#[maybe my love will rekindled someday lmao
convxction · 1 year
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ooc. ugly sobs. listen buddy. you are more than a tactician ok? you are his best friendo. perhaps husbando in other parallel worlds. you can be legendary too *insert that dumb meme here*
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meanwhile the shepherds rave party for robin. silly man. ofc you are worthy of being legendary dumdum. not because you are the vessel of grima but the guy who kicked the dragon's ass and came back despite all bad odds.
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yeah i can get that. it's not like the future children did the classic oops time to go and disappeared. there was no way for the present people to know if the future was truly saved. which is in a way when you think about it .... crazy. you could think you did good but whoops looks like you have not finished the job correctly. mind-blowing...
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i love them. i love them so much. wa...
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the shepherds goofing in the background.
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ooof... living proof. now that some crisis core feelings i dont want to feel aaaaaa WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! sometimes the english lines give out nice lines from time to time. i like the living proof more than i felt that.
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bonds. bonds are good. it would be nice to write with a summoner one day lol
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robin's new swag .. earrings and chocker. honey. who are you tryin to impress huh?
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uh huh...im trying to see a point here. cant read whats on the book tho...sad.
anyway. congratz robby. u got new swag.
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wilmonsfolklore · 4 months
Hey Tina,
I'm curious about 💥👻✍️📗📚🎨 (feel free to only answer the one you want to answer)
I hope you'll have a beautiful day!! 💜
Sophia, thank you so much for the ask. I hope you have a lovely day too <3
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
I wish Sara and August didn't have a relationship in season 2. I understand to a certain level why Sara does it, but still. I really wish for her and Simon to rekindle their relationship, but if I were Simon I don't think I could forgive Sara for this. And that sucks. So. I'd probably change that.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I already answered this and I still don't know. Maybe that I believe August isn't that in love with Sara? I think he mainly likes her attention.
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
Usually when I'm writing I'm watching a Twitch stream at the same time, usually of a streamer called Tinakitten, who mainly streams Minecraft, Valorant and art. (Tina isn't my real name, I just started using it because I was watching her stream when I published my first fic in this fandom lmao.) I prefer to be alone when I'm writing, and I type faster on my laptop. But I've written fics for years and years on my phone, so that works too.
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
I do, actually! I would love to publish my own novel someday, but that's not something I'm actively working on right now. I do write four articles a year in my native language for a magazine the patient assocation of my chronic illness publishes. Those are about my day to day experiences with my chronic illness and it's really fullfilling to write about it in an understanding space.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
So so so much that I can't think of much right now. Royally whipped comes to mind, because I read the new chapter every week and it's already become part of my routine and it just makes me so happy. I recently reread The Plunge, which is a post S1 fic that has some of the best characterisation of both Simon and Wille that I've ever read. It's heartbreaking and beautiful. A more fluffy recent reread is he(art)felt, in which Simon is a museum tour guide and Wille an art student. It's extremely cute and also has some interesting art conversations. Both are all time fandom favourites for me. I also once made a post with more Wilmon fic recommendations, and in this post I mention a lot more of my favourite writers!!!
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I love love love this question. I'd love to see art of the bathroom scene in How'd We End Up On The Floor, Anyway? because I don't usually have images in my mind when I'm writing but with that scene I did.
And to everyone: feel free to send me more fic asks, I love talking about this!
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I Knew You, Tried to Change the Ending (and everything in between)
So what DOES QAnon believe? So glad you asked! They believe that Trump has been planning a “day of reckoning” known as the "Storm," when thousands of members of the cabal will be arrested  (they thought this was going to happen on Biden’s inauguration lmao). They also think most Hollywood actors, Democratic politicians, and high-ranking government officials are also members of the cabal. You could almost say… It’s all part of the fucking story. (Sidenote: Cabal is a very cool word, I think I would like to be in one someday maybe, one that does not involve cannibalism though). 
The "Storm" became QAnon-speak for an “imminent” event in which thousands of those alleged suspects will be arrested, imprisoned, and executed for being child-eating pedophiles. Perfectly logical, makes total sense. Again, Q’s followers also developed a name for when Q would come to spill, these “Q Drops.”
I put “imminent” in quotes for this reason, here are some of the Q predictions and dates: 
The "Storm" would take place on November 3, 2017. Last I checked Tom Cruise and Hillary Clinton were not publicly executed
That people targeted by the Trump would commit mass suicide on February 10, 2018. No prominent people committed suicide that day, but also like…. wut.
