#//frosty speaks
underratedgrapeju1ce · 5 months
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more rankin bass stuff cause autism got hands
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dogwittaablog · 3 months
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frostios · 1 year
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based on true events </3 (first pic drawn by @balancedrhythms !)
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27-royal-teas · 10 months
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some princes dont become kings... 👑
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lovepoem · 5 months
coach z: i recently experienced gender euphoria after senior cardage called me 'ma'am' when he caught me eating a corpse in an alleyway ^_^ strong bad: Not to show emotion but jesus christ
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sdr2lovemail · 5 months
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Frye save me…. Save me Frye…. Frye please
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chilapis · 12 days
my monthly overthrow the tsaritsa post. you do not need to owe your loyalty to anyone but me i think. abandon your god for the prettiest wife this universe could ever provide a warrior. Ajax I’m speaking directly into your ear
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z-ppy · 2 months
the order: keep your vehicles at a walking pace, and this is important -- keep a good distance from these people bravo 2: *immediately start carrying bags and babies and turning humvees into hayrides*
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easays · 3 months
fisting machine
fisting machine
fisting machine
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bumpscosity · 3 months
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@ staff add button eyes so my plushie twins can be true plushies pretty pleeeeease
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 4 months
Silver & Gold - Chapter Six
CW: all the smut, as always. Photography/videography. Emotions and things. The typical fluffiness.
Prompts fulfilled; ’30. Self-Worth/Self-Love’, @flufftober; ‘I’m Not a Hero, I’m…’, @multifandom-flash Dozen; ‘Camming in Festive Undies’, The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep (@darcylewisbingohq); ‘Traditions’, Winter Wonderland Bingo @seasonaldelightsbingo; ‘Peppering Kissing All Over Their Face’, Winter Wonderland Bingo; ‘Deep Throating’ and ‘Fingering’, @fandom-free-bingo (Frosty Edition).
Lia gives Yoshi one hell of a birthday surprise.
Cards below! Check it out on AO3 here, or below the KR! Dividers by @jiyascepter - aren't they cute? ^.^
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I woke early, the golden light creeping through the gap in the curtains curling around small amounts of dust and making them swirl, colours scattering across the metal of my boy’s arms as he snored softly, curled up against my side.
My fingers caressed his hair lightly, a small, contented smile flickering over his parted lips as he pulled me closer unconsciously. “Mmm… S’nice…”
I grinned to myself, kissing his sweet, sleepy forehead, smoothing a few stray strands from his brow tenderly. “Good morning… Birthday boy.”
One eye parted minutely, grey seeking green with a lopsided smile. “Oh… So it is…”
My fingers found his chin, tipping his head up delicately to claim his lips with mine. “Would you like your present, Silver?”
His other eye opened, and he grinned a little wider, the steel depths sparkling with joy. “You’re all the gift I need, Swan. … But yes, please.”
I laughed and kissed his nose, shaking my head fondly as I shimmied from his embrace.
“Wait here.”
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I’d once done something not entirely dissimilar, a lifetime ago. But then I’d not been alone – I’d been able to rely on the confidence of others to buoy myself.
And this time…
My fingers toyed with the strap of the camera shyly, then the curve of fur barely dipping over my chest, taking a slow, stabilising breath, smoothing the skirt that barely covered my scantily-clad ass.
I could hear him shifting about in the bed, no doubt impatient to have me return to him, and inhaled once more before opening the door.
I revelled in the way his eyes widened as he took me in, trailing along the sheer stockings, pausing at the hem of the short dress as he swallowed hungrily, before continuing up, following the curve of my waist, his jaw twitching minutely at my breasts barely restrained by the skin-tight garment. “I-I, uh… Hi.”
My lips tipped up in a smile, eyelashes fluttering. “Hey, Silver.” He simply let out a soft, wordless noise in response, and I giggled. “Suave as ever, huh?”
Blinking repeatedly, he shook his head to snap back to attention, emitting a quiet huff of wonder. “You look… Delectable. God, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”
I blushed as I raised the camera, free hand smoothing my hair shyly. “Well… I thought you want might some... Um, enduring evidence of this..."
