#'with what do i answer your failure of justice?' <- she definitely practiced that line
galacticsuperstitions · 8 months
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i kept thinking about that one edgy phase Amiya post so i drew it out. when are we getting the fully black outfit for her HG
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rkxsungwoon-blog · 5 years
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☆ MGA5 EPISODE FOUR; JULY 18 #5008 HA SUNGWOON ; interview
for the first time since he entered the competition, sungwoon faces the post performance interview with apprehension. his unease is apparent from the moment his name is called, and even the staff remark on his subdued attitude as they fix up his makeup. the smile on his face is fake, more for their sake than his own. “i’m fine,” he says cheerfully. “just… indigestion.” no one questions him too closely, and he keeps the painfully insincere grin in place as he enters the interview room and greets the interviewer. 
he has no real strategy for how to approach this, no idea what she’s going to hit him with this week. no idea how he’s going to answer, either, but a manic voice in sungwoon’s head tells him that he has nothing else to lose—so go with honesty for once in his goddamn life.
what were your thoughts on last week’s results? one of your band members, minhyun, was eliminated from the competition, wasn’t he?
of course they would begin with this. a familiar formula, yet he blinks, taken aback. perhaps because his mind isn’t fully present, and he has to work to pull his thoughts away from the churning guilt and mortification ever present in his mind. “the eliminations came as a shock,” sungwoon says plainly. “the top three were expected—mason, sia, and suwoong have all proved themselves already, and i think their partners definitely benefited from being paired up with them.” mason carried his duo in particular in sungwoon’s opinion, but he thinks that much is obvious. “so yeah, no surprises there. the eliminations were a different beast, though. i thought jinyoung and jeonghan should’ve been in the top three.” objectively, their performance was one of the best in his eyes. “yuqi and minhyun should’ve been safe too, but i guess my sixth sense failed me last round.”
he looks down at his hands, then back up with a distracted smile. “the shot at redemption… i’m not sure how to feel about that twist, but like everyone else, i’m eager to see who survives.”
are you hoping minhyun will return?
“i am.” he nods once, thinking that it would be poetic justice if minhyun returns just as sungwoon leaves, but the thought of empty enigma on the show without him hurts and he abandons it altogether. “of course i’d like to see him advance; he’s a talented performer and he deserves to be here. he’s versatile, he’s handsome, and he has a great personality. also, he recycles. isn’t he perfect?”
is it fair to say minhyun deserves to be here when some people question your band’s intentions in this competition?
his lips press into a thin line. “you’re talking about what eric said, right?” the interviewer nods, and sungwoon shrugs. “isn’t that a question for daniel? he’s the one who got called out.”
but the rest of your band was included in their comments as well.
“‘the band guys,’” sungwoon says, enveloping the phrase in air quotes before letting his arms fall to the sides. “you know, i’m kind of getting tired of it.” he hears the same sort of thing in interviews week after week. reads the same sort of thing online with netizens commenting on ‘daniel and the band’ like they’re one single entity. and god, it isn’t daniel’s fault that mnet seems to have made him the face of empty enigma. sungwoon doesn’t blame him for it—daniel deserves the attention and recognition he’s getting. but it is exhausting to feel like his contributions don’t matter. like he doesn’t matter. “it’s understandable to question our intentions, but i believe it’s disrespectful to pretend we’re not working as hard as anyone else here. we’ve earned our place through our own talents.”
his voice is even, controlled, the expression on his face mild. sungwoon doesn’t say that eric’s words have made him question what he’s doing here—because he’s not entirely wrong. they do want to promote the band, but he doesn’t understand why taking pride in their accomplishments is coded as a terrible thing. after all, people can have more than one goal. sungwoon doesn’t confess that the first thing he did when he arrived in seoul was audition to be an idol. he doesn’t point out that last year, he participated in the mgas without revealing his band, for all intents and purposes a genuine idol hopeful. he doesn’t admit that he wants to be here, even if eric is right and he’s taking a chance away from someone else.
(someone like minhyun).
sungwoon is a practiced enough liar that he doesn’t let any cracks show. “i can’t speak for everyone else’s intentions, but i know we all have our own reasons for being here beyond just promoting the band. we’re not a hive-mind or a homogeneous blob, even though people talk about us like we are. we’re individuals with our own goals and desires outside of our band too.” he plays with his frayed cuffs, picking at an errant thread as he speaks. “i mean, most of us have been pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones and performing in ways we never would in a band. we wouldn’t do that if we weren’t taking this seriously.”
he takes a deep breath, his smile turning sardonic as he leans forward. “and i want to say—if i have the decency to learn the names of everyone in the competition, i think others should make an effort too.” sungwoon holds up a hand and counts down. “sungwoon. woojin. kenta. minhyun. we’re not just ‘the guys’ or ‘the others’ or ‘daniel’s band.’ use our names next time you want to talk about us.”
moving on, you were paired with eunji this week. how was it like working with her?
his smile is a little more sincere at the mention of eunji. “she’s talented. seriously talented. we already knew each other prior to the competition—we’re neighbors—and working with her was both fun and easy.” he wants to laugh as the memory of their grease failures come to mind. “we were originally going to do grease’s summer lovin’, but we couldn’t keep a straight face while singing.” chuckling slightly, sungwoon runs a hand through his hair. “i don’t know why though; i think i could be a good danny zuko?” sungwoon gives the camera a winning smile before turning back to the interviewer. “really, it was great. rehearsal was never dull, and i think we sound really good together too. i’m so glad we were paired together.”  
how do you think your performance went?
sungwoon fights to keep his expression neutral. how do you think it went? he wants to ask, but refrains. humiliation still burns under his skin, but the anger at himself, at the whole situation, has faded. instead he’s caught somewhere between resignation and guilt for what this could do to eunji. maybe if he doesn’t discuss their mistake, the interviewer won’t press for details. with that in mind, he decides to stick to the positives. 