Multiple failed predictions that Mark Zuckerberg would leave Facebook and flee the US. Zuck is still CEO, unfortunately, as of writing this post.
Multiple failed predictions that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey would be forced to resign. Jack, unfortunately, remains CEO of Twitter, and remains having the ugliest beard I’ve seen.
Ect, ect ect, you get the point.
Finally, like I mentioned earlier, that the "Storm" would take place on January 20, 2021, the day of Biden's inauguration. While I cried a lot that day, none of it was because there were public executions of my queens Kamala, Michelle, Jill, or Hillary. 
BUT, Q soooooooorta got Jeffery Epstien getting arrested for child trafficking right. Even if they were off by a couple of days. But the tiniest victory can give followers a lot of confidence. 
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Which leads right into Spade. The first Spade riddle, “♠️ Aug 2018: Karlie will be at the reputation tour in Nashville” was right! I’ve heard TTB didn’t post it until after, which, kinda sketch, but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt (undeservedly). This was also very specific, was allowed to be proven true or false, and BAM people are hooked. Again, understandably! 
And, like Q, most Spade riddles just simply did not come true. Such as:
 “♠️ 10.12.2018: However, Karlie will be single and will have rekindled her friendship with Taylor to a suggestive degree.” 
I’m sorry, but it’s been two years, if it was going to happen, it probably would have by now.
There are then a few that Spade followers retrofit into being correct, like about the golden globes and the cloud imagery of Lover. 
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But as Spade continued to stop by, it becomes very, very similar to the “Q Drops.” The clues become more and more vague, and people were / are twisting themselves more and more to make them have meaning. A few of personal favorites: 
♠️ 06.25.2019: Why worry, she blooms in June. (This is funny because obvi nothing happened in June, but also, as a gay man, I know all of icon Troye Sivan’s music and he has a song about gay sex called Bloom and that’s all I can ever think about when I read this lol)
♠️ 09.27.2019: The candle flickered, your eyes darted, my heart pounded. (So dramatic, I love it. And can mean anything you want!)
♠️ 07.24.2019: Without judgement or question, she bent to the ground and picked up the pieces. Blood ran from her hands as she cut herself so I could be whole. (This is just bonkers, but it’s also more CAMP than anything Karlie wore to the Met Gala)
My quips aside, all of these literally mean nothing. And so many of them, especially ones that people retrofit to claim were a hint, were things the general fandom already knew. Such as, “Darling, in the midst of this cruel summer I re-read your love letters…” People lost their mind after the tracklist came out, thinking that Cruel Summer had been revealed by Spade weeks earlier. But at that point the tracklist had already been leaked by Secret Sessioners, AND Taylor hinted at it in the YNTCD video and that weird Amazon commercial. 
But, much like Q followers, and the appeal of the possibility of being involved in something historic (the world’s biggest popstar is in a secret lesbian relationship!!), people are sucked in and it becomes harder to question things — like that Kaylor could possibly be over. 
Another similarity, and one that is a major red flag, is the consistent moving of the goalposts that TTB, Spade, and TCG all played a part in. 
You can see this in the aforementioned Spade riddles about them becoming “friends again” in 2018, “She blooms in June,” and their “Ides of March” post — nothing of note has happened in any preceding March. TCG and her posting about “The Gay Agenda” plan for them to come out which kept getting pushed back. And TTB posting every six months or so that the “contract is ending” regarding Karlie and Josh. So, much like “The Storm,” these big, earth shattering events keep getting predicted, but don’t actually happen. 
Whenever I read about Q followers and the depths that they believe that people in Hollywood and politics are involved in this elite cabal, the first thing I think about is Kaylors’ mantra of “it’s all part of the fucking story.”** Much like how Q followers use “Trust the plan” as comfort when things don’t work out as predicted. 
**For reference: Taylor went out with friends in 2016 (including Suki Waterhouse and Cara Delivinge) to a NYC restaurant and someone, assumed to be one of them, wrote “It’s all part of the fucking story” on the paper table cloth. 