The sound that came from his throat was somewhere between a groan and a growl as he gestured me closer, fingers flashing in the golden light. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
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I lay back on the black sheets, staring up at him through my lashes adoringly. He’d taken a little while to gain his confidence, but now he instructed me eagerly, fingers caressing every inch of available skin while he maneuvered me. I giggled as I slowly inched down the zipper that lead between my breasts – feeling, for once, just as beautiful and loved as he told me I was. The way his jaw – and boxers – grew tighter as I exposed the ebony lace barely cupping my breasts made me squirm in delight, and he licked his lips as I tossed the dress at him playfully.
“That’s it, Swan; God, you’re so stunning…” His voice came hushed and reverent as he reached out to grasp my ankle with a grin, eliciting a shriek of delight as he tugged me closer, crimson hair trailing behind me as I laughed. He snapped a few more photos as I giggled, his own smile growing wider. “I like seeing you so happy. I love seeing you so comfortable in your own skin…”
I beamed in response, fingertips brushing the very edge of the partially see-through panties and making his muscles tremble in response. “It’s easier to have a little self-love when you look at me the way you do, Soldier.”
He opened his mouth to reply, but any words he intended to utter died in his throat as I slid my hand slowly into my underwear, back arching as I touched myself gently, my eyes still on his. His crooked grin twitched intermittently, far more focused on my ministrations than his facial expression, his breath hitching audibly when I let out a quiet whine. “Mmm- Y’know, that camera has video functions… How about you put it down and join me?”
Jaw working wordlessly for a second, he blinked in surprise, then grinned once more, his gaze flicking back to my face with mild shyness. “Or… How about I record this first, and then get some footage of you screaming for me, Swan?”
I gulped and nodded eagerly, the idea of him wanting to preserve this for later use instantly amplifying the wetness between my legs. “Yes, Sir…” I sighed happily, back arching a little. “Why don’t you tell me what you want to see, Silver?”
He swallowed again, moving a little closer. “Well… I think you’re wearing too many clothes, for sure…” I sat up slightly with a purr, but his hand found my chest gently, pushing me back. “Oh, I didn’t tell you to stop, my sweet girl.” His fingers curled around the centre of my bra, eyes seeking mine for clarification and grinning when I frantically nodded once more. The pressure was quick and firm, my breasts spilling free as the lace tore in a seemingly-effortless motion, and I moaned quietly, my free hand moving to toy with a nipple enthusiastically. His displays of strength always left me weak and soaked, and this was no exception; my fingers moved a little more firmly over my clit as I panted and writhed, the silver eyes on me driving me closer.
His hand shifted to the lace at my hip, but these, he preserved – he placed the camera gently on the bed, still pointing at me as he tenderly slid down my underwear, trailing kisses along the pale skin of my legs and eliciting a giggle.
By the time he rose again, I had my hand shyly concealing my wetness, and he arched a brow. “You know what I want to see, Swan… Show me that gorgeous pussy?”
The tone of his voice was gentle, and the knowledge that this was firmly a suggestion, a request, and not a command made me tremble and move my fingers aside, legs spreading further as his breath hitched. “You make me so wet, Silver…” I purred, and he groaned quietly, shaking his head as he put the camera down once more.
“Can’t do it. Can’t help myself,” he muttered under his breath. I opened my mouth with a frown, intending to ask what he meant – but his face eagerly pressed against my pussy answered the question, cool fingers brushing over my slit briefly before two slid inside me. I gasped and moaned in surprise and delight, back arching, my hands tangling in this gossamer hair to hold him close to me as his tongue explored my wetness.
“Fuck- God, Yoshitsune, yes,” I whimpered, pressing myself nearer. He groaned against my flesh happily, free hand raising to find my breast and pin my torso effortlessly to the bed as he rolled my nipple exquisitely between his fingers. My entire body felt alight and alive, each nerve singing under his careful strumming into a perfect, irreplaceable symphony.
His fingers curled inside me, and I whined, suddenly shy once more, biting my lip as I glanced down at him. “Y-Yoshi, if you do- I can’t-”
Somehow, despite my stammering, he seemingly understood me, his eyes meeting mine as he raised an eyebrow, deliberately finding my sweet spot once more as he moved his hand a little more firmly inside me. I groaned in delight, back arching to press myself closer as best I could despite the arm along my body, lost in the feeling of his tongue on me, his fingers working me so effortlessly.
