#🫧 commissions
savoryangel · 10 months
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🩵🤎 Commission for @candyheartedchy ! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMMISSIONING ME <3 It is such an honor to draw these love birds !! 🥹🫶🏽
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mothfinite · 5 months
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☁️ hi!! ive raised my prices a bit for the new year, which means updated comm sheet !! ^__^
please check out my carrd for more info, and contact me if you're interested!!! i also have a queue in my pinned if you want to check it out - i try to keep is as up to date as possible 🩷
slots are still unlimited - this might change in the future, but for now im taking as many as possible
if you cant buy, please consider rbing!
pr0/c0mship dni
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cherubdulce · 1 month
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💙🧡 Commission for @cinderellahoneymoon !
Thank you so much for supporting me fleur, I had such a blast drawing this for you!! <3 I appreciate you so much !!
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sulevinen · 11 months
would it be weird or what if i put up a google forms for commissions
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rotten--cotton · 7 months
Looking at all the art I've received from my friends of me n my silly lil alien men and I'm just
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loomka · 2 months
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🙏🏼!!!hey lan zhan, drop the hair care routine🫧
commissions opened here!! ✿ https://ko-fi.com/loomka
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astranne · 2 years
okay so this is about cyno's upcoming banner, i know he was officially released for 3.1, but ei is supposed to come in 3.3 with someone near and dear to the fandom scara lovers. so, that means i could totally skip cyno's weapon bc i have him guaranteed and go for his polearm all the way in 3.6.
ei is a much better team synergist for me than say, beidou and fischl, and while i love them both i want to eventually full clear the abyss😭 it's just a lil obvious that im obsessed with synergies i just want a team of pretty people who work together.
also, kind of on the topic of banners, who are you saving for in sumeru or are you kind of playing just to enjoy the game?
oh, the dilemma… ngl i kinda want cyno but i already have a very well built razor (for my resources lmao) so i wouldn’t feel too bad if i don’t get him. thing is, i really want raiden, so if she‘s gonna have a rerun, then i‘m totally pulling for her. i want all archons 🦾 and i‘ll probably also just skip all other characters, even the new ones. because i have everyone i really wanted (besides jean and raiden) but yeah, maybe it will be another ayato situation for me…. ehehehe hope not ._.
just pull for the characters you really want!! it will be a little hard decisions if you‘re completely f2p, but i hope you get every character you want <3
and regarding the banners… i‘m just saving up tbh. i have 12k primos rn, with 13 wishes, and i will just save up for a future character i‘m going to get. and i will get them, but hopefully not having to pay too much for it 😭 i‘m really enjoying sumeru so far, i think the exploration is much easier compared to the other nations but also not??? there are so many caves and i had to look up tutorials several times to actually find a place. i also finished all current events 🦾 very proud of me and yeah, just trying to not get burnout again
ngl, i‘m probably not going to pull for any sumeru characters, maybe cyno but even with him i‘m not quite sure yet. and probably also never going for weapons banner again, because weapons banner is a scam. i pulled there for ayato‘s sword but got venti‘s bow instead. luckily i also wanted venti but still. i was very lucky regarding that lmao.
anyways, i hope we both get the characters we want <3
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salartmander · 2 months
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Bath 🫧
Commission for my bestie @/babyfacemew on twitter!
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rustedhearts · 2 months
i want your things in my room (fratboy!steve harrington x fem!reader)
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summary: steve harrington: resident frat boy heartbreaker. handsome, charming, good in bed—what's not to love? if only he loved you. based on this sexy thought of mine
uses she/her pronouns and female anatomy.
✶ rolly’s roller wheels blurbs commissions! ✶ blurbs!
tags: frat boy!steve, situationship, asshole-ish!steve, pining, kind of feral reader because i was feral writing this, smut.
"i want your things in my room, i miss you all of the time. i stalk myself on the internet just to see what you'll find...you look so cool, I wanna die. is it too soon to say what's on my mind?"
— in my room, julia wolf
for the lovely 🫧
wc: 2,095 (oops)
delta phi. saturday april 12th, 2009
Cords of muscle suffocated under the tight sleeve of a red cutoff—ripped while weight-lifting on the porch, you imagined. Knowing Steve, it was intentionally and meticulously cut in the bathroom mirror for a blurry cellphone image sent to another fling.
You never received texts like that. The only texts you received were late in the evening or at the crest of midnight:
you up?
coming over. unlock the back door.
The one trip-up in this eight month routine came two weekends ago at nine p.m.
coming over, brought you a surprise. want you to wear it saturday.
It was a tight white t-shirt promoting Steve for Delta Phi Senior President. You wore it like he asked, lingering in the basement corner of another Saturday party with a lukewarm beer you wanted to throw up when you saw hordes of other girls wearing the exact same thing.
He didn't even look at you that night.
But he messaged, an hour after you skulked home with a hoodie zipped over his face printed on your left tit.
didn't see you leave. can i swing by later?
