#🥀For Me?🥀Asks
pxison · 1 year
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prompts for emotionally stunted idiots
@abysmal-black asked: “ yeah I'm pissed off but I'd rather not talk about it. that’s why you’re the one I came to. ” For Reiju 🥺
When Reiju opened her door she would usually expect there to be a meek servant girl sent to do tasks in her wing of the castle of whom she'd silently allow in just to ignore the presence of the entire duration of their stay. It is rare that any of her brothers would be on the other side but at least it was Sanji and not any of the other three that might come just to snoop around.
"I can tell just by your posture. Why don't you come in? You can stay until you feel like coming back out again."
Opening the door wider, Reiju allowed Sanji to step through the threshold from gloomy stone corridors to plush pink wonderland. Their aesthetics might be wildly different but neither ever really minded or made comment on it even as Sanji's stark black hair and outfit stood out so severely against the bright pinks of her room.
Staying near the door as she kept an eye on where he was in the room and whatever he chose to do while in it, Reiju turned and made note of the rather poor state of him now that they were in private. He looked worse than usual, a bit messier than she knew Sanji would allow so something was definitely up and Reiju had an inkling why. And against her better judgement she wished to at least get a little information out of Sanji so as to better comfort him as much as she could.
"You don't need to tell me any details, but you are starting to concern me. If not, I won't ask again and you can leave when you want. I won't push."
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homecomingvn · 8 months
Hey everyone, long time no see! Apologies for the months of silence - but I’m back now! I needed to take a much needed step back from HOCO and focus on some other projects of mine (as well as play a ungodly amount of BG3 hehe).
On my break, I also decided to kinda tear down HOCO and rebuild it from the ground up. I wasn’t really pleased with how the story was going and I think that really contributed to the burnout I felt with the project. I still would like to include the premise of the various life stages, but may go about it in a different way than I had initially planned - things to think about more I suppose!
Anyways here’s some behind the scenes of what I’ve been up to - starting with revisiting the cast’s (+ Nico’s) main outfits and updating them :3
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Hello to all the proshippers and comshippers who see this! This blog is meant as a safe space. This is a place where you can share your ships, headcanons, art, experiences, lament about antis, admit to a ship or dynamic that does disgust you, or anything else.
This is meant to be a safe space, so we also have space for ex-antis, we love you, or antis who are willing to be respectful and ask polite questions.
The limits on this blog include no personal sexual experience, no sexual or nude photos, though fanart is okay, no real life images of disturbing things (a trad art image, yeah, self harm scars or nude photos, no.).
Anything that violates this will be deleted.
Here is the list of proship safe artists, it is constantly updating, feel free to LMK if you want to be added: The Proship Artist List
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natimiles · 8 months
Hellooo it’s the same anon from before :)
I was wondering if you could write (only if you want to! No pressure whatsoever :D) platonic headcanons or scenarios for your favourite IkemenVampire boys with a gn!reader (age is up to you). I feel like our vampire men, however handsome they are, would also be great older brothers (albeit a bit outdated on technology ahaha)
Again, please don’t write this if you don’t want to :) it was just a thought in my head and I really enjoyed your work of the IkemenVampire characters with the reader that has a tattoo, but you take priority :D
-🥀 anon (if you allow it ofc)
Hii, dear 🥀
Sorry, I’m a slow writer haha. I was finishing another fanfic, but here we go!
Sometimes I feel they have a brotherly relationship when we’re not in their routes, so I really liked it! It's my first request, so that adds to the excitement, hahaha.
I wrote them separately, I hope it's how you wanted it (:
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A gn!reader with a sibling-like relationship with them | Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Theo and Vincent, and Napoleon
Tags: gn!reader; minor spoilers from their routes.
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He accepted Comte’s offer to have some alone time for peaceful work. With the little school he and Napoleon had set up, he didn't want any more responsibilities in his life. However, as always, things never seemed to go his way.
You’re stubborn and clumsy, and he can’t make sense of half the things you do. However, for some inexplicable reason, he’s intrigued by the challenge of understanding you. Before he knows it, you’ve become a part of his daily life.
