#{ sorry for the rant but just dont really angered me }
autisticlee · 4 months
so many christian conservatives that hate/criticize science and don't believe in it because "it's not always right/it always changes/they don't know for sure/there's no solid proof/etc" sure do love to believe in their magical sky daddy they never saw with their own eyes but swear is real, just because mommy and daddy and the old bald man at church had told them this since they were babies.
just like much of the scientific theories they're talking about, this god also has no actual solid proof. no one knows for absolute sure that this magical being exists, or anything in the bible actually happened. this god, his son, and every other religious figure could be nothing more than a character in an ancient fictional fantasy novel the ancient people wrote for fun because they had nothing better to do. some say there's proof the "person" existed. but there's no proof they performed magic or had magical things happen to them. maybe the readers got so engrossed and obsessed that it took on this religious culture that persisted for centuries. (imagine if the twilight series took on this form and a religion about worshiping vampires emerged and people a few centuries from now though bella and edward are their original, very real existing, saviors and everyone worships them hoping to become a vampire. I remember seeing articles that thar series started getting religious cults around it. don't know if it was true of just male journalists hating that teenage girls enjoyed something —let's be honest, it was probably that.)
but if you say those things to conservatives, that there's no proof, that it could be nothing more than an ancient fantasy novel, they get so upset and defensive. they won't admit it. they come up with excuses. they turn around and point fingers instead. at least the science they hate for "having no proof" or being proven wrong always admits when it's wrong and is always trying to disprove *itself* in order to find the truth. it's based on theory and everyone should have learned about that in school, so i won't explain it. science, in general, is the study of trying to prove and disprove theories and gain evidence needed to reach a truth. it's ongoing. even these truths are usually accepted as things that can still expand and get rewritten as we learn more.
yet most christian conservatives are often over there saying those bad things about science, which actually realistically applies better to their sky daddy and his son's story. even the meanings of their bible change depending on the language/translation and who's interpreting it, with no solid proof one way or another. their religion is very stagnant. they have forbidden questioning it. they know it won't hold if you do.
they can't believe in science because there is never any concrete evidence, and scientists never know for sure....... yet at the same time, though they won't admit it, they truly don't even know if their magical god exists up in the clouds for sure. all they do is "believe" but "belief" is not proof, no matter how much they try telling you it is. but,,,,it only is if it's directed at their god. if it's belief in anything science? "no, you're brainwashed! it's all fake!"
they preach to you from a kid that you need to blindly believe and if you question it or don't believe hard enough, you get sent to hell to suffer. you're not allowed to think or choose for yourself! but they try really hard to make it look and feel like you're "choosing" it. it sounds very brainwashy to me. it FELT very brainwashy as a kid experiencing this, being foeced to go to church 2-3 times a week and a catholic school for 11 years. it's truly the opposite of what most conservatives preach and rant about. they're all about ~individualism and not being a sheep and free speech and freedom of choice~ and whatever else they yell about that is generally the opposite of how they actually live, lead, and raise their young.
science doesn't do that to you. science is more forgiving. if you dont believe, go prove it wrong! yet they claim scientists are trying to "brainwash" everyone; if you listen to and believe science, you are being "brainwashed." but *they* aren't. no. they're definitely not brainwashed by their big benevolent sky daddy and his magical story book, who threatens to strike them down into the pits of hell to suffer if they get even the smallest inkling of questioning or doubt in their tiny brains.
hypocrites they are!
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httpisaoki · 3 months
model! ningning x stylist! reader
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(part of the billionaire! aespa series)
-> short drabble thingy cuz VERSACE NINGNING SAVE ME?!
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you had been her stylist for quite a while now, taking care of her outfits and styling her the way any model could dream for. now, in ning's flirty and confident nature, it wasn't wrong to flirt a little right?
people would notice the look of pure happiness on her face whenever she saw you, hell, even you noticed. maybe she did have a tiny feeling that you were attractive, in her eyes, you were perfect. you had a good reputation, known for your impressive styling, being a former model yourself, you had taught ningning the basics when she was just starting. once she realizes her feelings, she would be in denial. i mean, no one could even reach her standards-- but how did you manage to get her flustered?
after pfw 2024, where she had walked the runway, she came back into the styling room with steam practically over her head. you wondered what got her so stressed, her eyes cold and angry. her mutters of, "That asshole shouldn't have said that," and multiple curses followed by a name, hyunjin. it amused you to think what could have hyunjin, one of her many persistent admirers in the industry, done to make her so upset. As she ranted in a fit of rage, completely forgetting she had an interview in less than 20 minutes, you stood there listening to every word, every emphasis on her anger towards the man. "ningning, deal with him later, okay? I need to get you dressed." you softly said, rubbing her wrist with your thumb as a sign of assurance. in a matter of seconds, her gaze turned soft, almost forgetting why was she so angry.
it was what she liked about you, your calmness, how you managed to make her laugh even if you only saw her for short times.
she nodded, embarrassment in her eyes as she realized that she had been rambling. "yeah, sorry about that." she muttered, a sheepish smile on her lips.
you gave her a look of amusement, chuckling at the sight. seeing her sheepish smile was adorable, and the fact that she had so much trust in you, was better. "it's alright, you just focus on your interview." you softly replied, patting her shoulder.
while you were getting her outfit together, you took the chance to ask her, "so what exactly did hyunjin do that got your blood boiling like that?"
she took a moment to gather her thoughts, before finally answering. "he's just… really annoying, you know? he keeps insisting that I should go out with him, but I keep refusing him. it's getting to the point where he's acting like we're dating to the press,"
she groaned, rubbing the bridge of her nose in frustration. not only was hyunjin one of those persistent suitors, he was getting aggressive with his flirting, which had her blood boiling, and she just needed some way to release it.
you couldn't help but to feel pity for her, hyunjin was a known playboy, and she was clearly tired of him and his antics. the fact he was going so far, just to get the attention of one of the industries most well-known models, was funny.
it was getting him nowhere, and that was a good thing. "why won't he stop? does he really think this is going to get the attention of a girl as famous as you?" you asked with a laugh, trying to lighten the tension a bit.
"he really thinks he has a chance," she replied with a scoff, "he said he's going to take me out on a date after today, and when I said no, he said that the public deserves to know our 'date'." she rolled her eyes, her cheeks slightly flushed in annoyance. "he thinks I'm his girlfriend when I've already told him no multiple times. I just… I really dont know what he's thinking."
you hummed, scoffing at his ego. "I know it must be hard, but you do know that you can always report him to your agency and whatnot?" you give her a comforting smile, leaning closer to your lips before adding some blush onto her face. "he may think that he's all that but it's extremely annoying that he thinks that you'd actually like him." you rolled my eyes, fury in my eyes, making her chuckle.
her lips curved into a smile, she didn't expect you to be so protective over her, not when she was the model and you were the stylist. the fact he was so persistent, and how he had the audacity to call her his girlfriend infuriated her, especially when you were the one styling and taking care of her.
her gaze fell onto your lips, taking a moment to admire them before looking away. in that moment, all those times you helped her were all that kept rushing in her mind. she didn't expect to get infatuated with her stylist, but there she was.
as she stared down, her thoughts became interrupted as she suddenly felt her cheeks burning hot, realizing you had put blush on her. she gave a small giggle, trying to act like she was fine and normal, like you weren't noticing how attractive she was finding you. her heart was pounding as, out of nowhere, a spark of curiosity sparked in her mind. "c-can I tell you something..?" she murmured slowly.
