#◜✧ . ❪ muse. tobias. ❫
ghoulymadge · 2 years
tobias really rocked up to the amas and said i'm going to serve a level of cunt the likes of which you've never seen before
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yeonban · 6 days
I don't think we talk enough about the pain of your favorites having fanart in the negatives and barely enough panels that are usable for anything
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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babyitsmagic · 4 months
The Spies
Dahlia serves as the spymaster for the Court of Time, despite the fact that their nephew... does not trust them much. But no one is more qualified than them and Calix does value their expertise. She has a strong network of spies reporting to her. This post is about three of them.
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Half witch/half dearg-due. Very little bloodlust. Clever and ambitious enough that Dahlia doesn't fully trust her, but they're used to working with people they don't trust. Piper's witch magic makes her a huge asset, given that a lot of fae just aren't expecting it. But her strongest asset? She can lie, and no one other than her and Dahlia know that. She and Lynette are decent friends and she could teach Lynette magic, but she also would tell Dahlia if Lynette asked her to do it.
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If he were any less good at his job, Dahlia would kill him. Not because he's a threat or anything. They just find him irritating, and they're not used to putting up with people who irritate them. But he's a damn good spy with a knack for shapeshifting that lets him get into places not everyone can. He provides a lot of intel that a lot of the other spies can't get. Which would be fine, great even, if he didn't know exactly how useful he is and weren't so damn smug about it. Aksel has been a spy the longest of the three, and worked under Hawthorne for many years.
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Tobias is a flirt who uses his charisma to charm secrets out of people. He doesn't have to ask people to tell him things. He makes them want to tell him things, just by being himself. He's Dahlia's go-to resource for when eavesdropping or theft simply won't be enough. Dahlia poached him from the Twilight Court, where they knew his skillset was being wasted. As a result, he's full banished from his former court and, if he were to return, would be executed by any member of the court who recognized him. He almost had a thing with Kieran that ended before it could go anywhere, but probably only added to Kieran's mountain of trust issues, and he's 100% certain that Kieran would murder him on sight.
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margaretwexley · 8 months
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live through this—
YOUR EX-LOVER IS DEAD, stars LACY, olivia rodrigo MEDICINE, daughter SPECIAL DEATH, mirah READING IN BED, emily haines & the soft skeleton CASTLES, saint sister I EXIST I EXIST I EXIST, flatsound TO YOUR HEALTH, keaton henson FOURTH OF JULY, sufjan stevens MIA & SEBASTIAN'S THEME (CELESTA), justin hurwitz
and you won't look back.
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rhianwells · 6 days
✮ - Mr Wexley 🤔
my muse cannot lie
✮- And a name to hear their real feelings for them.
"I think he's a good man and a great leader, I trust him. I'm so in this survival mode I focus on different traits first these days... But Mr. Wexley is also a really nice man with great sense of humor and I appreciate that a lot. I like him, it's been fun to know someone like him."
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bratty-metalhead · 8 months
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Thanks for tagging me,
@fancassticfiction 🖤
((The amount of Ghost songs on this list lmao))
B - Broken - Seether and Amy Lee
R - Ritual - Ghost
A - Another Life - Motionless in White
T - Twenties - Ghost
T - Time Is Running Out - Muse
Y - Year Zero - Ghost
M- Monstrance Clock - Ghost
E - Eat Your Young - Hozier
T - Tír na nÓg - Celtic Women
A - A Match In The Water - Pierce the Veil
L - Life Eternal - Ghost
H - Hunters Moon - Ghost
E - emo girl - Paige Six
A - All the Things She Said - t.A.T.u
D - Dance Macabre - Ghost
I don’t have a lot of mutuals soooo here’s a mix of mutuals and just random blogs I like
@copiousloverofcopia @beepophobia @cardi-c @dewymorningstar @thisbastardneedsafatherfigure @holeinterzosshoe @i-fondued @largeghostthrowblanket @onedaughterofman @rightintheghoulies @stressghoul @terzosprimemover @vanmec @whorror-ghoul @affluence-de-la-vie
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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forjustice · 19 days
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thenexusofsouls · 5 months
"Happy New Year Ben!" (from Tobias; @mxrvelouscreations
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Ben drank a shot that was way too strong for him just as it hit midnight, and then he smiled at Tobias. "Happy New Year, man! I still can't believe you wanted to come party with me after... well, everything. You're not gonna get in trouble for this, are you?" Alcohol wasn't illegal, so as long as he behaved himself, he wasn't going to get his cop friend in trouble, right? Well... "friend." Ben thought too much of Tobias to keep him friendzoned. "It's been such a good night, I could kiss you," he said.