“i haven’t sung many showtunes before; i’m not familiar with musicals in general,” he admits. “but i wanted to challenge myself to try something new. i don’t know when else i’ll get the chance to experiment with different styles of music like this again.” his face falls a bit, but he fights to pull it back up. “eunji’s a phenomenal singer, so singing with her wasn’t hard either. it felt very natural to sell the whole story of the song.” he laughs and rubs his nose. “i mean, it’s not hard to pretend you’re falling in love with eunji, so i think we captured the essence of the number.”
you made a mistake, though. what went wrong?
he visibly deflates. bold of him to think mnet would let him pass without addressing this in some fashion. arms falling to his sides (flailing, despite his best efforts), sungwoon sucks in a deep breath. “we went over the time limit. unfortunately, we didn’t realize we’d been practicing with the wrong backing track all well.” lifting his head, he adds, “i’m not trying to make excuses for us. i understand that it’s extremely unprofessional to make a mistake like that. i’m disappointed in myself for not catching it sooner. i’m disappointed that all people are going to remember of our stage in the future is our flub. that’s not the impression i want to leave people with.”
another deep breath. he grips the edge of his seat. “none of this is eunji’s fault. i hope my mistake doesn’t reflect badly on her because she’s an amazing performer. even if we get eliminated, i want people to know that—she’s worth supporting till the end.”
is there anyone you are certain will move onto the next phase of the mgas?
sungwoon takes a moment to gather himself before responding. “suwoong and kyulkyung. suwoong impressed me; he showed a completely different side of himself, and he and kyulkyung compliment each other really well. their performance was… electric and intimate. i genuinely think they deserve to win today.” he’d been critical of whether suwoong was taking this competition seriously in one of the earlier rounds, but he can feel his sincerity now. “i also hope yukhei and woojin go through; i thought their performance was fun and they balance each other out well.”
is there anyone you are certain will be eliminated today?
“us.” this is the first time sungwoon has ever answered the question. “if the judges hold us to our mistake,” here he pauses and gives the interviewer a self-deprecating smile, “and i think they should, it’ll be us.” joohyun’s elimination hurt, but sungwoon understood it. he’d understand them being sent home as well. turning to face the camera, sungwoon stands and bows before saying, “i’m sorry, eunji.” sungwoon can’t bring himself to say more, his throat suddenly dry.
the interviewer seems to sense as much and thanks him for his time. sungwoon bids her farewell and returns to his seat. he’s oddly tired, but the full weight of today hasn’t crashed into him yet. he suspects he’ll feel worse after the eliminations, but for now, sungwoon looks down at his feet and waits.
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realmzenith · 6 years
answer All the questions for your newest oc
DEAD U HAD TO ASK FOR NEWEST DIDN’T YOU. welp in that case have ya boi eneko
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?he’s a patient dude! eneko can likely sit still doing nothing for as long as his physiology will allow aka until he needs to go to the bathroom or smth. he does well w low activity as he’s an introspective person
How easy is it for your character to laugh?FAIrly easy?? on a level of one to ten w one being laughs at anything that moves or doesn’t move i’d say he’s a.. 6. ok so not that easily like he IS fairly taciturn but he will smile and laugh at a good joke esp if he’s comfy around the person making it
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)by crying- no jk he doesn’t… cry… emotions? what are those??? (thats a lie he’s an emotional mess) he will plan for the next day, strategizing and such but that’s honestly rlly bad for him. he stresses easily. on nights when he’s got a clearer head he’ll hum softly or read if he’s not feeling too guilty abt burning off candles. he does like night walks they always clear his mind
How easy is it to earn their trust?oh oof that’s a tricky one. not that easy but at the same time- OKAy yeah just not that easily from one being the easiest to ten being the hardest he’s likely a 8
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?VERY hard. once you’ve gained his trust he will be LOYAL af to u eneko is quiet n not the most expressive but he will absolutely go down in flames for someone he’s deemed trustworthy. a solid 9. 
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?laws are flexible defo. he PREFERS structure but if morality trumps laws he will break them. it also helps that he’s lowkey part of a rebellion so technically his existence in the present is breaking the law
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?god save us all. he’s a nostalgic dude so uh, oh damn i dont have backstory for him yet i made him last night rainy stop bullying me but ykw we’re doing this. flowers defo. queen anne’s lace n bluebells esp? bring back memories n also pumpkin stew. mixed memories w that one. queen anne’s lace mean sanctuary n bluebells mean gratitude which is LOWKEY ironic considering they spawn memories of burning along w memories of his older sisters so yes?? he does like remembering his sisters but no not in that context. the stew is a weird reminder of his first love n that’s. also complicated 
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?talk more and talk better. he’s got a bit of habit of being short abt things and the middle sister of the fam was ALWAYS getting on his case abt no u can’t word it like that but the eldest was and is a terrible influence n absolutely encouraged it bc she found it hilarious. it’s good they love each other i swear
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?yes he’s part of a rebellion and a soldier what more do u eXPECt and no he doesn’t remember his first swear word. he also doesn’t curse that much dont get me wrong. he has to be comfy around u
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?gosh uh. eneko is still v underdeveloped so i .. WELL I CANNOt tell u in the present it’s prbly smth angsty involving his sisters or his lovER but the answer to does it haunt him? yes absolutely he must Suffer :)
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?it depends on the situation’s levity. if it’s smth important he will absolutely bluntly ask for clarification if it’s smth casual he’ll just nod and pretend like he knows what ur talkin abt bc social anxiety is a b
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?Suffer in Silence
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?he doesn’t rlly think abt this. he likes green tho but he wears a lot of black (that’s partially required by his associations and partially bc idk what other colors exist thanks @ god) he looks best in hmmm red
What animal do they fear most?himSELF 
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?he’s usually fairly forthright so he sounds like he’s saying whatever comes to mind but the reality is he says abt 1% of what he’s thinking and he won’t say things that are quite obviously rude. who knows tbh maybe he gains secret enjoyment from watching ppl squirm under his bluntness eyes emoji
What makes their stomach turn?torture n he hates the sight of bones. blood he can stand but bones? no thanks. unfort in the business they’re in he comes across both of those more than he’d like. he also hates working in the theoretical. it’s unnerving but he’s fine if someone he trusts is wading thru the abstract for him aka thank u @ kent for being the resident intuitive 
Are they easily embarrassed?nah not particularly 
What embarrasses them?if u slap his BUTT in public jkjk i mean that would embarrass him if u caught him by surprise but hmmm he doesn’t like attention if u draw attention to him he’ll freak a lil that would fluster him also excessive praise esp if it’s expressed publicly. he squirms beneath the spotlight
What is their favorite number?19. day of the month he last saw his sisters smiling
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?he’d prbly say smth deep which i cannot truly replicate but prbly smth like. “familial love is steady. it’s the mountain beneath which u were born. it’s the protection n the stability n the impossible sheer volume of it that can’t quite be comprehended. platonic love is like cords linking u to them. it’s the promise, the assurance of i will pull u up if u fall and if i can’t ill fall w u. it’s a tug o war and an anchor. romantic love is a stallion. it’s the passion and the chance but if u know how to tame it it serves to make u a better man than u could ever become on ur own. it’s the teamwork and the flames”
