#// sorry ill go back to never posting at all : ( /j
unwelllydrawnroxy · 2 months
God you are so clogging the roxy lalonde tag
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post m or rocx y then ple ease : )
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AITA for making my ex taking medication as a bargain chip for us to get back together?
This happened a while ago but I saw some posts about the right of someone to go unmedicated and now I feel bad and wonder if I was shitty 💊🧘‍♀️ mentions of death, pet endangering, pet death, untreated mental illness and if you call them a narcissist I will steal your left socks. Also not disclosing their diagnosis because you guys can't be normal about mentally ill people.
So me and J (about 25, I was 22 at the time. Name changed for privacy. Both of us is NB) had a extremely quick developing relationship where in 5 months we went from dating to living together. Don't judge me okay I was 20 when we met and I needed a place that wasn't my parents house. Sorry, this will need some context. J convinced me to drop college due to mental health and to move out of my roomies house for privacy reasons.
So three days before my 21th birthday, J lost her brother due to an accident, and we moved together anyway. One month after her brother passed her cat also passed away. That made the grief way worse and about 10 months into the relationship she tried to choke my cat because she peed in the wrong place. I told her I was going to leave her and in result she slitted open her arm with a box cutter.
Later she admitted to be hurting our two cats when I wasn't home by choking and almost drowning them.
By december of the same year I came out as aromantic and she was extremely shitty towards me from deceiving her because she thought I actually loved her but that was all a ruse. So we broke up for real this time but kept living together because well, it was unfortunately what we had and we couldn't move to our separate paths due to our income. That was january with until march/april more or less when she noticed i was pulling guys like no one and hooking up constantly (that was self harm but that doesn't justify it. In my defense I told her just because she would ask me repeatedly if I was hooking up with guys and always wanted to know where I was going). I also went back to college and started hanging out with other people that seemed to actually like me!
Keep in mind all this time she was unmedicated and when I tried to bring up she need therapy and medications she would shut me down, even before the break-up.
And then, by may she was crawling at my feet because she wanted me back. And I cared a lot about her. So I put in my conditions that unless she was medicated and on therapy by the end of july, I would never consider going back to her. And would you look at that, it actually worked because before june ended she was both medicated and on therapy and I said well you did your part, and went back to her, with her now.
Btw for all that matters I am 25 and broke up with her again from almost 2 years now but last time I talked, she was still on therapy and medicating herself, making a bitter remark on how "that's the only way people can stand her, that no one can stand her true self"
So, AITA for making my ex take care of her mental health before I considered going back to her?
What are these acronyms?
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luvring · 1 year
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(time skip) osamu x gn!reader | suggestive (a make-out session), 1.1k
(tag list lmk if u want to be untagged for suggestive posts btw) u do a littol kissin! getting back to writing...bwah. didn't proofread. don't tell me about any mistakes. (/j) ill explode
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"i'll get breakfast started 'nd you can come down when y'aren't so sleepy, then,” osamu murmurs before sitting up to stretch. light sneaks in through the blinds, and it casts a striped shadow across his toned back while you watch him fondly. it’s been a while since the two of you got to sleep in, you note. the restaurant’s been doing well enough that your boyfriend’s decided to take the day off to “focus on you instead."
you hum in response, pulling the blanket up to your chin in attempt to keep the cold away. he’s barely made it two steps out of bed when you call his name. “‘samu.”
“hm?” you don’t say anything, and he turns to see an expectant look on your face. he jokingly sighs before making his way over to your side of the bed and bending down. “how could i forget?” he asks, pressing a chaste kiss to your head and standing back up.
you pout a little before hiding under the covers again. it wasn’t exactly the kiss you wanted, but you stay quiet considering you chose to stare in silence as your plea. osamu raises a brow. “why'd you pout?”
“what? i didn’t pout.”
“yes you did.”
“no i didn’t.”
“i jus' saw you?”
“okay? you saw wrong?”
“i—” his expression is disproportionately serious for his crime, you think, and you can’t help but laugh. shaking your head, you try to wave him off. “it was nothing, seriously. go make breakfast, ‘samu.”
osamu’s face is still scrunched in worried confusion. he's never been one to let it go if he's done something wrong, especially when it came to you.
it takes another second, but eventually his expression relaxes, and he smiles knowingly. this time he kneels fully to be eye-level with you. you blink at him. “what’re you—what’s happening?”
he exhales, and you stare. he’s close enough that you can smell his new shampoo, and for a fleeting moment you wonder if reaching out to touch his hair would be too out of place. he'd raise a brow and smirk at you. say something to embarrass you so he could watch as you'd bury your face back into the pillow and—
a hand is suddenly coming to hold your face, and a thumb runs across your cheek. osamu juts his tongue to wet his lips, and all you can do is continue to watch, flustered. “‘m sorry. i didn’t kiss you properly, right?”
and as if he could hear your “no” before you’ve even opened your mouth, he leans in to kiss you. denial dies on your tongue when his lips meld with yours, perfectly as if they were made to match. it’s gentle and loving, longer than his peck to your forehead. you relax under his touch but all too soon he pulls away to look at you, hand still warm against your face. “was that better?”
you think his voice is as soft as his lips were.
to be honest, you don’t think your brain has registered his question. all it knows is how light is reflecting in your boyfriend's eyes perfectly, and his messy bedhead hair is still calling for your touch. your gaze is honed in on his lips when they curl into a smile. and then they're coming closer.
osamu’s eyes are heavy-lidded, and you can feel his breath against your skin as his lips brush against yours. he teases, “well, that’s not good enough, is it?”
your only response is a shake of your head, earning a huffed laugh before he closes the distance between you. again, osamu kisses you. and this time your arms reach around his neck as if you could close the gap between you even more—force him to stay with you instead of cook eggs, or toast, or whatever you asked for 5 minutes ago. you don't remember, and you’re not sure you care, or that he’d mind with the way he presses forward and gently holds the back of your neck.
he groans a little when your fingers finally find their way to his hair and pull gently. he starts to pull away, and you whine, only to be met with a chuckle. “yer killin’ me, y’know,” osamu huffs.
yet he kisses you again. and again, and again, and again. his lips find yours and you sigh against them, chest fluttering at the way he gently bites your lower lip.
you maneuver so that he’s forced to get back into bed on top of you. he hovers, one hand beneath your head, and the other clutching the pillow above. the only sounds besides shifting bed sheets are your racing heart, soft breathes, and open-mouth kisses.
a hand eventually lowers to grip your hip and caress your skin. cold fingers slide their way beneath your shirt, making you gasp and reflexively pull him in. a groan escapes osamu when his hips momentarily grind against yours. his kisses get harder, more needy, his breaths heavier and his hold on your waist a little tighter.
your hand travels down his back, and you pull—you know he's strong enough that he wouldn't let himself topple onto you. he complies to your touch, and you become keenly aware of his chest pressed against yours.
but before anything else can happen, osamu pulls away. though not far. his nose brushes against yours and when you open your eyes, it’s easy to see him still staring at your lips. his eyes finally flicker up to yours and he smiles.
he leans down to your ear, and your breath hitches. “you're poutin' again,” he whispers.
“i'll assume that means that kiss was better?”
his breath tickles and you squirm, scrunching your nose and bringing your shoulder up as a defense. “tease. and i don’t know if that counted as one kiss.”
a gust of air is blown into your neck and you laugh before pushing him away. osamu breathes out a laugh of his own before moving back to hover above you. "okay, smart-ass. how about those ones?"
“i guess they were marginally better,” you tease. he pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue, narrowing his eyes. you get ready for him to blow more air at you, but instead he squishes your cheeks together and shakes your head.
you giggle and grab his hand with your own, not really doing anything to stop him, and osamu grins at you again. there's an almost sickening amount of love in his eyes as he sighs. “let me make breakfast, then i’ll kiss you properly as much as you’d like, alright?”
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@devilgirlcrybabiey @lordbugs @smiithys @xfangirl-trashx @passionateuchiha @scaramouchesfootstool @fifteenshadesofpinkk @chloee0x0 @kenmaslov3r @bakugosgrenade @semifilms @dai-tsukki-desu @Thathoneybee3 @momoewn @aintgeluh @dazaisfavgf @simpforerenn @crystal-lilac @vhenis @omiigad @kur0-kawa @semispilledcoffee @ksyhmm @idontlikeyourjob @awkwardaardvarkforever @rory-cakes @prblmtic @kuroaka @sunaslay @h0n3ysgh0st @lackey-laufeyson @bontensbabygirl @dira333 @the-b-u-n-n-y @Kamukayakmonyet @danyisapingu @isentsworld @lilithlunas @anime-ships-gay @todorokiskitten @kellesvt @scill-a @curiouslilbeast
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haecien · 9 months
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SEVENTEENS reaction to their s/o being scared/screaming about bugs.
Note: I have no idea who is & is not scare of bugs in svt... this is just my interpretation!! If there is a video/post about this tell me!!! also fun fact, a Cockroach was roaming around my room while writing
Warning: mentions of killing, the word die😭 all of this is jokes, none of these are real! slight cursing!
Genre: fluff, jst fluff
766 words 3,883 characters
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C.SC -
At first he thought you were dying when he heard your blood curtailing scream, turns out there was a fly just roaming around and it happen to just touch your face.
Now he has learned to carry at least 1 tiny can of bug spray just for you, it gives him a heart attack over your screams. He finds it a bit cute whenever you clung to him after seeing a bug near you.
