cozroom · 2 years
珍來 新草加西口店(埼玉・草加市)
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anken0820 · 2 years
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今日の #ランチ は、#チャーハン と #3個餃子 です。 #炒飯 #餃子 #ぎょうざ #炒飯すきな人と繋がりたい #チャーハン好きな人と繋がりたい #川口 #川口市 #珍來 #珍來川口店 (珍來 川口店) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChRKD6YPemu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wjk512 · 1 year
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linda0322 · 3 months
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hoozukis · 1 year
ocean’s 8 was a cool movie and all, but the more i think about various parts of it, the more i realise it’s actually not well-written at all.
veronica was definitely a deus ex machina, and she & 小顏 played too integral roles in the plan to not be included in the team number, meanwhile daphne who just wanted to make friends was included lmao??? besides, isn’t inviting 小顏 to the party counterproductive to debbie wanting an all-women team? did it mean nothing when he did all that stunt work for them?
lou greeting yen with “你好嗎?” was in such poor taste, i actually still can’t believe that actually made it to the final cut. it was better in the earlier trilogy when 小顏 would speak mandarin and everyone else would speak english and they all understood each other without question and there was mutual respect all around. with lou, it comes across as a ytwoman who only knows that one mandarin phrase because it sounds like “knee how” and that’s funny to her and she doesn’t bother trying to understand anything else of the language & culture. that totally came out of nowhere and i had a hard time believing a well-accomplished high-class professional criminal could be so crass. i only found out that the guy she greeted was supposed to be the same 小顏 from previous movies way later from an article...
if the screenwriter actually wanted lou to greet 小顏 in mandarin in a significant way that not only pays tribute to the og trilogy but also doesn’t perpetuate a lame ytppl joke about chinese culture, lou could’ve said something like “早安,老師傅!” and it would’ve been 100× better. like, out of social courtesy while also implying she has respect for his skills and achievements, not because 小顏 is older (i’m pretty sure lou was meant to be way older than him, right?)
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rokalo16 · 1 year
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人生最倒霉....就是剛買的清心杯底整個“辣day”..逼的我要站路邊一口氣喝完...我還加珍珠... #飽到胃恰森 #喝一半漏一半 #打個嗝珍珠都溢出來了(在 松山火車站) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpoyJ2bOhoK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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轉眼間,細老都唔係幾抱到😅! 海洋公園一日遊再手抱依件斷片野港鐵去尖咀,抱到氣來氣喘。 到埗坐底承哥問: 「爸B⋯⋯😘可唔都可以抱我一陣呀?」 好喇好喇,有抱好抱,好快就抱唔到。 #大得好快 #媽媽照片提供 #明明就可以一手一件 #抱一陣手都斷再大啲點算 #操肌吧uncle #抱喇抱喇 #機會轉眼即逝 #珍惜吓抱抱時間 #星期五做事好慢 #又玩手機浪費人生 #返來喇返來喇 #uncledoneblog(在 尖沙咀) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpB2ioIPZU9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wolfhantw · 1 year
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#綠鋼琴 #珍來拉麵 #孫子 #阿公 #apple濾鏡 #canon77d #渣滓日常 #每日debug #weekend48 #weekend49 #familyday #sisters #旺哥 #Ruby #Lucy #Lucas #日常 #簡單就很幸福 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmWC2lbSEkB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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taochengwei · 2 years
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爸、媽您們辛苦了。 #轉眼之間 #白髮蒼蒼 #開車載你們出去玩成就達成 #颱風來的真不是時候 #把握當下珍惜現在 (在 阿里山國家風景區) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiaLzn7PCtkMzFWZwPrzmO4Tiyv16HG6qlLju00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jarvistung · 2 years
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跟著我13年了,從來沒有給我丟過臉!! 也升級到沒什麼能升級的,就是感覺今天騎起來不一樣❤️有感而發 移植原廠前後碟後,常常是其他初代MANY車主注目的焦點~ 想改可以跟我說,我很樂意分享的❤️ #退伍13年就跟著我的老戰友 #載過x個….. #從來沒在路上給我丟臉過 #無倒無摔無撞 #全車LM化 #第二組缸頭 #第三顆汽缸 #第二顆電腦 #移植新MANY雙碟系統 #鯊魚避震 #K1S #用心無價 #前220mmN18 #後210mm黑旋風 #原廠卡鉗 #美國Volar煞車皮 #我只是珍惜我所擁有的一切 #車是有生命的(在 下港の草原狼靈苑) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChfKnQJBv44idlVgus0nLDjoy44bflOTTfuB140/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cozroom · 2 months
珍來 新草加西口店
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anken0820 · 2 years
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今日は、 #冷やし中華 と #半餃子 が本日の夕食。 #餃子 #ぎょうざ #冷やし中華が好きな人と繋がりたい #餃子好きな人と繋がりたい #珍來 #珍來川口店 (at 珍來 川口店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfeNaN6voaX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sanfangzhu · 10 months
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The game created by Deerspherestudios is truly wonderful. I thoroughly enjoy the storyline and interactions within the game. I eagerly await its completion, as it gives me the motivation to face tomorrow with renewed energy. It's a treasure!💖💖 Deerspherestudios所創造的遊戲十分美好,我很享受遊戲裡的劇情與互動,期待它的完成讓我更有動力迎接明天,它是珍寶! 📣The inspiration for this comic comes from a post about age. The content is somewhat poignant, so please view it with care. Additionally, the text was translated using a translation tool, and I hope it hasn't caused any inconvenience to anyone. Thank you.🙇🙇🙇 此漫畫的靈感來自有關年齡的那則帖子,內容有點感傷請斟酌觀看,以及內容使用了翻譯器,希望沒給任何人帶來困擾,感謝
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zaobitouguang · 1 year
Chinese Ethnic Minority Literature
I just finished taking an incredibly eye-opening class about Chinese ethnic minority literature. China has a thriving minority literature scene, and it's absolutely fascinating and full of interesting works, so I wanted to share some of the authors that I learned about this semester! This is, obviously, an incomplete list-- it's pretty heavily biased towards what we read about in class, and there's probably a lot I've missed!