Why do they get up in the morning? to execute justice and to experience each new precious day he’s been gifted
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? it’s ugly when jealousy rears its head in him. he doesn’t SAY anything but his actions become more erratic and he has a harder time focusing. it’s likely he’ll become more impulsive. he’s not DANGEROUs per se but it’s not a situation u want him in
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? envy he’s better about. mostly bc unlike w jealousy he doesn’t already have the thing. it’s smth he’ll just push down and soldier thru like he does w most uncomfy things in his life
Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? oh MY GOD DONT TALK ABT SEX that’s SCANDALOUS- the answer is no he finds it unprofessional in his line of work but he would be comfortable discussing it w his s/o
What are their thoughts on marriage? good. he approves. however, for himself he finds the prospect unlikely considering the high risk nature of what he’s involved himself w. he expects to die before 35 in all seriousness
What is their preferred mode of transportation? in the sweet embrace of death horseback
What causes them to feel dread? the knowledge that everything’s falling apart. that fate and circumstance are slowly but surely chipping away at the very foundation of what u live for and there’s absolutely nothing u can do to stop it. also freaking the appearance of the antagonist or his minions
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? in theory? no. in practice? he’s actually p sensitive that’s a difficult one to answer. it would greatly depend on the circumstance but in the long run he prefers the truth
Do they usually live up to their own ideals? yes but in his own eyes, no. he holds himself to extremely high standards and is very self critical. also he has rlly unachievable ideals he’s a lil bit idealistic beneath the guise of realism
Who do they most regret meeting? ohohOHO jk i have no idea not there yet in the story but prbly the antagonist he’s a b
Who are they the most glad to have met? funnily enough? he could almost say the antagonist. he’s the reason why eneko’s working as hard as he is for what he is. without the introduction of the antagonist he would’ve been oblivious to the terrible injustice around him and likely ended up a victim by some obscure mindless death order. however the person he truly admires is the rebel member who took him under her wing however she’s still in the works so i can’t give u much on her
Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? i don’t think so, no
Could they be considered lazy? NOPE not in any sense of the word. eneko works extremely hard. he’s v dedicated n dutiful
How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? oh, very hard. he’s naturally altruistic so he tends to take failures to heart and internalize them and considering the dangerous line of work he’s in he oftens has guilt building up inside him. he’ll likely carry it w him for the rest of his life once he’s decided to be guilty abt smth. if someone doesn’t help him w it it can break him down in ugly ways
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? yes!! he’s a pure son. you’ll definitely get a smile out of him if smth good has happened to u. he’s very supportive of his friends. he would die for his friends and likely all of u i just want u all to know this 
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?neither. he finds seeking romance irresponsible w his lifestyle. as i previously stated he expects to die young
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? he has fairly good memory esp w faces! but otherwise? i would say he learns best by touch. he’s a tactile person and also fairly auditory. music defo helps him remember things
What memory do they revisit the most often? prbly the day he separated from his sisters. it’s not a particularly good memory but it’s seared in his mind
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? he doesn’t ignore ppl’s flaws per se? he’s p perceptive so it’s difficult for him to just turn a blind eye at least within his own mind but eneko is v tolerant of ppl and accepting. even if he dislikes u it’s doubtful you’ll know he’s fairly good at keeping up the same respect for most everyone he comes in contact w. but yeah? he knows what flaws are there but he will simply accept ppl bc he knows everyone, including himself, esp himself, has many flaws
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?oh oof yeah he’s?? a p sensitive guy so while he recognizes his own faults jabs to his weak spots will hurt him and he’ll prbly sit on the accusation or callout for days esp if someone accuses him of being selfish or immoral or not having done enough for the ppl he cares abt (smth along those lines) he’d absolutely hate that. but if u tell him he’s blunt he’s going to be like im well aware of that
How do they feel about children? he’s SUCH A DAD he loves kids and he’s rlly good w them they love him bc he’s SOFT ok but he doesn’t plan on having them himself even tho he’d like to for the exact same reasons he isn’t pursuing romance/marriage
How badly do they want to reach their end goal? enough that he’d die to reach it
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?eneko is either demi or grasexual w pan preferences. he’s also panromantic. if someone asked for explanation he’d be like “i’m attracted to people of all genders” and just leave it at that unless ofc they were like RLLY curious or smth but he doesn’t rlly consider himself demi or pan or anything he just knows he isn’t straight LOL
A) Why are you excited about this character?…strong silent type. that’s all i have to sayB) What inspired you to create them?i’ve taken some inspiration from other characters from shows, etc. i’ve written so he’s a bit of a love child of the best of my musesC) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?im still figuring it out so that’s a probable yesD) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?he’s been edited a bit there were a few reincarnations of him like at first he had straight black hair in an undercut style but now it’s WAVY and dark brown and he also got darker. id say he’s like latino w a lil african blood this is esp amusing considering i literally created him last nightE) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?i think we’d get along alright if we could get past the initial awkwardness bc we’re both kind of crap at interpersonal relationships actually he isn’t that bad it’s mostly me and i THINK he might find me slightly abrasive n energetic (even tho im PLOT TWIST low energy compared to most extroverts) but he’s tolerant it wouldn’t be too badF) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?love…. i love my soft boi i usually hate my ocs aka i would slap them if given the chance but eneko? deserves happinessG) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?he is not real in general and non existent in actual writing as of the present. the latter tragedy i will soon solve. in all seriousness it’s prbly his bluntness it has the tendency to give me second hand embarrassmentH) What trait do you admire most?his tolerance and patience i have none loLI) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?for now, yes! i dont have a solid grasp of him so until then he’ll stay where he was BIRTHEDJ) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?not rlly! the entire story he’s in is still in the works so everything’s rlly flexible
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iwanttowriteyou · 7 years
Shabby Sandcastles Pt 2; C.H.
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A/N: Due to popular demanded, I’ve given this part 2 a go. Happy reading.
"Y/n! Y/n wait!" She stops in her tracks, but doesn't turn around at the sound of my voice. I wouldn't blame her. She doesn't speak, just stands there completely motionless, waiting for me to do something. "I'm sorry." I mutter, probably not completely genuine if you ask me, but all the well, I meant it.
"I saw that yeah. I haven't done anything wrong to you so in what right mind makes you think you can treat me in such a way?" Her voice is strained, but full of emotion - anger, maybe even hatred, towards me. I can't come up with something proper to give her as an answer and decide to just stay quiet.
"Aren't you going to say something?" She speaks louder this time and I can feel my cheeks heating when a few people down the corridor turn their heads. "Y/n, I'm sorry it's just..." I trail off. She won't be too happy with me when I just tell her she isn't cool enough for me, because she most definitely is.