Y.JH -
Same reaction for the first time of coups. But.... instead of comforting he just... almost teased you to death/j
He'd secretly hide those fake toys of bugs ALL around your shared house/apartment/...idk any living place lmao
You'd almost kill him for doing that, still gets you everytime. Ofc he made it up to you, he is still your boyfriend after all
" Hey... come on I'm sorry! I forgot to remove itt"
*silent treatment*
H.JS -
He would try to calm you down at first, if you were still wailing about the bug he would try and kill it or carefully place it outside.
He would endlessly caress you and tell you that you're alright
(Bro im giggling)
"Joshua i swear ill love you til I die" " Then die😊🤭" /j
(If ykyk)
Who knows he'll eat the bug, jk. He would prob scream with you, he'll act up like " I'll protect you! " then comes running back to you terrified
Eventually he sucked it up and very "bravely" shoo shoo away the bug. BEGONE! " You know! I was just acting, I wasn't really scared... " " Totally.... "
" AAAAAAAAA " Wow is HE more scared than YOU? Yes, a matter of fact he is.... " You know i've seen tigers beat bigger enemies... yet you're scared of a single bug?? I guess you're not really a tiger. "
Those exact words, they made him furious and he quickly got a broom and vigorously whacked the bug away! In times of need you just made him question his identity as a tiger.
Honestly, would be kinda chill. He carefully took a piece of paper and a glass and scooped up the bug and placed it outside.
He asked if you wanted to play with him to help you calm down, you said yes NEVER wanting to set a foot outside right now. (Ok now imagine resting your head on his broad ass shoulders while playing and he'd run his fingers through your hair)
Same reaction as Wonwoo, BUT It would take him awhile to come down from his room😭the time he came down you'd almost started thinking of burning this entire house to the ground. (No reason, i keep thinking about the fluffy hair jihoon with THE black turtleneck shirt that's kinda tight)
So... Fuck it he's letting you take care of it/j yeah he's gnna flame that bug, BURN THE WITCH! If he mocks you about this you would bring up the thing with him and frogs😭(if you don't know I remember seeing a video of seeing minghao being scared of irl frogs but not animated ones ex: keroppi)
Hes a big boy... but he's just a puppy tbh, LITTERALLY LOOK (I got off track sorry HAJSJSK Free gyu pics ig HAHA)
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Deff is also scared of the bugs too, poor baby just stood there frozen while the bug flew on his face. Prob had to call a friend to help you HAHA
You know he's gnna hit those high notes, who's going to help you both in this state oh my god. "YOU'RE THE MAN. GO GET IT. " the bug flew away before you both could even do anything " Sunshine i drove it away!! " ".... YaaYyyy.... " *dies*
" HANSOL... " he looked at you confused literally deadass holding the now DEAD bug in his hands " what do I do with it? Throw it o-- " "NO! " bitch I thought you were scared of it " ... ill just do whatever "
He gets scared easily too so... hajimalago/j would be sassy about it " Why don't you get it! You saw it first " kind of guy you'd end up bickering with him too much that the bug decided to just dip out
The only guy who actually protected you HELP, you'd move to another room and let him take care of it. He'd keep reassuring you that you were fine and that the bug was gone, no more bugs will bother you anymore
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guilty-pleasures21 · 5 months
Yooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! You SUCK!
You guys are going to hate me for this.
And then you're going to hate me even more on Friday when I post part 3 😈.
0. The slow burn
1. There's too many. TOO MANY!!
2. It NEEDS to be EVEN sssslllllooooweeeeerrrrrr.
Part 1 - the new recruit
Part 2 - the depression
Part 3 - the gelato
Warnings: mentions of low mood, but no explicit description of mental illnesses.
     Miguel shook his leg nervously, hesitating. He should just forget about it, it wasn’t even that important anyway, it didn’t even matter. But then why did it keep weighing so heavily on him? “You don’t say it in front of anyone else!” 
     What? X swivelled her chair around to face him, getting even more confused when he didn’t elaborate. “What?” 
     He shouldn’t have said anything, mierda, he shouldn’t have said anything. He kept his gaze fixed on his desk, the back of his neck heating up in embarrassment.
     “You don’t say it … when there are other people around,” he mumbled. She leaned closer to him, still puzzled. 
     “Say what, Miguel?” He hesitated, his muscles tensing up as his nerves went on edge. 
     “Never mind, forget it.” He turned away from her, hunching over his desk as his leg began shaking beneath the table restlessly. 
     “No! Don’t do this to me, Miguel!” she pleaded, leaning over the back of her chair dramatically. “I hate it when people do that! If you’re going to bring something up, then you better finish it. I’m going to go insane otherwise - trying to figure it out.” He pursed his lips, contemplating his options. Finally, he shifted slightly, turning back to her a little. 
     “You never say that you love me,” he paused, his voice catching on the words, “when there are other people around. When someone else could hear it.” He looked up at her, lips twisted down at the ends, sorry expression on his face. He looked so cute, sitting there before her, waiting for her to tell him that he was deserving of her love. She snickered affectionately. 
     “What?” she asked him, amused. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, Miguel!” He narrowed his eyes at her, shooting her an exasperated look: ‘I think we’re already past that point, don’t you, arañita?’ 
     She grinned: ‘besides that.’ “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable in front of other people. I don't tell you that to show it off to other people. I tell you that because I want to make sure you know. I want you to know that, whatever happens, wherever you are in the world, there is at least one person out there who loves you, with all their heart. Who waits for you to come home everyday, safe and sound.”
     She swung herself back and forth in her chair, gaze fixed on him as she waited for his response. His expression softened as he considered her words, his lips twitching at the corners as he fought to hold back a smile. Someone waiting for him to come home everyday - he liked the sound of that; of a home. Of her creating a home out of this messed up place just because it had him in it. Just because of him. Just for her. She smiled when she saw him beginning to relax again. 
     “I don’t love you because, remember?” she reminded him teasingly. “I love you full stop.” He huffed, his smile widening as he rolled eyes and turned back to his screen. 
     “Get back to work, arañita - we've got too much to do today,” he told her. 
     “Sí, boss,” she replied, turning back to her computer. But she rolled over to him soon after, a suspicious smile pulling at her lips. “Do you … want me to-”
     “No.” She grinned at the immediate response and returned to her own computer. Then she glanced at the door, making sure no one was nearby to hear when she leaned over to him and whispered, “I love you, Miguel.” 
     He shook his head and turned away, unable to stop his smile this time. 
     He raised his wrist, checking his watch for the umpteenth time that day. Nothing. He lowered his hands back to the table and tapped his fingers on the hard surface, trying to focus on the code in front of him. Then he checked his watch again. Still nothing. He groaned in frustration and tapped on the screen, typing out a message to her. 
     ¿Qué pasa, arañita? (What's wrong, little spider?)
     ¿Dónde estás? (Where are you?)
     She tapped on the notification as it flashed up on the screen, opening it up to find a series of concerned messages from Miguel. She sank back into the sofa as she considered her reply. She didn’t want him to worry - it was nothing out of the ordinary, after all. Just something she’d have to deal with forever. 
     Estoy bien … (I'm fine.)
     I’m at home. 
     He jumped as his watch buzzed, clicking on the messages eagerly. She was definitely not ‘bien’. He could tell by the ellipses she’d added at the end of her sentence. But she wouldn’t tell him what was wrong if he asked her over text, he knew; he’d have to see her in person, when she wouldn’t be able to hide the emotions scrawled all over her face. 
     Are you alone? 
     He couldn’t bear the thought of her being all alone at home when she wasn’t feeling good. And it terrified him how worried he was about her, how much it upset him to think about her being upset … how much he wanted to make sure that cute little smile graced her features once again. 
     Yup. Why? 
     “Lyla,” he called out, tapping X’s coordinates into his watch. “I’m going to X’s.” 
     He hesitated as Lyla gave him an expectant look, knowing by the expression on his face that he had more to say. He didn’t know how long he’d be gone, how long it would take for him to make her feel better again. Would they fall asleep together? Like they had the last time? When she’d been there for him just as he wanted to be there for her now? “Let me know if anything comes up.” 
     “You got it, boss.” Lyla replied, understanding from his concerned tone that now probably wasn’t the best time to tease him about his feelings for X. He nodded, satisfied, and left. 
     She’d been lying on the sofa, mindlessly watching the television when Miguel suddenly stepped into her living room. She sat up immediately, her heart feeling much lighter when she saw his face. 
     “X?” he began, brows knitted together in concern as he rushed to her side. She looked exhausted - beaten down and defeated. And yet, the moment her eyes had landed on him, they’d lit up, her expression transforming into one of delight. “¿Qué pasa? Are you sick?” 
     He sank onto the sofa next to her, raising his hand to her forehead to check her temperature. She grinned and clasped his hand, twining their fingers together as she lowered it down to her lap. 
     “I’m not sick, Miguel,” she reassured him, an amused smile on her face. Then she lowered her head, squeezing his hand as she bit on her lip nervously. She released her grip on him. “I’m just … I get … sad, sometimes. Like, low moods? It’s just my period or something. I have PMDD, so that’s not fun.” She shrugged, trying to act nonchalant, trying to act like it wasn’t a big deal. But he saw right through her. He shuffled a little closer to her, then tilted her face up to his so she was looking at him. 
     “What’s it like?” he asked her carefully, unsure if she wanted to share such information with him. “Is there anything I can do to help?” 
     She clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms to try to stop the tears from building up behind her eyes at his concern. He was so sweet and so kind, so gentle and so caring. “I just … I’ve had depression, before, so it comes back sometimes, around my period. It’s something about my hormones or something.” 
