#😭 i hate hin
torsamors · 1 month
god owen hunt is literally one of the worst characters in the history of television
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lucifer000sstuff · 1 year
Ok so..my English teacher said possibly that some day in June we'll be able to dress up as any fictional character from any book...and...let's jst say..if my parents allow me to I finna pull up to school as :
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Bc why not? He's beautiful!!! 😭
@dabispreciouslittlebean @dabislittlemouse @dabisqueen
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larrydoinglaundry · 2 years
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lnkedmyheart · 6 months
Could you name or point out particular moments in certain lns and manga panels that shows dazai's vulnerability and humanity bc bones really messed up my memory 😭
Oda's death scene.
Mori killing the old boss, Dazai genuinely looks like a traumatized numb child.
That one panel from 15 where Mori has hin strapped to a table to keep him from killing/hurting himself.
Dazai when he finally gets the confirmation that Ango is a traitor.
Dazai when he tries to get Oda to seek out a new life and transfer some of his own hope to the guy and failing.
Several scenes in 15 and sb when he is enamoured by Chuuya's coolness (though he wont admit it).
Dazai's speech to Chuuya in 15 when Chuuya is looking for something human in his face and agrees to his plan when he finds it.
Dazai's speech about choices to Chuuya in sb as well as his willingness to risk the city for him. And his relief when Chuuya chooses to use corruption anyway.
Dazai realizing that Chuuya was stunned that Adam cared enough to sacrifice everything for him at the end of sb and chuckling.
Dazai's tenderness with the kid in the Dazai's entrance exam ln.
Him throwing away his life for the ADA in 55 minutes.
Him risking his life for the city in Dead apple and that entire scene with Chuuya post the dragon fight.
Speaking of the dragon fight Dazai's miserable behaviour after his fight with Chuuya during the dragon head incident and him pulling Chuuya into his lap after.
The entirety of beast is just an exploration of Dazai falling apart. But the worst is his final confrontation with Oda when he realizes he never did understand Oda or his words and now his best friend hates him. Every single iteration of it.
There was no need to smile tenderly down at an unconscious ex partner or fold his clothes. Nor was there a need to be gentle with him after the dragon fight in dead apple.
Probably more that I can't remember right now.
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ijumpbridges · 10 months
Hi! Can i request Dr. Clef with a non-binary reader who can see ghosts?
(keep up the good work ;3)
Dr. Clef with a non-binary reader who can see ghost
A lgbtq+ request? Kiss me WHO SAID THAT
Edit: im really sorry this didn’t came out sooner that pass three days i got caught up in a trip 😭
You work at the foundation in the forensic science division.
Dr. Clef was assigned to you for a new Scp case he was working on.
He was glad to know that he was going to work with his spouse.
In this case you were going to get the results of dead of D-classes and the cause of it and the effects of their death and how the scp was involve in this situation and more.
This meant that you might encounter the spirits of the dead d-classes on your lab with Clef in there.
You had confess this to him a long time ago when you two started dating and he also told you he can do that too.
The thing is Clef has a third eye he can also see ghost, but he can rather control it when to see ghost, but you cant.
The foundation has so many dead people wondering around that you don’t even have a clue if they are real people or not.
This had cause some issues on your end with the foundation making an investigation on you because they suspected you suffering from schizophrenia.
Thankfully it was dismissed but they kept an eye on you for it. Clef also knew this and he helped you out, he said that you should try making physical contact even if you hated it, at least ghost weren’t physically real and prevented you from knowing who is real or not.
You always prevented on making conversation or engaging with ghosts but sometimes they would get so bold, that it was crazy.
Like one time you gave Clef a kiss on the hallway and someone said the F-slur and that made you turn to look at them and awkwardly laugh.
Clef notice it and asks you about it, opening his third eye to see the person and why were you laughing like that, after you told him he scared the person away or send them away.
Remember he said he was satan? Well he can send and bring spirits back from the spiritual realm.
Another incident is when you were going to the bathroom, someone followed you to one of the gender neutral bathrooms, and the went inside of the toilet area with you.
You call that out because what the in the absolutely f were they thinking, feeling so uncomfortable you left the bathroom and decide to go another time.