"Just what? You've got a reputation to uphold?" She cocks an eyebrow at me and a devious grin makes its way into her lips while she stares at me. I can feel the guilt and shame become apparent on my features and I think it fuels her anger she's storing - just for me. "You don't understand. Luke and - well you know - I can't go back to how it was before Y/n. I just can't."
"Then I guess you can't talk to me, right? Let's end it now then and get it over with." She huffs and turns on her heel again, ready to stalk away from me. "Y/n babe come on, wait." I speak a bit louder while my fingers curl around her wrist. The death glare I receive speaks a thousand words, but I do not release my hold.
"Why didn't you text me back?" I mumble, eyes cast towards the floor when I feel her pulling cease and let go of her wrist. I cross my arms over my chest, something defensive about it, when she slowly shakes her head at me. "We still aren't completely housed in, Calum. I've been working on our new home for almost two weeks alongside my parents to get it a little bit more home-y. If I did get a chance to look at my phone I wouldn't be awake long enough for a full text message."
I don't respond because somehow I knew she wasn't like the other girls and wouldn't keep me hanging on some thin line while talking to ten other males. She wasn't like that. "So I'm sorry that I may have hurt your feelings, Calum. But sometimes life doesn't go easy on you, it's not like I want to be here."
"I was enthralled when I saw you on the courtyard this morning." I lazily smile, hoping to pull a small smile - any smile would suffice - from her lips. I fail.
"I didn't notice any of that when you just blatantly ignored me two minutes ago." If her words would be poisonous, I would've given up by now and accepted my faith. But I'm not giving up this easily.
"Let me take you out. I could show you around, and I can make it up to you. It's a win-win for you." I take both of her hands and feel more and more people stopping to stare, ignoring their conversations and focusing solely on ours. "And what's in it for you?"
"I get to hang out with this awesome friend I made during the summer. And who knows." I throw her a wink and I see the hint of a smile appear but she decides to scoff. "No and who knows Calum. I'm not someone who lets people walk all over her without consequences." She smiles up at me and I feel my chest warm up - the same feeling I have felt all summer while I was around her.
"Tonight?" I ask hopefully while I let her hands go, taking a step back. "Can't. Have to help my mom with the basement."
I can feel my heart drop into my shoes that she might blow me off every single suggestion I make. "But how about this weekend? I'm free Friday night." She chuckles when she sees the humongous grin that probably will remain for the rest of the day.
“I’ll make time. I’ll see you then?” I grin taking a few steps back towards the doorway as I watch her grin shyly, nodding her head. “Great.”
“I’m sorry I’m late. Got held up at the boys.” I sheepishly grin as soon as Y/n opens the door. The small smile playing on her lips shows me that she isn’t angry with me. “Where do you wanna go?”
“Well, I told you I’d show you around, didn’t I? So, let’s start with something to eat at one of my favourite places.” I start guiding her towards my car to start a night she hopefully would forgive me with and would be unforgettable all the same.
“This is the best pizza I’ve ever tasted! I think I’m in love.” Y/n mumbles with a mouth full of pizza, nodding her head along to emphasise her words. “Well, eat up. Because I have ice skating planned after.” I wink at the beautiful girl in front of me and her face lights up immediately. She shoves another bite of pizza past her lips before she drops the crust onto her plate.
“Let’s go then. I’m excited to see what you have in store. I can’t skate though.” She purses her lips and I chuckle, shaking my head as I stand up. While I hold out a hand for her to take, I speak. “Maybe that way you will be too busy to laugh at me falling flat on my ass.” It draws a high pitched giggle from her lips as she winds her arm around my biceps, pulling me closer.
“Believe it or not, I missed you.” I feel my heart constrict as she speaks the words and don’t speak up, just press her closer towards me.
Ice skating went just as I expected it would go. I was a complete and utter failure, while all of a sudden she decided to find a knick at it. It was nice to hear her laugh so heartily and carefree. If hearing that some more meant me falling down an awful lot more than necessary, I’d do it over and over again. It would also mean I would feel pretty sore at practice tomorrow.
“Well, I had an amazing night. Thank you.” Y/n mumbles as she ties her own shoes back up and raises to her feet, wiggling from leg to leg in front of me. “Who said the night was over yet?” I grin up, raising to my own feet so I could return the skates. “What do you mean?”
“There’s something I’d like to show you. Nothing all too special.” I pull her along for the short walking distance uphill. I already feel my heart hammering in my chest although I don’t know why, when I take the last few steps up to the edge.
“Oh my god, Calum. This – this is amazing.” The twinkling lights of the city does itself justice. It seems a bit magical, maybe even movie-worthy as both of us stand there, enjoying the scenery. “This concludes the end of our tour. Thank you for choosing Calum Tours.” I proclaim proudly, turning towards Y/n as she bursts into a fit of giggles.
“You’re such a moron. Thank you for this, it’s beautiful and I really enjoyed myself.” Y/n smiles at me, her hands curling around my arm as she sneaks closer towards my frame. The wind was picking up and the night was setting it – it was turning harshly cold rather soon. We had to leave shortly. “Any time.”
“So, aren’t you going to kiss me?” Y/n questions as her gaze keeps locked on the twinkling lights, smirk covering her lips. She doesn’t have to tell me twice.
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inqyre · 5 years
Consult etiquette
July means new interns. Freshly minted MDs in crispy white coats disperse throughout the hospital. They pick up their list of five or ten or twenty patients, and proudly sign their names on the electronic medical record as the “responsible provider”. They are excited to type various orders in the computer, from q4 hr vitals, to rectal enemas, to daily renewal of restraints, because for the first time, they don’t need any body to co-sign them. With this infusion of positive energy, also comes a deluge of pages ringing on the waistline of everyone else. It seems like every patient under the care of an intern is getting consults to every specialty in the hospital. Of course I’m making overarching exaggerated statements, but it really seems that way.      
A friend of mine, who is in the last weeks of her fellowship thus soon to be attending, recently has been getting bombarded with inappropriate pages for non-urgent consults in the middle of the night. Being a responsible and the sole representative of her specialty at night, she promptly calls back the numbers on the pages. She then finds discombobulated and clueless interns at the other end of the line, not able to tell her any useful information about the patient, instead merely asking her to “please come see them”. Why are they calling the consult? Because it is on the “to-do” check list next to their evening sign out. Why are they calling in the middle of the night? Because they have to get all the items on the list ticked off by the morning. Thanks to the diligent interns compulsively engaged in scut work, dozens of specialist residents and fellows are losing faith in humanity from fragmented sleep. Am I implicating the loathed and no-longer politically correct sense of hierarchy in medicine? Yes, and take solace that my friend, soon, as an attending, will not need to answer every consult page herself. But I can just as well bring out the justice-for-all principles of efficient resource utilization, teamwork, shared medical decision making, patient-center care... all the good stuff that is supposed to make hospital a happier safer place. 