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rioreeve · 5 months
👄 + Tobias
"I've enjoyed every interaction I had with Tobias. Doesn't speak unless he has something to say, and even then, he keeps it short. Always goes straight to the point and has vast knowledge. A very classy, meticulous man. Five stars."
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 9 months
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Ok it is been awhile since I read book 3 and this passage with Suzette. Is it me or is Bloom creating his own fda???
I started my When Egos Collide series before book 3, and if you had not read yet, spoilers under the cut.
I had Dr Mendoza come over from Kenmore but he declined to be on the team and wanted to work solely in research but a counter offer was made and that is how I had Tobias come onto the team.
I did not think too much at the time, covid Lock downs with small children, pregnancy, child starting kindy and what not but this feels like something I thought up. Very different in some respects but still was his end game his own fda?
And below? Elsa’s husband comes in and says he is reporting for duty? What was PB’s end game with Tobias? I know Bloom likes to use competition to breed excellence but still. Such under utilised plot potential. We remember from the trial that he was never going to throw Ethan under the bus… PB really dropped the ball and now I am scared at how in some ways When Egos collide was similar before book 3 even dropped
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yeonban · 6 days
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@effigist asked: / Tobias bday festivities ! this got long . my bad bestie
ash lingers in dark shadows cast down from the buildings surrounding the big celebration’s location , vigilantly observing from outside rather than daring to step in . he heard about tobias’ birthday a few days prior from some of his blabbermouth men who had timidly asked their leader if they could attend the big party dedicated to no other than the sharpest thorn in ash’s side . he responded with a dismissive scowl , grumbling something like do whatever the hell you want , while doing his best to seem as disinterested as possible . last thing he wanted was for the men to think he would be attending that hellish celebration - god , no , he’d rather get himself thrown in the slammer just to avoid it . in great contrast to his apparent dislike for the celebration , he nonetheless loitered outside for a good hour after showing up towards the end of the celebration , remaining out of sight until groups of people filed out from the doors &. ash concluded it was finally coming to its rightful end . about time . only when the detested birthday boy enters his line of sight , does the lurking predator step out from the shadows . though , instead of attacking or otherwise antagonizing tobias , he merely walks with an air of leisure &. casualty a teenaged gang leader had absolutely no business maintaining , before stopping at the dark haired teen’s side .
❝ you tired of gettin’ pampered like a snobby princess , yet ? ❞ a playful smirk tugs at the blonde’s lips , implying he must be in a decent mood . gingerly , his arm lifts &. stretches over tobias’ shoulder , although no contact is made . he merely keeps his limb hovering just above the point of contact , but close enough to where any bystander from a distance would be fooled . swiftly , ash’s nimble fingers drop a little plastic card into the other’s chest pocket . It’s a library card . ash is more than aware that the man could easily access any book of his choosing with his status , connections , money , &. influence , but he paid it no mind . once the sneaky exchange is completed , his arm lowers , but not before giving a slightly - too - hard - to - be - considered - a - pat smack into the back of tobias’ shoulder . ❝ better be careful around my guys until the clock strikes midnight , cinderella . they’ll give a loser like you a beatin’ for every year you’ve been alive . ❞ they won’t .
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The birthday boy is one of the last to exit the building, animatedly chatting up the few who have chosen to continue their conversations with him even after the party has ended, and it's only when they're stepping down the outer stairs and the teen can feel a distant gaze intently focused on him that he steadily shepherds the guests towards the end of the conversation, shaking their hands and waving them goodbye before glancing in the direction of the gaze. Whatever he may have expected it to be caused by --- an ambush on his birthday or an informant returning to report their findings; the sight of Ash Lynx willingly approaching him had certainly not been it.
Tobias' expression doesn't change much, yet the surprise is apparent enough if one knows where to look for it. It hides in the sudden blink and the lingering stare as the blond threads closer, it crawls in the unspoken but palpable question of what's going on and in the quick yet subdued glance behind Ash as if to check whether the blond has either been coerced into it or sought him out with an urgent purpose in mind. Grey eyes return to look into the jade pair and yet none of these possibilities seem to have quite hit the mark. Ash's smirk isn't gloomily sarcastic nor does his body language speak of anxieties or woes, and there is nothing whatsoever to indicate that he's come here in a hurry. If anything, he appears to have either been on a stroll to this location, or been hiding nearby for a while.