For any authors with full works that have been translated into English, I've listed it under their names. Some other authors may also have poems or short stories published in translation online or in anthologies.
Hani 哈尼
Mo Du 莫獨 (b. 1963) - poems
Hui 回族
Huo Da 霍達 (b. 1945) - novels
The Jade King: History of a Chinese Muslim Family (1992)
Zhang Chengzhi 張承志 (b. 1948) -novels, short stories
The Black Steed (1990)
Korean 朝鮮族
Jin Renshun 金仁順 (b. 1970) - novels, short stories
Jin Wenxue 金文學 (b. 1962) - novels
Manchu 滿族
Duanmu Hongliang 端木蕻良 (1912-1996)
Lao She 老舍 (1899-1966) - novels, short stories, plays
Rickshaw Boy (1945, 2010)
Miao (Hmong) 苗族
He Xiaozhu 何小竹 (b. 1963) - poems, novels
Shen Congwen* 沈從文 (1902-1988) - novels, short stories
Imperfect Paradise (1995)
Border Town (2009)
Mongolian 蒙古族
Altai 阿爾泰 (b. 1949) - poems
Bao Liying 包麗英 (b. 1968) - novels
Baoyinhexige 寶音賀希格 - poems
Chen Ganglong 陳崗龍 (b. 1970) - poems
Guo Xuebo 郭雪波 (b. 1948) - novels, short stories
The Desert Wolf (1996)
Malaqinfu 瑪拉沁夫 (b. 1930)- novels
Naxi 納西族
Sha Li 沙蠡 (1953-2008) - novels
Yang Zhengwen 楊正文 (b. 1943) - novels
Qiang 羌族
Qiang Renliu 羌人六 (b. 1987) - poems
Yangzi/Yang Guoqing 羊子/楊國慶 - poems
Tibetan 藏族
Alai 阿來 (b. 1959) - novels, short stories
Red Poppies (2003)
The Song of King Gesar (2013)
Tashi Dawa 扎西達娃 (b. 1959) - novels, short stories
A Soul in Bondage: Stories from Tibet (1992)
Yangdron 央珍 (b. 1963) - novels
Uyghur 維吾爾族
Alat Asem 阿拉提·阿斯木 (b. 1958) - novels, short stories
Confessions of a Jade Lord (2019)
Wa/Va 佤族
Burao Yilu 布饒依露 - poems
Yi 彝族
Aku Wuwu 阿庫烏霧 (b. 1964) - poems, essays
Tiger Traces: Selected Nuosu and Chinese Poetry of Aku Wuwu (2006)
Coyote Traces: Aku Wuwu's Poetic Sojourn in America (2015)
Bamo Qubumo 巴莫曲佈嫫 (b. 1964) - poems, academic articles
Eni Mushasijia 俄尼·牧莎斯加 (b. 1970) - poems
Jidi Majia 吉狄馬加 (b. 1961) - poems
I, Snow Leopard (2016)
Words from the Fire: Poems by Jidi Majia (2018)
Jimu Langge 吉木狼格 (b. 1963) - poems
Lu Juan 魯娟 (b. 1982) - poems
Ma Deqing 馬德清 (1952-2013) - poems, novels
Na Zhangyuan 納張元 (b. 1966) - essays
*Shen has both Miao and Tujia ancestry, as well as Han. However, I see him listed most frequently as Miao.
