#[My People] Khajiit
yanavaseva · 10 months
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Another character in the Elder Scrolls series for @ry13mc
Hurzhar is the model of a Khajiit of Leisure. He is one son of an aristocratic clan of Senchal in Pellitine, Elsweyr. His clan owns Moon Sugar, Saltrice, and various other plantations along with with a handful of merchant ships. Hurzhar was something of a disappointment to his family due to his carousing. He preferred to while his days away in the city playing music, feasting, and dueling. His bardic nature eventually compelled him to leave Southern Elsweyr and find new songs and tales abroad, where he wrote about the places he went and the stories of those he met, immortalizing them in book and song.
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fangsandsoftgrass · 15 days
Some little things abt them :)))
Cirwedhs favorite spot to kiss is Fenns palms, while his are her knuckles. She also likes touching and kissing his face, like just idly or otherwise she just likes to feel the shapes and angles of his features skin-to-skin.
He likes her ears particularly, and often calls her his leaf-eared love/lover. Partially because of the way they curl but also bc of her tattoos, and when they twitch like an animal of sorts when she's actively listening or emoting (makes sense bc she's literally a lycanthrope she is his scary dog LMAO)
Despite her residual shame over the circumstances surrounding her condition (being a devoted follower of the Green Pact but willingly becoming a Lycanthrope ect.), Fennorian makes it a point to compliment her more wolfish habits or patterns. Like the way her nails have grown thick and claw-like, they feel nice tracing patterns across his skin. Or the way she goes for the throat whether it be with words or teeth. But more than her more wild habits he loves seeing the way she interacts with the life around her and how in-tune she is with herself and her abilities. She might try to hide her condition and make excuses for her sharp teeth and crazy hair (it's wayyyy longer and wilder than what the game has as a cosmetic option so you'll only get to see it in art or writing) but he LOVES those things abt her because they are a part of her and every inch if her being is perfect to him. Yes he makes little whispered compliments and it makes her embarrassingly flustered. Every time.
Likewise, Cirwedh has a certain fondness for his more vampiric features. His fangs are a fixation of hers even though she herself has sharpened teeth it's not really the same because hers are, again, more wolfish than fang-y. Her weird little thing she does is like, tap them when he smiles or yawns. She just tap tap! And it always catches him off guard but makes him laugh so she just keeps doing it.
Also when they hold hands it's funny bc his hand is so big she just kinda holds whatever she can and it's usually like a few fingers or just the side of his hand
While there's a pretty big height difference between Bosmer and Altmer, there's also a general size difference between them because Fennorian is so lanky and Cirwedh is so NOT. Probably one of his favorite things about her is her soft features. (Fuck Bosmer being only skinny they are literally KNOWN to be lazy and follow a very fatty diet of meat and animal products they would absolutely be bigger. Plus muscle doesn't always look lean. Spinners of all people would be heavier set since they just sit around and tell stories they literally have others carry them when they need to travel.)
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venacoeurva · 1 year
oblivion makes me miss hand to hand so BAD Tes6 PLEASE,
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dawns-beauty · 7 months
I think I'm going to cut back on the work I put into mods and especially making patches for them.
If so few people bother to come back and endorse mods, why should I even think they liked them enough to actually use them?
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ervona · 2 months
atp I could just accept that I have no canon hero for any of the tes games that'd be funny. Llether is involved in Oblivion but not the main quest lol
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otvlanga · 1 year
finally making a Skyrim/elderscrolls persona I can’t decide if I should be a dunmer or an Altmer
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
ok i know that elder scrolls lore is kinda really not great at times but the Redguards (aka The Only People Of Colour) literally being the only human race in the elder scrolls to not share any common ancestors with the other human races (aka, All Of The White People) feels really fucking racist.
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
If you ever felt like recording your character voices, I would LOVE to hear them!!!