Tentatively testing the waters, Tobias' lips curl into a matching grin, carefully watching each of the gang leader's movements. ❛ Ash? You could've told me you were dropping by, you know. I'd have ditched the others way earlier if I'd known you're around. ❜ The subsequent close proximity is as shocking as the other's presence near the celebration's location and Tobias almost opts to jokingly remark on it when the corners of his eyes catch a glimpse of a thin card delicately sliding into his chest pocket. Hm...? ❛ What, you got me a gift, too? ❜ This may have counted as a teasing comment had the exchange taken place on another day and for the first few seconds Tobias even means it as such, but with Ash's jesting and the deliberate secrecy surrounding the gift-giving, as if this display of cordiality has the potential to be ruinous to the blond's image, Tobias can't help but reach into his pocket and bring the alleged present into his field of vision. A gift? Really?
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He doesn't bother inquiring from where Ash has learned of his birthday, he'd expected as much with anyone worth their damn being able to find out about it one way or the other, but the sequence of events following that has barely been considered a priori, imagined as unlikely from the get go and thus unworthy of being thought about; yet it appears his calculations have, shockingly enough, been slightly off the mark. He'd figured Ash would accept hanging out with him if he approached the blond after the fussy festivities were wrapped up (if begrudgingly so), but had he misjudged how challenging it would be for them to reach this point of vague friendship, back during their first few meetings? Or had Ash just coincidentally felt generous on this occasion?
The library card that graces his eyes once he fishes the present out of his pocket might seem as nothing much to most in his position, but Tobias grows troublingly quiet at the sight, the grin on his face slowly dissipating into a thin line; neither annoyed, nor upset --- but rather, cognizant. Under normal circumstances it would take nothing more than a name and an address for such a plastic card to be issued, and it could very well pass as a friendly insult, jokingly implying the receiver should open a book for once, but in their situation it's a calculated effort, and quite an effort he's sure it has been. False identities such as his own come bearing little documentation, or if there is any available it certainly wouldn't be at everyone's discretion, so the existence of a library card with Tobias' name on it hints at a far grander and more complicated process than the regular person would give it credit for, and it seems the blond has deemed him worth the trouble, despite the older teen having indirectly offered Ash a way out of the mandatory gift-giving by not inviting him to the celebration.
Yet perhaps even more baffling still is another minor detail, something so subtle that it would have passed entirely unnoticed had it been anyone but Tobias attempting to grasp its meaning, or had he not been as attentive to Ash's lifestyle and habits as he chose to be. A detail he is more than certain represents a major step in their relationship, and one which signifies a degree of trust (whether conscious or subconscious) that he hasn't been expecting to receive for at least another year of incessantly bothering the blond. Being offered access to Ash's last safe haven, by the gang leader himself.
The silence continues while Tobias stares at the gift in muted incredulity, unsure of how exactly to react to any of the rapid fire surprises this simple choice of presents has flooded him with. Is it a code for something? No, Ash seems to be having a good day, there is probably no reason for him to ask Tobias to meet him at the library for a secret conversation. If so, is he going to request or demand something? No, also unlikely given the ease with which Tobias already offers him everything. There'd be no point in going the extra mile for something he could receive for free while doing nothing.
Is Ash really just reaching out to him of his own volition? That almost seems more doubtful than the previous possibilities, but unless the younger teen is a greater actor than all of the ones Tobias has met... he doesn't seem to be the sort to harbor ulterior motives or take advantage of others without first being given a reason to; and the orphan would like to think he hasn't done anything egregious enough to the gang leader or his men to warrant that. Ash's honesty is one of the traits he values about the other, after all (quite the rarity in their field of work, for better or worse) and what a shame it would be for him to senselessly lose the privilege of knowing for a fact that Ash's words and behaviors are always connected to the definitive truth.