     Her voice kept getting softer as she spoke, catching on her admission that she’d survived depression before. And it struck him like a punch to the gut, knowing that she’d had to go through that, she with her smile that lit up the whole world, with her heart that always seemed to have room for those who needed it, with her kind words and reassuring presence that always seemed to make everything that much easier, that much less … complicated. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to figure out what to say, how to make her feel better. But eventually, he gave up, settling instead on laying his arm on the headrest behind her, giving her the space to curl up against his side. She smiled softly and snuggled into him, her small form fitting so comfortably against him. Then she tilted her head back to look up at him, her eyes travelling over his features studiously. 
     “What?” he asked her. She pursed her lips in thought. 
     “Just making sure you’re real.” Her features broke into a grin after she’d said it and he relaxed, feeling the tension leave his own body. She’d be okay. He smirked down at her. 
     “I can assure you, arañita,” he told her, his voice low and soft as he leaned into her, “I am very, very real.” She bit down on her smile at the familiar words, curling her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest so he couldn’t see the shy expression on her face. And normally, he’d have reached out to push her hair away, revealing her features to him so he could see for himself the cute smile on her lips. But she’d wrapped herself so firmly around him that all he could think about was the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra right now and, carajo, he could feel her nipples getting hard as she snuggled up against him. 
     He’d tensed up suddenly, his muscles tightening as she relaxed into his side. Was something bothering him? She hoped he hadn’t pushed himself too hard today - he never knew when to take a break. She reached out and placed her hand on his knee, stroking it gently to try to calm him down. “How was your day, Miguel?” 
     F*ck, she was cute. Looking up at him with that adorable expression on her face. He clenched his fists and swallowed hard, his mouth watering at the feel of her against him, at all the parts of them that were touching, all the places where they brushed up against one another. He wrenched his gaze away from her. “It was all right. A little boring without you.” 
     She snickered and rested her head on his shoulder, beginning to trace small circles along his thigh with her fingernail now. “Doubt it. Your days are always a little too exciting, if anything.” 
     He sucked in a breath, trying to think about anything else but how close her fingers were to his centre right then. Anything else, Dios, por favor! 
     “Hmm …” she began suddenly, curling her fingers as she worked up the nerve to ask him the question. “Do you … want to go to the supermarket with me? Just … for fun?” 
     “For fun?” he repeated incredulously, his confusion finally drowning out his arousal. But then he looked down at her, at the hopeful expression on her face, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to say no. “Sure. Do you need to get anything though?” 
     She sat up, untangling herself from him, and he breathed a sigh of relief at finally being able to regain control of his thoughts. She tapped her lips, thinking. Then her eyes lit up with an idea. “We can make a banana split! I love those! I’ll only ever share them with my mum. Or my boyfriend someday.” 
     She gave him a mischievous smile and he gulped at the sight. Did she ever think about him being her boyfriend? Some day? He pushed aside the thought, knowing it could never happen, knowing they could never be together, no matter how badly either of them wanted it. He stood up. 
     “Uh, okay,” he relented, avoiding meeting her gaze. “I’ll just go get changed first.” Before he could even take a step, however, she’d grabbed onto his wrist, forcing him to return his attention back to her. 
     “Wait!” She let go of his wrist and sank back into the sofa. “You need to wear your pyjamas though.” 
     “M-My pyjamas?!” he echoed in disbelief. She couldn’t be serious, could she? Not with that naughty grin on her face. 
     “Well, still wear your underwear, of course,” she told him, ignoring his surprise. “But yeah! Pyjamas! You’ve never done a nighttime grocery run in your PJ’s?” 
     “No!” he shook his head quickly. “Of course not! ¡¿Por qué diablos haría eso?!” (Why the hell would I do that?!) She chuckled at his reaction. 
     “I dunno.” She shrugged. “Isn’t it just one of those uni student things?” She smiled up at him as she waited for his response. And again, he felt his resolve crumble at the sight. 
     “Vale, vale,” he agreed reluctantly. Then he sighed. “I’ll go put on my pyjamas.” 
     She peered through the glass door, perusing through the options in the freezer. “What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?” 
     “Uh, chocolate.” He shifted uncomfortably, still glancing around nervously in case anyone saw them. He’d thrown on one of his night shirts and a pair of sweatpants, so it wasn’t too bad. It still felt a little weird though, dressing down to go out. Not that anyone seemed to care anyway, not when she flashed that warm, welcoming smile at anyone they passed. 
     “Do you want to try coffee?” she asked him. 
     “Before bed?” he asked her incredulously. She pulled out the neapolitan instead and shrugged, placing it in the trolley he was leaning against. 
     “Coffee makes me sleepy.” 
     “Estás loca, arañita,” he informed her drily. (You’re crazy, little spider.) 
     “No! I think it’s because my body metabolises the caffeine really quickly. So I basically just crash,” she theorised. He rolled his eyes and sighed. But how nice it felt, strolling through the supermarket with her, pushing the trolley along as he followed behind her. She just had this way of making even the most menial of tasks feel like an adventure. His smile slipped slightly as he wondered if this was what she’d do with her husband one day: drag him through the supermarket in the dead of night just to get some ice cream. Would he play along? Would he do whatever it took to keep that bright smile on her face? He was a lucky man, her future husband. And he probably didn’t even deserve it. 
     She glanced over at him and noticed his features beginning to melt into a look of apprehension. Was something stressing him out at work? She never liked it when he got stressed out, when his eyes hardened as he gazed into the distance, his thoughts running a million miles a minute. He just had such a nice smile, his full lips curling up at the ends to reveal his pearly fangs, his eyes scrunching up at the ends as he looked down at her. It was too bad no one got to see it that often. She glanced up and down the aisle, confirming that it was empty before she went over to him, nudging him aside. 
     “Let me, Miguel.” He moved aside, confused, and she looked up at him, eyes lit up with mischief. “You’re going to hate me for this.” 
     She stepped up onto the wheel covers and pushed herself forward, gripping tightly onto the trolley as it launched itself down the aisle. Then, just before she reached the end, she hopped off, catching the vehicle before it smashed into the display. She turned to face him, a wide smile stretched across her face and he couldn’t help but smile back, even as he shook his head in disapproval. 
     “Estás realmente loca, arañita,” he notified her, snatching the trolley back. (You’re really crazy, little spider.) “Give this back before you break something.” She grinned, glad that she’d managed to bring one of those highly coveted smiles to his face. He was so handsome when he smiled. They finished getting the rest of the stuff she needed, then went over to the cashier to pay before leaving. She took out her phone once they'd stepped outside, her hands completely free thanks to Miguel’s insistence that he carry everything. 
     “What happened? Is everything okay?” he asked as she tapped at the screen, worried she might have received an important message from someone. 
     “It’s fine,” she waved him off. “Just wanted to play some music.” The metallic sound of a keyboard began flowing from her speakers as she said it, loud enough for the both of them to hear, but not enough to disturb any of the rare passersby out at this time of night. She took a deep breath. 
     “‘Don’t ever say you’re lonely, just lay your problems on me, and I’ll be waiting there for you’,” she sang along to the lyrics, gesturing to him and tapping on her shoulder as if she was telling him that. “‘The stars can be so blinding, when you get tired of fighting, you know the one you can look to.’” She waved at herself and his lips twisted at the ends as he watched her dance around, pointing at him occasionally like she was trying to get the point across to him. A warmth rushed through him at the sight of her smile, his heart starting to speed up in his chest. 
     “‘I know it’s been a long night, but now I’m here it’s all right, I’ve done my walking in your shoes.’” She grabbed his wrist and looked up at him, hopping down the street as she continued. “‘We’ll take each step together, ‘til you come back to centre, you know that I know the real you.’” He shook his head, fully smiling now as she stood in the middle of the street, turning her face to the sky as she bellowed out the lyrics to the chorus. She had such a beautiful voice, he didn’t think he’d ever get sick of it. She looked back at him, her curly hair tumbling down her shoulders as she smiled, delighting in the amused expression on his face. And in that moment, he didn’t think he’d care if the world fell apart around them, if everything went to pieces and nothing was left but the two of them, her beautiful smile reassuring him that everything would be alright as long as they had each other. He froze, terrified by the sudden thought. Because it was in that moment that he realised: he’d fallen in love with her. 
     She grabbed the can of whipped cream and held it over her bowl of ice cream. “And now for the final touch!” 
     She sprayed a generous amount of the cream onto her banana split, then leaned across the kitchen to aim it over Miguel’s. He’d been so distracted by his earlier realisation that he almost let her do it, burying his dessert the same way she’d smothered her own. 
     “¡Ay, no, no, no, arañita!” he scolded her quickly, reaching over to pry the can from her fingers. “¡Puedo hacerlo! I can do it myself.” But he couldn’t fall in love with her, not when they were from two different dimensions. Not when it would only end in heartbreak and loss with either the both of them losing each other or one of them losing the other. He sprayed a more reasonable amount of cream onto his dessert, setting the can down when he’d finished. X dug into her ice cream, making sure to get a bit of everything on her spoon before shoving it into her mouth. 
     “Mmm! It’s so good!” She closed her eyes and gave a contented sigh, completely oblivious to his thoughts. He chuckled at the dollop of whipped cream sitting on her nose, suddenly forgetting about his worries, and leaned over the island. 
     “Ven aquí, arañita.” (Come here, little spider.) He swiped the cream off her nose with his thumb, then brought it to his lips to lick it off. She stared at him stunned. Did he just …? And not even blink while doing it? She felt her cheeks heating up, even as he sat back and ate his ice cream like it meant nothing, doing the thing the hero always did in a cheesy romance story. 
     “Um, so what movie should we watch?” she asked him, trying to ignore the way her chest warmed at his actions. He pursed his lips in thought. 