Whatever the labels I can slap on to justify my motivations, I feel an urge to spell out the previously implicit etiquettes on consults. Some of them are passed on to me from my senior residents when I was an intern. Some are told to me by specialists on the receiving end of my calls. Some are what I tell others when I became the specialist. Some are common sense. I will suggest that consult etiquette be a routine part of intern orientation. We have all been there, and there’s no need to keep making the same mistakes. My friend may be nice enough to still go see the patient after a vague consult request, but many will not, and may even harbor a negative image of the requester and care team, and write it up in a, god-forbid, safety report. 
So how can you sound competent, efficient, caring, and convincing on your consult calls? How can you not only get your point across but also make the consultant merrily jump to their feet to come help take care of your patient?
Know the basic info of your patient At minimum, you should have the patient name, medical record number, age, gender, and location (floor and bed) ready when you pick up the phone. Location is particularly important because you want your consultant to be able to find the right patient. Know why your patient is in the hospital. What are they admitted for? How sick are they?
Have a good reason for the consult.  Consultants work the best on solving well-defined, singular problems. They are not good at embarking on an exploratory intellectual journal with you. Formulate your consult into a short, simple question that is not “Can you come see them?” Instead ask, “What antibiotics is best to treat this multi-drug resistant infection?”, “Does this patient need dialysis?”, “Why is this patient thrombocytopenic?”, “How should I adjust the insulin pump?”, “What tests do I need to stage this cancer?”. If you are consulting a proceduralist, have a procedure in mind that you want them to do. The proceduralist may have their own opinions about the type and indication of the procedure to be performed, but they will gladly come assess the patient and determine for themselves. The most frustrating consult requests are to “help manage” common chronic conditions like hypertension, COPD, diabetes, and osteomyelitis. There isn’t really a yes/no question or a definitive answer the consultant can give for the patient, and the consultant is stuck with the patient for the rest of the hospitalization. They may enjoy billing for the two-line note on the patient every morning, but most of the time, they’d rather see the patient dropped of their long list. 
Do you homework and give data to back up your reason for consult.  If you ask a consultant to help you with a problem, they will frequently ask back what have you done toward finding a solution. Don’t ask general surgery to do an appendectomy on a patient with right lower quadrant pain without an ultrasound or CT scan to show enlarged appendix. Don’t ask hematology to work up anemia before you’ve ordered a smear. Worse yet, don’t call a consultant before you’ve personally laid eyes on the patient and done a thorough history and physical. 
Make sure you are calling the correct specialty.  With the way medicine is becoming, hyper-specialization in inevitable. So everyone has their turfs and boundaries. This has several implications. First, there might be multiple consult teams in a department. Don’t call the thyroid pager for diabetes, even though both are endocrinology. Don’t call the chronic pain pager for acute pain, even tough both are anesthesiology. Second, some body parts are shared between departments. Facial trauma may be split between plastics, oromaxillofacial, and ENT. Spine may be alternating between orthopedics and neurosurgery. Double check you are calling the department covering the body part that day. Third, know what your patient’s problem is and which specialty will treat that problem. The other day a woman came in vomiting blood and the emergency room resident reflexively called GI. It turns out she was throwing up blood because she was in DIC from a retained product one day after an unsuccessful abortion. A few routine history questions and blood tests would have clarified the source of her problem and gotten her to an OB several hours sooner. Calling the wrong consult can actually mean life and death. 
Don’t consult a specialist for things you can do yourself.  Associated with the hyper-specialization phenomenon is that physicians have become less and less confident about managing things outside of their silo across the board. This translates to generalists not being confident about anything at all. We forget the purpose of the grilling in med school and internship is to make us comfortable managing, or at least initiate the management of, the common ailments. You don’t need a cardiologist to treat hypertension, a pulmonologist to treat COPD exacerbation, a neurologist to work up a headache, or a psychiatrist to evaluate the patient’s decision-making capacity. I know we are all defensive and afraid that we might miss something. But why do we exist at all if our purpose is to make phone calls all day? Don’t call a consult for “help with diagnosis and management” until you have exhausted your own knowledge base. The consultants really have better things to do. 
Don’t call non-urgent consults at night.  What is urgent? Ask yourself, is the patient dying? Is the patient losing a limb? Is the patient going to deteriorate to the point of dying or losing a limb in the next 6 hours if not seeing by this specialist? If the answer is no, wait until the morning. Don’t send a page to “just get this patient on the list for tomorrow”. Teams change and there is no guarantee the groggy and irritated night consultant will pass the info onto the day consultant. Along the same line, all non-urgent consults should be paged between 8am and 3pm. No one wants to receive a new consult at 5pm, because it means staying late to see the patient, or burden the night team with unnecessary work that should have been done during the day. Also don’t send a page during the shift-change hours. It will increase the likelihood of your page bring lost and never returned. 
For truly urgent consults, clearly communicate the need.  The key to do this well is to know the trigger words for the specialty you are consulting. For neurosurgery, it might be things like “expanding subdural hematoma” or “new motor deficits”. For orthopedics, say “open fracture” or “degloving injury”. If you really need a cardiologist to come treat hypertension for you in the middle of the night, you might want to mention “acute ischemia from increased afterload”, “uncontrolled rhythm”, or “pending heart failure”.  Usually “hemodynamic instability” grabs most people’s attention, but you may be asked what are you doing to stabilize the patient, and why are you not calling a code. 
On an optimistic note, I’m going to reframe the scut work of calling consults into an exercise of interdisciplinary communication and learning opportunity to collectively generate the best plan for patient care. Responsible consult practices, we can make it happen. 
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pokemonfreak387 · 7 years
Winter Break (Redone) Chapter 11 (Friskriel Fanfic)
Notes: Oh hey look. Angst. Huh, that was a thing the original fic was definitely missing. No wonder it was a shitty story. Also fair warning, the word f** is used uncensored in this chapter. Thanks to @thunders29 for proofreading and being supportive!
Chapter Summary: Asriel makes his way back to school after the winter break, but trouble soon rears its ugly head for him. The fiasco at the party has already been spread, and Asriel is more than upset about it. 2543 Words.