He did. And you let him crawl over your naked body under a pink duvet and place his mouth wherever he liked. He didn't apologize, and you swallowed down the sharp sting of tears every time he told you how pretty you were—knowing every girl wearing his face that night received the very same treatment at one point.
You weren't special. You knew that. But he had such a way of making you feel like you were. Catching your eye through passing bodies, lifting his mouth in a sideways grin, wiggling his fingers in a tiny wave when he knew no one was looking. Cupping the back of your head in the checkout line at the coffeeshop when he passed by, because somehow he always knew when you were there. He never said a thing, but he had your heart stuttering every single time.
So, here you were. Another Saturday night in a dark Delta Phi corner, sipping a Twisted Tea and struggling to swallow past the lump of hurt in your throat when Steve's head turned to follow the path of a pretty and petite blonde. Watching his biceps flex under his sleeve, his hips turn in a pair of Levis often rumpled on your floor. You washed them once, when he came and got sick in your bathroom after a particularly intense recruitment night.
Steve lifted a wide hand and swept it through the front of his hair. You could almost smell it, the Old Spice soaked in those chestnut tresses. You used his bathroom on the second floor one time, found the red shampoo bottle resting on the edge of the tub.
And maybe you popped the cap and smelled it, closed your eyes and imagined Steve was right in front of you, pressing his cheek on your chest the way he did post-coital: panting wordlessly, letting you feel the warmth of his flesh clinging to yours, running your fingers through his hair to bring him back down.
Steve's eyes cutting your way yanked you from your warm, gut-wrenching thoughts of him. Over the swell of his own bicep: a pair of hazels fixing on your figure across the room. Your heart lurched to your throat when you locked gazes, fingers twitching to wave. He wouldn't wave back. You knew without a doubt.
But those lips quirked up in acknowledgement, and that was enough. Enough to have heat lapping at your face and coiling in your stomach. Enough to know he'd message after the party, when most of the crowd dispersed and his buddies wandered off to bed. Enough to know you'd feel his breath on your face tonight, feel his mouth over your body.
That was more than enough.
✶ ✶
You waited.
Waited—fully dressed on your bed, lamp clicked on in the darkness of the night—with the skin of your thumb between your teeth. Gnawing between glances at your phone, waiting for it to buzz with his name. The deeper the night grew, the hungrier you became. Hungry for his tongue sliding around your mouth, his fingers digging into your ribs with every pull back against his body. His palm cupped around your throat the way it often did when he took you from behind, keeping you braced against his chest so he could feel you struggle to catch your breath.
You waited. You bid your roommate goodnight through a closed door and waited. You peeled your outfit off layer by layer, checked your messages for his name, and waited. You laid back on your bed holding your phone to your faded-t-shirt-clad chest, and waited.
The hunger nestled between your legs, aching and pulsing with soreness. It was terrible how conditioned you were for Steve's attention. How horribly you craved it.
Somehow, his air of coolness made you want it more. When he avoided your eye, when your texts went unanswered, when he brushed by at a party and looped your pinkies together—you wanted him something awful.
But you wanted him most when you had him. When he was running his nose through the sweat on your neck, big hands sweeping over your stomach under the t-shirt he guided over your head. His t-shirt, always asked for in a groggy, early morning exchange before he left. When he was whispering—unwilling to wake your roommates—and promising that you were the only one he'd ever felt this close to.
"Swear nobody's made me feel so fuckin' high before," he'd say. "Love your body, baby, you're so pretty."
Tears squeezed at your lash line, burning as they spilled over. You swiped at them irritatedly, setting your phone on the nightstand and turning away from it.
And then it buzzed.
You flung your hands toward the vibration, snatching the scratched device eagerly.
missed you.
Falling back against your pillows, you let out a long, blissful sigh. He missed you. That was new.
Your phone buzzed with the long-awaited "here" text, and you had to catch yourself on the stair railing to avoid running toward the door. But the way you swung the door open and tugged him in did little to hide your excitement, and it had Steve grinning wide as you hurried back toward your room.
"Wait," he chuckled, stumbling over his sneakered feet. "Christ, you're quick to the belt tonight."
You clamped your bedroom door shut carefully, spinning around to find Steve toeing his shoes off at the end of your bed. His tongue prodded at the inside of his cheek when he turned to face you again. The smirk on his mouth was delicious.
Suddenly, all that hunger coursing through you fizzled to coyness. But Steve liked when you were shy. He thought it was cute.
The way he called to you—softly, a sweeter version of his usual tone—always had your nerves tingling.
You stepped in front of him, giggling when he plucked at the faded, stained material of your bed shirt near your chest.
"Sexy 'jamas," he chuckled, swooping down to press your mouths together.
"Thought...you weren't...coming," you mumbled between detachments and quiet, wet smacks.
He said nothing this time, letting his hands drop to your hips to steer you around. He guided you onto the bed, and the pair of you moved like a well-oiled carnival ride until you reached the pillows. Two heavy palms pressed into the feathers on either side of your head, and Steve's mouth continued lapping at yours vigorously.