You make sure he has all his meals and encourage him to leave his room sometimes, at least to go to the garden and get some sun on his skin. You even took care of him when he was sick, never leaving his side until he was better. You talk about what you remember studying about him in school and how he should consider being a professor here. You pester him until he does what you want and pretend to cry when he runs out of patience, just to make him feel bad for the outburst; but you’re also there when he needs to talk and always defend him from others (you’re the only one allowed to tease him about the apples).
“Hey, Newt, fancy a slice of apple pie?” You managed to get Arthur to stop calling him that. You might’ve even threatened him.
He always looks for you now, whether he needs advice about his new job, has a problem, or wants to grab a meal at that downtown cafeteria. He’s happy when you seek him out for advice or to hang out on a day off. Having you around is comforting; he’s no longer alone. You’re the family he’s always wanted, and he’ll protect you with everything he has, which mainly involves glaring at others while blushing (this man is not a fighter). He still enjoys spending time alone, working. He’s aware that you’ll come looking for him if he spends too much time locked in his room.
He probably won’t say much if you meet someone you like; he’s not overprotective. However, he’ll attempt to meet them to determine if they’re a good person (he might even call Napoleon to help him with this).
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When you arrived at the mansion, things were lively, and he despised it. You’re a troublemaker; it’s obvious. Comte once warned them about how dangerous it could be to cross the door without him because they could get lost. Yet, you managed to cross it by accident! Looking back, that was a red flag already, but you keep doing stupid things every time, so it’s hard to say which one really is the red flag. He should stay away, but for some reason, he feels an urge to protect you.
As time passes, and he grows accustomed to your presence (and your chocolates, ahem), he realizes that you’re not only his new best friend but also family. In his first life, he was the youngest son and was very close to his sister, so he finds solace in your company and the new sibling-like relationship you share. 
You two are joined at the hip in no time. You’re definitely his favorite person in the world now. Congrats, you got yourself an overprotective brother — but he means well. Arthur touches you? Mozart’s there in a second with a handkerchief in hand, ready to clean you of those scoundrel’s germs. You cut your finger? He helps you bandage it. Are you taking care of the violets in the garden? He’s there beside you, keeping you company while he composes a new piece.
He loves playing for you and always shows you his new pieces first. Your opinion means a lot to him, even though you may not be as versed in music as he is. If you encourage him to play and attend more aristocratic parties, he might even give it a shot. His trips downtown have become easier since you helped him overcome his fear of carriages, so he’s gradually getting used to them.
He might even teach you a thing or two on the piano if you’re interested, so you two can play together for the residents, just as he used to do with his sister. He’s a surprisingly patient and kind teacher. It’s a side he only reveals to you and Jean, and even the soldier never sees his friend smile fondly at anyone else.
God help the person that falls in love with you. He won’t be creepy about it, but he’ll be condescending until he’s certain they deserve you and his trust. The two of you now understand Theo and Vincent a little bit better.
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He’s confused about why you want to be friends with him. He doesn’t think he deserves it, yet you persist, and something inside him just allows it. As you start teaching him how to write and read, he notices how patient and kind you are.
He’s the sweetest brother you could get. He feels like you’re his older sibling (and probably is, considering how young he died). He will protect you whenever you need, after all he’s a trained soldier. He shows you his diary and everything he writes. He asks for advice and always listens intently to what you have to tell him, because you don’t judge him even when he’s having a bad day. He’s interested in your stories about the future, he can’t understand how there’s such technology (the poor guy lived in a century that didn’t even have electricity yet).
You help in his shop when you can and you take care of him. You’re the only person who can actually make him eat/drink something, at least some blanc so he doesn’t starve himself again. He doesn’t want to disappoint you. He doesn’t want you to leave him and lose another family, so he makes an effort to care at least a little bit about himself, and you praise him every time you notice it.
A customer asks for something he doesn’t know how to write yet? “Wait a minute, please, I’ll ask my sibling how to write it.” And the customer is confused, because he didn’t know Jean had a sibling.
If you fall in love, he’ll be so happy for you! Obviously, he’ll be wary of them at first, but he’s such a chill brother. He’ll miss spending more time with you, but he’ll be happy to know you’re happy.
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Chaos. That’s what happened ever since you two met. Comte might have lots of gray hair now, because of you.
He tries to scare you out of the mansion, but you laugh. He hits on you, you yawns. He threatens to bite you, you bite him first and he yelps so loud, everybody came to see what happened. And when you challenge him to a game, he doesn’t lose but it’s really close.