"yes? of course," your reply was quick, wanting to know what she had to say. it may have been her first time asking you permission to say something, and you couldn't help but to feel your heart skip a beat. you could feel heat rise in your cheeks, making it slightly hard to hide a smile. you waited patiently for her to speak.
she paused, taking a moment to really think of how she wanted to say this. her eyes glanced to the side, her cheeks flushing as her heart raced. "what if i told you that i had a confession.." she spoke softly, the words catching in her throat as she struggled to get them out. she couldn't believe she was actually going to confess, especially after months of just ignoring her feelings. her heart was beating out of her chest, all while her mind screamed at her to do it, say it.
ningning hesitates, not sure on what to say, which in her point of view, was getting ridiculous because why was she so nervous? she breaks the silence with a sigh, a slight pause before finally saying:
"what if i told you that i liked you?"
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oleander-nin · 7 months
Im not sure if you still take reqs so sorry if you dont but can you do yandere donnie with a reader thats really bad at taking care of themself? Like they’ll stay up until like 5am playing videogames and end up sleeping in so much they decide to skip breakfast and lunch then end up eating a snack instead of a real meal for dinner because its to much work
A/N, not important: Uhh, I think I may have done this wrong- I had an idea, but somehow this came out instead. If it's majorly not to your tastes, send the request again and I'll try again. Thank you sm to @lethelagoon for the title and for helping me with the fic! Also this is posted on the tenth and not the third because I posted smth on the first and decided I could just skip to this week. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: mention of feeding tube, descriptive, mentions of drugging, pills, needles, abuse, kidnapped reader, dark themes, yandere themes
Words: 1357
Summary: Donnie comes home and finds out you broke his rules. Again.
“Do we need to go over your schedule again?” Donnie’s smooth voice sounds from behind me. I look towards him, shrinking down in fear. I set the console SHELLDON swore I was allowed to use down, racking my brain to try and find an excuse to get out of this. It had taken me three months to convince him I was fine being left alone, three months to convince him I wouldn’t break the schedule he created for me. Yet here I was, caught with the console on and his(or ours, as he liked to claim) bed unmade, the clock shining the traitorous numbers brightly. It was three in the morning, and Donnie had just returned from a mission, catching me in the act. I gulp. This was not going to go well.
“Well?” He asks, crossing his arms and tapping his foot. A scowl was on his face, signaling his distaste to the world. I chew on my cheek, opening my mouth and closing it over and over, trying to think of something to say. I didn’t want to be drugged again. I wouldn’t let him drug me again.
“I couldn’t sleep.” I say. It was a half-truth, which is better than a full lie. He can’t prove I wasn’t having trouble sleeping. Hopefully he won’t realize I never tried.
Donnie scoffs, a scowl set on his face. “Then you ask SHELLDON for sleep medicine. That is not an excuse and you know it. Gosh, you’re so- UGH!”
I cower back, my hands starting to shake as he paces around the room, his arms flailing as he continues to rant. I was going to be punished again, I was sure of it. Images of the isolation room and chains flashed through my mind, the slick taste of pills burning my throat. I couldn’t go through that again. I never wanted that to happen again.
Noticing my shaking, Donnie rolls his eyes and crosses the room in quick succession. He scoops me into his arms, holding me close while he continues to grumble under his breath. His arms were tense, the muscles more defined due to his anger. I couldn’t help the wave of panic coursing through my veins, my mouth going dry. 
I brace myself for the sharp pinch of a needle, but it never comes. I glance at his face, his dark eyes boring into mine. He wasn’t pleased, that was certain, but I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t freaking out. Last time I did something like this, he stripped the room of anything I could mess with and kept me locked up for a month. I still remember the pills he brought in, every night at seven. I shudder at the thought, the feeling of my body shutting down and pulling me into an unwanted sleep. 
He continues to stare at me, scanning my face slowly. He sighs in irritation, adjusting me in his arms before carrying me further into the room and setting me on the bed. He sits on the edge, his eyebrows furrowed as he takes his gear off slowly, letting each glove and padding fall to the floor. His steady hands were shaking in anger, his drawn eyebrows furrowed. My chest is tight in fear, knowing what was to come. The only wonder I had was why he was taking so long. I watch his face, trying to look past his eyes and learn what he was thinking. His silence was never good, a painful indicator of how ruthless he could be. Silence was a warning with Donnie, never a blessing.
“You didn’t listen.” He says, his voice tight. He’s not looking at me, his eyes trained on the floor. His hands squeeze the blanket of his bed, his green knuckles going white from the force. My blood runs cold and I desperately try to think of a way to fix this. He looks back over at me, his eyes narrowed and furious. “Why? Do you think I’m wrong? Do you not see the way I love you and want you to improve?”
I stay silent, unable to form a response. I didn’t know how to tell him the way he loved me was wrong in every way possible. I didn’t know how to tell him I still wanted, no needed, my escape from reality. 
His eyes wash over me again, my body feeling heavier with each look he gave me. It was like every time he scanned my body, another layer of fear and shame was set on my shoulders. The room was getting smaller, my lungs struggling to take in air. My left hand crosses my chest and sits on my shoulder, my right digging painfully into my thigh. I couldn’t do this. I wanted to go home. I hate him, I hate him so much. I can’t do this, I can’t be near him. All he does is hurt, and take, and I can’t leave. I was going to die here, stuck under the sick obsession of a mutant turtle.
I feel his hand on my back and I try not to cry, panic and fear growing until I feel as if I would pop. I couldn’t live like this, not any longer. I look up, seeing the way his face had tensed. I could see his lips moving, but couldn’t hear the words. I feel my throat ache from the held back tears, my entire body thrumming in sync with my heart. It was too fast. His room was too dark.
I suck in a sharp breath at the order, my body conditioned to do as he says without question. His hand goes under my chin, gripping it firmly, but not harshly. He makes me look into his eyes, the same eyes that were unbothered as he locked me away for weeks. The same eyes that stared angrily as he shoved a feeding tube down my throat when I forgot to eat. A sob bubbles from my chest as I try to pull back, survival instinct kicking in. His grip on my chin grows tighter, his other arm looping around my back and holding me in place. He places his forehead against mine, his lips moving once more. I could feel the words around me, the vibrations in the air, but I couldn't hear them. I could understand what he was saying, but I didn’t know what he said.
I continue to cry involuntarily, the hand holding my chin shifting to cup my cheek so he can wipe the tears as they fall. It didn’t help, his thumb wasn’t fast enough to wash them all away. I sit like that for nearly twenty minutes, the world around me crashing down and landing on my chest. My vision swirls with each sob while Donnie continues to hold me and whisper useless, silent words.