     “What about one of the ones you said last time?” he suggested. “Barney or Simba or … Shahrukh Khan?” He tried to sound disinterested as he recited the names, not wanting to give away the fact that he’d searched them up right after she’d left, curious to know what she liked. But a purple dinosaur, a cartoon lion and a man old enough to be her dad told him nothing about what her type was. Not that he wanted to know what her type was. Or if he fit into it. 
     He’d remembered! She grinned at the fact, then pulled her laptop over to her. 
     “Yay! Okay, let’s do Shahrukh Khan. Oh my god, I love him so much! He’s just such a good actor! And such a nice person too! Probably.” She narrowed her eyes as she thought about it, but then shrugged it off, returning to her laptop to browse through her options instead. “Oh! But …” 
     She looked up at him suddenly, biting down on her lips as she flashed him a sheepish expression. “Hindi movies take, like, three hours long? But we can skip all the songs though! Unless they’re good. Hmm, let’s see.”
     She went back to her laptop, puzzling through the list in front of her. Finally, she decided on one. “Oh! We’ll watch this one!” 
     He opened his eyes, confused by the unfamiliar surroundings that came into view. Where was he? He felt a weight on his arm then and looked down to find X, her head resting on his shoulder as she curled up against him. He smiled at how cute she looked, blissfully asleep, her features so much more peaceful than they’d been when he’d first visited her yesterday. He reached up to brush the hair out of her face, but then his fingers froze mid-air, his entire body tensing up: he shouldn’t - he couldn’t. Not when it would only end in heartbreak and loss. He curled his fingers into a fist and lowered his hand reluctantly, moving it away from her. Then he began the painful process of untangling himself from her, his body physically aching at having to be separated from her. She was just so soft and so small, like a little toy he could cuddle as he fell asleep. But he couldn’t - he shouldn’t. Not when they’d never be able to end up together anyway. A sigh fell from his lips as he sat up and she stretched herself out, getting up as well. She pushed herself up and blinked at him sleepily, and he found himself grinding his teeth together at how adorable she always looked when she’d first gotten up - they’d fallen asleep together far too many times for two people who weren’t even seeing each other. Far too many times for two people who couldn’t ever be together. “Did you sleep well, arañita?”
     His voice was still heavy with sleep, deep and warm, and a spark shot through her chest at the sound. He looked so good in his soft cotton shirt, his wavy hair uncharacteristically mussed as he waited for her response. She nodded. 
     “Mmhmm.” She leaned forward on her hands, her curly hair falling around her shoulders as she smiled at him. “You?” 
      She was too pretty, way too pretty for her own good. And he could just imagine her, sitting in that position with his shirt on, the oversized material slipping off her shoulder and revealing her tanned skin to him. Coño, she was cute. He looked away, fixing his eyes instead on the quilt she’d pulled over from her bed last night, tucking the both of them into it as they’d curled up on the pull-out to watch the movie. He shrugged.
     “I slept fine.” It was an understatement - he’d slept much better than fine; much better than he had in a long time. Better, even, than the last time they’d fallen asleep together. But he couldn’t help it - not when it felt so right, holding her in his arms like that. He pushed himself off the sofa. “I’m, uh, gonna head back. I’ll see you later?” 
     She nodded enthusiastically, always excited to see him again, even after they’d just spent an entire night together. “See you later, Miguel!” 
     And just like that, she was smiling again - just like that, she was fine again. Just because of him. His cheeks heated up at the thought and he lowered his head, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Uh, hasta luego, arañita.” (Uh, see you later, little spider.) 
     “So? How are things going with you and Miguel?” Preethi asked X, her eyes narrowing with mischief at the question. She was another variant of Peter Parker, from a city much like Pav’s Mumbattan. She was only about a year or two older than X and the two of them had fallen into an easy friendship rather quickly. X bit her lip, her stomach flipping over at the very mention of him. 
     “Um, good, I guess. He’s really nice to me.” She lowered her head, letting her hair fall over her face to hide her smile. Preethi rolled her eyes, lips curled into an amused smile. 
     “I’ve noticed. I think everyone’s noticed by now.” She paused to take a bite of her food. “The question is, what are you guys going to do about it?” X hesitated, pushing her own food around her place. 
     “I don’t know,” she admitted nervously. “I mean, I don’t even know if he actually feel the same way as I do. Or not.” Preethi raised an eyebrow at X’s sudden dip in mood. Then she reached over, placing a reassuring hand on X’s forearm. 
     “Hey.” She waited until X looked up at her. “He definitely feels the same way.” She leaned back in her seat and fixed X with a knowing smile. 
     “It’s so obvious that we’ve all got a bet going on about how long it’s going to take for him to tell you,” Preethi confessed to her, watching for her reaction. X lit up at the revelation. 
     “Really?” She still couldn’t quite believe it though: that someone like him could possibly feel the same way about her as she did for him. He was just so smart and so handsome and so frickin’ hot. And she was just her. Preethi nodded enthusiastically. 
     “Yes! How could he not fall in love with you? Look at you!” Preethi gestured to her general being. “You know at least half the guys here are in love with you, right?” 
     X brushed her hair behind her ear, giving her an embarrassed smile. She rolled her eyes. “Baas karja, Preethi.” (Enough, Preethi.) 
     “It’s true!” Preethi insisted. “They’re all just too scared of Miguel to say anything.” X bit her lip, excited by the very thought. Miguel? Scaring everyone off because he liked her and didn’t want anyone else to? 
     “So … what are the estimates?” she asked Preethi, curling one leg beneath her. “How long does everyone think it’s going to take?” 
     “Hmm,” Preethi considered the options, taking another bite of her burger. “It’s between two weeks to one year.” X’s jaw dropped open in disbelief. 
     “One year?!” she repeated, horrified. Preethi waved away her concerns quickly. 
     “Those are just the one who don’t know Miguel that well yet. They just think he's some big, scary robot that hates everything.” X frowned at the thought. She hated it when people thought of him like that, like he wasn’t an actual living human being himself, with his own worries and concerns. If only they knew how many times she’d sat together with him on the rooftop, keeping him company while he processed his grief or anxiety in silence, always making sure she was there to pull him out of it when it got too bad. Maybe then they’d understand why he cared so much. 
     “Don’t worry,” Preethi told her, noticing her reaction to the statement. “They’ll get over it. We all know Miguel’s actually a big softie.” X nodded thoughtfully, agreeing with the argument. 
     “I think it’s going to take one month. Tops,” Preethi informed her, popping a fry into her mouth. “The guys all think it’s going to take two weeks. Maximum. But that’s just because they’re guys.” She leaned back in her seat and gave X a suggestive look. X scrunched her eyebrows together, confused. 
     “Huh? What do you mean?” Preethi wiggled her eyebrows at her, widening her eyes knowingly. 
     “You know. Guys with their ‘brains’?” She winked at her. “None of them think Miguel’s going to be able to control himself that much longer.” X’s lips parted in surprise at Preethi’s meaning finally dawned on her. 
     “Oh!” She squeezed her legs together, getting flustered by the very thought. She smiled. “Oh.” 
     Miguel? Thinking about her in that way? The very idea was enough to make her wet between the legs. “You … You think he thinks about me? Like that?” 
     Preethi scoffed with disbelief. 
     “Of course!” She smirked at X, raising an eyebrow suggestively. “Have you seen the way he looks at you?” 
     X’s stomach gave another flip. “Um, no? How does he look at me?” 
     “Like he wants to eat you up.” X’s eyes widened with embarrassment. 
     “Preethi!” She reached across the table to slap her arm, smiling. “You can’t say stuff like that in public!”
     “Hey, you asked!” 
     “Asked what?” Preethi and X jumped in their seats, startled by the sudden appearance of Miguel behind them. Then X shook herself back to reality. 
     “Nothing! Nothing!” She leaned against the table, trying to act all nonchalant, her lips still stretched in a stupidly wide smile. “What are you doing, Miguel?” 
     He clenched his fists, trying to maintain a straight face - because he’d heard. He’d heard everything they’d said: her insecurities about whether or not he even really like her, other guys at HQ thinking they were half in love with her - he hadn’t liked hearing that - him looking like he wanted to eat her up … He looked away, trying not to think too hard about that last one, trying to stop his mouth from watering at the very thought of picking her up and devouring her whole. P*ta madre, she was cute. Why had he come here again? 
     “Uh, I …” he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Because he’d wanted to see her. He hadn’t been sure if she’d arrived yet or not, so he’d thought to check the canteen, what with it being her lunchtime and her having her gastric issues and whatnot. He glanced down at the table, his eyes landing on their half-eaten lunches. “I was hungry!” 
     Miguel slid onto the bench next to her, his thigh pressing against hers over the small surface area. He pulled his hands into his lap, trying to minimise their contact, and gestured to her food. “Can you get me some?” 
     X grinned, mistaking the reason for his discomfort as him being in the canteen rather than him listening in on her earlier conversation. She climbed out of her seat. “Sure!” 
     Preethi leaned forward once she’d gone, resting her elbows on the table and fixing Miguel with a devious smile. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “What?” 
     “Nothing.” She shrugged, trying to act casual as she leaned back in her seat. “Just … You didn’t really come here for the food, did you?” Miguel looked down at his hands, trying to figure out how honest he wanted to be right now. But Preethi was her friend - she cared about her just as much as he did. He slid his gaze over to X, her face lit up with that beautiful smile as she made conversation with the Spider serving the food. His jaw tightened. 
     “If it’s so obvious, then why …” Why couldn’t she tell? Why did she just continue to wait for him? Why didn’t she push him to make a move? Preethi followed Miguel’s gaze, understanding his thoughts perfectly. 