He is observant and really smart, so he notices fast that he really enjoys your company and wants to hang out with you more, even though he doesn’t see you in a romantic way. You make him feel confident about himself again, like his own writing, and even consider being a doctor once more. He protects you from the idiots and teaches you all he knows about card games, and you actually win twice. That’s his sibling!
You become his partner in crime, but don’t think he lets you do everything you want. He’s actually really responsible when it comes to you. He locks himself in his room sometimes, but when you do it he drags you out and makes you eat something. If you’re sick, he takes care of you and sleeps on the floor beside your bed until you’re good again. Once Isaac tried to bite you when you cut your hand, and he just put his hand in front of Isaac’s mouth to protect you. When you go out to the pub with him and Theo, no one dares coming close to you, they know your brother can be scary when he wants.
You’re going out with someone? He won’t pry much, but he wants to know if you need some advice or if something happens. He knows very well how people can be with their desires, and he just wants you to be ok. Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t want you to keep your chastity nor anything like that, he just wants to make sure it’s all consented and protected. Are you in love with them? Oh, that’s nice! He can’t wait to meet them! 
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Theo and Vincent
First of all, you can’t become a sibling to just one of them. Theo would be devastated and Vincent would certainly miss his brother. That’d end up with the three of you as a family anyway, so…
Vincent’s been nice to you since the first moment, so it’s not hard to befriend him. But Theo is a different story. He actually just starts to try being nice to you when he sees you defending and helping Vincent with his emotions. You also help him with his work and some problems from his previous life, and he ends up grateful. And the three of you are inseparable now.
Theo likes to hear you talk about the arts from the future, Vincent hears your ideas for painting and likes to use you as a model, and you make sure they’re healthy and eating while working. They have a strong protector feeling towards you, you’re their youngest sibling. 
You're really proud of your new family. The first art exposition you help with is actually a success because you talked so much about your brothers that everybody got curious. You protect them with everything you have. Theo still calls you hondje, but you can’t blame him. You bark and bite anyone who tries to mess with them, and he says he can almost see a wagging tail when they come home, and you greet them.
You start painting, even if you don’t know how to do it. Vincent is patient enough to guide you and teach you the basics. Theo tries to be supportive, but what the hell is that paint supposed to be? If you look upset about his comments, he’ll apologize and give you a stack of pancakes to cheer you up.
May the lord have mercy from the person that falls for you. Vincent is an angel, but he doesn’t want you getting hurt, so he’ll find out if they’re trustworthy before being too nice. Theo is savage from the first moment he meets them. You’re upset with him and he can’t stand it, so he’ll try to be a little nice. Keyword: try.
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Napoleon (I already see him as an older brother)
He tried to help you from the first second you passed the door, so you bonded quickly. He has the urge to protect you since you seem pretty reckless on your own. He likes taking care of others; he already has Isaac as a younger sibling, so he certainly doesn't mind having you too.
He helps you get used to this new century, giving you a tour through the city and assisting you with some chores. You help with his and Isaac's school; the kids love you so much that he can't help but find it endearing. You quickly come to rely on him, as it's really easy to trust him. You ask for his help whenever you need it, even if it's as simple as teaching you how to dance so you can go to a ball, and he gladly helps you.
He’s not overprotective; he offers his advice and trusts you’ll make good decisions on your own. However, he makes sure to draw the line for Arthur, he doesn’t want you getting hurt or bitten… Ok, he might want to overprotect you sometimes. He’ll teach you self defense, just in case.
He’ll try not to pry too much if you fall in love with someone, you’re a nunuche but you’re trustworthy. He knows you’ll come to him if you need something or if your heart gets broken — and may the Lord have mercy if it actually happens.