My vision swims one last time before the room starts to come back into focus, a harsh ringing in my ears. Donnie’s face is inches from mine, his drawn eyebrows furrowed. I stare at them through my sniffles. I never noticed he didn’t take off his mask. I try to turn my head to look at the room, but his grip on my face is strong.
“Are you done?”
I blink at him, his thumb roughly swiping my cheek as a stray tear falls. I forgot how his voice sounded for a moment. I take a deep breath, nodding. I didn’t have any other way to tell him, and I doubted I would fall into another fit. His hands fall from my face and I lean my neck back, staring at the ceiling. I felt numb, like my tears washed away every emotion my body once held. I couldn’t tell if I felt free, or even more suffocated. It was surreal, having my body be able to go through such stress before falling back as if nothing had happened.
Donnie’s hands trail down me, as if he was afraid I’d fall apart if he let go. They loop around my waist, pulling me firmly into his lap before he shifts on the bed and falls backwards, keeping me on his chest. I don’t fight it this time, letting him press a kiss to the crown of my head while he slowly rubs my back.
“This is what happens when you don’t listen, love.” His voice is quiet, one hand leaving my back to take his mask off while the other holds me tight. I let my head fall, my cheek pressed uncomfortably against the hard of his plastron. I let my eyes close, too tired to fight him any longer. I feel his chest vibrate as a small chuckle can be heard from him. “There you go. Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up so we can discuss your new schedule. This will never happen again.”
I feel my stomach churn at his words, but I do nothing more than hum in agreement. I couldn’t fight anymore, my energy zapped. I just hoped I could sleep in tomorrow. I would delay a talk with him forever if I could. I take another breath and sleep comes for me, dragging me down into the darkness of my mind.
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tisaolin · 1 year
How would Erron, Liu Kang, Scorpion and Mileena apology and make it up to reader when they had a big argument and accidentally hurt reader's feelings?
And how would reader apology and make it up to Erron, Liu Kang, Scorpion and Mileena when they had a big argument and accidentally hurt their feelings?
I am sorry this took years to make, I’ve been mentally, physically, emotionally, and psychologically exhausted. Lifes hard yknow? If you need a break then take one but im so so sorry it took me years to complete this
Kombatants and their s/o apologizing after a fight
Genre: Angst(?), fluff, comfort
Characters: Erron Black, Liu Kang, Mileena
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Erron Black
Erron is one stubborn S.O.B so bring him to apologize is like getting a child to eat vegetables.
He doesn’t see how he was in the wrong so when you demanded an apology, he just looked at you like “🤨” and walked off.
Erron doesnt really apologize but he’ll let you know he isnt mad by attempting small talk, pampering you, and flirting obviously.
How do you apologize after hurting their feelings?
Just like Erron, you’re stubborn and dont want to apologize. But you come around to it. Eventually.
“I guess, what I said was wrong. BUT YOU WERE ALSO WRONG”
Pretty much neither of you want to take accountability (😭 sorry but I was thinking of my dad n his gf)
When he doesnt speak to you, you feel bad, n a lil depressed so you actually sit down infront of him and ranting about how stupid you were and how you were sorry
Either he doesn’t want to admit he forgives you it is just annoyed by your talking but he ends up telling you to stop ranting and pulls you in for a kiss.
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Liu Kang
He didnt mean to hurt you. He really didnt.
He BEGS you to forgive him. I mean all on his knees.
Crying in your chest, bowing and kissing your feet, just about anything to get you to forgive him.
Please forgive him.
How do you apologize for hurting their feelings?
First of all..HOW DARE YOU HURT HIM????!!! Second, WHY WOULD YOU HURT HIM?!!??
He isnt one to hold a grudge or anything but he definitely will avoid speaking to you for a while thinking you need some space.
He wants to ask you what he did wrong but he doesnt want to anger you any more.
He eventually gets tired of it so he gets up to confronts you, only to find you standing at the door.
“Im..sorry” he’s so relieved, he picks you up and spins you. “Are you sure?” “Yes” my god he is happy.
How does Mileena apologize for hurting your feelings?
She doesnt…not necessarily, she teases you.
“Aww, are you gonna cry?” Just mean
Doesnt understand apologies or WHY she has to apologize.
How do YOU apologize after hurting her feelings?
You BETTER apologize before she eats you.
Thats all :)
(Sorry this took a long time, I was having a hard time. Alot was going on in my life and had to take a break, I apologize for making you all wait)
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cakeheavenly999 · 4 months
Practice After School
toxic!jamil viper x fem!reader wc: 1443 tags: jamil is toxic/choking/not enough prep/cervix kissing not beta read!
hi hi hi everyone! this is something i made for fun! i had some jmeal brainrot and i needed to post it! i made this really fast so dont worry about mistakes!
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the basketball court was empty. all of the basketball club members had gone back to their respective dorms for the day. except jamil. he was angrily dribbling the ball against the linoleum as you sat in on the bleachers with a frown. nrc had lost yet another game. according to jamil and his long rants, it was the fault of ace and floyd arguing over the ball and floyd gut punching someone on the opposing team. had they not had so many fouls and a sense of teamwork they wouldve had the game in the bag. It had pissed him off and you would be the one to face the consequences of his teams actions until jamil had felt better. he had stayed after school for about an hour now and the sun was starting to set. the soft swoosh of the mesh net caused you to lift your eyes from your phone as jamil continued to practice with his audience of 1. you didnt mind waiting and watching. but jamil only looked more and more frustrated with each layup and rebound.
it was time to go. at least for you. you wanted to change out of your outfit of black leggings and your oversized nrc sweatshirt and your long white socks that stuck out of your sneakers. you stood from where you sat in the bleachers, making your way down to the court where he continued to practice. his long braided bun was starting to fall loose and he was shimmering from a thin film of sweat coating his cinnamon brown skin. he was panting softly as he dribbled mindlessly. back and forth, switching from his right hand to his left. his grey eyes were locked on the mesh net and you could see his pink tongue poking out from the corner of his lips. “jamil?” you called his name, and he didnt hear you. let alone notice you. “jamil!” you snapped him out of his concentrated state and he snapped his head in your direction. his eyes scanned over you and he looked annoyed that you had called his name. “if youre tired of waiting then just go. stop acting like im holding you captive here.” he scoffed and went back to dribbling. his practice jersey had fallen untucked from his shorts. jamil was pushing himself too hard. 
you sighed and crossed your arms over your chest. “you dont have to take everything out on me. its not my fault the team lost.” you clicked your tongue and the sound of dribbling had stopped. you had his attention. 