     “Well, she’s never been in a relationship before,” Preethi pointed out. “How could she possibly know what to do?” His leg began shaking beneath the table at the reminder. He hated that she could be so insecure in herself. She was so sweet and so caring and so pretty and it upset him to think that she’d still never properly received all the love she deserved. X returned to the table, setting his food down in front of him before squeezing back into her seat beside him. Her features scrunched up with concern as she noticed the way his shoulders had hunched with tension. She reached up to place a hand on one and he relaxed almost instantly. 
     “Everything okay, Miguel?” He looked down at her and his expression softened, his lips curling into the smallest of smiles. 
     “Everything’s fine, arañita.” She grinned, relieved. Then she pushed herself to her knees and reached over to steal a fry off his tray. She bit into it. 
     “Let me know if you’re still hungry,” she told him, her eyes glinting with mischief. “I can always get you another if this isn’t enough.” She popped the rest of the fry into her mouth and lowered herself back into her seat. He groaned. 
     “Ugh, one will be fine, arañita.” But his lips curled at the ends anyway at her joke. 
Tags: @leahnicole1219 @heubstr
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moth-apocalypse · 3 months
Trying my hand at posting fanfic, except I wanted to project onto my ghoul oc ... (please be nice ill cry im so nervous about sharing any writing/j)
around 800 words of me projecting my chronic pain onto Pyre below !
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It had been a long day for the small ghoul, yet there was still so much left to do. Pyre glanced at the list that Papa had given him (and tried to ignore how he still wasn't used to seeing Copia's name there, not Terzo,) and sighed as he checked off the tasks he had done. There were some things Pyre had never really fully regained after having his element ripped from him, and everyone knew his short-term memory was absolutely one of those things.
His next task was to get the boxes of supplies from the front hall, and then take them to the infirmary. Not too bad, Pyre thought as he walked to the front of the ministry building, waving to most of the people he passed. He noticed how his knees and hips were starting to ache a bit, but he shrugged it off. He had felt worse. When he finally saw the supplies, he tried to hide his dread as a Sister handed the boxes to him with a cheery face. The boxes were so heavy, and the infirmary was on the other side of the building – not something that was going to help the growing aches in his legs. The Sister seemed to notice the ghouls discomfort as she apologized for how much there was to carry, but Pyre waved her off with a smile. He knew it wasn't her fault. It wasn't anyone's. He really should be used to the heavy lifting right now. He was summoned to carry the heavy equipment of the touring ghouls – why was carrying some boxes a struggle now..?
He was determined though, and would never leave tasks he was supposed to do for someone else. So he picked up the boxes, and started walking. When he finally got into the infirmary, he was too focused on the boxes to see how Aether flinched, or the concerned look on Omega's face. He placed the boxes down and looked at them with a very forced smile. “Here ya go!” he said cheerily. “All the supplies you ordered. One box of bandages, some more blood pressure cuffs, and—”
“Pyre,” Aether interrupted, a horrified look on his face, “What the fuck.” Pyre looked over, genuinely confused. But before he could speak, Omega was making him sit on one of the infirmary beds. 
“What? Did I do something wrong?” Pyre asked nervously. He looked over the boxes, trying to figure out if he had missed something.
Omega sat Pyre down and waved Aether away, before looking at Pyre with an exhausted look and sighing.
“Remember how I told you how all our quintessence is connected?” Omega asked.
“And remember how that means we can all feel how the others are feeling if we don't make an effort to hide it?” Pyre looked confused, trying to figure out what Omega was implying before Omega just said it outright. “We can feel how you're feeling right now. And how the hell are you standing?”
Pyre tilted his head, as he continued to look at Omega in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Pyre, don't play dumb,” Omega said with a sigh, his tail swatting behind him in irritation, “I can tell you're in pain. You're making my legs feel like they're about to fall off. I can only imagine how bad it is for you.”
“...Ohhhhh….” Pyre mumbled to themself, as they realized the issue. He looked at Omega and went to stand, but that was quickly met with them being pushed back to sit down. “I'm fine! That's just how I always feel. It's fine.”
Omega paused, looking even more concerned. “Sorry… Always?” Pyre nodded, not understanding the issue. He’d just always assumed it was just another effect of his element being taken, and then having a new one forced in. It had messed with his vessel in other ways, he just assumed this was another way. Omega looked sadly at the smaller quint, knowing thats what Pyre was thinking. “Pyre, thats not normal. Youre going to go back to the den, and rest, alright? And if you feel this bad again, you come to me, or Aether, or anyone else. Got it?”
Pyre immediately went to protest. He had work to still get done! “But—”
“No,” Omega interrupted firmly. “No arguing. Ill ask someone else to finish up your last few errands. I'm not letting you work like this. Not right now, when we don't have a plan on how to manage your pain.” The larger ghoul helped Pyre stand, using some of his magic to calm his pains as he led him to the infirmary door. “Right to the den. And rest. No arguing about it.” He said again, just to get it in his mind. 
“And don't think you have to deal with it alone.”
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minjunz · 2 years
could you do the fluff alphabet with haechan pls?
(finally a post i’m so sorry for the wait aaah!!!)
i had to google this bc i didn’t know it was a thing 😭 cr to @/snk-warriors
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fluff alphabet with jaemin! (gn reader)
A ctivities - jaemin likes to spend most of his time with you indoors lazing around - watching movies, sleeping, playing games together etc just being soft and cozy.
B eauty - he thinks everything about you is perfect. literally everything.
C omfort - i think he would try his best to offer you words of comfort and gentle touches, probably trying not to overwhelm you
D reams - you’re his everything so he wants to grow old with you and a cat. he’s already got his pension planned out im sure he can picture you in his future
E qual - jaemin can be whatever you need in a relationship. if you’re more dominant he’ll be more passive, if you’re more passive he can be more dominant. (i don’t really know what this one means)
F ight - any and all fights with jaemin are resolved in the same day. he hates being mad at you and hates when you’re mad at him.
G ratitude - he’ll thank you for everything you do, no matter how small. he’ll make a big show of thanking you for something like making him a cup of coffee or brushing his hair. he appreciates you so much and needs you to know it.
H onesty - he’s completely honest and transparent with you but sometimes it’s hard for you to tell what’s the actual truth and what’s a joke.
I nspiration - you both made each other better people. that’s all
J ealousy - he doesn’t get jealous easily but when he does you’ll know it. he’ll be extra clingy and pouty unless you show him he’s your one and only
K iss - jaemin is a good kisser i just know it. he can be sweet and gentle or passionate and intimate, a versatile kisser if you will
L ove Confession - he never actually confessed to you, you both just started being lovey dovey and went with it
M arriage - he definitely wants to marry you someday, but he’ll wait a million years if you’re not ready yet
N icknames - i think he would call you things like “sweetheart” and “darling” ironically to make you cringe, but he actually mostly calls you “babe”
O n Cloud Nine - he’s clingy and touchy with everyone so it was a little hard for others to realise you two were dating at first, but the long gazes and smiles while your back was turned gave it away. he’s not especially romantic but he does a lot of little things that he wouldn’t do for his friends behind closed doors. he’s smitten with you even if you can’t tell.
P DA - he doesn’t really care too much to brag about you or show you off, but he likes to embarrass you by kissing your cheek or your neck in front of your friends. he also always has to have his hand somewhere on you just to make himself feel comfortable.
Q uirk - jaemin has some kind of sixth sense that always knows when you’re hungry. as soon as you even think about eating, he’s coming out of the kitchen with food or picking up his keys to take you out
R omance - i don’t think he’d do anything super cringey like spelling your name in rose petals (he’s not mark) but he definitely makes an effort to show you how much he loves you
S upport - he will literally always support you no matter what you choose to do with your life
T hrill - jaemin prefers the safety of familiarity, he’s not too keen on constantly spicing things up
U nderstanding - he probably knows you better than you know yourself, and he always hears you out when you have a defence
V alue - you’re the most important thing in his life. end of.
W ild Card - he impulsively buys every cute thing he sees that reminds him of you. he’s running out of space to put them all.
X OXO - jaemin LOVES kissing you and cuddling you. he can’t go a day without holding you and refuses to go to sleep if you’re not in his arms
Y earning - if he’s away for a while he’ll message you every day to make sure you’re eating, call you every night to tell you he loves you, and send you “i miss you” texts every morning. the poor man can’t cope without you.
Z eal - he would put his life and aspirations on hold for you if he needed to.
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inkwell-and-dagger · 2 months
there's such a difference between what dew thinks about captivity and what ruaridh thinks of it... while dew had a life before he was taken captive, ruaridh has never had any experience in the world prior to being abandoned by derwyn after their transformation. they see the prospect of being a lab rat and are indifferent to it because it's all they've ever known, meanwhile dew wants to return to his life instead of being an experiment
imagine ruaridh asking oh so innocently about why dew wants to go outside so bad, hitting dew with the good ol': "but why would you want to leave? this is your home, our home, right?"