This is repeated in the Kaylor fandom as a message that everything Taylor does publicly, is simply that, part of the story. I specifically remember TTB was sharing theories connecting Hayley Williams’ lead single’s music video in 2019 to Taylor, due to a sound at the end of it (which I unfortunately can’t link, since her blog is gone), recently I saw Spade-Riddles sharing Selena Gomez’s recent Insta post because it had oranges in it (implying it’s tied to the YNTCD girl), and these examples could go on and on. While I wish the world DID revolve around Taylor Swift, unfortunately it doesn’t and every person Taylor has ever come in contact with just isn’t droppeing clues about her being queer in THEIR art.
NEXT POST: Shade Never Made Anyone (even Josh Kushner) Gay
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hua-fei-hua · 4 years
4, 10, 15, & 20 for the fanfic asks~
What is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
“fialta summer winter lyrics” and before that it was “panic at the disco this is gospel lyrics” and before that it was “the sword and the pen lyrics” and as i think you might be able to tell, i’ve been trying to name fanfiction chapters lmao
What’s the best insult you’ve written in a fic?
i’m reading through one that was technically a collab with a bunch of friends and there are some really good ones in here, like:
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“[kacchan] needs a belt and he needs it fast or else no one else will have faith in hi m [sic] as a normal fucking human being that’s a lso [sic] a d [sic] failure.”
we had this rule of no backspace, and i don’t really remember who wrote what, but it was a ton of fun. i can show you more lines later if you want
What is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read? (whole fic or chapter)
tower of babel was an snk fic i read a long time ago that’s since been deleted, but i have a copy downloaded (thank goodness) and for the whole fic you were left wondering why it was titled “tower of babel” bc for the most part it’s about five girls living in an apartment together each trying to deal with/aggressively ignore their own personal problems on their own.
the twist in the story, i guess you could say, that dropped the title bomb on all of us, was that at some point in the last chapter or two, a character went into a coma(? i’m not there in the reread yet) and hospitals tend to have bibles lying around, so another character flipped to a random story and got to the one abt the tower of babel and realized that they were kind of like the people of babel, and if they had all just been able to communicate with each other, none of this would have gone as awry as it had.
if i had to pick a favorite title for from my fics, there are a couple. one whose titling process i stole directly from tower of babel is rosebuds, which is an untransplantable snk pitch involving soulmates and a love triangle, and ultimately has a title drop abt “the bright rosebud of love they had had suddenly faded away, replaced by a much more beautiful and mature blossom for someone else.”
you honestly have no idea how hard i kept trying to think abt how to transplant this idea into bnha, although now that more time has passed, i probably could, but i obviously wouldn’t have the time to write it
another one would be jukebox, which is another fic i actually DO want/lowkey plan to get around to someday, after i finish peony. it’s one of those fics that would be taking place in both the past and the present at the same time bc it’s abt, well, actually this is the summary: "high school was a soap opera, college was a blur. Maybe now that it's over and done with, there'll be a moment to breathe and rekindle some old ashes."
and basically, what’s happening in the fic is that i’m trying to fit the lyrics from every single jukebox the ghost song in existence organically into the dialogue and/or prose of the fic while still telling a fun, coherent story like what mamma mia did with abba. it’s a fun fic to plan and i can tell you more abt it later
What is your favourite line from the source material (book, tv show, film, etc)?
every time i see the lines “I VOTED FOR YOU” / “THE OTHER VOTE WAS MINE” i lose my tiny little mind and start fucking SOBBING just hands down my favorite line in bnha. i will admit it’s not the best line but fuck man if it ain’t my favorite
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paene-umbra · 5 years
i accidentally deleted the anon for this and i have no idea how to get it back BUT somebody asked me to answer all the questions on the ask meme
(disclaimer: this is going to be so sappy and emotional because I did so many amazing things this past year that I am so incredibly proud of and there will definitely be too much information shared but I don’t care! I can do what I want!)
1. what is one thing you’re very proud of having done this year?
- in 2018 I am proud of cutting my father mostly out of my life. he was the source of so much pain and anxiety and trauma and cutting him out has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders and kickstarted my healing.
2. what is one thing you feel you could have done better?
- I could have done better dealing with friendships. I was so incredibly stressed out for a long time and I let my frustration bleed into my relationship to the point where being around friends and groups was too emotionally draining. I dropped a lot of friends that deserved better and in 2019 I plan on rekindling relationships and giving my friends as much love as they deserve.
3. what do you hope to do better next year?