“youre so quick to blame everyone else. but hey, if youre so perfect? carry the team next time if it bothers you so much.” you huffed with annoyance as his face began to contort with anger. jamil had no right to be such an asshole to you. even if you usually took the verbal abuse (and rarely physical) he still had no right. your eyes locked with his and you could feel your body suddenly growing heavy. “do you have to be so mouthy?” he asked you a question. jamil was using his unique magic on you again. it wasnt the first time hes used this spell on you. it wasnt that you liked it, but you did always feel extra turned on when he did. the lack of control left your thighs trembling and your cotton panties sticky. “im mouthy because youre mean to me.” you spoke honestly as you swayed back and forth. jamils eyes were scanning you over again. “undress, just the bottom half.” he commanded with an uncaring tone. why should he care about being ‘mean’ to you. he would apologize by getting you something expensive as his im sorry gift so he wouldnt have to say it himself. and you would be staying by his side as always. 
your hands were slow as you hooked your thumbs into the waistband of your black leggings and pulled them down along with your seamless, dark brown colored panties. you went to take them off along with your shoes until jamil grabbed you by your arm. “youre moving too slow.” his grip was so rough. you flinched in your hypnotized state and yelped when he tossed you to the ground. hes just in a bad mood. your heart raced as he pulled on your ankle, slipping between your legs as your bunched leggings and panties locked him in place. you sat up on your arms, watching in a daze as jamil nudged his shorts down to expose his hardened cock. long, and not too thick. it always hit your cervix, even when you cried out that he was too deep he wouldnt stop. jamil would impale you over and over with his cock until your pussy was overflowing with his pearlescent sperm and you felt that familiar soreness in your tummy. you struggled to fight back your soft moans as he rolled his hips back and forth against your throbbing pussy. the veins and the feeling of his tip rubbing against your clit made you shudder. you wanted more. but pride was preventing you from begging. “whats with that face?” jamil asked. he still sounded annoyed. you looked up at him and winced when his other hand wrapped around your throat and pinned you against the hard linoleum floor. he was so rough when he was mad. but where others saw pain you found pleasure. “im sorry jamil.” you apologized under a moan and he started to squeeze. your lungs started to burn from the lack of air and you noticed his displeasure. “no, you know you arent supposed to use my name during sex. are you an idiot?” he growled and you shook your head. 
“m’sorry master.” you whimpered as he smacked his cock against your slick opening. “sorry for what?” he growled and demanded an answer. “sorry for being mouthy.” you wheezed out as he relaxed his hand and allowed you to breathe. “very good.” he purred with another smack of his hard cock against your opening. he adjusted himself to be lined up with your entrance. with a shallow push, he had fit the tip of his cock inside. jamil was throbbing, a soft ‘fuuuck’ left his lips as you moaned with the desire for more. you wanted all of him buried inside of you. he gave your throat another sudden squeeze which pulled a strangled cry out of your mouth. jamil began to force the rest of his cock inside as your thighs shook. the lack of air. the familiar fullness. the disrespect. you enjoyed it. you always did. 
“open your mouth. stick out your tongue.” he commanded with a firm tone as you relaxed your jaw and stuck out your tongue per jamils command. he gathered up saliva in his mouth, and spat on your pink tongue. your heart was racing again as you savored the taste of his spit. when he told you to savor the taste, you were delighted to. his hips began with slow and shallow thrusts, the sound of skin against skin echoed in the empty gymnasium as he began to move deeper and deeper inside of you for that special spongy spot he loved so much. you were getting hot in your sweatshirt, but you didnt have the power to inform jamil. you allowed him to fuck you against the linoleum floor. his free hand steadying himself above you as he pounded into your tight hole, finally smacking your cervix. “so deep master…” you whined as tears pricked your eyes. over and over again he smashed the tip of his cock into your cervix where he knew he would bruise you. where he knew you would end up sore and struggling to walk. jamil fought to bite back his moans and shook his head. his braided bun finally falling loose as he hunched over you to continue drilling you with his cock. all of his anger. all of his frustration. he planned to fuck it into you. you couldnt take much more and quickly came unraveled. your legs shook from your orgasm as jamil fucked you through it. the slick coated his cock and he was able to move faster. with the stutter of his hips and the strangled threat of him on the edge of cumming, you leaned up to kiss jamil. you were rewarded with a small peck as he snapped his hips against you. falling boneless as his cock pulsated and filled you with his thick sperm. you could feel it overflowing from your hole and pooling beneath you with the mixture of your slick. 
you loved it. 
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
Ok this is my second attempt at this prompt so the writing is probably not that good but what if Vox and Alastor had their first real fight because of Alastor’s treatment of husk bare with me
Vox goes to the hotel to check it out but when gets there he doesn’t see anyone so he just looks around and as he’s looking around he sees a bar and he sees Husk running the bar. Vox gets really excited about this it’s been so long since he last heard from his old mentor not since his deal with Alastor. Vox goes up to bar to finally talk to Husk but something stops him in his track now that Vox is close enough to get good look at him he notices how different he looked his clothes are scuffed and his hair is a mess not to mention his movement are sloppy like he’s constantly tired. Something’s up with husk and Vox will get to the bottom of it if it’s last thing he’ll do. By the time Vox got to the bar Husk had already prepared him his drink the fact that he still remembered what he liked after all these years filled Vox with a warm feeling. The conversation went on for hours both of them telling stories about the time they spent apart as well as the reminiscing about the moments they shared together it felt good it has been sometime since they had last spoken and it felt like no time passed at all it felt so good that husk forgot to filter what he was saying and he ended making an off hand comment about how Alastor’s been treating him now luckily all of the other hotel residents were already asleep because that would’ve been a disaster if they weren’t but still that doesn’t make this any better Vox has always been one of the last things keeping Alastor together so if he left who knows what would happen. Vox hasn’t said a word everything just went quiet it stayed like that for what felt like hours the silence only breaking when someone arrived right on cue Alastor walks in but before he can even say a word Vox is already dragging him into a random room as Husk watches nervously. Vox is smart he knows not to anger the radio demon he’ll be fine right? That hopeful thinking was immediately trashed when he started hearing yelling growing louder and louder so loud infact that the others were waking up even Lucifer came down to check if anything was wrong they all went to Husk asking if he knew what was going on but Husk was too worried really give them a answer the only thing he’s willing to say is Alastor sparking Lucifer to go on a rant . The fighting lasted for a while before Vox opened the door and storming out followed by Alastor who’s missing his iconic smile instead it being replaced by a scowl. Alastor without his smile is unnatural as creepy as his always smiling face is it’s at least somewhat normal once you get used to it but this was just wrong. No one would dare say word all either too scared are unnerved to say a thing “sooo” all except Lucifer of course “trouble in paradise?”
ough. ruh roh.......... trouble in paradise indeed
this is so good nonny. really. Guys. you have to consider writing these out. or at least detail them more to me... please.... i am but a starving victorian child and this is the last thing i will see before my tragic death at the age of 7 (but you can save me by feeding me more radiostatic morsels)
anyway. ahem. sorry i dont know what just happened i think i got possessed by sir pentious- the idea of vox and al's first real fight after they make up being over his treatment of husk is just. you know what thats so real to me. because like radiostatics general (Canon because if its ME writing ill make sure to make them sappy as shit) dynamic is like, ill treat you like shit and youll treat me like shit but in the end you're mine and im yours and thatll never change- but that only applies to THEM. if vox catches al treating his previous mentor (cough father figure cough) like that it is On Sight because first of all, thats HUSK. thats the guy who taught him like basically everything he knows, almost raised him in hell and on the path to being an overlord- and also, does this mean al would pay more attention to torturing husk than he would to vox? because thats just- unacceptable. honestly. so its just so funny if vox like storms out in a fury and whisks husk away to the vees tower or something and profusely ignores alastor and their dynamic gets reversed all because vox learns about the way al treats his thralls (DESERVED)
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19180901 · 2 years
- 🌙
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✣ . Kai and Lloyd (separate) x Master of Lava!fem!reader with anger issues !