...and then cue dew painstakingly explaining to ruaridh what society is /j
anyway they're so different but can relate to each other on so many levels and I just think that's neat. I feel like ruaridh would preen / tend to dew's wings for him when he can't reach and dew would help ru learn to walk with their new funky ahh legs
anyway tagging @whumpy-wyrms (sorry if this gets annoying) for the sillies and because dew is not my oc
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newyorkkiss · 9 months
135, 119, 100 :D
100: whats your most listened to playlist?
my general listening diary which i've been curating since i was 16 lol
135: what’s a music pet peeve of yours?
hm. intentional record crackling on a track. awful stuff, especially if it actually runs throughout and you can hear it. really can't stand it. there's defs other ones but that one just seems to be the one on my mind rn
119: What music did you grow up on?
putting this last bc i wnna put a post cut here cuz im just gonna go on awhile SORRY this one means a bit.
i'm putting * next to my all time albums here
for the first 13 years of my life, i would say it's 70/80s chart hits through my parents, and modern pop radio on my own. mostly the latter. the first song i ever became aware of was nelly furtado's maneater when i was 5. most of what i really did grow up around was pop radio like your generic local station shit. then my parents got cable when i was 7 which introduced me to more... curated things? i'm gonna speak in australian pay tv networks and artists here i'm sorry i hate speaking like this. but [v] (may it rest in peace for its shuttering is easily one of the worst losses i've ever experienced) was like my slow awakening to my more "alternative" tastes than the general packaged pop i'd been so used to at that point, in the way it was mostly just 2008-12 peak era (imo) triple j buzz bands and that kind of thing. artists i really remember getting into that time because of that were the presets – who'd just released apocalypso* at this point – and ladyhawke* – who had just released her self titled debut (another all timer.) very related is that modular (the label that issued these albums, and of tame impala fame) genuinely had some fucking top tier albums out in 2008, like van she's v and another all timer and pitchfork best new album in ghost colours* by cut copy. insane year for them, but back to me. i was really getting into listening to the weekly top 40 on radio around this time too. my local station was mostly syndicated programming from 2day from a certain hour. like their usual weekdaily thing was their morning show which i have never heard for some reason, then it was just local in house selected garbage that i have permanently seered into my mind now until 3 when they started the pre-record syndicated stuff like hamish and andy or kyle and jackie o. which after 5pm is when The Fucking Goods happened and you got the ill-fated hot 30 which was pretty much became a ritual thing for me when i was 9 until it was canceled when i was 11. on weekends i would listen to my beloved take 40 which i continued doing up until i was 12 and gained a proper internet connection. when i think back on this time period it it's kinda crazy how much music i was listening to and the fact it was just something i did and didn't know anybody else who was like crazy deep in music like this. but it did give me my extensive knowledge of 2000s/early 2010s popular music which i've been curating in a playlist since i was 15 that was just a comfort list turned mutant.
but the turning point in my taste came when i was 12 and got an non-poor person internet connection aka wifi, an ipad and a dream. at this point i was slowly moving away from charts and into full albums – something i never really did. one of the first albums i owned was rogue trader's here comes the drums* and that until katy perry's teenage dream were like the only albums i'd heard back to back. first album i brought in 2013 was ellie goulding's halcyon* and i pretty much burnt it to my pc and listened to it and it only for like 6 months of the year, before buying calvin harris' 18 months* on itunes when they did that u have 3 singles from this album u can buy the rest for $6 thing. by this time i was starting to get on socials and drift into fandom. one of the first ones was dan & phil who are big fans of muse and spoke about how origin of symmetry* is their fave album by them and i was like, damn i gotta check this out. from that point onwards for another like 6 months was the only album and first discogs ever sought out and listened to. through being in that fandom i started getting into music circles which happened right at the biggest turning point of my life. by mid 2014 i'd started to venture into the 2014 tumblr-core stuff; sky ferreira, vampire weekend, the strokes, grimes and twigs, and my first super hyperfixated musical act, foster the people. i was on indie twitter by this point and consumed by it and had completely stopped and refused to listen to top 40 radio which i still don't do. by 2015 i'd basically crafted my alternative taste and begun collecting vinyl. here's my top artists from my old last.fm to illustrate where i am as a 14 year old:
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it pretty much stayed like this for somewhat unchanged until 2017 when i got a spotify subscription and started listening to radiohead a fair bit lol. by early 2018 i was starting to listen to fantano-core stuff and by extension got into post-punk, iceage-ajacent bands which led me to posh isolation and started my interest in noise/ambient stuff. late 2019 i started listening to the brixton windmill-ajacent bands like black midi and bc,nr and started using rateyourmusic and just discovering things over time.
im sorry that this is so long and i dont expect anybody to read this lmao 😭
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saintshigaraki · 2 years
A penny for your thoughts? And by thoughts I mean book recommendations I feel like you’ve got some good ones 🤲🏼
anon my beloved <33 of course!! im way too lazy to go back and look at what I've recommended before so some (or maybe even a lot) of these might be repeat recommendations, so im sorry in advance for that lmaoo
medieval/early christianity recommendations make up the bulk of these as that's usually what i actively seek out, so there's not a huge variety rip
holy feast and holy fast, fragmentation and redemption, and jesus as mother are all by caroline walker bynum and i can not stress enough that if you're even slightly interested in medieval christianity, she's the perfect introduction. interesting, informative, and relatively easy to understand even if you've never delved into the subject matter before. there's a reason she's the first i go to when people ask for recs.
gendered voices edited by catherine mooney. a collection of essays about female saints and their interpreters. another relatively easy-to-understand intro to medieval christianity.
medieval women's visionary literature edited by elizabeth petroff. an AMAZING collection of primary sources focused on female religious figures in early christianity (specifically the visionaries as seen in the title) truly can not recommend this enough. super informative introductions to all the primary sources which, again, makes it accessible to people who haven't really studied the subject matter before.
clare of assisi and the thirteenth-century church by catherine mooney. this one im a little more hesitant to recommend simply because the focus of it is so narrow as it is mainly centered around clare of assisi (though i think she is fascinating) but its also super informative about the state of the Church in the 13th century and the politics at play during that time, so i think it's worth checking out.
the burden of flesh by teresa shaw. centered around female ascetic practices in the early church, mostly fasting related. i recommend reading it and then reading rudolph bell's holy anorexia. shaw covers some of the earlier practices and bell covers mid to late medieval practices (from what i remember).
body and soul: essays on medieval women and mysticism edited by elizabeth petroff. as the title shows, this is another collection of essays. if you are at all interested in mystics i really cant recommend this enough. one of my favorite collections besides gendered voices.
if you're at all interested in the type of consumption i talk about on here from time to time what's eating you: food and horror on screen edited by cynthia j miller is a must read. i come back to it constantly.
i think later ill circle back and add some poetry recommendations, or hopefully ill just be able to like. find the post I've done on it and link it. i hope you find any of these useful and/or interesting!!
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immortal-enemies · 2 years
I dont think Ill read twp forme cc is too much influenced by fandom and at the same time dont taking them into account. For example sobh started as something to know more about Rupert and Tatiana then switched to Kit (fan favourite) and then more Jessa making them seen as perfect parents which they arent . Kit is a character with so much potential but if ahe continues this way shell make him a jace 2.0 erasing all his personality. Other thing she says she loved alastair but he appears like ten pages in a 400 pg book so…
I understand not wanting to read TWP, but I highly disagree that it'll be influenced by the fandom at all. Maybe a few scenes will be fan service-y (even then, CC isn't a fan service-y author as far as I know, tho I might not have been in this fandom as long as you) but over all, I think CC has had a fairly solid view on what's going to happen in TWP since before TDA. I genuinely don't think it'll be much influenced by fandom.
About SOBH, it wasn't about Tatiana or Rupert at all, they were just characters who were relevant to it. We didn't learn ANYTHING about Rupert and nothing NEW about Tatiana, so I don't really understand what you mean there. Sorry sksnsksjsk
It was about Emma and Julian restoring Blackthorn Hall.
I personally can't complain abt SOBH mainly focusing on Kit in this end part, because I'm a LOT more invested now, but I know that from the start it wasn't meant to center around Kit THIS much in the end. The reason we got so many post about Kit was because Chain of Thorns got pushed back, so CC wanted to continue SOBH longer, and learning more abt Kit and the whole Mina kidnapped arc was what came of it. At least, Mina getting kidnapped was. I do think pretty much everything else was going to happen, if slightly different 🤔
And yes, Jessa aren't good parents. Thank you. (/gen)
I honestly don't think Kit IS getting turned into Jace, I know Kit's "jace-ification' thing was like a meme in this fandom for a hot sec but I just kinda roll my eyes at those posts bc Kit NEVER seemed like Jace in literally ANY way, and Emma's the only one who ever really compared the two (consistently tho). But hey, everyone has their different views :) mine are just better (/j)
Ehhhhhhhhh abt the Alastair thing, she probably really does love his character, he's just not very relevant to the story of TLH as a whole. The story isn't about him. CC also loves Gwyn and Diana but over the entire course of TDA they got about as much page time as Alastair did in only CHOG.
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wibblyparfait · 1 year
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normally i'd wait to post doodles n just do it all in one go but. ysee ive been having Ilis brainrot and i need to ramble abt all the lil factoids thatve formed since the last time i yelled abt them 🏃‍♂️ SHDBDB
(aka OC Rambles under the cut BUT otherwise. enjoy the manager treating Ilis to some better ego for once. theyd still rather wear the Rudolta suit cuz They R Making A Statement BUT yk!!! kinda swag to have some better drip every so often!!! or at least their Sephirot seems to think so <3 SHFJDJFB!!!!!!!)
Hes an orphan!! which. shouldnt b surprising cuz The City Sure Is A Fuck but!!! at least in his orphanage he had two mom figures as his caretakers 👍!!!!!
Said orphanage was p well off for a while so thats how he. could afford a fuck-it expense like a tail augment but ofc that status couldnt rly last + he just!!! wanted to repay his moms for taking care of him so!!!! into Abnorm Capitalism he goes!!!!! 
Honestly?? just vibing for the most part. Yea sure its hellish being in a place where u can die anytime from wack ass monsters but!!! being on the resident Everything Is Fine And Ok In Welfare team + on Talk To The Abnorms To Keep Them Happy duty w Attachment work does wonders for this silly extroverted mfer :) 
Now no one tell him that cuz of the whole time fuckery inside the facility hes probably died a million times from all sorts of usual LobCorp deaths and that all his hard work might b for naught since his moms + the orphanage mightve been fucked over by Usual City Happenings while hes been away oops- 
Its fine!! Everything’s fine!!! Ilis is living their best life as stated earlier!!!! maybe a little too good of a life since theyre a lil too eager to help sometimes and just Asserts Assistance more often than not but!!! hey it works out for his coworkers so >:)!!!! 