not gonna lie I've thought about it!! it's been a bit of a back and forth struggle between 'the voice is A Part Of It so I kinda want people to know' vs 'the mortifying ordeal of doing silly voices and bad accents on The Internet' lmaooo BUT... if there's actual outside interest, that has some weight, I have to admit 🤔
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nulfaga · 2 years
#thinking about it now and just off the top of my head there was that One argonian oc#there was amal the hammer (but then again that whole artist was a mess)#there was that half-elf character whose epithet was literally ''half-breed'' iirc? like as a jazzy ooh he's reclaiming it kind of thing?#then ofc an endless slew of whitewashed nazirs#and people reliably leaving like ''step on me murder daddy'' type comments on any drawing of him#and like any non transformative discussion of redguards in general sucks by definition because the source material sucks#and this is a small thing but it always bothered me how there's no internal logic to redguard names in the same way there is with others#ie imperial names are roman/italian inspired and occasionally slavic#breton names are french and nordic names are norse go figure#khajiit and dunmer names draw from a partially established conlang and/or an established system of honorifics#altmer and bosmer have the pop culturally recognized pool of elfy names with love to lotr (and a smidgeon of conlang if i'm not wrong)#but redguards have flip flopped between tes3-5 in kind of a distinct way#like morrowind names would be just random consonant clusters like chard or blerb or what have you#(with iirc a few ''vaguely arabic/african'' names in there for flavor)#oblivion tended towards contemporary english and black american names#(eg alonzo; trayvond; tamika)#and i think skyrim leaned into like the 14th century moorish vibe and tended towards arab names#which if that's the wave of the future i'm not mad at it. i know i will be mad about whatever orientalist bullshit is coming but hey#que sera sera
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saxhleel · 2 years
Maybe I should post a list of the mods I use for Skyrim and have it pinned somewhere on my blog
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what-even-is-thiss · 10 days
You know in the elder scrolls lore some Khajiit are shaped like actual cats and don’t have thumbs and need help with certain activities like getting dressed.
Another thing about Khajiit is that their version of the mad god Sheogorath appears as a skooma addicted small cat. The kind without thumbs.
So obviously these thumbless cats can get addicted to skooma. They’re people. They can do the drugs.
My question is though that skooma is a drinkable drug. It comes in corked bottles. Do these poor bastards need to go to their friends with thumbs and ask them to put their drugs in a little bowl for them? I mean this would apply to alcohol too.
Hey man can you pour some illegal drug into that bowl over there for me? Yeah the one next to my water bowl, thanks. I want to get high and stupid.
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angiemaniac · 4 months
A question about Dagoth Ur
I don’t normally do rambles on main but, I actually have a question that has itched the back of my mind. And I figured more of the TES lore masters can answer or discuss
How does Dagoth Ur actually react to a non-Dunmer Nerevarine?
Yeah I see a lot of jokes about the whole “farm tool” stuff for Argonians and Khajiits on other sites. Plus, that one meme of a Dagoth Ur AI meet up with an Argonian, but I want to actually know his honest thoughts on one that isn’t a Dunmer.
After all there were indications such as a dream sequence where it quotes: “purge the n’wah from Morrowind!”
And, during the first meeting he stated he wanted to “drive the mongrel dogs of the Empire from Morrowind”
It begs the question also how he would react to one that is an Imperial as well.
Maybe I haven’t been looking in the right places but I figured to ask the fellow people on here that are the best are crafting theories and reasoning on here too!
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dawns-beauty · 5 days
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I spent all day yesterday working on an armor mod tweak, and I'm not sure if I can share it on the Nexus.
It's based on Hedge Mage Armor which has closed permissions and the author doesn't seem to be active (I did send a message.)
That being said, there are a couple patches out there that the authors didn't seem to get permission for (including one that replaces the plugin), so ??? maybe mine would be okay?
It is an plugin replacer that removes all the scripted stuff (including broken scripts), makes the mod an ESPFE, converts it to the correct plugin type for SSE, and adds crafting.
There is also a tweaks module that basically patches two other patches: the male version and the recolors addon. What this means is that male and beast race character can now wear all the recolors. I've also added a lowered hood mesh (pictured) for all recolors and edited the male Khajiit armor (because the original from the male version was way bigger than the regular male armor for some reason?)
The other option is just putting it on my mod blog, but then if there any issues with it very few people try to actually let me know.
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throughtrialbyfire · 11 months
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part 2 of my Thalmor jewelry headcanons! in part 1, i explored the most popular options for earrings/earcuffs within the Thalmor, and today i'm showing some of my other concepts!
i'll be going into more detail below the readmore, but since i saw some people asking in the tags of the last post, yes, you absolutely can use these for your OC designs!! all i ask is that you credit/tag me, i wanna see what you do with these!
i wanted to draw what i think elenwen would wear! she'd wear a combination of the earcuff and a dangle earring, in my opinion, as her job in the embassy is not particularly dangerous, meaning she doesn't have to worry about someone trying to rip out the earring in a fight.
beside it is another idea i had, taking the wavy pattern from the thalmor robes/banners and attaching it to an earring that would rest along the lobe! i also included a dangle that depicts an eagle skull, something i think would be somewhat intimidating to see a thalmor agent wearing.