➟ Lowercase intended.
➟ CW: Mild swearing, use of "princess" once. But overall it's just crack and fluff, and completely safe!
The timeline is up to you.
I didn't know if you were saying Janai had anger issues or the reader did, so I just gave the anger issues to the reader ahhajahahabba
- <3
✣ . . 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐇 .
oh boy, you were angry as fuck. and normally, he'd think he could handle your anger.
haha WRONG
girlie so mad she became lava. literally.
and he was scared. so, very, extremely scared.
you looked like you were about to wreck the whole monastery down😭
BUT kai being kai like the (adorable) dumbass he is, he thought that, as the elemental master of fire, naturally he'd be lava-proof.
lol wrong again woopsies💔
he tried to hold your hand to calm you down a bit but instantly regretted.
but once he saw you slightly calming down and lightly giggling at his absolute suffering, he had an idea.
he walked towards you to excute his stupid idea (which was doing tomfool-fucking-ries and other dumb stuff in your face to cheer you up;; which would have made you angrier), he tripped on the electro chicken thing and fell face-first on the floor.
he turned around onto his back, pain written all over his face, and groaned.
okay. well that was a fail.
but maybe not?!?@?@🤯🤯
still on the floor, he saw you, also on the floor, laughing your fucking ass off. he was about to pull out some sassy remark out of his ass when he saw that you were becoming like the usual again!
you were brushing your tears off, about to throw him some mocking comment when your breath was fucking squeezed out of your body because the mf you call your boyfriend jumped on you like some kid who met their dad again after 6 years.
"OH thank the first spinjitzu master you're not lava and angry anymore. pls don't do that again i'm sorry😞."
you couldn't do anything but just pat his head and accept his apology.
conclusion, angry y/n: -12/10 would not recommend.
holy shit?? you were lava??@?
this dude had no fucking clue on what to do, or what was going on.
he is the definition of the standing emoji (🧍)
it's not that he doesn't wanna help you or anything, my boy just has no experience on the "how to calm down angry girlfriend that turns into lava without dooming yourself" field ykyk 😞
at first he thought about pouring a bucket of water on you.
but he got scared you'd turn into stone or obsidian or smth and he'd lose you forever💀
so no pouring water on lava s/o.
so instead, he did what he thought was the most reasonable and logical thing to do.
he (very carefully) sat you down on the couch (or bed, idk) and let you rant/vent about whatever or whoever made you so furious you pretty much changed the composition of your skin cells and unlocked some kind of new power or something.
you ranted and ranted, and he did nothing but listen to you ever so attentively.
once you were done, he comforted you the best he could.
"it'll be alright, you are so much better than them anyway."
"their opinion on you does not matter if it's negative "
"you're so beautiful, no one can rivalize with your beauty, princess."
"i love you so so much. <3"
"do you, by complete hazard and coincidence, have their address? i'm just gonna... pay them a nice little visit. 😇"
you love him so ofc you give it to him ha😊😊
anyway he goes to get your favorite food and once he comes back with it, you're happy again👍
he's so proud of himself for that it's so cute
and after that you both live together happily ever after and have as many kids as you want whenever you want.
the end😋
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hihi hope you enjoyed this and don't forget to hit that follow and reblog button !!👍
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© legoffection. Please do not repost my work on any platforms, plagiarize and heavily edit my work under any condition!
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lilysaus · 11 months
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okay. this fucking picture made me so mad i went on a 15 minute rant to my sister while she was trying to read her book.
so ive been looking at a lot of pictures of posts on pinterest because thats just where i spend most of my time. most of these posts are on the topic of adhd. ive never been properly diagnosed, but reading through these posts has made me feel so welcomed and understood (more than my parents have made me feel, pretending that this is "all just a phase that ill get over soon because pretending to have adhd is just the thing right now") that i realized ON MY OWN that "hey maybe i do have adhd." well.
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i found this post while scrolling through pinterest, and it really sparked my anger.
i have a friend who was diagnosed with add before it was considered an "outdated" term and scrapped because apparently ALL FUCKING FORMS OF NEURODIVERGENCY THAT ARENT AUTISM ARE JUST "ADHD".
i read this post and it was what sparked my anger and my 15 minute rant to my sister. people who get degrees in this stuff, or counselors at schools, never really know what youre going through. all they know is that youre having some problems and they need to be solved.
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which brings me back to this picture. if you look up "is add still a thing" on google, this is the first picture to pop up. and just seeing the visual aids they put with it makes me furious enough to throw something or someone out a fifth story window. the little girl is fucking SMILING while thinking about the most common shit people think us neurodivergent folks think when distracted. first off, no. false. we dont just think of video games and candy. we think of the randomest shit possible, like how long can i sit here without blinking or what kind of funny shit can i draw on this one sheet of paper.
and ALSO.
you cant just categorize adhd as TWO SEPARATE THINGS and call it good. we dont fit under two umbrellas. theres too many of us. we each have our own figurative umbrellas that only we ourselves can fit under, no one else. thats the problem with neurotypicals. they fit the typical stereotype for humans: we try to understand everything by putting it in a box. those lists of "symptoms"? i match every single one. on both sides. so ha. take that SCIENTISTS. what am i? some kind of freak of nature because i dont fit under just ONE of your precious categories?
i also looked up what "inattentive" means and it made me angrier. according to oxford languages, "inattentive" means "not paying attention to something", which doesnt seem too bad, right? it fits some people perfectly with their symptoms, right? but its not the definition that bugs me. its the example sentence thats used. "a particularly dull and inattentive student". basically saying that if you dont pay attention well to something, youre dull and boring.
im sorry, what? sometimes i have trouble paying attention, sure, but you ask any of my friends and they can agree i am NOT boring in any way, shape, or form. non of them would describe me as "dull". inattentive? sure, but not dull. so to call it "inattentive" adhd, instead of just add, is stupid! my friend with ADD (not fucking adhd, stupid scientists) is one of the funniest, most entertaining people ive ever met. shes an incredible artist, super smart, and knows how to make anyone laugh. does that sound dull to you? does she have problems focusing sometimes? yes. does she struggle with doing something sometimes? yes. but dont the rest of us?
my point is, when i see things like this, it pisses me off. like, unless all of the scientists who agreed "add" is an outdated term have it themselves, i refuse to believe its outdated and i will continue to say that my friend has it. she was literally diagnosed by the doctor telling her "you have attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder without the hyperactivity." THATS JUST FUCKING ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER YOU DUMBASS!!!
anyway, i hope im not the only one who feels this way. i just felt it necessary to get this out there. maybe someday, people wont be so dumb and single minded. in my opinion, neurodivergent people are superior in intellect and creativity, but i guess until someone like that takes over the world and dropkicks neurotypicals into the stratosphere, we'll never know.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
Honestly ppl need to learn that discoursing about how a group describes their gender and/or sexuality won't make those labels stop being what fits that group best, it'll just make them feel unwelcome in queer spaces.