“Do you mind?” You said turning around in disgust at the person behind you devide to transpass the door to look at you pee.
“What are you?” She asked.
“None of your business, get out!” You yelled, and she laughed. She knew you couldn’t do anything against her, so you have to leave.
At 3:55 pm you went back to the bathroom, while you both were in there he opened his third eye and had already knew someone was up the moment that weird woman started following you both, but kept acting like he didn’t know anything.
He sat down on the sink while you went in, the ghost woman came in and the moment she got close to the stall he got in the way. He made sure she knew that he could see her, and made a ‘no’ movement with his head while smiling.
The woman smile and tried trespass him, but something was wrong, when she tried she bumped into him, it was weird. Her smile faded away. She attempted many times, but it was useless.
Clef decide to use his powers to send them away, since he is satan and he can send them to limbo. You notice because of the scream and the change of reality becoming dark and smoke coming inside. You didn’t care much, and came out with everything being normal. You smile and wen up to hin and gave him a kiss, telling him that you love him.
Clef always kept you safe from them and you love him so much for it.
You know what he does too?
Once you tried arguing with a ghost around and he took a video of you, with the snapchat captions saying ‘Look at my poor spouse, they are having another schizo attack again, talking to walls 😔’
He posts it and you got called down again, this time they had to get him to say that it was a joke, and when he was supposed to he never came he only came down they foundation try to kick you out.
At least he told them that it was you arguing with him.
Clef can also do astro traveling, to visit you at night trying to scare you at night or just to touch you or lay down next to you.
Which is weird, but at least he does help you to get other evil spirits who tried to hurt you.
He is an asshole but at least he loves you and will help you.
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chuuyascumsock · 8 months
i swear to god bro i think my delusions possessed me for a second when i called my friend chuuya 😭😭 ANYWAYS
let's talk about highschooler chuuya again because i hate school!!!
i don't think chuuya isn't much of a student-leadership (like student council) kind of guy in school. but then he gets recommended to be one anyway so he just goes along w it.....
me personally i feel like chuuya is quite a well-known student, considering he's probably on the school's team and participates in championships and leagues and shit... and he gets into fights often with a few people... (cough cough dazai)
NOW FAV SUBJECTS!! i think he likes science and pe!!! in pe, he is THAT mf who is a TRYHARD (but he's insanely good). this fucker will motivate his team to do their best and screams "CATCH THE FUCKING BALL" at them 🥰🥰 he'd def check up on them if one of them got hurt as well!!! if this was a team thing he'd def target said person who hurt them. (fighting fire with fire!!!)
as for science, i think he finds some topics super interesting and some super boring. science g ets hin confused a lil but he enjoys it!!! esp doing practicals and a bit of physics!!!! (dazai makes fun of him for enjoying it and ehm not me remindinf myself i'll have to take physics for my course soon to become an architech.... fuck no way am i becoming a doctor.) least favorite subjects, i think chuuya just hates everything LMFAO. it's just boring and doesn't interest him that much unlike science or sports. jhe doesn't like writing or just listening to take down notes and is much more of a practical person!! (he's a bit fascinated w art but he isn't that creative and his works usually look a bit poorly done despite his hard effort)
I AM ALSO A FIRM BELIEVER THAT CHUUYA'S STUDY HABITS ARE VERY INCONSISTENT!!! (same chuuya same) like he's a good student (despite getting into fights and forgetting to keep himself tidy...) and gets good grades but i feel like sometimes he just doesn't give a FUCK about studying (he finds it boring) but does so anyway because he knows that theres no way he's gonna remember all these shit equations. (hc he forgot he had an upcoming test and pulled an all nighter just to study and somehow got an A despite his lack of energy and focus to answer the questions) OH YEAH his notes are messy but as long as he remembers the important bits and can read his handwriting then he's good to go!!! (i hc chuuya's handwriting is rlly messy cursive handwriting)
when doing exams and tests i think chuuya is like. chill but STRESSED. it looksl ike he doesn't give a fuck but then u see his scrunched up sweating face when doing his paper and it looks like he just wants to rip it into shreds!!!! (he's probably done that before, though.) he's doing his best g.uys......
OVERRALL he's a good student guys (almost) !!!!!!!
