#“hold the cat. he is soft.”
how much do you want to bet that damian offers his siblings pets to cuddle when they're upset.
damian was raised by the league of assassins. they're not known for teaching their proteges how to comfort others. but also, despite his admittedly stabby tendencies, damian is a good kid. and he cares about his siblings. he wants to be comforting -- god knows dick and his octopus hugs are good at it, or jason and his quiet, reassuring company, or cass's perceptive ability to tell just what someone needs, or steph's cheer or babs's wisdom or tim's problem-solving or even duke's slightly bewildered sympathetic listening -- but he doesn't quite know how.
he does know that it helps him to hold his pets when he's upset, though. so after one particularly rough day, he goes up to one of his upset siblings and holds up alfred the cat.
it works. it's not the same as being comforting himself, but it's a start.
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lil-vibes · 28 days
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i havent been able to get @bamsara 's amnesia au outta my head for WEEKS !! so have these bc narinder being more openly affectionate will be the end of me fr
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wormie wormie wormie wormi-
#tiny little guy!!! teeny thing!!!#i imagine that wormie acts kinda like a cat mixed with a crow#also she Violently wiggles her whole body when she sees barnaby. thank you for coming to my ted talk#fully convulsing. acting as though she's jello in a centrifuge#and she Does Not Stop until she is held so barnaby has to figure out how to pick her up w/o hurting her#its very amusing in my mind... hes laughing his ass off as she flops all over the place#she doesnt make noise except for very brief quiet squeaks!!#also wormie is not technically female. no one knows what the fuck she is if anything#but barnaby started referring to her with feminine terms and it Stuck#kinda like finding a cool object and going 'oh she's neat'#yeah like that!#wormie lore hidden in the fantasy au...#scribble salad#wh fantasy au#im melting picturing barnaby holding her by the 'handle'#he commissioned the harness himself... made out of the same leather as his gloves! & the same etched design as his boots!#guys im so soft thinking about them.... barnaby and his little pet worm...#i imagine he teaches her tricks... carries her on his hat.... baby talks her cause she's just that tiny how could he not....#im picturing a Scenario where barnaby full speed full force bodyslams eddie who was just walkin along#like Full Force. eddie flies back ten feet and leaves a groove in the dirt when he lands - everyone goes Hey What The Fuck Barn?!#but as soon as he does it barnaby is rushing over like 'omfg im so sorry but i had to - you were about to step on wormie'
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90stvqueen · 1 year
my cat just went on a feral play aggression kick and scratched the shit out of me. i put him in time out for ten minutes and now he's lying on my legs grooming himself. the duality of man
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lake-cosay · 4 months
jesse cosay holds a stuffed animal while he sleeps u cant change my mind
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luvmequmi · 5 months
I’m gonna become a girl whose only personality is being in love with a sweet boy
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acidbathcat · 6 months
why is my sisters 1 year old girl cat (same breed) so fucking solid and meaty and heavy and my 4 year old boy cat is like skin and bones. they are the same height also.
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electricpurrs · 9 months
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he literally looks just like me
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illmamnim · 2 years
I think that Doc is just as huggable as Impulse but there's a pain scale to it
There are x and y axis of huggable to unhugable and painful to soft
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piningpercussionist · 5 months
hello hello! im a totally real human with human insides! plush anon is the name! what is your opinions on stuffies/stuffed animals?
- 🧸
... That is an extremely ominous opener... with extremely gruesome visuals for me to attach...
*Kim stares off out the window for a moment before she continues typing, eventually shaking her head with a mildly disgusted look, but a small smile.*
I don't really have any- at least, not here, but I like them, yeah. What's not to like? They're soft and designed to be loved and held...
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kellystar321 · 10 months
📤📤📤 free for all! Let anyone answer a question!
anon this is literally so cute <33
📤 What's your favorite sorta "advanced vocabulary" word? (like unequivocal, ostentatious, iniquity) 📤 One of your favorite tropes to see in media, and an example from a media you like! 📤 If you were a stuffed animal, what kind and color would you be?
Reverse ask here!
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Just like I put the notch in Skimble's ears for HC reasons, I also want to toss forward the concept that he has chipped at least two of his teeth running with the idea that he does the old "bite the gold coin to see if it's authentic" bit out of habit. Probably bitten a touch too hard on a fake one once or twice in his lifetime.