Also, 1000% seconding that ask about how blurred lines between gender also means that lines between sexuality can get blurry. I'm a lesbian, but I'm not a woman. I'm butch, and that feels far more representative of my gender than "woman" ever has. If I had to choose a gender label, it would be nonbinary, or maybe transmasc. There are people who think that me being masculine and nonbinary means that I can't be a lesbian, which is untrue. I walk in the footsteps of countless butches before me, and I cherish that connection. I wouldn't WANT to use a different, more specific label than I already do, because lesbian is the word I love. It has room for me, and a history I feel connected to. I would never try to rip it away from someone else. If a bi lesbian wants to call themselves that, then it is fully their right to do so. I can not define them anymore than they can define me. I am not the arbiter of others' identities.
Really encourage everyone bothered by labels like "bi lesbian" to learn about the rich history of lesbianism, and the queer community in general. The lines between sexualities and genders have never truly been as distinct as some people want to think. Relish in the freedom this provides, and remember that your fellow queer people are not the reason cishet people will mistreat you. Do not turn your anger against them. It will only hurt them, and do nothing to help you. We do not fight for only the "respectable" queers, all of us deserve to be respected and free to be ourselves.
Love yourself, love your fellow queer people, and remember that the human experience is complex and difficult to describe with language, so give people grace if their labels seem contradictory or at odds. They know things about themselves that you do not, and that is ok.
Anyways sorry about the rant. I just love being a lesbian and how lesbianism is so rich and varied, it makes me feel so safe.
Also your art is great, Big McIntosh Trans Rights. 🐎🏳️‍🌈
dont have anything to say except thank you for sharing, this was really good to read!!! <3
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cyverrieee · 1 year
I can’t help but notice that your requests are open soooo..I HAVE COME TO DELIVER A REQUEST AHAHAHAHHAAH
Can I please request a Genshin self-aware au scenario/hc on how the characters would react to a player/reader that always gets mad/annoyed when they get a commission that involves helping the NPC’s? (Commission Ex. Having to clean, carry, find or something for the NPC bc they just can’t do it for some reason and only the Almighty Traveler can)
If I have broken a rule or you just don’t want to do this then feel free to delete this request. You have no obligation whatsoever to write for something you don’t want. Your blog, your rules.
— I definitely didn’t put my frustrations into this request. I seriously hate those kinds of commissions. It takes way longer than fighting or jumping on mushrooms
I wonder if you can find out who I am heheehheheheheh it’s quite obvious though. Sadly
I am stupid asf so i dont know who you are i have met alot of people so i probably dunno TELL ME WHO YOU AREEEE
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The people (mostly targetted to vision holders) usually feel your presence ALOT, and they can feel this aura around your non existing body. This angered presence usually comes up when you are controlling the traveller to do commissions mostly related to people (NPCS). They hear a faint groan or sigh somewhere in their ears.
Some realized that ;
You didnt like doing these types of commissions
They would hear your faint but godly voice ranting about how the people can just do it themselves like can they just carry this boxes, clean themselves, find stuff for themselves no need for the all mighty Traveller to do it all. I mean we became the world's errand player now, and how you would rather fight or hop on mushrooms than clean dirt off of the ground.
The people thought about it. Maybe they should help you since you dont like these types of commissions anyways, if the anemo archon can admit it, his people are stupid maybe a little too stupid.
Suddenly when you log in genshin, you suddenly have rewards coming. Maybe its a bug? But who are you ti care, FREE PRIMOS!!!
The people are happy about you excitedly wishing for the characters you wanted. Just feeling your happy joyful presence is enough for them to live for a life time
“ 💜 ” Sorry if its short! I dont really have any ideas about this :')
tell me your identity>:(
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
I love sansa and even tho I don’t ship jonsa I appreciate the sansa metas you guys write but it sucks bc I also love arya but almost all the arya centered blogs are j/onryas and ugh its just so upsetting bc arya is 11yrs old in canon and they treat everyone who doesn’t think they will happen as stupid and its ruined the very innocent sibling relationship they have for me. Sorry for this little rant its justs super frustrating and something I appreciate abt jonsas is that you guys dont hate arya the way they seem to really hate sansa. You guys r alot more chill
Hey there!
There are some Sansa fans who are very critical of Arya but I would agree that the vitriolic hate is close to non-existent in these circles. Which I, too, appreciate. I wouldn't want to be here if people hated Arya the way some people hate Sansa.
I'm very invested in the future reconciliation between the sisters. I am very invested in seeing Arya's arc reach it's climactic points in TWOW and ADWD, which I anticipate to be absolutely gut-wrenchingly, harrowingly beautiful examinations of how to come out at the other end of grief. Past anger, past despair, past tunnel vision, out into peace and future. Anyone who has ever felt that knows how powerful that experience is, how astonishing.
Arya's arc is one of the key ones in the book series. Thematically absolutely crucial because of how close she comes to darkness and what it is that makes her different from those who succumb. How alive she will be once again, how hungry to feel once again. An arc that is at its heart philosophical and emotional. About the relationship of a human being with a deeply imperfect world. And an arc about the nature and purpose of justice.
It's just not the arc that I think many of her stans expect for her. So in combination with the Sansa hate, there is little common ground to tread.
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crippled-peeper · 10 months
gd dude some of your other anons are crazy ... like lol? youre entitled to your own experiences and your relationship with those experiences but tbh i think the moment you go "well /i/ can do this," instead of taking a step back and realizing that NOT EVERY DISABLED PERSON IS LIKE YOU is shitty and also you shouldnt be allowed to speak. and also able bodied people like that need to stop fucking doing that on your posts because they literally dont belong there. like omg its sooo horrible that the physically disabled person has issues regarding being physically disabled in a corporate capitalistic environment that believes people like us should be dead because we are virtually useless in their system? like idk. people who are able bodied and only mentally disabled will never understand how hard we have it. they dont belong on your posts or in your askbox especially when it comes to you venting. they just dont. im so sorry some of these guys have the blatant inability to be Normal on your page and you deserve so so much better. your experiences and feelings are 100% valid and i actually really like your page because it reminds me that im ALLOWED to be aggressive when people are blatantly ableist towards me without any qualms. sorry for the massive rant btw.