-lili/anon that cant spell
I feel like Chuuya would be the type to go “idgaf about school” but then try his best to get good grades. Nerd in disguise of a jock type of beat. Bro just wants a good education 😩
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johnnys-breastmilk · 6 months
Wally anon: brainwashed fjdbdj VERY glad you convinced me to watch cause I really would've never anticipated it being so good otherwise. 😶‍🌫️ (I feel they should start doing that more often instead of interjecting with bs cause it reallyyyy made a big difference) Get ready for all the requests for him coming soon. 🫣 (but, yup, exactly. it's soooo strange h o w much emphasis they put on her when even Randy was not forced in 1/2 nearly as much, whereas Chad, by comparison, is such. a genuinely fresh & exciting character for the franchise, yet so little is explored with him)
Yesss. He's seeing the full. array of what a size difference can offer in the moment that you're completely wrecking him & he's soooo into knowing you being shorter than him but leaving hin feeling like THAT. Oh yeah, you start getting a little forceful with it & tell him he can't touch himself unless you say so. Possibly even holding his hands down so he won't be able to. 🥴
Will be looking forward to it when you do. 🥰 And he'll just keep getting better as long as he keeps getting more roles! 🙌
It doesn't even make sense either where the complaining even comes from when you see soooo many religious people/police officers/people in power/etc. (almost always straight) being the primary ones exposed+arrested for actually. heinous shit, but oh no dummies still out here using gays as scapegoats like gimme a fuckin break. 🧐 Them arguing about who's gonna carry you while you're still passed out is so dkfhdl. Such a deeply unserious pair.
I guess we could say this scenario specifically skews toward more traditional ghostly antics for the sake of it. AUs & all that. 😉
Will do. I'll leave a list at the end of this msg. 👍 (I think if they had expanded on his character a little to support his reasoning as a possible killer, it could've worked for sure. The vision is already there, they just needed to capitalize on it.) Oh, for sure, I'm right there with you. In general, I don't think enough people discuss how attractive Justin Long was & still is (except in It's a Wonderful Knife cause his character was ugly as hell in that dfkfhd). 😭 djdkdkd the 3rd really was. awful, but he was cute in it, I absolutely agree (& I really do hate how wasted Tommy was on ST when the actor discussed how he. felt Tommy was in love with Steve the writers fr can not handle Steve in a gay relationship smh). (lollllll don't remind me @ Marvel) but yup, definitely more an excusable situation than worse offenders. 👍 I have a veryyyy different Saw ranking. 🤫
Oh damn @ half of it being cut. Did he say why or was it just budget/time constraints? (omgggg please @ her. They fr did not gaf about her character if she's got this many issues) Yupppp exactly. I followed that production for the longestttt time & UD still. delivers after all these years. 🙌 Yupyupyup. Have witnessed some of this bs & it really does not make sense for me how difficult it is to just...properly tag things. Like, if the "x reader" is not void of any gendered emphasis so anyone can envision themselves in the fic, then it doesn't fulfill the classification!