of course, we can't forget about bosmeri and khajiit earcuffs. the bosmer options aren't limited, they often can and do wear the same earrings/cuffs as the altmer thalmor agents, but i think there would be a unique flair to them. as well, i think that just trying to wear earcuffs made for altmer would be uncomfortable for a bosmer, since the ear shapes are slightly different in my headcanon.
a popular style in valenwood for thalmor officers is a skeletal eagle wing, fitting for the province that follows the green pact. i also think that the skeletal eagle wing has become a slight symbol of rebellion among younger people in valenwood, as it's like saying "death to the dominion", and is slowly being reclaimed by some groups there. so, it all depends on who you're talking to as to what it means.
finally, the khajiit variants! i think there would be equivalent earcuffs for them, but i think the options would be slightly more limited. however, the khajiit incorporate the moons into theirs, by using opals and rubies and setting them in parts of the gold. since they believe the dominion gave them back the moons, it would make the most sense that those serving in the dominion's military forces/government would have earcuffs/jewelry depicting the moons alongside heavy thalmor imagery.
that's all i've got for now! i plan to come up with more headcanons for other factions and guilds, but i had a lot of ideas for the thalmor and wanted to get them out of my head before i move on to other concepts. i wanna design some regular bosmer jewelry, some dunmer jewelry, etc etc, so we'll see if that comes to fruition.
again, you have full permission to use these in character designs so long as you credit me/tag me! i'd be thrilled to see what people can do with these!! hell, if i could 3D model/mod i would try making them to put in the game, but that's an idea for another day.
thanks for enjoying my headcanons i've been putting out there, the support means the world to me! take care! <3
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tastesoftamriel · 7 months
You know those cheesy pasta dishes with all the fancy add-ins like heavy cream and garlic so we can all pretend to ourselves that we aren't just eating mac and cheese like overgrown children? What sort of equivalent dishes do the people of Tamriel enjoy, that are basically just dressed-up "kid food" dishes?
Who doesn't love a cheeky meal that brings back memories of childhood? Across Tamriel, you'll find all manner of simple, hearty foods that will make you feel like a kid again!
In Summerset, young and old alike enjoy mochi, a tasty sweet snack made from chewy glutinous rice flour. Mochi comes in many varieties, with fillings like sweet peanut or black sesame paste. However, almost everyone's favourite is a cold mochi filled with soft gelato of various flavours. My favourite combination is matcha mochi wrapped around a moreish azuki bean ice cream centre.
Is there anything that makes you feel more like a kid than some snacking? Argonians are huge fans of anything that packs a crunch, both sweet and savoury. Whether it's spicy and sweet crickets, dark saltrice sauce-coated mealworms, or just good old prawn crackers with some dipping sambal, be prepared to snack your way all day long in Black Marsh.
If you're one of those people who stands in the kitchen gnawing a block of cheese at midnight, you're in good company in Valenwood. A popular late-night treat served at street food vendors across the Province is a simple cup of grilled witchetty grubs slathered in timber mammoth cheese sauce and topped with pulled pork. The grubs are meaty in flavour, and the pungent timber mammoth cheese complements the pulled pork when mixed all together, as the locals enjoy it.
Pain au chocolat? Yes please! These deliciously buttery puffed pastries are essentially rectangular croissants enveloping delicious dark chocolate. Served warm, they're sure to make any breakfast or teatime a happy one! To really satisfy those chocolate cravings, pair with a classic Breton hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows and whipped cream.
Marshmerrow cake is the ubiquitous Dunmeri dessert that has gained popularity far beyond the borders of Morrowind due to its mild flavour and unique candy aroma. A soft sponge cake, which is sometimes soaked in comberry brandy, is layered with sweet marshmerrow crème patissiere, caramelised marshmerrow crumble, and maraschino comberries. Sure to knock some years off your age and put a couple more holes in your belt (it's impossible to stop at one slice. Source: me).
There's nothing quite like homemade gnocchi with ragout for Imperials when it comes to comfort food. While this homey dish is prevalent across Cyrodiil, every household cooks the dish differently. In mine, my mother pan-fries the gnocchi in an obnoxious amount of butter, and tops it with her top-secret slow-cooked lamb and red wine ragout. While I cannot give away the secrets to her ragout, I highly recommend trying this delicious dish a try when you need to warm yourself, body and soul.
If you think you can turn away cinnamon and cardamom churros with a cup of moon sugar caramel dip, you're deluding yourself. This delicious treat can be found across Elsweyr and is considered one of the Province's most famous foods. Khajiiti churros, which are made from a mix of rice and tapioca flour, have a moist and chewy texture beneath a crisp, golden brown outer layer. They're served hot from the wok, with a cup of moon sugar caramel syrup. A truly divine pairing!