- since it is already 2019 (whoops) I have a lot of resolutions that I am planning on implementing this year. I am going to put in more effort towards maintaining my mental health while also balancing my classes, work, and friends. I want to get close again to the people I used to be close to.
4. what was something scary you faced and overcame this year?
- in 2018 I started to address a lot of the problems that were contributing to my poor mental health. I began really looking into why I was so afraid of real emotional connection with other people and trying to understand the blockages that were holding me back from being the best version of myself. for the very first time I was able to confront the fact that I have forcing myself to suffer in silence for the sake of my appearance and reputation. for the longest time, I could not stand the possibility of anyone knowing that I was hurting so much because that would have meant admitting that I was being hurt by people who loved me, so I prioritized the way that they felt instead of myself. I tried so hard to pretend that I was stable and well-adjusted because it was easier than confronting the way I let people treat me and all of the hard work that I would have to do to try to heal from my pain. I always thought I had to hide the bad parts of me to be the perfect daughter but hiding something like mental illness doesn’t make the pain magically go away. I’m not a lesser person for being mentally ill. I deserve to be happy and to get the help that I need, and it is not my job anymore to coddle the feelings of the people who hurt me. it was terrifying to admit that I was completely broken for so many years, but I am endlessly proud of finally being able to acknowledge that and start putting myself back together.
5. what did you think would be scary and then was not?
- I thought that speaking in front of crowds was terrifying in theory but after actually having to do it several times for my job, I realized that I have important things to educate people about and that speaking in large groups is the best way to teach them, so being afraid does not help my cause.
6. do you feel like you grew in some way this year? why?
- hell yeah I grew in 2018. I grew enough to be able to put myself before others, to not be afraid of rejection, to push for better treatment, to drop those who hold me back or don’t deserve me, etc…
7. are there people you credit with this growth? who?
- yes, I think that some people helped me to grow. first, I think all the people who hurt me are deserving of the credit towards me developing the strength I needed to drop their negative asses. I also need to give SO MUCH CREDIT to my wonderful boyfriend for showing me what a real man is like and forcing me to deal with everything head-on instead of letting life steamroll me. he is miles ahead of me when it comes to self care but he supports the little steps that I am able to take and he is responsible for so much because of how he lifts me up and encourages me to put in the work. he believes in me and knows that I can and will be better and he has been willing to stay with me as I deal with my issues.
8. what is one piece of advice you’d give other people?
- I think I would tell people that giving up doesn’t fix anything. nothing is solved by letting life overtake you. pushing through when you’re barely keeping your head above water is the hardest thing that you can do. it does not always pay off immediately and sometimes it feels so pointless to keep swimming when it looks like there is water for miles and miles and miles but there is always eventually going to be land. you just have to find it, and I know you can.
9. what was the nicest thing someone did for you?
- his one is hard because my memory is not the best. I can’t think of anything specific but I’m sure that lots of people did lots of nice things for me.
10. who inspires you? why?
- my little inspires me. from the moment she joined my sorority I knew she was special, and as I got to know her and fall in love with her personality, I got so impressed with her and where she is in life in spite of all that has happened to her.
11. what are your main sources of inspiration? why?
- my inspiration mostly comes from people and hearing about the incredible things that some humans have done. hearing about the strength of other people makes me want to be strong.
12. what inspires you more: words, pictures, or music?
- music, for sure. there are so many amazing songs that spark my interest and provoke my thoughts.
13. what scares you, creatively?
- I am not really very creative at all. I think what stopped me from being creative is my fear of rejection. I was so terrified that people would hate me for what I wrote or drew or said that I kept it all to myself and let my creativity die out. maybe someday I will work on rekindling the creative ability, but it is not at the top of my list.
14. what did you enjoy working on most this year?
- my fish! owning bettas gave me something to look forward to doing and gave me an outlet to direct my focus and frustration through. any time I was having a hard day I knew I could look at my lil fishy boys and put my restlessness into caring for them and making sure that they were doing really well.
15. what did you have the most fun doing?
- the most fun I had in 2018 year probably came from being able to live with my roommate/soulmate again this semester. we have had our ups and downs but I love her so much and she is my other half, definitely. she brings out a whole new side of me that lets me be silly and goofy and myself around her.
16. what did you have the least fun doing?
- the least amount of fun in 2018 most likely came from the introspection that I had to do to contribute to my self-care. I did not enjoy the work it took, but I am pleased with the outcome of recognizing what needs to be changed and actually getting to make myself better and happier.