Exactly @ practicing to improve. 👍 Had no idea you made digital art, though. How long have you been at it? 😀 But yupppp, he has had a t i m e with underwear that it's just more convenient to go without it most of the time (especially if he wants to tease you). Depending on the pants/shorts, it'll be extremely. obvious when he isn't wearing anything underneath. But he has nothing to be ashamed about. 🫣
Now, Xmas horror recs: the Black Christmasses (1974-one of the best slashers of all time, no queston, but very. much a bad vibes movie so might be best to wait to watch until you're in the mood for that; 2006-silly goofy gorefest remake, iconic cast, tonally the most streamlined but makes a lot of wild swings thay can. be offputting to some; 2019-controversial for its weird handling of politics/PG-13 rating &, to me, the weakest of the 3, but not completely without merit like some people discuss it as), To All A Goodnight + Christmas Evil 1980/Silent Night, Deadly Night + Silent Night 2012/Santa's Slay/Christmas Bloody Christmas (all varying in quality, but probably the best selection if you want slashers where the killer is. Santa/is dressed as Santa), Curtains 1983 (not really "Xmas," but the winter vibes are immaculate. & it is by far one of THE best, most underrated slashers; must go in as blind as possible), the aforementioned It's A Wonderful Knife (I know several didn't like it cause it skews in a more comedic direction, but I got a lot out of it + it's superrrr gay), Gremlins (arguable on this fully. classifying as "horror," but a PG rating in the 80s got away with a lotttt more than it does now + it has very similar vibes to Krampus), & Inside 2007 (less full-blown Xmassy as much as it is a veryyyy violent movie that happens to be set around the time; does not. miss with the gore, but it is absolutey visceral). There are others, but I wanted to try to limit it cause I've already gone on long enough lolllll. And, because it's already that time for me: Merry Christmas. 🥰🎄
my phone died while writing this so if these responses seem short it’s because i had to rewrite them sksjs😅
i’m glad you liked the movie!! can’t wait for the Ben requests because I love that loser sm🫣 Yeah I never got why Mindy was so obsessed with being in a Scream franchise, and that almost every line her character has is about movies/guessing the killer. It’s worse in 6 than it is at 5, mostly because she was supposed to be a killer in 5 if i’m not mistaken, so it makes sense but it’s also notably lessened. Chad is… interesting. He feels much different between 5 and 6, and I think it hurts his character a lot. also how does the dude keep getting up after have his shit rocked several times😭 like it felt comical that we basically saw his death scene and then “he’s alive!” Like… huh
Yesss he’s gonna be losing it over someone “that tiny making him feel that good.” (he sees anyone even a centimeter shorter than him as a midget sksjsj.) It does get to the point where he’s so needy and wants release the you do have to pin his arms down and even his hips because he desperately wants friction and to cum🫣😮‍💨
He’s gonna become an acting master by the time we’ve been through… (checking my notes… let’s see how many roles we’ve come up with so far…) 5,037 times!
Exactly, I wish there was more we could do about it😪 But they can watch me fuck/get fucked by a man atp… they need some exposure therapy to make it make some sense it their heads. I feel like they’d each carry half of you somehow, bickering until you can’t take it sksjsk. Super unserious
Yesss🫣 while it wouldn’t be much of an AU since it’s the same place with relatively the same rules besides how ghosts cum, it’s still a damn good alternate universe😮‍💨
I just wanted Ryan to be the killer because it would’ve been soooo hot. (Hotter than he already is 😮‍💨) Right!! Darry was my first horror movie boy crush and still ranks up there pretty highly (with Ryan being my latest.) I haven’t seen Wonderful Knife but hopefully it’s not too bad😂 You’re so right, I hate that we never got an inkling of gay/bi Steve because he definitely isn’t straight. He literally had a fight with Tommy where they looked into each others eyes?? Lovingly?? While they fought “about a girl”!! Seems like we have some homosexuals afoot.. Jkjk, but I do find it interesting that Steve/Tommy was such a tense pairing and then Tommy literally just went to be with the “new Steve” (Billy) when he came into town. Tommy/Billy would’ve been interesting to see for that reason, befriending someone because they literally are the worst (but maybe best, to him?) parts of his ex best friend. Plus the fact they’ve canonically seen each other naked with that one shower scene… where is some Psycho for the gays😪 (kidding) Oh, do share your saw ranking🤭 I wanna knowwww
Zach didn’t say why, not that I remember at least. I think it was probably deadline issues, though. Probably wanted to have it slated for a summer release to fit the theme and had to cut stuff. It’s a shame cause UD had years and an open development history to prove it. Exactly! I’m fine with x GN and x gender neutral reader being a thing to give it more specification, but I really hate that x reader automatically defaults to being for female readers. Whereas anyone else needs to have specific clarification on who it’s for. It’s annoying,