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transdilucs · 8 months
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Doodled a Kaeya
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satoruoo · 6 months
GOJO SEEMS LIKE THE TYPA GUY TO THROW GANG SIGNS TO ANNOY YOU AND SEE YOUR REACTION he's so teenage dirtbag coded he'd get all up in your face and try to rile you up before running away after giving you a peck
OMFG U GET IT U GET ITTTT 🫵🫵🫵🫵 WE LOVE TO PREACH THE TEENAGE DIRTBAG SATORU AGENDA !! i am bouncing off the walls rn stop. this is EXACTLY the kind of bf he'd be bro ☹️ U DEF WAKE UP TO HIM GOING "rise n shine babe!! 🤛🤌👊✊🫴✋🖖🫱🤞✌️🤏☝️" WHN U JS WANNA SLEEP LMAFSISOISOSO
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lilithequeenofhell · 3 months
13 for argumentative
STARTER CALLS ☄. *. ⋆ 13. Argumentative
❝Why would you do that?❞ Lilith asked, ❝you know that heaven is out for our heads and you allow Charlie to go to Heaven?❞
Lilith, having just returned from her excursion, learned of what had happened recently after the siege of the Hotel during the last extermination. She was, in a word, distraught, to learn that her daughter had been to Heaven.
❝Lucifer, what were you thinking?❞ Lilith sighed, ❝she could have been in danger.❞
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chilapis · 7 days
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pxison · 1 year
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@medicus-mortem​ asked:  Places Law here in response to the aphrodisiac toxin question because he is both a freak and absolutely happy to do some science. 
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This was an interesting turn of events. Reiju thought she had the surgeon pinned as a 100% dominant man in the bedroom but this eagerness he was showing her to comply to her fantasy was beyond anything she’d ever dreamed of him to do. Perhaps he was only willing to experiment or humor her, but she needed to see if this was genuine or not.
And so with that in mind she steps right in his space, a hand snatching up his chin to tug his head down closer to hers. She eyes the lips she has nearly pinched between her fingers, and it is then she voices aloud his consent to this treatment.
“You know... You can always back out if you want to, I don’t mind.”
She adjusts her grip anyways, prepared the roll of a more forceful Dom if that is what he wishes out of her. There is the distinct feeling too that he would not back out of this little experiment anytime soon which pleased her and brought a soft smile to her lips before features harden.
“If you have nothing else to say then open up. I can’t give you the dose with your pretty mouth shut.”
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darkestmad-er · 4 months
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Let me be the light in your storm -Erin Plewes
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leseggian · 2 years
For your rate a scenario thing: We’ve been roommates for a long time, and have had this little bit of tension for a while. You catch me looking at you, I catch you looking at me, you catch me staring at you, I heard you say my name while masturbating sort of thing. And one afternoon you come home to find that I’ve holed myself up in the bathroom citing a thing, but you keep banging on the door trying to help, trying to be real sweet and kind so I go fuck it, and open the door, and there I am, bottom half deep green tentacles, my ovipositor visibly swollen and dripping something slick, my eyes firmly on you. “So. I’m not all human. It’s mating season. If you don’t leave, I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t want anyone else.” Well, C? Do you run? Do I get you fill you with my eggs? What happens next? 🥀
HATE | No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | F*CK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
i was coming over to the bathroom in the first place to help you, so ofc i will help you with this! i’m clearly a bit nervous and unsure, though, but thankfully your species has all sorts of ways to turn humans into incubators… my eyes naturally fixate on the slick coming out of your ovipositor, and i feel a sudden urge to suck on something… i get on my knees and grab your swollen ovipositor, feeling the eggs in it, and start to lick up the substance it’s leaking… it’s made to be addicting to humans, and it’s clearly doing it’s intended effect on me! your other tentacles are wrapping around my kneeling body, prodding me to stick my ass out, and when i do, i instantly feel slimy tentacles brushing against my cunt and ass..