Chapter 11 Then We Wouldn’t Have to Deal With You Moggers
Asriel groaned as his alarm clock blared in his ears. If there was a thing all teens his age could agree on, it would be that the alarm on the first day back to school after a long break is both the loudest and most annoying one yet. It didn’t help him either that he could barely sleep thinking about what may happen when he gets back to school, especially after the New Year’s Party fiasco. Granted, Asriel didn’t see any of the school gossipers there at the party ironically, so there was a chance he was safe.
As Asriel slowly sat up and turned off his alarm, he heard a small noise being emitted next to him. He turned his head to find that Frisk was actually laying next to him still asleep. Two questions popped into his head: Why was Frisk here, and how did they sleep through the alarm? No matter the answer, Asriel gently made his way out of bed without waking them up, collected his clothes for the day, and went downstairs for breakfast.
It wasn’t until Asriel had breakfast and showered that he saw Frisk again that morning. He was laying in the loft, drawing on his sketchbook, when he heard his door open. Sure enough, Frisk appeared from behind it, one of Asriel’s blankets wrapped around them.
“You’re up early.” Asriel remarked, peeking above his sketchbook.
Frisk didn’t respond, but instead made their way over to the boss monster. They gently took the sketchbook out of his hands, placed it on the coffee table, and flopped themselves on top of him. He let out a surprised puff as he got most of the air knocked out of him, but it was shortly followed by giggles.
“Mmm, warm…” Frisk murmured.
“Even being wrapped in that thing, you’re still cold?” Asriel chuckled. “By the way, why were you in my bed this morning?”
Frisk rubbed their head deeper into Asriel’s chest. “Room… Too cold. Wanted warmth.”
Asriel never did understand why humans got so cold so easily, even when they had on garments that practically simulated fur on their body. Maybe it was because humans didn’t have magic within them to keep them warm? Definitely a question to ask Alphys today in class. Speaking of which, Asriel fished his phone from his pocket and saw it was time for him to leave. As much as he didn’t want to leave the comforting embrace of his lover, school called, and Toriel was going to be even more pissed if he didn’t go. Asriel gently kissed Frisk on their head and guided them back to their feet, Frisk letting out a groan in protest.
“Asriel…” They started. “Please be careful today. I’m worried what may happen to you.”
“S-same, honestly.” He replied. “Maybe with luck, everyone has forgotten about it?”
Frisk gave him a face.
“Hey I’m just trying to be optimistic.”
Frisk just chuckled and shook their head. They then walked up to Asriel and gave him a kiss. They stayed together for a while, their tongues twisting with each other, until they broke off and Asriel made his way to school.
When Asriel first came to middle school, he remembered people constantly whispering around him. He knew the whispers then were about him, some good, some bad, all leaving him with soul-shaking anxiety. Now in high school, the whispering had become somewhat less, and any whispering that did occur didn’t affect Asriel quite as much as it did before. However, it seemed the whispering was especially loud today, and the Anxiety that Asriel had first felt four years ago came back.
Trying to avoid the gazes of the students around him, Asriel made it to his Chinese class. He was glad to see John and Dave already there, though part of him was also a little disgusted by them. Maybe it was the memory of the two of them going off somewhere during the party to bang, but he didn’t give it much attention. Instead, he put on his best cheery facade and walked up to them.
“John! Dave!” Asriel greeted. “Howdy, how’s it going?”
John jumped at his voice and gave Asriel a nervous look. When Dave turned around and faced the boss monster, even through his shades, his eyes looked worrying. It was rare to see Dave have any sort of emotion, so this led to Asriel to instantly lose what positivity he had.
“Um… Asriel,” John said nervously. “You… May want to read this.”
He handed Asriel over a paper. It was the school’s newspaper, the “What’s News” newspaper. Seems even Toriel had gotten her hands on naming this, but that wasn’t what caught Asriel’s eye and the boys’ attention. No, what made them act so anxious was the headline”
On the night of December 31st, 2020, a majority of the town, Ebott, had been invited over to the Mettamansion for the ever popular Mettaton’s annual New Year’s Party. It was a very exciting event, especially since this was the first time ever that the human-monster ambassador, Frisk Dreemurr, had been able to attend one of these parties. There was plenty of enjoyment to be had, listening to their story of how they made it through the underground first-hand. However, it was only shortly after they finished their story that we got a shock of a lifetime. Around 11:05, Frisk had begun searching for their brother, Asriel Dreemurr. Nobody thought anything of it at first, until Asriel suddenly appeared in front of them, more drunk than a JRPG character. The 16-year old boss monster must have been drinking out of loneliness, as shortly after he had begun to what seemed to be sexually advancing onto Frisk. They showed resistance, that is until Asriel had begun to try to kiss them! He had blacked out during it, but it was very obvious what he was trying to do. This leads many questions to the public: are Frisk and Asriel in a relationship? Does the ambassador have more personal reasons for their ambassadorship? How long has this been going on? How will this affect Frisk personally? We will find answers soon.
When Asriel finished reading the article, he was so enraged that he burned the paper into ashes within seconds, and tossed them into the trash. John and Dave looked at him with fear and surprise.
“Hey!” John whined. “I paid a dollar for that!”
Asriel shot him back a glare that made John cower. Asriel seemed to be a lot scarier than he normally was. Dave had assumed that Asriel would begin to freak out like his usual anxious self, but he did not foresee this. In a low voice, Asriel growled something.
“Who wrote this!?”
The boys looked at each other.
“I-I think Marco Linder.” Dave responded. “He is the director of the press. Go to Mrs. Lalonde, she may be able to tell you more.”
In an instant, Asriel stormed out of the classroom, leaving the boys and any other bystanders stunned. John and Dave gave each other a look, and they made their way to Mrs. Lalonde’s room. There was no telling what Asriel would do at this state.
Rage didn’t even define what Asriel was feeling right now. He expected an attack on himself, especially with how much he knew there was a lot people in the school that didn’t like him, and he would’ve taken it passively as per usual. But frisk? No, that was crossing the fucking line, and Marco was about to learn that. It would be a miracle if Asriel didn’t get suspended from burning him to a crisp.
Mrs. Lalonde’s room was directly below Mr. Walsh’s class, so the trip wasn’t too long. However, no matter the distance, it seemed someone beat Asriel to the punch. Someone who, just like the teen, was a white, furred monster of large, threatening size. There was no mistaking the loud, lecturing voice. Even if it seemed way more malicious than usual, Asriel knew exactly who was already chewing out his target.