I’ve been doing digital art for a few months now. I’m still not good at it, but it’s such a big switch from traditional to digital. I used to be a fiend for traditional art, then I got an iPad months ago for my bday and for classes for more advanced notes and all, but I figured that the opportunity was there for me to learn, so why not pick up a new skill? Oh, if it was up to him, I could see wally forgoing any clothes at all because he really has nothing to be ashamed of. But you know, other ghosts could see him, so he wears the bare minimum. (Unless we’re talking another AU👀)
OMG TYSM🥹 this is too sweet and I’ll definitely be watching some today after Christmas festivities are over. We already celebrated with dinner here on Christmas Eve, so now it’s just the presents and stuff and then I’ll be free to watch some of these in my old bedroom!! Merry Christmas btw!! Hope you get Milo under the tree wrapped with a few bows😉 jkjk
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
if it makes you feel better - Ive watched avatar twow like 6/7 times already and every single time I cry
Like all I need is to see him in an edit and I bawl my eyes out. Idk why his death is affecting me so much like I’ve never had a similar experience with another character but every time I see his face I cry. So I am still mourning hin as well😭 I think it’s because I have a little brother of my own & I couldn’t imagine him having to be in Lo’aks position with me yk. Also I think it’s because we’ve never experienced Jake&Neytiri happy and when their first born literally DIED unexpected it was the last straw for me. They both deserved happiness and his death was also really unnecessary. He only died for the plot so Lo’ak can have his awakening yk. The only person to blame is Quaritch tho, I hate his monkey ass. I’m sorry about ranting so much so early in the morning 😭😭
I’ve seen the movie like 10 times and I cried harder every single time ngl I was a mess even I left the cinema 😭
I have the exact same issue omg!! like i’ve never had that happen with a fictional character’s death either, I normally don’t even care lol but I see so much of myself and my little sister in Lo‘ak and Neteyam. My heart just hurts so much whenever I see these two interact, their problems are so identical to mine and my sisters (I’ve watched the movie with her every time and we both cried so hard, we were holding each other the whole time hahah)
And I totally agree that his death was unnecessary!!! They could’ve given us at least one more movie with him! I just hate when newly introduced characters die immediately… 😓
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itsmelb · 2 years
Welcome to my thoughts about KP Finale/ KP the Series
(Bare with me it's going to be quite long bc you can expect, I felt fucking everything!!!)🤭🥵❤️😭 SPOILERS ahead!
The Storyline
So everything came to an end. Somehow there are many open questions though (more later on that point). But I think they did it so perfect. It was heartbreaking, sexy, funny, murderous and a bit crazy. We feel everything at once.
Porsche gets his mother back (who seems sus to me???? What is up with her man? Aaah), Gun is dead (I don't know how to feel about that - mixed I guess.) Korn is soo sus I don't trust hin with everything. And I wanna slap his face for all of his lies.
I loved the 3 Brothers in one room, I loved VegasPeteMacau Hospital Hug thingy, I love Porsches struggle (heartbreaking!!!) bc we all can relate with situations that threw us out of our life, I love Kim/Jeff singing "Why don't you stay" to Chay, and he not deleting the video, I love the fight scenes, and I love that we got Mafia Kinn (holy shit hot!) and Kinnporsche Marriage (I call it that way don't come at me haha) and don't get me started on Vegas emotional damage and his redemption (kinda??) Arc... wow. What an episode 👏
Now diving in deeper..
2. The characters/relationships
- the bodyguards: damn those guys, I love them. I wanna see more of them. I wanna see ArmPol lovestory, I wanna get the dead ones back (Big redemption!!! Spinoff pls!!!) Arm and Thankuns blow ups were so fucking great in the ep, and oh lord Pete..
- the friends: I love Yok! I want more of her. Mama slay!!! And then there is TimeTay. I wanna see their story. (Tay deserves the world!!) I love them teasing Kinn and make KinnPorsche cringing haha. 😬
- the parents: you all suck man! Gun is an asset to Vegas. And okay we don't know why he is like that (ok his dad was also an ass and the Mafia is like crazy and he lost a lot of dearest people..) but it doesn't give you the right to do sth like he did to his kids. And Korn is not better either. Is acting all nice and friendly but is a fucking liar. "I wanna protect you" hahah funny. Darn u mf! And the Mom. Sth so off. I don't now yet but I (hope) we will soon!
-Chay: oh baby Boi! I am so lost with him. I want to see more of him and his music and happy and not suffering and I love and turned on for the first time ever and feeling everything.
- Kim: I fucking love him. And hate him. I wanna see him happy. I don't understand him sometimes.he is mysterious and hot and the fight scene damn. And his voice. Killed it. Literally. I want more of him and Chay. I want kisses, I want songs. All. (And what are his motives? He wants power obv and I am a little bit scared but sooo eager to find out!!)