this is so true and you’re 100% correct
this blog always will center physically disabled people’s experiences simply because it’s what I personally go through and I have very few, if none, spaces I can truly express my anger , frustration, grief, and sadness as a physically disabled person in this society
I appreciate you and people like you anon you are the reason I haven’t thrown my hands in the air and deleted my blog yet 🖤🖤🖤
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vendetta-if · 1 year
hey I'm just loving the story so so much and that scene with Yvette was *chefs kiss*...sorry this will probably be a long rant its just the things you've made me feel 😩😔...if I could read the entire story right now I'd sell a kidney 😂
I'm hoping we can have more conversations with Yvette like we did to really dive into her character, thoughts and feelings especially towards our MC...I usually have a hard time with her character because it always seems like she doesn't really regret what she did as much and seems more like she's approached MC and doing what she's doing mostly, if not solely, because she feels cornered and not as someone that also regrets their decisions and wishes to repair the relationship they DONT have with their child...I know she can feel both those and they can be her motivations, but it just feels like she's driven by the former and not the latter..so I'm looking forward to our interactions with her and if there will be options to let MCs frustrations, sadness, anger and longing bare before her I will...I'd be open to making amends but she has to know and feel everything her absence put MC through and my MC needs to see her genuinely, proactively and consistently care for them before they consider thinking of them as their mother again, nobody can top papa Vic 😂 he set the damn bar too high but if she can put half as much effort hey then we're getting somewhere...
And i have to say, your characters as well are so well written and realistic and raw that I get so engrossed in every little thing they do and I can't help but feel that they're real people with real scars, issues, hopes, dreams, problems and aspirations and relate with them...because I understand Yvettes thought process its like 'I've come too far to look back now' and she feels like she can't let go of everything she built because it would sort of make all her sacrifices meaningless or she may feel she doesn't deserve too and I think she did mention something like that but I wonder if she knows that hurts my MC more 😭😭
Anyway for an ask i wondering what Yvettes fears and or regrets are 'if they're not spoiler' are towards MC and the relationship between the both of them especially because Yvette is asking them to hunt the man that killed her former lover and father of her child 😅...especially if its a vengeful 'I WILL STOP YOU EVEN IF IT KILLS ME' MC...do they fear losing MC like they did Victor or has that not crossed their mind
Sorry it got pretty long but before i vanish I just want to encourage you and say you're awesome and stay blessed!!! its probably not easy making your content and living your life irl but you do it anyways and for that we are more than grateful 🙏
Thank you so much for the kind words 🥰🙏 And I’m glad you’re loving the characters and feel like they’re realistic 🥺🥺 Also, don’t worry about sending this long ask, I love reading you guys’ reactions to the story ❤️ And, don’t sell your kidney for the story, the Morozovs don’t deal in organ trafficking 😆
So, about Yvette, yes, MC will have an optional chance to do a little hang out session with Yvette in the future where they’ll be able to have another conversation with her ☺️
Also, I love how readers interpret the talk with Yvette a little bit differently from each other. Some readily accept her apology and see it as sincere regret, while some, like you, are more skeptical and don’t readily forgive her right away.
Right now, I planned to let those that don’t forgive her the first time to change their mind in the future if they want to. It’s not 100% guaranteed as all plans are subjects to change constantly , but I’d really love to include that.
As for your question, I’m actually not really sure what Yvette’s fears are in the context of her relationship with MC other than messing up her second chance if MC decides to forgive her and MC dying 🥺 She doesn’t really fear MC hating her per se, because it is what she has been believing and expected all these years.
And yes, the thought of losing MC has crossed her mind before, and you can actually see that in the Luka and Yvette Funeral Talk Side Story in case you haven’t checked it out. She would be devastated if MC died, she doesn’t want that. When she came to ask for MC’s help, she just expected MC to talk with Luka or Grandpa and basically just be on standby to help with sharing information about the underworld that’s needed and connecting the group to the Morozovs’ resources and connections, instead of MC actively participating and hunting down the killer 😔
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manonamora-if · 7 months
i dont know if u feel up for it to answer but like... how do u handle negative comments and ratings and just people being negative about ur stuff? bc i have someone just being rude in comments or like notes and game folders on itch and its making me want to just delete everything and never show anyone anything anymore. or even have an acocunt on itch either.
Hi Anon,
I'm sorry you've been dealing with this, and that it took me so long to answer. I've been thinking about this for a while honestly. I've been writing a bunch of drafts for this one, because my answer seems to change with the day or my mood. Some of my stuff have had some strange interactions lately that's made me question whether I should stay on itch myself. I mean, I don't think I'll ever leave... there are too many fun jams I want to participate and, you know, to force people to play my weird stuff. But I've been more anxious about new stuff or updates I share recently.
I don't blame you for wanting an out. Some users will poison one's experience of a platform, that even opening the site would give them anxiety. It doesn't take much to have events or projects soured. Often, just a few rude words is enough to make accounts disappear without a word. And many platform don't have good safety nets (blocking, moderation, reports) to temper or avoid these situations. Many will have half-ass solutions that, at the end of the day, still allows interactions from blocked users. It's easy to wonder if all of this is worth it...
Anyway, the very boring and short answer to your question: it depends.
The probably as boring and long one is a bit of a ramble:
It depends on the day, or the mood I have. It's easier to deal with comments when I'm confident and things are going find; but I'd feel more hurt or have a harder time dealing with them when I'm a bit more morose (I think most people feel this way). I'll disregard any (even barely) negative points some days, only to take it into consideration a few days later. <- this especially during jam/comps time, just need time to digest criticism of any kind.
It also depends on the content of the comment, their tone, and intent of the commenter. Not all negative comments are on the same level. I've had negative comments in the past where the commenter was genuine, and really gave my stuff a shot, bringing interesting points or important concerns. And though it hurt a bit, because being told you made a mistake sucks, those helped me grow. But those are the good kinds of comments...
On the other hand, I try to disregard the trolls, and the abusive comments (towards my work or me), the ones where the engagement was clearly not done in good faith... you know, the ones who will literally tell me I've made the world worse by uploading my games on itch. Doesn't mean that it doesn't affect me at all*. Some of them really hurt or made me angry and frustrated, some have lingered for hours or days in my mind, a few made me close to delete stuff as well. Words are not just empty things without meaning... *I've had to block a few people both here and other places recently because of it, they had become so insistent on wanting to engage with me while bashing most of my work, my values or the few aspects of my identity that I've shared online.
It would be easy to say I just don't give them the time of day or any of my energy, or that I pretend they don't exist, because, if I do, then the trolls win. But that would be lying. Obviously.
Screaming to the void/a pillow or ranting to friends have helped get rid of my anger and frustration. I've laughed with others about some comments I got (usually the bad faith ones, some of them are funny in how sad/bad they were). I think what worked best for me was just turn off the computer and go outside for a bit. Or turned off the internet and play silly games on my phone. Or picked up a book. Or watch a movie. Essentially, any activity that would distract me from it and force me to take a break. And when none of this worked, because some trolls are just that insistent, blocking/deleting stuff*. *unfortunately, it's not always possible, see second paragraph again.
It does suck that you're kinda forced to grow a thicker skin to enjoy or even exist in those spaces, and I wish those would be friendlier... but I don't think social platforms/the internet is going in that direction anytime soon.