More Resources on Ethnic Minority Literature:
Altaic Storytelling: The blog of translator Bruce Humes (translator of Confessions of a Jade Lord, among other works). Has a fairly broad focus, but he's written a lot about ethnic minorities.
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Ethnic Literature: China has a thriving infrastructure to support the writing of and research into ethnic minority literature, and this is one of the larger institutions. I believe their research focuses more on oral traditions, but they have some information about contemporary writers as well.
Chinese Women Writers on the Environment: An anthology of eco-fiction by female ethnic minority writers.
Golden Horse Award 駿馬獎: This is an annual award for ethnic minority literature. The wikipedia link lists all the previous winners.
The Leeds Center for New Chinese Writing: Again not specific to ethnic minorities, but features several ethnic minority authors.
Paper Republic: This organization is devoted to translated Chinese writing and isn't specific to ethnic minority literature but has information about and translations of some of the writers on this list.
Poetry International: This website isn't specific to ethnic minorities or even to China, but many of the poets on this list have pages there with a few poems translated into English.
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sifu-kisu · 26 days
No Death, No Injury, No Illness.
In the early 1960s, during my middle school years, I studied Mei-Hua Changquan (Plum Blossom Long Fist) at the Wu Ti Pang Guoshu School. One day, my master, Yang Baozhen, inquired about my reasons for learning martial arts. My response was likely a typical one about defending my homeland. Master Yang smiled and shared a timeless insight: "In an era dominated by firearms, the relevance of hand-to-hand combat and bladed weapons has waned. Today, martial arts are more akin to a sport, yet we must adhere to three guiding principles: no death, no injury, no illness."
At the time, I merely listened, not fully grasping the depth of his words. After decades of practicing and teaching Kung Fu, I truly understand Master Yang’s wisdom. The goal of martial arts extends beyond mere self-defense; it encompasses preserving one's safety through heightened awareness and avoiding unnecessary confrontation.
Practicing kung fu involves mastering defense techniques, conditioning the mind, and sharpening sensory perceptions to better assess and navigate potential hazards. Additionally, a comprehensive practice of Qigong should incorporate fundamental knowledge of healthcare and traditional Chinese medicine, thereby bolstering immunity and reducing the likelihood of illness.
Avoiding injury entails more than minimizing risks during physical encounters—it also involves practicing martial arts wisely to prevent harm from ignorance or improper technique. Traditional Chinese martial arts are deeply intertwined with broader Chinese cultural practices and represent a holistic approach to wellness and self-preservation.
Thus, the true purpose and criterion for practicing martial arts in modern times are encapsulated in these three objectives: to live without dying, to fight without injury, and to practice without falling ill.
中學時代我在吳體胖國術舘學習梅花長拳, 有一天,我的師父楊寶珍突然問我,你學拳的目的何在?我的回答打概是保家衛囯之類的陳腔濫調。 楊師笑笑:“進入火器槍炮時代,赤手空拳和冷兵器已成歷史,現今武術已趨向體育化,但要記住這三句,不死,不傷,不病”。 我當時聽聽而已,並沒有完全領會他話裡的深意。。數十年來,從練拳與教拳的生涯裏我終於體會到楊師的智慧: 不死是自衛與明哲保身(戰或逃),練拳不僅是掌握防禦技術更要懂得調整意念和銳化感官知覺,能識別環境而不易陷入危險。而正確練功更應該包括保健養生與中醫的基本常識所以抵抗力強不易生病。不傷不只是如何降低格鬥時受傷機率,但更重要的是練功不可因無知或技術不當而受傷。中國傳統武術與中國文化牢不可分,是全方位的武術文化。不死,不傷,不病是我們在現代練武的目的與準則。
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baosam1399 · 1 year
〔Bài dịch số 1007〕 ngày 11.12.2022 :
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Cuộc đời này mình gặp qua quá nhiều người, sau đó những người ấy lại vội vội vàng vàng biến mất trong vũ trụ rộng lớn, những người ấy chỉ gắn bó với mình trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn, từ sự không nỡ lúc bắt đầu cho tới khi trở thành thói quen. Mình quen dần với việc đây chính là điều bình thường trong cuộc sống; mình học cách thật tâm đối tốt với người khác, mình bắt đầu không còn cố chấp với bất kì mối quan hệ nào. Quãng thời gian này, khi chúng ta ở bên nhau, tồn tại những niềm vui, thì hãy sống cho hiện tại. Murakami haruki từng nói : "Gặp gỡ là sự an bài, chia ly cũng là sự an bài, gặp được nhau là niềm hạnh phúc, về sau nó biến thành tạo hóa, ta không quyết định được sự xuất hiện của ai, cũng không níu giữ được ai sẽ rời đi, cái mà ta làm được là trân trọng những bất ngờ sẽ tới, và chấp nhận những rời xa
(Vũ Thu Hoài/baosam1399 dịch)
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