(the only thing the Manager wont let him assert assistance on is working with Alephs but. lets b real thats a blessing cuz Ilis would teach Blue Star how to do a lil boogie/J AKJHGHGFDJD) 
ACTUALLY SPEAKING OF OTHER CURSED THINGS im so sorry he doesnt like strong coffee </3 sacrilege to the Welfare team i know/J (re: dw ik Chesed’s rly chill abt coffee dislikers but despite being a Chesed-kisser he’ll have an americano (aka coffee-flavored water/J) at best and prefers fizzy drinks otherwise 😩 DFKGJHFD) 
And while im thinking abt ops on Sephirah. ngl Ilis woulda loved to work with either Disciplinary or Training at first since!!! those departments line up w/ how he feels most helpful (re: taking care of abnorms b4 they can do harm + teaching ppl w protocols) BUT he was transferred to Briah b4 he could properly meet Hod and is still too much of a coward to properly face abnorms on the front line (+ now thinks he would get vaporized by Gebura for that/J) so. whoops 🤷
and now. the part where i get even more unhinged over incoherent OCxCanon thoughts (why is their ship name Chilis why is their ship name Chilis why is th-/JJ/LH DFKGJFD) 
Honest to god theyre both hopeless workaholics what the fuck. but also at least Ilis refuses to let Chesed cover some of his work and goes to take his mug back to the breakroom whenever hes done dminking/brings him some more coffee as soon as hes back from Sephirah meetings n whatnot ✨ and whenever Ilis is inevitably lying face-down on the ground after a long day’s work + avoiding abnorms breaching left and right Chesed needs no other excuse to let him rest in a safe room and offer a warm drink of choice to help ease the exhaustion :)
(pre-core suppression there prolly isnt much for Chesed to do anyway + It Is Not Fun Possibly Watching This One Nugget That Never Stops Trying To Lend A Hand To Anyone And You Included Die Over And Over In How Many Loops but. shh post-suppression he can finally let himself get attached proper and let Ilis support him and his new resolve Not Just Cuz It Apparently Makes Ilis Happy To Help And He Might As Well Keep His Employees Happy However He Can but also cuz everything he does is appreciated in general 🥺) 
(meanwhile jumpcut to Ilis generally having his shit together and being the emotional support in LC despite his Chaotic Workaholism Tendencies until he finds out afterwards + possibly in Ruina that. gestures to the point abt his moms and the orphanage. but shh thats for future me to figure out i havent gotten that far yet KFDGJD) 
ACTUALLY WAIT SPEAKING OF RUINA u know how the assistant librarians have to get used to using actual weapons instead of the ego ones?? stares at Ilis possibly getting physically stronger. stares at him Looking At His BF With Affectionate Ill Intent. get carried 4head >:) 
(lets b real Ilis has prolly been waiting to Commit Carry cuz. he rly looked at a marketable box and went “yeah thats friendshaped i wonder if i can pick that up like a cat” KFDGFKDJ)
in general can u tell Ilis is the more outwardly affectionate one?? even if tables get turned he just starts vibrating in place like JFHFDKGHDKJ!!!!!!!!! (<- Happi.) hes just like that <3 (tho tbf Chesed doesnt rly seem like the type to get flustered and esp not once hes living his somewhat-best-life in Ruina but shh let Ilis get :)!!!! whenever his affections and unprompted favors r accepted in stride 😌 KFJFGFD)
actually wait while im still thinking abt Ruina it must b weird seeing Ilis w/o the Void Dream gift BUT that is also a problem for future me 👍
IN THE MEANTIME BACK TO UNHINGED SILLIES Ilis is the type to talk to abnorms hes working with like. Fragment of the Universe could say some incoherent mindmelting shit and theyd just b there scribbling important notes into their clipboard while also going “right thats exactly what ive been saying :O”/JJJ DFGKHFDKJ
also if it wasnt obvious Ilis’ tail is prehensile. as an augmentation it prolly has some combat functionality but for the most part he either uses it to drag coworkers away during serious emergencies or have it wag for him during silly moments KJHFGF
Double Also. theres no actual reason he covers his eye (for now perhaps.) its just. style yk 😌 JFJDHGKDF
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tommyye · 9 months
Your intellectually challenged questions addressed (as brilliant and anonymous as they supposedly are)
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Breaking this into sections.
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The 'assault' at the concert was me splashing a quarter a can of beer. It soaked her her hoodie pocket, and I even got kicked out of the venue for that. Not let back in as bystanders watched, and subsequently was humuliated by friends for rest of the night.
So correct, It wasn't an accident, and if I can press charges on myself I would. Do understand, however, by no justification but it's that I've just been so humiliated over the week (due of an allegation involving some name of some redhead I never fucking even know but talked to once for three seconds at a shitty fucking house party a month or two back). So maybe J never deserved any of this, I know.
But 'assault' here is that I had a bleeding nose, a punctured tire, and many of my electronics smashed. (I have pictures but god forbid I am not gonna post them here)
In love, all unequal could become equal I guess, but honestly. I do feel guilty though. I really do. If I can covet those charges instead, I would too.
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This situation is extremely complicated and it's awkward as fuck to explain but since cat's out of the box I will address this. I felt stripped of my self worth for time and simply just wanted to vanish from everyone forever and be done with everybody for good. I bought a one way ticket for a missed flight from YYZ to HCMC (I can provide this ticket evidence for anyone who wants to see this). I never BRAGGED about this to anyone. Anyone who thinks I kiss and tell can fucking bite me. At that time I thought I was just leaving everybody for good because I've been so worn out and defeated, and just thought I could confide in a person who I thought was one of my best bro's for so long. So much for that. Never in my life I'd ever wanna hurt her, and certainly doing that will hurt her. I could even delve down into a deeper rabbit hole as to what may motivate a male friend to speak to her the way he does, but for now I won't even go there.
Does it make what happened right, no. But I was tweaked out and not myself for the past two/three months. It's been a wake-up call, a huge stepping stone and deep learning curve.
I'm sorry. But at end of the day that love isn't reserved for anyone else but y__.
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I am mostly troubled by this last piece. No, I did NOT call to report her, that's fucked up. But there was a passerby, a female in a vehicle did this, because somehow she saw the beating, along with neighbours outside their houses that witnessed all of this. If you don't take my words for this, then I'm hoping eventual disclosure document will reveal all of this.
As for what the report had in it which was 'messed up that I said those things', I wanna know what exactly was in those reports because I haven't seen the report. But if it's about the usage of drugs, I can explain this one easily: at the time, they were simply asking me quick Yes/No/Choice types of questions. Like "do they have illnesses" and "do they use alcohol or drugs"? The questions ran through really quickly, and I didn't know what to say at that point... As I recall, I was just like 'yes we share & bump certain shit together'. I never explicitly went out of my way to suggest maybe she was under the influence of intoxicants when she did what she did, or use that fact against her to warrant an arrest (given that I'm around that shit more than she is!) Please understand this point. It was hard for me say the right things at the spur of the moment. Again, I was dazed out, confused, and I felt like maybe cops knew everything about me anyways, so why fucking lie. Again, a month before this very incident, I was arrested/apprehended on the same block with copious amount of shit in my pocket and they just discharged me from the hospital with it all given back to me. I would have never thought they woulda went this far with her. You say the wrong things that pisses them off or incriminates you, they'll arrest you. You talk to them the right way, you may get away with quite a lotta shit. But honestly, in lieu of what happened with this particular situation, it was really hard to draw a balance of how to most correctly answer their questions at that time. There was a lot of emotions from my end. I do wish I could have handled it all better.
But truth be told, given how it all turned out, obviously I did NOT know what I was doing. What was I trying to do? Get my partner put in fucking jail? If you really think this way though, then I encourage you to please come through, and have an actual word with me.
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polybiusplayer · 9 months
OKAY!!! uhh ill be sending these in as i think of em :] STARTING OFF:
whats nine and ten's relationship like there?? like we've seen juice interacting with both but as far as im aware, no nine n ten interactions which has me very curious. ID IMAGINE theres. obviously a bit of protectiveness there but asides from that i have NO CLUE what you have in mind for these guys and i am staring abnormally. Whats Their Deal
FINALLY after starting to write this response out like 3 times and getting distracted or busy I can sit down and do this. Tehe. Beware of long incoming rant as I take this opportunity to explain a bunch of other stuff along the way.
I am so sorry. I talk a lot. Here we go.
Ten and nines relationship throughout the au goes through a lot of changes.
They’ve always been very close, since before the moment and well after. They both learnt how to cope with the nature of humanity and immortality, and how to come to terms with purposelessness. That is until Nine found out about the mission NASA was working on. that mission being sending a crew to deep space to go “where no human, robot, or satellite had been before.” It was a big deal to them, they still longed for a meaning in life like this. That was before everyone figured out there wasn’t much out there, and that life should be centred around what we already have. This was when people were RUSHING to create and to drive humanity further and further, in these early stages progress was all that mattered, and Nine wanted to be a part of it.
So Nine and Ten, and their friend Juice, they went through the training program together, and they formed the crew that would eventually go into space to hopefully discover the unknown.
Nine and Ten were always close, they supported each other, they are siblings after all. They both tried to make sense of the new world presented to them.