“Do you realize just how much damage you have dealt to so many reputations?” Toriel asked in a surprisingly restrained voice. “And you just let this story slide? Without thinking just how badly it would affect the world? This school was not built on rumors and dishonesty!”
“He claims that he was just going to report on something about the party.” Mrs. Lalonde tried to explain. “I didn’t go so I wasn’t aware that what he was reporting was this.”
“But didn’t you look at the final print before it was published?”
“N-no… I just thought, since he’s been doing so well, I had confidence in Marco that it was perfect.”
Toriel scoffed at the teacher’s ignorance. She then turned to Marco, fire almost literally burning in her eyes.
“Listen up, young man. This school is built on patience, bravery, integrity, perseverance, kindness, justice, and determination. This school was not built on childish rumors that are to be reported in the school news!”
“But it isn’t a rumor!” Marco talked back, no hint of regret or restrain in his voice. “Besides, you’re just biased cause these are your kids!”
“Well I am a mother to my children first, so as their mother I demand you tell me why you did it.”
Marco huffed in frustration. “We were short in stories and we needed something good. Unlucky for you, someone managed to hand us this gem of a story.”
“Who?” Toriel demanded, but Marco just laughed.
“You think I would tell you? A news reporter never reveals their sources.”
“Is that so? Well, I’m sure you’d be happy to tell the same thing to your parents once you are suspended on the grounds of bad attitude, failure to comply to the school rules, and threatening the life of a student. Not to mention if I don’t hear who told you right now, the Newspaper Club will be disbanded, and Mrs. Lalonde loses some of her paycheck.”
A whine came from the teacher, but she refused to speak. Marco also seemed to not want to talk, but there was no fear in his eyes, only challenge. Toriel could not believe this. She had never met such an ignorant, stubborn person in her life. It’s hard to believe that she used to think that Marco was actually once a good student when he first came to the school two years ago. What has this world turned into?
The stare off between Toriel and Marco was cut short as some called out “Excuse me,” from the audience that had formed behind Asriel. Everyone turned towards the bunny monster who spoke up. She shrank back when she suddenly realized everyone was looking at her, then mumbled something barely audible.
“Speak up child.” Toriel commanded, a little softer than she has been.
“I-it was a g-girl named Gillian.” The bunny explained. At the word Gillian, Asriel gasped, and all his rage suddenly melted into disbelief. “Gillian Tynnclear from B-Black Hills High Sch-school. We got the info f-from her.”
Toriel sighed at that news. Black Hills has not been a very friendly school with Tutoriel High, so she wasn’t too surprised it was a student from that anti-monster school. She recomposed herself and looked around the room. Her eyes then landed back on Mrs. Lalonde and Marco.
“Well, it seems at least someone can show a little integrity.” She remarked. “Mrs. Lalonde, the Newspaper club is to not release any more issues until we see some justice. Mr. Linder, I will see you in my office after school with your parents. The rest of you, please go to your first periods, the bell is about to ring.”
The audience parted like the Red Sea as Toriel walked out of the room, a small shake in her stride. The students soon dispersed, chatting about what just happened, some praising the bunny, some throwing tetraphobic jokes her and Toriel’s way. Mrs. Lalonde even left the room, looking like she was about to pass out in fear. This just left Asriel and Marco. One look at the rather short human, and Asriel’s rage reignited.
Asriel advanced over to him. Fireballs had begun to form in his hands, the flames shaking without much restraint. Determination and anger were plastered on the boss monster’s face as he spoke to the senior.
“Why?” He growled. “Why would you ruin all we worked for? All the PEACE we worked for!?”
The second Asriel got the last word out, Marco became a blur, and Asriel felt something smack him right in the cheek, knocking him to the ground in pain and snuffing out the flames in his palms. The world blurred, and Asriel began to feel dizzy. His cheek began to go numb as he saw a pair of shoes walk up to him, kicking him in the stomach and knocking the air out of him as he curled up in pain.
“Peace? Bullshit. All you monsters are nothing but trouble.” Marco spewed. “You all come here with your magical bullshit, suddenly claiming everyone is connected by their ‘souls’ and then we find out you can actually MAKE lives? You all have played god long enough.”
He kicked Asriel again.
“If only Trump actually became president. Then we wouldn’t have to deal with you moggers.”
Moggers was the worst insult one could call any monster. It was an old phrase from before the war, often used more to describe the more corrupt monsters. However, today it was used as a slur, much like fag and the n-word. It was the nail in the coffin to make tears finally stream from Asriel.
“Go back to the Underground, and then go to hell.” Marco spat, leaving Asriel to squirm on the floor in pain. When the door closed, Asriel let out a sob that he had been holding in. He wasn’t crying over being attacked, or being insulted, or even at meeting possibly the worst human ever. No, what made him cry was that he broke the promise he made to Frisk that morning. He blamed himself, as per usual, and was afraid to see Frisk after this. At the same time, he wanted them now more than ever. They would heal him, make him feel better, just make him forget about this only for a little while. But instead, Asriel just laid on the cold, tiled floor, crying.
A short minute later, Asriel heard a loud zap, followed by a pair of arms picking him up. He tried to look through the tears and dizziness to see exactly who it was. All he saw was a round, bone white head, and something blue underneath it.
“C’mon kid, let’s get you home.” The character said. Asriel felt a rush of wind and the background suddenly changed. He finally saw the character to be Sans, which made sense to him now that he thought about it. Sans laid the boss teen down on his bed, taking off his shoes and pulling the covers over him. He gave one last scratch to the back of Asriel’s ear before walking off.
“Rest up,” He whispered. “I’ll go get Frisk.”