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Although there is an ongoing dispute in his mind, Ash's remark doesn't pass by unnoticed; bringing a familiar tint of amusement in the otherwise uncertain state of affairs. Paired with the quizzical gift in hand, it brings the smirk back onto Tobias' face, if a tad more hesitant than it had been before, and it prompts him to turn to look at the other again. How should he react now? Where do they stand, if not where he'd thought they did? Should he wait and see, or should he outright ask? ❛ ......Then, prince charming, how about you act as my bodyguard 'til I'm safe from harm and ready to depart? Midnight is still a long way off, but surely your macho men won't think to lift a finger on someone as frail as me with you around to keep them at bay, ❜ Perhaps slowly prodding is the way to go, if he's learned anything from Ash's lethal allergies to appearing vulnerable. He'll always have the time to ask later, if the moment is ever opportune enough, and maybe there won't even be a need for that after observing Ash's behavior for a while longer.
Lifting his free arm, Tobias leisurely brings it 'round the lynx's shoulders as the other had done to him prior, except he lets his arm come into contact with Ash's shoulders while slowly poking him with the library card present in the other hand. It's a blithe touch, one blatantly meant for gauging where he stands with the other rather than an attempt at rudely breaking into his personal space, and one he had been very careful not to engage in prior to this day despite physical contact being the brunette's go-to when interacting with practically everyone else.
However... with all of the surprises already sent his way, and particularly so with the confounding (albeit indirect) openness Ash has showed him today, it might as well be the best moment to check what boundaries he's currently kept at, and figure things out from there. Will he be shrugged or pushed off as he'd previously figured it'd happen, or will Ash allow him this sort of friendly touch, and surprise him for a fourth time? ❛ And while you're at it, how about you show me to the library, too? I could use some new book recommendations. Who knows, maybe you'll even find that I'm a pretty good reading buddy to have. ❜ The request can easily pass as a debonair way of bringing Ash along for the ride, but with the lengths Tobias has gone to not encroach into the library for as long as it had been Ash's turf, the assistance with maneuvering inside the humongous building might actually be helpful.
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#◜✧ . ❪ muse. tobias. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ tobias ; ic. ❫#effigist#I'm gonna jump and do a flip atp HOWWWWWWWWWWWW DID THIS GET SO LONG. HOW.#CRYING at Tobias being ?? tho. Ash truly deserves an award for making him feel this confused. Honored too but moreso confounded as HELL!#It's actually even MORE comical if he later goes and tells Elijah about this bc to Elijah all this would be like a madman's ramblings.#Like what do you mean you're exe needs to reboot about having received a LIBRARY CARD are you finally starting to lose it dude#Tobias; having learned from various sources (Ash's men) that Ash dislikes people bothering him in the library: No you don't understand#Elijah: Yeah no I really don't#AJDIUASDHSAUIDHSAHDSAJHFHSFSDJFDHD#Tobias has such a careful approach when it comes to Ash man... he interacts w him in a similar way to how he'd interact w a feral animal#NO to brusque movements. NO to encroaching in his space. NO to touching. YES to bothering him from a distance til he eventually warms up#But also Ash is SOSO sweet for this I adore him... Tobias genuinely would've never thought Ash would go out of his way to gift him smth#LET ALONE hand him an indirect invitation to frequent the library which is the only place Ash can ever get some safe alone time#^ the fact that Ash waited for an HOUR loitering around to give Tobias this gift is sending me too. KING JUST SEND A MESSAGEADSHADJSADJ#These two have such a complex dynamic AUGHHHHHH I'm living for it!!!!!!!!!!#TYSMMMMMM FOR SENDING A BDAY ASK BTW I'VE BEEN GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET FOR THE PAST 4 DAYS ABOUT IT#I meant to reply to it on the day of but then irl decided it was time to improvise a way to distract me real quick (<-thru random uni work)
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seriously-mike · 6 months
And what about a certain Menzies with a Ż?
From my conversation with @jurian-is-cinnamon-roll.
It's funny how the surname "Menzies" is properly pronounced with a letter only common in Slavic and some Baltic languages (and that would be Ż/Ž/Ж), and kinda sounds Lithuanian.
But it's okay, when a certain MacLeod of Skye arrived in Poland in 1821, his descendants localized their surname to "Machlejd".
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ghoulymadge · 7 months
i bought myself a secondo shirt as a little treat
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movedtoferinehuntress · 8 months
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[ Headcanon ] FAMILY ANCESTRY .
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Caitlyn Kiramman by placement and visuals is stated to be a Piltovan 'through and through'. The irony of this is it's the furthest thing from the truth.
While Caitlyn has the title, the money, the status, and the placement nothing within her is Piltovan. Her family ancestry, while they were there during the establishment of Piltover, did not ever really fit into the piltovan standards.