#kimchay: so in the future when they hopefully get back together I wanna see more of them together. They were a little short. And I miss their sweetness btw all the Mafia sexyness haha. Chay makes Kim soft. And I love that. Also more songs! And maybe some kisses. :D
- Pete: damn. The scene were he resigns wow. My heart shattered. And all the scenes with Vegas....I uh. Cry again forever. He Is such a deep character and we haven't seen all of him I am so sure. I wanna see more of badass Pete (together with badass Vegas haha obv) man when he shot that man wow. I got goosebumps, and all the scenes in the previous eps. Wow. This man suffers and is so fucking wise I aaah!
- Vegas: I never thought he would be one of my favorite ones ever. But his Arc is so heart breaking and raging and full of Angst and sorrow. He deserves everything and I love the way he is free now (obv not really but objectively) I loved his scenes with Pete obv and with Porsche too.. I am excited to see how it will turn out that P is now Minor Fam King and he is not (although he wanted it so bad or had to do every for it..)
#Vegaspete: the ship that stole the show! Man their scenes are sexy, heartbreaking and hurting. I love their dynamic. And their full on fight mode, love that kills. It hurts and it's beautiful. I want to see more. Also with the fam now. Some soft scenes some new way for Vegas. So light (and ofc the darkness and sexyness always lingering around the corner)
-Porsche: he has a soft spot in my heart. I would forgive him nearly everything. And his look damn. I am glad he is getting in the near of the truth, and that his family is back. And that he has Kinn on his side. Forever. I wanna see more of Porsche badass Mafia boss vibes (I mean the suit entrance in the hallway man mf looks intimidating) give him all! Also his sweet side. Damn Heartbreaker! A true family man in the core. And a fucking sexy mf!
- (my beloved) Kinn: he is my favorite character. I love how powerful it was, when Korn "died" and he had to keep it together and be the boss, he was so cold there when he shot those guys. How hot was he sir. Wow. And then we sees his other soft side of him, when sb he loves is in danger or hurt. Man this breaks my heart. Also he is always so sexy. And horny ahha. With Porsche haha. Man I love his funny and little dump jokes. Wow. Could write more...
#KinnPorsche: the ones I fell so hard for at first, the ones that brought me to the show. Their everything is so good. I love the fights, the laughs the teasing, the love making, the power they hold (especially now. What a scene it was (see photo)) how beautiful they are. What a fucking mess they are. And how they fix each other every time. I am crying bc it hurts me to let them go (for now) bc I really love them sm. Mafia Family forever!
3. The Actors
The cast: I am in love with this cast. Never seen such a funny, heartwarming cast and how they are together. I love this mafia kindergarten. And how they are there for eo! We stan!
Tong: I love him sm. His character is so crazy and I love that. So thx! It was so fun!
Barcode: he is so cute and he can sing! I see some sassy moments in interviews. I know he will be a great actor. I am so excited when we see him with more emotions (the crying man killed me sm!) And action with everyone.
Jeff: I really fell for him and his music. How can sb be so sexy. (This fight scenes in the bar lord have mercy) I wanna see how he acts soft and love dovey with Barcode/Chay. I want more songs. I love his smile.
Build: how is he so good at his job. The emotions everything I cried so much with him. He deserves the world. He stole so many scenes. Bc he is so talented oh lord. I want to see more of him!!
Bible: my huge respect for him. All was new for him and even the language! I love his English! I love his effort. His perfection his look. I cant say more bc he makes me speechless. Wow.
#Biblebuild: those friends (or what they are) their scenes together kill me every time. I wish them all the best. Nobody deserves them. They are so golden! Scene stealers! For ever in love with them!
Apo: the greatest there is. His eyes. Wow. How he acts. How he is as a person after all he went through. Man he deserves only good things. I love how he is a force if energy and smiles but is like very deep with thinking and explaining. That is sth I do too. And I love to see sb is like that too. Miss his presence from now on!
Mile: puh. Do I have to say sth anymore? He is smart, kind and how he looks. And he made it all possible. And he is so shy and funny and also so open to the world. We all should praise him. All he is doing. Man. I will forever love him. He is the perfect Kinn.
