few minutes,i hear:
‘so. do you like music?’ 
he asks with a slight tint of nervousness in his voice.
‘er, yeah! i kinda love it actually’
‘ah thats good. couldn't have a sitting buddy, knowing they didn't’ he chuckles
i find that remark somehow cute, and laugh too.
after about 30 minutes, we had already been talking the whole time. he said about how he makes music, and its his passion. at first he asked me whether i knew him, and i got confused. he said that if i loved music so much that i might've heard of him. i said i didn't, because i mostly listen to foreign and western music. like charlie puth and ed sheeran.
he understands this and says his name is min yoongi. hes in a band called BTS, which i had heard of, i just never really gave them a listen. 
i look at the time on my phone, and realize my next shift started soon.
‘ah, sorry yoongi. i have to sadly go work now.’
‘ahah, its alright ____. maybe i can arrange another date with you soon’ he winks and flushes getting slightly embarrassed.
‘w-wAIT, this was a date?!’ i question nervously
‘well yeah! i first saw you when i came in, and out of all the seats i sat here, because you looked so cute’ he says
i take the compliment as i reach into my bag and get my phone.
‘well here. you can out your number in, and we can meet up again sometime’
i smile
‘yeah sure’ he smiles
he goes onto my phone and puts his number in, as i get up and say
‘thank you so much. ill see you soon!’
‘yes you will’ as he shows me his gummy smile.
i rush out and get closer to the library, and see my phone light up
From: Handsome Yoongi   
‘im free tomorrow! also, you're welcome for the name, i saw you staring at me when i first sat down. dont worry, i stared at you too.’
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White- Yoongi
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… … [ mood board ] >> jimin icons/mood board >> like if used
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image description: copy of bts’s 2016 album ‘wings’ with headphones resting on top (stream epiphany)
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my husband
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oof :p
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G.C.F in USA → Jin
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