Now I’m not sure if my sort of, summery, really explained this well. I looked at my old posts and they really don’t have much. But the plan was always for 9 10 and J to be put into a deep sleep for a couple thousand years to get to deep space, the idea was that it would essentially function as a time skip for them so that they wouldn’t go CRAZY trying to get far away from earth. So for a while they all slept and then 10 and J woke up right on schedule. (Not in the year 17776, because that’s around when Nine wakes up) I sort of intended for this au to at least sort of parallel the story beats of the original.
But when Nine didn’t wake up and what was left of NASA basically told Ten “I unno man.” She tried for such a long time to wake them up, there was something fucked up with the system and nothing was working. Nine was out, alive and well, but not awake.
Ten never really knew if they were going to wake up, and after long enough she tried to focus herself on her mission (finding anything interesting in space) and on Juice, hes a bit of a screwball as we know. She never gave up on them though, no matter how hopeless it seemed there was always something in her mind basically pleading for Nine to wake up. but she unintentionally started almost, grieving, the loss of Nine. Years and years passed when Nine was always right there, but never really There. It was weird for her to live out the life Nine so desperately wanted without them around. And for her to experience everything without them, something she had never had to do in her life up to that point. It was hard.
Then Nine wakes up. First it’s relief, because godamned she missed them, so fucking much. But then it’s concerned.
I guess my twist with this au is that being asleep for that long fucked with Nines memory, they can’t really remember Ten, they can FEEL their love and trust for her, but have a lack of memories to link that back to. They also can’t remember the moment, immorality, anything.
You’re right, Ten is protective!! She’s determined to never let anything hurt them like this again, but she’s also confused too, and a bit hurt. She’s not going to portray that to Nine, because she knows that’s not what they need right now. But she just got them back and they don’t even know who she is.
She cares about them so much, and Nine trusts her so so much and doesn’t even know why.
It’s like in the opening chapter of 17776 when Ten talks to them for the first time and she says “i love you” and Nine says it back without any hesitation. They don’t know who she is, or what any of this is or what it means or even who they are, but they know they love Ten.
Their relationship is strained as first because of this, Nine feels like they can’t be who Ten remembers because Nine doesn’t even remember themself. But things ease out, because even without the memories, they’re still Nine, and she can see it in the way they talk and get passionate about things and their inquisitive nature.
Jesus how long have I been typing does this even answer the question I DONT KNOW IM SO SORRY if you read this all I’m actually so impressed. It’s 4:30 am so if there’s typos just ignore them
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rrxnjun · 1 year
AHH I HOPE U FOUND SOME ARTISTS SINCE THEN!!! AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR TAKING TIME OUT OF UR DAY AND TRANSLATING FOR ME!! IM SURE U ARE VERY BUSY AS WELL SO THANK U SO MUCH I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!!🥹🥹💝💓 and my god the lyrics are so☹️☹️☹️ it's just such a great song and now it even got so much better with understanding it!!!🥲
WELL IF IT DOES HAPPEN I WILL BE HERE XD parents smh /j (but like actually i understand them cuz traveling alone can be risky☹️) thank u i hope we will figure something out if it does happen🥹🥹
I LOVE UR POSTS THERE LMAO SO DONT BE SORRY and ofc i agree!!! zach was my fav from the why dont we boys🤭 OH MY I HAVENT HEARD ABOUT THE VAMPS IN AGES damn now i'm gonna go and listen to them😵‍💫(also saw that u turned into a treasure stan🫣 and ur take on jikjin!! it's such a great song glad u listened to it!!!)
(liebestraum anon💕 and sorry if i disappear again and for writing a lot i swear i will try and keep it short for once☹️)
AHH ITS TOTALLY OKAY!!!! cant say i didnt miss you but i ofc understand that u have your own life and responsibilities and such,, so dont worry about it🤍🤍 AND THANK U SM AGAIN!!!
DJDJSJ MY CHENLE FIC IS FUN BUT THEN IT GETS DEPRESSING REAL QUICK SO UHHH HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR SOME ANGST ;-; (also i started rewriting liebestraum. just thought i'd let you know<3)
im super glad u enjoyed my translation!! the lyrics are really screamable in my opinion,,, and i also hope i did them justice however i bet i did a better job than all of the ones i saw online :p its not the best artistic lyricism but i like it nonetheless DJSK sometimes u need simple songs to jam to.
travelling alone COULD be risky </3 me and my uni friends randomly travelled to vienna last week because it was warm out and we thought our seasonal depression was finally over and i love me some spontaneous decisions but also it was so anxiety inducing bc it was my first time going abroad with no supervision 😭😭 we had SO much fun but also the stress we were put through to find the bus platform back home ??? never again. was so bad that i broke my 5 month streak of not smoking bc i had to calm myself down somehow and then i was put through the stress of buying cigarettes in german when i caNT SPEAK GOOD GERMAN but 10/10 i would do it again and it made me more confident abt travelling with friends so i WILL drag my equally spontaneous uni friends to budapest as soon as i can. (please tell me they speak at least a little english there)
wait do u rlly bc i think im so annoying on there sometimes like girl chill😭😭 but ZACH WAS ALWAYS MY FAV TOO altho i did have a daniel phase. I havent listened to the vamps in ages either i should catch up or sum ;-;
omg dont mention the teumefication of bar i wont admit it to myself yet DHSKSK however jikjin is now my fav song and i fear seeing my 2023 spotify wrapped bc of it now. ive also been watching a concerning amount of treasure map and finding myself in love with jihoon but thats...not important rn.
ill be waiting for u liebestraum anon!!! dw abt sending long asks i always look forward to them🤍 hope your days are filled with joy mwah
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wooahaes · 2 years
I kept wanting to message you again and again but aaah life keeps taking over >_< Anyway, as you might have guessed: it's layton anon here Did you manage to do your discussion board post or are you still on it? Hope it goes well<3 My essay is... uhm... yeah let's just say I'm working on it haha
OMG THE HAND HOLDING THING Y/N AND CHAN ARE LITERAL OTTERS THAT'S SO CUTE T-T (also istg UtS gives me so much cuddle envy I too want to sleep in a comfy cuddle pile)
same with jakob as a unit, he's just not it. But his quotes are superbe~ also yess the short, sassy quotes are so good fjdhfjh
I think you're really writing cheol so well. You found a good way to describe the dynamics between the members in general, it feels very on point to me. Sometimes it's super tiny things that make me go "oh!! that's so like them!!"
........... why did you have to say that about cheol always being in love with reader in every route why must you break my heart in this way (but also him putting her happiness first is so hfjshckejjhfj-- i' m fI nE)
reminds me i have to catch up with vernon and seungkwan's parts I'm so excited to read them!! I'll let you know when I did hehe~ Also I really get what you said about 10 wreckers at all times like. same. I'd say my biases are cheol and hao (tho chan has been dangerously close to join their circle one too many times hdjhfdj) but I literally love all of them sm T-T
i hope you're doing okay and are taking care of yourself! ily<3
hiii lovely <3 i hope things are going well for you tho!! sometimes life gets busy! no biggie, take care of urself <3 ur wellbeing comes first! also yeah ive got discussion board posts done hehe i have a paper due sunday but i think i'm gonna start working on it tomorrow unless we get confirmation that game nights gonna be tomorrow? good luck on the essay tho!!
god... mood tho i ALSO want a cuddle pile with ppl i love and trust. but yeah they're otters <3 he literally holds yn's hand all the time like. bestie just wants to hold a hand!! its for the comfort <3
i talked abt this with a friend btw abt jakob and felicia i think is who u get if u play as a guy? i never understood that. like im guessing its for romance stuff but if you can/will get both anyway??? why not give the player someone they'd realistically have as a butler/maid to watch after them???
aaa thank u!! the tiny things might literally just be me pulling from actual things they've said/done hehe but im glad i can capture things well!! i usually second guess myself sometimes but its reassuring to hear things like this :3 i love writing cheol tho. if i dont get whiny cheol in UtS at least somewhere tho i s2g ill delete /j
this only makes it worse but cheol is Not the only one who is always in love w reader in every route <3 like there's always at least two ppl who are in love w reader in every single route (cheol being one), maybe three. its all a matter of them all wanting to see yn happy instead of keeping them for themself <3
aaa thank u ill look forward to hearing ur thoughts then!! sorry in advance for seungkwan and all the fighting his has /j
i have started appreciating cheol a Lot more over this past year tbh? like i only got into svt last october-ish (whenever attacca dropped, i dont remember right offhand) and he wasnt rly high on my list. i just appreciate him and all he does for the group while also being like... the POUTIEST man sometimes. seungkwan doesnt say he loves him back and cheol is just like >:( carats would never treat me like this smh. get u a man who can do both.
hao truly is an artist and i can deeply appreciate that aspect of him even if he's not like. high on my list? like i love svt as a whole but i full yknow tht i love other members more (even if they arent my biases). i think i really appreciate how much of himself hao puts into what he does. he's so passionate about what he does. also hai cheng made me cry so ill never forgive him for tht /hj
(no but rly i did break down crying the first & only time i listened/watched the mv and i cannot bring myself to listen again bc i think i'll cry again if i do. beautiful song tho, i just do not want to cry lmao)
im doing fine! i had an eye appointment yesterday and had my eyes dilated so that was a bit of a pain to deal with, but im getting new glasses! my prescription has changed Slightly so thankfully no headaches or anything lol only thing fucking w me now is allergies since pollen is UP rn and i hate it </3 summer class is almost over tho!! im going to enjoy my less than a month of chilling lol i dont even have a proper final for this class, i just have to edit my papers and resubmit them <3
i hope you're doing well, though! take care of yourself <3 get ur essay done when u can!! i believe in u <3 its always lovely to hear from you!!
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