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peterpandiedtoday · 2 years
man did i have a stressful day yesterday with washing machines and the dryer acting up, having soo much to do, it raining like heck alllll day, having to go and print plane tickets, it being an early cats show and wanting boba before leaving and somehow. through sheer luck and despite technically leaving way too late i arrived at the boba shop half an hour before the show and could comfortably have a drink. miracles do happen
#personal Davy#okay cats cats cats and i have to start with this bc i absolutely can't stop thinking about it it's just soo funny and fit the situation#so. munk's tail got ripped off. during the macavity fight. from the mac back jump. and not in a the tail came loose way. no. Ripped#when he was on the floor there was just a little stub left and the tail was on the floor. mungo found it and poked at it curiously then took#it and started laughing. while munk was curled up. tailless. not even sure he noticed but ah. he lost his tail in the fight!!!!!!!!!!#several ppl whispered to him during the dark bit and he got up and got a new one at the next best opportunity but he Also seems to have#found it hilarious b/c he kept talking and motioning to his tail it was. hilarious. fitting. cute af. i owe  u my lfye mr snova sir please#also bc. he was so affectionate with tugger. with everyone but like during his song he wasn't annoyed at all like literally all other munks#i've seen he just i would even say fondly watched and danced with him when he was close and was just vibing? mr snova.. mr... mr snovaaaa...#but from the get go they were so soft with each other. during the pyramid tugger caressed munk's head when he hissed hi and held his hand#back when tugger covered his during old deut and randomly reached back for him when he stood behind him during the ball and uhm.#while tugger and bomba fcked he stood next to them and watched. smiling. and whenthey were done he lovingly pushed tugger's hair from his#sweaty forehead while tugger was still half lying on the tire Spent. i was.... speechless even in my brain#and during the mating dance tugger put his leg over deme and munk put his arm around both of them holding tugger by the waist just hhhhhhhh#and while it isn't unusual for tugger to put his and on munk's inner thigh during skimble it Is unusual for munk to do it back which he Did#yes other character tidbits happened too but that's between me and me and it was probably the last snova munk so why not focus on him here#i do have an undefeatable munk preferences for munk by himself but snova as both munk and tugger loves saying Ur Valid which is nice
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I need to replay HoT and PoF and everything in-between but I'm thinking Caithe thoughts again.
Specifically, I can't remember a point where she directly interacts with Rytlock or the other members of Destinys Edge after the jungle and the revelations of Sylvari origins. Am I just not remembering it or do they legit never talk?
It's sad to think that after all her efforts, Caithes friends end up abandoning her anyway. It's sad that they don't seem to reach out to her despite everything.
On the other hand, I'm glad she doesn't chase after them if they haven't reached out to her. I hope it means she's learned her worth. I hope she knows she deserves good friends that she doesn't have to chase down just to get a conversation.
I know the other members of Destiny's Edge have also been Going Through It but I love Caithe the most. They all deserve good things (and some of them to get the sense shaken into them.) But Caithe is the one I want to wrap in blankets and give hot coco.
Do correct me if I'm remembering wrong though bc I very much might be!
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I was just vibing, no thoughts, head empty with my cat napping next to me on the bed when I suddenly registered the fact that he was an actual real physical tangible being. That I could touch him and hold him and give him little forehead kissies, and so I picked him up and placed him on my tummy and he continued napping as I soaked in the fact that I was capable of physically loving this creature SO hard. Almost cried. Gave him kisses.
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nabsthevulture · 2 years
I am having trouble discerning Morton tolerating the baby and actively playing with her
Sometimes they will chase one another all over the couch and Morton will stop it by hissing and slapping her. I'm assuming this is him saying "Okay, stop this for now", but she doesn't really have a shut off button and I've removed her from the situation when it gets to that point. I dont think he would hurt her on purpose but he's like 10 times her size and I can see it happening on accident.
We acclimated baby Morton to Pepper and Mini, but Pepper already had plenty of experience with kittens before and Mini was too laid back to care, so this is newer territory and I am the one chiefly dealing with it
Morton doesn't mind her being around him, but its just when she gets too annoying and he sets boundaries that I'm worried she's just going to keep pushing him until something more intense happens, because he's going to have to escalate his response to get her to really understand that he wants her to stop
Kittens are difficult man, but we knew bringing an older cat in would have its own problems. At least Morton could shape a baby, an adult would already have their own personality and if they clashed they would clash.
Im just bitching, all is good
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