Caitlyn's ancestry in a rough breakdown of percentages is seen as so -> 50% Ionian, 20% Piltovan, 20% Zaunite, and 10% Ixtali. Mixed with the Ionian and Zaunite ancestry is the Vastayan bloodline that is connected to her from both her mother's and father's side.
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Tobias Kiramman is part of a bloodline that is pure Ionian. His small village he was a part of rarely had visitors from outside influences, but he met Cassandra when he was visiting one of the larger cities. Tobias's ancestry descends deep into the age of the Vastayashai’rei. His village was known to be home to Vastaya and Humans, but all the humans were gifted with magic. The Vastaya clan was that of Lhotlan when they used to be numerous and wild. It wasn't uncommon for Vastaya to mate with humans, interbreeding between the two that kept this cross of human/vastayan bloodlines.
Tobias is heavily influenced by his culture from Ionia and while he lives in Piltovan, and moved here when he married Cassandra, he does not forget the Ionian ways; including his worship, rituals, and prayers. While he is one of the most influential doctors in Piltover, it does not erase the culture of his past despite how Piltover has tried to assimilate him into the Piltovan way. Tobias provides the primary source of Ionian blood to Caitlyn and much of the vastayan traits she carries due to the Lhotlan bloodline. It's also why she can have the magical ability of empathy due to the natural magic that Vastaya carries.
His family was known as one of the guardian protectors, protecting one of the Guardian Trees in Ionia. Tobias’ family line had a spiritual site where they were deeply connected to a spirit tree, that brought life and water to the land. The people protected the tree and in turn, the tree blessed the line with magic. It allowed the people to connect to nature, bending it to their will and using it to continue to protect the tree. The effects of the magic turned the family line’s hair blue, all variations in connection to the guardian tree was affiliated with.
While Tobias does not have magic, the magic is still within his veins and it in turn, is in Caitlyn. This is why she carries the same genetic color of hair as her father, Blue, due to the connection to the spirit tree and why when the gemstone exploded, Caitlyn’s bloodline surged, like an activation key triggered bringing her empathic magical ability to the surface.
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Cassandra is considered to be Piltovan by being born in Piltover, just as Caitlyn; however, the truth of the fact is that everyone in Piltover are not truly Piltovans. Piltover is a melting pot, a place created about three hundred years ago. They are the YOUNGEST civilization among all of Runeterra alongside their sister state, Zaun. This means that everyone who came to Piltover and Zaun are travelers from other locations. The Kiramman bloodline has had nine generations of families which brings mixed ancestry to Caitlyn's bloodline.
The earliest known ancestor in the Kiramman bloodline was named CHIDORI, the daughter of birds. Most Vastaya settled into the region of Zaun, and so Chidori, with her father and mother, settled into Zaun. This was before Zaun or Piltover was ever established, a beginning migration for the bird family to seek out a new home away from Ionia; a place they could call home. Chidori met another Vastaya and they gave birth to CHIZUKI, the daughter of the moon. Chizuki loved living with her parents and working in the mines but she wanted more: she wanted to see the sky, and the moon, and thrive in it. So with her and her mate, they decided to cross the strait of the ocean into the land of Piltover (before it was fully established as Piltover).
Chizuki was around when Piltover and Zaun were established and when relations were good between the two new towns. Piltover and Zaun worked together so it wasn't uncommon for the two people to interact and decide where they wanted to live. It was a blend of cultures before Piltover started to become more greedy and harsh upon Zaun.
CERISE was born to Chizuki, and this is when they settled into Piltover and took up a new name. Due to Chizuki being related to the darkness of the night moon, the beam of the moon's light, being a matriarchy family, and the knowledge and skill to give to humanity, Chizuki took up a last name.
Kira comes from the root word "Mistress, Lady" along with "beam of light" and "black or darkness". Man is derived from the meaning "person" or "someone" as well as the root word for "hand". So this name Kiramman is meant to be several different concepts. "The light of man", "the darkness of the hand", "Lady Light", and "The Dark Mistress".
Cerise Kiramman, while pureblood Zaunite, was the first woman to become a part of the Piltovan culture and even mated with a Piltovan Vastaya who settled there. Cerise is also the one that set the path for the Kirammans to become the wealthiest, strongest, most powerful house in all of Piltover. Their daughter, CARA KIRAMMAN, was the first-born Piltovan daughter and the first heir to the councilor seat that Cerise was on (as she was one of the founders of the first councilors next to Heimerdinger). This is also after all conflicts began to emerge with Zaun and the sister-states became divided therefore, it was better to 'forget' about the Zaunite heritage despite Cerise being a full-blooded Zaunite. Even Heimerdinger encourages Cerise and Cara to put aside their past and that they need to move forward, progress, away from their savage side, and fully embrace who they are: Piltovans, the keepers of progress and creation.