One thing about Steve was that he was always pleased to incorporate foreplay. He loved the art of kissing, and he knew it well.
Steve pulled away far too early, moving his lips to your cheek. Down your jaw, under the junction where nerves tingled for his attention under your ear. You fisted the thin fabric of his shirt as he dragged his nose across your jaw.
"Did ya miss me, honey?" His voice took on a low gravel that brought your hairs to their ends.
Your eyes fluttered between opened and closed, hips shifting on the bed. Your breath already shallowed.
"Mhm? Tell me," he cooed, nose rubbing a small circle into your cheek, breath hot on your skin. "Tell me you missed me, pretty girl."
You blinked your eyes open, glazing over the length of his lashes and flecks of honey and emerald in his gaze. You could barely feel your own body, could barely form a sentence on your own.
"I missed you," you whispered dazedly.
Steve moved his eyes down to your stomach as he dragged the t-shirt toward your collarbones. His hand glided over your navel and between your breasts.
"Missed you, too. Take your shirt off f' me, sweetheart."
He knelt at the end of the bed and watched you undress intently, eyes tracing the curves of your body as he pressed to his knees and fumbled with the buckle of his belt. When the pair of you were bare, he returned to his place hovering above you, and you took your chance to roam your hands over his chest. Firm, warm, smooth-skinned. Lifting your back off the bed, you buried your nose in his throat and inhaled deeply. Steve's chuckle rumbled through you, but you couldn't find it in yourself to feel ashamed.
"Smell good," you remarked quietly.
Steve tipped his head away from your face until you settled back into the pillows. He grinned down at you there, hair curling over his forehead and toward his brow.
"Yeah? That's new."
You shook your head, tongue fat and dumb in your mouth. Your fingers traced down his arms bracing your head. "No...always smell good."
A swallow bobbed in his throat. The back of his finger nudged your cheek from the pillow beside you. "Yeah?"
You nodded this time, meeting his eye with what he could only call a lovestruck stare—all rounded and doe-like. "Yeah."
He wished you'd shut your eyes. He wished you'd stop looking at him like he was some sort of saint. He wished you'd stop letting him get away with all the shit he put you through.
Steve was quick to switch gears, pecking a short, painful kiss to your mouth before flipping you by the hips onto your stomach. You gasped at the quick and irritated pull of your hips upward until your ass was arched in the air. He pressed on the dip in your back and you let your stomach drop toward the mattress.
"Good," he sniffed. "Look good like this."
Because he couldn't see your eyes.
And you let him fuck you like that, pummeling so deep that you were buried in the mattress by the time he was done. You didn't cum and he knew it, and the pair of you settled flat with quiet gasps. He didn't press his cheek to your chest this time, didn't tangle your fingers together between sticky bedsheets. He laid there only a few silent moments before reaching for his pants.
"Hey," you called softly, propped up on your elbows. "You're not gonna stay?"
The broad muscles of Steve's back flexed and rolled as he hoisted his jeans over his hips and secured his belt. He pulled his shirt on without turning around, feet shoved into his sneakers before you could even sit all the way up.
"Nah," he said, turning only as he headed for the door. "Gotta...um, study."
Brows furrowing, a small giggle slipped from your mouth. "Study? You don't study."
Another swallow, noisy and paired with two eyes fixed on the floor. His voice neared a whisper when he spoke again. "Trying something new."
You watched him open the door just enough for him to fit through. You hugged your soiled sheets around your bare body and felt the hunger dim to hurt again.
Steve stepped into the doorway and turned his head an inch, but not enough to see those pretty features again. "Later."
You wanted him to miss you again. You wanted to press your nose back into his neck and breathe him in. You wanted him to bring his words down low where they belonged when he spoke to you. You wanted to be his girl for a few moments more, to feel his affection through every drag of his mouth and hands.
But the door closed, and you were left to watch him jog across the street through a sliver in the drapes instead.
Just another t-shirt. Just another girl in love with Steve Harrington.
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loullipopx · 10 months
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Clodsire and Mudkip tiny mimir commission !! Schlapi !! 🫧✨🌙
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alielerart · 7 months
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Kokomi 🫧
Art commissioned by @,ShadowHex99 on twitter
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savoryangel · 9 months
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mothfinite · 6 months
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commissions are still open!
☁️ hiya!! if youre in the market for commissions, u should definitely consider commissioning me! im a disabled artist & currently unemployed due to health reasons, so commissions are my only active source of income
i take p4ypal, k0-fi, and venm0! slots are unlimited as of right now until further notice :3
for more info, take a peek at my commission carrd!
if you cant commission me, please consider reblogging 🩷🩷🩷 thank you!!
❌️ pr0ship/c0mship dni, these arent for you ❌️
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cherubdulce · 26 days
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Commission for @naniwaparadise !
Thank you so much for commissioning me ! 🧡
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sulevinen · 1 year
trying to draft commission info for rendered works too god this is difficult
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13uckaroo · 7 months
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What’s happening to me!? 🫧 An anonymous commission.
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