Spätzle is something I've written about in the past, and it's one of the best things I know (ask any resident of Skyrim and they'd tell you the same). These chunky egg noodles may look unrefined compared to Khajiiti vermicelli, but make up for it when liberally doused in a creamy cheese sauce and topped with fried onions. I like spicing mine up, quite literally, with some chili powder I purchased at a Sentinel bazaar.
Nothing screams comfort food (and mess) quite like a good old echatere sausage hot dog. The echatere sausage, rather akin to Blackwood chorizo in flavour, is grilled over hot coals and served in a sourdough bun, served Wrothgar style with a good amount of horseradish mayo, fried radish chips, caramelised onions, pickles, and crispy dried baby shrimp topping. I'd say you can't stop at just one, but it's a hefty meal you can eat with one hand!
I have probably written about gulab jamun in the past, a delicious, albeit cloying dessert popular throughout Hammerfell. An iconic dish at festivals and parties, gulab jamun is prized by dessert-lovers for its velvety, syrupy texture. These fluffy balls of cardamom-scented cottage cheese are fried and soaked in a fragrant saffron and rose water syrup, and topped with crushed pistachios. So simple, so good, and so moreish. Just be sure to stop at three, because any more and the sugar rush will send you to Aetherius!
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sothasil · 6 months
hi! so, first of all, i love your khajiit art, it's awesome to see someone expanding on khajiit lore in such a thoughtful and interesting way. second of all, i have been looking for ages for any information on marriage in khajiit culture and i have found little. obviously there ARE marriages in elsweyr, but i wanna know traditions: what clothes are worn, what kinds of rings are exchanged, if any, what foods are eaten, etc. but i cant find anything! do you have opinions on this? i'd love to hear!
thank you very much! i can't help with official lore sources (since ESO came out i stopped following that :')) but i do have my own headcanons on the matter!
marriages are a big deal when it involves the linking of two notable families/clans. in the northern regions, where clans are more important to everyday life and social structure, notable members marrying are grounds for large celebrations and larger amounts of discourse between family heads. expected topics include with whom the family will live, how both spouses fit the clan's skill and values and of course, how [insert party currently talking] is better than [insert the other clan involved]
marriages are more important by the greater families union they provide than other aspects surrounding the actual individuals. as a strongly communal society, to khajiit, marrying is first and foremost to officialize your relationship with a partner in relation to what that means for your families. the formation of elsweyr itself under that name happened with a marriage, and that historical example is propped up by some as what should be the cultural standard.
when a marriage does happen, it's a huge party. both sides of the couple's family come over to show off and have fun. it's a good occasion to meet other people and demonstrate the skills and power of you and your clan. as with all big parties, there will be guests who have nothing to do with either families coming too! those party crashers can just come for fun, but some attend to make connections and deals while taking advantage of the events.
romance, sex and having kids are not that tied to the concept. for marriages between important people, if they do have kids matters a lot but it's not that linked to the marriage in itself. khajiit are not very strict when it comes to why and how you have your lovers. it isn't a shame to have sex outside of marriage (including if you end up with kids), and if you are indeed married and want a lover, the big deal won't be ruining a sanctity of marriage, but more what your partner thinks of it. it is however considered unsightly to marry someone you do not have some feelings for, as well as marrying your friend for each other's benefits. again, greater family above all
who was there when it happens and how much you talk about your union are probably the most important factors for officializing it all. divorce isn't really a thing because khajiit aren't bureaucratic. if your marriage falls apart, it's up to you to make it clear you are ending it and face the likely familial backlash. it is however completely acceptable to marry several times - if your spouse is gone, if you find a better one... if that latter case applies and both sides don't remarry, the one who doesn't might get a bad rep. marriages between more than two people aren't a social norm, and while you might have a clan mother who celebrates that, it is rare and polyamoursly inclined khajiit tend to not marry at all and just stay lifelong lovers with their partners.
The only place in my personal khajiit musings where I explored marriage was for my own characters - Ma'Jahrann's parents, Elaahni and Qa'Husar. In those two, each hails from a very different culture - Elaahni is from a more traditionalist mid-sized Anequina clan, and Qa'Husar is from the southern parts with a more cosmopolitan structure, born to a small immediate family who dissolved as he grew up. Their marriage was a bit of a deal when it happened. Elaahni was a local celebrity and her family didn't see too kindly the nobody from those big humid cities marrying their daughter. Qa'Husar himself had to face acquiring a gigantic extended family overnight which he had no experience with. Both ended up fucking off to a smaller town where they settled on an in-between of living a settled lifestyle close with the local community, with Elaahni's close relatives visiting when they saw fit.
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