Cara married an Ionian Man and gave birth to CALYPSO KIRAMMAN and then Calypso after marrying another Piltovan man, gave birth to Charlotte.
CHARLOTTE KIRAMMAN struck back against the concepts of Piltover vs Zaun when she fell in love with a Zaunite. She met him on the wharf of the ocean strait near the Bridge of Progress, and they had secret meetings back and forth. Without her mother's guidance (as Calypso died in childbirth), Charlotte saw no reason not to follow her heart. Despite all the ridicule and actions against Charlotte's behavior, she still married the man she fell in love with and they gave birth to Cora.
CORA KIRAMMAN was the beginning reign of prejudice against Zaunites in the Kiramman household. There was constant strife against Charlotte and her daughter, Cora, who was full of arrogance and a high-horse attitude. Cora refused to even acknowledge her zaunite father (despite looking and acting completely Piltovan, he still had his Zaunite animalistic behaviors). Cora hated Zaunites, hated the city, and hated her parents. The sociopath refuses to dare acknowledge any of them and feels no sadness when she murdered her mother because she wants her out of the way. Cora gave birth to Catherine, and she instilled the same prejudice and hatred of Zaun into her daughter; beginning this drive to erase their own Zaunite heritage and ensure that every Kiramman born would know their place as a Piltovan Heiress and ignore any sort of Behavioral actions that they may gain from their 'tainted ancestral bloodline'. After the birth of CATHERINE KIRAMMAN, Cora even set up an 'accidental death' for her Ixtali husband who was ruled a "suicide" (however Cora had murdered him herself, becoming a black widow of the Kiramman household). Out of anger for Cora (his own daughter) killing his wife and the bitter hatred between the two of them, Leto decided to do what should have been done years ago after the death of his wife. Cora would never go to prison and out of a desire for retribution and anger, he struck out and killed his daughter, because of her actions. In the end, they both died and it was ruled as an animal killing: once again trying to cover up and blame it on Zaun, when it was ultimately Cora's own undoing and what led to her demise.
Left alone with only her devices, Catherine took on this hatred for Zaunites, but not so extreme. Instead, it was simple to perceive Zaunites as not existing and to stay away from Zaun and its brutality. Catherine was so scarred and traumatized from her mother and grandparents' issues that she never truly came to grips with reality. She locked away much of their ancestral information, keeping it hidden from CASSANDRA KIRAMMAN. To ensure nothing like this ever happened again, Zaun must be left alone and they needed not to know they were once Zaunites themselves in their ancestral line. Catherine was a more quiet but firm hand, trying to teach Cassandra and instilling the same prejudices and dislike of Zaun, but more focusing Cassandra on the importance of the council and the rules. It was unfortunately a loveless parent-child relationship, Catherine was scarred after everything that had happened and had never had a chance to process any of it, so she never truly interacted or loved her daughter, only producing an heiress to carry on the council seat. It wasn't long after Cassandra turned twenty-one that Catherine died from a weak heart and came down sick during the winter.
This leaves the story as it was, with Cassandra, a stubborn yet caring woman, trying to take care of her mother who was withering away year by year from depression and anxiety. Cassandra had to take up the position as the leader of the household and became a Councillor when she was barely 18 years old because her mother could not handle it anymore. Cassandra had to grow up too fast, too soon, and too quickly due to her mother's mental deterioration. However, Cassandra took care of her mother, a loving daughter despite how loveless Catherine had been to her. Cassandra had to learn quickly to be stubborn and hardheaded, lock away her emotions, control her enjoyment of danger, and work for the betterment of their family. It's a promise she made to her Catherine, to protect the Kiramman household and ensure it didn't fall. Many of Cassandra's lessons are hard learned and self taught, due to having no direction from her own mother.
And this leads to the birth of CAITLYN KIRAMMAN and where things take off.
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
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"I can't believe I'm shorter then Jayden..."
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"Well I'm definitely taller! I'm 6 feet!"
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"I know that. Don't rub it in."
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tobiasbruns · 1 year
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St. Tropez -2022- Sculpture by Carole Feuermann
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