17. what is the best compliment you’ve gotten? why?
- I was recently told “your confidence, happiness, and strength has always inspired me! you’re an incredible human and I’m so thankful to be able to know you” and that was so incredible to hear because I don’t often think about the impact that I have on other people. I never thought I was important enough to influence another person’s life, let alone contribute to making it better in any way. I think it is really nice to know that even when I am struggling, I have the ability to positively impact others.
18. what is the best compliment anyone could ever give you?
- the best compliment would probably be something about how they have seen me grow throughout my years and continuously improve. I am not the best at keeping friends for more than a couple years at a time, so I don’t know if I will ever hear that one.
19. what do you wish people commented on more?
- about me??? I don’t know. I don’t really like other people talking about me lmao but I guess I like hearing people’s first impressions of me and how they differ from how I actually am. those are always fun to learn about.
20. what do you feel is the most underrated thing you have done? why?
- during my high school years, I played therapist A LOT to so many people. I put so much emotional labor into listening to other people and helping them figure out problems or just giving them a shoulder to cry on. rarely was this ever returned by those people, so I felt really used a lot of the time but honestly if I had to do it all over again I wouldn’t change a thing because I want to help people feel better.
21. name (and reblog) at least three things you’ve made this year that you’re proudest of.
- sorry, this one isn’t applicable to me. I don’t really make things or post them to tumblr.
22. what are your goals for next year?
- I plan to stop telling people things that aren’t any of their business. I spent a lot of time keeping everything to myself and when I finally started getting friends I felt like I had to tell them everything about me and my life to keep them interested, but that isn’t true. I need to learn how to keep some things private when they need to be.
I want to rekindle a lot of friendships that I messed up in 2018. I let a lot of people fade out of my life when I should not have.
I want to go to THERAPY!! I want to talk to professionals who can help me structure my path of healing!!!
I want to get more comfortable with the body I’m in. that means wearing less makeup, using fewer snapchat filters and other photo editing techniques, and judging myself less when I wear clothes that maybe aren’t the most flattering. it is okay to be ugly and I am not worth less for not being attractive. I want to stretch more and maybe get into a routine of exercising every now and then to feel better instead of to lose weight. I want to eat healthier and drink more water for my health instead of for the purpose of becoming skinny.
I want to make an effort to be more outgoing and get more involved in my sorority and with my Greek life.
23. name three things you like about yourself – and name one think you like about the person you reblogged this from.
I like my irises! my brown eyes are beautiful and unique no matter what anyone says. My eyes have rings like trees and uneven colors throughout. they are beautiful! I like how soft my hair is and I also like the shape of my lips.
something I like about the person I reblogged this ask from, @makingoutisgreat, is how strong and confident she seems. she is beautiful and she knows it and is not afraid to show it off. it is very inspiring.
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meowrgathan · 7 years
tagged by @foulgus​ !
rules: copy this into a new text post, replace my answers with yours and tag 10 people
A - age: id rather not tell sweats
B - biggest fear: being a lonely sucker
C - current time: 9:33pm
D - drink you last had: water
E - every day starts with: checking my buddybooster and dying to hall and oates lmao
F - favourite song: currently its sara smile by hall and oates and sarah smiles by panic at the disco and i also like foolish pride by daryl hall lmao
G - ghosts, are they real? maybe maybe not i dont know!
H - hometown: penang
I - in love with: @1-800--hotlinemiami​ lmao
J - jealous of: people with nice parents,,, people with good grades sometimes too lmao im a trainwreck sometimes
K - killed someone: why the hell would i though
L - last time you cried: a week back when i rekindled an old friendship 
M - middle name: uh i dont have one :^(
N - number of siblings: 1 lil bro
O - one wish: to start taking care of myself again
P - person you last texted: the born2die squad lmao
Q - questions you’re always asked: “are u high” no im not
R - reasons to smile: girlfriend, friends, good artists...amen
S - song last sang: jailhouse rock
T - time you woke up: 6:30am
U - underwear color: no
V - vacation destination: manila !! maybe some places in europe someday
W - worst habit: procrastination
X - x-rays you’ve ever had: i dont remember
Y - your favourite food: ! ! ! !! ! i love pasta so much
Z - zodiac sign: leo
im too lazy to tag so many wheeze @1-800--hotlinemiami @spyro-crash @ipastacake
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