Maybe not super helpful to your decision, but borogove.io hosts IF games (without ratings or comments, though people can download the files), so does the IFDB through the IFArchive (but there are ratings/reviews there, also can be downloadable). I've seen other peeps host their stuff on neocities (no ratings/comments). None of those platforms are like itch, in the positives or the negative. Or just be old school, and email stuff.
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hell-drabbles · 3 months
I'm just here to rant. After reading chapter 5
I don't care if you got a sad backstory. Your trauma doesn't define the reason for your behavior! Don't get me wrong, I understand all the stuff he has been through- yad yada but the way he act around the player makes me want to rip my hair out of frustration. I couldn't finish the story properly without getting agitated. Both on how the player acts like a whore and leviathan being an ass.
I know some people will say 'but he has been through a lot! He deserves the love and the attention for all the things he had lost in his childhood and that's good /rare character personality out there-' I. DONT. CARE. and it's not rare for people to just be shock by him as if he's the only dude out there that got a sad boi experience and become a dom daddy. He isn't.
I don't care if people says 'but you haven't got to know him yet!' well I'm sorry that I'm not an observant type and Don't want to be with people that don't treat me like a person and gaslight me with their petty excuses
It really just comes down to the fact that we as the audience do not get a choice as to how we treat these devils. Leviathan's personality can be kept as is, but the devs shoehorn the way he must be treated, via being so taken by his beauty that all anger is handwaved away as "oh just fuck it out, it will be fine." Hate-fucking is a rather delicate art and rarely is it ever done in such a way that I can find enjoyment in.
This is not it, chief. Skipped it as soon as I could.
Do you ever read a work of fiction and are able to pin-point who exactly is the author's favorite character? This is how I feel towards Leviathan: he's a writer's favorite little boy. He's given the most tragic and brutal backstory available to maximize on the pity points, isn't as messed up as could be because he's still gotta be a "palatable tragic victim to pity and heal with your body," and can be written as an asshole because he's sad boi and hooooot and therefore does not need to change.
"Oh but he does change though, you just have to deal with-" Nah. Not interested in his interactions. Especially not through the POV of the MC, or any of the devils that worship the ground Leviathan walks on.
Leviathan can be an interesting character, and more power to those that align with the devs preferences, unfortunately his presence always makes the writers wave their hands and frame the MC's anger as "brat" behavior. And, as a brat, they must be tamed. And the MC will enjoy it eventually.
Ugh... You know, I'm all about asshole victims, of characters that take their trauma and using it as a excuse to be as selfish as possible because any other means scare or make them think they'll be weaker for not being an asshole. However, my favorite part about asshole victims is not the behavior, but the fallout as a result of that behavior.
I kept waiting for this giant shoe to drop and for things to get real messed up, but all I got was lukewarm water!
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thatgirl4815 · 8 months
Elle..do we know anything about sandray endgame in the OF novel? ‘Cause atp i am 🥲✨SCARED✨
What is happening?? Ofts was going fine up until ep10 and ✨ep11✨ happens. What is jojo thinking?Why did they add Boeing in the penultimate episode. This should have happened during the halloween episode. Then this might have added much more sense.
Boeing: ep10:going after topmew;ep11:going after sandray;ep12:potentially going after boston(if the preview is correct) LIKE WTF IS THIS??!!
1. I am happy for bostonnick with whatever is going on for them(but i wanted an open relationship for them)
2. Topmew topmew topmew I have so many things to say about them like i am happy mew gave him another chance. (Not to make this about me But my ex was a cheater and i gave them a chance though we were happy most of the time i was paranoid if they might cheat again and it didnt end well..so this might be a ‘me’ problem)
3. Cheum babied him just like that, the girl who judges everyone and their mama for everything doesnt feel like what atom said and did is probelmatic????!!! Boston might have gone to jail!!!!
4. SANDRAY. Oh i am trying to collect proper words to write about them.. 💕BOYFRIENDS 💕they are painfully in love with each other😭 but sand baby ily i really do but wtf happened to youu!!i know you might have some lingering feelings about boeing(🤮)and thats okay but dont send away ray your BOYFRIEND and then go and talk to boeing(🤮)
Unpopular opinion:they should have ended this with ep10 if they wanted to add boeing in the last 2 episodes
I am really so sorry for ranting so much i wanted to vent my anger somewhere🙏🙏
Love you lots!!❤️
I do not know anything about the novel besides a few snippets I've seen translated, but those are all of scenes we've already seen in the series. And I'm glad for that, because even though the anticipation is killing me, getting spoiled would honestly ruin the whole experience for me (and so close to the end would be heartbreaking).
I have to think that Jojo and the rest of the crew/writers know that adding an ex, particularly at the end of a series, is very common and--imo--is almost always a needless way of stirring up drama. The TopBoeingMew conflict was resolved fairly early in the ep, and I wasn't at all surprised with the way Boeing pursued Sand, but Sand's reaction still bothers me. I take it the writers are using the BoeingSandRay plot to 1) create conflict in SandRay's relationship after they've already resolved their other issues and 2) connect that conflict to Sand personally, seeing as many of the conflicts in SandRay's relationship have been from Ray's side of things.
It's certainly an interesting approach to use Sand's reaction to Boeing as further proof that he doesn't know how to no to people, even those that have hurt him most. While it's true that he didn't reciprocate Boeing's advances or say anything to suggest he was all for them, he also just allowed it to happen. Given what Boeing did to him and the state of his relationship with Ray, I find this behavior just generally odd. It's not entirely out of character, but...it is to some degree.
I'm pleasantly surprised that Nick is portrayed as way less pathetic in his relationship with Boston now. Yes, he was eager to get back with Boston last episode, but he's not groveling at his feet the way he was before. He even expresses hesitation over being in a relationship with Boston when he's going to move away soon. Interested to see if that dynamic will remain consistent or if Boeing will screw things up. (Also, about Cheum, I'm also quite frustrated that she brushes Atom's behavior to the side like it's nothing. Like that was a serious accusation people. Why are we acting like it's nothing??)
I'm glad we got that scene of Top crying to Mew and the discussion of paranoia and distrust in their relationship. I think they've established some healthy communication in the wake of Top's betrayal. This is a personal thing, and it's a valid reaction, but something about Mew's behavior towards Top at the beginning of the episode was incredibly annoying to me. First of all, using Boeing to make Top jealous is just stooping to Top's level, so I'm glad Mew quickly moved on from that. But something about Mew's expressions when talking to Top strike me as so entitled. Mew as a character rubs me the wrong way more often than not, and I'm tempted to say it's all because of that sense of entitlement just ebbing off of him at all times. He's justified in being angry at Top, but every time he's onscreen I can't help but get annoyed.
Prayer circle for happy boyfriends SandRay in the finale!! I'm a bit scared but still hopeful that once this Boeing mess is sorted out, they'll be okay. They were just fine until he came back, which tells me that once he's removed from the situation, they'll go back to being happy and in love. I choose to believe the best. 😊🥲 <3
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