i’m too focused on the ovipositor though, trying to lick up as much as i can of the substance, but your ovipositor is huuuuge, it’s bigger than my face, so i can only fit the tip of it in to suck on, warm liquid filling my mouth as i do so, my body feeling even more hazy… the tentacles around my body are stretching me out, going in and out of my cunt and ass at a steady pace, my small body buckling at each thrust from the thick tentacles… you grab my head and pet me, then start pushing me down on your ovipositor, me making a choking sound as it fills my throat, the warm liquid it’s secreting now going directly down my throat as i continue to suck…
i thought you were just doing some dirty talk when you said i wouldn’t want anyone else, but as i whine and moan around the ovipositor in my mouth as the tentacles in my cunt bury themselves through my cervix, writhing in my womb and making my stomach bulge as they coat my insides, i know i’m never going to feel as… full from anyone but you. when you remove the ovipositor from my mouth, i have a dreamy grin on my face as i drool, my eyes looking like they have nothing but pleasure behind them as i sit there wrapped around your tentacles…
your swollen ovipositor fills me even more than the tentacles did before, and it just feels so goooood! my body clenches around your ovipositor as you bury it within me, orgasms shaking me through my core, my moans filling the small bathroom… when the eggs start coming in, i gasp as each one hits my cervix before pushing through and nestling in my womb, your tentacles coiling around my growing belly… the eggs just keep on coming, and my womb is eagerly accepting each and every one of them <3
when you’re done, you look over me and are proud of your work- i’m a mess within your tentacles, my belly swollen with the outline of your eggs pushing against the skin, and i’m completely at your mercy to use for whenever you need an incubator again <3
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acoraxia · 1 year
Mmm, the new au
How does Wukomg react to being betrayed by the people he thought he could trust? How did Macaque betray Wukong? What are the consequences of these differences that can be seen to the modern day? Is Nezha in the au? I definitely do not have a favourite
Also, is the Ivory Lady Guanyin? That's what I found online but I'm still not sure.
Anyways, your work is always really interesting and I love reading about the things you come up with
"I just wanna feel something, tell me where to go. 'Cause everybody knows something I don't wanna know."
first and foremost: the Ivory Lady is Lady Bone Demon before she went against Heaven to start her "journey" to complete her destiny.
When Wukong realizes people are betraying him — the first time isn't too bad, more or less, because he's sort-of betrayed by the Jade Emperor since he was lied to about his status. Second time is by Azure when he realizes he only used him to start a war against Heaven to try and take the Emperor's throne which cuts him deep enough to attack the Jade Emperor himself (directed blame/hate), third is by Erlang when he prevents Wukong from killing the Jade Emperor and the final one is by Macaque, which... kills a part of Wukong, ngl.
Nezha is involved in the AU and it's actually part of the reason why Wukong goes more berserk in the war against Heaven than he originally did.
Something, something, "you're just a boy... why is there a boy here, Azure, why did you send me to fight a child—"
(as for Macaque betraying Wukong, it involves a very selfish act based off the idea that Wukong was visited by Macaque when he was trapped under the mountain but those interactions were bitter)
Those consequences are... very evident in how people (yaoguai and yaojing included) see Wukong as an anti-hero instead of a normal hero. He's got a reputation of being powerful and praised, sure, but they're also terrified of him
also thank you sm!!! i wanna design the outfits and designs soon.. but idk when or how or when or how or if I should reuse the designs i already have for SWK and Macaque and.. yeah, anyways. TYSM!
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Hi I know you just went to bed but I need to write this so I don’t forget-
Imagine a trope where MC is like a sheep at the beginning and at some point they finally turn into their human form and the lower demons are just like “who’s that? They’re extremities tho” and try flirting with MC not realizing who they are-
Cue the brothers and datebles being extra possessive
-🥀 anon (I’m also the anon that suggested the brothers jerking off while hearing MC get fucked from the other room instead of getting jealous-)
Hii 🥀!! You can send in asks whenever, it was just I wouldn’t answer fast lol
This would actually be so much fun! In a making the characters jealous way
Like the demons and others closest to MC still know it’s them, but the rest of RAD has no idea who the new student is. Just that they’re really fucking cute!
So for like, the first few weeks of MC being human again, they’re constantly getting hit on by other demons and one of the boys closer to MC has to cut in and be like “That’s MC. Back off.” or something along those lines
After all just because MC looks like a new student, doesn’t mean they’re available-
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i forgot you were old enough to watch R rated stuff and for a second i got concerned about the content of one piece and your tiny child ears
Is One Piece R rated???? Damn I didn't even realize XD. I don't really think it warrants that tbh hah, the only thing that comes to mind is some swearing?? And it wasn't even like, super excessive. Normal amount I feel like.
Okay I have been informed by my dear friend Chaos that it's rated 14+ which makes a lot more sense, I was v confused lol.
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reiashiftsrealities · 28 days
Emmm the storytime reia ???
I KEEP FORGETTING OH MY GOD i am a terrible person
i’m also like cooked school wise so my mind has been scattered but trust I’m getting on that. i am literally so sorry y’all i feel horrible ☹️
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
"fanfiction? What fanfiction? Oh you mean the only this keeping my sanity intact?"
And it's just you and your OCs
That's so sweet of you to say.
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