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olaluwe · 7 years
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"Thinking, says the book: Speech: A High School Course", starts with a problem; a difficulty that is felt." Really, if there is anything for which humanity has consistently been called out since the morning of creation I can say with a fairly high degree of accuracy that it is ' Thinking.' Even at individual level, it is pretty the same thing. It is so because much of our advancements have been accomplished on the back of thorough thinking around many a societal or existential challenges whether it is in the field of natural or social science. Therefore straight thinking is a skill worth having by everybody; more so because we are bound to be challenged everyday of our life. Among others, challenge could manifest itself in form a faulty car, an empty pocket, unemployment, sickness, unwanted pregnancy, barrenness, failure in examination or business, chronic single's life, rape, rejection and loveless marriage.  I can go on and on and on! But which life if I may ask doesn't at some point in its evolution suffers one or two of these aforementioned challenges? None! Where there is one even seemingly; it must be so categorized as a clear case of fraud. For life without challenge just as living without prayers is fraudulent; a fallacy. Don't get too excited, Pals, if today by some luck, magic or ingenious contrivances you are neither faced with any challenge nor are you praying to get by in life. It is most probable they are piling up for you somewhere along the journey of life. And you're bound to pick them up anyways as you stride on. So brave it when it hits you any moment from now. This goes to show that life is a constant battle for adjustment for the living. 'Therefore adjustment defined, is what a man gained when he comes to himself."   Adjustment from disequilibrium to equilibrium; from discomfort to comfort. Where there is no maladjustment as enumerated above then, adjustment wouldn't necessarily be a topic here. If for anything, it is because most challenges of life are largely unpredictable leaving us more often than not desperately exposed to all manners of equally contrary sprits. i.e. fears, anxiety, hypertension, low self esteem, depression, and worst of all suicidal thoughts. Before I go on, can we just ponder briefly these questions- I mean why problems, challenges or maladjustment at all? The answer it must interest you lies in the fact that there is absolutely nothing in life without a purpose; a divine purpose; and that include problems or challenges as it were. They spring up on our paths either as a test of our resolve and faith or as a filter for our becoming the very best that we can possibly be. And the analogy still suffices here that: "Then iron wouldn't be as tough as it comes without the true test of fire". And the same applies to human kind. Can anyone call himself brave without been battle tried? God forbid! So have you been grappling with some challenges and you are at a loss on how best to solve them, at least dependably; without allowing things get messier. Now don't worry. In a way you are in the right company. I'm a life coach? No, I'm not. I'm just your regular passionate online guy who is always striving to help change the world in my own little ways in the pursuit of my 'philosophy of positively being and becoming by all'. Many times over I've had and still have my own share of some of life's meltdowns and I didn't get overwhelmed by them. So if I'm not; I bet you can't too. All it takes is being attentive to some of the suggestion I'm about to offer here. But before then, maybe I should share a story from my own personal experiential archive. "Some ten or so years ago I face the first romantic rejection in my life. You know when you love a woman so much you want to go down the aisle with her. And then one day she hits you with a 'No' for an answer even when all signs had strongly indicated it’s a foregone conclusion. Like every human I was naturally gutted and forlorn. But my response has been that of calm assurance and perfect wisdom in the midst of this sudden romantic storm and tidal waves. To her break up text message which reads "I can't marry you. God will provide you your own wife”. I replied “thank God it's never too late to seek a newer world".  Despite that confident air of positivism, It will interest you that those ten years down the    line the anticipated newer world never really materialized neither for me nor her. And today she has returned to the rejected stone http://ift.tt/2xqVcwy she ought to be in the first place". In a scenario like this, some men with different level of maturity are known to have done drastic things either to themselves or the women in question because they lack what is needed at a time like this which is ignoring the lies that they are inadequate as a men or women for some reasons. Worse still, some of these reasons may not even be your making. Creation for all I know is based on the principle of compensation. If you lose one thing; another will be giving unto you as replacement. And if that which you've lost is divinely yours; it would definitely navigates back to you. So, I got my justice. End of story." Now shall we get down to business? Thinking through a life challenge is pretty within the grasp of those who can excites their thing faculty. And that includes those who have ignorantly taken their own lives. I mean if not ignorance, what can possibly explain a young chap who committed suicide because he failed his semester exam. Or a woman who was sexually abused by a gang of morally depraved men resorting to killing herself or continue to wallow in feelings of inadequacy, dejection and shame. Agreed they needed help; and they could have gotten it. Many have the world because they were deliberate about it. Now to the list of my recipes for thinking through life’s challenges to a dependable solution: 1.  Identify the problem and knowing what the immediate and remote causes are. Like I said earlier, life challenge can be any one of unemployment, disappointment in love or business, unwanted pregnancy and so on and so forth. The key to starting out towards a solution is identifying what yours is and knowing what the causes are immediate or remote. It could due to lack of self control in sexual matters as regards unwanted pregnancy. It could be due to lack of financial prudence, non-dedication to duty as regards why a business failed. 2. Reaching out or unburdening your heart to an ally, family and friends. You might want to talk to someone you feel would have a superiorly matured way of looking at things from among your allies, family and friends. After all, problem share is problem half solved. 3. Be open to the possibility of solution. Don't shut yourself out in disbelief, ignorance, self pity and grief. You're not the first to be in such situation and would not be the last. It doesn't matter for how long you've been under the yoke of the problem. Never shut yourself out to the possibility of solution by lackadaisically resigning to fate confining yourself to seclusion. 4. Be ready to go the extra mile. The lesson of the Biblical woman with twelve years issue of blood who brave the odds of the mammoth crowd surrounding our Lord Jesus Christ to get her healing by touching the hem of his robe cannot be over referenced. A few snippets of the narratives that were not told would be one or all of the following. I personally believe she must have spent quite a fortune in the interval leading to encountering Christ from consulting with one physician or the other. She must have been abandoned by some family members and friends. She must have become a pariah in the women associations or circles. But she got her healing anyways because she was always ready to go the extra mile. You can't begin to imagine how many people today have surrendered when they were closest to solution to some of the challenges confronting them. They simply tired out when it was the least thing expected of them. And how tragic! 5. Show determination even if people have made you subscribe to unworkable prescriptions some other time. You know just as we have fake doctors so we have certified ones. So it doesn't matter if you've lost monies to these horrible wretch; you just have to keep on trying; more so because just as we have lies so we have truth. 6. Learn to be calm in the face of storm sweeping through the ward of your life. Avoid taking a rash and irrational decision. Christ in God who speaks peace to the raging storm and tidal waters couple of millenium ago can still speak peace to your life or circumstances. All you need is faith and being meticulous. Don't resort to deathly escapism yet because you fail your semester exam, got separated from your wife or husband, ran into debt and the likes. 7. Do not resort to self help. In many instances, it has led to serious complications and even deaths avoidably. i.e. unwanted pregnancy is a good case in point. That's by the way an illustrative example. Prevention here is better than cure. Talk to someone in the know who might be eager to help for free or for a token. It is better that way than attempting to help yourself around something you knew practically nothing about. 8. Motivate yourself. It is normal to feel depressed some time; but what is not normal is staying depressed. So one of the best ways to handle depression is self motivation. Motivate yourself through positive thinking. You can also motivate yourself by listening to soul lifting music and motivational speeches. Tell yourself, you're not indomitable. Engage more in group activities. Do more of out-dooring chores. Devote yourself to helping others achieve their set goals. I bet in no time you will gain morale as a by product. Above all, ****Don't give up yet; because you're closer to dependable solution than you can imagine. The Rejected Stone
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