#MileApo: there is sth so addictive about them together I can't even explain... I just love everything they give us. And their trust in eo. ❤️😭
The producers/crew: thx for everything! Without you it would not be possible! I love Ponds Ideas of water and pools ahah and all his mind is so good! Thank you!!!
4. What the future may holds...
I hope we get a season 2. I think they can't break our hearts don't doing one (or infinite) more season(s) (pls 🤭🤭) I know the expectations will be high. So fucking high. But I will take all. Everything! Just give them back to me!
What is with the parents? What is the truth? We have the bad version, the half good version and a version from a Boi who doesn't remember well. So...and what will that do to KinnPorsche? What is with VegasPete family moments? Give it to me!! And Kimchay obv. All!!
The world tour is there and I am excited to see content from everywhere.
5. My personal conclusion
I never thought I would fall head over heels fora BL series. I never watched one before (see some snippets ofc but not much) and then KP the series came and the rest is history. It was the best show ever. And I read all the time that they did so good and everyone who loves BLs are agreeing that this is a huge milestone for the genre. So. Thank you KP Family for everything! Edits, gifts, trending all over the world. It was fun. And it will always be. No legacy is as rich as honesty!🖤
Kinnporsche Family forever ❤️
(When you read this all! Your a real gem! Thx! Sry for mistakes, english is not my first language) ❤️
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megabuild · 10 months
Fanon ruined grian for me. I remember I used to run home from school to see if he'd uploaded yet and if not, I'd watch all his hermitcraft s7 again.
However, ppl look at every bit of minor thing for grian and say "POOR ANGST" bur Scar is legit over here, turned into a vex, been alone the ll, been betrayed by GRIAN in double life (I rlly loved that plot. Its fanon that made me hate it hy turning it into grian angst.)
Also, I was reading Bdubs angst and the author was like "lol im addicted to angifying bdubs" and NO JOKE the WHOLE comments were "at least its not grian"
Ever since then I just can't stand to watch grian now. I love him, I love his personality. I can sit down for HOURS and watch hin, but fanon has ruined him by making him an uwu oc.
the grian haters are flocking to my blog rn. this is so real though i honestly sort of gave up watching grian's limited life pov because i knew my dash was going to beat by beat recap it over the course of the next week anyway 😭 i do love him though
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started watching till the end of the moon yesterday, am only on ep 7 and fuck i am OBSESSED
the main character is THEE most female blorbo of all time???? she's smart, she's cunning, she's charming, she's brave but god is she fucking dumb and just such a silly goose. she's like "i must stop the evil overlord from becoming the evil overlord but i can't kill him, what do it do??? oh yes, i will make him fall in love with me by pretending to be in love with him while i still hate his guts with every fibre of my being and wish hin dead :D". she might be The Chosen One but by god is she bad at it 😭♥️♥️
an enemies to lovers story who still betray and try to kill each other any given opportunity pls i am Obsessed. evil overlord turned good by becoming simping malewife but first they need to get past the stage of wanting to kill one another, so what we basically get is:
evil overlord: i am going to kill everyone!!!! >:)
wife: 🥺 pls don't
evil overlord: ... 'k. guess there's still some beauty in the world. everyone can live today
wife: yay 🥰 *tries to stab him 10 minutes later*
evil overlord: :O! *is evil again*
absolute fucking mess, i am in love with them 😭♥️
also all the women in this show are so fucking hot hnngg
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noirvette · 1 year
just read chapter 10 and ngl the “twitter porn accounts” made me laugh 😔 I DONT WANNA LAUGHT AT KENNT HES NOT FUNNY I DONT LIKE HIN ‼️‼️🪼‼️
hdkshd 😭😭
NO BC I LAUGHED SO HARD MAKING THAT COMMENT. sitting behind my phone snorting bc it was such a kenny thing to say imo
i have to make kenny somewhat enjoyable ..partly. we can all still hate him tho !!
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yunverse · 2 years
Love you 🫶
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cinnabeat · 3 years
riku is so fucking dramatic god i hate hin
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Levi with an asean s/o and he's making efforts to learn about their culture
His apartment is covered with sticky notes with the translation s/o's language
Levi, the tea enthusiast, is so in live the first time you introduce Chai to him and is learning how to make it.