The moment I began to spill, he drew his hand back, burying his face more thoroughly between my legs as I jerked and whimpered, letting out a deafening groan of his own as he eagerly lapped up everything I had to offer him.
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By the time he looked up at me once more, having trailed his tongue along every inch of my wet pussy with steadfast determination, I was blushing profusely, hand cupped in front of my mouth sheepishly. “I tried to warn you! I-”
He shook his head, moving to pin me, scrubbing a hand over his face to chase away the last of the droplets. “Not a word, little one. That was incredible.” His cock pressed against me lightly, clarifyingly, through the thin cotton of his shorts, but I shook my head, palm finding his damp chest. Panic flashed briefly across his features, and I couldn’t help but giggle fondly, rolling my eyes.
“Calm down, Yoshitsune… I just want to be on my knees first.” He gulped and nodded, rolling quickly, and I smirked as he readjusted the camera when I moved to kneel on the floor eagerly. “Enjoying your birthday present?”
“We might have to make this a tradition,” he murmured, ethereal grey eyes sparkling, hand wrapping tenderly in my hair. I purred, pressing gentle kisses to the outline of his straining length, earning a quiet sigh for my effort as my fingertips wrapped in the waistband of his shorts.
As always, the sight of him leaking and aching – for me – made me tremble with delight. The notion that I never failed to arouse him was something I was still struggling to accept at times, despite the hard evidence before me. I trailed my tongue slowly along his cock, soft, happy sounds slipping from my parted lips, fingers tightening infinitesimally on his hips at the sharp gasp he emitted when I took his tip in my mouth. The grip on my hair stiffed minutely as he shifted forward, and I moaned as best I could around him, taking him slowly. When he brushed the back of my throat, he began to draw back until I held him fast, my hands tight on him as I swallowed around him.
The grunt of pleasure as I took him into my throat made my eyes close with joy, pressing him further into me happily, entirely uncaring about the tears pricking my lash line and the beginnings of a burn in my lungs as they protested the lack of oxygen. He let me sit there for a moment, every inch of him buried inside me, before pulling back with a soft huff of amusement, raising an eyebrow when I inhaled sharply. “Remember to breathe, my sweet girl. I love having my cock in your throat, but it isn’t worth you dying for.”
I drew away just long enough to gasp a little longer, licking my lips where they’d cracked from stretching around him, and looked up at him with a plead in my gaze. “I’d beg to differ myself, but if you say so…” Driving myself back forward, I moaned around him happily as his cock slid back into my throat. My hands tightened on his hips once more, spurring him on as he started to roll his hip more forcefully. Eyes finding his face, I trembled in delight as his flushed, parted lips and the beads of moisture still clinging to scruff along the cut of his jaw, forgetting everything but my love for this man for a heartbeat at the shining depths of my lover’s captivating steel gaze.
He really is my everything.
A low groan snapped me back to the moment, and I dragged my tongue adoringly along the base of his cock, a zing of pleasure sparking through my dripping pussy at his hiss of delight. The steel fingers in my hair guided me back, gentle but firm, and he grinned with adoration and amusement as I pouted when his tip slipped free from my mouth. “Don’t worry, sweet girl… I’m not finished with you yet.”
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I blushed shyly as he settled back against the headboard, the camera in one hand, the other extended to me. “Come here, Swan… Come and make yourself feel so, so good…”
My finger entwined with his, a soft purr rumbling in my chest as I straddled his hips. He released his grip on me to hold himself steady as I finally took his length inside me, eyelids fluttering in pleasure, but his gaze never left mine as I whimpered quietly. “That’s it, my gorgeous girl. God, you feel so good… I can’t ever get enough of you…”
Hands finding his shoulders, I leant in to kiss him deeply, settling fully onto his cock and rocking my hips. I heard a distant clatter as he fumbled to put down the camera before his fingers pressed firm against my back, holding me tight to his chest, returning my kiss just as eagerly. All too soon, however, I had to pull back, gasping for breath as I worked myself a little more energetically atop him. “Fuck- Yoshitsune…”
He grasped my hip tight, the metal embrace sure to leave cherished marks, and encouraged my pace, his jaw twitching in pleasure. “Feels good, baby? Having my cock buried inside you like this, letting you take control of me?”
I nodded eagerly, nails scraping hard down his chest as my head fell back, stars sparking behind my vision. “Yes! Oh, god, yes… Please – fuck, I can’t take it, I-I can’t-”
With a low growl, he moved quickly, pinning me to the mattress and tangling a hand in my hair as his hips slammed into mine. I cried out in pleasure as he bit at my throat, free hand snaking between us to caress my clit with earth-shattering precision. “That’s it, Swan. Sing for me. I want you to come for me, sweetheart… Clench that tight, pretty pussy around my cock and scream my name.”
I couldn’t help but obey, the combination of his words, his deep, powerful thrusts and talented touch making my eyes roll back and my vocal chords ache from my deafening moans as I hurtled toward my climax. He fucked me ever harder as his name fell from bitten lips, my hands clutching desperately at his shoulders, seeking some form of purchase – something, anything, to keep me grounded, as my blood turned to stardust.
Ever the gentleman and disciplined soldier, it wasn’t until my cries had died to weak sobs of pleasure, twitching and jerking beneath him, that his hips met mine for a final time, groaning against my throat as he filled me. I purred contentedly when he paused and drew back to meet my eyes, raising a lazy, exhausted hand to caress his cheek, wiping a droplet of sweat from his forehead with a tired smile. “Yoshitsune…”
I leant up as much as my jellified muscles allowed, pressing my lips to his, gentle but firm. “I love you.”
He laughed quietly – breathless and adoring – and kissed me again, pressing his forehead to mine as he cupped the back of my neck. “I love you too, my Swan. Always.”
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We lay together in tangled, sweat-damp sheets, legs entwined, as I drew patterns on his chest with a gentle fingertip. “You’re a superhero.”
Another fond laugh, and his cheek found my hair. “Is that so? Because I can make you scream?”
I could hear the smirk in his voice, and I rolled my eyes fondly, resting my chin on his chest to look up at him with a smile. “No. Well – yes, that’s… Amazing. But no.” I paused for a moment, watching my finger before glancing up again shyly. “You’re… Everything. You’re the reason I’m still here, you know? When you found me, I was… I wasn’t in a good place.” My gaze met his, sincere and steady, hand resting over his heart. “I wouldn’t have lived this life if you hadn’t found your place in it. You’re the reason I wanted anything to do with particular reality I found myself in, and didn’t just let myself… Dissolve. You’re the reason I’m alive, Yoshitsune, my beautiful silver soldier – my soulmate.” My fingertips found his jaw, cupping his face gently and skimming a thumb over his cheekbone with tender affection. “I thought I knew what life was. But… Everything has changed. Oh, how I love you, my sweet boy. Nothing life could throw at me now wouldn’t be worth this. I’d endure the circles of Hell just to look into your eyes.”
The steel swam minutely, and he pulled me closer, peppering gentle kisses over my face as a few of his tears salted my skin. “I’m no hero, Swan. I’m just… Yours.”
“Mine,” I agreed quietly, tangling my hands in his hair again to kiss him softly. “Always.”
“Always, Aurelia.”
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normalgirllai · 11 months
how u been girl 😻😁
girl. let me tell you. tell me why today i ordered a LARGE wendys frosty from uber eats and i waited for the girl to get to my house n guess what she did. she delivered it to the WRONG HOUSE 😒 n i couldn't walk to the house or anything because the house was literally on the whole other side of the pond 🙁
other than that i've been good, HOW HAVE YOU BEENNNNN 🫶🏽
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safyresky · 2 years
Crystal Springs Chapter 4: Small Talk
So anyway, y'all remember this?
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Chapter 4 did, in fact, get it. And I fully, 100%, shored it up with the intention of doing this to you all:
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So anyway, enjoy!
(Hopefully Chapter 5 still holds up! Feel free to read Crystal Springs from the start here :)
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deadbeatbirdmom · 2 months
Now that it's been confirmed you are the Real Raven Branwen as assigned by Tumblr.com, would you care to comment on the status of your relationship with Cinder Fall?
Never heard of her.
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27-royal-teas · 1 year
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we’ve gone way too fast for way too long… 🌊
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homosociallyyours · 1 month
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