Teaching Levi singlish on a lazy day as a joke. But then hearing hin speak to himself, practicing it, trying to get a hang of it.
Introducing the magic of Lunar Year to him and he's in the kitchen following your every move
Levi who tells you that he doesn't want a traditional western wedding if you were to have a ceremony 😭😭😭 he wants to be dressed in your traditional clothes.
Yours and Levi's kitchen being a melting pot of ingredients from different cultures!
Levi pretends he's against instant ramen, but somehow there's always a pack of indomie hidden in the pantry
Nick nick nickkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 😭💕 this is just... self-indulgence on a whole new level!!!! Also I'm gonna write about Levi and I for this one just because... 🥺
Warnings: Self-indulgence, some vulgarities, mentions of Chinese customs. Rei is self-disclosing??? Mentions of food and certain brands.
I taught Levi firstly how to speak Mandarin and he's pretty good at it, although his writing kinda sucks and he still gets some of the strokes wrong sometimes. I taught him how to write his name in Mandarin and he cursed me because there were too many strokes.
I also taught Levi how to speak my colloquial language such as Singlish, Hokkien dialect, and Cantonese dialect, and Levi's tongue nearly crammed and his brain is overloaded with the different languages, tonality, and words.
Levi secretly asked me to teach him vulgarities and slangs in the different dialects and I tease him about it. Levi also has a list of his favourite words to say, but his favourite to use are vulgarities. Levi also likes scolding people 'cao ji bai' (Hokkien, meaning smelly vagina) and 'cao ni ma' (Mandarin, meaning fuck your mother). Also enjoys scolding people 'puk gaai' (Cantonese, meaning drop dead or prick).
Levi was initially confused with the customs of Chinese New Year. No sweeping of floors? No cutting of hair? House visiting? Collecting red packets? My poor baby hated not being able to sweep the floor especially when my hair falls all over the place. But then my relatives all love him and always give him a fat red packet. Levi also learns to play mahjong and he is so damn good at it, even better than me. His favourite Chinese New Year goodies are Love Letters and Kuih Bangkit. Levi also loves eating bakkwa even though he complains it's oily and fattening.
Other than a Western wedding ceremony by the beach, Levi and I would definitely do a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony and throw a banquet too. Levi finds it a hassle to prepare the guo da li (过大礼) gifts because there's so many things to get. Yet, on the day itself, Levi has tears in his eyes when he officially asks my dad for my hand in marriage.
On the day of our tea ceremony, Levi kneels down and offers tea to my parents, saying "爸爸,喝茶。妈妈,喝茶。" (Father, drink tea. Mother, drink tea) in perfect Mandarin. Also, Levi looks hot as fuck in a traditional ma kua (马褂) while he thinks I look gorgeous in a traditional qun kua (群褂).
Levi also loves watching me cook because he loves the flavours used in Asian cooking. Levi loves eating Hainanese Chicken Rice and laksa, and also loves drinking masala chai and kopi o kosong. Levi thinks a nice cup of kopi wakes him up better than an Americano. Levi is a lover of tea and enjoys his nice cup of English Breakfast and Earl Grey. Yet, Levi also loves drinking a nice pot of pu'er together with me too.
And yes, Levi says he hates maggi mee, instant noodles, and cup noodles, but he has a secret stash of Nissin cup noodles hidden somewhere in the kitchen. Also, I caught him cooking himself a packet of Indomie at like two in the morning because he was craving it. I tease him about it and he scowls, saying he was hungry. Likewise, Levi also stocks up on packets of Shin ramyun.
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softmafia · 2 years
I literally have the masterlist saved on a different tab so when I get sad I go to it and read all my favorite fics. Hisoka is such a huge comfort for me so seeing someone do him justice is amazing, also the fact you put hin as 100% loyal makes me wanna cry because everyone writes him as some cheating scumbag so seeing that just really makes me happy as I have horrid trust issues. So i personally thank you for everything💞💞💞
Omg this makes me so happy to read😭😭😭 I’m so glad you enjoy my stuff!!!!!!! But yeah I really hate the way most people write Hisoka, so maybe that’s why I made this account lololol🧍but again, I’m glad you enjoy my work!!!!!!!! Tysm!!!!!
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